Thursday, December 22, 2005

Ranting About a Reader

I am going to apologize in advance for the posting today, but I simply can't help myself. Please understand that we will get back to business tomorrow, and there likely will never be a repeat of what you read today. I hope not, at least.

Yesterday, someone anonymously posted a comment to this blog. It was the usual Right Wing babble, calling me a conspiracy theorist, accusing me of being dishonest and confusing readers and distracting them from what the "real issues" were that face America. But, it went a bit farther. It also took a jab at readers of this blog. I permanently deleted the comment. I replied to the comment, but have deleted the reply as well. I did this mostly out of anger. Not anger at his ripping me, but anger at his implying that anyone who would take anything that I write seriously, simply could not be very smart. He wrote this in an arrogant, sarcastic and condescending fashion, as one would expect from a right wing neocon. To his credit, he did claim regret for voting for Boosh twice, but it's a little late for that apology in my view. (By now you have to be wondering, what is going on here? Stay with me, I promise I'll get to the point of all of this eventually.)

Anyone that chooses to comment here can feel free to tear me a new one if you so choose, I'm a big boy and can take it. However, do not blast people who read this blog, I simply won't tolerate it. I am responsible for what is written here, not the reader. I, unlike many other bloggers, accept anonymous comments. I do this with the knowledge that I may well get blasted on occasion, but I realize that it is a bit inconvenient to sign up simply to make a comment. Besides, a little blasting does me good every now and then. Nothing wrong with an occasional reality check.

I now wish that I had not acted so hastily and deleted this commentary. But, given that I did, you will just have to take my word for what he said. Essentially, he gave me a lesson in economics, telling me that the economy is in great shape, that there is no chance of economic failure in America, that no country or individual would dare call any notes that we owe them because they would fail as well, told me that my mortgage could be called at any moment, (duh), told me that there was no hidden power structure in this country, told me that I was a Y2K conspirator, told me to watch out for black helicopters hovering over my house, said that I was really North (Oliver, I'm assuming) and called me a dishonest conspiracy theorist who was taking advantage of the lack of knowledge of you, the reader. Quite a mouthful, actually.

My response was essentially that when he had the balls to put his name on something, I would likely give it a little more consideration, along with urging him to start his own damn blog talking about anything he wanted.

Well, this morning the anonymous one has struck again. Here is what he had to say today. I have removed the phony name that he said was his, although I'm not sure why I have. First, it is not his real name, and second, he posted it willingly. But, my conscience tells me that removing it is best.

Anonymous said...
You misinterpreted my comments about Y2K and Black Helicopters... they were purely meant as "tongue-in-cheek" jests (yes, at your expense)... you should read a bit more carefully in the future. As for logging in as anon, I just didn't feel like going through the rigamarole with the whole "register" bit. If I continue to visit these boards I may go through the excercise,.. no point in doing so now. My name is (name withheld), and I live in (city withheld)... Frankly that's all you need to know about me.

I find your comments about Cheney being gone and Bush perhaps "staying on",.. to be a low risk "prognostigation"... sort of like a projection that the stock market will have a really bad month sometime in 2006. After all, the guy's had more heart procedures than most men would have if they lived to be 180.... of course if Bush and Cheney both suddenly resign, I'll return here and sing your praises as loud as you like and eat as much crow as I can hold.

What is most amusing about your reply however, had nothing to do with your content, but rather your refusal to post it under the lame-ass excuse that I posted as anon.... Did my debunking unsettle you that much?

Go ahead and post it up there, and let your loyal readers decide.

I will briefly respond to the above comment, although yesterday's deleted comment would have actually been more fun. No, I didn't misinterpret anything, and I don't need advice on how to read. If going through the "exercise" is simply too much for you, please don't. I frankly hope that you don't come back to this site several times per day as you currently do. In fact, I wouldn't mind if you never came back. I will decide on my own how much I need to know about you, thank you very much. As for singing my praises should something occur that proves me correct, don't bother. I don't do this so I can jump up and down and say, "see, I told you so." In fact, I wish to God we had never gotten here in the first place. I was perfectly happy prior to Booshco. Debunking unsettle me? Laughable. First, there was no debunking, and second, you have no ability to unsettle me whatsoever. Yes, I think I will let my loyal readers decide. Thanks for your permission.

