Friday, August 25, 2006

A "Guest" Contribution----Cyclone on Booshspeak

On Monday,August 21, 2006, the Booshman held a press conference, something that he is now seemingly fond of doing. This, after abhorring such events for the last 5 years. Of course, this is nothing more than a last gasp effort to plead for the life of the GOP in the lead up to the November election. A clemency or pardon, if you will. Can it work? I don’t know, but this will be the final answer to the lingering question about the ability of the American populace to separate fact from fiction. Let’s break down what the fearless leader had to say, shall we?

“If we ever give up the desire to help people who want to live in a free society, we will have lost our soul as a nation.”

As I recall, few Iraqi citizens were calling for the United States military to destroy their homeland and infrastructure, create a haven for terrorists and plunge their country into an all out civil war. This was a plan created by the neocons to take control over a sovereign nation; a nation that just happened to have vast amounts of a product that the US desperately needs, oil. While there is no question that Saddam Hussein was a brutal tyrant, few Iraqi’s today would tell you that things were not better before the invasion than they are at present. Despite what “good news” the administration wants to report coming out of Iraq, there is no safe place for the average Iraqi citizen to be, including inside their un-air conditioned, candle lit residence. And about the oil? It’s not flowing. Remember the plan to have Iraqi oil pay for this debacle? Hasn’t quite worked out that way, but Boosh will tell you that is because the big bad terrorists continue to create havoc along the pipelines. My question is simple. What did you expect? Oh, I remember now, roses and a parade.

“Those who heralded the decision not to give law enforcement the tools necessary to protect the American people just simply don’t see the world the way we do. They see maybe these kind of isolated incidents. These aren’t isolated incidents; they’re tied together. There is a global war going on.”

(This is, of course, regarding the recent court decision stating that Boosh has been breaking the law by spying on American citizens without court authorization)

Just who are the “we” that Boosh refers to? They are; Boosh, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and a select few others within the administration, along with assorted right wing neocon Nazi types. Thankfully, the vast majority of legal scholars, judges and thinking Americans see the world as it should be seen. Seen as a world where a wildcat US President cannot circumvent the law in a phony made up “war on terror.” (Whether the “new” Supreme Court has gone completely off the deep end and reverses this decision remains to be seen, but my fear of just that is on Red Alert status) What Boosh fails to understand is that the “global war” that is going on is solely of his making. While we haven’t been the world’s favorite for quite some time, never in the history of this Republic have we been hated as we are now. I don’t know what the birth rate in Middle Eastern countries is, but you can rest assured that one in three children born in a Muslim country each and every day will someday grow up to be an anti-American jihadist. They will grow up more than willing to blow themselves up in a café in Boston, killing anyone and everyone that they can. Without secure borders, that will soon be a stark reality. That, my friends, is the “legacy” that George W. Boosh will leave behind. The President who finally encouraged the ENTIRE WORLD to hate America, and brought frequent terrorist attacks to our homeland.

“A failed Iraq in the heart of the Middle East will provide safe haven for terrorists and extremists. It will embolden those who are trying to thwart the ambitions of reformers.”

Provide a safe haven for terrorists and extremists? Uh, George, it already has. I know it’s been a long war, but can anyone recall Iraq prior to our self serving invasion? THERE WERE NO TERRORISTS, unless you wish to call Saddam Hussein and his henchmen terrorists. Even so, they were no threat to America. Nor were they a threat to anyone who Boosh claims as an ally, including Israel. That is certainly not the case today. As I stated when I began this blog, all this war would do is give the terrorists a new country to work out of and create countless numbers of new terrorists. Terrorists more than willing to give their lives for the cause. We’ve proven that we can’t secure the border between Mexico or Canada and the United States. Does anyone really believe that we can secure the borders between Iraq and Pakistan or Iraq and any other neighboring country? As Afghanistan quickly returns to a Taliban led free for all, (due to our taking our eye off of Afghanistan to attack Iraq) we have simply opened up another much larger country for the terrorists to congregate. And, oh by the way, people are DYING EVERY DAY for this lost cause. American kids, Iraqi citizens, all dying at a record pace. It’s getting much worse each day, not better.

Thwart the ambitions of reformers? Embolden them? Let me put that in Cyclone speak for you. The only reformers are George W. Boosh and the merry cast of madmen (and women) he has surrounded himself with. Everyone in the world, with the exception of the Tony Blair led Britain told us not to go into Iraq; that doing so would turn into the biggest disaster in the history of the Mid-East region, maybe the biggest disaster in the history of the world. But Boosh wouldn’t listen. Boosh listens to no one, except allegedly to God. Despite what Boosh says, I highly doubt that God himself told Boosh to depose Saddam Hussein, at least without also giving him a heads up that he should perhaps prepare for the aftermath of such a move. The American people thought it was a bad idea; as did the British citizenry. But, we all know, or should by now, that Boosh doesn’t care what the American people think. And Blair is attached at the hip to Boosh, and is soon to pay a heavy price for that. About embolden, don’t worry about that, George. You emboldened them the moment you decided to follow the advice of the neocons and invade a sovereign nation, beginning WWIII in the process.

“There must be an effective international force in Lebanon to ensure Hezbollah doesn’t re-arm and ‘wreak havoc in the region'".

