Thursday, October 18, 2007

From Murph.

Folks, I am putting up a post from our friend Tom who we haven't heard from for a long time now. He doesn't write often, but when he does, it's worth paying attention.

Freeacre and I have decided to try a new blog site. So, in the meantime, until it gets up and running, we will have a post come on at the Real Deal as the spirit moves us, or someone else writes a missive to be put up. So, with no further comments, here is Tom's post.

We have recently witnessed some dirty pool in Congress. Needless to say the astute readership of this site is aware that there are more dominoes left to fall out of the Republican closet. I have tried to figure out what Mark Foley did wrong. No number of diddled pageboys could have ever unseated him, so his sins lie elsewhere. As for Larry Craig, his feet have been flying for years without a peep from those in the know, so why now? Foley held a place on the Financial Services Committee, and Craig was ranking member of the Veterans Affairs Committee. Both are in the middle of very explosive issues, with a potential banking meltdown and the true human cost of the war kept from the majority of Americans. But these men inhabited such fragile glass structures that it strikes me that they would be afraid to even look at a stone. Indeed the mere thought of stones must have sent them to the liquor cabinet, the medicine cabinet or most likely both. I can’t see them going out on any sort of limb. The suspicious decision by Dennis Hastert not to seek reelection adds to the mystery, though Warner may just have been tired and ready to quit. Though history shows men like that most often opt to soldier on for reasons of Party loyalty.
So I have theorized that this is part of a plan to demoralize and decimate the “Conservative Christian Republican” base. I hate that term because it is used to describe people who ignore Jesus, serve Mammon, enable Bush’s reckless spending spree, and have a stance similar to the Taliban on social issues. I expect Jesus, if he indeed existed/exists/plans to return, has long since wept his last tear. But this group is the one credited with the ascendance of the Republicans as well as their tenacity in office. These people consistently vote against their pockets on behalf of what should be seen as marginal issues. But do they really? Is their electoral participation overstated? Are significant numbers of this demographic too disaffected to participate? Does the spirit of Mayor Daley haunt the Bible-belt hollows where every resident identifies his or her self as Christian and opposition oversight is limited? Can this change in the wink of an eye? Yes, and the answer to the question why is a one word answer; Hillary.
I know that you gentle readers are not fooled by this woman, unlike my mum, who as a “genteel” New York Times reader holds out hope for deliverance from the Bush people. We shall not overcome, not with Hillary at the helm, but enough people hold out hope that a groundswell (or illusion thereof) will bring her to save them from the Fundie Christians who give them indigestion over their Sunday Times breakfast. Divide and rule. Create a situation where there is no clear majority, let one team run the program to the next stage, put a new label on the old bottle (reinserting the cork is optional here because the Britney Nation ain’t payin’ attention)and push the agenda till the glow wears off. Repeat. But how can Hillary win when so many Americans have a visceral distaste for her?
I can almost hear Murph’s ready reply- “cause votin’ don’t mean s**t”. Granted. But here in our role as tinfoil pundits we are pursuing the perhaps useless exercise (so many of the intellectual sort are) of determining how the system manages to fake it. First issue is voting chicanery. I think there is enough wiggle room in the system to “select” either of the given candidates in the race. Pundits will have plenty of talking points to explain the victory or defeat of a given candidate. The success of a candidate comes from support by major players.
The CFR/Trilateral/Bilderberg set clearly loves Hillary. Her support of Israel is unquestioned. Big Oil and Military Industry will be assured by her pledges to continue the war. Even if the big wheels in these organizations have a distaste for her, they will probably opt for consensus rather than division in the face of the enemy (primarily domestic). The rest should be easy. Put a few more voting machines in the poor precincts (ideally some that work), make a show of “getting out the vote”, keep the local police at bay and bingo! Democratic victory. Since poor people and people of color have been marginalized by the full-spectrum disenfranchisement of Republican operatives (about which the Democratic leadership was curiously quiescent, yes you Al, do you want the job now that the dirty work is done?), they constitute a reserve army. Since they did get screwed they will turn out (or we will told so, as the Daley apparition floats over to the wrong side of the tracks), if only for revenge, and Republican efforts to require voter ID cards have a good chance of being torpedoed by the courts through the influence of the aforementioned factions of the ruling elite.
Why do they love Hillary so much? They don’t love Huckabee. For clear reasons, Old-timey Southern Republican governors are passé, and since elites can manipulate the American “selectoral” charade, what flavor do they prefer to market abroad?
It seems to this observer that they need a change of label. Hillary can present a much better face to European electorates, and thus make their leader’s (necessary?) cooperation with US policy more politically palatable. Maybe this is the old game of “good cop, bad cop” that has served the authorities for ages. Hillary will help get support for continued hostilities from both nominally anti-war domestic liberals and chattering-class Europeans. The Japanese and Korean liberal/leftist/proles will like her better too. Not their business types, they know full well the Clinton/Rubin mafia hosed them in ’97. Our European and Asian allies thus may be able to keep the merry-go-round running for a few more turns. They are shitting their pants now, so incremental improvements, particularly in the realm of political spectacle will be welcome.
