Thursday, December 29, 2005

The BOOSH Year in Review

I think that it's time to review the year that Boosh had, and by proxy the year that we all had in 2005. I will mention both positives and negatives, although one side will highly outweigh the other. You undoubtedly can't guess which way the scales tip, so you'll have to read on, I guess. Each pick will be a positive for one side (Boosh and the Neocons) and a negative for the other, (the rest of us).

Year 2005, Boosh Positives

1) Well, he didn't get deposed, so I guess that is a positive for him.

2) Chief Justice Roberts-- He was overwhelmingly confirmed, so a definate Boosh positive.

3) He didn't fall off of a horse-- Of course, he doesn't like horses and he didn't get on one. Had he ridden, he no doubt would have been thrown.

4) His dog didn't die-- I'm really scraping for positives here, in case you hadn't noticed.

5) Iraqi elections-- Well, they had some. Of course they were really negatives, since the only reason that the Iraqi people risked their lives to vote was in order to get us to leave their country.

Unfortunately, I think that about covers the positives for the Boosh year.

Year 2005, Boosh Negatives

1) The Iraq War-- This little fiasco has succeeded in bankrupting our country, opening a haven for terrorists, creating a Civil War in Iraq, and killed a whole lot of people with no end in sight.

2) Hurricane Katrina-- "You're done a heckuva job, Brownie" may go down as the single dumbest and most offensive remark ever made by a sitting President of the United States. As we watched bodies floating down the streets of New Orleans, Boosh was on vacation, riding his bike in Crawford, Texas. This moment allowed the entire world to see a Third World Response, courtesy of the world's only superpower. Perhaps the most embarrassing moment in American history.

3) Social Security Reform-- Boosh spent precious fuel and several months traveling the country in an attempt to sell this package to the old folks. None bought. Another move that falls into the Disaster Category. Even the ones that want the new Medicare program don't understand it, in fact no one does. A total farce.

4) Statements from the Boosh Camp-- Narrowing this down was tough, but I have decided to go with two. A)One from Boosh, "I am going to end tyranny in the world." An admireable goal, unfortunately there are just too many tyrants out there for one man to deal with. This just shows how far "out there" that this man really is. He is insane, and he's taking us off the cliff with him. B) From the real President, Dick Cheney, "Clearly the insurgency is in its last throes." This comment was made some 6 months ago, and shows what a rosy picture that this administration wants/wanted to show regarding the Iraq fiasco. The "insurgency" is far from its last throes, in fact, it is just beginning. Fantasy island strikes again for this insane bunch.

5) Harriet Miers-- Shortly after Boosh escaped from the grasp of his handlers, he took the bait from Harry Reid and nominated Ms. Miers to the Supreme Court. This went a long way in showing just what we are dealing with. Our President's ability to use good judgement has been called into question, and nothing proves him more incapable and incompetent than this nomination. This shows what happens when the Boosh handlers turn their back's for one second. I sure hope the Nuke button is safely locked away, out of the dimwit's reach.

6) The Iraq War again-- Our casualty numbers crossed the 2000 mark, and with that, support for the war finally fell below acceptable norms. The Boosh poll numbers began reflecting what a "heckuva job" he is doing.

7) Cindy Sheehan, the Iraq War again-- Sheehan succeeded in doing what no one had done before, getting Boosh to run and hide from a woman. By camping out in Crawford, Boosh showed what a true coward he was by refusing to meet with a woman whose son had been sent to his death by our President. This also ignited the fire for anti-war protests across the nation

8) Jack Murtha, the Iraq War again-- Mr. Murtha, a highly decorated ex-Marine, called for the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq. By stating that "we have won militarily, there's nothing left to do," Congressman Murtha threw down the gauntlet and opened serious debate about the war in general. Booshco initially attacked, then thought better of it and wrote Murtha's comments off by saying, "we disagree."

9) Patrick Fitzgerald-- Mr. Fitzgerald surprised the Boosh administration by taking his job seriously, leaving them in a position they rarely find themselves in. Unable to attack. Since attacking is what Boosh does best, Fitzgerald essentially neutered Boosh in responding to Plamegate.

10) I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby-- Libby became the highest ranking sitting White House official to be indicted in over 100 years. Now the mission is to get Libby to roll, thus giving up Cheney and allowing for the take down of the entire cabal.

11) Tom DeLay-- DeLay is another Republican embarassment, being indicted by a Texas Grand Jury. Just what the Dr. ordered, another scandal for the Booshies to deal with and attempt to justify.

12) Bill Frist-- Under investigation for insider trading, Frist completed the trifecta of Republican scandal. This puts all Republican leadership on the hot seat, where they need to be.

