Thursday, September 20, 2007

Here is a new post from our friend in Belgium. Doing his typical thing, he has again done research and has supplied references. Interesting stuff. Murph

Albert Pike and The Big Picture

A new post from Belgium

Albert Pike was a barrel chested Brigadier-General in the Confederate Army who had a Karl Marx beard and General Custer like shoulder length flowing hair. Born in Boston in 1809 he filled his sixty years with so many activities it would take others three lifetimes to do the same, assuming others had his ability to succeed. For the crime of being on the loosing side in the Civil War he was charged with treason along with other similar captured officers. A simple oath of allegiance to the North secured his release, as was the custom of the times, only his oath was delivered personally to President Andrew Johnson. Johnson later admitted in private that Pike had the superior intellect. There are unsubstantiated reports that Pike could read and write in sixteen different languages although not many saw him use anything other than English. This is not to disparage his character it is just an unproven quirk. Other interests and activities included being a poet; philosopher; frontiersman; soldier; humanitarian and philanthropist. He is the only Confederate ever to have had a statue of him erected in Washington DC and is reported, although not proved, to have held very high office within the KKK.

That is a half-interesting bio of scarcely known military figure from another century. So what is it about Pike that makes him worthy of our attention today?
Firstly he brought Scottish Rite Freemasonry to America then hijacked this organisation to hide a highly secret Cabalistic Group within it. He claims that whilst in a trance, a vision was revealed to him by Lucifer (Go along with this for the time being) of how to bring about a One World Order. He predicted, completely accurately the first two World Wars and the events within them and also predicted with frightening accuracy the events which are unfolding at the present time. He even predicted the existence of the State of Israel, which could not have possibly been known in the 1860’s. It is believed that shadowy world leaders are following this blueprint, knowingly or not, to engineer the third and final World War.

A Brief Overview of the Masons

Stone masons were the technocrats of the day. These were the people who built temples and cathedrals, they were a level above smiths and potters and were amongst the first to group together to form a Trade Guild. This was a fraternity of people who had attained a high standard of proficiency in their profession and in order to maintain this standard had made entry into it only open through the route of apprenticeship or honoury membership. In other words it was not a club where you could leave your name and address at the door, pay five dollars and receive a membership card through the post. Honoury members used this exclusiveness to form a secret order within an exclusive organisation that had certain allegiances to the underworld and it was certainly not for the foot soldiers to be privy to the Generals thoughts. Even today, rank and file Freemasons are puzzled by this need for secrecy and ritual within their organisation. Many years ago I lived next door to a Freemason whose full time job was to produce the glossy advertising brochures for Ford cars. Quite out of the blue one day he said to me “I don’t know why these people keep banging on about King Solomon and why we are not supposed to tell anybody about it, he was just a guy from history who lived and died”.

Two Views of History

There are two ways to view history, one is The Accidental View and the other is The Conspiratorial View. In the accidental view, which is the preferred doctrine in Western schools and is later reinforced by the controlled media, we are taught that all world events including wars, revolutions etc were the result of some surprising, unforeseen event that may cause some corresponding change. Whilst earthquakes, volcanoes and happenings in the Universe can be attributed to this view it is unreliable for events influenced by mankind. When many people are confronted with the alternative view, the shocked disbelief that results from their conditioned training will not allow them to see things a different way.

Conspiratorial History, on the other hand, teaches us that world events such as wars, revolutions etc are the result of planned events. Whilst this is not good for geological events, it is realistic and accurate for the interrelationship of people and nations. Because events concerning the interplay of peoples and nations are most often planned in secret, the term Conspiratorial History is used since this is the definition of a conspiracy.

It is believed that current world events are not circumstantial but are the result of an organised campaign by an elite group of unseen and widely unknown world leaders whose goal it is to exercise absolute dictatorial control over the world. This conspiracy is very large, deeply entrenched and therefore extremely powerful. It is working to achieve absolute and brutal power over the entire human race by using wars, depressions inflations and revolutions of their own making to further their aims. The Conspiracy’s one unchanging purpose is to destroy all religion, all existing governments, all traditional human institutions and out of the wreckage create their New World Order.