Picture Hillary’s “world-tour” upon inauguration. The punishing schedule may turn her hair as white as her husband’s but it will be worth it. World audiences will bask in awe, and those who bask insufficiently or whose awe fails to glow to the required number of lumens will be tucked away out of sight. The elites of both the European and Asian sectors deeply fear the breakdown of the American system, even though it chisels them . They pass on the costs to their own powerless populaces anyway, fretting only that this makes a difficult job potentially unmanageable. The other prospect- a Russian dominated oil cartel that will drip-dry them is unthinkable. Putin’s hardball has sobered them up to the need to prop up America in order to avoid another version of unipolarity”, one with potentially limitless capacity for extortion. Ask the Ukrainians. “The devil you know…. The recent action by European Central Banks to mitigate the sub-prime/hedge-fund/derivative melt-down is telling. As Franklin said, “If we do not hang together we will certainly hang separately”.
And who will beat her? Giuliani? He is a New York asshole (nicknamed “Adolph” by many city residents), and does not have the acumen or presence to play on the world stage. His strength, 9-11, is just as much his “Achilles-heel”. If the sound machine pumps up the complaints of the 9-11 responders (actual heroes, unlike photo-op Rudy), they can spray enough guano on him to put him out; if indeed, such a decision is made. Mitt Romney is qualified but uninspiring, much like Al Bore, and I hereby dub him Sir Much Somney, the knight without enough juice to get to the round table. As for Ron Paul, I expect him to be excluded by the GOP, but maybe pumped up by the opposition to pilfer and pluck the Republican chickens like Perot did for Bubba.
As for greater matters, like the world economy, it is being levitated by the collective (un)consciousness. While so many insisted this situation could not continue it has. It remains like a big potential avalanche. As for Iran, Bush and A-jad are made for each other (See Deek Jackson’s FKN News), and all the oil scares are sending their true constituencies to the bank. The amount of wealth this game sucks out of the US is staggering, so why spoil it with a messy war. Iran is years away from a bomb (their biggest technical problem is removing the molybdenum that taints their uranium supply, and would foul their precious centrifuges). I think the saber-rattling is about what they do with their money, and the fact that do not care for ours. What this means is every nation has a stake in the status-quo, however dysfunctional. China may not relish our devalued money, but the collapse of the American economy would destroy much of their savings and their largest market. Russia’s current oil lubricated boom would come to a halt with a world recession/depression sending the price of oil into the ground. The Japanese and Koreans would love to see cheap oil, but would be unable to pay for it if no one is buying cars. A grand collapse might call into question the viability of the various fiat currencies. War would likely cause this collapse, and that is why none of the players at the table is inclined to act rashly. The wildcard is Israel, with a leadership far more irrational than the “crazy” North Koreans (who seem to be playing their hand well), and the fact that their failure last summer ratchets up the pressure. The goal of that war was the capture of the Litani river in Southern Lebanon, and maybe a chance to paste Syria. Israel needs water, something money cannot buy them. They must take the Litani or abandon the Zionist project. Expect more fireworks there. As for “events” in the” homeland”, they strike me as more necessary in response than as an initiative. “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it”, a concept the “liberally” ridiculed Bush can surely grasp, or at least the image of him with which we are presented. In his element he is credited with being a very sharp fellow. Do any of those among his sneering detractors think they could read lies off a teleprompter any better? It is undoubtedly a special skill, and any true believer in democracy should be more unsettled by a sitting or potential President who has it. There’s one woman who does sorta’ come to mind. As for the future the best words come from Russia’s Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, who said “Breaks definitely. Through or down I do not know.”
Duck and Cover!
Aside #1 – Life in SW Florida has made me something of a naturalist. That means “bootleg” biologist these days. I have ample opportunity to observe the American Anole. The males attract females by displaying their “thingies”, not what you may lewdly surmise, but instead a different flap of skin under their throats that is essential for males to get to the plate, but not biologically necessary for procreation. The male making the best display gets his, and whatever else he is packing suffices for the continuance of the species. Watching two of these lizards attempt to hook up on opposite sides of an artificially imposed barrier (the screen to my porch) seems to serve as a telling metaphor for much of what our “higher brains” seem to replicate on a grander scale.
Aside #2 – Tin-foil experiments. I came across an article where several MIT students conducted an experiment into the potential effectiveness improvised electromagnetic barriers, those things we more commonly know as tinfoil hats. Their research concluded that the aluminum tended to act as an antenna rather than a filter, and that the concept was unsound. I decided on my own experiment which consisted of a three-layer tea-cozy that I placed over my wireless modem. The layers, tinfoil-20lb copy paper-tinfoil seemed to have no effect on the strength of the signal (as measured by my notebook), but cut the data transfer speed in half. I have no idea what this means. Am I still getting zapped but get halved performance? Or does the quality of the signal reflected in diminished speed reflect some safety advantage? I leave it to the technically able among the Cyclone community to help me find out. Which leads me directly to my new 2012 theory. As our solar system moves toward the center of the galaxy, galactic radiation may ’86 our technologies creating total chaos. I’ll bet Kissinger knows. The event may not make the planet unlivable, and the weather may only get marginally worse (or better, LaPine may get record rainfalls for the next 100 yrs.), but there will be no more business as usual, and the ensuing breakdown may make the movie “Omega-man” look like a picnic.
The “ITD” (Improvised Tinfoil Device). I really don’t
know what it does