13) The Red Cross and Katrina again-- It seems that botching the Katrina rescue mission was just not enough. Now we learn that at least 49 Red Cross workers were allegedly stealing Hurricane relief money designated for hurricane survivors. This comes after FEMA stated that the real victims were going to be tossed into the street right before Christmas, then moving the date to February. An overall fiasco, Katrina was, and we haven't heard the last of it yet.

14) Torture-- Our Vice President actively pursued giving the CIA authorization to torture prisoners, at the exact same time that Boosh and Condi were telling the world that we don't torture people. Another example of the insanity of this administration and its policies.

15) Spygate-- This is the cherry on top of the Sundae, I think. To have a sitting President openly admit that he had authorized clearly illegal activity, the monitoring of American citizen's phone calls and emails, defies all logic. But, no need to be shocked now.

I could have listed hundreds of things, but in reality none of this is very important. It is more of a fun thing to do, trying to think of all the blunders that Boosh is responsible for over the course of a year. To really do it right, it would take days of research, days that I don't have. And, again, it's not really that important. I do have a few things to add, though, so please take what you read below to heart, although it is simply my view.

Folks, we are in serious trouble in America. I try to point this out on a nearly daily basis in various ways, but it's difficult if not impossible to put it all together. I am going to attempt this in a cliff notes version of the State of the Union. That's it, we'll call this Cyclone's State of the Union address.

We are led by a group of people that are totally without morals, and who do not care in the least about you or I. Boosh is an absolute imbecile, and has surrounded himself by some very dangerous people. Dick Cheney being the most dangerous. If you take a pit bull and deprive him of food and water for a lengthy period of time, you end up with a very dangerous animal on your hands. This is what we have in Cheney. Angered that we did not "go all the way to Baghdad" during the first Gulf War, he has now been unleashed on this world that we live in. He is the pit bull that has been deprived of what he needs, and he is lashing out at the world and destroying America in the process. He is driving this train, make no mistake about that. And this train has jumped the tracks.

Our standing in the world is at its lowest point in our history, and we don't care about that. We are vulnerable to terrorist strikes, they are in fact inevitable. The Iraq war has made certain that we are all walking around with a bullseye on our backs. We have no idea who is in this country, nor who is headed this way. The corruption within our political system is almost unimagineable, including both Republicans and Democrats. Barring a total landslide, we may never have another honest election. We are on the verge of financial collapse, closer than anyone can imagine. We are rapidly becoming a police state, which is the only way we can survive an economic collapse. To survive a collapse, we must become a perpetual war machine that operates by stealing all of the worlds' oil. But that oil is a finite resource, and stealing it is like putting a bandaid on a 10 inch surgical scar. We will have a military draft, that is also inevitable. Something must drive the war machine that we have become. And this draft will include females. Life as we have always known it, the freedoms that we have always enjoyed, are fading rapidly. When it is deemed okay by our President for our government to spy on our citizens, we have crossed the threshold into tyranny. To expect us, as citizens, to rely upon the integrity of those in power to look out for our well being is laughable. Laughable because they don't give a damn about us. I wouldn't trust our current leadership any farther than I could throw them, and that's not very far. I suggest that you should not trust them either.

I am laying the groundwork to leave the USA, and I think it's better than 50/50 that I will do so. My belief is that we have simply fallen too far too fast to recover, at least in my lifetime. I also will not allow my daughter to be drafted and fight some phony war in some far off land simply for oil, and to further enrich the rich in our society. The middle class of America, of which I have been a part of my whole life, has systematically been eliminated, in a carefully designed fashion. They have taxed us to death, energy prices have skyrocketed, health care is an unaffordable disaster, our schools simply suck, and college is now out of reach for the average American family. I think the time is near to pull up the stakes and get out. We will reach a point, probably within the next 2 years, that leaving will not be possible. First, there will be a mad rush to leave, and second, no one will have us. Some countries have already shut their doors.

Many of you have asked me where to go. I cannot answer that for you. Nor can I answer whether it is the right thing to do or not. We may pull out of this, although at this moment I cannot fathom how. But it could happen. If so, I will be happy for America, whether I am still here or not.

That's it for today. I've had enough. Hopefully today or tonight something will happen that will fire me up enough to jump somebody's ass. Looking back over 2005 has done nothing but depress me, and point out the bleak future that we face. I will probably have nightmares thinking about the possibility of a 2006 Boosh in review being required. See you tomorrow,



At 10:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cyclone, snap out of it. We need you. Don't you go bailing on us now, you've got us hooked.

At 10:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cyclone, explain your thoughts on how we can "pull ourselves out" of this mess the neo-cons have created for us. It will inspire me. All of us need to know that there is some small amount of hope.

