Monday, December 26, 2005

The Gift That Keeps on Giving

It seems that with each passing day we learn more about just how much Big Brother has been snooping into our lives. It's the gift that just keeps on giving. Since George Boosh admitted last week to authorizing illegal wiretaps but not presenting them to the FISA court, the more information that comes out, the darker our world becomes. And, the less Boosh seems to give a damn about the law, Americans, or anything other than his bizarre agenda. Some examples, although I must admit this is a hodgepodge of disassociated thoughts. After taking four days off, it looks like it may take me a day or two to re-learn how to make things flow in an orderly fashion. Can't help it, I'm just not very smart.

Wiretaps Not Limited to Foreign Correspondence

On Saturday, the Boosh administration admitted that not all of the previously admitted wiretaps had been limited to overseas correspondence, as we had first been told. Now, they say, on occasion, calls and emails were monitored that were totally domestic in nature. They said that there weren't many, and most were done in error. But, what "not many" means, is up for conjecture. As is the "most were done in error" claim. The actual number (surprise) is classified. Is it 10? Or is it 10,000? We don't know, because Boosh won't tell. This administration continues to hide behind the claim that Congress authorized this activity when it gave Boosh the authority to go to war, no matter how loud Congress screams that it did no such thing. Will these guys ever get it? Doubtful, and, it gets worse.

The FBI and National Security Letters

The FBI has joined the NSA in the illegal spying game. They have been issuing what they call National Security Letters to various companies, retrieving various information without Grand Jury Indictments, FISA court approval, or oversight by any authority. While this is not exactly new, the troubling aspect is how frequently it seems to occur these days. The Feebs simply hand a letter to a company and the company turns over whatever records the FBI requests. The FBI has admitted to seeking information from Telephone Companies, Internet Service Providers, Banks, Credit Bureaus, and "other businesses." The exact number of these National Security Letters actually issued is classified, but estimates have been leaked. Prior to 9/11, the number was a few hundred per year. Since 9/11, the numbers have been upwards of 30,000 per year. That involves a lot of newly discovered "terrorists" in our country. I wonder how they all arrived here, and how the FBI suddenly found them? The information received by the FBI has been described as "highly personal" records about customers or subscribers. And, they have admitted to a lot of mistakes, stating that many monitored folks "may not be terrorists or spies or associated with terrorists or spies." Bothered by this yet? You should be.

Meth Labs Anyone?

While "other businesses" can cover a lot of territory, you can rest assured that it includes a laundry list, including medical records, credit card bills, debit card bills, restaurant receipts, and records of virtually any transaction you make.. The opportunity for abuse of power has never been greater, and yet these arrogant protectors admit their illegal behavior; In your face, Americans, what are you gonna do about it? Ever wonder why "meth lab busts" have been reported so high since the Boosh administration has been in power? Think that's a good thing? Think again.

Let's assume that you have a bad cold or allergies, (I do) a car that doesn't start well in the cold weather, a lawnmower that needs a little boost to fire up (like mine), you enjoy an outdoor barbeque with friends,(me again) and like having some green grass in your yard. Guess what? You could be on the "meth lab list," illegally obtained by the FBI with a few of their little National Security Letters. Thank God my dogs tear up my yard and I gave up on the green grass, or the FBI could be kicking my door down. Yep, a little pseudoephedrine, Sudafed or a generic variety of the drug, (you are now forced to sign your name and show ID to purchase this allergy medication) propane, (gas grills) starter fluid, (that pesky lawnmower) and a little lawn fertilizer and you've got a meth lab. Virtually every farmer in America has everything one needs to start a meth lab, and now the FBI has admitted to monitoring your purchases, farmer or not. I'm starting to feel a little overprotected in this little "war on terror."

Roving Wiretaps

The FBI has struck once more, and again admitted failure in this area. The Patriot Act can be thanked for giving the FBI the unfettered ability to use this little jewel. Although always available, they now use these things whenever they feel like it, with no oversight. Their willingness to use the roving wire taps, allegedly against suspected terrorists, has gone terribly wrong somewhere along the line. The FBI admits to "mistakes" in the collection of materials, saying that it often came from wrong sources due to technical difficulties. Now these "technical difficulties," at least the ones they admit to, occur one of two ways. Either the Phone Company puts the illegal wiretap on the wrong phone number, or the FBI gives the wrong phone number to the phone company. Human error occurs, you know. Care to guess which way the mistake happens more often? If you guessed the FBI gives out the wrong number more often than the reverse, bingo, you win the grand prize.

