Thursday, August 02, 2007

From Murph

I’ve often commented that it seems like every day there is a new event
coming out of the government that scares the hell out of me, or enrages me. I hear a lot of talk and read a lot of material that indicates there is a lot of other people out in this world that feel the same way. I frequently come across stuff by authors asking why we are not in the street armed and ready to rumble.

It appears to me that only the most deluded and most ignorant and most uniformed person can possibly ignore what is happening to us as American citizens. I listen to the presidential candidates lie and avoid the really hard stuff. I listen to the present government officials lie and put spin on the actions of their bosses. We see, nearly every day, on the popular media, where parts of our infrastructure are decaying and crumbling and yet federal funding is being cut for civilian projects to finance the empires expansion. The bridge in Minnesota is just the latest. The whole Pat Tillman affair has not gone away and that is about two years old now. It appears that he was assassinated, and the reasons are ambiguous. The administration is sacrificing fall guys at a stupendous rate while the big boys walk away free and collect their 200 million when they pass go. The war in Iraq is a joke. We are pouring money into that venture at a stupendous rate. Latest information I have read is that the total cost before this is done, and that is if we start withdrawing troops right now, is 1.9 trillion dollars. Meanwhile, the wealthy that benefit most by this kind of expenditure are paying less for the privilege of looting the treasury and the pockets of the rest of the citizens of this country, and the public debt in total is now so large that it will take 3 generations at the current GDP to pay it back. So you know how that is going to turn out. The corporate control of the government is almost absolute now, and that by definition is called Fascism.

And if that is not enough, our president is assigning himself powers and authority that only belong in a country run by a despot. Edi Amine would be proud of his step child. Adolph would be chuckling. I suppose if they were all alive now they would be jealous as hell. My oh my, 350 million people in one country under his thumb and he can do anything he wants and get away with it. No U.N. sanctions, no internal revolution, no armies collecting along the borders, no international talk about stopping these mad men. How good can it get?

So ok, why aren’t we in the street? Why hasn’t a large segment of the population risen up in righteous indignation with guns in hand and stopped this shit? Well, here it is.

This population, as a whole and compared to the rest of the western countries, is young. We haven’t endured centuries of brutal leaders yet. In actuality, this is our first experience with an overt brutal leadership, unless of course you want to examine Lincoln carefully. He managed to get several million killed too. But we will put that aside for now. Our population, as a whole, simply doesn’t understand just how bad it can get.

We have endured over 50 years of intense propaganda preparing us for this. There has been a very gradual buildup to this point for over 100 years. The people that have the control over the political leaders have been working for this outcome for a very long time. Overcoming the propaganda that insists that the leaders have our interests and well being at heart is not going to happen quickly. These ass holes in leadership positions and that run for leadership positions have been and are lying to us almost incessantly. Politics and those that run for office are only a sham to convince us that we have some real control over what happens. The shame we bear is in believing them. For to believe them means that, among other reasons, our educational system has failed us. Our owners do not want an informed, rational, critical thinking population. That is not in their plans at all. We complain about the “sheeple” blindly following and doing and believing what they are told. Well, what in hell do you expect? We have been trained to be just smart enough to run the machinery, do the paper work, to be team workers, to not question decisions, to be compliant and non-complaining, to respect and acquiescent to authority. We have been supporting that kind of education since before the industrial revolution. Now we are getting the payoff. So the next time a school levy in your area is being put on the ballot, how are you going to vote?

This country has been, and especially now, fear driven in most of its policies. A fearful population is much easier to control. Promise to protect against some boogeyman, and most people will do whatever it takes to satisfy the people making the promise so they don’t have to deal with the real or imagined boogeyman. And just in case the population starts to question the boogeyman theory, you kill some of the population with false flag events to get them back into line. Works every time.

I have hit on this over and over. Western civilization, but not restricted to us, has some kind of mental fixation on elitism. A person that has a lot of money and/or has a lot of connections to money is held up as being smarter, more aware, more competent. I guess if control of other people is a sign of being smarter and more competent, it is true most of the time. So why in hell has the populations of every country on earth had this thing about paying homage to those with money? Giving them special privileges, giving them authority over others lives? Appears to me it is about jealousy, greed, being lied to, and fear of losing what little they have. I would think this would have a tendency to inhibit people from rebelling against their owners. A lifetime of slave mentality and living is damned hard to overcome.

