Friday, July 27, 2007


Hey kids. This is going to be short, sweet and to the point. I've been working on something re: Gonzales and that mess, but think that this may just be a wee bit more important right now.

The crash that we have been talking about for the life of this blog may truly be upon us, any time now. No, I'm not saying that because the DOW dove yesterday and appears to be doing the same thing today. I'm saying that because of the one thread that has held this phony economy of ours together for so long, CREDIT, is about to be cut off. When that happens, it's Katie bar the door time. It will be time to hunker down and take care of yourself and those whom you care about. It WILL get wild. Can you imagine if the average American, who is already in debt up to their eyeballs, is not able to borrow 10 grand to maintain their current lifestyles? Can you predict how they will react when Bill, their next door neighbor and the head of the bank tells them "no" when they ask for that car loan? Or grocery loan? I can offer a guess, probably an accurate one, but I don't really want to think about it.

Why do I say this? The main reason, actually 2 reasons, is the falling apart of the sale of Chrysler, and the same with the largest drug company in Britain. These purchases could not be completed because the consortiums put together to purchase these companies COULD NOT BORROW THE BILLIONS that they offered to purchase the companies. And no, these are not your typical bust out guys like myself who would be tossed out the door immediately after asking for a $500,000 loan during boom times. Instead, these are people who put together deals such as the Chrysler deal together on a routine basis. And they have been told NO DEAL, NO LOAN. The credit industry is shutting the door, and when it inevitably closes on the American people, it will be 1929 all over again. Only this time it will be played out with Uzi's and assault rifles tossed into the mix.

So, hang on to your hats and keep your eye on the financial news over the next little while. Look for what does not happen (such as buyouts) as much as what does happen, and you will get an inkling of what to expect. The hedge funds are exploding quicker than the housing market, the derivatives market is and has been in shambles for quite some time, on and on and on. Most importantly, keep your eye on China and what they attempt to buy, or do buy in the near future. I've told you many times over that they own us, and we are soon to learn that they are the only country on earth with enough "money" to stay afloat.

I do wish that I was a good enough writer to coherently state exactly what is happening, but I am not. Finance is not really my bag, but I can smell a fire when one is burning. It just so happens that this is a huge wild fire, one that a moron like me cannot even miss. So, oil your weapons and lock your doors. The day of reckoning is likely near.

I will keep everyone updated as things evolve,


Oh, and please read everything you can find on this subject, written by people (unlike me) who can explain this crap a whole lot better. Especially about hedge funds, derivative markets, buyouts, credit, etc.



At 4:20 PM, Blogger mrs p said...

Check this out.

I found this link through Carolyn Baker's site, Speaking Truth To Power, It's a list of the U.S. Banking Tape Worm Economy Banks.
Other huge firms like Goldman Sachs buy up anything and everything that is weak. There's a lot of info about this in Crossing The Rubicon. Especially in the week prior to 911 there was a lot of buying up of put options.

At 6:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mrs p has given us an excellent reference. solari is catherine austin fitts' gig. so if ya wanna take cy's advice and do some homework about how the money works she's a good place to start.

solaries are her answer to centralization. she is also the author of the red button story that i have written about in my blog.

having said all that i agree with what i think is the general concensus here... the wheels are about to fly off and the dog is about to catch his tail and eat hisself alive!! that is until he gets to the part of hisself that is the derivatives monster. one big bite of that and he'll explode into a gazillion pieces.

one thing that will blow yer fuses in a heartbeat is trying to understand derivatives. hell, even the so-called experts can't explain it. look it up and it sez its a "financial instrament". that covers alotta territory including territory that was never meant to be territory.

and most of the rest of us dumb asses don't even know what the hell the dollar in our pocket really is. i was in the bank last week cashing a check i got for a little side job. the little boy dressed up in the big man bankers suit said, ya sure ya don't wanna put that in the bank for safe keeping?

i said, why, so you can loan it back to me at 10 times the face amount? for which i pay you interest and then you can loan that out at 10 times the face amount too!!

he looked perplexed but interested.

