Thursday, August 09, 2007

Spin, Disinformation, The Weaponisation of Information and The Double Game.
New Post from Belgium.

Most of us are aware that many of the things told to us by our leaders, whilst seldom being outright lies are seldom the outright truth either. If our political representatives engage in a political slight of hand, if they play ‘Find the Lady’ with the truth, then what form might this misdirection take? Let us take a look at some of the main types of deception which can be employed singly or in combination in such a way that it is often difficult to say what is going on.


This has been defined succinctly as the practice of manipulating the facts to profit the politician and allay public concern. In fact the White House has a posse of spin savvy doctors whose function is to perform damage control on a whole range of subjects from financial misjudgements to romantic involvements. The White House has ways of effecting reprisals on reporters who attempt to circumvent the Department of Communication, for instance by not confirming the validity of a particular story until after the reporters deadline has passed. Those who go to press with the story anyway risk being shunned and effectively having their career ended. Also, in order to stay in the loop some objective reporters have had to compromise their objectivity.

Some SpinTechniques

Cherry Picking and Omissions

Cherry picking is the selective use of data to present your own case in a better light than it really is. For instance, throughout 2007 the White House has claimed that the US is doing better than Europe in greenhouse gas emissions. This seems to be a curious statement since if the USA intended to out perform other countries that are party to the Kyoto Agreement then there should have been no reason to prevent them from joining in the first place. An organisation called The Pacific Institute has analysed the data and found that the US administration has both cherry picked the specific data to analyse and a specific snapshot in time as a reference point. Kyoto monitors six different greenhouse gasses and produces a weighted average. If we take 1990 as a starting point and call the gasses that existed at that point 100, then between 1990 – 2004 Europe’s weighted average varied between 97 – 100, whereas USA emissions rose steadily over the same period and between 2000 – 2004 and varied between 112 – 115. What the White House appears to be claiming is that during the year 2000 their carbon dioxide emissions were marginally better than those from Europe.

Omissions are both easier and more sinister and technically are not spin at all but a special case of negotiating by doing nothing. These are the result of having a compliant media who just do not let disadvantageous news ever see the light of day. Any brave editor who makes a stand, risks having their journalistic career stopped dead in its tracks. Examples are legion and could include the following short selection:
51% of Americans including 29% Republicans wish to see both the President and Vice President impeached (Newsweek Magazine) but the general media, who have never met a poll they won’t publish will not now even ask the question leaving most people with the feeling they are isolated in their views.
Dennis Kucinich has filed a bill in the HOR calling for the impeachment of VP Cheney. Have you heard about it?
Judge Anna Diggs Taylor has ruled President Bush to be a class A felon for violating the first and fourth amendments with his illegal spying on Americans but your Pres decided the law didn’t apply to him and the media didn’t report it.
US war casualties are misrepresented and Iraqi casualties are not represented at all. The routine use of depleted uranium is never mentioned as are the casualties returning home with burning sperm syndrome. These are not treated by the administration so that statistics are never compiled.
Al Gore is reported to have a $1600/month electricity bill.
When was the last time you saw a list of the coalition of the willing since the rest of the willing took their ball home?
Ever heard of Camp Iguana? It is a special section of Guantanamo Bay for pre-pubescent enemy combatants.

Not Saying What You Mean

The perpetrator appears to say something reasonable but there is a hidden undercurrent in the message. Tony Blair used this technique masterfully in his statement “Weakness is not the way to defeat terrorism”. On the face of it, it is hard to pick the bones out of this one but it was actually a dig at the Tory opposition party who were perceived to be weak on terrorism thus under their control weakening the country and making the UK a soft target.

British police say that in their experience, hardened criminals start off as minor criminals. Therefore the way to combat future major crime is to build a DNA and fingerprint database of people caught in the act of such serious misdemeanours as throwing their cigarette ends in the street or allowing their dogs to foul the footpath. These clearly are going to be the rapists and mass murderers of the future. What a super method of paving the way for police state control but of course this only is the ravings of leftist malcontents and we all know that if you never do anything wrong then you have nothing to fear.

The Non-denial Denial

Forms of this are rubbishing a statement as ridiculous or absurd or not dignifying it with a response without addressing the question in hand. Impugning a source without addressing the allegation or denying a more specific version of events than that alleged. Finally there is good old amnesia.

Certain US politicians could hold their hand on their heart and say they never received monetary inducements from Tom Delay without mentioning any cost free fact finding jaunts around Austral Asia and the Far East.
The American Home Mortgage Investment Corporation for example could have denied plans to lay off 5,000 workers when they actually planned to lay off 6,250.
Bill Clinton managed a double whammy in nine words when he said “I did not have sexual relations with that woman”. Apart from the issue of whether fellatio constitutes ‘sexual relations’, what woman was he referring to? It could have been Hilary.
When Condi Rice gave evidence before the 9/11 commission her job was one of damage control without implicating either herself or the government. She responded to a question “I don’t remember the al Qaeda cells being something we were told we needed to do something about. To the best of my knowledge this kind of analysis…. actually was never briefed to us”. “I don’t remember” and “To the best of my knowledge” are crawl out from under statements to prevent being caught in a lie.
This next one just about sums it up. Charles Haughey the former premier of Ireland said that “Coalition governments are against every fibre of my being”. When he formed a coalition government after his election a spokesman said “Charlie never said he would not lead his party into a coalition just that he was uncomfortable with the idea in theory. Listen to what he actually said, not what you thought he was implying”.


This again is a large subject so here are a few brief examples to give the flavour. It is also interesting that the replacement for euphemisms can themselves become euphemisms.
Concentration camps, originally an innocuous term coined during the Boar War took on a different meaning after the discovery of Hitler’s death camps. Now we have internment camps.
Over the years lame became crippled which then became handicapped and finally disabled.
Shell shock became battle fatigue, which became operational exhaustion and ended up as post traumatic stress disorder.
Finally my particular favourite ‘friendly fire’, which is not so friendly for the poor bugger who is having bullets ripping through his chest.

The Thought Train of Spin

There was a woman in UK administration who e-mailed department heads on 9/11 whilst the towers were still burning, with the message “If you have any news at all which is going to be in any way unpopular, today is the day to get it out”. Unfortunately for her the message was in written form and after two witch-hunts she was eventually forced to resign. Hiding bad news whilst peoples attention is distracted is one of the techniques of spin.

President Bush has told us “I deeply care about the environment” and to prove it we have seen 30 second video bites of him dressed in neutral tones helping forest rangers in Colorado. Most Americans know however that he really, really wants to break up the environment and take it for a big business ride with his big business buddies.
In a leaked White House memo, Environment Protection Agency Administrator Christie Whitman offered her advice to President Bush on global warming, asserting “We need to appear engaged”. What a brilliant tactic; spin it like we care about the environment (instead of poll numbers) and leave the earth to the pillagers.

Disinformation and the Weaponisation of Information (Psyops)

Back in the days of the Crimea War, for instance, it took a week or more for news of events to reach back home. Modern technology allows the public to sit with their TV dinner on their knee and watch a battle in action. Whilst this brings many advantages, the West and American people in particular have become the unwitting victims of their own information warriors. US propaganda directed at the US’s enemies has instantaneously rebounded and formed a bridgehead in the American psyche. Often, the cheapest way to buy technology is to get it two generations old and Mr Rumsfeld did like to get things on the cheap. Here was a man who used his authority to show contempt for people and their often, sound advice without the foresight or intellect to see where all of this was taking him. And where it took him was to the destruction of the moral authority of the United States. Now it is too late, the damage to America’s standing in the world has been done. Rummy was not alone in this however, it is one facet of the Bush / Cheney / Neoconservative ethos which pervades this administration.

During the months following 9/11 and whilst the public was being brought around to accepting an invasion of Iraq, army Brigadier General Vincent Brooks in Qatar told the press of ongoing operations to eliminate terrorist death squads. Something began to feel not quite right here, the military do not refer to irregulars as ‘death squads’, so what was going on? It turns out to be a classic propaganda technique known as ‘the excluded middle’, designed to make people provided with incomplete but suggestive information draw a false conclusion, in this case that Sadam Hussein had ties to terrorism and hence Al Qaeda.