What Albert Pike Said

Albert Pike is widely reported to have written a letter to the Italian revolutionary; founder of the Mafia and high ranking Illuminate member Giusseppe Mazzini, outlining a plan whereby a One World Government could be brought about in the twentieth century by a series of wars and revolutions. Although the whereabouts of this letter is no longer known, it is widely quoted and its contents was known to selected people in the eighteenth century. This has brought Pikes authorship into some doubt, although there are few others who could have written it, no one else has claimed responsibility for it and its contents were not denied over 150 years ago.

This letter said the following things (extracts):

“The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the "agentur" (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions."

Students of history will recognise that the political alliances of England on one side and Germany on the other, forged between 1871 and 1898 by Otto von Bismarck, co-conspirator of Albert Pike, were instrumental in bringing about the First World War. One can appreciate why Kaiser Wilhelm II, at the outbreak of war in 1914, exclaimed that 'Nicky' had 'played him false'. For the rulers of the world's three greatest nations - King George V of Great Britain and Tsar Nicholas II of Russia on the one hand, and the German Kaiser on the other - were not simply cousins, they were first cousins. “If their grandmother Queen Victoria had still been alive,” said the Kaiser, “she would never have allowed them to go to war with each other”. So the whole history of the twentieth century could have been rewritten if the old Queen had been around to crack a few heads together.

"The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm."

After this Second World War, Communism was made strong enough to begin taking over weaker governments. In 1945, at the Potsdam Conference between Truman, Churchill, and Stalin, a large portion of Europe was simply handed over to Russia, and on the other side of the world, the aftermath of the war with Japan helped to sweep the tide of Communism into China.
Those who argue that the terms Nazism and Zionism were not known in 1871 should remember that the Illuminati invented both these movements. In addition, Communism as both an ideology, and as a coined phrase, originates in France during the Revolution. In 1785, Restif coined the phrase four years before revolution broke out. Restif and Babeuf, in turn, were influenced by Rousseau - as was the most famous conspirator of them all, Adam Weishaupt.

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilisation, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

It is really of no importance what your personal religious views are or whether you do not have any. What is important is that you recognise what the world’s power brokers believe, how world events are being manipulated and how that will affect you.

Since the terrorist attacks of Sept 11, 2001, world events, and in particular in the Middle East, show a growing unrest and instability between Modern Zionism and the Arabic World. This is completely in line with the call for a Third World War to be fought between the two, and their allies on both sides. This Third World War is still to come, and recent events show us that it is not far off.

One confusing factor however is that after the predicted fall of communism, Russia’s black wealth was supposed to be sequestered by the so-called Oiligarchs. They did not reckon on its repossession by the highly nationalistic Putin. Thus the growing might of Russia is now being allied with that of China. A counterbalance grouping for energy and trade has been formed by the SCO. Although this is supposedly not an eastern NATO it is known that Russia and China are supplying arms and technology to the Middle East. What is uncertain is in the event of any new world conflict, China would play it straight with its multi-polar principles or whether it would make a grab for Taiwan. In all likelihood it would not see a conflict of interests here.

The re-emergence of Russia when it is supposed to be a broken force could explain the recent attempted accord between the NWO represented by the Kissinger group and Putin.

If a Third World War has been ordained then when will it start? Some of those who are skilled at looking to patterns in historical events claim that it has already started on 11 Sept 2001. In a similar way, the serious fighting of WW11 only started seven months after it was formally declared in Sept 1939. Between then and April 1940 both governments were attempting to broker a face saving peace whilst taking the time to build up their respective arsenals. Yes, U boats were attempting a war of attrition by sinking the allies merchant shipping and for the allies part they neutralised Germanys pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee. Neutral Holland and Belgium braced themselves for attack but the winter weather of 1939 was atrocious and not suitable for Blitzkrieg air attacks. In a similar way, it is claimed that not all of the conditions for complete and overwhelming success are in place for WW111. When they are it will begin in earnest.

