Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Rant # One

I need to Rant, so here is Part One of I don't know how many. We are running out of time, funny things are happening to computers and sites these days. (right RP?) So, let's go.

George W. Boosh

I hate George W. Boosh. This likely comes as no surprise to regular readers of the Real Deal, but I don’t know that I have come right out and said it before. Now, I have. Hate is probably not a good thing to direct at another human being, but after much soul searching, I can come to no other feeling. I despise the man. I despise him from the bottom of my heart, and can feel no empathy for him whatsoever.

I have often compared Boosh to my former Death Row clients. I’ve tried to determine if he is any more stable than the majority of them, and I have concluded that, No, he is absolutely not. In fact, he has more anti-social personality traits than the vast majority of them. That is not a good thing for the leader of the free world. Understand, “anti-social” is the preferred buzz diagnosis of prosecutorial mental health experts. While a person may suffer from schizophrenia, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or mental retardation, all of these can be mitigated by an “expert” who simply states that one is “anti-social.” You see, there is no cure for one who suffers from an anti-social personality disorder. They are simply bad people, with no fix in sight. They are also generally dangerous, and are incapable of feeling or showing remorse for any misdeeds that they may have committed. Unfortunately, and probably rightly so, it scares jurors to death. So, Death Rows all over the United States are filled with people who have rightly or wrongly been labeled “anti-social,” when another diagnosis may much more accurately portray their true condition. With the Booshman, anti-social fits him to a T.

Another thing about Boosh that I find problematic is that he is simply not very smart. Not very smart is much too kind. He is a dumbass. And actually, that is not problematic, more like pathetic and embarrassing. His little “cowboy shtick” is so tiresome that it would gag a maggot. That anyone, especially Americans, could fall for the BS that spews from this mans mouth, is simply mind boggling. Just yesterday, he received a letter from the leader of Iran. He was “briefed” on what the letter had to say. Briefed? How can you be briefed on a letter? How long does it take for Ahmadinejad to say “Up Yours, Mr. Boosh?" I know that Boosh does not like to read, except when planes are being flown into buildings and he has a 1st grade Primary Reader in his hand, but surely someone could translate it to English and he could read it himself. Well, on second thought, maybe not.


During the State of the Union address, when Boosh uttered the now famous “sixteen words,” dramatically referring to “in the form of a mushroom cloud,” I nearly choked on my food. No one in their right mind could possibly believe that Saddam Hussein could have fired a “nucuulur weapon” weapon at the United States of America, nor loaned one to any terrorist organization to use. Absurd. Speaking of “nucuulur weapons,” how many years in the White House does it take before the President learns how to pronounce the word nuclear? It seems to me that before one accuses another of possessing something, he should at least know how to properly pronounce it. But hey, that’s just me. Maybe he’ll get it before the next “physical year” is up in September. I digress, and for that you have my deepest apologies. To this day, Boosh justifies the debacle in Iraq by stating that Hussein failed “over twenty times” to comply with UN Resolutions. Well, did he really? As I recall, the big resolution was an order to disarm. Since we have not found, nor will we find any weapons of mass destruction, be they chemical, biological or nuclear, one can logically assume that he did comply after all. Hmmm. What to say now? Well, Boosh is fond of saying that he invaded his neighbors a while back, and gassed his own people. The problem with using that line is that Daddy already had a war over those issues. So, how far back can we go and maintain any semblance of credibility? Not that far, I would say. Once someone has done something and we have a war over it, I think it’s a little late to use the same reasons as before to have another war. The only legitimate complaint that Booshco has about Hussein is that he fired at US Aircraft protecting the no fly zones. Not that any of their outdated weaponry got within a mile and a half of our planes, but hey, it’s something. I seem to recall that during the Clinton years this was a rather regular occurrence, and we didn’t blow Iraq to hell and back to deal with it. We simply used targeted air strikes and kept Saddam under reasonable control. And, we didn’t lose nearly 3,000 American kids in the process. But, maybe Clinton didn’t suffer from being an anti-social dumbass taking orders from God; orders to create a regime change and “win the hearts and minds” of people who don’t begin to understand our minds or our hearts. It is insanity, all of it.