At 10:48 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

anonymous 1,

I'm trying, man. Just having a "down" day. I just received information that I'll write about for tomorrow that will tell you how bad it is becoming, in more than one place.


At 10:52 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

anonymous 2,

I'm not sure that I can, at the moment at least. I'm looking at options, but don't see much promising. The neocon snowball is gaining size and momentum. You'll see a little about it tomorrow, or maybe even tonight, if I can squeeeze in a post before the football game I am going to watch. But, I'm nearing panic mode, it's getting very serious now.


At 11:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

New Zealand is the place to go. Just wish I could afford to bug out.

At 11:59 AM, Blogger qrswave said...

That was brilliantly said.

I am happy for you and your family that you have prepared to leave this hell hole.

I pray that you will continue to blog from where ever you are.


At 12:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The country is going downhill, yet what's surprising is that there are still so many immigrants literally dying to come to this country. It’s sad to think what awaits them as well as us. What country does not need the US to survive is what we must ask ourselves. If you speak Spanish or are fluent in some other language you could relocate to another country that may not be affected when the US economy implodes. Those who choose to leave may want to do it soon as we don’t know what the future brings and at some point this country may become like Cuba. Where you can’t leave even if you want to.

At 12:17 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


Thanks. Nothing official yet. Still have some "wife convincing" to do. I'll blog, unless I end up in a jungle somewhere. Later,


At 12:19 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

anonymous 3,

You are correct. New Zealand is certainly on the short list.


At 12:21 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

anonymous 4,

That is what makes everything so complicated. The obvious places will fall on the US coattails within 3-5 years, so not much is accomplished by going there. If I leave, it will be to my final destination, wherever that may be.


At 12:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cyclone, keep in mind that many of us do not have the resources to leave. We need alternatives. And, if as you have written in the past, China et.all. "own" our economy, why can't that save us? I mean, are they going to allow the US to become an aggressive, pre-emptive war machine country? And, what about the 2006 elections? Do they offer any hope? Our family cannot leave, so exploring other alternatives is all we have. Hope you have a comment. (All of this reminds me of the excellent book, "They thought they were free" by Milton Mayer-about the german people prior to and during the natzi insanity in germany)

At 1:03 PM, Blogger Jammer said...

The United States has past beyond the point of being able to save imho and I agree things have reached the point of leaving the country. I am planning to do just that Cyclone... by sailboat. That way I can go where I think I will be the safest depending on what's happening with the world economy and peak oil. Be ready, be mobile, is the general idea. Plus it will be a lot of fun even if the worst doesn't happen. I think of it as making the best of a horrible situation. Good luck with your plans whatever they may be. I think based on the most current data, you have until 2008 to leave at the latest, I'm outta here by late 2007 to be safe and will be able to hoist anchor in a emergency (economy crashes etc) by this spring.

The Jammer

At 2:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If some of you have family or friends outside the country that may help you. You would have a contact outside the US who may be able to help you find a job and get started in the new country. Unfortunately a lot of countries are in worse shape than the US so be careful where you go. I have a wife and 2-month-old daughter. It’s really going to be hard for me to leave this once great country. Good luck to all who will do the same. My advice is to look into your spending if you want to be able to save enough money to leave the country and start over. A lot of folks out there can’t live without having a plasma TV, new 2006 SUV or some muscle car, digital cable, etc. Which is very sad. We have become accustomed to being little buying machines and living paycheck to paycheck. This is the result of years of brain washing that televisions has done to us.

At 2:33 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...

I guess I'll leave wheb they throw me out! I've got a car that runs on ethynol and a truck and a tractor that run on bio-diesel I can make both and I can grow enough food for my family to live on.

Even though I hate this government, I love this country! I was born here and I plan on dying here! And if some crack-brained tin-hat neocon dictator wannabe thinks he can put me off of it, He'd better bring back -up! LOT"S of back -up! Around here we aren't scared to stand with our neighbors and fight for what little we worked for. Let 'em follow my ass in to the woods! There won't be many coming out!

I'm X-SEAL! We don't get scared! We get motivated! And after reading this, I'm about as motivated as I can get!

At 2:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A friend asks,"why do you spend your time and energy on all this political stuff, when there's clearly nothing to be done?"

At 2:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

...the Street slumps with peanuts beside its beer, locked on the game...

At 3:25 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


I just learned something that is going on in Denver, and learned last night of something going on in Ohio. Between those two things and what you wrote, I think I may be re-motivated as well. Fuck em all. They can put me in Gitmo, but my daughter has made it clear to me that she's not going anywhere. So, I'm going to go against my better judgement and push the envelope to the edge. Wait as long as possible to leave this dump. I just pray that I don't wait one minute too long, or I won't forgive myself. Let's fight these bastards.