Have you noticed that after the derisory 9/11 Commission report, there has been no attempt by the authorities to clear up inconsistencies in the official story? This is quite deliberate. The best analytical minds are suspended in a time warp, looking backwards and people who spend their time looking backwards seldom see where they are going. The event organisers are quite happy with this situation. Action and reaction, cause and effect, people just don’t get it. The best time to hit someone behind the knees is when they are looking in the wrong direction.

This blog was started to vent outraged feelings over Plamegate. This episode however should be viewed as a single step in the context of the overall WW111 plan.

On a slightly lighter note, if that is possible, most of us remember Sleepless in Seattle. Shitfaced in Crawford sounds like a good movie title to me. At first, I think, Bush liked being the decider guy and maybe he is a Christian non entity and maybe he believes he has God’s ear but the leader of the free world has found he is struggling against the current in the stream of stronger forces. The enormity of what is required of him has finally touched brain base.

Yes simultaneous world insurrection would do the trick but those in command of the situation are now past caring. Likely active groups and individuals have been identified and all the plans dealing with Martial Law are now in place, which was the object of 9/11 all along. How their plan affects individuals, en mass, is of negligible concern to the event organisers.

On a separate observation, did anyone notice Rumsfeld’s timing of the announcement that the Pentagon had somehow just mislaid 2.3 Trillion dollars? It was the evening of 10 Sept 2001. What a coincidence! Try telling your mortgage company that you have just mislaid their next payment and see if you get the same reaction.

How Will it Play Out?

There are very, very few that know the answer to this one and even now there may be fine tuning going on. Has Korea been neutralised or was Kim’s great non-event part of a wily game on his part? What will happen in Pakistan? With Musharief’s position looking more precarious, could the Shiite minority gain the upper hand and support Iran with their nuclear arsenal?

Here is one possibility although your own guess is just as likely.

The US occupation in Iraq will be widened into a greater theatre with Iran the most likely candidate. Israel will isolate itself totally from Palestine and then join in the free for all to the East. Syria and Hezbollah will attack Israel from the North. Pakistan may neutralise any nuclear threat from Israel but Israel may go anyway. In a separate theatre, China may grab Taiwan. India could stay out or could join in on the US side to settle old scores with Pakistan. If Russia is attacked by US missiles from Europe, then this really is show time. The results of this are too unpredictable for me to conjecture.
In the US, the above events augmented by 9/11 (11)(possibly involving the recently missing Nuke) will cause the Constitution to be set aside and Martial law to be introduced. The collapse of the US dollar will probably take the Euro with it. Biological weapons will probably be used to further reduce what is left of the world population including Africa courtesy of the Gates Foundation.
The great unknown is what part the SCO countries will take in this but you can be certain the PTB will not start unless they can be sure of playing the game through.
If Iran is attacked then that is ‘Game On’.

What Can You Do?

As Freeacre recently reminded us, those who are prepared, have an enormous advantage over all others and there is much that can be done to prepare. JFK once said “The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining”. When storm clouds appear over the horizon it is time to put the final plans into action to avoid being complete sitting ducks. Do not rely on your elected representatives to play the part of a second Moses, they are part of the plan. Little Belgium has not had a Government for three months now. Not only will they not help you, they may actually put you in harms way (remember New Orleans). The biggest advantage you have is what is inside your head and what many others do not have in theirs.

One thrust of this blog has been self-survival. - Visit as many survivalists web sites as you can and action the things from them, which you can relate to.

Make sure your financial affairs are in order. – Assuming you are still around when everything is done and dusted, do not believe that the Illuminati are going to let you off the hook with the credit for that shiny home cinema that you just had to have.

Get yourself in as good physical shape as you can – visit the gym if you can or at least engage in some physical outdoor activity like putting the winter wood by. Unfortunately for people like me, older and rounder are words that seem to go together.

Decrease your amount of TV time and compensate for it with reading. Printed word or Internet articles are both good. We have all heard the phrase, ‘100 channels and nothing to watch’. I know many people have not found out about it yet but I am reliably informed that your TV set has an off button. And there is the very old joke about the couple whose TV broke down and their marriage improved. Try to find others who may be interested in a mutual self-survival program. Choose them carefully, you don’t want them to take you into their confidence and behind your back send for the men in the white coats.