At 11:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's great to hear from you, Tom! I get a kick out of your terms "toe dancers" and "the collective (un) consciousness." lol.
I just read an article that may shed additional light on the non-rational choices that both the financial sector and the electorate at large have been making for years now: anti-depressant drugs. Such a huge percentage of our middle and upper class folks are on anti-depressants, no wonder they are in la la land! Take a hit of Prozak, wash it down with a few cocktails, and kick back and watch Celebrity Dance Fest or whatever it is - No Worries! Ain't life grand? Makes those chemotherapy treatments almost tolerable, no worries about the credit card interest rates or the tanking 401 retirement fund. Hell, think positive! Ha! Snort a line, and plunk some more money down on that hedge fund!
And, I bet you are right about Iran. It's not about the nuclear "threat." It's about the Iranian oil money bourse - switching from the US dollar for the oil to the Euro or basket currencies.
But, I don't think any amount of psychoactive prescription drugs or Nascar races are going to keep the rightwing fundies from being demoralized by these toe dancers and Regency College grads placed in high places and fucking up like mad. It would be funny if it weren't so sick. I suppose that next, Bush will appoint people from the "Ponds Institute" to head up the FDA. That sorry asshole. How could it have come to this?

At 2:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

Hi Tom – Good hard hitting post, although sitting over here in little Belgium some of the characters you mention are little known to me and even if I have heard their names I don’t know why they should be significant. That is not meant to detract from what you have said, more a reflection on my ignorance. I make a joke that The News here consists of reading the day’s speeding tickets and then saying who visited the town hall. That is not true of course, but the lead item will often be about a car wreck or a house fire. Bush gets a mention at the end every four to six weeks or so, even if that - really. I can’t for the life of me, decide if the networks over here are parochial, have decided not to propagate the big lie or if this is the way it is supposed to be. BBC World Service is OK but mainly I have to rely in the internet to catch up with world events and I don’t always have the time to be thorough.

I have heard of Hilary though and she would probably be a good soul mate with Angela Merkel. At least, we would hope, she wouldn’t get shitfaced and make pig jokes in public. Small mercies, huh. In your short summary of candidates you didn’t mention Denis Kuchinich, I thought he was one of the good guys. I know he isn’t on the top of the Bilderberger’s list but you don’t seem to rate his chances either.

You mention the US economy, and events in the East. So far as I know, the Iranian’s never formally opened a Euro Burse but for a month or so now, they have asked the fuel starved Japanese to pay for their oil imports in Yen. It costs the Japanese to buy Dollars and they are shrugging their shoulders and saying “Well if that is what the seller wants-“

This seems to be in keeping with the prediction that the PTB have written off the US and its economy and are concentrating its efforts on the other big land mass. What are these individual countries to do, play the PTB’s game or keep to a passè reserve currency just to stick a finger up at them?

On a related theme, have you heard that the countries of South America are combining to form their own central bank to rival the WB and the IMF only with a social face?

The real enemy as I see it, is apathy amongst the apathetic and a combination of attrition; misinformation and disinformation causing burnout from peering too long at the smoke and mirrors amongst those who visit sites like this.

Did aliens shoot down the communications satellite as a warning to the world and the Chinese just took credit for it. Who is to say?

At 10:39 AM, Blogger mrs p said...

Wow! What a post! Heard this a.m. on Democracy Now/Link TV ch.375 on Direct,ch.9410 on Dish, that "Weapons Manufacturers" are huge financial backers of Hilary. If this were made public, say on CNN or Faux...would so-called liberals be supporting her? I guess those middle of the country people might be thinking they'll get international law & order. At this moment CNN says stocks are falling.

As for the RFW's (radio frequency waves)suposedly so strong, according to many, a friend of ours thinks it's why the bees are dying, people getting brain tumors etc. But after viewing the documentary, "Crude Awakening," rented by a friend, through of all places, Blockbuster Dot Com and also from the same place rented "The Corporation" seems obvious that we are destined to continue the oil wars indefinately without a doubt. The wave of destruction of rape and pillage of the planet is so huge nothing could stop it, short of an invasion from outspace of giant women in pink spandex, or complete collapse. If alternative energy technology is held (in top secret by the CIA) then it must be revealed now by those who have the power to do so. We are indeed at a pivitol time. I can hardly stand to drive my 4 cylinder volvo but have no place to keep a horse nor the funds to feed one. I'd better get a motorcycle license.

At 3:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

Mrs P, the thought of you with your faithful companion Freeacre saving the world on motorcycles, dressed only in pink spandex is …………No, no, no, mustn’t go there.

At 10:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Great summary of where we are at politically and economically both for you folk in the US (I hale from the UK) and for the world as a whole. Like Belgium I am much less familiar with some of your less well known political figures. However, I think you are pretty spot on with Hillary Clinton, if she is to be the next president. She seems to support a variation on the status quo of the present ‘Powers That Be’ (PTB) elite, (e.g. the Bilderbergers and the ‘Illuminati’, whoever they may truly be). Such individuals and groups are clearly behind the big corporate players in the weapons, petrochemical, agrochemical, pharmaceutical and banking industries. You are also spot on with regard to the fascist inclinations of the Christian Fundamentalist movement behind the current Republican regime. In fact, whether shrouded in a cloak of ‘Christian Fundamentalism’, ‘Muslim Fundamentalism’, ‘Scientific Materialism’ or ‘Big Corporate Business Domination’, all the big political and economic players on our planet at present seem to be coming from a Fascist perspective. I believe it was Mussolini himself who stated that a better term for ‘Fascism’ is ‘Corporatism’, which is just what we are seeing prevail in our world today.

However, sooner or later, I believe, the PTB will fall. A lot of pain for us all will occur, I am pretty sure, before we can really see a much more enlightened and truly democratic leadership on our planet. To my mind this has to come from a grass roots level of ‘We The People’ (WTP). The problem with this though, is that most of WTP are completely hypnotised by the consumerist and need for security ‘carrots’ that the PTB dangle in front of our noses. When certain individuals and groups within WTP do start to see that beyond their selfish material and security needs there is in fact a much deeper spiritual truth, we are beaten into submission by the ‘sticks’ of propaganda, prejudice, fear and terror that the PTB wield to keep WTP in line. So, it seems, that very few of WTP, actually manage to detach ourselves from the entranced state in which the PTB keep us.