Another repeated summary. Plus, the elites have just about everything sewed up right now; availability of money, information, ownership and force. Rebelling is dangerous stuff under these conditions. You have to see yourself as having nothing else to lose to those bastards. Either that or a very radicalized sense of righteous indignation. As long as the carrot is dangled in the face of the slave population, they will not rebel. Until they realize that they can’t get to the carrot, they will not rebel. So until the really big pinch comes on the average Joe in the street, there isn’t going to be any French type barricades in the street, or active rebellion. Few people, including myself, are willing to be martyrs for a population that likes and defends their slavery. When they become aware of what has been done to them and start to grumble and pick up arms, then I will come out of the closet. I suspect many who are reading this feel much the same way.

Until the general population begins to growl and paw the ground, it’s hunker down and protect ourselves as best we can. And no damn it, I don’t like having to say that. But I will be damned if I will expose myself by taking up arms to keep Joe and Ann able to go to the mall and keeping the SUV gassed up. Besides, I have firewood to put up for winter. So there!


At 9:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What you describe is the Free Rider problem. When we can go along with out any investment and enjoy the same benefits, we're willing to ride along for free.
Voting is the single largest and most dangerous form of free riding. Many of our problems reside with the failure of voters to properly do our job and police our elected officials. When they can act with impunity, they WILL fall into corruption, and the people suffer.

At 10:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Murph,
you say it about as good as it gets i think, not to much to do at this point other then just that and the excellent comment by Stoney. Hunker down, learn all the trails like the back or your hand,talk with people about important stuff,love everyone in sight that won't get to offended at your over zealous enthusiasm and try not to kick the dog when things just don't go as they should.
You know we have no reason to stew about the nature of things that will come to much do we?
After all what the fuck? We have been down some pretty hairy roads already and personally i wonder how in the hell some of us have made it this far, know what i mean?
Another thing that frequently comes to mind is this, why is it that only a very few of us have i think, known our whole lives that something about this existence has a really strange smell to it,? Ain't that so guys?
Even from a young pup there was always something in the back of the mind that just seemed out of kilter but never to be able to put a finger on it,.. some intangible something,just barely outside the edge of awareness.It would crop up at the most inopportun of times and always take one by surprise.
And we would be caught in this matrix of timelessness and probably only for a moment,but in that moment it happened.
And WE knew.
That glimpse is now a concrete of awareness of how things in this world really are and its just strange that there are so few of us.

Anyway the forest fire that is just over the ridge behind this little village hopefully will be brought under control soon and the ideas of evacuation can just slither back into where ever they came from.

RAS,i am so sorry to hear about your friend,i have lost several so far in this life spin and it just sucks. thats all i can say about that.

Man i can't believe how smart all you guys and gals are that can figure so accurately the bullshit that the PTB are pulling on the world and getting away with it,. so it seems, but not really, the stupid assholes think they are invincible but will at some point realize that they are already dead, just walking around in their minds and heading straight for the unnameable,
Man i would not want to be in there shoes.Its just to hard to focus in that place of which horror beyond horror..which will last only a moment, but will seem like a thousand years.
This is the price to be paid, aren't you glad you have a good heart and hang out with the chosen ones?
We of tribal blood have some strange visions in the sweat lodge ceremony and what is thought of as the real world just fades away and the great spirit reveals much.

Not to be taken to serious but then again??

Peace to all of you brothers and sisters at this council fire at the cave above the stream,which contains of all things, Trout People.

At 3:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It appears to me that only the most deluded and most ignorant and most uniformed person can possibly ignore what is happening to us as American citizens."

Murph, I think that this statement hits the nail on the head, most people are deluded, ignorant and uninformed, prefering to follow ever more ridiculess celebrity culture or the latest tv reality show than engage in the real world. This isn't just a dig at Americans, this is true here in the UK as well.

Best regards


At 9:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am familiar with the concept of the 'free rider' you mention. I am sort of separating from that concept in that mental awareness of a situation is not the same as not taking action concerning it. In this case, it sure appears to me that there is not ample awareness (at least as I see it) of what is transpiring. No action by most people will take place until they feel truly pinched by the events. And even then, as in any large social unrest, there is still going to be a majority of people that don't wish to take part, either because of fear or ideological reasons.

Even if the voters are active, it takes an informed citizenry to be wise in their choices. It is the value system that is used by the populace to judge the effectiveness or corruption of the elected officials. Policing of officials with a Strauss value system is not going to do much for other than the elite.