Flushed with the success of one false flag operation, Rumsfeld tried his hand at another by asserting that (1) Iraqi military planned to don exact replicas of UK and US military uniforms in order to commit atrocities against Iraqis and stigmatise the coalition. It makes you wonder if he learned his military training from Garrison’s Guerrilla’s (2) Iraqis had executed prisoners of war. (3) The Fifty-first Division of the Iraqi army had mass surrendered. Items (1) & (2) quickly withered on the vine and two days later General Khaled Saleh of the 51st division was interviewed by Al Jazeera in Basra saying “I am with my men. We continue to defend the people and riches of this city”. Although almost laughable in retrospect, item (3) may have been a legitimate tactic of war. If other parts of the Iraqi army had believed a major division of 8,000 men had been so quickly overwhelmed then it could have influenced them to also give up and reduce bloodshed on both sides. This is an example (not successful in this case), of how information can be used as a weapon of war. Since the time of the Chinese strategist Sun Tzu over 2,500 years ago, deception has been used as a legitimate military weapon. What has altered now is its scale of operation. It has expanded from the ‘insurgents’ and the Taliban to advisories of US policy in general and now to the world at large. With the modern speed of communications and almost instant internet critique, propaganda is finding targets which were never intended. The boundaries between truthful press briefing and military propaganda have become so blurred it is extremely difficult to navigate a correct path through and this has brought the credibility of both the military and the press into question. In other words, available information is based on the political objectives of the state, rather than the truth. Nowadays, the tide of public opinion is regarded as more important than the tide of conflict on the battlefield and deceptions are channelled through the mainstream media.

When Rumsfeld’s propaganda machine ‘the ‘Office of Strategic Influence’ was exposed (by opponents within the Pentagon) it brought the Pentagon into disrepute. It was broken up and driven underground. Some fragments had distinctly Orwellian names such as the Office of Countermisinformation, a unit designed to protect the government from charges of malfeasance, dereliction and deceit.

One thing about intelligent enemies is that they are quick learners. Now Zaqawi’s group and three others, host internet sites, publish magazines and routinely hold press conferences which often mirror Americas own publicity. Web sites announce new policy positions, alliances or strategic shifts, react to breaking news and address how the Western media is addressing the struggle.

Increasingly, the US is turning its information war over to mercenary corporate executives dedicated to manipulating the perception of political events for their own personal profit. Scientific Applications International Corporation (SAIC), a Fortune 500 company, of whom Robert Gates, Rumsfelds successor, was a board member, prides itself on “Information dominance”. It has experts in fields as diverse as Islamic studies; the Middle East and psychological warfare. With the credibility of the US Government sinking at an alarming rate the American taxpayer might consider they are being seriously short changed.

Another propaganda outlet, the Rendon Group headed by John Rendon, a latter day Joseph Gorbbels, took 100 million dollars profit for the contract of demonising Sadam Hussein. His operation consisted of setting up the Iraqi National Congress (INC) with Ahmad Chalabi as its head; hiring a posse of anti Sadam dissidents and serving as the PR medium for the operation.

SAIC and the Rendon Group design information warfare on a grand scale and also know how to charge a grand price. Meanwhile the American citizenry remain completely unaware they are paying highly with their tax dollars to be so scurrilously disinformed. Falling press circulation tells these gurus that their war of perceptions is failing as people increasingly obtain their news with their mouse finger. Sadly armies of cyber warriors are now employed to redress the balance in favour of their neoconservative sponsors. The words ‘Trusted Site’ could take on a new connotation as the battle for your hearts and minds continues in its seemingly never-ending spiral.

The Double Game

The double game is essentially a situation of double dealing or double crossing, usually played out in the international arena and can take a variety of forms. Typically this can be covertly supporting both sides in a conflict so that the double gamer will always finish up on the winning side. Agreeing to support one side whilst covertly assisting the other. Taking a position which is at odds with your own previous stance or covertly undermining the laws of your own country. Let us have a look at a few double games that have been played out in recent times to see how it goes.

Probably the one which sticks in most peoples’ minds is the IRAN CONTRA AFFAIR because of the unseemly way it all fell apart. This affair linked two quite unconnected issues. A Marxist government, the Sandinistas was installed in the Central American country of Nicaragua, which was unsympathetic to the aims of USA. The USA supported the efforts of a rival guerrilla force called the Contras but was prevented by Congress from funding them. At the same time in 1983, some members of Al-Dowa, an exiled militant Iraqi faction, were imprisoned for a series of truck bombings in Kuwait. In response, Hezbollah captured 30 hostages six of whom were American and demanded the release of the Al-Dowa prisoners in exchange. Iran was in the middle of the Iran Iraq war and could find very few Western nations willing to supply it. The Reagan administration believed that by supplying arms (illegally) to Iran, Iran would use its influence with Hezbollah to release the hostages. This was first done using Israel as a staging post and then later directly. The money from these sales was used to illegally fund the Contras in Nicaragua. The whole scandal was exposed after only three American hostages had been released.

The affair of IRANS 15 BRITISH NAVAL HOSTAGES was a dog in the manger exercise whereby the Bush administration cried foul when Iran played the game by American rules. The international boundary line between Iraq and Iran running through the Persian Gulf is a tad open to interpretation so when Iran apprehended the 15 British sailors for invading their waters, there was much US consternation. Bush was suddenly an indignant defender of international law, huffing and puffing about the axis of evil capturing British personnel who would sooner die than do a wrong thing, quite forgetting the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003 that put the British there in the first place. Bush suddenly found the UN Charter and its ban on aggressive war, which he had previously regarded as some goofy exercise in multilateralism. In order to maintain consistency, he also needed to forget such things as the British colonial domination of both Iraq and Iran in 1953 and the CIA’s role in reinstalling the brutal Shah of Iran as a puppet of the West. This may have resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths but so far as the 15 sailors were concerned the British and US Governments were innocent victims. This was in marked contrast to the previously US ordered raids on Iranian offices inside Iraq and the capture of five Iranian military officials when International law was something that didn’t need to be bothered with. If the 15 sailor incident was a retaliatory exercise then the Iranians clearly didn’t understand the rules of the game where you need a stacked deck, a forked tongue and a US passport to win. The British took umbrage against the sailors being video interviewed, eating and being generally well treated in marked contrast to US detainees in Abu Garaib; or even scenes of kneeling and bound Iraqis over the title Operation Iraqi Freedom. This however did not prevent President Bush lifting the Geneva Convention from the gutter, dusting it off and placing it on a pedestal. What did Iran get out of all this? They got the kudos of magnanimous détente when they handed the sailors back in first class condition. They got some good PR for those who understood it and managed to mark the US and UK’s cards. They said “Take us on if you like, we are not afraid of you”.

There is a belief that you shouldn’t believe any rumour until it has been officially denied but when IRAN SAYS IT HAS NOT BOUGHT 250 STATE OF THE ART SOKHO 30 RUSSIAN FIGHTERS because it doesn’t need them I would tend to go along with it. So where did the rumour come from? It turns out to be Mosad diverting attention away from recent Israeli massive arms shipments from the USA.


It was once considered an honour and a privilege to be chosen to represent your fellow men but now there exists a pervading government ethos of ‘if you don’t cheat, you can’t compete’. This deceit can be directed at the citizenry (largely spin); advisories (largely disinformation and psyops) and other nations (largely double game). It is certain that if our leaders felt it was unnecessary to do these things, they would not go to the trouble of doing them. So what makes them do it? Who are they afraid of? Could it really be us?


At 10:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Belgium, I guess you got this pretty well figured out. Good post.

At 2:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First class analysis there mate, it deserves wider viewing than this blog, I hope you don't mind but I've sent a link to LATOC.



