Here is a new post from our friend in Belgium. Doing his typical thing, he has again done research and has supplied references. Interesting stuff. Murph
Albert Pike and The Big Picture
A new post from Belgium
Albert Pike was a barrel chested Brigadier-General in the Confederate Army who had a Karl Marx beard and General Custer like shoulder length flowing hair. Born in Boston in 1809 he filled his sixty years with so many activities it would take others three lifetimes to do the same, assuming others had his ability to succeed. For the crime of being on the loosing side in the Civil War he was charged with treason along with other similar captured officers. A simple oath of allegiance to the North secured his release, as was the custom of the times, only his oath was delivered personally to President Andrew Johnson. Johnson later admitted in private that Pike had the superior intellect. There are unsubstantiated reports that Pike could read and write in sixteen different languages although not many saw him use anything other than English. This is not to disparage his character it is just an unproven quirk. Other interests and activities included being a poet; philosopher; frontiersman; soldier; humanitarian and philanthropist. He is the only Confederate ever to have had a statue of him erected in Washington DC and is reported, although not proved, to have held very high office within the KKK.
That is a half-interesting bio of scarcely known military figure from another century. So what is it about Pike that makes him worthy of our attention today?
Firstly he brought Scottish Rite Freemasonry to America then hijacked this organisation to hide a highly secret Cabalistic Group within it. He claims that whilst in a trance, a vision was revealed to him by Lucifer (Go along with this for the time being) of how to bring about a One World Order. He predicted, completely accurately the first two World Wars and the events within them and also predicted with frightening accuracy the events which are unfolding at the present time. He even predicted the existence of the State of Israel, which could not have possibly been known in the 1860’s. It is believed that shadowy world leaders are following this blueprint, knowingly or not, to engineer the third and final World War.
A Brief Overview of the Masons
Stone masons were the technocrats of the day. These were the people who built temples and cathedrals, they were a level above smiths and potters and were amongst the first to group together to form a Trade Guild. This was a fraternity of people who had attained a high standard of proficiency in their profession and in order to maintain this standard had made entry into it only open through the route of apprenticeship or honoury membership. In other words it was not a club where you could leave your name and address at the door, pay five dollars and receive a membership card through the post. Honoury members used this exclusiveness to form a secret order within an exclusive organisation that had certain allegiances to the underworld and it was certainly not for the foot soldiers to be privy to the Generals thoughts. Even today, rank and file Freemasons are puzzled by this need for secrecy and ritual within their organisation. Many years ago I lived next door to a Freemason whose full time job was to produce the glossy advertising brochures for Ford cars. Quite out of the blue one day he said to me “I don’t know why these people keep banging on about King Solomon and why we are not supposed to tell anybody about it, he was just a guy from history who lived and died”.
Two Views of History
There are two ways to view history, one is The Accidental View and the other is The Conspiratorial View. In the accidental view, which is the preferred doctrine in Western schools and is later reinforced by the controlled media, we are taught that all world events including wars, revolutions etc were the result of some surprising, unforeseen event that may cause some corresponding change. Whilst earthquakes, volcanoes and happenings in the Universe can be attributed to this view it is unreliable for events influenced by mankind. When many people are confronted with the alternative view, the shocked disbelief that results from their conditioned training will not allow them to see things a different way.
Conspiratorial History, on the other hand, teaches us that world events such as wars, revolutions etc are the result of planned events. Whilst this is not good for geological events, it is realistic and accurate for the interrelationship of people and nations. Because events concerning the interplay of peoples and nations are most often planned in secret, the term Conspiratorial History is used since this is the definition of a conspiracy.
It is believed that current world events are not circumstantial but are the result of an organised campaign by an elite group of unseen and widely unknown world leaders whose goal it is to exercise absolute dictatorial control over the world. This conspiracy is very large, deeply entrenched and therefore extremely powerful. It is working to achieve absolute and brutal power over the entire human race by using wars, depressions inflations and revolutions of their own making to further their aims. The Conspiracy’s one unchanging purpose is to destroy all religion, all existing governments, all traditional human institutions and out of the wreckage create their New World Order.
What Albert Pike Said
Albert Pike is widely reported to have written a letter to the Italian revolutionary; founder of the Mafia and high ranking Illuminate member Giusseppe Mazzini, outlining a plan whereby a One World Government could be brought about in the twentieth century by a series of wars and revolutions. Although the whereabouts of this letter is no longer known, it is widely quoted and its contents was known to selected people in the eighteenth century. This has brought Pikes authorship into some doubt, although there are few others who could have written it, no one else has claimed responsibility for it and its contents were not denied over 150 years ago.
This letter said the following things (extracts):
“The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the "agentur" (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions."
Students of history will recognise that the political alliances of England on one side and Germany on the other, forged between 1871 and 1898 by Otto von Bismarck, co-conspirator of Albert Pike, were instrumental in bringing about the First World War. One can appreciate why Kaiser Wilhelm II, at the outbreak of war in 1914, exclaimed that 'Nicky' had 'played him false'. For the rulers of the world's three greatest nations - King George V of Great Britain and Tsar Nicholas II of Russia on the one hand, and the German Kaiser on the other - were not simply cousins, they were first cousins. “If their grandmother Queen Victoria had still been alive,” said the Kaiser, “she would never have allowed them to go to war with each other”. So the whole history of the twentieth century could have been rewritten if the old Queen had been around to crack a few heads together.
"The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm."
After this Second World War, Communism was made strong enough to begin taking over weaker governments. In 1945, at the Potsdam Conference between Truman, Churchill, and Stalin, a large portion of Europe was simply handed over to Russia, and on the other side of the world, the aftermath of the war with Japan helped to sweep the tide of Communism into China.
Those who argue that the terms Nazism and Zionism were not known in 1871 should remember that the Illuminati invented both these movements. In addition, Communism as both an ideology, and as a coined phrase, originates in France during the Revolution. In 1785, Restif coined the phrase four years before revolution broke out. Restif and Babeuf, in turn, were influenced by Rousseau - as was the most famous conspirator of them all, Adam Weishaupt.
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilisation, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."
It is really of no importance what your personal religious views are or whether you do not have any. What is important is that you recognise what the world’s power brokers believe, how world events are being manipulated and how that will affect you.