The Economy

If I hear Boosh say one more time that Congress must make “his” tax cuts permanent I may throw something through my television set. He says he’s putting more money in the pockets of the American people. Well, he can keep the extra $5 per week that I receive from his tax cuts if he will make the top 1% of wage earners in America pay some taxes. Any taxes. What I receive from the Boosh tax cuts will barely fill my lawnmower with gasoline for a month. I think that is true for the majority of Americans. Meanwhile, his oil buddies are getting filthy rich and paying no taxes while becoming that way, along with most ALL other members of corporate America. He sells this package by saying that small business will be hurt by rolling back his tax cuts. This may be true, but what kinds of jobs are these people providing? I don’t know of any decent sized company that is not looking at relocating to someplace like, say, Mexico or China. The jobs being created by this administration are nearly all service jobs, and low paying ones at that. Health insurance is nearly extinct, along with the amazing disappearing act of pension plans. When the largest corporations in the country are reneging on pension plans, we are in serious trouble. And it is happening with the full backing of Boosh and the geniuses he has surrounded himself with. They all suffer from a bad case of tunnel vision, and that tunnel leads straight to WAR. We are building the society that I warned of many months ago, the great Industrial Military Complex. Let Hayden be confirmed as the Director of the CIA and we will have the military running every branch of government, thus bringing us one huge step closer to that prediction becoming a reality.

At the same time, our budget deficit is reaching such proportions that even the far right is having trouble sleeping at night. Don’t worry boys, take some Ambien, it will all be over soon. This economy is about to crash in a way that has never been seen before. Don’t believe it? Try selling a house about now, especially if you live near a coast. You can’t do it, and it is rapidly becoming the same all over America. The housing bubble has burst, yet we remain in denial. Why? Because the stock market says that all is well. In fact, it is nearing record highs. How can this be? Simply because it is being artificially propped up by the Fed and Wall Street, places where you could not possibly duplicate the numbers of buffoons involved if you recruited employees from the World Wrestling Federation. These people have bought the package, the total package, and are unknowingly taking Middle America with them. I say unknowingly because they refuse to face reality, the reality that the stars are perfectly aligned for a crash of monstrous proportions. Need a tip? Watch the price of gold. As the average American is sucked into the “rockin’ and rollin’ stock market,” watch what people with a clue are doing. They are bailing from the market faster than a sump pump in a flooded basement. The dollar is diving at a rate unseen since the Great Depression, and the Derivatives Market is at a place that has never been approached, teetering to the point of bringing the house down. And it will bring it down, sooner than anyone wants to believe. I have told you that we have reached the point of no return with our economy, and we have. You will not see this by watching daily trends, they mean nothing. Daily numbers are smoke and mirrors; (see the stock market numbers) the long term trends spell doom. All I can say is get ready, it will soon be over.

The End of Part 1

I see that this is getting long, and I have a lot more to talk about. I have no idea how many parts there will be to this Rant Series, but there could be many. I’m going to cover it all, at least while the “internets” still work. So, Fort Huachuca and usaaisc, hang in there, I’ll get to you eventually. Until then, I will leave today with a partial explanation, going back to where I started.

I hate George W. Boosh. I hate him because he is a simple minded moron who has advanced the failure of America by 25-50 years. He has done this by sheer ignorance, and unmitigated arrogance. What is soon to happen to America was inevitable; had to happen eventually, but not now. We could have played this game at least for the rest of my lifetime, maybe even my daughter’s lifetime. And, if we had somehow managed to get some competent people in power, some things could possibly have been done to change the course of the future. Unfortunately, it is now too late. The horse has left the barn, and it is not coming back.

In Rant # 2 I will address a couple of issues that should be the real reasons for the failure of America and perhaps the world, Global Warming and Peak Oil. Following that, Freedom of Speech, Education, Health Care, Religion, and many other topics need to be covered. But, for Part One, I will leave you with this.

Due to the actions of George W. Boosh, none of these other issues will likely come into play. It won’t stop me from talking about them, though. I’m certain that we will be history long before we run out of oil, drown in salt water, or, as a nation, die a self imposed death caused by ignorance.


“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”

George W. Boosh; Washington D.C.; August 5, 2004

Monday, May 08, 2006

A Message, Plus a Post from Reality

Since it is clear that not one of us seems to care even a tad bit about the "monitoring project" that the evil empire has allowed me to uncover, we will forge ahead with what we have been doing. In fact, soon after the following post, presented by Reality, we will begin to ramp things up a bit. We are nearing the end, folks, and if the gloves are to come off, now is the time. We should not go down without telling the truth, if not for ourselves then maybe for a future generation, should there be one. THIS CAN NEVER BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN AGAIN.

As gold approaches $700 per ounce, and is likely headed to $1000-$2000, (who really knows?) it is obvious that the great American economy is soon to fail. Don't believe it? Spend a couple of hours driving through neighborhoods and look at all of the houses that are on the market. Sorry kids, too late to sell, but how many have been abandoned by middle class "home owners?" You won't find a banker to answer that question for you, but the house next door to mine is one. Yet the stock market continues to soar, if you actually believe the numbers. Interesting, how we can have debt out the eyeballs, the dollar falling like a jumper who's chute failed to open, the middle class destroyed, yet Booshco tells us that the economy is robust? Jobs are plentiful? Denial time is over, folks. We are there.

