Wednesday, December 28, 2005

This Tree Bears Plenty of Poisonous Fruit

For those of you who do not have much of a legal background, I am going to take the space to explain something about the law to you. For those that are legally astute, feel free to skip this part and move further down in this post where the crux of the matter lies.

There is a legal concept that is going to come into play, courtesy of Boosh, who chose to admit to wiretapping and watching emails from private citizens without bothering to spend the time necessary to get approval from the FISA court. It is known simply as the "fruit of the poisonous tree" clause. An example is probably the best way to explain this. The following comes from an actual case, although I was not the subject.

Say I (Cyclone) am a serial bank robber who killed a security guard during one of the holdups. The FBI finally finds some snitch to rat me out, and they are coming to arrest me. They bang on my door, my friend opens the door and they immediately put a gun to his or her head and order him or her to the floor. I am in another room and they come and yank me out of my bed. They throw me in the floor, my friend and I are both handcuffed and they tell me that they know that I am the bank robber that they are after. They tell me that they are going to search my apartment, and I can either consent to the search or they will get a warrant, but either way they are going to search. They ask if I understand, and I say that although I have been drinking, I guess I understand, and sign a consent form that allows them to search. During the search they find no money, but in my closet they find the weapon that later turns out to be the one that killed the security guard. It seems that they have got me cold. They've got the weapon, it was under my full control at the time that they found it, so I am charged with Murder, along with a bunch of bank robberies.

Then my lawyer goes to work, and the "fruit of the poisonous tree" comes into play. This concept is very simple. Anything that is found during an illegal search is considered "the fruit of the poisonous tree" and a prosecutor cannot enter any of it into evidence against me. Case law states over and over that obtaining consent to search by threat of getting a warrant is actually not getting consent, because the consent is not "voluntary." Because the FBI did not bother to take the time necessary to get a proper warrant, the gun is out and so is the case against me. Without the gun, and without the money, the charges are dismissed. I'm free. End of story.

The Boosh Wiretap Order
The reason that I point this out is that you are going to be hearing a lot about this in the near future. In fact, you may have already heard a snippet of information about this subject. Now that Boosh has admitted to the world that he authorized spying on terror suspects and anyone that they may have come into contact with, (I'm being kind to Boosh here, it could well be any of us) you are going to see courts flooded with motions to suppress evidence in all terrorism cases that are currently pending, as well as demands for new trials from those who have already been convicted. One attoryne of a previoulsy convicted subject has already stated that he could never put together how his client's name ever came up to begin with. Well, now he can, courtesy of Boosh.

Because Boosh chose to circumvent the FISA court, the court that requires so little to grant a warrant that it is nearly a government "okay" rubber stamp, he has opened for review every "terrorism" case that has been prosecuted since 2001. And, it will be a mess. None of this wiretap information was passed on to defense attorneys or even to the judges in the trials, violating the rights of defendants to present a defense. And that's a real problem. We have a thing in American law called "discovery," put in place so that a defendant can know what evidence the prosecution has against him or her. Discovery to defense attorneys is much more limited in Federal Cases than State Cases, but the Federal Court Judges certainly expect to be informed of what evidence exists and where it came from. In these wiretap cases, it seems that the Federal Court Judges have been blindsided.


Why would Boosh decide on his own to circumvent the FISA court, the easiest court in the world to get a warrant from? So easy, in fact, that you can request the warrant after the wiretapping or spying occurs? I'm not sure that there is a perfect answer to that question, although we are getting closer. One reason is, without a doubt, sheer arrogance on the part of this administration, especially Boosh himself. You know, it's War Time and all of that broken record nonsense. Another, more troubling answer, is beginning to come out. It seems that Boosh has met some resistance from the FISA court in obtaining some warrants, moreso than any President or administration in power since the court was established. If someone has a problem getting the okay from the FISA court, you can rest assured that in a legal proceeding in any other forum, the evidence would be laughed out of court. This tells me that Boosh has gone way over the line with his wiretapping and general snooping on people, way beyond what anyone has imagined possible to this point. In attempting to use the twisted logic of Boosh, I'm sure that he thinks that courts are just another bureaucratic pain in the ass that he doesn't need approval from, because he has a war to fight. He has gone from "screw the American people" to "screw the Court." He is above the law, as long as he can place it under the umbrella of the "war on terror." Well, the courts may just decide to "just say no to Boosh." Judges, especially of the Federal variety, don't like to be told that they are insignificant.