How do we awaken the millions entranced by the status quo? Indeed, can we awaken these folk, most of whom are decent folk trying to live decent lives? It is hard to find any clear answers to these questions, though I do believe that the more of us that group together to explore a much better future than the one that appears to be on offer from the PTB, can begin to make a difference. How fast or slowly this will occur really does depend on each of us and our ability to spread the word? I think their are more people out there with a much more positive vision of the future than we often realise. However, they, more often than not, are either unaware of each others existence or are too immersed in their own particular model or vision of the future to acknowledge that their may be a whole range of connected complimentary frameworks and paradigms that need to come together to create our collective future.


I know it is off topic, so I hope you will bear with me, but I now want to respond to some of the queries and ideas that were raised in the comments section to my own comments in the last post. I could of course place these comments there. However, I suspect that people tend not to go back to old posts once a new post has been set up. I hope readers here will not feel that I’m trying to dominate this blog with my ideas, and if they do, then please tell me and I will back off. However, I do think much of what I have to say has significance and importance for our future as a species. This may sound a little arrogant of me, though most of the ideas presented here are not my own but based on the writings of many others who are probably far more worthy of recognition than myself. I am just trying to link some of these ideas together. I am as fallible and human as anyone else and, like most of us, I have an ‘ego’, which is probably a bit too large at times. Everything I say is open to question. In fact to question and doubt is one of the most important things any of us can do. If in doubt try and find out the truth of something for yourself.

There are certainly plenty of ‘spiritual’ sources out there that are distorted (probably most, if not all) by the ‘ego’ of the author. Or worse, some ‘spiritual’ sources are a conscious attempt to manipulate those that receive the information. It is not necessary to accept or reject everything expressed from a given source. I pick out the bits that seem to speak to my heart and soul. If in doubt, reserve your judgement, but do not be afraid to criticise constructively. If the authors get a bit defensive at such criticism, then my guess is that something is not quite right. However, never debunk or ridicule. Such is the behaviour of persons who fear their own assumptions about reality are under threat. Discernment and discretion are excellent tools for weaving your way through the masses of information out there (on the Internet and in books and magazines) on the deeper spiritual truths of our existence.

So on that note I shall now try and respond a little more to those of you who have expressed interest in some of the material I have presented. However, I hope all who visit this camp fire will get some benefit from my ideas and thoughts.

Mrs P,

Glad you appreciated my input on the Yuga Cycle. However, I need to make a slight correction to my rambling on the cycle as understood by Sri Yukteswar. I indicated that the longer Yuga cycle of millions of years as held by mainstream Vedic scholars and practitioners was regarded by Yukteswar as mistaken. However, since making that statement I have learned that this is not the case. Yukteswar spoke of two Yuga Cycles. The first of these is the shorter 24,000 year cycle that equates with the precessional cycle of modern day astrologers and astronomers. It is that to which I was referring in my last comment. According to Sri Yukteswar we are now just over 300 years into the Ascending Dwapara Yuga (Bronze Age). However, I have yet to establish exactly where we are in the longer cycle, which according to Sri Yukteswar’s chief disciple, Pramahansa Yogananda (author of “Autobiography of a Yogi) is 4,300,560,000 years (approx 4.3 Billion Years) in length. Nor am I sure whether this larger cycle has descending and ascending phases or not, though I suspect that it might. However, I believe we are somewhere in the Kali Yuga of that greater cycle as opposed to being in the Dwapara Yuga of the lesser cycle. Anyway, the longer cycle is described as ‘A Day of Creation’ within Vedic the scriptures. Interestingly, it is close to the 4.5 billion years that Geologists tell us is the current age of the Earth. According to the Self Realization Fellowship (SRF), this 4.3 billion figure for the greater Yuga Cycle is apparently based on the relationship of the solar year to a multiple of pi (3.1416). It is thus just one day in a 314,159 billion ‘Age of Brahma’. The numbers now just blow your mind and I have no idea as to whether they relate to our understanding of time and space or not, so I shall say no more on this greater Yuga Cycle.

However, following the Yukteswar version of the Lesser Yuga Cycle, the Descending Dwapara Yuga commenced around 3100 BCE (3102 BCE to be accurate). This is very close to the beginning of the Mayan Long Count Calendar which has been calculated to have commenced in 3114 BCE. It is also worthy of note that this date approximately marks the classical beginning of ‘Dynastic Egypt’ (c.3100 BCE) and the beginnings of the construction of Stonehenge (c. 3150 BCE) and many other megalithic sites in the UK and North Western Europe. It is also close to the start (3076 BCE) of the so called ‘Saptarshi’ Calendar, still utilised in Kashmir. Finally, the fixed stars, Antares (the ‘Heart of the Scorpion’) and Aldebaran (the ‘Eye of the Bull’), were in alignment with the September and March Equinox points during that era (exact in 3051 and 3045 BCE respectively, according to my Starry Night Astronomy programme) during that era. These two 1st Magnitude stars, which lie very close to the ecliptic (apparent path of the Sun through our sky), are always directly opposite each other in the sky. However, it was only at that time in known history that they formed this precise alignment to the equinoxes. The next reversed alignment will occur in between 7,000 and 8,000 years from the present (i.e. 9000 to 1000 CE). The reverse alignment prior to the 3051/3045 BCE alignments would have been between 16000 and 15000 BCE. So if such stellar alignments are significant, and I believe they are, it is quite remarkable that such occurred on the cusp of what modern mainstream historians generally define as a marker point between prehistory and history. Whether this is all coincidence or not, I do not know? It does seem rather remarkable that at least four separate ancient cultures/traditions appear to identify that era as significant.