Since the terrorist attacks of Sept 11, 2001, world events, and in particular in the Middle East, show a growing unrest and instability between Modern Zionism and the Arabic World. This is completely in line with the call for a Third World War to be fought between the two, and their allies on both sides. This Third World War is still to come, and recent events show us that it is not far off.
One confusing factor however is that after the predicted fall of communism, Russia’s black wealth was supposed to be sequestered by the so-called Oiligarchs. They did not reckon on its repossession by the highly nationalistic Putin. Thus the growing might of Russia is now being allied with that of China. A counterbalance grouping for energy and trade has been formed by the SCO. Although this is supposedly not an eastern NATO it is known that Russia and China are supplying arms and technology to the Middle East. What is uncertain is in the event of any new world conflict, China would play it straight with its multi-polar principles or whether it would make a grab for Taiwan. In all likelihood it would not see a conflict of interests here.
The re-emergence of Russia when it is supposed to be a broken force could explain the recent attempted accord between the NWO represented by the Kissinger group and Putin.
If a Third World War has been ordained then when will it start? Some of those who are skilled at looking to patterns in historical events claim that it has already started on 11 Sept 2001. In a similar way, the serious fighting of WW11 only started seven months after it was formally declared in Sept 1939. Between then and April 1940 both governments were attempting to broker a face saving peace whilst taking the time to build up their respective arsenals. Yes, U boats were attempting a war of attrition by sinking the allies merchant shipping and for the allies part they neutralised Germanys pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee. Neutral Holland and Belgium braced themselves for attack but the winter weather of 1939 was atrocious and not suitable for Blitzkrieg air attacks. In a similar way, it is claimed that not all of the conditions for complete and overwhelming success are in place for WW111. When they are it will begin in earnest.
Have you noticed that after the derisory 9/11 Commission report, there has been no attempt by the authorities to clear up inconsistencies in the official story? This is quite deliberate. The best analytical minds are suspended in a time warp, looking backwards and people who spend their time looking backwards seldom see where they are going. The event organisers are quite happy with this situation. Action and reaction, cause and effect, people just don’t get it. The best time to hit someone behind the knees is when they are looking in the wrong direction.
This blog was started to vent outraged feelings over Plamegate. This episode however should be viewed as a single step in the context of the overall WW111 plan.
On a slightly lighter note, if that is possible, most of us remember Sleepless in Seattle. Shitfaced in Crawford sounds like a good movie title to me. At first, I think, Bush liked being the decider guy and maybe he is a Christian non entity and maybe he believes he has God’s ear but the leader of the free world has found he is struggling against the current in the stream of stronger forces. The enormity of what is required of him has finally touched brain base.
Yes simultaneous world insurrection would do the trick but those in command of the situation are now past caring. Likely active groups and individuals have been identified and all the plans dealing with Martial Law are now in place, which was the object of 9/11 all along. How their plan affects individuals, en mass, is of negligible concern to the event organisers.
On a separate observation, did anyone notice Rumsfeld’s timing of the announcement that the Pentagon had somehow just mislaid 2.3 Trillion dollars? It was the evening of 10 Sept 2001. What a coincidence! Try telling your mortgage company that you have just mislaid their next payment and see if you get the same reaction.
How Will it Play Out?
There are very, very few that know the answer to this one and even now there may be fine tuning going on. Has Korea been neutralised or was Kim’s great non-event part of a wily game on his part? What will happen in Pakistan? With Musharief’s position looking more precarious, could the Shiite minority gain the upper hand and support Iran with their nuclear arsenal?
Here is one possibility although your own guess is just as likely.
The US occupation in Iraq will be widened into a greater theatre with Iran the most likely candidate. Israel will isolate itself totally from Palestine and then join in the free for all to the East. Syria and Hezbollah will attack Israel from the North. Pakistan may neutralise any nuclear threat from Israel but Israel may go anyway. In a separate theatre, China may grab Taiwan. India could stay out or could join in on the US side to settle old scores with Pakistan. If Russia is attacked by US missiles from Europe, then this really is show time. The results of this are too unpredictable for me to conjecture.
In the US, the above events augmented by 9/11 (11)(possibly involving the recently missing Nuke) will cause the Constitution to be set aside and Martial law to be introduced. The collapse of the US dollar will probably take the Euro with it. Biological weapons will probably be used to further reduce what is left of the world population including Africa courtesy of the Gates Foundation.
The great unknown is what part the SCO countries will take in this but you can be certain the PTB will not start unless they can be sure of playing the game through.
If Iran is attacked then that is ‘Game On’.
What Can You Do?
As Freeacre recently reminded us, those who are prepared, have an enormous advantage over all others and there is much that can be done to prepare. JFK once said “The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining”. When storm clouds appear over the horizon it is time to put the final plans into action to avoid being complete sitting ducks. Do not rely on your elected representatives to play the part of a second Moses, they are part of the plan. Little Belgium has not had a Government for three months now. Not only will they not help you, they may actually put you in harms way (remember New Orleans). The biggest advantage you have is what is inside your head and what many others do not have in theirs.
One thrust of this blog has been self-survival. - Visit as many survivalists web sites as you can and action the things from them, which you can relate to.
Make sure your financial affairs are in order. – Assuming you are still around when everything is done and dusted, do not believe that the Illuminati are going to let you off the hook with the credit for that shiny home cinema that you just had to have.
Get yourself in as good physical shape as you can – visit the gym if you can or at least engage in some physical outdoor activity like putting the winter wood by. Unfortunately for people like me, older and rounder are words that seem to go together.
Decrease your amount of TV time and compensate for it with reading. Printed word or Internet articles are both good. We have all heard the phrase, ‘100 channels and nothing to watch’. I know many people have not found out about it yet but I am reliably informed that your TV set has an off button. And there is the very old joke about the couple whose TV broke down and their marriage improved. Try to find others who may be interested in a mutual self-survival program. Choose them carefully, you don’t want them to take you into their confidence and behind your back send for the men in the white coats.
Do not expect the MSM to give you reliable information. Most that visit here have gigabytes of trustworthy URL’s assuming that the Internet is still up and running.
Cover your online tracks so that you cannot be accused of ‘terrorism’.
Try to develop more than one line of income.
Learn how to relax or at least not to become stressed out as events around you take a downturn.
Those of you that are in countries where it is legal to own weapons, make sure they work and are readily available and that you have plenty of ammo.