That's it. Now, to the point of all of this. This person, (I'll call him Bill simply for convenience sake) should have realized that I am an investigator, and that I don't hide that fact. Bill should have known that by posting anonymously, it might not be quite as anonymous to someone like me as he thinks. Bill should have realized that I would find out that the name he gave me was false. And, finally Bill should have known that I would discover the hidden agenda behind his writings. And I have.

You see, Bill doesn't like what I have written because Bill works for the Federal Reserve Bank. I know exactly what branch Bill works for, and I know Bill's real name. I won't divulge this information in order to protect him, although I'm not sure why. The less Bill's around the better off we probably are. Bill hopes that I am wrong about the economy, because if I'm right, Bill will be searching for a job in another field, along with a couple hundred million other people. Once the economy implodes, we won't need low ranking Federal Reserve employees around any more than we'll need accountants. Bill has bought into the "bill of goods" sold to him by his employer and boss, the Federal Government and George Boosh. Bill has bought into the theory that "it will be okay because it's always been okay." Bill doesn't see any problem with us racking up Trillions of dollars of debt because it assures Bill of having a job. Bill has bought into the "let's spread democracy around the world and we'll all live happily everafter" bullshit. Bill has bought it all, the whole neocon package. And Bill runs from the truth and reality like a gold medal sprinter. Yet Bill visits this site every day, usually multiple times. Bill even does it on company time, times when we the taxpayer are paying Bill's bills.

So, that's my story for today. Bill, go play somewhere else. Your neocon spew does not intimidate me in the least, it only shows that you are ignorant enough to buy what Booshco offers to sell you. I do my best to tell the truth, as I see it, and I don't mind being corrected when I'm wrong. I do mind being spoken to like a 3 year old, and I am highly offended when you claim that the readers of the Real Deal are simpletons. I imagine that they are offended as well. As they should be. The real simpletons are the ones like you, who absolutely refuse to look at reality, and who believe every word that the Boosh administration, the most corrupt administration in the history of the United States, tells you.

Only Stoney, Rockpicker and a few others will get this last line; Thanks for stopping by, Johnny-boy.



At 1:17 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...

(A) I've been reading this blog since I first found out it existed. I've known Cyclone from my days as a poster on thr Alternet. Several times on various subjects on the Alternet posts, Cyclone has said things would happen that did. I make my own judgment as to what is fact and what is conjecture. Many times I've found out that what passes for comjecture today turns out to be fact tomorrow. If you loo0k at something from all angles as Cyclone does you will see what's coming. He doesn't get paid for this and pretty much gives his insights to us free of charge. So Cyclone, Thanks.

(B)Once again, Rockpicker has given freely of his incredible talent. Thanks, Brother! RAGE ON!!!

(C) Johnnyboy, if you must be an ass, please go to! I love shredding neocons! Alternet won't let me do it anymore! But Cyclone will! I look forward to finding your drivel here before Cyclone does!

At 1:44 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


Another wonderful poem. I don't know how you do it, I've tried but it is a special talent. My poetry sucks! I can write music, occasionally make sense with political stuff, but poetry is way out of my league. Thanks for sharing, it should be moving to anyone who gives a damn about the suffering caused by Booshco.


At 1:52 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


Yes, johnny-boy has arisen from the neocon hole he hides in. I will ignore him from now on, trashing every comment I catch him making. I'm sure I'll miss a few, this board seems to be getting a lot of comments lately. I hate to censor anyone, but I refuse to allow him to infect this blog with his insane spew. Any conservatives are welcome to voice their opinions, I'll listen and accept their criticism. I don't want to turn this place into a love fest, if someone has something different to say. He, however, has proven himself unworthy of consideration over the last year or two. I just hope I don't lose too many regular readers over a personal dispute that I chose to make public. I hope that people will pick up on his stuff should I miss it, and dismiss it out of hand. Thanks,