Of course if we follow the Sri Yukteswar Yuga System, then 2012 CE and our own era generally does not seem to stand out as particularly significant. However, other writers suggest that 2012 (e.g. John Major Jenkins) is in fact the cusp between the descending and ascending Kali Yuga’s. This latter option seems attractive to us today when we see how dire everything appears at the current time. However, despite this I find myself more in tune with Sri Yukteswar’s version, which places us 300 years into the Ascending Dwapara Yuga. Both the Kali and Dwapara Yuga’s are considered to be the more materialistic ages within this Vedic cycle. If we are in the ascending part of the cycle, which is still very clearly focussed on the materialistic, this does feel a little more hopeful to me in terms of where we are at in terms of human consciousness and awareness. As the cycle ascends toward the more spiritual higher ages we can hopefully look toward a better future. I do think their are signs of this, but they are still well hidden from public view in the realms of alternative scientific and spiritual researchers, explorers and experiencers. Our current mainstream institutions of materialistic science, consumerist economics, self-serving politics and traditionalist religion still need to awaken. In there place a more spiritual science, sustainable economics, democratic & people led politics and deep spiritual connectedness with nature and the cosmos need to arise.

However, the fact that we do live at an unprecedented critical time in the history of humanity does seem very clear to me, wherever we might be in the Yuga Cycle. The end of the Mayan Calendar at this time supports this. As an astrologer I also feel we are now in a transition zone between the end and beginning of the so-called ages of Pisces and Aquarius respectively. This latter assertion brings me back to the Galactic alignments of 1980 – 2016 (exact in 1998), when the Galactic Equator aligns with the solstices; and 2207 - 2243 (exact in 2225 CE, according to my sources), when the Galactic Centre will align with the December Solstice Point. I believe these and similar galactic alignments are the true markers of the so-called astrological ages, or as I now prefer to call them the Galactic or Zodiacal Ages. If I am correct, then we are already 27 years into a 263 year phase (1980 -2243) of transition.


You asked me for my take on the work of Ian Lungold. To answer this I need to refer to what, I believe, is Lungold’s chief source, Carl Johan Calleman. However, I first need to declare my own bias toward certain writers on the Mayan Calendar over others, who it seems to me tend to confuse and distort that which the Maya seem to have understood when they created the Long Count Calendar in the era of 300 BCE.

My primary sources are the writings of John Major Jenkins, most notably his books “Maya Cosmogenesis 2012”, written in 1998, and “Galactic Alignment”, written in 2002. I also heartily recommend Geoff Stray’s recent 2006 book “Beyond 2012”. The latter is an excellent but sober introduction to almost everything written about the 2012 end date and related phenomena, from the sublime to the ridiculous. His book is based on his website,, which is definitely worth close perusal before you consider buying his book. These two authors seem to be genuinely open to understanding what it is that the Maya believed and taught. Rather than go into too much detail here, I suggest you take a look at their websites. John Major Jenkins site is,

Rockpicker, I am afraid that I find Calleman’s presentation, and thus also Lungold’s, of the Mayan Calendar, to say the least misleading. However, rather than writing reams here as to why this is the case, I direct you to the following web pages on Jenkins website: -

I have to admit to having not read Calleman’s work, other than the email dialogue between him and Jenkins depicted in the above web pages. However, I have heard him speak on a number of internet shows and to be frank he has not impressed me. If you read the above email dialogues in full, I think you might begin to understand why I have some difficulty with Calleman’s theories and speculations, including those concerning his proposed day/night transitions. Additionally, for reasons that remain to me unclear he designates the end date of the Mayan Calendar as 28th October 2011, which seems to fly in the face of the findings of all other researchers into the Mayan Calendar. He also seems to deny that the Maya had anything of any importance to say about astronomy, most notably the Galactic alignment of which Jenkins writes. Finally, he dismisses astrology as a materialistic enterprise, clearly showing his ignorance of the subject.

This last truth is all the more bizarre to me because one of his apparent supporters is none other than Barbara Hand-Clow, a well known New Age Writer and Astrologer. I have recently read her book, “The Mayan Code” and was disappointed at her rather blind acceptance of Calleman’s theories and speculations. I find it hard to understand why an experienced astrologer would support the ideas of a writer who dismisses astrology as materialistic and unenlightened. I wonder if she has read John Major Jenkins critique of his work?

In reading Clow’s book, which uses both astrology and her own channelled communications from an entity known as Satya of the Pleiades, we also see support of Jenkins’ galactic alignment. Clow seems to be trying to bring these different theories together. I admire her attempt to try an reconcile the two perspectives, but feel she is compromising the truth of the Maya by doing so. In the end she seems to come down in support of Calleman over Jenkins, I feel.

As you can see this conflict between Calleman and Jenkins disturbs me, as I only want to know the truth and whether the Mayan Calendar and its end date is meaningful to us today. I do believe it is, but respect for the source, i.e. the Mayan people themselves, has to be central to understanding the truth of what they say and believe. To my mind, Calleman seems to have much less respect for the people themselves than does Jenkins. So, for me, Jenkins makes a lot more sense. His theories are no less spiritual in outlook than Calleman’s, despite the latter’s attempt to state otherwise in the email dialogues depicted above. Of course, Jenkins himself is far from perfect and I have a number of more minor criticisms of his own work. For example in the dialogues above he goes of on an unjustified and unnecessary tangent, I think, when he tries to define the difference between his view and that of Calleman’s as being rooted in the generational positions of Pluto, in Leo for Calleman and Virgo for Jenkins. This is a red herring and an overstatement of Pluto’s position by zodiacal sign in a given birth chart.

Rockpicker, now I have had my little rant, I hope you will not feel me disrespectful of your own beliefs. Of course, I could be completely wrong about Calleman and maybe Jenkins has got it all wrong, however, my heart, or is it my gut, tells me otherwise.

In a later comment to the last post you refer to having heard David Wilcock speak at the Project Camelot site. I agree that this man really has something important to say and I would urge you, if you have not already done so, to take a look at his own website at, His blog site on that website is particularly interesting and is updated fairly regularly. As an astrologer I am particularly interested in his belief that he is the reincarnation of the ‘Sleeping Prophet’, Edgar Cayce. The correspondences in their birth charts are beyond remarkable and the similarities in their appearance are really quite incredible.

