An Unrecognized Resolve
Well, it appears that I have recognized something that I had not know existed until I was flooded with replies to my last post. First, I must say that much of the post it was not intentional, perhaps not "planned" would be a better way to put it. When you write as I do, sometimes things don't turn out the way you expect. Any writer knows, that to be effective, you must sometimes let the characters write for themselves. This is certainly true when writing fiction, and after yesterday's post, I guess I learned that it can happen while writing non-fiction as well. The Cyclone that you saw during the last post wrote for himself. The sentimental, sad Cyclone unleashed, if you will. After reviewing the year of 2005, that Cyclone saw nothing but misery both behind and ahead. It started off as having a little fun, but the longer the trip the darker it became. Before I knew it, my head was on an airplane headed for an as yet unknown destination. I came home, sat my daughter down to have a chat. I told her much of what I had written about, she listened intently. She then stated, "I'm not going anywhere. I'll stay with my grandmother." Incidentally, she is actually the only one who can put Cyclone in his place. So, I snapped back to reality in a real hurry. Leave without my daughter? Not a chance.
Oh yeah, what I learned. I saw a passion from all that visit this site, a "quit your whining and pick yourself up" passion. And a spirit. A spirit that says screw the neocons, we're not going to let them win. I received countless emails, in addition to the comments that you all can see. I learned about people who have no means to leave this country, others that have no idea where to turn next, but all with a consistent resolve. A resolve to fight these bastards. I am human, just like everyone else. I get down, as do all of you, but I have a great advantage. I have you all to write words of encouragement to me, to scold me when necessary, to tell me that I'm full of shit when it is appropriate. (sometimes when it's inappropriate also, but that's okay) And I need that, in fact, rely on that to keep me going. The pre 12/29 Cyclone is back in the building, thanks to you, the readers. Now, two items if I may.
Ohio, Yet Again
The first comes from the great state of Ohio, where sitting on Governor Bob Taft's desk, awaiting his signature, is a Bill that has passed both the Ohio House and Senate. It is called the Ohio Patriot Act. We all know, after the presidential election of 2004, that things aren't quite right with the electoral system in Ohio, nor are things quite right in political circles in that state. Corruption abounds.I don't live there, so these assumptions admittedly come from afar. This particular Bill is disturbing on a number of fronts, but mostly because it allows for the arrest of private citizens, who, while in public places, refuse to give their names, addresses and birth dates to authorities when asked. It is thought that it will be used mainly in transportation centers such as train stations, bus stations and airports. But not exclusively. It could, in fact, be used anywhere and under any circumstance.
Carrie Davis, a representative of the ACLU, said, "It brings us frighteningly close to a show me your papers society." Not unexpected talk considering the source. Clearly the ACLU is opposing this legislation. But it is not just the left that finds this a bad peice of law. Al McGinty, a local news terrorism expert from Cleveland, said, "The variety of people who opposed this is not just a group of the usual suspects. We have people far to the right and far to the left opposing the bill, who think it's a bad idea."
Governor Taft is expected to sign the Bill into law, and the court battles will begin. Folks who support Booshco will undoubtedly support this policy. Their attitude of "if you're not doing anything illegal you shouldn't be worried about it" is so short sighted that it is laughable. One can take the worries of their biggest supporters, the NRA, and use them in this argument. The NRA has always opposed all forms of gun control, the thinking being that "if they take away our automatic assault rifles it is the first step towards the elimination of the right to bear arms." Something similar to the gateway drug theory. You could make the same argument against the legislation that I am speaking of, and the NRA folks would undoubtedly say, "well, this is different." Well, it's not different, and in fact it's much more real than the NRA gun argument.
When anyone identifying themselves as an officer of the law is legally authorized to approach you and ask for your name, address and date of birth, and lock you up should you refuse to give that information to them, many problems exist. In the current day and age, with identity theft such a problem, criminals could essentially spend all of your money within hours of your identifying yourself. You could buy houses, cars and airplanes without ever being there, and not know for months that you had done so. You could also launder drug money without ever laying a hand on it, or even have the benefit of getting high off of the drugs that you allegedly bought. Your life could be ruined in a split second.
If you give me, a private citizen, a legitimate name and date of birth of someone who is not homeless, I will find that person 999 out of 1000 times. Usually the same day that I receive the information. That is without the benefit of police records, criminal background checks and so forth. That is just Cyclone, a private person, who happens to know how to do a few things in the investigative world. Imagine what someone working for a police department or government agency who had access to specific "once private" information could do. Then think of the people running our government, and ask yourself if you want them to have the power to obtain private information from you at any time, without any given reason. That's what happens only in some WWII German Nazi film, until now. I guess Ohio is about to join that world.
Denver, Colorado
The person who I admire most in my life, and in my view happens to be the smartest man on earth, lives in Denver. Yesterday we were emailing back and forth to one another, and I mentioned the pending Ohio legislation. He followed that by telling me about a recent event that took place in Denver.
There is apparently a bus route (I think he said bus) that stops at the federal building in Denver, then continues on to other destinations. A couple of stops before the federal building, it seems that a few "men" have a habit of boarding the bus. They then ask people for identification. One day a lady, who has taken this same bus on this same route for years, told the men that she did not have any identification with her. She was told that she could get by this time, but next time she takes that particular bus she should be prepared to show ID. The very next day she again boarded the same bus and was again asked for identification a couple of stops before the Federal Building. Although she had her ID with her, she refused to hand it over. She said that no one had the right to obtain that information when she was on her way to work, breaking no laws. At the next stop the lady was removed from the bus and arrested.
What Next?
This is police state stuff, the Gestapo gone mad, and this is what our future holds. Our president thinks that he should be allowed to take this even further, monitoring phone calls and emails under the guise of "national security." Although it would still not be acceptable activity, if this President could be trusted, it might be easier to swallow. But, we all know that he cannot, be trusted that is. Providing national security is a great idea, but I'll be damned if I am going to have my rights reversed in the name of some unidentifiable, random, catch all phrase.
This is only the beginning of what is to come, and we have to find a way to put an end to it, if this country is to be saved. We, the average American Citizens, must band together and fight this mess. If we apply the proper amount of pressure to our Representatives, it may help. Many leaders of the Republican Party are becoming more and more wary of this President and this administration, and its clear abuses of power. So, maybe if enough people scream loud enough something will be done to bring a halt to the madness. I doubt that this can happen soon enough to save us, though. Our economy will crash. That is a given, in my view. We will have to come up with some answers in a hurry after that occurs. If it comes to a Civil War in the streets of America, to take our country back, so be it. It is what we will have to do. We need some ideas on how to deal with this rogue, banana republic regime that runs our country.
We will need food to eat, water to drink, and fuel for our vehicles. So, Cyclone readers, it's up to us. We have to start somewhere, and we may as well start here and now. We don't have much time, so please, please start thinking, talking to me and we'll fix this somehow. We have to. I am willing to fight this battle now that I know that enough of you are interested and passionate enough to do something. You have shown me that you care deeply about the things that I write, and I appreciate it. Now, we have work to do. So, Lets Get It On.