At 4:22 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


Anything I can give you on 9/11 is merely an educated guess. EVERYTHING is bottled up, which makes my guess a little more educated. I suspect that it will be a long, long time before anyone goes down that path. No leaks from the hill, no one wants to touch it. When every member of the House and Senate refuses to talk, that tells me that they know things that they don't want Americans to know. They'll usually talk about their mothers farting if somebody will put a mic in front of them. Guessing, I would say the Saudi connection is too dangerous to play with. A couple of things could speed things up some. One, if the CIA finally decides to totally unleash on Boosh. Two, when Abramoff pleads guilty, if he can take about half of Congress with him (a distinct possibility) and we get fresh blood with some balls in office, something MIGHT start trickling out. I say might, because if it is too inflammatory, even newbies might be scared off. My guess is that if it doesn't come from the ex-CIA people, it won't ever come out. Conspiracy buffs will talk about it forever. Some young person will make it their life's passion to get to the bottom of it, but I can safely say that neither you or I will be around to find out. Not satisfactory by any stretch, but reality as I see it.


At 6:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Cyclone,

I've run across the likes of "Bill" more than once. They carry on the discussion with a kind of condescending sneer - they are so deluded in their smugness that they believe the only response to arguments counter to their own is summary dismissal, wrapped in pseudo-logic that goes nowhere, but gives them the gratification of hearing themselves talk - they will not entertain the idea of applying anything remotely resembling analysis and consideration of divergent ideas, because it might cause them cognitive dissonance. Their rhetoric and ideology are religion to them. They seem to believe that if they can apply the mechanics of rhetoric cleverly enough, so it at least sounds (to themselves) like they won an argument, then actual reality and the laws of physics will morph to accommodate their arguments and desires.

And as far as the economy doing well? I don't know what planet these people are living on. My own situation is a case in point - I have 23 years experience in software engineering ina R&D environment, most of that doing cutting edge work in factory automation with a major electronics manufacturer. That company imploded about 4 years ago. After 18 months, I eventually got a job, but not in software (strangely enough, in financial services), and making less than 1/3 of what I used to make. Let's talk to "Bill" after he loses his job and see how he feels about the economy then.

Off on some other tangents ... I'm watching events unfold, and here is a remote possibility of things to come. There's a good chance that, rigged voting machines and gerrymandering aside, the Democrats, or even better a coalition of democrats and progressive independents, could take control of both houses with the 2006 elections. This would result in the replacement of Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the House, with a democrat. The Speaker is, after the VP, next in line for accession to the presidency. If this event could be engineered simultaneously with the impeachment of Bush and the indictment of Cheyney, we might be able to get the fascists on the run. As impeachment itself does not remove a president, and since the indictment of Cheyney in and of itself might not force him from office, We'd have to somehow get Cheyney out first, followed shortly by senate conviction and removeal of Bush, before he has a chance to select a new VP and have nim confirmed.

Any deviation from this scenario could make things worse than they are now. If Bush is impeached but Cheyney is still in office, we'll likely end up with someone like Frist as VP (pardon me while I retch at the mere thought). If Bush is not impeached but Cheyney is forced out by impeachment or myocardial infarct, we could again end up with Frist as VP, but given the sentiments of the more reasonable elements of the republican party lately, maybe we would get someone like McCain as VP. That would almost be palatable (I live in AZ for 25 years before moving back to PA).

All of this is a stretch, admittedly. But one can dream.

Finally, I'm disgusted that congress did not have the balls to drive a stake thru the heart of the Patriot Act when they had the chance. When they first passed the "temporary" Patriot Act, I said, 'yeah, right - just like temporary taxes'

Thanks for letting me rant on your blog, I don't have the time or discipline to maintain my own.

At 6:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And another thing ...

Rockpicker should be appointed poet laureate of whatever form of society emerges from the post-fascist/post-industrial meltdown.

At 8:28 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


Rant on. As for "Bill," I agree with all that you said and would toss in that he's full of shit as well. And, the economy sucks, regardless of what Boosh wants to tell anyone. Everyone is struggling, except for the ultra rich.
As for elections, we can only hope for a landslide. Even Booshco would have trouble stealing under those circumstances.
As for impeachment and such, Cheney is not to be worried about. He is history. Hear that "Bill?" I also do not believe that Frist is a problem. I plan to write a piece about this soon, maybe tomorrow.