Try, so far as possible, to bring those closest to you along with you. When the time comes, you do not want to be fighting the enemy and each other. This is really a recipe for disaster.
Above all, Prepare, Prepare, Prepare. Cary a tent and survival gear or at least a grab bag in the back of your car or in the corner of your garage. Cash is negotiable, in a time of national crisis your plastic may not be worth very much especially if everyone else has emptied the ATM’s and there is no one left to fill them up. Make a ‘to do’ and ‘to take’ list. Have a plan of where you are going. Use off freeway routes and make sure you have enough gas to get there. Make a pre decision about house pets. Leave the tinfoil hat behind unless you are sentimentally attached to it and most importantly, let me know which bar you are going to be in.
The Wiki on Albert Pike:
Most material for this post has come from the following site:
It is claimed this site has over 1000 pages.
Individual pages used for this article include:
>From the above page follow the embedded link:
Albert Pike & Three World Wars
For those wishing to explore more on the relationship of the Illuminati to Satanism which includes references to Albert Pike. This is a free e-book, which details the interlinking between terrorism, the Illuminati and Satanism.
Well, Belgium, I don't know what to think of this weirdo, Albert Pike. I guess if I had a bust of him I could use it on which to hang my tin foil hat. The guy spoke sixteen languages and ends up in the Ku Klux Klan?? Seems like a major waste of talent.
I have to admit that I tend to look on the bright side of the Masons. My dad and whole family were Masons or Eastern Stars (the females). They put together nice father/daughter dances and good meals. More sophisticated with their exotic rituals and studies than the local grange or the Moose Lodge. More science, less religion and farming/ranching influence. Of course, I know, that was at the lower levels of just regular members. Also, my son had a tumor removed from his spine that would have crippled or killed him all at the Shriners Hospital at no expense to us, so I'll always be grateful to them.
That is not to say that there are no conspiracies - far from it. I think there are probably too many conspiracies to count. They probably form currents and eddies and tides that keep the ocean of history flowing with input from invisible rivers.
Right now, with that dollar on the brink of collapse, peak oil probably here, catastrophic climate changes becoming apparent,endless war on the horizon, it's somehow more manageable to think that a few people are in charge whom we or someone might be able to fight and win. It's even scarier to think that all this crap is more a product of human dumbasserie. My hopes are on the Ninja contingent against the Illuminati...
Pike was probably a lot like Kissinger and Greenspan and Murdock - flaming egotists without whom the world would be a better place.
The way this country is going, I think the bar should be closer to you. We should stock up on Euros and buy you a beer.
Geewiz, People, am I failing around by myself here? Speaking of CONSPIRACIES, there is a jaw-dropping article in Pravda regarding the so-called "meteorite" landing in Peru and making hundreds of people sick.
feedback/97410-0/ It's linked from the Rense site. In a nutshell, it says that the crater was actually made by a downed American satellite with a nuclear charge that is giving people radiation poisoning. The Russian military is saying that there was a move to go to war with Iran, but a faction within our own military objected and took out our own satellite to sabotage the ability to hit Iran! And, the missing nukes are part of it, too. WHAT?? Could that be true?? If so, then there is a revolution going on or a military coup that we don't even know about!! WTF? Of course, it could be part of some weird disinformation campaign that keeps us looking like mouth-breathing, pajama-wearing blogging cretins.
The other thing that is grabbing my attention is the number of tazing incidents in the news in the past two days. Have you watched the video on CNN of the woman being repeated tazed by a cop in Ohio, or the news on Yahoo where a schizophrenic woman IN A WHEELCHAIR was tazed ten times until she DIED, plus the student tazed for being annoying at the Kerry talk on campus, or the student in the library recently, and now the cops tazering an autistic kid... good god almighty. The Police State is officially here.
I can hardly deal with all this this morning. I need to go to the river and mellow out... Comrade Simba has a new post on dealing with differing collapse scenarios that is good, too. It just doesn't end.
Who's Comrade Simba, Freeacre? And could you post links to those vids if you've got time? Thanks.
Comrade Simba, "The Plan"
Tasering the wheelchair-bound woman to death:
other taser tales: on
Can also Yahoo search "police taser videos" and come up with a bunch more
humm...that satellite/meteorite thing has been taken off the Rense site, so maybe it was too wing-nutty even for them. Hope so.
well fa, there's a great big ole wad of folks out there who beg to differ. they call themselves ex-masons for jesus... ...
"Ex-Masons for Jesus was formed by men who left Freemasonry to follow Jesus Christ. We work with former members of the many Masonic organizations, including Blue Lodge, Scottish Rite, York Rite, Ancient Arabic Order, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (Shriners), Rainbow Girls, Job's Daughters, DeMolay and Eastern Star to reveal the truth about Freemasonry to the Church."
i can tell you first hand its not limited to men. we played host at our house recently to an acquaintence of my wife. liz is a cult survivor and she met this girl at a recent convention. now, the only survival from a cult is if you can get your self back and become again the soverign individual you started out to be that you'd given away in the name of some guru. the process about how this happens is very well defined and the programed conditioning that goes along with it is fairly easy to spot.
over dinner i asked how she came to make the switch from a rainbow girl to a bride of jesus. she said, what happened to me is the same thing we do for others in the name of the one true lord. the truth was presented to me and i was left to make my own decesion. over time it became clear to me that the only way to god is through jesus christ.
then she pulled out a big fat notebook and began to outline all the ways masonry qualified as a cult of demonic worshipers. whatever masquerading as The Great Architect of the Universe is a demon of all demons since anything presenting as or held up to be god other than god hisself is demonic and all demons answer to one demon. according to the bible which is the only book of truth the only way to god is through jc.. Hinduism, Buddhism, Wicca, and other modern day pagan religions, worship demons, rather than the God of the Bible. We can know this because anyone who rejects Jesus Christ, rejects God. so thats what we do. we present people with the truth and leave it to the individual to decide for themselves. there's no arm twisting or coercement. no undercurrent agenda.
she then went off on a whole long list of ways innocents get sucked into this scam who's agenda is the pirating of their very souls.
leading up to this evening were a series of phone calls. she would leave a message on the machine... this is so and so and daa, da daa, da duh. all very strikenly robotic and sing-songie as if it were a program and i'm looking at liz and saying... WHAT is THIS? no real feeling or grounding in the moment in the words. listen to wolf blitzer on cnn and you get the idea. wolf only sounds like that when he's on the air.