i held up a bill and said, do you know what this is?

he said, sure its a hundred dollar bill.

i said, no, its a hundred dollar DEBT! see here where it sez "note"? what else does it say?
it sez federal reserve. who owns the federal reserve?

he said, the government.

go directly to jail, do not pass go, and definitly, do not collect 200 dollars!

he didn't have a damn clue what i was talkin about. i don't know how much i really understand beyond that point myself. but i understand enough about that point to have a pretty good idea of the implications.

we had a dog named skippy when i was a kid back on the farm. skippy had a habit of chasin things. he'd chase after a corn husk blowin across the yard and get it confused with the end of his own tail and spend the next part of his life runnin in circles as fast as he could trying to catch what he thought was the husk. you know how the spokes in a wheel all run together when it gets going fast enough? thats what skippy looked like... a round dog! then suddenly he'd stop and look around and the husk would be no where in sight but he'd be standing ther pantin and waggin his tail and he'd look around and see the end of his tail and it'd dawn on him what he'd been doin and he'd get the stupidest look on his face. and you'd be standin there laughin cuz you couldn't help but laugh and he knew you were laughin at him and he'd jes hang his head in embarrasment.

i always wondered what would happen if he ever caught that tail. would he eat hisself alive? now everytime i think of this money and economic system we have i see skippy chasin his tail just plain as it was 50 years ago. 'cept i think i'm about to find out what i used to wonder about...p

At 6:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been following this site practically since its inception. But this is my first post. Thank you so much to Cyclone, Murph, Freeacre, etc.

We know our economy, and way of life, is completely unsustainable. So do our "leaders." Look for a "terrorist" attack quite soon. If there is one thing our gangster/leaders need right about now, it is another attack.

At 8:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I'll be darned. I didn't know anybody read this site without commenting. Glad you decided to step into the light of the campfire.
None of this is a real surprise, but for some reason, when I hear about the crash of the housing market and the volatility of the stock market, inflation, debt, lost trillions by the Pentagon, and Peak Oil, ON THE LAMESTREAM MEDIA, it makes me extra worried. I'm used to us on the Web kicking this shit around, but when Katie Couric says it, I find myself beginning to panic. I agree with socioilogy that we can probably expect some sort of "event" to gear up martial law. One thing that pandemonium would do for them is DEMAND REDUCTION on the oil supply. More left for the owners once a shitload of us get killed off or incarcerated or marginalized in a million ways.
One thing I think I understand from reading the financial sites, is that DEBT is the biggest business we have now in our country, since the outsourcing of the manufacturing base. Economies don't stand on the wages of valets, manicurists, bureaucrats,and "professional" snowboarders. We became "consumers" and our debts became the stuff from which the money has been made. Housing mortgage debt bundled into packages and sold as if it were a product. And they didn't have to buy these packages with real money, they could "leverage" it. Meaning that they only had to have about ten percent of the money, and borrowed the rest. And the money that was borrowed was also bundled and sold (which is a lot of what a derivative is, I think). Well, it's all smoke and mirrors and a far cry from what we were taught in school about the market being a place where a business could get the money to operate and all that. It's all based on debt. And it all translates into "servitude" to people like you and me. But, if they are tightening credit, like Cyclone says, the market would then be toasted. Personally,it wouldn't break my heart if a bunch of these motherfuckers jump out of the windows of a bunch of tall buildings when they see their earnings evaporate. The same ones who would run down and invest in General Motors whenever they would announce a huge lay-off right around Christmas... Screw the greed heads anyway. I'll take my chances with the working class once we get those market pimps off our backs.

At 12:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, all the financial article on LATOC are good, especially Mike Whitley's "Is a Depression Right Around the Corner?" Excellent treatment of what is going on.

At 1:32 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Great to have you back!! Yeah, something is up.


Thanks for the links. Any and all will help right now.


Derivatives will put you in a rubber room faster than anything, unless you like that stuff. I don't. But, sooner or later one must educate themselves just a little on that subject to try to understand what is happening.




