Monday, December 19, 2005

Emperor Boosh Speaks Again, and Again, and......

How many times and how many ways can a man, (or woman, for that matter) say, "stay the course" without using that exact phrase? The meaning stays the same, the only changes are the verbiage and tone. Saturday we heard the angry, defiant, childlike potentate, shouting down all critics in a way that we have become accustomed to. Then last night, it was the begging, pleading imbecile that we have seen on occasion. It seems that there are only two choices. Either he forgets to take his medications or he is refusing them, neither of which is particularly appealing to me.

Boosh is not legally insane, court cases all over the nation show that the burden of reaching legal insanity is nearly impossible to achieve, but he certainly falls into the severly disturbed category. In other words, should he commit a capital crime, one would not lack for very compelling mitigation to present in his defense. Outside of the state of Texas, a good defense team could almost certainly get him LWOP (Life Without Parole) instead of a date with the gurney and needle.

Beginning Friday and continuing through the weekend, Boosh spent the majority of his time attempting to justify his undisclosed decision to allow for the surveillance of the American people. Yes, the American people whose very lives and liberty that he holds in his hands. He was in total schizophrenic mode, all the way. Let's look at a few quotes from the weekend.

In an attempt to justify the illegal wiretapping and email spying, he began with this.
"This authorization is a vital tool in our war against the terrorists. It is critical to saving American lives. The American people expect me to do everything in my power, under our laws and Constitution, to protect them and their civil liberties and that is exactly what I will continue to do as long as I am president of the United States."

A mouthful. A mouthful of bullshit. First, I must trust his judgement that he is indeed looking out for me and my civil liberties. I, for one, am unwilling to do that. In fact, I think that my life and my civil liberties are the last thing that he has on his mind. Since Boosh has been in office, I have witnessed nothing but an erosion of my civil liberties, and there is no doubt in my mind that he would prefer me dead over alive and writing about him. I am also to "trust" his judgement that spying on Americans is a vital tool in our war against the terrorists. A war that I believe is made up in the mind of a psychotic moron, a war that even he cannot explain. Terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and some field in Pennsylvania. I'll give him that. But the rest of these terrorists that we are in a "war" with, are too abstract for me to understand. They also must be too abstract for him to understand as well, given that I am smarter than he is. (as is my 13 year old daughter, and probably one or two of our pets) He then mentions our laws and our Constitution. He got the go ahead to go with this secret plan from our attorney general, Alberto "I owe you everything" Gonzales, who assured him that he was acting within the law. He also asked "White House counsel," who I assume is Harriet "gosh you're the greatest governor ever" Miers. Sorry Boosh, I need a little more reassurance than that. Virtually every lawyer that I know and every lawyer that I have seen quoted, when asked about the legality of this activity, has had rather strong things to say about it. And they DO NOT say that this activity is legal, in fact most say that Boosh likely broke the law. Further, like a 10 year old defiant kid, he finishes with "I will continue to do so as long as I am the President of the United States." So, the Potentate has spoken. He will continue to trash my civil liberties and break the law by spying upon my overseas correspondance. No further argument needed, just trust Boosh when he says that he has my interests at heart. No thanks.

"I intend to do so for as long as our nation faces a continuing threat from al-Qaida and related groups." This is scary. Related groups could mean one hell of a lot of people. Does this include the AARP group of war protestors that Homeland Security successfully penetrated in Florida, as reported in the press within the last week or two? They are doing me a great service if they can infiltrate a group like that. Or the un-patriotic group of folks that dare question any move that Boosh makes? If so, this sounds awfully similar to a "permanent tax cut" to me. And al-Qaeda? Does that include all of the tortured thousands that we have holed up in secret prisons around the world? Do these people have al-Qaeda membership cards or something? Boosh has no more idea who members of al-Qaeda are than I do. Nor do the CIA or anyone else. Sure, we know who the alleged leaders are, but we have no clue who might be willing to strap explosives to their bodies and blow up a New York subway. And, we damn sure won't find out by reading my email or listening to my phone conversations with friends overseas. And I doubt that they will learn much from yours either. And, finally, in a scolding to those that dare let out the secret that these things were occuring, albeit a year too late, he says:

"As a result, our enemies have learned information they should not have. The unauthorized disclosure of this effort damages our national security and puts our citizens at risk." Are we now at more risk than we were before we learned that Saddam didn't have any weapons of mass destruction? Probably so, but that is the fault of Boosh and the Neocons rather than the result of any terrorist activities. The fact that this information has become public does nothing other than to expose Booshco as the fear mongerers that they are. Does anyone actually believe that if a terrorist was stupid enough to plot terror plans on a cell phone that they will now be smarter and stop? Or, if they were to email bombing stategies back and forth to one another that they will discontinue doing so, now that they know that the NSA might be reading their emails?

Boosh wants to pretend that his cloak and dagger approach to foreign policy is somehow effective, yet it fools few. In reality, it is absurdity at its best. From the beginning of all of this, from the mushroom cloud line to present, it only gets worse. Boosh is the Chauncey Gardener of American Politics, and we are the laughingstock of the world.



At 1:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the "war on terror" begins to make sense when you realize that the name "al Qaeda" is a name that the WEST uses for this loose-knit group. In other words, those people in Afghanistan during the Soviet war were not running around calling themselves "al Qaeda." The name itself, which translates "the base" was the name of a guerilla war training camp. And I'd bet good money that it's the name given to a CIA database (as I've heard once) when the CIA was funding them. Which makes sense considering the quickness with which the Bush admin. discovered the identity of who was behind 9/11... yet couldn't prevent 9/11 when given direct evidence a month before.