so i'm thinking... okay, give her the benefit of the doubt. my something's-rotten-in-denmark flag is flying full mast but some folks take on a persona on the phone. still, this goes way beyond the speal of a salesman into a surealistic land of its own.
so the girl arrives and we chit chat and so on and then the girl goes downstairs to shake off the road and freshen up for dinner. so i say to liz... this is the same girl on the phone?
yup! scary huh?
fast forward and we're just sitting there around the table with our dinner and having conversation like normal people until i brought the subject of masonry up and, as if i'd pushed a button, out come the girl on the phone. her whole demeanor changed. what had been free flowing and in the moment turned to rigid body language. her eyes glazed over and her voice took on this same mechanical tone of a programed robot as she told me of how she'd been delivered from the depths of hell into the light of jesus. as a child, she would have to learn all these things of the rainbow girls and how she memorized this stuff by repeating it over and over and over and then how, if you go deeper into the realms, its reinforced in the rituals and so on. but now that she's found jesus she's free from all that.
sure, she said, they do good things. but so did john gotti. underneath it all is a sinister agenda serving false idols.
on and on she went about it and ya gotta wonder how she couldn't see that all she'd done was trade one cult for another where hatreds and fobias are justified by a book of questionable origin and authorship. she had a list of several of these along with accompaning justifications from verses in the bible written out word for word. ie, every gay has only one agenda... to perp their sexual perversities upon another and the rath that shall come to them and how its her duty to see that that is carried out. this was all written out in her notebook but she didn't need the notebook. she could rattle it all off word for word verbatum from rote along with several verses proclaiming the truth of the one god and jesus as the only way to that god.
is it god or is it memorex? the cursades are alive and well!
great post b... thx for doing the research. ...p
Wow, Palooka, sounds like you ran into a certifiable "Pod Person" to me. Is it the Organization or is it Them that turn things into zombie land?
I was raised a Lutheran. (Two years of Lutheran catechism classes driving my poor minister nuts 'cuz I wanted to be a Jew.) Now I read that there are fanatic Lutherans. Fanatic LUTHERANS?? hahahahaha! I thought they must be kidding! But, no...
Henry Kissinger could probably join a quilting club and somehow manipulate it into taking over the world. Bill Gates could get rich selling ant farms. Pod People will foul any organization they join - whether it's the Scouts, a church, a political organization, a spelling bee - whatever.
That was a real good presentation of a modern day mentally altered "Christian" zombie. I run into them all too often and they give me the creeps. Gotta watch out for them in both the Republican and Democratic parties as well....
Amen, Brother.
What is it that all these pod people True Believer zombies have in common? Good observation, "...the moment turned to rigid body language. her eyes glazed over and her voice took on this same mechanical tone of a programed robot as she told me of how she'd been delivered from the depths of hell into the light of jesus." I notice that, too. Suddenly it's this litany of canned slogans and memorized text. Can't stand any shades of ambiguity or shades of grey. No spontaneity or flexibility or making exceptions. No freedom of thought or genuine emotions that maybe don't fit the program. No erring on the side of compassion.
There is this jarring disconnect from the heart and mind and it's like they are talking through a speaker phone from la la land (or in the case of Dick Chaney, he speaks from the depths of his black helmet...).
That's where I think that forgiveness comes into play. Without it, there is no relief from hatred. And, eventually, we become that which we hate. That's probably why the Muslims are the new Crusaders and the Zionists are the new Nazis and the new "Christians" never shut up about Satan.
A big dose of freedom and forgiveness and love would probably straighten out of lot of this weirdness. Tactics, though, are not my strong suit.
What is it that all these pod people True Believer zombies have in common?
in a word... imprints!!
what is this today, the fa and p show? where the hell is everybody? church??
Firstofall, thanks for the informative description of things that go saywhatthefuck? in the middle of the night SATS.
Man i just don't get it,how in the hell does anyone that will only live for at the most?,a hundred years or so get the gumption that their input into the scheme of things amounts to a fucking hill of beans? What possible value, other then self-gratification, and the outright fun of just fucking with the morons that live next door in cahoots with other bitches that happen to have a little sharper awareness of things,and acquire the necessities of mind manipulation along with their place on the chessboard of life,,?well,is that it? I mean when your dead your dead, right? Anyone taking their shit to the grave with them?
Until the evolution of humanity's brainpan gets out of maggotville what does it matter what the hell happens?
Most humans it looks like to me have no redeemable features other then the fact that they at one time would of made valuable fertilizer for mother earth. But now even that has been destroyed by the hideousness of McDonalds burgers and other such man made wonders that we have poisoned and polluted our sacred bodies with.
The point being SATS is this, if the creation of us is in only one of the stages of creation towards.. WHAT?
Personally i look at the universe around me and am agog at it. Where did i go wrong?
We have mostly all been Christian IZZED in one way or another but for the grace of spirit have managed to pull out of that nosedive to hell, only to be confronted with.. NOW WHAT?
Now what?
I think RAS is up on this, when a mutation occurs what has actually taken place,? and what brings about a mutation,? is it the emanate or close demise of its nature regardless of what that nature consists of,? and might look like.?
If we are a product essentially of DNA responses,towards other DNA responses where does love come in,? Can a cell carry on a love affair with another cell?
I mean they are kind of small aren't they,? And do they know right from wrong,?
And when my footprint in the sand is covered by the next wave, what will the moon have to say about that? Will there be a meeting of planets,? and stars?
How did we gain such importance,? Who in the fuck are WE,? futhermore, what the fuck are we,? outside of bags of DNA responses,what in the hell are we?
i speak with Langosta and she says "you and many of your friends have been chosen by the mysterious one to unravel these things as they will become important in the coming times"
So is this it,? the time of the Great Unraveling?
i would like to think that there might be something that makes sense in this fucked up,mixed up bag of cosmic tricks.
Do the brothers and sisters here at this council feel,?
feel in the sense of the word that we are alright where we seem to be? And that the fear that seems to be the guiding light that binds us to the darkness is an illusion and as P and M don't say in their discourse, "can you feel me?" I am you!
i just can't get over the fact that the few of us that really make an attempt to touch one another without the baggage of the past setting in quillotine fashion just waiting for a chance to claim some sort of victory over the effort are doing this.
We are brave are we not?