Something for nothing, you've about got it! Debt is the problem, and what props up the fantasy. I don't mean a tightening of credit, but a credit "shut off valve." It has been used in the two instances mentioned, (to the astonishment of those involved) and will eventually shuffle its way down to the consumer, ie: you and me. THAT is when the SWHTF. As for "Is depression right around the corner," the short answer is YES. LATOC is a great place for those (like me) with very basic knowledge of finance to start. Then branch out to other things.

As for Katherine Austin Fitts, I have always had something in the back of my mind that prevents me from totally buying into her program. She is worth reading, and can educate, but something just bothers me about her stuff. Don't know what it is, and I'm not trying to tell anyone not to listen to her. It may just be over my head, but I don't think so. She has been a "mystery" to me for many years, but better to read her than do nothing.


At 5:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cy... yup, fitts is a mystery. on the one hand she's been one of the best to ever blow the whistle. on the other hand, somethin jes ain't right with where she's gone since. and i'm like you, sounds good, feels bad. thus i've never bought into her solari model.

i got a feelin its a mystery similar to the one hangin over ruppert's head. and i got a further feelin it has somethin to do with what's goin on on the subconscious layer of the cake.

socioilogy... welcome to the looney bin... p

At 8:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a small point of clarification... Freeacre suggested looking at articles from one Mike Whitley, that should read Mike Whitney and yes he has been following closely the financial/economic situation and tying it quite well tot he situations around the globe.


At 9:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suspect that the problem Cy and others have with Fitts is that she is positing an absolutism. I read her thing on the Tape Worm economy, and it is an explanation that pretty well fits. They when you get into her 'how to invest your money', well, I stumble, not fall down mind you. I am having some real problems with investment advise on any level and have been for a number of years. It sure appears to me that "investment" looks like debt to me. Someone is borrowing money from you with the promise to pay back with interest. And if debt is one of the big problems, I'm not so sure it's a good idea to get into it.

Yup, sure looks like time for another big false flag op coming at at us. Wonder if the populace will react like they did on the last one.


Love your talk with the banker. Amazing isn't it, those that handle the money don't seem to have a very firm foundation about it at all. Well, look at what is taught in the universities these days.

Stoney, Ditto

At 10:58 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...

In my 50 years on this planet,I've learned to laugh at most of the shit that goes on on this spinning ball of mud we're riding around the sun. But what's getting ready to happen ain't got no funny to it! You'ld think that Humanity would have figured it out by now!

The haves have always kicked the shit out of the have-nots, untill whatever system the haves happen to have in place to protect themselves collapses, then it's party time! It happened in Rome, It happened in Byzantium, It happened in Ottowa, it happened in Bhagdad, and it will happen here!

What exactly do you think will happen in the gated communuties, when the "home boys" from the hoods and barios decide to take the show to the 'burbs? Nothing good for the suits!

"Oh" you say, "Our brave police officers will protect us!"

Let me tell you something that's been seen a thousand times in the history of this planet! When there's no coin in the kettle to pay the constabulary, the boys in blue stay home to deal with their own shit! Fuck yours! And when the shit gets heavy, the boys in blue are at the head of the line going in the other direction! Think I'm full of shit? Look at what happened in the LA riots! The cops cut the rug and left it all in flames in their wake! Remember Watts? THAT'S what happens when people get pissed on enough to get pissed off! And the scary thing about that kind of rage, is that once it's turned lose, it can go inward or outward, and whatever it touches dies! It radiates out like a fire and consumes everything in it's wake until it finally runs out of force, and it takes a LONG, LONG time to run out of force! Usually that only happens when the ones doing all the pludering, looting, burning, raping, and killing, stop long enough to see that the only thing that they plundered, looted, and burned, was their own communities, and the only thing they killed was their only hope! And the only thing they raped was themselves!

The only way out of this is to gather your communities around you and MAKE A STAND!!! Nip the stupid shit in the bud befor it starts!

Brothers, be a force for peace and stability in your communities! The cops won't help you! The cops CAN"T help you! It is you that must help yourselves!