At 9:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I suspect the road is going to become a whole lot more hairy for most people pretty soon. Most are not going to be mentally prepared for that.

Yup, for many of us, and I suspect for most, there is an awareness at times that something is not right. If that is not followed up on, then the denial of that awareness will be our down fall. Keep in mind that a lot of people believe they have a lot to lose by going in our direction. They probably do. Their problem is going to be that they will lose it all anyway.

One of my problems is that I realize that what I am doing is projecting my value system on the events I find so revolting. I then project a probable consequence to those events. We do this all the time. It is an attempt to see into the future, to forecast. Man has never show himself to be very good at that. We are wrong more than we are right. So even though I realize that I am doing this and I am probably going to be off in the predictions, I do it anyway and sit back and see how surprised I will be when it doesn't come out the way I predict. Cripes, it might even be worse than I predict. But there is that old value system coming back into play. My current worst case scenario is the martial law scenario. We shall see if that comes about.

I suppose that is one of the reasons I like this blog site so much. We bounce ideas around like bee-bees from a bucket.

Glad to hear that the fire stopped short of you. Serious threat for us living in or by a forest area.

At 10:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Yup, distractions keep us from engaging. But again, look how we are educated, look at what we are encouraged to emulate and admire. Keep in mind that pretty close to half of our society doesn't have a very effective mental ability to do critical thinking and evaluating functions. They have to ride with mostly what they are told to think. So if you get them young enough, you can implant nearly any value system into their personalities you want, which has been done. Changing that value system is a real tough problem, and I'm not even sure it could be done on a large scale. What we are dealing with is a particular implanted value system on nearly 2 generations. How are you going to deal with "greed is good", "us versus them" or "I got mine and fuck you" systems of values? Especially when the numbers are in the millions, not hundreds.

At 10:18 AM, Blogger RAS said...

No one's stupid enough to take on a system that can't be beaten (at least yet), and no one wants to wind up dead or in Gitmo. That's why no one's done anything.

Thanks for the condolences on my friend. I went out after moonrise Wednesday and sang a song to help speed her soul on its way to the Summerland/Mother Earth/insert belief. I think she would have liked that. Her service is tonight. One of her daughters is getting married later this month. Her first grandchild is due in January.

The woman who hit her isn't even going to get a speeding ticket, much less face charges. Since when is it acceptable to be so distracted that you are not only speeding, but turned around in your seat yelling at your kids? They haven't released the name of the woman who hit her, which is usually done, so I'm willing to lay odds that the *itch is someone rich/important, or is married or related to someone who is.

At 12:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,


I know that you and Freeacre are in a community of two and that you have often talked of quitting the system and forming somewhat larger self-sufficient communities. Are there not others in your area that would be interested in forming the style of mutual help sustainability you have in mind? I know from you, that groups in the Seattle area used to promote their lifestyle, I don’t know if they still do. What about other groups in your State, do they largely form closed groups and just get on with what they do or do they provide helpful material for others to pick up on? Or do you think it is too late for all of this.

As for the sheeple, I think Ras has summed it up succinctly.
Ras, I left a small comment on the last post, the RSS feeds are unpredictable on this laptop. Sorry for your loss, I can’t think of anything meaningful to say except that she must have more standing than Paris Hilton. It's early days yet but have her people thought of a private prossicution? Our thoughts are with you.

At 1:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back in the day, ras, when someone would get away with raping a woman because the police looked the other way, the rapist would find his car and the side of his house had "RAPIST" spray-painted all over them in the middle of the night. "KILLER" comes to mind, regarding whoever it was that ran over your friend...

At 4:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still say that the best way to fight them is to shun them. In a direct confrontation, they will win. Plus, you'd have to become dehumanized and evil and hurtful. Just like them.
But, if you just walk away from the materialism, corporatism, despotism, exploitation, false food, false medicine, false advertising, etc., what are they gonna do?
Get out of debt and localize, localize, localize. I wrote an article for our local monthly newspaper on gardening in La Pine with lots of pictures. Next month, I'll write one on raising chickens. I bought the DVD "Crude Impact" on oil depletion, and plan to show it and others at the public library.
I'm sure there are many paths. Each of us needs to do what feels right to us. Chickens lay eggs. Horses pull the plow. We don't need the horses to lay eggs.