IF I can get Christmas shopping done early enough, that is. If not, I'll probably take off until Monday unless something big happens, like Boosh has a bike wreck and needs stitches or breaks a wrist or something. A cast would even be better. He could get Dick and the boys to sign it and then sell it on Ebay. A Boosh cast, I might even buy it myself! After fumigation, of course.
You are correct about rockpicker, he's a genius. Have a good one,


At 10:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh Cyclone, you're positively nice about all that. I don't think I would have been so nice... it's your blog after all, you're certainly entitled to deleting a-hole comments if you like.

FWIW, I love your blog, it's so refreshing to read some forthright commentary for a change. The bullshit of everything has become onerously burdensome here of late. Its actually relaxing to take in some honest assessment about things, regardless of how dismal it might be.

I have a pet theory that people like your Fed commenter will wipe themselves out when TSHTF, given their neocon proclivities toward violence, and that whatever gene predisposes people to denial will go with them. And maybe Peak Oil will prove to be a population bottleneck that causes some new evolutionary strain of better human beings to carry on more intelligently than we have managed.

In any event, keep up the good work. Your efforts are much appreciated, whether or not a few deniers care to throw hissy fits.

At 8:35 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Thanks for the nice comments, they are appreciated. As for "Bill," I have been battling with him and a few others for a long time, and I find him intolerable. I don't mind, in fact welcome, views from the other side. But when the attacks are aimed at people like yourself and others that read this blog fairly regularly, I won't put up with it. And with him, he is through here. I don't care what he writes, when/if I find it, it's gone. There are a few other Fed's visiting here several times per day, and they are not of the banking variety. Their stuff will stay up. I just am amazed that they think that I can't find out who they are and what they are doing. But, when we reach the point where blogs like this are deemed dangerous to national security, it's over anyway. So, I'll just plod along. Have a nice Christmas,


At 10:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog for about 2 weeks now. Good stuff and truthful. I have done a lot of reading on 9/11 and my theory is that the US government is responsible for it. Anybody that reads enough about it on the Internet can figure that out on their own. Believe it or not the US government was even responsible for Pearl Harbor. We had secret stations that could intercept the Japanese transmissions, all the good battle ships where moved out of Pearl Harbor, before the Japanese came and only the older ships along with thousands of good Americans serving their country died. Read this link it talks more about it.

Another thing that you will notice is that NO clear footage of the plane that supposedly crashed into the white house was ever aired on TV. The CIA or FBI (can’t remember which one I read) confiscated all videos including the ones from the highway cams, gas stations and hotels that had cameras pointed at the White House. It’s rumored that the security employees that saw the videos where shocked when they saw that it was actually and missile or projectile the crashed into the white house and not a plane. Read this, its not the same link I found, but same idea.

The US government has been pulling this kind of crap for years. It’s just never been this obvious. I want to thank Cyclone for posting that truth. It’s almost impossible to convince other people of what is going on underneath their own noses. My own brother-in-law voted for bush twice and does not believe what I tell him and my sister about 9/11 and this corrupt government. But some day and I hope I’m not here. They will see the truth, but by than it will be too late to do anything about it. Thanks for letting me post this on your blog and keep up the good articles.

At 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few more things about 9/11 and I know this is not a 9/11 blog or forum, but please allow me to make my point. If you look at the way the buildings collapsed it looks like a professional demolition job. The way the towers where built, was such that a Jumbo jet could have crashed into them and not brought them down. The ONLY (Jet fuel does not burn hot enough to melt the support beams as the government claimed it did) way to bring down the towers was to place small changes at specific parts of the buildings. Also the buildings where leased by an individual weeks before the incident. Who insured them twice and made hundreds of Millions, because of 9/11.

My conclusions about 9/11 are that:

1. 9/11 was planned by the US Government, as there is no real proof that it was Arab terrorists that brought down the planes. It could have been brainwashed agents. My friend is an ex marine and he told me some scary shit about being in the marines. Like going into watch these videos that seemed to brainwash them into killing machines.

2. 9/11 Gave Booshoo and his administration an excuse to invade Iraq and walk all over our rights with their fascist Patriot Act, which does nothing but give them WAY TO MUCH POWER and is why Booshi thinks he is the all mighty dictator and can do whatever he wants.