In another time and maybe even in this time, the force of love as it bounces off the evil that surrounds us is alive, and will not be extinguished by the likes of a Darth chenny or anyone else for that matter.
i feel like the one reason that makes any sense whatsoever is that we can develop the capacity to love one another with NO strings attached, period, right p?
That we can raise ours and all children in that same light of "forgiveness unnecessary," nothing to forgive because we are awake and therefore......
Thank you M&P, your communos shed much needed light on the scheme of things, and i am greatful that you guys steer this ship in the ways of peace and are an example to all of us that attend this sacred council that takes place in a cave above the stream and is called the council of the Trout People.
Touch us Love Spirit,that we all see each other as each other more clearly.
freeacre, thank you. You bring us to the present moment and yes these are the creepiest of times and many are outraged at the growing police state. I do think it's been a flavor of the month for the past 8 years and maybe a good thing that's it's getting exposed for all to see.
As for the duality of life, the yin and yang, the "demons"...I do belive in hell. Where do you think you are now? I also believe the "divine energy" is in all of us. We have the power and the will to do tremendous things, even in the face of evil. I believe that this life is just a movie, and we're all just the actors upon the stage and it's time for us to act in the best way we know how. The PTB in the Universe, the laws of nature, etc. etc. bite us in the ass when we push the river the wrong direction, (I'm waiting for the stinkers to get bit! ha ha) but I do believe the Universe supports those who are sincerely motivated in survival and service to others. The ones who wear their God(s) out on their sleve, have their own selfish agenda and are dillusional in feeding their own ego. I think there's many paths to enlightenment and evolvment. Anytime I hear "this is the only way" I tune them out. These people take themselves way too seriously and yes they are freaky to experience in person. Everyone's looking for God and she's right here inside of us.
The last time someone asked me "don't you believe in God?" I told them...Yah...I're looking at it." Sounds a little cocky but i believe "that divine power" is in all of us...not somewhere mysteriously hiding. We have the will to act. We choose how to respond everyday.
The hearts and minds in here collectively, have given me much "enlightenment" and I believe when we put our heads together we can figure out how to best "do life" as we go over the falls of the twilight zone.
Been a bit busy to sit down and make much of a comment about the post.
The most important part of the post, for me, is the two views of history. I hadn't thought of it that way before, and I'm not sure that those are the only two, conspiratorial and accidental. I suppose there could be a combination of the two also, that old 'unforeseen consequences' thing you know. Personally, it appears to me on the macro scale of history that there ain't no accidents. There may be consequences that were not planned for, but most of what happens is the result of plans and execution of those plans.
Interesting that Pike would claim to have foreknowledge about the future.
I really like your ending of how to get ready for the bad times. Good advice all the way around.
Sorry I was joking about God as a "she"...just being a little cheeky. I don't think our souls have any gender. Could we all be a little of both?
Came on this in Rubicon recently. Can't remember who he quoted, but it's good.
"It's OK to call me a conspiracy theorist, if I can call you a coincidence theorist."
Still plowing through Ruppert's tome. Irrelevant water under the bridge, I suppose. Still, I feel it is good to have this incredible body of information under one's belt, for support, as things continue to turn henshit.
The MO of the live-fly wargames being conducted on 9/11, and repetition of that MO later in the London bombings, appears to be the smoking gun.
Expect the pattern to be adhered to. So far, it's proven to be a winning strategy. When the next false-flag happens, it will, no doubt, be wrapped in inexplicable confusion.
Mrs P,
Would you please explain to me why it is so impossible to have a female God and what would be the problem with it? The male one sure doesn't seem to be making it with the performance evaluation people.
Irrelevant? Hardly, unless you want to say that knowing the past has no relevance to the future. Oh well, lessons learned the hard way I guess.
humm...the banks are having their own "war games" for the next three weeks. Supposed to be training for how to function during a natural pandemic flu outbreak. Missing employees, runs on the ATM's, lack of employees to re-fill the machines, lack of gasoline to run the trucks, etc. Wonder if it has anything to do with the tanking dollar?
No exercise in England. Two weeks ago, Brits were queing-up outside banks to extract their cash.
Oldensoul and I have followed suit, along with some of our closest friends.
Any more info on the "meteorite?"
I agree about the inherrent value of knowledge.
Irrelevant, I meant, as pertains the solving of the 9/11 murder mystery.
Interesting aside. It appears that Jim Fetzer and most of the serious 9/11 Truthers are taking a very close look at Judy Wood's hypothesis concerning use of a directed energy weapon during the attacks.
I'm at a library in Missoula, soon to be booted off. Can get back on later.
Any links to the financial "exercises?"
MF, a mutation is simply a change in the structure of a cell or an organism. If the mutation is beneficial, it tends to stick around and spread. If it's not, it tends to die out. Some people think that societies and groups of people can be changed by a "mutation" happening within themselves, and I tend to agree.
Mrs. P, the Power that I believe in is very much female. There is nothing wrong with a Goddess -in fact for the majority of human history, and for most human cultures, people worhsipped a female deity. Even when the concept of a male deity evolved, the female deity generally reigned supreme. I know a lot about the history of this, at least for Western civilization, and can lay it out for anyone who's interested.
Financial "exercises" - first story on Tuesday's LATOC, links to:
Nothing new on the meteorite.
My dad was a Scottish Rights Mason, and I always thought that Albert Pike was nothing more than the founder of the order! All this is very interesting!
I passed up the chance to join. Just never got into all that "Grand Exaulted Master" bullshit! I'll be damned if I'm calling a local used car salesman a grand exaulted anything! I don't care how tall his hat is, or what kind of apron he wears!
I checked out the links, and found them quite interesting as well! And there's just enough wierd shit going around for them to have a troublesome ring of truth to them!
The 6 nukes taking an unscheduled trip to Lousiana, (like Lousiana needs another dose of shit after Katrina!), was quite disturbing indeed! Nukes don't get "lost" unless they were meant to get "lost" by some very high-ranking individuals! With the guide-lines in place for the moving and storage of nuclear weapons, "accidents" like that DO NOT HAPPEN!!!!!
The Russian news agency "Pravda" has some very disturbing information concerning a damned big crater in Peru, and lots of seriously ill people! Murph and Freeacre turned me on to the link, and it also has the ring of truth to it!
There is DEFINATELY some seriously wierd shit going on, and when you put it all together, it looks like somebody is fucking around with things that could WW-3!
