Saturday, December 17, 2005

Various Things That Tie Together

The Iraqi Election

It will be interesting to see what happens now that the Iraqi's have finished voting. Boosh and the Righteous Right are parading around claiming that a "Great step" has been taken to creating a democratic Middle East. My view is that it may create more problems for them than they think. Here's why.

Pointing to a 70% turnout, Boosh claims that this is proof that the Iraqi people have embraced our version of democracy, and that more proof lies in the unexpected but highly hoped for participation by the Sunni's in the process. The "proof" that Boosh touts, is far from convincing. In fact, it ignores the real truth of why so many Iraqi's risked their lives to vote.

As I told you before, I paid a lot of attention to this election, including listening to the Iraqi voters statements, after the fact. The Iraqi response was nearly unanimous. They voted because they hoped that if they did so, the American's and all other foreign troops would leave their country. Those are the words of the Iraqi people, not mine. What effect will those statements have on Booshco? None. They, the Iraqi people, and they, the Iraqi leaders, wanted us out of there before the election. We didn't leave. Now they want us out again, and we won't leave, again. Boosh will decide when the Iraqi's are able to fend for themselves, not the Iraqi people or the newly elected democratic government. He has stated over and over again, we will not leave until total victory is reached. What total victory means, only the twisted one and the rest of the Neocons will decide, at least until they are deposed.

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi

The day after the election, CNN reported that Iraqi Security Forces had captured and accidentally released the hated al-Zarqawi. Interesting timing, and no coincidence. This is pure bullshit, for several reasons. First, Seymour Hersh has reported that al-Zarqawi was confirmed dead over a year ago. It doesn't really matter to me whether that is true or not. What does matter are the following points.

To believe that the Iraqi Security Forces captured al-Zarqawi alone is absurd. They don't go anywhere without American back-up. More absurd is for one to believe, that, even if the Iraqi Security Forces did catch him, that they would release him or anyone else without first letting the Americans know that they had a "detainee," and were going to release him or her without the Americans having a crack at them. Further, to believe that they let him go "because they failed to identify him" requires one to believe in the existence of the Tooth Fairy. Once again, Boosh is assuming that everyone in America will believe everything that he says, and has again become so arrogant that he will try to sell anything to his own people. I guess the recent small spike in the poll numbers gave him newfound confidence.

The truth is, we don't want to find al-Zarqawi, just like we don't want to find Osama bin-Laden. (many have reported that bin Laden has been dead for a long time as well) Locating either one of them, either dead or alive, only muddles up our justification for staying in Iraq. After all, we have already done a lot more than we originally went there to do, to allegedly locate the non-existant WMD and topple Saddam. Now we have stayed to hold an "election," one that is no more legitimate than those that we hold here. Find bin-Laden and al-Zarqawi, and Boosh is forced to create more illusion for reasons to stay. And he's running out of illusions. Boosh needs al-Zarqawi and bin Laden alive a lot more than any terrorist groups do. Otherwise, the absurdity of his little "war on terror" will be exposed. Again, al-Zarqawi and bin Laden will be located when Boosh says that they are. Too bad the spike in the poll numbers lasted less than a week, due to the failure to renew

The Patriot Act

It seems that the Boosh stunt of secretly giving the National Security Agency permission to spy on Americans has come back to haunt him. It may have cost him the Patriot Act. Senators and Representatives on both sides of the aisle became incensed when it was learned that Boosh had signed this order without consulting with them, and it apparently caused the Democrats to grow a backbone. As the Democrats unify against this President, the Republicans are beginning to show signs of growing weary as well. As the Patriot Act was successfully filibustered, it became evident that the Republicans could not muster the 60 votes needed to force a vote. Several Republicans joined with the Democrats to punish the dumbass. Barring any unexpected change of heart, the Patriot Act may well suffer the first justifiable execution in the history of America.

What the dimwit Boosh doesn't understand is that many of the members of Congress must face re-election, in fact, soon. The people that they represent will not stand for an out of control madman doing exactly as his pleases, with no oversight from Congress. Oversight is the most important duty that Congress provides, and lately Boosh has thrown a perfect game against them. Since 9/11, this man has been given a virtual free pass from Congress, and the American people have tired of watching him abuse that bank account. When he said he had gained political capital and intended to spend it, due to his self anointed "mandate," no one actually believed that he could overdraw the account tenfold in one year. But, that is exactly what he has done. While Republican Senator Arlen Specter promised an investigation soon after the first of the year, the lines of the day were delivered by Democrat Sen. Russ Finegold. "I don't want to hear again from the attorney general or anyone on this (Senate) floor that this government has shown it can be trusted to use the power we give it with restraint and care. This shocking revelation ought to send a chill down the spine of every senator and every American."

He's right, it is indeed chilling. In reality, Boosh has broken the law. After Watergate, laws were passed to prevent a maverick president from having unfettered power to act any way he chooses, the laws and people be damned. This jackass has decided once again that he is above the law. But, like with the election in Iraq, Boosh will decide when laws are broken. How much more of this can we take?



At 8:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there Cyclone the pendelum is swing ever so slowly back our way.

It makes so much sense that we don't want to find either one of them, and not unlike what the outline of a Boosh victory amounts to. This would put some sort of measure to what he is doing and thats not what he wants by any stretch. It all seemed so obvious when they let bin laden get past them early on in this fiasco. It would have been game over and alot tougher to install a corrupt puppet goverment in either country that will be easily minipulated.

I don't for one minute believe that we are where we are for the good of humanity. I think its more on the lines of corporate greed and control of oil.

I think most if not all of american hope that the Iraqies do end up with goverment of their own making. Hopefully not one of corruption and deception. It seems almost impossible that this will happen knowing we are there showing them how a free country gets it done.


At 7:18 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Good of humanity? Not on the radar screen, especially for Booshco. Oil, tried to kill daddy, Oil, Oil, Oil. That's it. Thanks for being a regular visitor.


At 7:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the kindom of half blind

By Bill Moyers

Free Press

This is so good you have to read it. That is if you naven't yet done so.

At 11:34 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

Anonymous 2,

I just read the piece you recommended. I had not seen it. Thanks, all should read it. Amazing how hard one has to search for truth these days.



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