At 7:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ras makes a good point. but so do murph and others. in my view, its a combo of all of the above that the people are not in the streets yet.

its not 1775 any more and the odds against a successful revolution are phenominal. having said that, the cong were pretty successful and the insurgency in iraq is winning with rocks and ied's against the most powerful military force of all time. apparently survival hasn't been threatened deeply enough here. yet.

fa... back in the day? the head of the beast and the good ole boy network still turns a face to the wall. and the wall ain't got no paint on it anymore cuz the perp's got "rights".

ras... i'm so sorry darlin. yup, sure has the earmarks of a cover up.

At 7:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting how you brought up Lincoln - That's where the trace winds up when you look back to see when it began to go to shit. 'Course you can't have a discussion in polite society about that topic 'cuz those tea sipping dipshits get focused on slavery and all that rot, and can't see the constitutional wreckage that was wrought.

Okay, at worst we are being run by a tinhorn despotic regime just like you see in third world clips on CNN. Guess what? How much power could these dictatorial puppets wield without oil? The cities may be run by warlords, gov't and/or military cabals, but they won't be able to project power into the hinterlands. Farmer Brown will just go about his business scratching at the ground with his hoe.

Way back in the early 1800's if you didn't want any truck with the gummint you just headed west over the next mountain pass. We out here in bumfuck america don't even have to worry about wild injuns and believe me, marauding hordes won't be seeking there fortune in backwaters of low population density.

The only people who will eventually take to the streets are going to be hungry suburbanites. The law enforcement/military folks will be way to busy in population centers to worry about the citizenry around Bugtussle.

I think about early european peasants and the crap they put up with from their feudal lords. But those monarchs were living durin this historical period where resources were increasing year after year. We are in Powerdown - less and less power will be able to be concentrated from one day to the next. We have reached "Peak Oppression" and looking at it from that perspective things can only improve.

At 8:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 7:11

Yup, it ain't the 1700's any more, and you are right, not many places anymore to hide or get away from forces you don't like.

Revolutions by direct confrontation are indeed tough. Do them by guerrilla operations though and it's another story. Back in the 80's when there was a lot of talk about armed insurrection by the population some guy commented that at that time there was a potential of 3,000,000 snipers in the U.S. That would sure be a lot of them.

When the suburbanite gets hungry enough, I got a feeling he will turn a bit ugly too.

At 9:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Comrade Simba,

Good you came into the circle. Join the campfire, you are welcome to the trout clan.

yup, Lincoln is supposed to be some kind of god symbol for the country. When I started to learn more about him I lost the god part in a hurry. Not much principle showed to cave in to the bankers and industrialists and start a war over money, again.

You are also correct that energy (in the form of oil) is holding the military might together. If that becomes scarce, the military looses its muscle. However, keep this in mind. If oil does indeed start to really get scarce, guess who is going to deprive the population and begin hording it, and it doesn't make any difference who is in power since they are all on the same page. The last people to run out of oil is going to be the military. The havoc they can wield in the meantime, sigh.

I suppose the hinterlands are the last place to put military control, unless of course you are in a neighborhood that has something they want. I wanted to go to the hinterlands and finally had to admit that I've been there and done that, and I'm just flat out too old to do it again. So we opted for an area of low population, small community, and hopefully not much of interest in the area. Just a hell of a lot of trees.

We are in central Oregon. You heard that there is a group on the coast that plans to close the highways going north if TSHTF. Good old Cascadia being rejuvenated. lol. The problem with Bugtussle is what is available for survival. I don't reckon replacement parts and tools are going to be much available. I've done the very primitive living thing with a wife and 4 kids. Gave up after 5 years. The country didn't collapse and 14 hour work days got a bit much. And that was 20 years ago.

I disagree that things can only get better, at least at this time. I see it getting a hell of a lot worse before that happens. But, like I mentioned, we don't do well as a species in predicting the future.

thanks for your comment.

At 3:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely mind blowing. Take away--nearly--everything that the population has known, and come to expect, and be prepared to see things that even the darkest of imaginations (like mine) are incapable of conjuring up.

Until then, digital cable and tivo, Walmart and McDonald's (or something slightly less disgusting) will keep dreamland alive. All too soon (weeks, months?), they will be forced to wake up, and then the ultimate nightmare will begin.

At 5:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, the military/gov't will have the last oil. That means MZB's (mutant zombie bikers) won't have much range's dept. Local sheriff's depts. will have fuel chits to round up the miscreants, also. Thing will be tolerable in the outlands for quite awhile.