Are these all innocent mistakes? I'm betting not, and I have quite a bit of experience in dealing with FBI agents. In the days that I was acquainted with them, they struck me as a group that had the attitude that they were "above the law" and could do anything they damn well pleased, and they clearly answered to no one. Apparently, since Boosh was elected and I changed professions, they don't attempt to even pretend to hide their indiscretions anymore. They merely follow the lead of the Boss, the Boosh, who gives the finger to American civil liberties on an hourly basis, and, is just arrogant enough to publicly admit it. Just blame it all on 9/11 and people will buy anything, simply make the American people afraid. It will work, and apparently works on Congress as well.

The Department of the Interior

A little over a year ago, The Department of the Interior thought it was time to see just how secure their computers were. So, they did what most companies would do, hired a consultant to check it out for them. Well, the results were less than flattering. The company reported back to the Department that it had "security flaws that led to serious weaknesses" in its systems. Since receiving the report, the Department has done nothing to strengthen the security situation, instead spending its time trying to shoot holes in the negative report. Boosh strikes again, never admit a mistake. Was this the purpose of spending taxpayers money? To argue with the results, should they not turn out the way you want? Why in the hell do you do the study if you are going to ignore the results? Why not just study your own security and say that all is well? Seems much simpler that way, and Boosh has not been shy about passing disinformation to the American people. The economy is just great, remember? The war in Iraq is going splendidly, too. Who's kidding who here?


While all of this pretty well speaks for itself, I guess I should try to wrap this up somehow. While we conduct our "war on terror," a war that I have never understood and likely never will, our rights have been stomped on by an out of control administration, led by a man who I believe to be mad. They lie, cheat and steal, all supposedly for our benefit, and above all to keep us safe. For all I know, they tap my phones, read my email, copy my medical records, keep track of what I purchase, and maybe read my snail mail. And they keep all that in a database somewhere deep in the bowels of the Department of the Interior.

Now, I learn, they can't even keep secure that which they have illegally taken from me. All one has to do is walk through one of the holes in their own security system and learn more than they need to about me, you, and everyone else. My next door neighbor could know how much I owe to VISA and what medications I take. All in the name of security in a post 9/11 world. I don't know about you, but I feel less safe by the minute. I'm almost afraid to open the newspaper for fear of finding out what new brainstorm this joke of a government will come up with next.

9/11 was a horrible event. I am in no way attempting to lessen the pain or the magnitude of what happened on that horrible day. But, it was one event. Nothing has happened since, as nothing had happened before. Our government tells us that the reason that nothing has happened since that time is due to the safeguards that were put in place because of that day. We have thwarted many attempts since then, they say. I, for one, simply don't believe that. The actions that we have taken since that day have made us less safe than before, from the Patriot Act to the war in Iraq. These actions have also stripped us of so many freedoms that made this a great country, and decisions made by Booshco have put a big Bullseye on our backs. There will be another terrorist strike in this country, that is inevitable. Made inevitable by our own government, made inevitable by their striking out in anger at others in the world. Others who had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11, Saddam Hussein included.

We, as a nation, have lost perspective when thinking about the world at large since that horrible day. Boosh has stated over and over, "our world changed after 9/11." Yes, it did. And by his actions and the actions of our leaders in Congress, pure impulse reactions to a terrible event, our world has changed for the worse. We are no longer the America that we once were, and it is not the fault of the terrorists. It is the fault of Boosh and our leaders.

We now have to fear our own government more than we do any foreign entity. By using our own fear as a weapon against us, Boosh is turning this country into a Police State. I don't know how else to describe it. This is no longer America, this is no longer something that can be ignored or denied. We are a Police State, run by a Power Hungry madman who thinks he is on a mission inspired by God. It's really that simple, and I for one find it increasingly uncomfortable to be an American. It is time for the citizens of this nation to take America back from the politicians and the crooks who appoint them, or get the hell out of here and let them do with it what they wish. At this moment, I'm not sure which is the better choice.



At 7:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we are becoming a police state too. How do we stop it Cyclone?