Sisters, reach out to your neighbors! Make it your business to see that your neighbor's children are safe and protected! Enough of this living in a communitty for years, without ever knowing who your neighbors are! AKE IT YOUR BUSINESS TO KNOW!!!!!

And everybody, never underestimate the value of young minds with fresh ideas! For God's sake LISTEN to your kids! RESPECT their thoughts, and TALK to them about the things that important to them! You may find yourself pleasantly surprised!

Now let's take care of ourselves and each other! This is going to be a rough-assed ride! We may be able to steer this rig a little bit, but we damn-sure got no brakes! It's ride or jump, and I ain't jumpin'!

At 12:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Wow, Great comment! I also see small community as being the only viable way to go, got to get involved, got to get networked with folks around you. We have been talking about this for over a year now. Just maybe it is going to be put it into practice or get off the pot. Your assessment of the consequences of a collapse seems pretty probable to me. Anyone that thinks it can't happen here is ignoring most of history and what happens when there is big time social unrest.

Oh yes, make a stand, draw the line in the sand. Sure would like to be around to see how it comes out. It appears that it may be just around the corner.

At 2:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

Socioilogy, make yourself welcome around the campfire, we will all shove up a bit so you can share the warmth.

It is very sad there are such bad people in the world and their callous evil reflects on the good people and the innocents. I suppose that it has always been like that although it has been noted before that humans are the only species in the animal kingdom which turns on their own kind.

Yes, it sure looks like it is on its way. I am in the fish bowl that is on the outside of your fish bowl so if I survive the first blast I will be caught in the shock wave that follows. It has often been said that the best way to hide something is to leave it on full view but it always amazes me how well such things are ignored. Then there is the business of knowing but not being able to prove that you know. Here is an account of the role played by the latter day Lady Macbeth (Cheney)in the original 9/11 event.

On this topic, the 9/11 Truth Organisation, not ones likely to fall for the same trick twice, has produced a very interesting report on what is likely to happen next, entitled, “Cheney Determined To Strike In US With WMD This Summer: Only Impeachment, Removal or General Strike Can Stop Him”.

In a bit of Alice logic, it seems that Israel wants to pop Iran but Cheney does not want Israel to be seen as the USA’s proxy so he will have to do the job himself (as if he didn’t want to all the time). An interesting statement (you can make your own mind up on this one), is that Rummy was doing the war on the cheap and he has bought some nuclear triggers which may not work. There is some scientific double talk which I don’t understand but it turns out that if these triggers malfunction they could either crash the plane which is carrying the bomb or render the ship which fires them dysfunctional. So USA could have three fleets of sitting ducks without the Iranians doing anything. Personally I think this is unlikely but possible, or maybe it is disinformation. It does however bring wry visions of Cheney suing the ragheads for peace and being told “No he can’t wear his ceremonial sword whilst he is doing it”.

What is more of a possibility is that the Iraqi resistance (Insurgents) may make a concerted effort to cut the US army supply routes through Kuwait. These convoys are manned by third world drivers who are protected by a rag tag bunch of badly equipped mercenaries. Attacks in the last twelve months have risen to 869 compared to 261 in the previous twelve months. If they were successful in breaking the supply lines instead of just disrupting them then the next stage would be to circle the wagons around Baghdad. This is not a pleasant thought but I am sure that those running things would be more sorry for the loss of oil than the loss of life.

What that puzzles me at the moment is that the NWO never picks a loosing side so are they backing China?

So far as the people back home are concerned, I can’t decide if they would be better off if future military adventures were lost or won. Then there is always the possibility that the military might take their ball home. We wish.

At 3:29 PM, Blogger mrs p said...

ditto on the solari. We don't have any investments in anything...and I have been told for years by a good friend to invest in silver, (real silver bars, coins) but I still haven't done it even though I know this is good advice. I have a real hard time with the fitts stuff too maybe it's just because i don't have money to loose that i can't see investing.

It does seem to be a tapeworm economy and the so-called federal reserve which we all know isn't federal but just a few fat private bankers, prints more money making it worth less and less.