Spare parts? There are barnfulls of shovels, rakes, and implements of destruction all over the landscape. Need electric light? About a million car batteries that can be charged up with crude windmills. I lived in a bus in the woods for a long time reading by a taillight bulb!

"Worse" is a relative term. If ya break down 'cuz you can't get your shopping fix at Vole-Mart, yeah, you're screwed. But if you have always wanted more time to putter in the garden...

At 8:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well we just got a little closer to finding out who's right in our little discussion here about how it will all play out. late last week the king threatened congress saying they better keep their asses in their seats and send him a bill before they go home.

what bill?

the "protect america act".

and guess who wrote it?

the white house!

the senate passed a version on friday and went on recess while the house dug in.

but saturday's a new day eh? late in the day they passed this...

don't be lulled to sleep by the words " needed to keep pace with communications technology in the effort to track terrorists overseas" and thinking its just got to do with overseas shit. the point is "that many calls and e-mail messages between people outside the United States are routed over data networks that run through the United States."

couple that with the latest in the string of executive orders signed wednesday...

one thing we know fer sur... idiot man couldn't write that. he can't even think on that level. but darth can and does... p

At 9:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lincoln et al = gods and demi-gods. the people are always looking for candidates. that way we don't have to be responsible.

you might be right about bugtussle simba. but last time i looked all roads lead in or out. the outlands will be different but i question the wisdom of word "tolerable" in the same sentence.

murph... in the meantime them snipers been havin babies. i don't know much about mil tactics but it looks to me like guerilla ops is the one thing that blows our military's fuses. the best the generals got for that is whine... hey, stand up and play fair so i can see who you are and blow yer ass away!! and it would really help if you paint yer face!

i'm with socio on this one... "...and then the ultimate nightmare will begin." y'all ever watch survival? if you can look past all the hype and high production bullshit its a hell-of-an exercise in human nature. alliances one day become betrayals the next...p

At 1:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

Returning directly to Cy’s point to the article about credit being withdrawn bigtime as the pre-empt of an economic crash and combining this with the much discussed bursting of the housing bubble, here is an article on the sudden demise of American Home Mortgage Investment Corporation.

Yes we are not very good at predicting the future but consider this written by Jewish and anti-Zionist author Jack Bernstein, back in 1984.

“At some point during the war [US vs. Arab nations], when the U.S. military is deeply involved and the U.S. citizens are demoralised, the Zionist-oriented Jewish international bankers will make their move. Evidence leads to the conclusion that it is these bankers who own the Class A Stock of the U.S. Federal Reserve, America's central bank. In this position of power these Zionist bankers can, and likely will, trigger an economic collapse in America -- like they did in 1929 when they caused the stock market crash and started the severe depression of the 1930's.”

“Since the money system currently used in the U.S. is NOT backed by gold, silver, or anything of value, the paper dollars and tin coins now in use will be worthless. In the resulting state of confusion and in an effort to obtain food and other necessities, the American people will accept the "New States Constitution" which has already been written. This will place the American people under the dictates of one-world government run by the Zionist-oriented international bankers and Zionist/Bolshevik Jews.

Exactly what direction the war in the Mideast will take only the New York/Moscow/Tel Aviv triangle and God can know. When it is all over, the main LOSERS will be: The American people. The Arab people. Those Jews who stand for justice and freedom. The only WINNERS will be: The Zionist international bankers and the Zionist/Bolshevik Jews.”

At 4:13 PM, Blogger RAS said...

Check out this phrase about the trading curbs put in place on Friday. From Reuters:

"The sharp declines prompted the New York Stock Exchange to institute downside trading curbs at 3:29 p.m. (1929 GMT)."

Anyone else think that the universe might have a tiny sense of irony?

At 10:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get nervous whenever references are made to the Zionist banking cartel. I never know if this is some anti-Jewish thing, or if there really is something to it. I am in no way an anti-Semite, and don't want to be confused for one. So, you know, I usually just close my eyes and start humming when talk turns to Zionists.
Bankers, after all, come in all stripes and all countries. Wherever they come from, they all seem like pimps to me. But, that guy, Bernstein, sure seems to have nailed it.
What's next? They got any Chinese Jews? lol.

At 10:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's all put out some good thoughts for Montana Freeman and his family and reservation. The fire in Montana is practically on top of them. I'm asking that big, strong, Spiritual arms reach out to protect them all. Rockpicker and his family as well.

At 7:30 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Great post!! The problem is, by the time the "people" realize that what you have written is so true, it will be far too late to do anything about any of it. So, forget the revolution and put up that firewood!