So, after today's post by Reality, look for a slight change of tone on the Real Deal from here on out. Or, maybe a severe change of tone. Hayden being named the possible head of the CIA is big, really big. It leads to the possible police state that we have been fearing for some time, along with the Great Industrial Military Complex that I warned of some months ago. It's about to get ugly, so we may as well help to expose the game that is being played. So, get ready, we are going to soon make a move.

Now, to Reality's post. And, thanks to all for hanging in there without bowing to intimidation.


How to Define Success Revisited

In the past several posts, we have discussed what the definition of success is, what it to means to each individual, and how that definition can change for each person. It could be proposed that the problem which keeps most people from obtaining what they define as a successful life is that the definition is wrong to begin with. The issue I would like you to decide is if it is possible to effect a change in that definition personally, or socially, within our society. What do we change? How would we do it? What would be the effect of such a drastic modification to our social symbolism? To decide that, we need to start by deciding what the social definition success is, and what it should be.

Websters defines success as follows: “a : degree or measure of succeeding b : favorable or desired outcome; also : the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence.”
Interesting definition, especially when you see the common slang definition at the end (under also).

We seem to have established that most of our individual definitions have met the b: meaning, and even when our values changed, this definition of success remains essentially the same. When considering that fact it would appear that success could be better defined as “the degree to which we can emulate an existing role-models, or archetypes, achievements and/or goals”. This may be the key to our goal.
When we are young, we tend to emulate those closest to us. Watch a young child with their parents at a restaurant. They will do their best to follow the parents habits, to get the same things, even to eat with the same hand. They also pick the same goals, to their understanding. As we get older, we tend to find new people to emulate, and often the source of our new role model is found on the television or the sports floor. Unfortunately, this puts us at the whim of the advertisers. They want us to emulate a great spender. Greed is embedded early (see slang definition listed above).

How do we change this? We change the social definition of admirable. Our education, our pastimes, and even our families tell us that we should look up to the person who collects the most. Maybe we should judge people more by what they return to society. We need a public discussion of “how much is enough?” Let me suggest two role models.
Benjamin Franklin suggested, ”He that is of the opinion money will do everything may well be suspected of doing everything for money.” Franklin tried to teach that success was not a matter of how much profit you made, but what you did with the profit. He made himself an example. He worked with his competition in town, instead of running them out of business (although he did like to jab him at the post office). Even helped some apprentices start their of printing shops, realizing that he could cooperate with them to improve his own business. His answer to early success? Spend more time helping others. He had earned a comfortable existence, so he moved on to his love, science for the good of mankind. Very few of his inventions made him money. He did it for love, and for good. He was wealthy by the standards of that time, but was not known as being greedy or selfish.

A more modern example is Peter Karmanos The founder and CEO of Compuware. This software company is a powerhouse in the Midwest which shook up the business sector in Michigan a few years ago. Farmington Hills and Detroit were fighting for the bid to host Compuware's headquarters in their city. The bids were placed back and forth, mostly about tax credits. Compuware's answer to this? They announced that they were going to publish the bids, and tell both cities to forget the tax credits because the bid was going to the City that could provide the most benefits to its workers. Not surprisingly, Compuware enjoys fierce employee loyalty, and exceptional results in all of their departments. They have shown that paying your employees well, and considering their needs is a good business decision.

These people believe(d) that we can make ourselves better and happier as people by helping to improve our communities with our success, and that we should be judged by that ends. They also le(a)d by example. There are several other examples available of people who share these beliefs. These are the role models to look up to. In my opinion, this is an admirable change in social expectation, and one that most people would accept without any significant complaints.

I've rambled on long enough, and now it is time for you to give me some suggestions on what you think needs to be changed. I'll leave you with a quote that I think serves as an excellent definition of success.

“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children...to leave the world a better place...to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Next time- how to start the change


Thanks, Reality

Friday, May 05, 2006

This and That

I just wanted to say Hey, and tell you how much I have missed being around. I especially missed the commenting frenzy that went on over the last week or so. I was actually laughing through most of it. What a crew we have assembled here! But, when duty calls, I have no choice but to answer the bell.

While I have a moment, I am going to explain something that is currently going on at the Real Deal, admittedly without knowing exactly what it means. I have an idea, re-read my Bird Flu and Tamiflu comments and you’ll see what I mean. The timing of all of this seems suspicious to me, but you guys can draw your own conclusions.