Do not expect the MSM to give you reliable information. Most that visit here have gigabytes of trustworthy URL’s assuming that the Internet is still up and running.

Cover your online tracks so that you cannot be accused of ‘terrorism’.

Try to develop more than one line of income.

Learn how to relax or at least not to become stressed out as events around you take a downturn.

Those of you that are in countries where it is legal to own weapons, make sure they work and are readily available and that you have plenty of ammo.

Try, so far as possible, to bring those closest to you along with you. When the time comes, you do not want to be fighting the enemy and each other. This is really a recipe for disaster.

Above all, Prepare, Prepare, Prepare. Cary a tent and survival gear or at least a grab bag in the back of your car or in the corner of your garage. Cash is negotiable, in a time of national crisis your plastic may not be worth very much especially if everyone else has emptied the ATM’s and there is no one left to fill them up. Make a ‘to do’ and ‘to take’ list. Have a plan of where you are going. Use off freeway routes and make sure you have enough gas to get there. Make a pre decision about house pets. Leave the tinfoil hat behind unless you are sentimentally attached to it and most importantly, let me know which bar you are going to be in.


The Wiki on Albert Pike:

Most material for this post has come from the following site:

It is claimed this site has over 1000 pages.
Individual pages used for this article include:

>From the above page follow the embedded link:

Albert Pike & Three World Wars

For those wishing to explore more on the relationship of the Illuminati to Satanism which includes references to Albert Pike. This is a free e-book, which details the interlinking between terrorism, the Illuminati and Satanism.

Friday, September 14, 2007


I think most of you know I made a trip to Texas to visit my mother who had a stroke. She wanted me to come to say goodbye. In many ways, a sad trip. But the reason I am writing about this trip has to do with the getting there and back part. This is probably the last time I will ever fly again.

Four years ago, Freeacre and I made another trip to Texas by air. The trip had some stress to it and I disliked all the security stuff, but it was doable. This time, I might have gotten myself in some real problems because of the way people are being treated.

I think most of us can agree that this whole terrorist thing with the Homeland Security is bull shit. It was instituted for another agenda rather than protection of the population. The severity with which it has been implemented is something to behold first hand. I don’t know if any of the readers of this post have done any air travel lately. If you haven’t and are thinking of it, hang on, because you are about to be treated as a potential terrorists until proven otherwise.

When I got to the check in counter, I was told that there was a very small limit in the amount of gels, liquids and sprays that I could have with me in my baggage. What I had was a small travel tube of tooth paste and a very small travel container of Old spice in case I decided to trim my beard. These had to be in a sealed plastic bag that would hold no more than a quart I think it was. Freeacre had 2 small jars of jelly she had made to give to sis and mother, and it was a large enough amount that it had to go in checked baggage or it couldn’t go. She took it back home. I was changing planes three times and I’m not about to check baggage if I can help it. Now I find this interesting. I understand the chemistry of mixing common household substances together to make an explosive. I also understand the absolute mayhem and death and destruction one can inflict with fingernail clippers and pen knives and such articles. But for the life of me, I can’t figure out how to make an explosive strong enough to do significant damage on an airplane with a few ounces of liquids, sprays or gels. I guess I’m just going to have to set down and reread “the Anarchists Cookbook” again. I must have overlooked something.