I hope this one's wrong, but I don't think it is!
murp, re: the feminine God, lol you're right about that performance stuff. There's some people around here who refer to the almighty as "Divine Mother" and then other times the almighty gets called "other things". I guess it's nice to think of him/her as having those nurturing feminine qualities of a woman. Whatever God is, the God in us, the God up there, the power of the Universe, all of had better be on its toes and ready to hussle in these crazy days ahead.
ras, I agree the earth / universe seems more naturally feminine.
p, thanks for the headsup.:-)
Rubicon mentioned "remote control" on flying airplanes and suggested Minnesota Dem senator, Paul Wellstone's plane was a controlled crash. And different subject but I wonder if that other plane on 911 where they said, "Let's roll, could that have been part of a sentence that got chopped off? Instead could it have been, let's roll the plane? To avoid an incoming missle?
Belgium, some of the conspiracy considerations in Rubicon discuss the secrecy aspects of government programs run by private corporations and secret memberships, etc. After finishing Rubicon it was clear to me that this stuff runs very deep and they've been conspiring for many decades. Your new info is chilling and makes perfect sense. They should all have a sense of what's coming because they are planning it far in advance.
RAS, ok i can understand that concept, except if a change to an organism is beneficial, how is that the earth is cluttered with death dealers? Called people? I'm talking about people that can build mighty spaceships,and will, if we all don't go up in smoke,(no pun stoney).
This obvious fact and the also obvious fact that i think that most of the damage done by humans other then out right war is within the family,might be wrong on this but i don't think so.You read about it on any given day.
My point being how do you put these two things together, beautiful spaceships on the one hand and the killing of one another because the eggs were runny.
Is this mutation of benefit?
i was speaking with my ally (langosta) and she informed me that the stuff between the ears of humans would be better off inside a garbage sack. i happen to agree with her,even to and including my own.Personally i see nothing of real interest in the greatness of humanity yet,except the most rarest of qualities and that is within love manifest,no i'm no expert on that, but a walk in the woods without the trash of my upbringing tagging along is so far the closest thing i believe to posses that quality.
Life is long in the tooth for this one and the antics of my brothers and sisters (including myself) is a frighting contrast to that which all of us have experienced at one time or another,if only for one moment in time, a place where you absolutely know that you are in the presence of the great mystery,and the
staggering awaking of energy that is generated and bursts forth within when one is suddenly cast into that realm is something that brings tears to the face,.. and is accompanied by a feeble attempt to hold on to that place, but alas it is only a taste of that which may be possible and that my dear is what i would call a possible Mutation of Benefit. No war, no hate,and most of all No Fear.
In the clear moment of love for all that inhabit this council fire,
i love you
ps after reading some of the broken thoughts that travel a broken mind i apologize for the inadequate expression that which might cause to much.........?
lolo...because we may be just as nuts as you are, Montana, I think we get you. In these troubled times, it is good to be reminded that there is more available to our lives than this line of bullshit set in front of us to snort. We can stop and go for a walk in the woods and get in touch with the real "Secret," which is that our Mother, the Earth has already provided us with all that we need... a never ending source of sustainable abundance if we would only learn to recognize a good thing when we see it and function in balance with the natural laws that keep everything healthy and self-renewing.
Unfortunately, we have probably already blown this great gift by overpopulating and polluting and killing off umpty species that we need to be here.
By the way, what has happened to you, Belgium? Have not heard from you at all lately. What's up?
From Belgium,
To answer Freeacre and Annon 4.11’s question of where have I been, the answer is sitting in the middle of a whole crock of broken computers. Chris is convinced it is me, I have bad fluence on them. This last remaining laptop works until you connect to the intennet and then it it doesnt, the internet part at least. As time and money allowed, I have been buying bits of hardware to fix the problem but it remained unfixed. Yesterday I got the local shop to install the latest fix it bit and test the system. They said it was a bit slow but described my internet home page and a few things that were on the system so they have accessed it. Happily I took it home pluged it in and then Nothing. The cable modem will run other peoples computers so now I am out of options – well nearly. I have just upgraded from Millennium to XP. This XP is of dubious origin but since I have already bought and paid for a regular XP on the computer with the blown chip (and maybe mainboard) I figure What the hell and install it anyway, upgrade the drivers and bingo –It works, sort of. Well it does work but every 30 seconds or so I get a dialogue box appearing telling me that the Registry is a crock of shit and could go unstable and delete all sorts of important stuff at a moments notice. I have tried downloading a Registry Clean program but they want to know the inside and outside of a cats earhole including my e-mail address and the Windows product key (Ha). They also make the arogant assumption that just because you happen to have internet, you also have a credit card as well, and are pissed off enough to hock the future to solve your current difficulty. I guess I am going to carry on like this for a few days (unless anybody knows of a free, not necessary to register, registry cleaner) and then bite the bullet and do a Format C and just hope that this downloaded boot CD actually works. Who was that person who spoke of Microsoft products in the same breath as pencils standing on their points ? Other than this I could get seriously interested in Ubunto. Stoney, do you want to e-mail me with the general questions like is it difficult to set up and run and does it come with a range of apps? Hey ho, and we thought the Illuminati were the only things to wory about.
Today is the first time that I have been able to pick up on this lively discussion. As I see it everybody is right, we are all just stating different truths. Stoney, yes it looks like bad things are starting to move. MF, universal love is definately the answer but from an early age, society is instilled with the concept that love thyself trumps love thy neighbour. In the meantime, our little group will figure out how to ‘Do Life’ around the campfire in the cave above the stream which is just upstream from the Falls of the Twilight Zone. Leave the canoes, take the AK 47’s.
From Belgium,
I have just read the story about the satellite that came down in Peru. Could there really be a struggle for ascendency between the good guys in the Pentagon and the bad guys in the Pentagon? Speaking of which, I did notice one similarity between the hole in the ground in Peru and the hole in the Pentagon wall. The first one to guess it wins the prize.
From Belgium,
More on the missing nukes,
combining this with the Peruvian satellite story it would seem that the battle has shifted ground from the Middle East to somewhere in between the Pentagon and the White House. According to this article they were due to be launched against Iran on Sept 6 to coincide with an Israelie attack on Syria. But there was a revolt in the US Military. Interesting times.
Trying to get to you by email. Is it working?