At 8:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are for the terrrorist and not for america

At 8:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I played golf on a regular basis awhile back with a ex fbi agent and he had a real lack of honesty. I don't miss those days

I don't know how we can get our country back before he has us all to a point of being indensured surfs or better yet creates a world recession. I think the GOP is going to have a real problem keeping control after this boob gets done. But how quickly we forget.

I appreciate what you are doing Cyclone, keep the truth coming.

Thank you


At 8:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you think his phone and email is being monitored.

If you have a little more to back up your statement please feel free to fire away. I think you are totally delusional if you think we can be safe from terrorist while the administration is doing things that take our liberties away. I do think we need to maitain a effort in secuirity. I dont think this should be a reason to rob us and not do things by the book. There is aways two reasons goverments do what they do. The first one is what they want you to know and the second is the real reason. This is still America and that means we are free either to disagree or to want the checks and balances to actually work like they were designed to. I don't feel this being said makes me any less of a patriot, I think quite the opposite. I think the people that choose to believe what someone says that has proven more then once, they do not tell the truth is un patriotic.

Its becoming apparent not only to us here but else where in this small world what we have as far foriegn policy. Funny how those folks south of us are condoning the growing of coca leaves now. Why would they do that? Seems the billions we spend on the other war the war on drugs is a waste. And this decision on thier part is based on how we treat them.

Please excuse the miss spellings, I am in no way a proffesional writer.


At 8:57 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

Anonymous 1,



At 8:58 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

Anonymous 2,

I'm working on that now. I'm not sure, but we must begin by defeating Alito's nomination to the Supreme Court and ousting Booshco. A rather tall order.


At 8:59 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

anonoymous 3,

No, not for the terrorists. I would just like to have a few freedoms left, though.


At 9:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Over Christmas we had to indure the comments of my republican, talk-radio loving father-in-law. We spoke about the admitted wire tapping and the fact that Bush broke the law etc. He said he is glad they are wire tapping because he wants them to "get the terrorists." He doesn't care about Bush having broken the law, or the fact that the country is now a police state. He cares nothing about civil liberties. It took a lot to sit there and listen to his crap-o-la. Of course, if Clinton had admitted to doing what Bush did, he would have been outradged. The problem is most people are like him-they listen to Hannity and Savage and Limbaugh and let those freaks do the thinking for them. When you bring up history or facts or anything that requires some analysis, they just come back with quotes from Limbaugh and close their ears to facts. And, of course without fail, they ALWAYS have to somehow blame Bill Clinton for all our woes. I am glad at least I can read Cyclone.

At 9:03 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I'm sorry that you had the misfortune of having to spend leisure time with an FBI freak. I have yet to meet one that I liked or felt that I could trust.

As for the next comment, we are headed for something much larger than a global recession, in my view. I think it is more likely to be a full fledged crash of the world's economy at worst, and a crash of the American economy at best. Boosh and the Repub Congress have sealed our financial fate, I'm afraid. Thanks for your support,


At 9:09 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

anonoymous 4-5,

I believe I said that "for all I know my phone and email are being monitored." I'm relatively certain on my email, not so much on my phone. The point is, no one knows whether they are being monitored or not, thus the problem.

As for the rest of your comments, I am sorry but I can't make any sense of most of it. I don't think we are on different sides, though. I don't get your "delusional" comment, that is not what I'm saying. Maybe you should re-read the post and then maybe you'll understand what I was trying to point out. Thanks for stopping by,


At 9:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Cyclone,

You said: "As for the next comment, we are headed for something much larger than a global recession, in my view. I think it is more likely to be a full fledged crash of the world's economy at worst, and a crash of the American economy at best. Boosh and the Repub Congress have sealed our financial fate, I'm afraid."

What do you suggest any of us do about this in our personal lives? Bury gold, acquire a farm, arm ourselves to the teeth, learn how to make biodiesel, move to Geneva or what?

Simple things like avoiding debt and not being long in stocks won't cut it if the monetary system stops working.

At 9:22 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

Anonymous 6,

Sorry about your Christmas conversation. Sounds nearly unbearable. Trying to change the minds of the Limbaugh crowd like your relatives, is akin to beating your head against a nail studded wall. Now, like you say, if it was Clinton..........They won't get it until the tanks are parked in their driveways, and even then they'll likely be offering donuts to the tank drivers. Hopeless. Hang in there, we'll solve it or leave, one or the other.