Wilcock, like Clow mentioned above, is a channel for an alleged alien or higher intelligence, in this case a collective referred to as ‘Ra’. I am perfectly open to people receiving communications from higher beings, whether they be alien, angelic or from other dimensions. However, just as we can not always trust human writers and authorities to not always get it right, or even to have their own agenda, so to is this the case for alleged aliens or higher beings. Personally, I am just as questioning, if not more so, of channelled material than I am of more down to earth human sources of spirituality. However, I keep a very open mind and have no problem with the idea that we have been and are being visited by and in communication with a whole range of extra-terrestrial, extra-dimensional and metaphysical beings. Whether some or all of them have our interest at heart or not is, I believe open to question? However, I incline to the belief that many of them do have our evolution into more spiritual beings as the central reason for their communication and presence. However, though they may guide us, I do think it is down to us to co-create a better future for both humanity and the Earth.

I think their may well be some less evolved beings that have their own agendas. They may have even colluded with our very own PTB to support them in keeping WTP in the dark. That scenario, if true, is deeply worrying? With regard to the Project Camelot site, I too would recommend people listen to all the video material there. If true, some of it is pretty mind blowing stuff!

Another article to read that I would recommend to all of you, is entitled ‘Interplanetary “Day After Tomorrow?” David Wilcock has co-authored this article with Richard Hoagland. It can be found at, It illustrates very convincingly, to my mind, that it is not just the Earth that is undergoing astronomical, climatic and geological changes, but our entire solar system. This does rather challenge the view that humanity is responsible for Global Warming on planet Earth, something many of you may take issue with. However, it has to said are activities can only be adding to the wider externally sourced changes that this article purports our the driving force to climate change here on Earth. Incidentally, if the Sri Yukteswar version of precession is correct; that which involves our entire solar system revolving a round a common centre point with another star, our proposed binary companion, then the Hoagland/Wilcock explanation for major changes throughout our solar system begins to make even more sense.

Perhaps our solar system is moving toward any number of potential sources of cosmic energy within our galaxy? Perhaps this explains the sense most of us seem to have of impending changes in both human consciousness and the state of our beautiful planet? What ever the truth, it certainly does seem to be true that all the planets in our system, as well as the Sun itself, are undergoing unprecedented changes, which seem to be accelerating at this time in our history.

I think I have written more than enough now, probably too much. I hope I have not bored you all into one of those hypnotic trances of which I spoke earlier.

Best Wishes


At 10:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome! Mrs P and me on motorcycles - with our trout tattoos...maybe that's how we could all "ride" this thing out.

At 11:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Looking up all those references will keep us busy for
I watched that dumbassed Chis Matthews show on the tube this morning...all the same ol' yammering from the mainstream pundits about the economy ("no, I don't think there will be a recession, Chris...) and if the "American People" will go for tax increases (the Rich People, that is, which are the only ones they think about). Can you imagine them looking over our shoulder and having absolutely no clue what any of us are talking about?
The Murphinator and I are still getting blown away by the Derrick Jensen books. Now I'm reading a different one entitled "A Language Older than Words" that reminds me of Montana Freeman. He relates many anecdotal stories of people, or that is, humans and not humans communicating with each other. Very wondrous. I hope that when this horror show that is our culture ends, there will still be some of these others to talk with. Maybe they will be able to lead us back to the right path. This does tangentially relate to what you have written, Truthseeker, in that Jensen says that even the stars talk to us - sing, even.

At 5:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Truthseeker and Rockpicker and anyone else interested,

I haven't heard a word from any of you concerning Paul LaViolette. For those interested in astrology and it's implications to earth life, you might check him out. This guy is into establishing the scientific basis for astrology, and as an astronomer and physicist, he certainly has the credentials to speak on the subject.

At 8:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am so provincial, I'm down right colloquial when it comes to discussing these here new voices who add color and spice to this collective stew. But I do appreciate your sending links my way, and I will pledge a click in this guy, LaVoilette's, direction.

Meantime, you all should check out this video by Naomi Wolf. See what you think of this.

At 12:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have no particular links for this guy LaViolette. Friend loaned me a book by him, "earth under fire". You can google his name and get a bunch of web sites on him. He is cutting edge in science, some consider him way beyond cutting edge and in the kook range. Essentially he says that astrology and many of our edifices of ancient design were clues left by ancient civilizations to tell us what to expect in the future, they had it figured out.

Here is a page of his bio.
Notice the physics degrees and interests. Interesting guy for sure.

At 10:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

rp, murph.... laviolette speaks...

me-thinks the OSEN is the media project the DP promised to launch soon as they could get it funded.

from the for-what-its-worth dept... the web bot boyz intentionally stay away from speculating on intent as a way to keep the black suv's and helicopters from smashing down their doors to include staying away from injecting their own world view of things onto the interpretations of the data feed. but, when pressed, cliff did say it could be said that his world view would parallel that of laviolette.

as for why the DP has been so effectively suppressed, i agree, blame can be lain at the feet of the media merchants. but that greer, et al, actually think a congressional review panel could make any progress toward full disclosure might be in play too.

TS... speaking of astrology, are you familar with louie turi ... a unique astrological pov. i kinda like the way he put it in his latest cosmic code newsletter... "Indeed this Supernova window is quite tough for so many people but never forget your will (the part of god in you) is much stronger than the stars." not sure how turi's views lay over your mentors but you might want to check him out if you haven't already. he has a show on discovery channel coming on 28th called "the lost book of nostradamus." ...p

At 10:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

murph, rp... probably should have put it this way... cliff did say it could be said that his world view "would parallel that of laviolette's electric universe."