After this got straightened out, Freeacre grumpily took back her jelly and retreated back to the bench with a now overloaded purse of explosive materials and I am wondering what is taking so long to get my boarding pass. The girl behind the computer looks at me and says, “I need a picture ID”. Hmmm. Ok, here is my driver’s license. “What’s the problem?” “Well”, she says, “You’re on the watch-no-fly list”. Now Freeacre and I had talked about this and speculated about whether I was on this list principally because of my rather extreme criticism of these thugs in Washington and writing about it. So I was prepared to go home, apply for ticket refund and call my sister and mother and explain why I couldn’t get there. Come to find out, if there is someone with your first and last name that has committed some terrible act against the country and threatened the security of our great and noble democracy, and is on the loose, anyone with that name is immediately on the watch or no fly list. In fact, I think you can’t get off the list once you are on, and nobody will tell you why you are on the list. Isn’t this a great country? The woman spent some time doing whatever security thing she had to do to clear my name for boarding. Now by this time I’m getting a little tense and wondering how long I could hold out in prison until the revolution sets me free. Plus it is 4:30 in the morning; I’m not at my best at this time anyway. Freeacre decides to wait and have me get through security before she heads off for the hour drive back home. Let’s see, with my pants falling down my ass, (my belt has a metal buckle, imagine that, and might be dangerous and has to be inspected), my hat, shoes and everything in my pockets in the blue plastic tray, including my glasses, I get passed through after 3 tries through the worm hole portal entrance to the sky. I noticed that every other person going through this has slip on shoes or flip flops. Bad preparation if the plane goes down on the high desert or the mountains. Geez. They didn’t question my sack of trail mix or the little bag of nitro around my neck. Just think what I could have smuggled on the plane in a bottle ½ inch high by ¼ inch diameter.

Ok, I get to Portland and have to change planes to Albuquerque, New Mexico. Not too bad so far but in Portland, I had to do this security stuff all over again, all of it. I stagger through feeling somewhat like one sheep in a flock, sit and wait for a couple of hours, read a book and get on the plane to Albuquerque. In Albuquerque is where the fun starts. I have a 2 hour lay-over here and have to change planes going to Odessa, Texas. This terminal is a mad house; thousands and thousands of travelers. When I got off the plane, we were turned loose in the secure area, that is, we didn’t have to go through the security check again. We were literally let out in the loading area for the plane change. About this time I am tired of the whole thing, don’t want to eat any of the airport food, my back hurts and I’m getting grumpy. A half hour before the flight, we finally get the call to board the plane. We are all standing in line, and this guy in a security garb comes over to the line and begins pulling people out and literally frisking them, patting them down, and having them empty their pockets and open carry on bags and empty purses. He begins at the beginning of the line and starts working his way down it. I am near the end of the line. I watch this and my temper begins to take over. Bag at my feet, I start planning how I am going to put the guy down when he comes to me. I am rapidly getting into a berserker rage. The woman behind me must have sensed something and whispers, “hey guy, take it easy”. This S.O.B has a sneer on his face as he is doing this. As he finishes with a person and moves on to his next victim, I was absolutely astonished that his victims laugh and seem to think it is funny. I had this thought start coming to the surface of my mind that these sheep better not ever depend on me for help at anything. Honestly, I was thinking anyone that would joke about this kind of stuff doesn’t deserve to live in this society. Well, I was saved from a rather brutal mistake in action by the line moving to get on the plane and he didn’t stop me. I fumed all the way to Odessa and until I got to my sisters place. I’m still fuming, obviously. Thank goodness the trip back was uneventful except for the being herded along with a great many other bovines through the chutes for branding and inoculation. I have mentioned this incident to a couple of people, I’m still fuming remember, and their reaction is that we have to put up with this for our own safety. Now the question I ask is, JUST HOW MANY FREEDOMS DO YOU THINK IT IS APPROPRIATE TO GIVE UP FOR THIS FLIGHT SAFETY LIE? I guess we just keep giving up just one more freedom for a promise of safety, till there is no more freedom left. What ya think about this my friends?

Now I am writing about this because from my point of view this was one of the more intrusive and degrading experiences I have had, not the only one for sure, but at my age, I have a tendency to think more intently about bad ass resistance to such shit. I’m just glad I got home without landing my ass in jail or worse.

Whenever an airline says they aren’t making any money and are filing for bankruptcy, I am going to be real cynical about it. Every airport I was in had constant thousands of people going through it, and every plane I was on was filled to capacity. I suspect the 700 to 1 ratio for CEO pay has more to do with the bottom line than lack of passengers. Plus, I very much doubt that the little packs of honey salted peanuts you get in the air are taking much out of the bottom line. They do encourage you to bring your own food, but how to get it past security? That Big Mac has definite terror usage written all over the wrapping. At least they don’t charge for the water or coffee to wash it down with. By the way, the orange juice tastes synthetic, can’t prove it, but I do wonder.