Did Boosh Break the Law?

In my mind, it is clear that Boosh broke the law by authorizing the NSA to conduct wiretapping and intercepting or interrupting and reading emails. Most legal scholars agree with me. But, given the "fruit of the poisonous tree," I'm not sure that it even matters now. Once these cases begin to be reviewed, these defendants or people up on appeal will find out whether or not any information planned to be used against them, or that was used to convict them, came from these wiretaps. If so, all evidence that came from that search (phone conversation or email) will be tossed. And, should that evidence lead to another person, presumably the reason for doing it in the first place, that person will cease to exist in the eyes of the court. Boosh and his clan will scream from the rooftops that "National Security" requires that this information be kept from the view of the public, and that argument may well fly. But, when they argue that the accused or convicted have no right to know this information, Judges will step in and demand to at least review the information In Camera. (In Camera simply means that the Judge alone will review the material and determine it's value) They will likely be horrified at what they see.

Where Are We Now?

Boosh has finally managed to bite himself in the ass. Through his power hungry, holier than thou, insane idea that he is the Potentate and can do whatever he damn well pleases is about to be derailed by the legal system. You will soon see a whole bunch of people, both charged and uncharged, released from custody. Not only that, you will see convictions overturned on some people who have already been convicted of terrorist activities. It is inevitable. The ironic thing about all of this is that Boosh claims that all he does is done to "protect the American people from the terrorists." By breaking the law, or at a minimum failing to follow the rules of the easiest court in the land, he may well have given "Get out of Jail Free" cards to some people who actually are terrorists. Is that the type of "Protection" that you had in mind?

I told you all that this was going to be big. It now looks like it's going to be bigger than even I thought. Boosh is our worst nightmare, and may well, in the end, be aiding the terrorists rather than protecting us by choosing to ignore simple laws. Laws that were put in place to prevent a madman like him from having unfettered power. All while stripping us non-terrorist Americans of our own constitutional rights. Simply amazing.


At 8:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But, he owns the courts as well, right? So, nothing will happen to our self-appointed dictator I'm afraid.

At 8:33 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

anonymous 1,

We can only hope someone cares. This thing could blow. Thanks for stopping by,


At 8:35 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

Anonymous 2,

This makes defeating the Alito nomination of utmost importance. I'm not much of one for writing Congresspeople, but this is probably the time to do it. Thanks,


At 9:24 AM, Blogger AL RULES said...

Another great post. I was just discussing this very topic with my mother today. We were thinking that after a few "terrorists" get off on their charges, the administration will hold their hands up in the air and say,"Well, we had them but they got away on a stupid technicality." Then the public (aka sheep) will allow the administration to abuse their rights and walk all over the constitution so that future "terrorists" won't go free.

They might have a few hardships ahead but I guarantee the administration will somehow spin this into a necessary tool to combat terrorism.

I'm not sure if you've read the article about the U.S. spying on U.N. delegates in order to get leverage against those countries when trying to rally support for the war in Iraq. You can see what this spying is really about @

This is not as much about catching "terrorists" as it is getting information to suit the needs of the administration.


At 9:27 AM, Blogger qrswave said...


you do an excellent job of explaining in plain english how the law works.

your work is invaluable; please, keep it up!

At 9:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every pundit that unequivocably backs this administration's illegal activities because they are part of the 'in' circle better think about what happened to Ernst Roehm. Nobody is ultimately safe around a dictator.

PS, Cyclone, why do you use 'boosh' instead of the poor man's given name. Would it be because that name is onomatopoeically related to certain bathroom activities?

At 10:15 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Yes, I read it. And, the conversation with your mother is probably pretty accurate. But, the rumblings of the Repubs are getting louder. I don't know how much farther they are willing to go with this lunatic. Hey, one can dream, can't he?