At 7:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to check in and let you all know we're ok here in southwestern Montana. Devin and I have been working near Seeley Lake, which is now threatened by the Jocko Lakes fire. I heard that fire has reached # 1 priority status. Hwy 83, from Clearwater Junction to Condon, has been closed and people are being evacuated around Seeley.

But we live 150 miles south of there, and last evening it rained hard here. We had lightening, too, which is not good, but no sirens went off, so I'm assuming it was a blessing.

Rained so hard, we didn't water last night. This morning is crisp and damp, like the first day of autumn and the faint whistle of frost.

At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

rp's news update is a comfort. been thinking of y'all out there with great concern for your well being. i hope the news applies to mf as well but i understand he is north of you and closer to the zone?

"I never know if this is some anti-Jewish thing, or if there really is something to it. I am in no way an anti-Semite, and don't want to be confused for one. "

b... in my view there really is something to it and it is at the core of things in a big way. a big part of what is holding it down and keeping the circle of confusion circling is the anti-semit dynamic.

to put it another way, the operative dynamic is the "politically correct" dynamic which is a HUGE guilt reflection.... "oh, i can't say this and i can't say that. i can't feel this and i can't feel that."

this is a guilt reflection that is way otta hand and is being used by these forces to help hold them in power. notice how quick they are to point the accusatory anti-semite finger. it is being used and played like a drum by the very forces we can't say or feel these things about!! it is so otta hand that now there are many "innocents" playing the drum for them.

where was it said... lord forgive them for they no not what they do?

bullshit!!! its time to call a spade a spade and hold ourselves and them accountable. ...p

At 9:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

to continue with the above comment...

notice too how highly charged the politically correct, and specifically, the anti-semite issue is on the emotional level.

we can argue until hell freeses over that we are pragmatic, critical thinkers and "reasonable" in the decisions we make for ourselves in our lives but the reality is we make most of our decisions based on how we feel or how we feel about how we feel and how we think about how we feel.

that is an analytic view coming from the psycho-community. certain studies show that far more of that is operating at the subconscious level than at the conscious. jungian, et al, thought is that at least 75% of our differentiated realities are operating at this level and "in play" in our dedision makeing.

in my view they are right on except i suspect its even moreso. it is no accident that we use only 10% of the mind's potentials.

At 10:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

Right on! There is a whole world of difference between being anti Jewish and anti-Semitic. Put the holocaust in the same category as the fate of the whales and try to get on with your life being as objective as possible.

At 3:31 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...


Hate to hear about your friend. I've seen many ways to die, and the quick way is the only way I want to go! I watched my mother die of bone cancer, and my father trapped by a stroke in a body he could neither control, or comunicate from.

Your friend stepped seemlessly from this world into the next, at the side of her Spirit Guide. In the Spirit World she is happy, blessing, and blessed by her actions on this Earth.

Listen for her voice in the simplest things. In a baby's laughter, In the song of a bird in the early morning. In the whisper of a gentle breeze at sunset. In these things you will find her. And in them you will feel her love.

At 3:48 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...


Why aren't the "Sheople" out in the streets with firearms, and farm implements? Simple!! IT AIN'T HIT THEM YET!!!!

Oh, how I WARNED the IDIOTS that lined up to vote for "President Pork Pie" at the last election! I forecast every nightmare that he took this country through, and he even surpassed my grimmest predictions!

As long as the "Sheople" have a few dollars, and a credit card to go shopping with, and "Ameircans Idle", and other such over-hyped productions on TV to stare mindlessly at, Washington will get the "Card Blanche" to do whatever the fuck they feel like doing! Nobody will give a shit, untill it happens to them!

I forget which Roman Emporer made the "Bread and Circus" remark, but it is true now as it was back then! Too many people in this country don't give a fuck about anything but themselves, and the ones that do, are too busy hunkered down in hiding so "Big Brother" doesn't put them on the "No Fly List" with Doug Thompson, and me!

Throw people a rope if you can! But if they don't grab it, then don't sweat it! It ain't your fault!

At 6:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn straight!

You know, there are numerous time I really want to start a fight -protesting, calling selected officials, sticking banners on my lawn and other numerous ways to make me think that I'm a good responsible citizen, sticking up for democracy, BUT, I know nothing will ever come of it -except maybe being rousted in the middle of the night by Gonzo's jack-boot homies, fitted for one of those orange jumpsuits and being "waterboarded into submission -so "Joe Six-pack" can continue watching cars go-round in circles?