At 10:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Wholely shamolley! Thanks for that link.

At 10:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But how can Hillary win when so many Americans have a visceral distaste for her?

if you ask greg palast he will tell you she won't! she won't because the repugs are 2 elections into successful (and unsuccessfully challenged) voter fraud and the stage is set for 08. all things being equal in the ballot booth and the certification lines, she will win. lets just pretend there is no such thing as the pre-ordained chosen one and say the votes really do count. what re-elected bill in 96 was the women. when the demographics were sorted out that block was the sine qua non. and so it will be in 08. vote for hillary and you get bill and centrist repugs will cross the line to do it despite that she (and he) is divisive and polarizing. i seriously doubt she's any more divisive and polarizing than junior. that guy has shot the bar to the moon.

what would queer the deal (no pun intended) is the massive alignment of values voters with the jesus for president freeks.

so, in as much as she is pre-ordained by TPB, you may be onto something with your analysis tom re foley, craig, etc. it should be noted that this demographic, better known as the conservative christian republican base, is far from limited to the repug party in the red states where that base is in vast majority. there are many values voters scattered amongst the dems in these states. and that applies to the minority black and brown voters. and they vote those values. we found that out with the last mid-term. the dems only gained back the majority on the bible tinged tails of donkeys aligned with the so-called family values issues.

it is clear, on the surface at least, that none of the repub candidates are pre-ordained to serve TPB (except maybe thompson). but the chance that one of them could emerge as the favorite son of the perveyors of The Favorite Son cannot be taken lightly by the power broakers. add to that the very real possibility that the voter fraud agenda, led by rove and others, was just something cooked up within the ranks of a base that was mearly serving the goals of TPB in 00 and 04. iow, what was an asset to their end then may well be a liability when it comes to getting the girl in 08.

the only real wild card here might be ron paul. his grassroots base keeps growing and growing. i watched the last 2 debates on fox. its pretty funny watching sean hannity, et al tear him down while the crawler is showing him winning the debate by double anyone elses count. this is not coming from lou dobb's cnn. but i'd guess dobb's viewership is 10 to 1 for him. but this was on kick-their-ass fox news and paul is get-out-now-and-while-we-at-it- lets-close-a-bunch-of-overseas bases-and-save-a-trillion-bucks. granted the viewership is highly likely much broader than fox's regular crowd. but his popluarity among viewers casting ballots on the hawk of all hawk channels cannot be ignored. and i'm sure its not lost on TPB or the other candidates. if he does well in the early primaries i look for a character assasination attempt. this is the last guy on the planet TPB want in power and they will do whatever they have to to stop him if he comes to be a threat. his base is intelligent and well read on the issues. but his pro-life and values stance could easily catch fire when the masses get wind of it. what about his promise to bring the troops home? a couple of the guys who work for me are heavily involved in his campaign and tell me paul has received more campaign money from ACTIVE military personel than any other candidate. the money is rolling in. 5 mil last quarter. up 10 times from the previous. he's a force to be reconned with.

At 11:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

off topic... or is it? anyway, here's the word from the trees...

500 years old. 150 feet tall. 25 feet 'round. sentinals! speaking as if helpless children!!

what the trees had to say...

they spoke.

i listened.

they said...

"don't leave me"


"protect me"

did i hear right? here they stood. already protected. in fact protected for the last 70 years on 3840 acres which is now part of the 17,000+ acre slickrock wilderness area of the nantahala national forest of western north carolina. majestic to the ignorant eye.

so why were these wise ones so helpless?

being somewhat of a shade tree psychologist (pun intended) i'd say its from the same thing the shrinks might say were they to give them what they, as soverign, living, feeling, creatures, deserve. recognition! they are still reeling from the trama of ethnic cleansing that took out a whole nation of their brothers and sisters and children and came close, oh so close, to taking them as well.

it went like this; where they stand had gone through many owners who sought to cash in. but through a string of events that included the inundation of the area logging railway courtesy of a TVA hydro project, their fatal fate was delayed. in 1936 the US forest service, at the beheast of a private group of tree huggers, was seeking a stand of virgin timber to dedicate to the memory of joyce kilmer, fallen victim of WW1 and author of the famous poem, trees. by this time possibilities of finding a stand of old growth were slim to none. the current owners of the 3840 acres offered to sell. for 28.00 an acre.

sounds like a bargin eh? how benevelent of them these alturistic loggers.

BUT... the going price of what was left of virgin timberland was $3-4 at the time. so govt, being thrifty in those days, rejected and decided to wait em out. the barrons, knowing better how the game is played, moved in the equipment and cranked up the saws. the govt cracked and payed the piper 7 times the going rate.

so they still stand. or whats left of them. left to die of natural causes helped along by acid rain and the poision flowing in the veins from which they drink with their toes. or cry themselves to death. or maybe it was just me not being able to hear through my own trama. at any rate, i cry with them... p

At 4:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, p.
Even without logging, this is a rough year for the trees. So many are burning in California, and so many are dying in the drought-stricken areas all over the place.

How are you doing for water, p? And, Mrs p, are you in the fire area?

Wish you and everyone the best.