The way i see it and i'm not as informed as you, there are several big boo boo's coming our way that could easily make the house of cards collapse. I have a friend who is deeply concerned about water and how it's dissapearing.

Welcome sociology, the hearts in here seem to beat as one. It's good we put our heads together.

I also hope and believe most people will try to do good when the going gets ruff. The ones who don't will eventually face their own karma.

At 3:36 PM, Blogger mrs p said...

Here's something from C. Baker on how to understand the sub-prime has to do with the recent Bear Stearns market?

Hope it helps.

At 5:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what happened to the financial adviser who is suppose to give cyclone warning 1-2 days before it occurs, did the warning occur in this case?

At 1:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

I am also coming to terms with the nature of money. When I was at college I once asked a guy in the economics group what money was. He told me it was that which could be used to pay a debt. He didn’t say it represented debt. I accused him of using money to define money and this resulted in quite a discussion at the time, we never did sort it out. Now I know a bit more about it, I am still foggy. One thing that has become clear is that when a whole area suddenly goes into economic decline, Flint Michigan would be an example of what I mean, then the first thing the local authorities do is build a shopping mall. I never understood it before but apart from creating short term construction work, more importantly all these depressed people go in for a dose of retail therapy and it is the debt they create that in turn creates money and that is what is behind it.

Great comment Stoney, one observation only. I think the PTB have already taken on board your comment about police protection; that is what the Military Commissions Act is all about. The police can take it upon themselves not to go to work one day but not the military; Dereliction of duty is a court martial offence. Whether soldiers on the ground decide to follow an unconstitutional order or not we will have to wait and see.

Murph, small communities does seem the way to go. We have talked about this one before. I don’t know how it will pan out over here, is there any likelihood of small groupings forming in your area?

At 4:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

One of the things that has always bothered me about 9/11 is the lack of information forthcoming from civilian ATC’s on duty during the event. Military ones are different but what civilians know generally cannot be classified. Now one has spoken out and given a half hour audio interview with Brasscheck tv. He said that just by looking at his radar monitors and information that was being passed around his workplace he knew at the time that the whole thing was an inside job even without the visual TV evidence of what was happening to the towers etc. He also said that Rummys Defence took an embarrassing about twenty minutes to answer their phone, something that should have been an almost automatic link through.

If indeed a second “terrorist” event is in the planning, I don’t know how the perps think they can get away with it and still retain any sort of credibility with all the evidence piling up against their past record. It seems to me that martial law is the only viable option of achieving their goal.

At 6:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

not to change the subject from the post at hand but has anyone thought about what they're gonna do when it comes time for them to make a decision about a mandatory national id card? that time may be drawing near. this from one of george ure's sites who freeacre referenced in a comment in the previous thread...

Real ID, Real Soon

From the Seattle area, this telling email from a reader:

"I just got off the phone w a friend of mine who I haven't talked with for about a month. In the course of our conversation, he tells me about his good friend going to renew his driver's license. This friend was four days late renewing, so he had to have two pieces of picture ID in order to renew. The trick was that he couldn't use his old license as one of them. So, he runs back and forth four times and finally satisfies the criteria to get his license. After he renews he comments to the lady at the desk what a hassle it was. She responds...


This was at the Auburn Drivers Licensing....."

Hell, I'm so old I remember when a social security number couldn't be used for anything but employment and pay into my retirement fund - and politicians were all promising that would be all it would ever be - not a national ID card. WTF? How stoopid do they think We the People are?

WTF is a legitimate reaction but i doubt the forms will have a line item we can check and go about our merry way doin bid'ness as usual without one.

can you get on a plane, cash a check, re-new insurance, drive to the store for a loaf of bread, or use a credit card without one?

i have to admit, i've been like most of the masses on this one... hoping it was all just a bad dream and i'd wake up and it'd be gone!

can anyone who's kept a finger on the pulse comment on this and the implications of what it means in the context of doin bid'ness as usaul? any idea if there's a locator and activity chip embedded in these rosemary's babies? ...p

At 12:58 PM, Blogger RAS said...