At 10:17 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I hadn't thought of the "bathroom thing." No, Boosh was something that just popped out of my disturbed brain about 5 years ago. I didn't really like Dubya, so I created my own. Now, it's like we're buddies or something! (not) Thanks for coming by,


At 11:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Cyclone,
One other thought is that he had planned not to go to court, but to hold selected peopled without trail on the same level as an 'enemy combatant'

Just a thought. Very interesting site.

At 11:20 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


No, if it was going to happen before the first of the year it would have been before Christmas. I don't know if you remember or not, but about 2-3 Wednesday's ago the Grand Jury was scheduled to meet but didn't. That ended all hope of it happening before the year was out. But, it's going to happen, I still think it will be pretty soon. I just don't know how much good it will do. Cheney is the one who has to go.


At 1:05 PM, Blogger Dave Watkins said...

I think bush may be testing the water with this admission.

If an uproar occurs that bushco can stiffle--they will. If they cannot shuffle this situation aside then the course to follow will be to give up the pretense that the US is still a democracy.

The gangsters that occupy the halls of power will declare bush "emperor" and be done with the charade. A very black future lies ahead me thinks....

At 4:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cyclone, One large problem with the 'terrorist" tag on someone or some institution. I have yet to see a definition of it that doesn't include the American government. Just like WMD, no difinition of what it is that doesn't include what the U.S. is using all over the world. I expect stronger police state soon and anyone who complains is going to be labled a 'terrorist'. If I am correct, better be ready for it.

At 4:12 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


I don't think he's that smart, I really don't. And, he no longer gets the advice that he got before. I think this was more of a lone wolf fuck up, and there's no one to fix it for him. Now, it's up to the courts to decide. Who knows what they'll do? This will be in the Supreme Court someday, if Boosh loses in lower courts that is. You are correct about the black future. It get's blacker with each passing minute. We are running out of time, and we seem to be at a standstill. Can't let things like mere survival get in the way of the holidays, now can we? Thanks for coming by,


At 6:14 PM, Blogger Dave Watkins said...


This latest shuffle in manpower, found here,1,5936454.story?coll=sns-ap-politics-headlines&ctrack=1&cset=true suggests to me that he/bushco are lining up lickspitttles to bushco's best advantage--just another precurser to the hammer being lowered.

This quote "Thomas Donnelly, a defense expert with the American Enterprise Institute, said the changes make it easier for the administration to assert political control and could lead to more narrow-minded decisions." from the article says a lot.

I am not expert on hitler and his madness but was he not famous for shifting people hither, thither and yon when he was establishing control? To do so serves a few purposes--not the least of which is to cause people to fall in line more readily. Thinking if they dont they will be next on the bread line!

I agree with you that bush is no hitler in the smarts area but bush has many more external tools available to gain and maintain control. So he may get down the dictator road aways before the wheels fall off his wagon. Unfortunatly the destruction all this will cause will be catastrophic!

At 9:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot, Cyclone, for the easy-to-grasp explanation on the juridical consequences of Bush's wiretapping (and all else, too)...
Excellent blog, and an excellent author - best of luck to both of you in 2006!

At 9:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sir; It would be worth a great deal and such a pleasure to be able to pull up an easychair and have a lengthy conversation with you....Thank you for sharing your wisdom.

At 10:09 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...

Well! You did it again!! Can't wait to see how his handlers are going to clean this mess up! He most likely slit the thoats of all Republicans up for reelection in 2006!

Shit! I oughta write him a thank you note! He's his own worst enemey! Cheney must be very busy indeed to Boosh run this fsr afield!

At 10:22 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Thanks for the link. I hadn't seen that.


At 10:24 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Thanks for the kind words. I do the best I can. Sometimes legal things are a little difficult to decipher. They do that on purpose so they can charge a lot of money for it!


At 10:26 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Depending upon your location, that could probably be arranged. You have to provide me with all the Cokes I can drink, though! Thanks,


At 10:28 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


We can only hope that he doomed the Repubs. He appears to be doing all he can along those lines, without really trying. Good God, how ignorant can people really be? Every time I think I've heard it all, here he comes again.



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