Wednesday, December 21, 2005

How Many Gates Can America Stand?

It began with Watergate. Following that, we had Iranian Hostagegate, Iran/Contragate, Lewinskygate, Plamegate, and finally Spygate. I am not sure that America can survive too many more "gates." What it does show, however, is how willing our leaders in the White House are to stretch, bend and break the law in the search for further reaching power. The latest scandal, Spygate, may prove to be the biggest of them all. Once again I am going to dig into this story and try to impress upon you the magnitude of it all. This is big, folks. Probably the biggest scandal and abuse of power that I have witnessed during my 50 years on this earth. How our leaders, both Democrats and Republicans respond to this will answer the two big questions that I have had from the moment that George Boosh was appointed president. Is this country worth saving? And, if so, is it salvageable?

More Than Just Spying

Since this story has hit the mainstream media, Boosh and Cheney have been arguing the legalities and necessities of this behavior. They have also sent Attorney General Albert Gonzales to the Hill to try to convince elected officials that everything's okay, no laws have been broken. However, given the mood of Congress at the moment, I doubt that he will be well received. After all, just yesterday Boosh and his minions tried to claim that members of Congress had essentially authorized this activity after 9/11. The problem with that is, that outside of eight members of the intelligence committee, no one even knew of the activity until recently. Most also have doubts about its legality. It has also become obvious that two other issues may well become casualities while this new Boosh travesty is hashed out.

For starters, it puts the confirmation of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court in jeopardy. Republican Senator Arlen Specter has already said that one of the first questions he will ask Judge Alito during the confirmation hearings is whether or not NSA's spying on American people, without benefit of a warrant, is legal. Of course we all know Alito's answer to that question, naturally he will think it's just peachy for Boosh to do whatever the hell he wants to, as long as he gets confirmed. But, how agressively can he back this Idiot president, given that every Democrat and a good number of Republican lawmakers, plus the vast majority of Constitutional Scholars and Judges think that Boosh has broken the law? He is going to be required to walk a fine line when answering questions about this issue. Boosh will expect nothing but total "toe the line" loyalty, while Senators from both sides will want real answers to their questions. If the first question about this subject indeed comes from Specter or another Republican, Alito may become the first casualty of this madness. One can only hope so, anyway.

Secondly, the Patriot Act stands a good chance of falling as well. Many in Congress have realized over the last few years that they may have made a mistake by instantly agreeing to virtually everything Boosh wanted immediately after 9/11, and many soon face re-election. When Michael Moore proudly broadcast to the world that the vast majority of elected officials, both Democrat and Republican, had not even read the damn thing before voting, it served as a wake up call to these politicians. Then after learning that the FBI could go as far as looking up library records, many began to recoil in horror, thinking, "What exactly did that thing say? It sure sounded good at the time." Meanwhile, Boosh simply adds fuel to the fire by stating, "The senators who are filibustering the Patriot Act must stop their delaying tactics," and, by refusing to accept a three month extension while House/Senate negotiators try to reel in some of the more offensive parts of the act. Once again it's Boosh at his finest, using the "you're either for me or against me" bullying tactic. Republican Senator John Sununu wonders how the president can justify vetoing the three month extension, wondering if Boosh thinks that the country is better off without any Patriot Act provisions in place. "And that makes no sense at all," Sununu said. The tide is turning against Booshco, and it's turning at a much more rapid pace than ever before. Republicans are beginning to abandon the ship, and doing so publicly. Good riddance, Patriot Act.


Federal Judge James Robertson resigned yesterday. Why is this news? Well, Robertson was one of 11 judges overseeing the FISA court, the court that gives warrants for these wiretapping procedures. Warrants that are very easy to get, so easy in fact that you can get them "after" you do the wiretapping. While not speaking publicly, sources say that Robertson had privately expressed "deep concern" that the warrantless surveillance of American citizens was unlawful and put the FISA court in a bad situation. When a judge who sits on the court that hands out the warrants says that what Boosh is doing is illegal, and is willing to resign over it, what does that tell you? It tells me that Boosh has gone off the deep end without a life preserver. Two more Republican Senators, Chuck Hagel and Olympia Snowe have joined Specter and three Democrats, Dianne Feinstein, Carl Levin and Ron Wyden in calling for a joint investigation by the Senate's Judiciary and Intelligence panels into the surveillance program. The White House, of course, continues to say that key congressional leaders have known of these activities since their inception. However, as Jay Rockefeller's letter from yesterday shows, at least he had some serious concerns about the legality of the activities, but was powerless to even ask an attorney about it.

Democrats across the board and even some Republicans have said that Boosh has gone too far and may have violated the law. The White House, through the punching bag Scott McClellan, has said that the secrecy around the program may prohibit White House cooperation with any congressional investigation. "This is still a highly classified program, and there are details that it's important not be disclosed," McClellan said. I'm stunned that they would not fully cooperate with Congress, given their past record.

So here we are again. Boosh screws something up, this time breaking the law doing so, Cheney says it's about time that the President got some power back, Boosh tells Congress to screw themselves because it's all a big secret, and now Congress has to decide what to do about it. Well, here's the secret. Big brother has been listening to phone calls to or from people overseas, and reading emails to people to or from overseas, all in the name of the "war on terror." I guess it's not a freaking secret anymore. Last night I called all of my friends that live in other countries and asked if they were members of al-Qaeda. If they had said yes, I was going to tell them that I couldn't talk to them anymore, because Boosh said so. But, alas, they all denied having al-Qaeda connections. The ones that I couldn't reach by phone, I sent emails to, asking them the same question. I haven't heard back from any of them yet, but I hope that they aren't terrorists either. I really enjoy their friendships.