At 9:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

to all that attend this sacred council, there is good voice here.

standing on the south deck of the square tee pee, the moon overhead blotting out most of the stars i search for meaning in these things that are spoken of here,and there is great silence.this silence is the energy of all things she murmurs and it is in and of all things.
were it not for the fallen there would be no chance for that which is to be to be. i do not understand this thing which is said and once again she reminds me of who i am and the light of the universe opens up and the creatures of darkness skidder beneath the stones and rocks that hide their love and keep them safe,
these are the guardians she sings and they will be the ones that issue up that which has been lost to humankind. more will come which will contain the truth you long for,however you are afraid to render that awful piece of your self that snuggles within the recesses of your mind.
it is a frightening thing she says and i say how can it be frightening unless i know how it will turn out?
there you go she says, the fright is an illusion you hold on to and wear like a crown to ward off that which brought you here to this star. and that is? love your fear because your very existence depends upon your travel path.
there is the absolute freedom from fear she murmurs, without this freedom the path is closed to you and to all that seek to see the origin,to see the trees as brothers and sisters to commune with,to receive their total love for you, and die for you daily.the trees that give life have gentle voices and listen to every word that comes from your heart and respond in kind.
this day is beautiful and a great benediction for us langosta, she smiles her mind and sings her song of sweetness for all to hear,and in the close distance the songs of the coyotes join in and there is harmony in the moonlight.
peace to us all for we are love and much blessed this day

At 9:39 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...

The rains came with my son's eighteenth birthday Friday. I've been too busy praying in gratitude for both to post this weekend.

Great post Tom! I don't see Ron Paul winning the "Rethuglican" primary, either, even though he has the Right Wing, and the "Military Industrial" types scared shitless! He's got my attention, and he's the ONLY candidate that makes any sense on the issues that matter to me!

Hillary just ain't speaking to me! She says one thing one week, and when the money pours in from whatever group has an agenda against her views, she changes it! I'm sick to death of this bought-and-paid-for bullshit!

My wife Hazel is all for Hillary, but it's a long way untill the elections, and I just haven't decided yet. Right now, it looks like Ron Paul.

Mrs Palooka, and Freeacre in pink spandex on motorcycles?????!!!!! THAT should shake up the status quote!!!!LOLOL!!!

At 9:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We rejoice with you, Stoney, on the birthday of your son. Yea!! I know it's a victory. Good goin,' Kiddo! I am looking forward to hearing from you one of these days...

Maybe at the NEW SITE. Check out

Got to figure out how to put in those goofy nonsense letter word verification thingies... but see what you think.

At 10:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


"were it not for the fallen, there would be no chance for that which is to be..."

as fate would have it, one of ours has passed over, about the time you stood in the presence of this filling moon, recieving, not understanding, this cryptic moon- message. I'm very impressed, mf. My friend who died recently was multi-faceted, large as Whitman, and wanted only good.

"i do not understand this thing which is said and once again she reminds me of who i am..."

aye, then. you are who we know well and trust to say the truest things. Your words drip light,
like cobwebs on an arid prairie,
shortly after sun-up.

At 10:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I want to see Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich run together on one ticket and I really don't care who's name is first.

Bang! Bang!

At 5:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

S... mrs p probably belong with a mr p. palooka jes plaino ...p. but you right, i 'spect she and fa in pink tights on bikes be quite a site.

FA... me-thinks maybe one of dem jesus freaks conned the water nymph into signing one of those chastity pledges. maybe in a moment of pissed-offedness at the local rain troll prince cuz its sure been impotent around here. we'll soon have a real war too between ga, fla, and bama. i wonder if ole sonny has any idea how stupid he looks singing off on the promise of a few billion gallons to cool a new power plant and then bitch about a thirsty fish downstream. i swear i saw him eatin oysters the other day.

and then there's the mysterious disapearance of 22 billion gallons let go by the corp this summer. supposedly due to a faulty gauge. the only thing faulty about that is the f'n story. we got maybe 90 days and we're into dead pool. ole sonny cried he didn't want his grand babies drinkin such rot. never mind the main water plant is downstream of the sewage treatment plant! the storm sewers and the black water system all run together in atl's broken down antiquated system which poses 2 problems. 1, it'd cost so much to fix it its cheaper to pay the fines so thats what they do. 2, the system overloads so they open the valves and bypass the plant and dump raw sewage straight into the 'hooch. yum yum!!

fortunatly we're in a different water shed. aside from runnin out all we got to worry about is fertilizer, pesticides and chichen s--t!

At 9:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy Shit, I thought our water problems were bad! This is one more glaring example of this country not taking care of it's vital infrastructure. "Cheaper to pay the fines", indeed! If we didn't just spend a thousand billion dollars on Iraq, maybe we'd have some money to fix these problems (and others that are for the public good). But, no, not unless Halliburton begins to sell plumbing supplies...
Tip for young kids: Waste Water Engineering will be the new MBA degree.

At 10:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


This is a short comment.

I all of a sudden have lost the ability to post on Cyclones site, so I hope everyone reads this.

Freeacre and Murph have established a new campfire located at;

Here is what we are thinking. Cyclone was the originator of this site. Over time, it has changed quite a bit from its original formatting and subject material. If he ever decides to want to make use of the site again, it is left in tact for him. I hope he might visit the new campfire once in a while.

The new campfire will welcome post contributions from all that feel moved to write. Anyone that would wish to post an essay on the new site, please send it to us by email as a word doc for ease in working with it. Our email is

This will be the last post that we will put on this site. So if we wish the conversations to continue do come to the new site and let us know you are there.

Love and good thoughts to all, Murph and Freeacre. Aho

At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously I figured out what the problem was and put up a new post.

At 10:15 AM, Blogger mrs p said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 10:24 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...


A thousand billion indeed! If they had ALL the money Bush has blown in Iraq in one dollar bills, and started counting it when the first mud huts were erected between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, they would only be one third of the way finished!

It would take over 31,709 years to count to one thousand billion (or a trillion acording to US measure) That's three times longer than known civilazation has been on earth!

Think of what all that money could have done in this country? It makes me want to go completely SNAKESHIT!!!!!!!!!!!

FUCK!!!! I need a joint!


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