At 3:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

Murph :-}


Not at all, my friend, the wider audience these things get, the more aware people become and the more they realise that they are not alone with these vague feelings that some things are not quite as they should be. Feel free to distribute it to whoever you like. Let me know if LATOC make the link.

Mrs P. (Comment on last post).
The Musharraf situation is building to a classic double game, I was thinking of using it here but it is still unfolding and has not played itself out enough yet and you have to limit the examples somewhere.

I do not want to divert attention away from this post but here are two items from TTS which I regard as essential reading:

(The only reason some Congressmen can stand up without a spine is because their skin is so thick). Brilliant!

Plans for martial law and detention camps are not as new as you think they are.


At 8:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Besides an excellent and well done post, the two truthseeker links are piling up the 'we are toast' rational and observations. I remember the fringe papers talking about civilian internment camps during Clinton's presidency and it was poopoo'd rather viciously. It sure appears to me that we are in big trouble and not many ways of dealing with it.

At 12:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post, Belgium! Very reasoned and informative with good examples and historical references. Thanks.
Another example of the way that media has had information locked up, if occurs to me, is the publication process. I am in the process of printing my own little book. It is written from my own working class perspective, so it includes a few things that are somewhat "politically incorrect" or, at least, outside the norm of public discussion. What I am beginning to understand is that the process of getting published has been so controlled by big media that OF COURSE the working class perspective has not been taken up. Granted, the big publishing houses can't afford to print every cockamamie thing written by anyone, but their standards have only contributed to the lack of influence and respect that the culture extends to the regular people. It's like if you have not graduated from Harvard or some other Ivy League school, you were not legitimatized by the publishing world. It's significant, I think, that now writers like Joe Bageant, who's fame has come from the internet, are now getting published in print media.
The internet has given the public a forum to express themselves, and a great job has been done. Belgium points out just how vulnerable we are now that TPTB recognize the value of the world wide web.
Now they are weaponizing information using all these manipulative means that Belgium has detailed. We need to be vigilant and vociferous in our response.

At 7:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interrment camps were first talked about during Nixon's term from my own knowledge. One of my brother-in-laws was trained for urban warfare to be used in U.S. cities. He deserted to Canada after serving in Vietnam because of that and also because of a uprising amoung the colored troups in his units. They were killed and the relatives were lied to.

At 8:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

excellent, excellent, excellent analysis B. i agree with aaron... it begs wider viewing.

the one example that still peels my wallpaper is wolf-o-nit-wit telling congress and the people not to worry about funding the war because we could steal enough oil from iraq to pay for it proving the word "con" can stand for more than just conservativism. "steal" ain't quite how he put it but everybody got the drift. what he didn't say was that would likely also mean cheap oil too. thats what joe 6-pack heard loud and clear. now we're at least half a tril into it and do we hear anything about that these days? does joe 6 give a rats ass? nope. he's jes pissed cuz he's paying 3 bucks for gas.

then when nit-wit falls from favor along with dumb-as-a-starving-rabid-fox-rummy he gets appointed chair of the world bank! he'd probably still be there too if he hadn't got caught stiff-dicked with his pants down.

would you include the dynamic of compartmentalization into this B? its been used forever but really got perfected during the manhatten project and has a lot to do with each tentacle not knowing what the others are doing.

re Musharraf... if i'm not mistaken igor the web bot entity has been reporting for 6 months on a shake out in pakistan coming this fall. is that you're read as well freeacre?

At 8:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup. The web bots are in overdrive and a new report should be coming out soon. From what I can glean for free, they are looking at a regime change in Pakistan in September. Also, between the 13th of this month and the 3rd of Sept., panic in the global markets regarding currencies and the knowledge that college endowment funds and pensions are threatened big time by the hedge fund and derivative mess,and a tremendous earthquake somewhere after the fall equinox, maybe around Christmas. From another source, employment is also scheduled to go bust in about 6 weeks. Yeowza!

At 10:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, should have credited

At 1:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

Palooka, sex rears its ugly head again even with the wolfman, or should that be sex rears its head again even with the ugly wolfman – who is to say? Regarding compartmentalisation, I don’t know much about the structure of the Manhattan Project but if you say it was this way I can see the reason for it. The example which springs to my mind is the organisation of the French Resistance during WW11. Each cell would have a leader who would have only one other contact in the organisation and people would not know who was in the Resistance and who wasn’t. You could have brothers sitting at the same dinner table that may be four levels apart in the structure and not know about it. This was done for the very good reason that if the enemy captured a resistance fighter then what they didn’t know couldn’t be cracked. The difference between then and now is that the Resistance was a voluntary organisation and people knew the conditions and the reasons for them when they joined and it was then up to them. When we hear that the Pentagon has ‘lost’ more money than they have actually spent on the war ones first reaction is ‘can they really make ass pockets so big’? Now there are all sorts of things coming out of the woodwork that need funding from somewhere and these are just the tip of the iceberg. For instance, all the Tesla stuff is being developed somewhere and if it is not for public benefit then it is not for public consumption. Then would you really want to tell people about the governments involvement in MKULTRA? Do you accept the security argument for secrecy and if so who decides and is this decision open to abuse?

I am afraid that the idea of open government is an illusion to calm choppy waters. There are people who have an interest in the boat not sinking.

Re Musharraf, when you go to the trouble of forming a breakaway country from India so that you can have your own religious identity, it is not a good idea to have a national leader whose hobby is destroying mosques.
Now what can we do to piss off the religious right?

At 4:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

Palooka, re purloining the oil, It was always the intention to quickly overrun Iraq, install a puppet government, make them all rich men. Rich enough to be able to keep the populace calmed down and so they wouldn’t have to get involved in the day to day problems of such a massive business, leave that to experts in the field and just give them a small kickback on every barrel shipped. Once a base had been established, to then threaten the surrounding area into submission and over the fullness of time, let Israel administer the region. The problem was that nobody kept the population up to speed – or maybe they did. Anyway, falling apart it is. The Brits have just had their ass kicked out of Basra.

I have heard Bush’s stance towards the war described as strong willed, stubborn and even insane. I don’t think it is any of these, I think he is very, very frightened. I think there have been explosions in his basement that have detached his structure from his foundations and now his house of cards is tottering in the wind. That is why he is seeking solace in the right end of a bottle instead of the more honourable wrong end of a gun. Now his mate in Pakistan is proving himself just as unstable and they both have their fingers on the same kind of button.

At 7:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

Anonymous 7,42

One thing about the truth is that it cannot unravel and come apart. According to the Truthseeker reference above, Bush 11 has sealed the Reagan papers on the internment camp issue but the information has still found its way into the public domain. I am sorry to hear of your brother in law and those around him, the issue of serving the Constitution and not the Administration has frequent mentions here. Being loyal to your oath is no longer enough. On the Canadian sanctuary situation, you may find this video interesting if you are not already aware of it. I think both of these links reference the same film but at least one of them will get you to it.

At 10:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

On another note, has anyone heard from Montana lately? I'm wondering if he and his family had to evacuate from the Joko fire.

At 9:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My grandmother warned us way back then but all we wanted to hear was "yes i would love to get into the back seat of your car with you" from some hottie down at the bar.
Sorry granny,its to late to thank you for the advice but then again when one is young and jobs are aplenty,and either watching the corn grow or trying to get laid were the two choices available, guess which one took precedence?

You might but i doubt it, turn in your grave granny at what is taking place on mother earth
nowadays,Your wisdom was lost on us young'uns because we never experienced the bitter life you led at the hands of the lies that run things nowadays, the term forked tongue takes on entirely new and most unbelievable singularity that is the norm and accepted mental drug of choice,..the "talking leaves" fall from the trees like acid rain granny and the love of our mother earth is a thing of taunt and rape.
We live out our lives amongst a parade of lies from papoose to platform and drink the firewater and swim in the rivers that now will poison you if you dare to eat the fish that are caught from them. And you would not believe that some have more then two eyes granny.
This is due to the strange chemicals that the factories allow to flow into them.
I remember when you were swindled out of the meager plot that was doled out to you by the white eyes that you and your husband, my grandfather,were given to raise your children on.
We were never a tribe after that,just scattered to the winds to blow here and there, denying what and who we were,even to the point that my generation were given almost no knowledge of our heritage or place on this earth, our mother.
You suffered greatly granny but you bore it with the dignity and honor of which i have not seen since.

