Friday, December 16, 2005

The Real Deal; Part 6; Rumblings

It seems that sometime in 2002 President Boosh signed an order allowing the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on American citizens withot having obtained previously necessary warrants allowing such activity. Hmmm. We now find out that any international telephone conversation we participated in may have been listened to, or any international email we sent or received may have been read, by Big Brother. There are a couple of things that are important about this.

First, this was first reported by the New York Times, over a year after the Times first learned of it. The White House asked the Times not to print the story, claiming that it could "jeopardize continuing investigations" and give notice to "terrorists" that they were being watched. Of course, to accept this, we must assume that John Ashcroft was being honest with us, something that I am not willing to assume. This is the same Ashcroft who had the tendency to call press conferences on a semi-regular basis, generally related to poll numbers and the need to ratchet up the fear in the American people. Constantly announcing to Americans that some grand terror plot had been foiled, generally giving credit to some provision of the Patriot Act. Only later would we find out that either there had been no real "plot" to begin with, or that the news was from years past. The same Ashcroft who lost an election to a dead man, thus qualifying him to become the Attorney General of the United States. The same Ashcroft that is the closest thing to a Nazi that has ever been in a position of high power in American history. The same Ashcroft that could only be taken seriously by someone housed in a mental ward.

That the New York Times held this story for over a year is nothing short of apalling. This once well thought of paper has become nothing short of a propaganda machine for the Boosh Administration. From Judith Miller on, its willingness to cover up, deny or bury stories on behalf of Boosh is shameful. They no longer have any more credibility than the newspapers in Iraq that chose to take American taxpayer money from the Booshies to print whatever the administration wanted printed. All of course, in an admireable effort to help "win over the hearts and minds" of the Iraqi people. What once was journalism to the New York Times has become nothing more than an infomercial for the current regime that is running America today.

That is not the most interesting part of this story, however. What is most interesting is who the sources are that have revealed this information. The sources of this information are "current and former officials that have been granted anonymity because of the nature of the program," according to none other than the New York Times, who finally summoned the courage to print the story. These "officials" became concerned about the possible illegality of this activity, and were concerned about the lack of oversight. They also say that Senator Jay Rockefeller, vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee and an undisclosed judge who oversees intelligence matters had also expressed concern. All of this led the Boosh administration to "temporarily suspend the operation last year and impose more restrictions." The White House is quick to say that this activity is necessary to protect the country, and that they are "confident that existing safeguards are sufficient to protect the privacy and civil liberties of Americans."

Existing safeguards. Are we to then assume that there were no safeguards in place, nor enough restrictions that would allow for "sufficiently protecting the privacy and civil liberties of Americans," before the temporary suspension of the operation? I would venture to say that the obvious answer to this question is yes. Assuming, then, that the suspension occured last year, it looks like the New York Times chose to allow our privacy and civil liberties to be violated between the suspension of the operation and today. The White House did say that the government eventually asks for warrants if it wanted to include listening to private domestic conversations and the reading of domestic emails of private American citizens. That is big of them, I'd say. And we are just to take their word for it. Just like we do on foiled terror plots, did on Weapons of Mass Destruction, did on our troops being greeted as liberators in Iraq while being handed dozens of roses, did on the connection between Saddam and 9/11, did on Boosh's statement that "anyone leaking Valerie Plame's name to the media would be fired," did on every other lie that this administration has told us in the last 5 years. We are again supposed to take BOOSH AT HIS WORD that our privacy and civil liberties are being guarded by him and his staff? You have got to be kidding me. I choose not to take the word of Boosh or anyone around him on ANYTHING. Just like no one outside of this country takes his word on anything. Now, where is Cyclone going with all of this?

If you recall, I told you a while back that the CIA, particularly ex-CIA officials were at war with this White House. Many scoffed at this idea. Well, scoff no more. The first shot has been fired, and it is a shot that every American who cares about their freedom should pay attention to. Pay attention, because it involves your privacy and what is left of your civil liberties. Yet, the Boosh administration asks you to once again "trust" them. I suggest that you do not do this. As it turns out, this shot was fired over a year ago. The New York Times just chose to wait until now to tell us about it, or maybe they finally got permission once the new restrictions were in place. I do not know who the "anonymous sources" are, those that the New York Times used for this story. But, I can make a highly educated guess.