From Belgium,
Murph, I think so I had a stack to read this morning so let's hope. Try it anyway. The laptop I think will work havn't checked the other yet, you have reminded me to try it. Fingers crossed.
My seventeen year old son is the computer whiz in the house, I've given up on trying to figure out this digital bullshit since I reprogramed my old one with a twelve guage shotgun! I'll run it by him and see what he says.
As far as the whole in the wall at the Pentagon, and the hole in the ground in Peru, OI can give you one similaruty! NOBODY KNOWS WHAT MADE THEM!!!! Ok! What did I win?
From Belgium,
Thanks for that Stoney - apprecieated.
Thats close enough, no evidence of what caused them. No missing bits lying around. If it made a hole in the ground that big then it didn't burn up on re-entry.
the story on peru up to now per investigator linda moultin howe...
a - the sat story came out of russia. it is unconfirmed and unlikely.
b - yes, its likely a meteorite hit but not confirmed.
c - yes, locals did report getting sick. but the 200 number highly likely exagerated.... maybe more like 30.
d - the story that the sickness was due to arsenic poisoning is not confirmed and could be an intentional fabrication. the story, reported first by (read nasa) and subsequently by national geo and ny times, broke BEFORE there was ever any confirmation of this. there still is no confirmation. at least according to howe and those she's interviewed.
pdg report and interview by howe with one of the lead investigators at the site and posted to her site on 9/26 ...
the interviewee was Jose Machare, Science Doctorate and Geological Engineer, Ingemmet (Geology, Mining and Metallurgical Institute), Lima, Peru: “We have recovered some pieces of the meteorite."
a promised update from howe is way overdue which, given howe's credibility, only adds to the drama.
heard her interviewed and what is not in the report is that this is a very isolated area with a pop of around 2000 in the immediate area.
also, difficult, very difficult, to get info out of the area. it took her 8 hours of work to run down the parties directly involved with the investigation and then finding one who could speak english.
i bet didn't do that. so the question is, why would a nasa front break a story now confirmed by a leading investigator on the site to be apparently no more than the stuff of hearsay at best and intentional fabrication at worst! why would 1 highly respected news agency and 2 highly respected sources of scientific investigation put out such a VERY misleading story before there's been any forensic data to back it up?
and what made the water boil? if it did.
i've been following howe and her work for some time and consider her to be a highly sophisticated investigator with over 30 years esperience and a straight shooter. she's done some great work over the years connecting some dots between otherwise apparent mutualy exclusive events... ie the forensic presence of powdered magnetite found on the stalks of grains in crop circle fields and on the bodies of mutilated animals. and btw, there is a high presence of magnetite in the upper atmosphere.
she's also been on top of the highly stressed and dieing bee pop for some time too. its a mystery but a big fat clue might be if we knew the truth of why the usda suddenly reversed a long standing policy in 04 and allowed the import of foreign bees. and then denied official requests from apiary experts to quarantine those imports to see if they showed any signs of virus, mites, or other anomalies... p
this is really cool....
you're watching the first ever vid recording captured by the stereo sat project of a cme hitting comet encke. as the comet approaches center screen you'll see a wave moving from right to left. thats the solar storm moving across space at a million miles an hour. as it passes by the comet it "appears" to rip the tail right off the comet. what astronomers think happened was the magnetics in the comet and magnetics in the cme interacting as magnetic reconnection.... The comet had its own space weather event," said Angelos Vourlidas, Lead author and Researcher with the Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC. "We think it experienced a magnetic reconnection event very similar to what Earth experiences when CMEs impact our own protective magnetosphere."
full explanation here...
this artists rendering of the stereo sat hovering above the sun as a cme fires off is pretty cool too...
unusual 3m/9 feet tall bicycle spotted two units in singapore
3 days ago in geylang spotted unusual 3m/9 feet tall bicycle cycled by a man, looks like those antique first bicycles. Today, spotted another identical one by lady in lavendar street, she is carrying winter clothings and hat on it, words "Cycling to end all oil wars" on side of bicycle. She response +ve to "peak oil" but cannot speak English. I not carrying camera so no photos of it. It is 3m tall, but the wheels are same size front and back, not xtra big size in front. Has seat at 3m height. Must be custom made.
Nice to hear from you, Singapore Guy! We've missed you. Sounds like some interesting bicycles showing up. Maybe you'll be able to get a picture of them soon. Sounds like somebody else knows about Peak Oil.
I think that the website for my book ( has a blog site associated with it. I am thinking of attempting to fire it up in case the tribe decides to move on. Right now I don't have time to develop it because I have to go to Tahoe for maybe a week for family matters and also to see if I can sell some books there. Maybe I could get my son to help me.
Singapore Guy or any other infrequent, but highly valued, readers of this site - please keep in touch! I hate to leave home at this time, what with the earthquake prediction, possible war with Iran, maybe a volcanic eruption, etc. But, I guess these kinds of scenarios are beginning to be the norm, and if I wait for a break in the potential disasters, I'll never be able to get anything done. Jeeze. Check on the Murphman for me. Love you guys.
Columbus Day, the day to celebrate the death of millions of indigenous people day.This day i sharpen my tomahawk and think deeply about these things as i watch the baby granddaughter grow into the evil that has been brought to our land. Turtle Island.
The Two Row Wampum Belt says:
"This symbolizes the agreement under which the Iroquois/Haudenosaunee
welcomed the white peoples to their lands.
'We will NOT be like father and son, but like brothers.
These TWO ROWS will symbolize vessels,
travelling down the same river together.
One will be for the Original People, their laws, their customs,
and the other for the European people and their laws and customs.
We will each travel the river together,
but each in our own boat.
And neither of us will try to steer the other's vessel.'"
The agreement has been kept by the Iroquois/Haudenosaunee to this date.
montana freeman
Freeacre, my sister,travel lightly and have a good journey, we will keep an eye on the Murphinator for you and make sure he does what he does best,and some of that is to keep us on our toes with all the latest manifestations of human debauchery and gore, put forth by the outlandish reptilian brained love starved maggots that are currently in charge of the human chained to the boat oars no expenses paid luxury cruise.
Thats pretty close huh?
Please say hello to Greg for me, i sent him a card with Flying Eagle and invited him and his young'uns to visit on the way to whichever Redpath they might happen to traverse. The waters here have incredible healing powers as the old ones say, and it goes like this "limp in leap out"
Salutations to all of the brothers and sisters that attend the council,it has been suggested that we might move the teepees to a spot further on up the river where the game is more plentiful, the grass is tall and the buffalo are strong to a young warriors challenge to manhood and good things to eat are within picking range by the young children,girls and mothers of this band.