My friend,brother. and ally whom has honored our rekindled grassroots tribal longings by becoming a tribal member and is known as Spirit Across The Sea in a sacred naming ceremony has written much of the "talking leaves" and you would be proud of him as an adopted member of our tribe.

The little deer in the back yard nibbles at the grass that surrounds the compost pile and my brother and i watch her as she jerks her head up once in awhile at the sound of a barking dog and stares at us with ears bent our way, we talk of her and how it is that the animals know that we are not to hurt them, even when they come to us to be taken for food.The spirit that drives them reunites with the great mystery and becomes part of the spirit of the two leggeds, in honor they come that we may live to honor all of our relations.

The smoke which blows away to the east during the day settles over the village at night and makes breathing difficult for some of the elders.
The fire is closer now and much evacuation has taken place, we watch and wait and make ready in our minds which things to take and which things to leave behind in case the fire enters the village.
Its quite interesting to think of such things, its kind of like dying in a way and i imagine those of us here at this council would be surprised at what we would leave behind to burn to ashes.
To me its the little things that matter, but along with that is the survival tools that will be hard to come by in the not to distant future i think,as well as most that have been fortunate enough to attend this council would agree.

The fire is about four miles north and creeps closer each day to us and its breath is cleansing to me as it is life as well as death.
The livestock from the ranches have been released and are on their own even though i have seen none in the village as of yet.

This is a deep disturbance to many that have much to lose,that have few generations of collections of things and an artificial sense of having been here for a long time.
This is an illusion of course because the white man was allowed to homestead on this reservation like rabid dogs only at the year of 1913, and to this day live in unconscious fear of the natives and always will because of the death that followed them here and the karma that will be played out,...maybe now,as their ranch houses and barns burn to the ground and silent satisfactory grins of native members,including myself display at the irony.
It is fitting is it not?

I would not throw the first torch but i know some that would in a hot minute if ?...

Never mind, whats the use?

The stars are bright for awhile and the cool breeze is welcome and the mosquitos buzz and are swished away and.

Read a cool thing when i googled Reptilian Brain and there was something about the bitch Cheney,
worth a look.

Thanks again for the really good info Spirit Across The Sea.


At 10:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy am I glad to see your comments. We hadn't heard from you for a bit and were worried that the fire was chasing your tail down the road and you had neglected to get a wireless lap top to keep up with us. Whew, glad though you are ok so far. Last we heard, it was 6 miles off. Let's see now, moved 2 miles toward you in how many days? At one mile maybe good time for bug out.

Your grandmother has joined the list of so many that were pure d fucked by the forked tongues. The color of the skin or the life style is incidental. Most of us have been fucking slaves since we were born, we just didn't know it. We woke up every day having sex with uncle sam and never knew it. Shows what happens when you watch too much TV. You get very insensitive on the bottom end.

Yup, I can dig the young mans urges. Been there, done that. It takes a great many years for a man's brain to migrate up to his head, at least for most of us, and sadly, for may, it gets stuck someplace other than his head for way too many. Ha look at Bush.

When the people that have been so severely messed with for so long have the chance, they better take it. Might only come once.

As Belgium stated, "Who are they afraid of? Could it be us?"

Your reminising was appreciated and I take in you words.


At 10:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Montana, that last was from Murph

At 10:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,


Thank the Great Spirit for keeping a watchful eye on one of his special ones and the rest of the Hot Springs community for that matter. It is good to hear you are OK, I had visions of you running down the road with your hands in the air and your ass on fire.

I would have been honoured to stand in awe of your granny, she sounds a wonderful person. She took her suffering inside her, raised you and your family to the best of her ability and bore the ‘red mans’ burden’ with a dignity it is hard to find these days.

Although the fire will take its toll and many will suffer loss I am forcibly reminded of the time I visited Sequoia National Park in the early 1970’s. One of the rangers there explained that the shell on the seeds from the sequoia tree are so hard the only way they can be opened is by being burned off in a forest fire and this is natures chosen method. The fire clears space of the older trees whose sap is no longer rising and allows rebirth of the forest. It is an action of cleansing by fire. I hope the fire does not consume your town but if you are elected to the Council then you could be the forest fire that gives Hot Springs its rebirth. You have said that you would not throw the first torch but another should be prepared to give Washington its moral rebirth.

Regarding what things to take and what to leave behind, When I came to Belgium this time, I put everything that was the most important to me into a Renault Traffic van (about the size of a Chevy Day Van). What wouldn’t fit in got left behind and this is true, I can no longer remember what all those things I could not live my life without, actually were. Take a few personal reminders that are important to you but people are more important than things.

It still feels kind of strange that someone who lives almost 4,000 miles from the Res should be given the honour of joining your tribe. It should be pretty obvious that the knowledge of things I write about cannot be gained first hand. I collate information from a variety of sources, mix it in with some personal observations and feelings and then put it all in one place but I have not carried the weight on my shoulders with a high head in the way your granny has.

a-da-nv-do (Spirit).

At 10:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

I have just heard on the evening news that the chief advisor to the anti-Christ has jumped before he was pushed. Is it starting to unravel, could this be the rebirth of people power?

At 11:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karl Rove should be beaten like laundry on a rock. Maybe he is planning to re-locate to Dubai where he can't be extradited and he can be among cold-hearted friends. It is somehow unnerving that he is actually leaving.
Matt is advising on LATOC to do those last minute preparations for the imminent crash. So, we are on our way for yet another trip to Bend's Costco for necessities for the coming year. Boy, the money is getting short and it's hard to know what we'll need more - stuff or money. Damn.
It's really killing me that the central banks have just created money and thrown almost a half a trillion dollars into the assorted global stock markets in order for the rich to stay rich, despite them being a bunch of miscreants. I wouldn't give a rat's ass, but I don't see them throwing any our way if we need to have surgery, or we are standing on our rooftops in New Orleans dying for lack of water, or if our social security is in jeopardy. Oh, hell no. "Stand up on your own two feet, you losers," is the message to us.
But, now we should have to pay the interest on the billions that the Fed funnels into the ruling class pockets until the 2nd or 3rd generation?? Fuck that!
And no objection from the Congress, of course. I just put a new bumper sticker on my car:
"No Incumbents in 2008"

At 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

Here is a quotation which stopped me in my tracks and made me think.

"The tyranny of a prince in an oligarchy is not so dangerous to the public welfare as the apathy of a citizen in a democracy".

At 5:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thing about it is they don't have to create it out of thin air. just transfer it from the illicit drug bid'ness slush fund.

can't do cuz it'd look funny on a financial stmt? no prob man, just do like all our govt agencies do. add a line item just above the final balance line called "undocumented adjustments". ain't magic fun!!

but then, why use your own cash when you can just invent more and then peddle it off as debt? doncha jes luv an economic model monster who's sustainability is predicated on gettin bigger and begger? chomp chomp!!

At 5:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all,
thank you and may the spirit watch over you in these days.
An update

The disruption is great indeed, i have sent a few pictures of the fire taken by a stranger to those of you that i have email addresses for,...of all things weird, the pics were taken by a passerby on the highway then sent to a friend of mine in Spokane WA, apparently,and she sent them to me who is in the path of the fire, How the spirit does move,
Last night i also took pics from the back yard and the alleyway and i can tell you that the clouds rising into the evening sky reflecting the setting sun is god awful in its beauty, i hope they turn out as good as they appear.
The latest i heard there were between five and six hundred people trying to contain the flames, ha, what a joke, no way in hell these flames are going to be contained that i can see, they are monstrous in size,and the forest is dry and the pine trees literally explode when the flames reach into the crowns.
i do not know why they bother to even think of containing it.
You are right SATC,this is the way mother earth cleanses itself so that renewal can take place,and anyone that has been to where a forest fire has occurred can see that in a couple of years green recovers the earth.
It is our mothers way.
Another quirk, i stand on the deck in back of the house at five in the morning and look up at the stars overhead and realize that there is only a relatively small opening in which the stars appear, and then also realize the the air is clean to breath but the village is completely surrounded by smoke,blotting out most of the stars.!Its like the center of a hurricane, calm and absolutely silent except for the distant coyotes howling at i know not what.