At 7:50 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


No, I don't think it's a coincidence at all. Seems to have thrown a little wrench in the works, one Booshco hadn't planned. With the poll numbers climbing a little, he thought things were looking up. I'm going to do a piece on the Iraqi election with a little different take than you'll probably see anywhere else. Hopefully tomorrow or Sunday. That deal should bite him in the ass as well. I'm just pissed that the NY Times sat on this for so long. They knew about it before the last election, when the boys wanted it out. They are shills for this administration. Any legitimate organization would have told Boosh to shove it and run with it then. They've got shit they haven't even released yet. I'm trying to find out what it is. If I do, I'll damn sure put it on this site. Speaking of this site, what's going on here? Hardly anyone has shown up today. Did I piss EVERYBODY off somehow? I'm used to pissing off some, but everyone? Sorry, just whining a little. Later,


At 9:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read your blog frequently, but rarely leave comments. Hope that is some comfort to you. Amber

At 9:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You rock!!! I'm a daily reader.

No pissed offness here, but very busy doing my life, so I don't usually comment in print, but you always fuel the dinner table conversations in our house.

Thanks for all you do...

At 11:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't know how I look forward to reading your blog. Your's is the only one I believe will tell the truth. Funny thing to you don't wait a year to get information to us.


At 2:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Cyclone I look forward to reading your Blog every day here in the UK. Thanks for what you are doing and good luck

At 3:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A reader from France who wish you the best. what you are writing about on your site is of interest for all of us.


At 5:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Cyclone,

No, your readers have not been alienated, they're either out participating in the annual consumerist seasonal feeding frenzy, or like me, shivering in their 50 degree houses because they're afraid what the next gas bill will look like if they actually heat their houses.

I'm really, REALLY curious - about what your educated guesses are concerning who the current and/or former CIA officials are. Since I used to play on the remote periphery of that community many years ago, and since I have known consumate professionals in that area who really were concerned with protecting Americans' rights as well as our country in general, I am hoping that those people who have been so demonized by the press, the administration and popular fiction can actually pull this off.

The true intelligence professionals that I have known are some of the most intelligent and thoughtful people I know. Then again, as they say, "the lord works in mysterious ways", and I personally saw evidence of other elements being involved in arms and drug operations in Central America back in 1979. But I digress ...

One person I knew who was working counter-terrorism way back in 1980 (yes, is was a concern even back then) described Jimmy Carter to me as one of the most intelligent presidents we have ever had. We both concurred that because his agenda went counter to that of very powerful interests (read oil business) his administration would be torpedoed. It was. When he came out with his speech urging all Americans to work with him on an energy conservation program, he was screwed.

So here's another concept, bear with me. There are numerous articulate, well-informed individuals such as yourself publishing on the blogs, getting the truth out - even if the actual truth is so divergent from the pre-digested, pre-approved propaganda, disinformation and distracting/hypnotizing infotainment that most people are bobarded with, that this actual truth appears to be radical, delusional/alarmist rants in comparison (just the effect they want). The problem is that the audience is limited, primarily to people who seek you out - let's face it, to a large extent, you are preaching to the choir. Air America aside, there is little in the way of mass transmission of information to counter the fascist bullshit we are drowning in. What is needed is a way that the more passive observer can get the message.

But wait ... there is now something new (sort of) - subscription satellite radio. Surely - if Howard Stern can have multiple channels of programming made available to him, could not some moneyed consortium (maybe with seed money from the likes of George Soros et al?) set up a news, commentary and opinion channel that would be available to millions of Americans as they drive to and from work? This is the time that so many get the majority of their non-TV media exposure.

Can you see the beauty of this? For example - These same CIA sources at war with this regime could anonymously report (without revealing classified info of course) how the professional intelligence community was totaly screwed and hung out to dry by the current regime. It would get attention - people love spook stories, they get a kick out of thinking they're getting a peek at how things really work on the inside.

If the constitutional rights of free expression can protect Howard Stern on this medium (as it should) then it should certainly be able to make it difficult for ShrubCo's FCC thugs to supress political commentary. And if it gets to the point where they can actually supress this commentary, well, then we might as well all start wiping our asses with our copies of the constitution.

At 8:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I might just splurge and get sat. radio if what you are talking about actually happens. I would really like to have the Cyclone and yourself yacking it up, bouncing it back to us(without spin of course).