For the last few weeks, we have had a “monitoring visitor.” I will give you what information I have, and maybe one of you computer/technological geniuses can figure out what is up.

On occasion, I take several hours and look to see who all is visiting this site and where they come from. I stumbled across a visitor from Fort Huachuca, which is somewhere in Arizona. I noticed that this person had been logged onto the site 24/7 for nearly a month. I found that odd, since the maps I receive show that the actual location of the computer being used for this monitoring was actually somewhere in North or South Carolina. So, I started digging further. I learned that Ft. Huachuca is the home for a massive Army communications center, something called Usaaisc. I have no clue what Usaaisc stands for, nor do I care. I don’t know how many similar communications outposts that the Army currently has in operation. I then learned that the monitoring system, although beginning at Ft. Huachuca, routed through Kuwait, bounced back to Arizona and then ended up in the Carolinas. My initial thought was that we have a soldier in Kuwait who is on the site. But 24/7? Surely these guys have to do some work sometime, so I’m not buying that. And why bounce the actual location of their monitoring location all over the world?

I then learned that over the last weekend, many people were having trouble accessing the site. I also had difficulty for most of 2 days, from late Tuesday afternoon through part of Thursday of this week getting to the Real Deal email site. According to both the blog site and my email site, they did not have any technical problems during this period.

So, I don’t know what this means. But, if the US Government has chosen to monitor this site, I say, borrowing the words of the Great One Boosh, “bring it on.” I would also suggest that they get better at it, because if one little Cyclone can track their actions simply by spending a few hours on a $600 computer, they are less competent than even I thought they were.

In comparison to more extremist places, the Real Deal is about as mellow as it gets. There are plenty of other sites, much larger than this one, which directly threaten people within our government. I wonder why they are choosing this site to screw with, of the millions that are out there. Then again, maybe they are monitoring all sites, I don’t know. If so, it would be yet another case of taxpayer dollars being well spent.

Sure, I hate Booshco, and don’t mind saying so. I also am willing to tell the truth about our governments’ cover-up of our true financial condition, and our inevitable and impending doom. I will argue that the Iraq war is a loser, and I will likewise argue that either Israel or the United States will strike Iran militarily in the very near future, likely with Nukes. I will do these things until I am blue in the face. I will tell you that I believe that George W. Boosh is the worst President in the history of this republic, that he has surrounded himself with thugs and thieves who have managed to destroy this country. I will tell you that, in my view, we as a nation are history.

I will also tell the truth about Tamiflu, IT WILL NOT WORK. I cannot stress this point enough. I do that so that those of you who do come here and want to prepare for the future don’t waste your time and blindly accept yet another lie from our government. They are doing nothing but using this as a way to make you believe that they actually have a handle on this potential pandemic, and it is simply bullshit. In my opinion, their actions constitute a criminal act. The big pharmaceutical companies do not send me a fat check every month, and I would send it back if they did. I spread the word about Tamiflu because it is shameful and immoral for this administration to tell anyone that this stuff will work, when they themselves know damn good and well that what I am saying about it is THE TRUTH. Yet, they continue to pour billions of dollars and demand that the Pharma’s ramp up production of this garbage, all in a disgraceful attempt to prevent panic from citizens who may fall victim to this illness.

While I occasionally rant about the Crimes and Misdemeanors of this administration and this mime-like Congress, most of what we do here is discuss the future. We have already covered, ad nauseum, the evil ones. We mostly spend our time trying to look ahead, including looking at the worst case scenario; one that I believe will soon hammer us hard. Maybe that is what they don’t want, having a bunch of people who know the truth trying to prepare for how to survive the impending onslaught. It probably does not fit their “preferred model” of how Patriotic Americans are supposed to act. Maybe we are to just sit idly by and listen to Cheney tell Russia how they should live, and follow whatever inane BS that Boosh spews each day. After all, Boosh is simply trying to “protect Americans.” To bad that the enemy is phantom, and exists only in the twisted, burned out mind of the Shrub. The real enemy is very close to us, and gets daily press coverage as the poll numbers drop at a staggering rate. But, we are to stay the course, no matter where it may lead. Thanks for the offer to close my eyes to reality, but I'm going to have to pass on that. My course has changed, I took it off of auto-pilot a long time ago. If that is a deed worth monitoring, so be it.

I just don’t know anymore.


“This notion that the United States is getting ready to attack Iran is simply ridiculous. And, having said that, all options are on the table.”
George W. Boosh; Brussels, Belgium; February 22, 2005