At 9:31 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...


Excelent as always! Loved it. Christmas didn't rust ya, I hope it rested ya.

Look. I'm sorry I cracked hard on "anonymous"3 but that kind of guff just salts my ass! The stupid bushie doesn't even have the education to spell "America" with a capital "A"!

Now that I think about it, didn't "johnnyboy" do that shit a lot?


At 9:43 AM, Blogger qrswave said...

Speaking of Russia and fascism.

Great post, cyclone!

At 9:47 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

anonymous 7?,

That, my friend, is the 6 million dollar question. It's each individual's choice, but I'd say we've got a year at most to see how this all shakes out. If nothing changes in that time, my belief is that this economy will crash hard, and mass chaos will ensue. If that occured, I would suggest all that you mentioned if you stay here, including remaining "armed on your farm." You will have things that others will want. The best suggestion is probably to leave. That is what I will do. But, one must begin planning for that possibility pretty soon. I think that should everything go to hell, it will be hard to find a place to land should 100 million people want to leave at once. The doors will be shut, so I am planning for an emergency departure at any time. Sound paranoid? Well, I am. We are not going to survive this one, should we "stay the course."


At 9:49 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Naw, not JB. He couldn't keep himself to so few words!! Thanks for sticking up for me. Later,


At 9:50 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Thanks. I'll check it out.


At 4:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of leaving, I have the opportunity to go to China (with my family) to teach. Will China be a safe place to go, or should I be thinking of other places? If you get the chance, can you tell us more about your predictions regarding the economy crashing and the "mass chaos" that will result? We have government jobs now, and young children to raise/protect. What can we do to prepare? (And, I should add we have very little, if any, disposable income).

At 6:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have been reading your blog for a bit now, and I find myself agreeing with your take on things. I have finally decided to post a reply that may contain some perspectives I have not seen you cover. I consider myself an amateur student of historical perspectives. I have come to these conclusions.
1. All governments through history, large and small, fail, fall and are replaced.
2. All forms of government have an inherent weakness; they become corrupted, no matter how sincere the original ideal and benevolent the original leaders. Democracies are not excluded, including our own.
3. All government systems, if benevolent, do well while they are benevolent.
4. Majority opinion about any policy is going to be oppressive by its very nature.
5. The most obscene, cruel and oppressive regimes in history had the support, at least at the beginning, of the majority of its citizens.
6. It appears that the majority of people have never been able to project the consequences of what they support in governmental policy.
7. The “common good” and “Patriotism” are the easiest slogans to use for oppression. They are right next to creating a fearful opponent of the state and just as effective.
8. Our government, in its origin, made a feeble attempt to negate these faults. They failed in respect to lust for power and corruptibility. Our government, after all, was formed predominately by the elite.
9. In ancient history, in the Christian bible, God warned the Jews about wanting a king. They insisted and got it, and look at the result. In effect, God wanted an anarchy social system. Interesting to note, not once have I heard a Christian leader discuss this.
10. What’s the answer to these observations? Damned if I know. It appears we will have a huge population reduction on this planet again. Maybe next time around we can figure out a better way.

At 5:29 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

Anonymous 8,

While China would probably not be my first choice, it may well beat the hell out of the USA in a year or two. Working for the government here is probably a good thing. If things play out like I think they might, the government will be one of the few employers that continue to offer low pay and benefits, benefits being the key word. If it is a relatively short term (1-2 year) teaching opportunity, I would consider it highly, were it me. I think that everyone that does not want to live in a neocon world and have their children in the military, should have a plan in place to get out of here.


At 5:32 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I would like to comment to you personally on the items you mentioned. I don't have the space to do so here. So, if you want, send me an email at:
and I'll respond with a return email.


At 6:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Cyclone,

I have pondered the "get whilst the getting is good" concept at length. I have a strong connection to Canada, but I expect that Canada and Mexico (my brother-in-law moved his family there already) are simply too close. Argentina? Portugal? With enough money, Switzerland is a good choice. What does your short list look like?

Do you think you can move enough money out of the country to live well? What currency will you trust?

Sorry for all of the questions, but if you've got it figured out, spill!

Thanks for taking the time to write something I find really fascinating.


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