Okay, we’re switching locations. George W. Boosh, the greatest “havoc wreaker” in the history of the world, does not want anyone else wreaking any havoc along side him. How, short of an all out worldwide nuclear shelling, could there possibly be any more havoc in “the region?” Do you need to be reminded, George, that Lebanon is one of the Democratic countries that you desparately hope to spread around the world? Do you need to be reminded that Hezbollah has a couple of seats in the power structure of Lebanon? I know that does not make you happy, but that is a fact. You want “democracies around the world,” but want to be able to control who is elected when the votes are tallied. I guess you want all countries to have the same kind of elections that we have here, where when you lose you can have an Anton Scalia appoint you leader. Only now you want to be Anton Scalia yourself, picking and choosing who gets to run each country that you choose to democratize. After all, you are the self acclaimed “Decider.” To your credit, you at least realize that your term will eventually end, and that you must act in a hurry. Who is next? Is it Iran or Syria? Maybe both at once? If not, how about a dart board to decide? I’m certain that, given the “success” in Iraq, countries around the world are waiting in great anticipation to be first on your list of reclamation projects. They are lining up to have their homelands blown to smithereens, occupied, and invaded by countless terrorists.

“Besides helping organize an international force, we will aid in efforts in Lebanon including getting food and energy aid to residents and aiding in rebuilding homes and schools damaged or destroyed in the 34 days of fighting between Israel and Hezbollah guerillas.”

Oh, and we'll of course kick in a few bucks to rebuild damage to Israel. Better hurry, Georgie. Hezbollah is already on top of that one. See Katrina and the effective job we did in getting water to those folks stranded on rooftops during that crisis? Checked to see how the re-building effort has gone in Mississippi and Louisiana, specifically New Orleans? Looked in Iraq for a look see at how the “energy,” (meaning oil and electricity) project is going? I'm sure Hezbollah is sweating it out, hoping you don't beat them to the punch in the "aid" department. Enough said, a six year old can figure out that this is just another in a long line of false promises given by you and your administration.

And finally, “Iran is obviously part of the problem. They sponsor Hezbollah. They encourage a radical brand of Islam. Imagine how difficult this issue would be if Iran had a ‘nucuuular’ weapon……So therefore, it’s up to the international community, including the United States, to work in concert for effective diplomacy. And that begins at the United Nations Security Council.”

Come on, George. Diplomacy? Not your cup of tea; never has been. Diplomacy to you is as follows, and your track record proves it. You make an offer, tell the American people and the world that it is generous and the only reasonable solution, and then whoever you are dealing with can either take it or leave it. In other words, My way or the Highway, followed by a vacation in Crawford or Kennebunkport to bike around the property. That’s not diplomacy, that’s fascism. I hate to be the one to break this to you, but Iran is going to pick the Highway. Why? Because the rest of the world is tired of you trying to tell them how to live. You are now even trying to pick their religion for them. “They encourage a radical brand of Islam.” So they should tone it down, in your view. Well, in the view of Iran and the rest of the Muslim world, you encourage a “radical brand of democracy,” and you should tone it down a bit yourself. They want no part of it, or of you or your brand of democracy. They want to be left alone. Plus, in case you haven’t counted lately, there are a heck of a lot more of them than there are of us. Or you and yours, I should say, because I certainly don’t want to be associated with you or your God driven visions. Nor do most Americans, but I know you don’t care what any of us think. After all, you are only trying to “protect” us.


It’s amazing that all of this can come from one little press conference. Seems like quite a few problems you’ve created. Myself, I don’t really think we can take too much more of your “protecting the American people.” You have single handedly thrust us into the position of being the most hated country in the history of the world, and I’m considering Nazi Germany when I say that. We have no idea who is in this country, or who is coming in or going out. We also have no idea what they are bringing with them as they hop the fence into southern Texas or Arizona. So what do you do? You make them as angry as you possibly can, BEFORE they enter our homeland. How long do we have before that café in Boston is targeted? I guess nobody knows, but you are certainly speeding the process up considerably. In comparison, a total collapse of the American economy looks pretty good to me. It might be all that can save us.

If we make it to November, it is up to the American people. Can they possibly still be blind enough to buy your “fear factor” leadership just one more time? After all, this is the last chance to depose you and your ilk. After 6 years of the same monotonous routine; Boosh gets in trouble? We foil an imaginary terrorist plot. Things go bad in Iraq? Blame it on the media and say it’s not as bad as it seems, they don’t report the “good stuff.” Gas prices go through the roof? Blame it on the weather, surely it's not the oil companies policies of gouging. People don’t have any money or are in debt to their scalp? Tell them the economy is robust. And on, and on and on with the same, tired, phony game. But no matter the carnage, "stay the course" is the word from the White House, as it has been since this abortion of foreign and domestic policy began in the year 2000.

I look at this as an IQ test or Civics lesson for the American people. If we haven’t learned to read through the Boosh nonsense, and once again allow the Boosh/Cheney mindset to dominate and continue to rule in America, we are doomed. End of story.


"We cannot let terrorists and rogue nations hold this nation hostile or hold our allies hostile."

George W. Boosh; Des Moines, IA; August 21, 2000