I think you're right Cyclone. Much as I hate the thought, that seems to be where we're going. I've read enough about the way these derivatives and such work to realize that they don't make sense because they aren't supposed to; the owners of the game keep changing the rules to ensure that they come out on top. But I'm not sure they're going to be able to do that much longer.

At 1:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The national I.D. card is a tough one. None of us wants to have to carry one and dig it out to show some authority figure whenever we go to do anything. But, on the other hand, the very ones who are protesting the illegal immigrants are the ones objecting to the ID cards the most. You can't have it both ways, if you want to be able to distinguish between the two groups. You could also use a state driver's license or I.D. and just say "resident" or "foreign national" on it, for I.D. purposes. I don't have a big problem with that.
BUT, if they put RFID chips in the cards, then it goes way beyond identification. It goes to surveillance of everyone all the time. They can follow you, track each of your transactions, and tie it into that big total surveillance data base that is keeping track of all of us. It could have our DNA code, and all sorts of things that can be turned against us in ways that we have not even imagined yet. One third of our genetic code has already been bought and patented by drug companies so that they own our genes. They could decide what jobs we should do, what food we eat, what medicine we would have access (or not have access to), where we could go, what sites we could access on the web, who knows what all? Passports, too. Are they chipped? Don't know. Good question , though.

At 10:32 AM, Blogger RAS said...

I just posted a LONG essay on economic survival on one of my blogs:

And Freeacre, to answer your question, yes as of Jan 1, 2007 all newly issued passports contain a "smart chip" that contains your ID, nationality, countries visited, and who knows what else.

P -did you get my email?

At 2:28 PM, Blogger mrs p said...

Wow...did anyone see the story in the Washington Post called "Early Warning - commandoes in the Streets?"

Sounds like they're getting ready for military marshall law.

At 2:48 PM, Blogger mrs p said...

Here's another wow on the same subject. From Hal Turner Show. He provides actual documentation. Hope it's not real.

Damm we're in a tight spot!
Welcome to East Berlin!

At 9:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the following is on topic in as much as china holds a good part of our debt and the off-their-rocker-fellas, rothschilds, et al are at the core of the fed reserve system and central banks.

better fasten yer seatbelts for this one. its pretty far out. and pop some popcorn. 2 interviews of roughly 2 hours duration each. i've listened to the first and this is what the man is saying... CHINESE SECRET SOCIETY CHALLENGES ILLUMINATI.

since its so long i think it appropriate i give you some detail... the interviewer is jeff reense and the interviewee, the man proclaiming this, is benjamin fulford, a canadian ex-pat living in japan where he's been a journalist for the last 20 years and served as japanese bureau chief for forbes from 98 until they fired him in 05.

he also claims to be the great grandson of billionaire g t fulford who he claims was murdered in 1905 because he was going to bankrole tesla. the billions were summarily stolen by the power cabal who killed him and went on to render tesla as much as their prisoner for the rest of his life and steal his work thus controling the doorway to "free energy". further, his great grandmother was a pychic retained by kinsey king, then prime minister of canada, who, according to his diaries, made many of his decisions by consulting a crystal ball and contacting spirits. g. t. fulford was one of those spirits and great grandma was the medium.... do,doo,do,doo!

pretty far out eh? maybe. until we remember that so did reagan.

he also claims to be the spokesperson for this chinese secret society. quote...

"According to Benjamin Fulford, a Chinese secret society with 6 million members, including 1.8 million Asian gangsters and 100,000 professional assassins, have targeted Illuminati members who they perceive to have world depopulation plans -- a subject we have talked about for many years on this program, off and on. That is the depopulation effort -- Global 2000, among others.

They contacted Ben Fulford, a Canadian expatriate, after he warned that the Illuminati planned to reduce the Asian population to about half a billion people -- about 500 million -- by means of racial or genetic-specific biological weapons."

fulford presented that argument along with accompaning evidence to support it in a book published in japan and supposedly this is what prompted this secret society to contact him.

my take on it? plausable! he is saying things we know to be true.

ie.... the lower 33's of the masons serve the upper degrees and are compartmentalized so they don't even know it. they think they serve brother, god, country, and society when underneath it all they serve the agendas of those above them. and the ones above them believe they are god.