Since I have been home, I asked my retired cop friend about security personal that are hired for things like airports. He wasn’t very complimentary about them at all. He says that with few exceptions, most of them can’t be good janitors. His experience is that a very large proportion of them are ex cons. I don’t know. These people are not hired by the government you know. It is a private contractor that does the hiring and training. So you know that they are interested in low overhead.

Now here is my take on all of this, and has been for some time. This whole deal with watch lists, no fly lists, airport security searches and homeland security has nothing to do with keeping us safe from aircraft hijackers wanting to fly airplanes into some building in Bend, Oregon. It isn’t an over enthusiastic government going to extremes about this. What is it then? It is preparation of citizens to endure identity papers, arbitrary searches anywhere anytime and not to question it. It is preparation for a police state. There is no other reason to go to this extreme. I suppose it also serves the function of keeping the unemployment stats down. Pretty good article on this at Alternet.

So I know that there is small chance of my flying again. Besides, as fuel prices increase, so will air fare cost and it is pretty high now. It cost $550 to go about 1800 miles each way and I got the old guy price break. The regular price of the trip through the big airlines was from $1800-$2300, depending on the airline used. If I had tried to drive it, I could figure a minimum of 3 days driving both ways and an average of $150 per day if I elected to stay overnight at a cheap motel. Now when I say cheap, I mean it. If there are no bullet holes in the walls and I can’t see any rat shit on the floor, it’s good enough and that quality of room is beginning to cost more and more too. Last trip we took we were doing good to find a place to shower and sleep for less than $80 for the two of us. That is why I elected to fly down, 6 days on the road and it would cost more to drive it, and that’s not counting the wear and tear on me and the car. So I reckon if I can’t drive it, I won’t be going from now on. I refuse to voluntarily subject myself to that kind of humiliating treatment again. Now I got to be thinking what the repercussions are going to be in writing this essay for general consumption. Oh well, I rather imagine that we are going to be experiencing some pretty dark days coming up and my petty bitching about air travel security is going to be the least of my worries. I am supposing that all of you reading this have read how the military has lowered its standards way down for enlistees. Well, I figure that anything that has any connection with the government is going to be the same, including police. The few exceptional people are going to be snowed in by the incompetence surrounding them. I guess we got exactly what we’ve voted for over the years. It’s not a pretty picture.

Monday, September 10, 2007

I'm Not Buying It

From freeacre.

Every day, it seems, I get entreaties to send money to let George Bush know that he’s the biggest dumbass, ever. wants to take out a full page ad in the New York Times that says, “YOU DUMBASS!” Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah….. Like he gives a rat’s ass what we think. Somebody wants me to sign a survey or a petition, and by the way, save the Children, Save the Whales, Save the Polar Bears, End the War, fund Cancer Research, Muscular Dystrophy, Greenpeace, AARP, Howard Dean and the Democratic National Committee. We all know what a great help they have been, don’t we?

Well, actually, no, we don’t. We know it has become Big Business to cash in on all of our various maladies and crises and malfeasance of every sort. They each come with their own clever campaigns and self-addressed stamped envelopes. They have somehow made us feel like we are doing something constructive by sending them money, even though every problem they have been addressing for years has gotten worse. Do I need to repeat that?


Send money anyway.

And then, there are the candidates. We “need” to send them money so that they can buy advertising time on the airwaves that we already own as citizens of this country. Our government licenses those airwaves and could make it a condition of licensure that the stations must give election campaign coverage for free as a public service donation, or they won’t be allowed to do business. That would wipe out much of the leverage that the lobbyists have with the congress in one fell swoop. Additionally, reporters could do their jobs and report what each of the candidates thinks and does and REPORT THE NEWS to their viewers. So, no, we don’t need to send them money. We need to stop sending them money and stop enabling this corrupt, bullshit system. They need to come to us and ask us how they can serve our interests – not the other way around.