At 3:29 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


Thanks. I'm not sure how, but you uplifted me a bit. I do this because I have to, the truth has to be told. I will continue to tell it, and the bastards can do with me what they wish. I will find a way out of this, regardless of what the neocon's want. It will get ugly, but we may as well go down fighting.


At 3:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You make a good point stoney13, no one wants to act like coward by leaving this country. Frankly I don’t consider that leaving this country knowing that REALLY BAD things are going to happen to be an act of cowardice. I'm sure that you have seen the video footage from Louisiana days after Katrina hit them. That plays was a dam cesspool with GANGS of armed thugs looting, raping and killing people. The government had to send over 1,000 National guardsmen with shot to kill orders to get things straightened out.

There are TOO many people is this country with guns and lots of them are crazy. Having the economy crash may make the rest of the gun owners flip as well. Think about it, with the US dollar not being worth anything and not being able to buy food for themselves or their children many people will flip and it won’t be pretty. Anyone that thinks they can arm themselves won’t have a chance, because there are just too dam many gun owners out there. The only way you may survive in this country is if you live in some kind of underground bunker or cave. Even than you will eventually run out of food or get bored of living in such a place. When you think about it that way, leaving this country does not seem like such a bad option. I will not struggle to stab any man that breaks into my house and tries to hurt my wife or child, but I will not endanger them by staying in this country knowing that I’m only one man. And one man can only do so much.

At 4:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, this is pretty depressing. Well, I'm standing my ground, or at least somewhere close surrounded by friends and I'm not going down without a fight. This is the United States of America, damn it, and I will wrap myself in the flag and constitution and lead the true beleivers onward. We may stumble, but we shall not fall. I'd like to have some of you along side when it comes time to rebuild. We'll need smart people.

At 5:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

...while down slope, death-drummer birds with blazing eyes ascend the holy crags to kill dissent before we waking innocent arise.

At 5:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Should Bush survive the fury of the courts, Arlen Specter and the Abrhamoff massacre, it will be up to patriotic cells moving quickly in coordinated efficiency to save the place.

There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.

At 6:38 PM, Blogger expatbrian said...

Mmm...well, if I was to move out of the US I would still want to be in a 1st World Country. I would want one that was very safe, where girls could walk down the street at night unmolested. Where guns were banned and crime was considered shameful by all. Where the gov't operated on a surplus and spent money for the benefit of the people. I would want a place that was clean and slum free and where people respected each other. I would want a place that was free from natural disasters, with clean air and....oh! forgot..I'm there already. Welcome to Singapore.

At 10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting- it seems the only solutions you have on this blog to the Bush regimes take-over of our country are 1:) Move away to another country 2:) Make fuel (biodisel), grow food and do what you must for your family and hole up in your house with guns!!! 3:) Wait until they come and take you away?
What the fuck!!! This is our country just as much as theirs!!! We have the constitution and the Bill of Rights and history behind us. Can't we come up with better solutions???? That is my question. If I weren't terrified that some Big Brother freak is reading everything I write here I might extrapolate more on what can be done but instead I'll wait to see what Cyclone has to say.


At 5:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate it to be that negative, but don't expect too much from having a Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc.:

"Oh, how I hate the phrase we have a 'living document'. We now have a Constitution that means whatever we want it to mean."
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia to a packed Rackham Auditorium, Nov 24 2004

"We can take away rights just as we can grant new ones. Don't think that it's a one-way street."
Antonin Scalia, Dec 9 2005

Better be prepared for the worst.
But I think that there's still a chance to prevent the neocons from totally controlling the judiciary, which would be crucial for the future of the US. Never give up hope (or stop acting) for better times.

Good luck to all of you, whether you stay or leave, act or wait.

At 6:15 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


The boat is a terrific idea. Need to go? Go. I like it. Everyone needs to be prepared to leave at a moments notice. Thanks for your input,


At 6:18 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I'm with you, man. The moment has passed, for the moment anyway. (does that make any sense?) I won't wrap myself in the flag, but I'll do whatever else is needed to win this battle, at least until the moment that exit becomes an absolute necessity. Thanks for plugging me on your site, I'll try to be a good boy from now on.

At 6:24 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Yes, solutions are few right now. But, I'll fight. As for fear of big brother, I promise you that BB is reading what I write every day. But, it won't deter me. If we fear what we write, nothing matters anyway. So, write away and enjoy the freedoms that we have left, while we have them.


At 9:45 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

Anonymous who mentioned Milton Mayer,

Email me at:

I would prefer to respond to you privately.



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