Osama and a few others had/have an organization devoted to the reestablishment of the Islamic caliphate. The same caliphate Rumsfeld harps on about again and again. This "empire of oppression" they warn against. It's a similar goal to groups like Muslim Brotherhood, etc. I'm not going to go into how irrational this "oppressive empire" fear is. You can't create a network of scary torture prisons when you have no industry to back you, nor any economic system, or any governing hierarchy, etc. etc. Silly Rumsfeld needs to lay off the Zionist propaganda.

BUT.. now we have to figure this out. Is this a "war on Islam" as I'm positive more than a few Muslims believe? The Israeli nationalist neo-cons (Perle/Wolfowitz) don't provide much comfort. Bush probably believes this as a war on "terrorism." His definition might very well be only those Islamic extremists. But I think he has fallen into a dangerous trap that he isn't aware of. With the Christian/Jewish fundamentalism present, he has in essense established a Holy War.. with no way of stopping it short of entirely removing US presence from the middle east.

The rising tide of fascist behavior from Bush & Co. is going to bring this nation down. When Bush can define who is and is not a "terrorist" at will, what's stopping him from crushing dissent by labeling any critic of, say Israel, a "terrorist?" Or any critic whatsoever. Don't like the war in Iraq? You must be a terrorist.

It's the red scare all over again. Only this time the President has no qualms about using his now-granted unlimited power. With such little outrage about his illegal spying, the public is pratically greenlighting future abuses of power.

And it's simple to buy into his nonsense. All you have to do is believe that there are irrational "terrorists" ready to attack America. Who's a terrorist? Everyone and anyone! That little girl down the street talking to the arab boy. Ut oh, she might be a suicide bomber! We aren't there yet... but if the past has anything to teach us... it's coming.

And worse of all, we have played right into Osama's hand he dealt. 9/11 was to bring America into the middle east. To bankrupt America. He has spoken of things like the Patriot Act in his writings. A document that most Americans don't even know of! I guarantee he knew that America wanted to invade Iraq. Even Saddam knew what was up when he planned a guerilla war since he knew that he would lose. How dumb can the White House and Pentagon be? This imperial nonsense isn't going to fly financially or militarily.

I can see people talking about this in 30 years: "Remember that giant nation... America?" "Yeah, funny stuff. They had the most powerful military the world has seen, but they were defeated by box cutters purchased at Wal-Mart." "I guess the commies won after all."

At 2:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


It seems that I remember someone doing a piece right after the towers went down and we were hammering talaban in Afghanistan. They illuded to the fact that Bin laden would not use cell phones or anything but human mules to pass information bad and forth. That makes me think that if these terrorists are that dedicated they surely would refrain discussing their plans on cell phones, especially international calls.

The timing would have made all the differance had illegal wire tapping come out when it was first known. I think that the press is scared to tell the truth. It had nothing to do with national security, it was all about damage control and winning.

Another point would be along the lines of giving me a example of this policy making a differance. I haven't heard squat about them heading anything off. I have not heard anything due to or in part of this illegal wiretaping. Come on lie to us atleast, you guys are good at that.

I think the terrorists are just laying back trying to break this countrys economy. Because of our capacity to do the knee jerk reaction thing and the scare tactics used by the powers in charge. Knowing there is money to be made. It seems there was a real lack of vision as to how this was going to play out on our part. Guess we had no idea that we wouldn't be accepted by all in Iraq as liberators. By the looks of it Iraq may get something of a democratic goverment, that is if we remove ourselves from their country. Now I wonder whos next in line for us to save or liberate.

At 5:49 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

anonymous 1,

Good analysis. We will certainly run out of money before we do oil, and you are right about bin Laden. Most of what has happened he has predicted over the years. He always said that we would crumble from within, and that is precisely what is happening. Dying, chasing an unknown boogeyman. This "war" is indeed a holy war, and cannot be won by force. If it could, the Israeli/Palestinian conflict would have been over a long time ago.


At 5:59 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

Anonymous 2,

If you had heard that this plan had stopped 50 terrorist attacks, back when the plan was initiated, would you have believed it? I certainly wouldn't have. The person delivering that news would have been Ashcroft, and I wouldn't believe one word that comes out of his mouth, just like Boosh. When you have leaders that NO ONE, worldwide, knows whether to believe or not, the game is up. Even if they always tell the truth, it still does no good. Although I am not fond of the term "moral authority," I will use it. This entire clan has lost the moral authority to lead. As for the cell phone thing, it happened in the first few days of the Afghan war. Someone found a cell phone and they immediately started screaming about Osama using cell phones. Duh, he stopped. They also mentioned laptops, and again, duh, they stopped using them. What next? Dust Americans homes for fingerprints and compare them to the terrorist fingerprint database? Next we'll hear that they find that important. Someone might be hiding an al-Qaeda member in their basement. It is utter madness.


At 3:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

who is chauncey gardener?

At 4:14 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

anonymous 3,

Chauncey G was a character in a great movie (I can't think of the name) that became president by accident. He was actually a gardner, but some people thought he was a genius. Unqualified to be president, much like Boosh. Thanks for the visit,


At 10:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Movie you refer to is called "Being There" and was Peter Sellers last movie before his death,I believe he won an oscar for it.Biting satire of our political system and more relevant today then when it was made.Best regards and keep up the good work.

At 8:39 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

Anonymous 4,

You are exactly right, it is Being There. Thanks for reminding me, I'm going to rent it and watch it over this long weekend. I think it's a true classic, in an unclassical sort of way, if you know what I mean.



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