Pull a dollar out of your wallet and look at it. What you are holding is the only true ballot that you have. Elections don’t matter anymore. The Democrats as well as the Republicans serve the interests of the Corporatists. Since they have been in charge, we have been defined as “consumers” rather than “citizens.” There is a big difference.

Recently, I re-watched “The Matrix.” In it, the Machines have taken over and are using the human beings on the planet as a self-replicating, unending power source. People are bred in vats and maintained in pods for their electrical impulses. They live in slime, but the illusion of a viable life and culture runs through their minds as a sort of collective hologram that keeps them docile and cranking out those volts.

Well, that is all well and good for the machinery. But, in our world, we don’t have machinery in charge. We have corporations in charge. They don’t run on electrical impulses. They run on money.

M.O.N.E.Y. Our money.

From the day our moms ran out to purchase those pre-natal vitamins until the satin-lined mahogany or bronze lids on our coffins are closed, we are milked like a vast herd and harvested like vegetables made from money. All the while the soothing slogans of advertising campaigns, the approved music on sale and downloadable, keeps us popping our fingers and dancing along. Self-serving television programming makes our bloated and self-absorbed life-styles seem cool and entertaining. Our “educational” system is reduced to a lock-step march into the service industries or the corporate wars. Our medical industries (all corporate), pick our pockets with ever-increasing efficiency as we advance towards deaths delayed just long enough to collect the last collective dime.

Does any of this make you anxious or fearful? No problem. We have drugs for that and insurance policies, therapists, and products.

You can put them on your Credit Cards.

What’s the meaning of all this? Gawdalmighty! Go to church and find out! Go to a really big church that accepts VISA, MASTERCARD, or DISCOVER. Send them millions of dollars to help you feel blessed and loved and innocent – even though the culture of which you are a product is guilty of every sin there is: greed, avarice, gluttony, lust, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride. Gosh, in this Seinfeld generation, they don’t sound so bad, do they? And, anyway, JESUS DIED FOR YOUR SINS, so it’s OK! Just send money.

Don’t trouble yourself that you have lost touch with your true nature as a natural being on this wondrous planet; that you are contributing to and participating in a die off of Biblical proportions; that we are being poisoned and sickened and are dying at an accelerating rate, as our jobs are outsourced and our rulers are moving to Dubai . Meanwhile, our congressmen and ministers, priests, and boy scout masters are molesting and being molested between services and sessions and sleeping bags. Just keep sending those checks. That way, nobody gets closed down and nobody goes to jail. It’s all good.

Well, you know what? I DON’T FUCKIN’ THINK SO! I am not buying it anymore. I’m not going to darken the doorway of any Walmart store. I’m not buying anything that I have to purchase with interest. I’m not contributing to any campaigns that aren’t local. I’m not buying anything made in a sweatshop. I’m not eating anything laced with poisons and produced by mistreating animals trapped in corporate food factories. I am not going to squander oil and other resources and add to the rationale for fighting resource wars.

I am going to withdraw my money from all that is sick and twisted, and let it all collapse. I have already cancelled my satellite connection, to withdraw my attention from the corporate mindfuck. I will look at my dollars for what they are – the only votes that make a difference. I vote for freedom from debt, saving up food for now, liberty gardens for next year. I vote for no incumbents. I vote for localizing food production, making useful products, reaching out to neighbors, helping each other come our of our collective coma. I’d like to see an honest-to-God Right to Life Movement going on – one where we support each other in our being free to live productive lives without exploiting or being exploited. This is not going to be a happy fix that makes everything all better so that life continues as we know it. That is not going to be possible. We are all going to die, and many sooner than they think. But, that is going to happen anyway.

I just want to be living a real life before I die. I’d like to set our children free, so that they are no longer tethered to their electronics and glued to the tube, fixed on a path toward fear, indentured servitude, mass delusion, electronic monitoring, and cradle-to-grave marketing and medication.

Actually, it is very simple to accomplish this revolution because the marketing geniuses have sold the whole thing to us! BRILLIANT!! All we have to do, is


If you agree, just pass this message on. Maybe it will go around the world, and a whole lot of things will change and people will be happier and animals and the planet will have more of a chance. And, guess what? You don’t need to send me a check.