Could we have discussion of idea? P,MRS P,RAS, Rockpicker,Stoney,SATS,and all the infrequent contributers of voice to the excellence of this sacred council.
After all our voice is the voice of the Great Spirit,manifest to issue forth that which brings our destiny into sharp focus, as a path to walk ever closer to that which is called by us the Great Mystery.
That peace be our guide whenever possible and the unwritten law written on our hearts by the hand of that same Great Mystery,our creator lead us on into a future of our own making filled with the promise of green Mother Earth and healthy Creations,which walk,swim,crawl,fly,creep
slither or just go bump in the night that inhabit it.
Sinapore Guy, really good to see you at the fire my brother, its been a long time and i really miss your unique way of looking at the world.
Please make your self more invited here for your wisdom of places far away and how you are dealing with the coming adventure in human experimentation.
Peace and Prosperity to you and your family and stay in touch, ok?
The morning is foggy and the neighbors house across the street is barely visible,should burn off to a beautiful sun filled day and i can finish roofing a friends house.
Some ones pet pig which weights in at about 300+lbs is strolling the neighborhood along with the deer and bears eating the apples that are falling from the trees this time of year, the trees are every shade of rainbow colored leaves and feels like Disney Land somehow,like really good LSD the kind that use to be used by us as medicine to connect corroded minds with the Great Spirit.
Love grows in the garden and the harvest has been most excellent and we are busy getting ready for the sweet cold breath of winter with wood stacking,preserving what we can and getting acquainted with the new folks that are trickling in.
One son bought a new generator for emergency use if needed, hope it stays in the box.
To all have a wonderful fall of leaves where ever you find your selfs, and know that the great awaking is within and bursting at the seams to be allowed to play.
hummmm, love is really in the air.
Today, the Sun has made me an offer I can not refuse.
Rockpicker we share the same sun and offer, i took the offer also.
Very delicious.
From Austin:
There are two ways to view history, ...
I think we have a major oversimplification right there. I'm not saying the baboons haven't taken over the zoo, or that these morons aren't trying to start WWIII. (I do believe they are deluded enough to think there will be a 'winner' though, just watch Kristol on a Sunday propaganda show)
But I agree with fa, history is far too complex for anyone to have anticipated every variable and preset it centuries in advance. That's all.
Food inflation in lower inflation singapore
About 1-2 weeks ago, I notice all the high end food disappeared from supermarkets such as Carrefour.
My favorite activity is every day visit supermarket to check food prices.
I suspect either high end food hodging has began or poor sales of high end food.
On Monday 8th Oct 2007, price of fruits in carrefour rise to 60 cents from 50 cents.
On Thur 11th 2007, I notice price of old chang kee has increased.
Old chang kee is a lower end restraunt, even lower than McDonalds.
Chicken curry puff and Black pepper curry puff from S$1 to S$1.10
Sardine curry puff is S$1 to S$1.20
Chicken McNugget from S$1 to S$1.20 2 months ago, now S$1.20 to S$1.30.
Squid/Sotong McNugget from S$1.20 to S$1.40.
Squid/Sotong fried from S$1.20 to S$1.40
The seller says the vegatarin stuff is not pure vegetarian, as now they use the same oil to fry vegatarian and meat. Today is vegetarian day in buddhist calendar 1st of every month.
This means the poor will be even worst off.
Sorry to change the subject but the latest Brasscheck email recvd today reminds me that Pakistan is, among others, the U.S. evil twin, partner in crime if you will that will probably be the next co-conspiritor for another red flag event. So complicated it boggles the mind but I remember now why Danny Pearl (journalist) lost his head because he was investingating the ISI, which is the CIA equivalent in Pakistan, trained by our CIA and was involved in 9/11 undertakings, according to Crossing the Rubicon. When I read this back then I actually assumed Cheney ordered this himself, who else? It will be interesting to see the latest hollywood version of the Danny Pearl story with Angelina Jolee, film realease date not given yet. Suposedly, according to todays brasscheck Tv email video, many and most U.S. intellegence fear that Pakistan, which has nuclear weapons and is where Taliban headquarters are located, could become the worst case scenario but is being ignored by the current admin who is putting all their efforts in Iran while being allied with the military dictatorship in Paki. Some very interesting concerns but they bring me back to re-checking the Rubicon for obvious alignments within the Pakistani Admin, their military and the ISI and the 9-11 connections. Todays video complains that that Bush has put the U.S. in the worst possible position as for national security but is it not intentional? mrsp
Here's the link. I think the man in the video is sincere and most likely knows what he's talking about but I have to wonder if he's naive in thinking that Bush admin isn't intentionally pulling all the strings and working both sides of the fence as usual.
peace, mrsp
The movie about the story of Danny Pearl is named, A Mighty Heart, 2007, with Angelina Jolie playing his French? wife. The description below was copied from Blockbuster on line.
Angelina Jolie stars as Mariane Pearl, wife of slain journalist Daniel Pearl, in director Michael Winterbottom's adaptation of Mariane's memoir recounting the abduction and murder of her husband (played in the film by Dan Futterman) by Pakistani militants. It was on January 23, 2002, that Mariane Pearl's life took a grim and unanticipated turn that no one could have seen coming. The South Asia Bureau Chief for the Wall Street Journal, Daniel Pearl, was in Pakistan with his pregnant wife, Mariane, when he set out to conduct one last interview for an upcoming article; the pair were due to fly back home to the U.S. shortly thereafter. By all accounts, it was the same type of interview he had conducted a hundred times before, and though the only concern that Daniel had voiced beforehand was that he might be a bit late for dinner, it would soon become obvious that something had gone horribly awry. Later, in an attempt to rise above the seething vengeance and cycle of violence that the post-9/11 world has fallen into and familiarize her newborn son with the father he will never know, Mariane penned A Mighty Heart: The Brave Life and Death of My Husband Danny Pearl. The remarkable true story behind the murder that shook the entire world, Mariane's deeply personal novel is adapted for the screen by the BAFTA award-winning director of The Road to Guantanamo. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide.
I doubt this movie will enter into the politics of the Pakistani ISI. We'll see. mrsp
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