... this same compartmentalization is the same tactic used over and over in the various power structures such as government, military, and so on. one hand not knowing what the other is doing is what makes it work for them.

...the power mongers, though aligned in their agenda to control and operate within a loose form of those alliances, are split amongst themselves and they do engage in power pissin contests as the control is carried out.

... their overall plans and goals span many years and they don't mind waitin.

pedigree aside, i do have reservations about some of fulford's views.

ie... the cia ops would rather be running around doing good deeds than serving the power mongers.

...its a bit of a stretch that 1.8 million gansta-goons and 100k pro assassines add up to a gang of robin hoods and merry pranksters doing good deeds in the name of the best interest of all mankind and love and all that.

...i think its pretty naive to think that these monsters can be reasoned with and will buy into the threat and acquiese to retiring to the palace for the foreseeable future. they HAVE to do what they do which is to literally FEED off the denied power and energies of others in order to survive. its a war out there!

here's the link to both the interviews conducted by reense...

i found fulford's audio a bit fuzzy at times. so following along with the transcript was helpful. there are links to those on the same page.

also links to david oate's reverse speach analysis which concludes fulford believes his own story at least.


At 9:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In my zeal to pass this on, i posted the wrong link to the military documents outlining operation kickyourbutt by the military which according to hal turner are, top-topsecret.

Could this be fake? Considering the source who knows anymore. They do like to control with fear. You know how some things are intentionally leaked in order to creat confusion. What are your thoughts on this ultra secret document? mrsp

At 9:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The document continues, page after page, throughout almost nine-hundred pages. In those other pages, the document outlines "REX 84" "FEMA concentration camps", already established, constructed and manned inside the United States, to be utilized to house "insurgents" who are rounded-up by government.

At 10:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: The credit faucet being turned off...over at the FTW blog, "tyler havlin" posted a good view of an Oil Drum post...

Here's what he said.

From the article:
Strange as it may seem, some of the biggest and most immediate impacts of oil shortages are likely to affect financial markets:

• Declining credit availability. Debt is provided with the expectation that an individual's or organization's income will grow, or at least stay level in the years ahead. If this assumption no longer holds, a shift from the very loose credit standards seen in recent years to extremely tight credit seems likely. A recession or depression is likely to ensue.

• Declining stock prices. The value of stocks reflects the expected future earnings of the company. If these earnings are expected to stop growing, and perhaps shrink, the value of the stock can be expected to decline.

At 12:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mrs p.... turner doesn't tell us where he got this. i'm familar with it because it came to me. turner might be right about it being against the law to read it but i didn't have any qualms. it ran chills up and down my spine too even though i was suspicious from the start cuz i'm a bit familar with my source's source which was

not to mention i was a bit skeptical due to certain choices of words and phrases used by the spiller of the green zone beans.

i did some research and by this time this thing was crawlin all over the web. thing about it is every one of them led back to the exact same article posted on tbr. if you read that you find that what turner quoted is exactly the same text. my guess is thats how turner "came into posession".

i wrote this to my source to see if he could shed any light....

> needless to say this is a disturbing piece. the question is... is it
> credible? i dunno. but i'd like to find out. i do know the tbr source,
> or i should say the guy who runs tbr, is viewed by many around the web as
> the wingnut variety at best and a potentially very dangerous crackpot at
> worst. bottom line, he is not given much credibility by even the most open
> of minds of the informed and we can find all kinds of stuff written about
> it by simply googling walter storch aka peter stahl aka gregory douglas .
> thats not to say the directive is a hoax. or the child of a twisted mind
> who, like far too many, gets off preying on peoples' paranoias, fears, and
> terrors. it could be legit. if it is, it is certainly freightening. and
> it makes a very distrubing case for the importance of educating ourselves
> about just how a country moving into a police state form would unfold.
> is there anything you can add that might bring credibility to this info?

he couldn't!

i monitor george ure's site regularly and it just so happened that the next day he wrote this...