Clan members i can tell you that this is one of the most strangest things i have ever experienced,its like another dimension has opened up and is about to swallow us.
One can almost feel that the mystery of these events await and things are about to turn to what??
We shall see, i will keep an update running if its of interest to anyone, be this close to absolute heaven and hell is really something to observe.
I feel a certain pity for fellow passengers on this ride, those of whom have invested so much of their lives in things of accumulation, both of materialism and more then that, trust in the eternal or permanent state of the human ego, which in the indian way is as much stardust as the body and is forever changing, taking on new forms of expression as we dance through the universe.
How we can put so much trust in something so crumbly and frail as the idea of the i is just so insane and causes so much damage to the nature of things.

Where do we go from here,he asked,and came the reply, " we are here, do you not feel this in your heart of hearts,?" We have arrived and this is the door way to that which has no name.
The gifts that have been given are awaiting the awareness to perceive them the old man said,and the feather touch of something just outside vision brings delights that some of the children are beginning to experience already,and for some it has already reached a certain degree containing such things as extrasensory perception as a logical sequence of evolutionary events.
This is not new, Langosta's dreams are filled with these moments of visceral examinations and the stumbling baby steps that seem necessary are also an illusion she hints with shy emotions.
Can you not feel the strength of oneanother as she peers into the darkness, and can you not feel that you are all just us and the same, and that the bodies you wear are nothing more then costumes and soon you will discard them for something, shall i describe this?...a little more light?
She says we are of the SUN and that we will return there because that is our home for now,but only for now. It is a stepping stone so to speak and that our real home is the universe and that we are merely in the pupa stage of the journey home. This sounds like Langosta has had one to many and i say so, anyway what does a bug know,?
She flips an antenna and disapears into the night, she searches out others to display her wisdom to,someone a little brighter i guess.

A parting word, she says, "can you hear the call of your mother?"

i fall before the coffee god.

Freeacre, there will always be someone to take care of you no matter what condition the world takes,that goes for all of us, we have not come this for to be swallowed up by misfortune,there is simply to much to do in the coming holocaust and our help will be of paramount importance, don't ask me what that is, i do not know, but i'm sure that this Clan knows of these things.
Words come to mind but they seem sacred mushroom at this point and will wait.
Peace and Love my brothers and sisters.


At 5:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karl Rove should be beaten like laundry on a rock.

filthy dirty laundry at that. now thats an approiate analogy if i ever heard one!

not to worry fa. i doubt he's going away. just shiftin into black widow mode and crawlin behind the scenes over to the evangelical's lair where he'll inject his venom into the poison of the "christ for pres in 08" campaign!!

the messiah meister where he'll metamorph from junior's architect and surface as mitt's wit. or maybe it'll be fred's phenom!

was this guy's fate sealed when his mother spelled his name with a "K" on his birth cert?

At 7:09 AM, Blogger mrs p said...

In this era of loving stuff and hating our human brothers it seems many think it's all about the body. Those lost in dullsion who are not in touch with the natural world worship the body forgetting their souls completely. I see around me here many empty shallow relationships that are just going through the motions and there is no deep connection to reality. These are the ones who will not hear of the C word, (collapse). They freak out if you mention anything connected to it. I do not understand how closed up minds can get so rigid that they refuse to discuss matters with their own tribe, those groups that we seem to arrive in.

mf, the cleansing fire you speak of sounds seriously close. There is one in Santa Barbara County, California that was 60-something contained and then got away from's been going on for weeks and got worse over this past weekend. They seem to have a life of their own. I feel a sense of urgency in your message. We should all pray for your safety. I'm putting you on my list for my last thoughts at night when I go to sleep.

At 7:22 AM, Blogger mrs p said...

On Sunday my mum and daughter were visiting and we were looking at some photos sent from the Laura Festival downunder in OZ. These are tribal people who gather every year in an area of their ancestors. As we were watching the computer slideshow, a large bird landed on the fence outside. My mum said hey look at that. All 3 of us just saw there in awe of this huge, (falcon?). He must of heard us ooohing and aweing because he soon took off up into a large tree. It was a treat and a rare sight here in this city coastal town. We're about a block from the cliff and the ocean. I think it was a reminder that the natural world is crying for help. I could be wrong but it must be a sign.

Different subject but this a.m. I received this brasschecktv short clip of cheney stating (in 1994) that an invasion of Iraq would be a huge mistake and quagmire.


At 3:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

Well there could be nights of drunken celebrations around the campfire if you are willing to embrace hopeful speculation. If you are to believe this TTS article the Illuminati have been threatened with an even bigger stick. Did you know there was an even bigger stick? Well it turns out the Chinese have one and if any bio weapons are ever used in Asia the Chinese underground will start taking out Rothchilds’ and Rockafellers. In the meantime they have been told that their scam is moribund. It is also predicted that the Bush Administration will resign this Autumn (Fall) and a 3 year interim administration led by Al Gore will pave the way for world co-operation as opposed to globalisation, during which time the UN will be reorganised and all the Tesla stuff will be wheeled out.

It all sounds good and it could fall one of two ways but don’t break into your food stash just yet. Things are never as good as they look but never as bad as they seem.

At 6:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have been blessed MRS P.
These things are pretty common place among the Native Americans but are never taken for granted,and
are a constant reminder of our kinship with our mother of all things that walk, swim,fly,creep,wiggle,flutter,and other wise dance to the rhythm of life.Did i forget slither?
My dream is that someday we will all gather in one place,and we will,i just hope its not one of halliburtons
bed and breakfast luxury hotels.

Brother SATS,
i could not find the article you mentioned, am i the only one?
i am a little new at this stuff,yeah i no, it shows.

Fire Update
the fire has spread to more then 80,000 acres and moved on up into the higher echelons of record breaking status.
Some honor,mother earth is coming on with a huge sigh. This feels like a lesson in humility for many, it certainly is for me along with a sense of rightness.
What does it take for the eyes to regain their sight.?
i do not know this thing.

The info is a little sketchy from the LoLo National Forest apparatus but the fire is the Chipper Creek fire.

The sunsets and sunrises are spectacular as you can imagine.

At 7:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

MF the link works ok for me but if you can’t get it, Google
and fairly near the top is an article “Secret Government promises big changes”

Hope it works.

At 2:33 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...

Outstanding, Belgium!!

You've covered the whole sad business, from inception to the latest phase.

At 3:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know, Belgium. That latest thing from the Truthseeker could be put in the Too Good to be True file, along with the Second Coming, benevolent invasion of space aliens, transformation of the species into some sort of wise & glowing human phase II's and the triumph of the Jedi over the Star Wars Evil Empire. But, I gotta admit, if there ever was a time that a secret society for good should show up, NOW WOULD BE A GOOD TIME.

At 11:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,


I don’t know if this piece is light entertainment or misdirection in the lull before the storm or whether there could be at least a grain of something in it. The guy who wrote the original article more or less said “I heard this whisper from behind someone’s hand and I am going to pass it on but make up your own mind”. To me it is in the same category of Karl Rove taking a long walk off a short plank so that he can spend more time with his family. But hey, like you say, if ever there was a time for Jones to show up and untie the maiden from the railway track then this is it.

At 5:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


the 7.9 last night @ 23:40:57 UTC has been followed by this....

5.6, 5.8, 5.8, 5.4, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.2, 6.3, 5.0, 4.5, 4.7, 4.9, 5.3, 6.0


fa... didn't the bot-meister predict a mid-aug event to kick off the energy release run-up to sept 19th?