Now, Booshco, the secret is out. Quit hiding behind your phony delusions and face Congress like men. You were not anointed emperor, simply appointed to the White House for two terms. You were not given free reign to break laws, or make up laws as you go. You are not allowed to hide because it's war time, you started the damn war. In fact you made up the war, to steal a little oil and get rid of the bad man that we created. Yes, he then turned and tried to kill Daddy Boosh, but I don't care about that. You are poster children for Planned Parenthood, and I'm sorry that your parents didn't get the message. Don't stand up and tell me that you are speaking on behalf of me, or that you are trying to protect me, or that you have one clue what American's want or expect from you. Because you don't. If you want to monitor my phone calls and read my email messages, go ahead. You won't learn anything from either of them. But understand one thing, you have broken the law. And trying to justify it by hiding behind your phony "war on terror" makes you look like bigger fools than you already do. If that is possible. Congress, it's time to put up or shut up. Either do the right thing and get rid of these bastards, or double your salaries and stay at home. Quit masquerading as "representatives" of anything other than yourselves and your buddies. Why? Because I can't take any more of it!



At 9:54 AM, Blogger qrswave said...

You're right, this is really big.

Like the de Menezes shooting in London and Alpizar shooting in Miami, this is a sign and symptom of the POLICE STATE we've become.

At 12:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This has been going on much longer than you think. To my knowledge at least since 1996.

At 2:02 PM, Blogger AL RULES said...

Great piece as usual. If this isn't enough for you to get out of that country, nothing is. The U.S. really is becoming a police state. It is terrifying. I was going to visit some friends in Tennesee for a month this winter and I just can't do it. I wouldn't feel safe. I can only imagine how citizens must feel. They have to live there every day. I'm going to post your article on REACT in hopes of getting the word out there a little more. If that's cool, just e-mail me.....AL

At 3:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

America can't be saved.

If you notice the Tom DeLay scandal and the Wilkes defense contracting scheme and the corrupt congress... there is no way to bring justice to a system that is fully corrupt. No justice, no truth, no liberty.

Once the truth is known publically, there is little reason to maintain the facade of "goodness."

I think we could approach something of a Civil War or worse soon, if the White House goes down the path of labeling dissent as terrorist "sympathizers" or "traitors."

From what I've heard, entire cities and even states are getting nervous. Is secession from the union coming or possible?

Will people continue to pay taxes in the coming year, knowing fully well that our federal government is beyond corruption? Knowing that their taxes are being funneled to the GOP, lobby groups, and the industry part of the military-industrial complex?

I tell you, The Godfather movie is making so much sense now. The US government is one giant mafia, all based on paranoid political trust games. Lie, cheat, and steal. The true American Dream.

At 3:59 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

anonymous 1,

Yes, it has, off and on. But no president has been dim enough to admit it, until now that is. Thanks for stopping in,


At 4:04 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

Anonymous 2,

I tend to agree with you. I think we have little time left, a year at most, before we are done. Unless some drastic changes happen in a hurry. If Boosh finishes his term, it's over. As for taxes, most are employed by someone else so they have little choice but to pay. One could claim 15 dependents I guess, and not lose much. At least then you would end up in federal prison vs. the gulag. I don't see a bright future. Thanks for commenting,


At 4:05 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


Thanks. Police State indeed. Let's see how far the Dem's are willing to go.


At 4:06 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


I shot you an email. Do it. Later,


At 10:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm convinced another terrorist attack could happen very soon.

But if it does, do you think the public will suspect some foreign "al Qaeda" or our own government?

I still suspect the Anthrax attacks for the simple reason that our government has completely QUIT searching for those that mailed the letters.

Get this: the letters were mailed AFTER 9/11. That means those people are STILL in the US, yet have done no terrorist attack since? I don't think so. Add that to the fact that the two main recipient were key democrats. One which Dick Cheney told to go fuck himself, and the other was a leading open government advocate. Combine that to the fact that it was a US military strain of Anthrax... and yes, we have a cover-up.

At 6:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have only one insight to add to the "pending terrorist attack" scenario. What happened during the NY blackout? Wouldn't one think that the perfect oppourtunity presented itself to cause mass chaos at that moment? No power in most of the northeast of the united states. I was sort of expecting molotov cocktails raining from the sky, or some sort of explosion somewhere.
Instead, Silence......
Not sure what to make of that.

At 7:06 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


There exists a group of people (one man, actually) that run a website that "outs gays" who are in power, are conservatives and who choose to consistently vote for anti-gay legislation to keep their standing in the Republican party. McClellan hasn't been outed because he doesn't actually "vote" for anything. I'm not suggesting that McClellan is gay, that is for you to decide. Anyway, the site is Check out the hypocrites if you dare.


At 7:07 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I agree totally. We are entering the "danger zone" with this madman.


At 7:13 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

anonymous 3,

I would not be surprised to see another attack. The timing is certainly right. How would people view it? I think that those of us who despise Boosh would tend to believe that Booshco was behind it, and the Boosh apologists would use it to bolster his support. Simply said, nothing much would change. This nation is so fractured, I'm not sure that anything he does will change much. Everyone seems to have dug in their heels and have bought the "with me or against me" nonsense. In the end, this attitude will lead to our undoing. Until the Repubs can no longer stand the embarassment of being affiliated with this psycho, nothing is going to change much. They are slowly getting there, but much to slow for my liking.


At 7:15 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I have no answer for that. I do think that we are safer with the "lights out" than with them on, though. Whatever they do, it will be in broad daylight. Much more effective when all can see.


At 9:11 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...

Thanks Cyclone, 'cause I FUCKIN' DARE!!!!

Sounds like more fun than putting a bunch of neocons in a round room and telling them to go piss in the corner!!

Oh yea! What happened with the Tampa hose bag? Did he have anything else to say? Drop me an email. Hell I'm curious!


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