3. The Neocons that are running the show are the guys that own most if not all the magazines, newspapers, TV channels. Not only do they control the government, but what we hear and see. It’s all around us kind of like the Matrix. The people that own Companies like Disney and Time Warner are the Real neocons. They are the ones that are running this Bush propaganda machine and fooling the rest of the sheep out there who think everything if fine and dandy. Sure I have to work 2 or 3 jobs to support my family, but that’s OK, because Boosh says America is safe. B.S. is what I say.

This is all I have to say about 9/11. Thanks for allowing me to post on your blog. I hope big brother does not come to get me for what I have just revealed:).

At 11:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excuse the typo from my first post. I meant to say the plane crashed into the Pentagon NOT the White House. Didn't get much sleep last night as I have a month old daughter.

At 1:21 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


9/11 is something that someone else is going to have to tackle. I have no idea about it, other than to say that we probably don't know the whole story and probably never will. So, I'll leave that one to others. I'll keep my focus on Booshco and try to help inform people about what I do know about. Thanks for reading and for your comments,


At 2:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Cyclone
Regarding "Bill", I think that he's probably very scared right now. Deep down inside he must realise that what he reads here rings true and that your words indicate a very different future than the one he was hoping for. It's not unusual for someone to lash out upon hearing bad news and that's just what he seems to have done. Regards


At 3:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Cyclone

I read with amusment that there are actually people out there that believe the US economy is doing well.... I suppose anyone in the financial end of things have to believe as that is their particular bread and butter. Also those with close ties to this present putrid administration... nuff said on that.

I will admit that I do not know much about economics however I like to read and study the various activities happening around the globe in relation to what is happening in the USA.

The area I am fascinated with at the moment is the impending start of the Iranian Oil Bourse and its potential effects on the economy. All a latent minded individual has to do is think of all the oil being traded from that particular part of the world, of which is based on the US greenback and then imagine that same oil as it is to begin being traded in a Euro and one can surmise what an effect that could have on the US economy.

To offset this the sabres continue to rattle toward some kind of an altercation with Iran, which will also have a devastating effect on the economy, unless you are heavy into armament supplies. The present activities involving the War on Terror in Afghanistan and the illegal occupation of the USA in Iraq is taking a heavy economic toll, imagine the increase in military spending to go jousting with the likes of Iran.

Then there is Russia and China who are in the background and have indirectly and at times directly voiced their support of Iran regarding a aggressive move by the US. It all makes for some wonderful reading..

So if Bill thinks the economy is doing well one only needs to understand that it is on the brink, and a catastrophy in any one direction will have a devastating domino effect... but the USA will really feel the brunt of a total economic collapse. If for no other reason as we have lost much of the manufacturing industry that fueled the economy for decades. Hell Ford and GM are finally seeing the writing on the wall that being those pesky imports are kicking their collective asses.

Finally I want to say keep up the great work. I read you blog entries as close to daily as possible. There are plenty of "Bills" out there and they will always have their opinion, and you know opinions are like A-holes, everybodys got one, but some are more effective than others. ;-)

Merry Christmas Cyclone I look forward to your continued efforts to educate and inform the masses.


At 9:49 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


I think you are probably correct. But, we go back a ways and "Bill" can't keep from making it personal. I don't mind for me, but when he drags innocent folks who come here just to read into his vile nonsense, I draw the line. When his bubble is burst, he'll look up and say, "what the hell happened?" In the meantime, I'll delete every comment he makes. Thanks for watching from across the pond, I apologize for what we are doing to you.


At 9:54 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


The economy is good because Boosh says it is.

Illegal Wiretapping is legal because Boosh says it is.

The Chinese are licking their chops, waiting to pounce.
You get it.

Thanks for your steady and reliable support. Have a great and safe Christmas,


At 2:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If "Bill" is so confident about the US economy....why has there been an unusually immense injection of M3 funds released just these past few dayz...??


At 8:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like your anonymous banker critic was not debunking but more sort of attempting to REbunk. The layers of bunk are looking increasingly tattered and thin these days, they need constant attention and reapplication.


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