At 6:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

b's link is written by the same guy i was referring to 2 threads back. see 9:13 @

or link here for the rense interviews with him....

At 8:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,


A number of things here, I will try to be short.
I looked at those maps and there does indeed seem to be increased and more violent earthquake activity but around the traditional Ring of Fire. About twenty five or so big events seem to be concentrated about 100 miles south of Lima Peru. Others are on US West Coast; the Aleutian Islands and Austral Asia. It appears as if the Pacific Plate is on the move.

What is the significance of Sept 19, that one is lost on me?

What is your take on Fulford? Usually I know generally where I stand on most politics but this is outside my scope. Geoff Rense says he might be well meaning but being used for someones agenda, or it could be genuine

Now a change of subject back to 9/11. I also do not know what to make of this but could this be a real effect?
The reference for this is locked in my non-working computer but do you remember a few weeks ago when there was a video around which showed frame by frame pictures of both tower impacts? In the brief moment before the strike there appeared to be a flash of light from the nose of each plane. Could it have been a discharge from the tower to the plane and not the other way around? This came to mind when I watched two videos today. The first deals with effects in the universe being mainly electrically generated and not gravitationally generated.

It is all good stuff but if you just want to skip to the interesting bit then start about 46 minutes in and then you get to it at 48 minutes in. This part deals with firing missiles at comets to try to determine their nature.

The next one deals with the Bell Island, Newfoundland explosion and it is all interesting.

Any comments on this?

At 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

In the current post, in the section Spin, Not saying What You Mean, I used the example of the British police wanting to use minor crime as an excuse to build a data base. This now appears naively out of date, the government now openly wants to compile biometric data on every man, woman and child in the nation. I have just watched the following movie on the most controlled nation in the world.

There is not this level of control on citizenry in Baghdad or Kabul.
The film in part compares the British and American models. It also demonstrated how your own GSM can be used to transmit your private conversations and how insecure RFID technology really is.

Whilst I am on this topic, I might as well throw in this article on how your cable TV can be used to transmit private conversations inside your own home.

Have we got the representation we deserve?

At 1:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Every time I hear someone cry out "there aught to be a law" for or against something, I ask them about all the laws we have now and to please explain to me how they have benefited their life. Have we gotten what we deserved? Oh-- yes we have, unfortunately.

I just answered an email that was sarcastically making a retort to me that I had said the U.S. was the one to cause this illegal alien problem in the first place. The writer had said "Oh well, I guess America is to blame for everything". Oh gee, let's see, we have the most powerful military, the most ambitious leaders, used to be the most powerful economic force in the world, loves to get into wars that "are a slam dunk", and is pretty much disrespected if not out right hated by much of the world. There is a reason for that. As a nation, we are at fault for most of the shit going on, and by the orders of the PTB. I asked him which ass hole he has been voting for most of his life. And when things fall apart, guess who these jerks are going to blame. sigh.

At 4:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

b... there are major fault lines scattered around the globe. they may appear haphazard until one drills down a bit into plate tectonics.

the ring is the most contiguous string of faults and its easily viewed on the map as you saw. if there's no fault line we're not gonna see activity. but the fault lines are only known according to activity. ie, the japanese didn't know they built the world's biggest nuk reactor right on top of a fault line til that biggie couple weeks ago. or so they say.

the fault lines become even more apparent on longer charts. here's one that includes the period between 8 and 30 days ago...

unfortunately i've never found an easy archive of 2.5+ activity to reference and look for changes in patterns and cycles. try to track stuff below that level and there's just too much noise in the model.

periodicaly i just do a daily audit and write in on a calandar. track a month, total it all up and divide. daily avg in the current 7 days is 32+. 2 years ago the daily average was in the low 20's over a 3 month sample.

it "appears" that is up but i haven't done a tracking lately. you can see that on the list link but you have to give it time to load. today's count is well over 50 which i consider an anomaly though i've seen days with over 80 during a swarm. 16 of those today were on the andreanof/fox islands of the aleutians. the aleutians are always shakin but the averages are well above the norms over the last 2 months at least. imo.

i seldom see a day below 10 now where they used to be common. having said all that i'm sure we been here before. i wouldn't buckle the seat belt yet but i'd sure have one handy!

fulford? i dunno. i wouldn't throw him in the looney bin yet. until i see something that might bring the whole thing some credibility i remain skeptical. but connecting the dots on something like this may never be do-able unless you're on the inside.

i commented on this in that other thread i linked this morn. mafioso types don't operate on threats and ultimatums. they show by doing! so thats definitly out of character unless you argue that it might be in character in chinese culture. i couldn't argue that one.

i'm leaning toward reense on this one... if there is anything to this beyond some sick-o serving a twisted narcisistic need, the guy's amazingly naieve about some things and that would leave him wide open to be used. even the most knowledgable on some fronts are blind to others.

but, say he is being used. then the question becomes... why? by whom and for what?

At 12:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,


It sounds like you have got that one right unfortunately.

Re Fulford. Here is an improbable but possible scenario for you to consider. When you read any article at all concerning the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation, the one word I will predict you will find somewhere in the piece will be ‘multipolarism’. Suppose that China has taken a step backwards and learned the lessons of Empire. Then decided to join with like minded states to thwart the broad swathe of globalisation but without the desire to form the United States of Asia since this would be a different version of the same thing. The obvious answer is the SCO. When it then sees monopolarism going into its final stages and setting itself up to deliver the coup de gràce, what should it do? A single state or even a group of states cannot go around popping off prominent bankers and European nobility. That would be playing the terrorist card right into their hand, even if it is real this time and not fake. The Mafia, on the other hand – isn’t that what they do?

At 9:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

leave the gun, take the canoles.

At 1:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

b... interesting concept. right up ther with international law and this one... - guarantee the right of every state to choose independently its way of development based on its unique historical experience and national features, to protect its state integrity and national dignity, to participate equally in international affairs;

hummm... the sco, aka the republic federation of chinrussiastana perhaps? interesting read the bishkek declaration signed just yesterday... " Unilateral action cannot resolve the existing problems."

do you think they can really hold the un's pants to the fire and isn't that a dead end street? did they maybe take a play from from buscho... now they can say they went to the un and....

re le cosa nostra... my point exactly. so the next question is... if they can't go around poppin 'em off can they likewise not go around sticking their massive holdings of the bank cabal's debt load where the sun don't shine? or is that your point exactly... oh yes they can!!

on 9/19... its significant because its my birthday... lol! actually this has to do with the self procalimed web bot nutjob guys we were taling about in an earlier thread. the story is disturbing enough to warrent telling which i'll take a stab at sometime this wknd.... p

At 8:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of spin, Belgium, last night's news with Katie Couric was making me gag. The manipulation of the stock market was being covered and Katie was gushing that the market almost tanked, but the Fed stepped in and "saved" the situation by discounting the interest rate that banks use to lend each other money. Oh, goody!
Somebody may have been "saved" but it wasn't us. They've been injected billions of dollars of new money to prop up the market that will only greatly increase inflation. Inflation basically takes the money out of the pockets of the working class and fixed incomers. So, we've been robbed.
No mention of that on the news...

At 10:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

Funny your comment should come just now, I have just watcher ‘Money as Debt’ again. This was lost to me in the crash, computer that is and this machine wouldn’t accept a codec to get it back but BrasscheckTV have just published it. It’s always worth a second viewing.

At 10:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

fa... i know you read ure's urban survival site. did you dig on his idea for the shorts, et al to bring a class action law suite against the fed for price fixing? this whole thing might be funny if it weren't so real... p

At 1:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,


I agree, but I suppose the tongue in cheek question is, are high interests rates better?

Higher or lower they always advantage the same group of people and disadvantage the same group of people.

The smart answer is that the interest rate should represent the amount of money that can be taken out of the economy in order to make it non inflationary but try and get the Fed to play that game, ha.