I look at mainstream news now as a skeptic and try to figure out what they really left out. Then I log on and check to see what Cyclone has to say about it. We need more blogs that get the truth out to the general public, this in turn would put pressure on our elected officials as well as the mainstream press. I fear though they would spin it to look like something is actually changing, but the say old crap will keep going on. I also knew before Boosh blamed the CIA that the CIA had told him the intell was wrong about wmd. Then he turns around blames the CIA. I also heard very good people were leaving the dept in large numbers when they knew what was going on. Now the ones that are left deny that the goon squad from the white house applied pressure to bend the truth.

This sight atleast gets me in the loop of the truth and that in itself give me hope. Some people think I'm nuts to hell with them. When the truth finds the light of day and they realize I am right it will be becuase of blogs with balls like this one.

Thank you Cyclone and whom ever else contributes to the truth.


At 8:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can only speak for myself cyclone, but if I do not get to read a new posting on your site, my day is not as bright as it should be. Your rants do more to boost my levels of hope than any single source on the planet. I can only say thank you, and that I am grateful.

At 4:52 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


I WISH I could tell you who in the CIA/exCIA fraternity are involved, but I think that it is important they remain anonymous. I can't have them dry up on me. Obviously, I do not have a direct connection except to a rather smallish number, but I am assured that there are enough of them to rattle some cages, in fact a lot of cages.
I think that your idea about satellite radio is a good one. I subscribe to xm, but must admit that I don't listen to it as much as I should. I just simply do not have the time. For that format, I think it would be great to have a few hours per day of listener call ins, talking about the things similar to what I talk about here. I have mostly listened to Al Franken and Randi Rhodes. Franken is clearly brilliant, but his subject matter is all over the place. I like Rhodes, she is definately one pissed off lady. She takes some calls, but deals mostly with what has happened and seldom about what is going to happen. It is time that someone actually go out on a limb and tell the truth of what might happen in the future, but I have yet to hear it, even on Air America. But, I don't listen to it enough, so there may be something there that I havent heard. Agreed, somebody needs to toss some money around and get somebody in a larger market with some balls, to predict the future of America. To prepare people for what they are going to face. It's nearing time to either get out of here or prepare for that miserable future awaiting Americans.


At 5:00 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

To all others who responded:

I really did not expect all of you writing and saying the kind things that have been said, but thanks for doing so. I was just in a whiny "oh poor Cyclone" mood, I guess. Sometimes when you do what I am doing here, you never know how it is coming across. The reassurances from all of you are what keep me from thinking that I am wasting my time. Thanks Again, and I'll try to keep the whining to a minimum. After all, we have a regime to depose!


At 10:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding funding for getting the truth out, you might try to catch the ear of millionaire Jimmy Walters. He's mostly been involved with funding some 9/11 truth ads and events, but I would guess that there is some chance he would be willing to broaden out a bit. No question that he has the same dark suspicions, and then some, that you do, Cyclone.

Just a thought.

Kurt in Portland, OR, where we're still freezing the midst of a two week cold snap

At 7:08 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Sorry you are freezing your butt off. I don't like the cold, but live in a place where it was 4 degrees this morning. Moved hear from Florida, brain cells anyone? Thanks for the mention of Jimmy Walters. For some reason, that name rings a bell, but I am not sure why or if it's the same person I am thinking of or not. (probably not, just guessing) I'll find out who he is and what he's up to. Thanks again,


At 7:11 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

Anonymous 2,

Can I come have dinner at your place? I am not allowed to talk about anything political at my table!


At 7:15 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Give yourself a Christmas present and get satellite. Doesn't cost that much, and is definately worth the investment. On XM (which I have) you can get BBC news, which is always more interesting than any US news. I'm not sure what all is available on Sirius, but if anyone who has it wants to clue me in I'd appreciate it. I may get it as well.


At 3:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cyclone do you think the cia leaked this stuff?

At 4:23 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

anonymous 3,

Yes, I do. Some on the right say it came from an angry Senator, but I disagree. I believe it came from a former member of the CIA who thought it would be out before the last Presidential election. Had the NYTimes not sat on it for over a year, John Kerry would be president, 2200 US soldiers and thousands of Iraqi's would be alive today and Cyclone would not exist, at least not in this forum. Don't support the New York Times, unless you have to work for them. They suck. Thanks for coming in,



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