Fuck that shit! It's more like -time to hunker down and see if "Mad Max" becomes reality and hope to hell I can come out of the shit in one piece.

But who knows. Sometimes I think humans shouldn't really be on this planet. We're a virus destroying this planet and I think it would be better off without us.

- later

At 12:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, Dude, I just read a rather hopeful post on Comrad Simba's blogsite that seemed to have a more benign vision of the collapse, at least on this day. A less severe possible way to mitigate the fallout from adjusting off about 3 trillion dollars. The rich are reduced to, say, $150 million from $750 million (not too bad); the upper middle class moves into a smaller house and the wife doesn't get her nails done; the lower middle class moves in with mom and helps to pay the gas bill; the lower class has to get rid of the cable. I'd like it to be that easy. I think it will be more severe, though, for a lot of people, especially if you factor in the other collapse components in addition to the financial sector (like oil depletion, climate change,the deterioration of the infra-structure,endless war, sickness,the end of the Mayan calendar, etc.)
Still, though, there is a peace that comes with powering down, I agree. I know that since we have turned our energies to localizing our food and getting free of the Matrix, I find myself becoming happier, despite the dire progression of totalitarianism and serfdom. On our acre of land, I've never felt so free. OK, if it all goes Mad Max on us, that won't last. But, during the slow crash, at least, that's what is going on now. There is still some money to me made. Maybe this time we'll figure out ways to do or make good things that people need that make more sense.
Maybe the Starman's observation was right when he said in the movie, "You know what I find fascinating about humans? In the worst of times, you are at your best" (or words to that effect). Maybe we'll get all sick of the programming at once and turn to each other and get closer together. Maybe we'll get more real. Maybe we'll eat homemade bread and frozen berries instead of Pringles and Twinkies. Maybe we'll feel more alive. Maybe we'll start to know that abundance is our natural heritage from the earth, not some trumped up zeros in a bank book, or armloads of crap from Ross and a big screen TV. Maybe while we bake our own bread we'll get together in the kitchen instead of Starbucks. And, it will be nice.
I spend more and more time during the day just staring out the window at the kitchen sink just watching the chickens foraging around and taking dust baths. And, if eventually, I'll need to turn to the sewing machine rather than the computer, that won't be so bad, either. One less item having to be made by a sweatshop slave making a bunch of fatcat scum more money.
Let's hope that those of us who have been thinking about the unsustainability of our culture for awhile will be able to add a bit of peace and grace to the mix, eh?

At 7:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds fantastic, freeacre!

There was a series on PBS a while back called, "Prairie Home" (I think it was called that) which followed a few families who were to live in several log homes in Montana for a spring and summer as families in the 1860's would.

It was an amazing series. The kids in these families had a tough time at first -living without all of the self-escaping materials -DVD's, CD's, TV, movies, etc., etc. But, after several weeks, they all started to really enjoy their time as 19th centery homesteaders to the point where when their summer was over and they had to leave and go back to the "real" world, they couldn't stop crying.

One boy, who was about 12 or so, who also had a slight lisp when he spoke said something in the last few minutes in the last episode that was absolutely poetic. He said, "I think I've grown here. And I think I discovered something while being here. I've discovered... imagination."


But, I think these families were in the higher IQ bracket and I doubt if the NASCAR dad/Joe Six Pack/American Idol types would react the same way. They'd probably would've killed each other over something stupid. So "Mad Max" here we come!

At 6:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wize owl and the Dream Spirit of Langosta sing in the night sky,they sing of the great circle that grows stronger with each passing day,they sing of the cave above the stream,and they sing of the Trout People in the coming morning sun, blazing forth through the haze of fire,which gives both life and death to the people.
Those of us that seek the great spirit and the love that resides deep within the moment of our birth give thanks for this day,
We shine in the reflection of the great spirit,our souls reunite from the long voyage, the brothers and sisters dance the dance of life and the children play in the garden encircled by the colors of friendship and trust. The oneness of us all are held as the sacred of the sacred and we have come to realize that the universe is one,..and that the energy of the universe is ours to play with as we wish, such is the gift of spirit,we hold that trust as the precious wonder that it is.
That love would flood the mind and heart of the two leggeds and bring forth that which has been longed for for so many lifetimes,
The transformation is in process, the darkness fades as the gathering light of awareness illuminates our being and pulls us into that light.
Don't we shine?
Is not the Trout Clan the recognition of that which we have become?
Are we not scattered to the four sacred directions? And are we not the four sacred circles of life?
Those of us that have been guided to this place of trust, and the honor of which is held in the hands of all that attend this magical connection,and of which few shall feel the sweetness that surrounds this place.We are blessed indeed.