At 10:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know that I don't know crap about money, but it seems to me that in a resource finite world, we have to stop consuming more and more. And we have to stop growing more and more. Somehow, we have to reduce our impact on the world, reduce our population, reduce our industry, etc. In my post collapse world, I would outlaw interest altogether. Interest has proven to be sick and wrong. And, when the investment slime whine and wail, I would advise them to get a real job. Plant a fucking radish. Do something real.

At 11:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,


I am standing right behind you on this one. Let us re introduce the crime of usury.

At 6:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

re 9/19: this ties back to the little we've said re the web bot guys one of which is named cliff and who i heard interviewed for 3 hours on the 4th of july along with george ure of urban survival who's work we've also mentioned and linked here in prev threads.

cliff said alot of things in the way of coming events in both the short and long terms that are coming up in the data. one of those was specific to 9/19. he said more but the following is the nuts and bolts...

quote... "very shortly, on a dime, our data is indicating the language in global mainstream is going to go from release period to building tension period and data extends 75 days (this was said on the 4th of july). we're not saying this is a tipping point but this has a greater level of potential than was involved in the tipping point we discovered prior to 911. i do not wish to be obscure or unclear because i am specifically not alluding to a potential event per se. what we do have is this sudden turn around which comes, according to the data on 9-19 between 5 and 6:15 utc (that would be between 1 and 2;15 am edt). thats when the release from shift to build will take place. we know that events or circumstance will manifest prior to that time that well get people to shift over in the language and that will probably start around mid-august."

if i hear them correctly they are expecting a trilogy of shakers as a part of the release period starting aug 15. this is identified in the linguistics as "terra intrudes".

we just had the 8.0 in peru but, according to george, as of friday cliff was not convinced it is the first... not high enough mag.

8.0 is not high enough mag?? holy shit!!!

however, cliff has now revised that as reported by geroge yesterday...

keep in mind that the revisions were made based on the linguistic flavors and tones in the wake of the 8.0 and a matching of certain form manifestations that have developed in the wake of the quake to the pre-cursor linguistics.

read what george had to say. he's sez it much better than i could.

in my view the aleutians may well be in play in this. this region is always shakin but i've never seen activity there like i've seen there in the last few weeks. its on the list every day concentrated in the area of fox and andreanof islands. depth ranges greatly from near surface to over 100 km which to me indicates a HUGE form under great stress. that it is moving is good. but are the stresses getting sassified and is this a pre-cursor to a really big one in that area? another very valid question is... could release activity in that area of the interconnected faults that are the ring of fire be puttin unimaginable stresses onto other areas? certainly a good argument can be make for increased activity around the ring in recent weeks. such activity is historically cyclical and that may be what we're seeing. then again, there may be more to it.

i would also add here my observation about the web bot guys. though they promote themselves as wingnuts and their work as "for entertainment purpose only", they strike me as anything but wingnuts. they just don't fit the profile and if you read the link i provided above you'll see they go to great length to "caveat" their prognostications... p

At 9:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

correction: i did not hear them correctly. they are not saying the terra intrudes are a part of the release period as i framed it. they are part of the short term between here and beginning of next year and not necessarly directly tied to the 9/9 tipping point.

my mistake so don't let it mislead you. i collapsed the 2.
collapsed!! there's one for the bot meister to hone in on! wonder what they do when they figure out their readin their own mail! :)

At 11:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, damn,p... the darn Aleutians are not that far away from Oregon. Who knows what a huge earthquake could do the the volcanoes that surround us. We have 40 cinder cones all around us, live about 5 miles away from the Newberry Caldera, and had to dig down past 30 feet of volcanic ash from previous eruptions in our backyard for our well water. Rockpicker and Oldensoul live close to the Yellowstone Caldera. Yikes! I called my home insurance people in Miami and asked them if I was covered for volcanoes. They thought I was nuts, but it appears that I am. It would be quite ironic if we were planning for a political and financial disaster, but got wiped out by a natural one instead.
I'm interested in what hurricane Dean is going to do in the Gulf. Could do some damage to oil rigs or refineries that would have a significant impact. All kinds of signs pointing to war with Iran as well. Boy, all this is making the potential crash of the stock market look like a walk in the park.
Yeah, I'd say big change is afoot. I'm thinking with the fires, floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes, Mother Earth might be doing a cleansing ceremony of Her own. It's going to be an interesting month. Murph was wondering what to do with these extra logs we've got. I suggested that he build a raft.

At 11:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, everyone. We have been experiencing much smoke and hot days here in Montana. Fires are burning in many places now. I am working in a place 3.5 hrs. from my home, so I drive across a large part of the state twice a week. This weekend a cold front has come in, bearing cooler temps, but also, thunderstorms, lightning and high winds. After a couple of days of clean air, tonight the air is again smokey.

I did a search for "Chinese Secret Society" on the truthseeker website and it returned this article. Below, see url.

I hope this is good information, but I am as yet skeptical.

At 5:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

The Guardian (nobody seems to call it the Grauniad anymore since they invested in spellchecker) has come up with the reason for all of America and the world’s financial woes. It is all down to Alan Greenspan, well it had to be somebody. He was the one who let this sub-prime mortgage business flourish and inventing derivatives whereby dodgy double dealers can mix their dodgy money with that of honest and reputable speculators and thus taint all the apples in the barrel. But do not despair, Dazzling Ben Bernanke is riding to the rescue with cautious optimism and a bottle of bitter pills to stave off another 1929, or worse.
Who writes this stuff? If we are just a crowd of Joe Shmoes in the street how come we know what is going on and these Harvard economists can’t seem to find their ass with either of their hands?,,2152219,00.html

Rockpicker, gald to hear you are OK, concern was starting turn to worse. Anybody heard from mf and the encroaching six mile fire?

At 7:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

Since Earthquakes have come into the conversation I don’t know how many of you realise that the Richter scale is logarithmic and without an upper limit. A very brief explanation and excuses to those who already know it. What this means is that for every whole number increase on the scale, the severity of the tremor is ten fold. So for a 5.0 earthquake a 5.1 is not just a little bit stronger but twice as severe. A 5.2 is three times as severe and a 6.0 is ten times as severe as a 5.0. An 8.0 is ten times stronger than a 7.0; a hundred times stronger than a 6.0 and a thousand times stronger than a 5.0. It kinda puts it into perspective for those that were not aware.

At 11:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looked in on Mogambo Guru this weekend, just to see what his take on things was. Sounds like blaming Greenspan is old hat for him.

Interesting to see the mention of "free energy" as one of the benefits the secret chinese society plans to bestow on the world after they dump the Illuminati. Bearden claims the yakuza has had free energy for a while now. Also, the movie promulgating an electric, versus gravitational model, for the universe, smacks of true wisdom. I never realized there was any doubt or controversy between competing models. Anyway, I still say Bearden and Steorn are on to something and hopefully we're about to all share in the benefits of this "new" understanding of things old. ps. the circlular patterns shown in the movie are strikingly similar to the patterns I've seen on a site that deals with Edward Leedskalnin's coral castle.

gotta run, bye for now.

At 2:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

rp... its refreshing to hear someone on board with this electric versus gravitational model. there's likely a coupling between the 2. the std physics theory which is theory of relativity you have only one polarity to gravity so there's only attraction... no gravitational replusion or anti gravity.

there's a whole lot more to it than electro and magnetism but most everything spins from the interactions of these and any idiot, like me for example, who's ever played with magnets can plainly see and demonstrate attraction and repulsion. it otta be a no-brainer! maybe thats where the prob comes in... brains!!

btw... whats the movie you referred to?

At 12:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

p, could it be the one mentioned in my 8.08 comment above.

At 8:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get a serious kick out of Freeacre who always makes me laugh. I'm glad I'm not the only one who is nauseated by katie couric. If my husband lands on that channel I politely say please change I might loose my cookies right here. And something is eating my radishes! Funny you should mention F-ing radishes.

On the subject of quakes...they say L.A. and the southern CA San Andreas fault is 150 years past due for "the big one." L. A. has about 24 different fault lines running through it. It's about 120 miles away from here. The big one, (a shift in the san andreas), would be devasting here.

Hope mf is okay with the fire at chipper creek.

BTW, it was me who said about the canoles, I forgot to add my name.
it's just easier to post anon, mrsp

At 1:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

Back to spin and disinformation,
this piece is a classic.

At 5:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ya that was it b... thx.

speaking of hurricanes, how soon we forget. but we got the fema prison and the iron claded x-homes of thousands of victums of hurricane george to remind us. and greg palast...

How the White House Drowned New Orleans

by Greg Palast
[Thursday, August 23] It's been two years. And America's media is about to have another tear-gasm over New Orleans. Maybe Anderson Cooper will weep again. The big networks will float into the moldering corpse of the city and give you uplifting stories about rebuilding and hope.

Now, let's cut through the cry-baby crap. Here's what happened two years ago - and what's happening now.

This is what an inside source me. And it makes me sick:

"By midnight on Monday, the White House knew. Monday night I was at the state Emergency Operations Center and nobody was aware that the levees had breeched. Nobody."

The charge is devastating: That, on August 29, 2005, the White House withheld from the state police the information that New Orleans was about to flood. From almost any other source, I would not have believed it. But this was not just any source. The whistle-blower is Dr. Ivor van Heerden, deputy director of the Louisiana State University Hurricane Center, the chief technician advising the state on saving lives during Katrina.

I'd come to van Heerden about another matter, but in our talks, it was clear he had something he wanted to say, and it was a big one. He charged that the White House, FEMA and the Army Corp hid, for critical hours, their discovery that the levees surrounding New Orleans were cracking, about to burst and drown the city.

Understand that Katrina never hit New Orleans. The hurricane swung east of the city, so the state evacuation directors assumed New Orleans was now safe - and evacuation could slow while emergency efforts moved east with the storm.

But unknown to the state, in those crucial hours on Monday, the federal government's helicopters had filmed the cracks that would become walls of death by Tuesday.

Van Heerden revealed:

"FEMA knew at 11 o'clock on Monday that the levees had breeched. At 2p.m. they flew over he 17th Street Canal and took video of the breech."

Question: "So the White House wouldn't tell you the levees had breeched?"

Dr. Van Heerden: "They didn't tell anybody."

Question: "And you're at the Emergency Center.'

Dr. Van Heerden: "I mean nobody knew. The Corps of Engineers knew. FEMA knew. None of us knew."

I could not get the White House gang to respond to the charges.

That leaves the big, big question: WHY? Why on earth would the White House not tell the state to get the remaining folks out of there?

The answer: cost. Political and financial cost. A hurricane is an act of God - but a catastrophic failure of the levees is a act of Bush. That is, under law dating back to 1935, a breech of the federal levee system makes the damage - and the deaths - a federal responsibility. That means, as van Heeden points out, that "these people must be compensated."

The federal government, by law, must build and maintain the Mississippi levees to withstand known dangers - or pay the price when they fail.

Indeed, that was the rule applied in the storms that hit Westhampton Dunes, New York, in 1992. There, when federal sea barriers failed, the flood waters wiped away 190 homes. The feds rebuilt them from the public treasury. But these were not just any homes. They are worth an average of $3 million apiece - the summer homes of movie stars and celebrity speculators.

There were no movie stars floating face down in the Lower Ninth Ward nor in Lakeview nor in St. Bernard Parish. For the 'luvvies' of Westhampton Dunes, the federal government even trucked in sand to replace the beaches. But for New Orleans' survivors, there's the aluminum gulag of FEMA trailer parks. Today, two years later, 89,000 families still live in this mobile home Guantanamo - with no plan whatsoever for their return.

And what was the effect of the White House's self-serving delay?

I spoke with van Heerden in his university office. The computer model of the hurricane flashed quietly as I waited for him to answer. Then he said, "Fifteen hundred people drowned. That's the bottom line."

They could have survived Hurricane Katrina. But they got no mercy from Hurricane George.

At 5:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

and speaking of hurricane george....

At 10:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will those that know me sing for my good friend brother and ally Richie tonight.
A man of impeccable integrity and as unpretentious as a newborn baby,he has chosen to give up a broken body and rejoin our creator.
We rejoice with you Richie,we sing the good song for you and we will see you soon and watch you play the guitar which always seemed just a little out of tune,but then again the magic that came from it made the light shine in all of us my friend.
I have tears tonight of joy Richie, we fought the good fight and never let the mother fuckers kill our spirits, we lived in spite of all the shit that was thrown in our faces,and we learned love for one another.
Our mommies would be proud of us my friend.
I stand tonight with the orange moon,burn the gift of the sage people,and sing your spirit home.
So long my friend,may the wind blow the sweet love of our motherfather,our creator and the mystery that we now understand to you.


At 1:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

mf, Freeacre

Suddenly the night has grown colder.
The god of love preparing to depart.
Alexandra hoisted on his shoulder,
They slip between the sentries of the heart.

Upheld by the simplicities of pleasure,
They gain the light, they formlessly entwine;
And radiant beyond your widest measure
They fall among the voices and the wine.

It’s not a trick, your senses all deceiving,
A fitful dream, the morning will exhaust –
Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving.
Then say goodbye to Alexandra lost.

Even though she sleeps upon your satin;
Even though she wakes you with a kiss.
Do not say the moment was imagined;
Do not stoop to strategies like this.

As someone long prepared for this to happen,
Go firmly to the window. Drink it in.
Exquisite music. Alexandra laughing.
Your firm commitments tangible again.

And you who had the honor of her evening,
And by the honor had your own restored –
Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving;
Alexandra leaving with her lord.

Even though she sleeps upon your satin;
Even though she wakes you with a kiss.
Do not say the moment was imagined;
Do not stoop to strategies like this.

As someone long prepared for the occasion;
In full command of every plan you wrecked –
Do not choose a coward’s explanation
That hides behind the cause and the effect.

And you who were bewildered by a meaning;
Whose code was broken, crucifix uncrossed –
Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving.
Then say goodbye to Alexandra lost.

Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving.
Then say goodbye to Alexandra lost


At 3:00 PM, Blogger mrs p said...

Hillary knows? There will be a false flag event to keep us on the current track? She brought it up and I have to wonder if she knows there's something brewing. I would love to hear what you all have to say about a major presidential candidate blurting out this kind of what if. Either in here or at
Thanks, mrsp

mf, I send light & love thoughts and blessings to your much loved Richie, may he dance with great joy in his astral body and may his spirit remind you he is near and remembering those who love him.

At 7:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I ring my Tibetan bowl for you, Richie, and I waft the sage people's smoke around my head and my heart. The smoke and the sound form a bridge to the heavens to honor you on your soul's journey back to home.
All of us will be following your lead one day. Hope you find a place with vibrant hills, big horizons, healthy animals, nice, shining waters, and big, fat smiling trout.
PS That was a beautiful message, Belgium from Leonard Cohen.

At 10:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


The movie I referred to is about the electrical model of the universe. Belgium sent the link in an above comment. Here's the link .

At 10:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Here's that link.


At 11:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just got a notification that Aaron Russo just died. He gave us a great gift with the documentary "From Freedom to Fascism." Guess he wanted to get it to us before he left the planet. Blessings to him as well. He was a real patriot in my book.
Mrs p, what did Hillary say? I can't seem to find a quote anywhere. More and more the Clintons are seeming like the dastardly duo - Corporocrats. the corporate "chosen ones."

At 1:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I finally found what Hillary said: "But if certain things happen between now and the election, particularly with respect to terrorism, that will automatically give the Republicans an advantage again, no matter how badly they have mishandled it, no matter how much more dangerous they have made the world," she said. "So I think I'm the best of the Democrats to deal with that, as well."

Crude and self-serving, I'd say.

At 10:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

We all thought the collapse of the sub-prime mortgage market was just the start of the PTB putting the squeeze on credit. Maybe it was but according to the White House Insider who writes for TTS the whole thing was a con similar to the dotcom bubble. Apparently the banks that got scammed were just innocent victims (poor banks), as too were the Chinese who really should have known better.


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