Langosta, the beautiful, my guide and ally smiles at this awaking and sees the morning sun breaking through the fear that tries to distance us from one another, i wish that all that attend here could see her. She scatters the seeds of love and it grows from the heart,the soil, and the rain (lache de madre), are we not spirits garden?
We are the flowers of sweetness and the stench of corruption of which we have been cleansed, it is written in our hearts that it be so,for we have all heard the sound of our own existence and it weights lightly upon our very souls.
Honor us as we honor you two leggeds, for we are here as your spirit guides to learn from you in as much as you seek the knowledge that will set you free, i hope this does not suprise you to much, it has always been so.

Welcome to all of us that attend this most sacred of places.
We join in,. and are, creation.
we are one.
Be not afraid to be deep within ones (another minds)for we are one and the same.

The one that dreams for us,we release you into our light of love.
We honor you.


At 6:34 AM, Blogger RAS said...

That was beautiful, mf. I'm glad you're okay! Those wildfires are scary!

I leave for my annual retreat tomorrow, so I'll be offline for about two weeks. This is my time to disconnect from the modern world and reconnect with the real one. Time surrounded by Mother Nature is what I need right now.
I'll see y'all when I get back.

At 12:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Our Elder, that was indeed, beautiful. I'm printing it out so I can begin each day reading it. You have created a comforting shelter for us in our minds - that cave overlooking the stream. I can hear the sound of the water rushing over the riffles and the trout jumping to catch flies, and Langosta's song in the background and the crackle of the fire. Our laughter, carried on the winds of hope and love and change. The tattooed trout on my arm appears to be smiling.
Hope the fire is retreating.

At 9:36 AM, Blogger mrs p said...

Blessings and good vibes to all, I've spent some quiet moments meditating the fires damp and stopped. That was a heart spirit beautiful post by mf. It made my day.

A bit off subject now but today I saw this, "Musharraf May Impose Emergency Rule"...washington post (no you mean bush may impose emergency rule)...interesting they were just together planning their next chapter on how to look serious while fooling us all.

I wonder if this will be just practice in Pakistan,(for trying it here later), while curbing their dogs hired by the ISI,(Paki CIA)trained by our CIA or they're just announcing it to look like they mean business when it comes to fighting the war on "terr-zum." It all seems so fake. It amounts to a bunch of business men looking for profit. Poppies anyone? There must be some other reason Mush has cancelled his jaunt to Afganistan. I wonder if this is an indicator of anything or just more fluff.

At 5:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Peoples Protest Project is a non-violent way to show your displeasure with the current state of affairs and the direction our NWO Leaders are taking us.
While driving in your vehicle we propose you honk your horn slowly in the SOS pattern. If everyone does this it will send a peaceful non-violent message that we know what is going on and we want a change in course....I would advise to cease the SOS in the presence of peace officers and certain other situations...Hospital zones etc.
However, our SOS would be a powerful statement if hundreds of autos honked out SOS-SOS-SOS while cruising around the White House... and DC...NY...Hollywood...and everywhere else in America ...and worldwide... Kinda like Jericho..."The walls came tumbling down"...
Imagine W getting on national TV and begging us to stop that damn honking...And passing a Bill to stop it..."Patriot Act"...
Pass this on repeatedly...WE can show them we are mad as Hell and are not going to take it anymore!!!!

At 2:26 PM, Blogger Greyzone said...

Tillman was assassinated because he was a real live potential American hero. An ex-NFL player who volunteered for his country, his death, if executed correctly, could have been Audy Murphy style inspiration for more boys to join the military and die for their rich masters.

Instead the storyline went bad and things did not turn out as intended. Tillman was a dead man as soon as he signed up. He didn't realize that, of course, because he still believed in an America that no longer exists. Instead, he was duped by the America that is - a thin veil over corporate fascism that grows deeper by the day.

At 1:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is so amazing! I am reasearching Obama and I get your blog. Re-read it and you can leave out a bit here and there and Walla- you get Obama. Please get it, All of DC does not have our best interests at heart. For that, we should be out in the streets. It is not just the pres. It is all of them!! Wake up!!!!


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