Asymmetric Warfare on the 'Net

"I posted a note yesterday about how the US government might be planning a
clampdown on internal security. As luck would have it, I'm blessed with
more than a few .mil-type contacts who review things around here for
reasonableness and accuracy.


I just finished reading the linked TBRN article on US Gov't preparations
for clampdown.

I assess this as a dis-information piece aimed at influence groups in the
US and the Congress, intended to foment distrust.. While several of the
units exist, others do not. None of them that do exist have any notable
capacity to act in the manner suggested. Certain linguistic clues and
operational implications suggest that it was 1) written by a non-native
speaker who regurgitated portions of the JP on Counter-Terrorism and
substituted the US as the target set, and 2) was speaking from a background
where "Intelligence units" have a mission to provide what we might call
"regime stability" in failing states.

Slick move as far as disinformation (kernels of truth wrapped around a
lie), but transparent to anyone who has been in the business."

And trust me, the author of the note is in 'the business'. Sooo... after
checking with a couple of other sources, they confirm my first source is
quite right,; some of the units mentioned either haven't existed for a few
years or they ones which do have no capabilities as described. This leads
me to think I'm seeing how the internet may have become a disinformation
platform and someone might be trying to foment/exploit the divisiveness
around the Iraq/Middle East wars in America's social network...."

so there you go for what its worth. at this point the credibility of the article lay in how much trust you want to put in storch/stahl/douglas and now, turner.

having said all that we all know we are vulnerable to some form of po-lice st. and somewhere, someplace there is a plan and its logical that there are directives.

maybe one of our x-ops guys can comment? ...p

At 9:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


There is an article linked in LATOC titled; “The Future of Blogging and Free Speech Is Under Attack”. The article and some of the comments are worth taking a look at.

At one time or another in the last year, members of this site have expressed concern that our rather emphatic condemnation of the government in print might get us in trouble. Well, we can now expand that into areas where there is criticism of big corporations.

Attack by large well financed groups against dissenters is not new. Happens all the time. What is different is the way courts and government are viewing dissenters. Corporations are taking their cue from the Bush administration and are starting to use their vast legal departments to shut up anyone critical of their policies or actions. We will know it is getting really serious when we get the government going to court to shut up dissent. Then we will know that free speech is genuinely
dead. Looks to me that the last bastion of free speech (the internet) is now under bombardment.

At 8:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


greg palast is broke...

though i disagree with some of his conclusions, ie, the peak oil issue, greg palast is still one of the best gumshoe reporters out there. this is the guy who's team had the foresite to notice that no claim had been made on the domain name thus getting themselves on the mailing list of the rnc and thus getting the goodies on the rnc's illegal voter caging list shenanigans that almost stole the 00 popular election, did steal the 04 election, and is greased up to steal the 08 election if we live that long. not to mention the hard evidence on the rnc's, and thus the bushco admininstration's, data mining mischief.

voter fraud is at the very core of the firing of the u.s. attnys and thus at the core of the gonzales story and is the smoking gun pointed straight at rove.

we need him to keep on keeping on in the name of exposing the truth and palast is as good at it as anyone.

we get to vote every day with our money. send this man some money if you can. or better yet, do him, truth, and yourself an even bigger favor and go buy his book, ARMED MADHOUSE, and sit down and read it.

and please don't go shoppin for a used copy. buy a new one. the current printing has been updated anyway.

today's a good day to make a choice for truth. vote today if you can... p

At 11:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

murph, seems like corporations will have always have their way. I remember the couple that passed out leaflets against McDonalds and got sued. (was it in England?) It went on for years. Everything they said on the leaflets was true yet they were silenced by the courts. I think they eventually got a little bit of justice but not until years of legal mumbo-jumbo in the courts.

p, thank you for the heads up on ARMED MADHOUSE...i can't sleep at night anyway...finished Deer Hunting a few weeks ago, I need something to read during this insomnia summer. What is the best place to order thru? I'll go to the site I guess. Today! mrsp

At 6:23 PM, Blogger RAS said...

A light went out in the world today.

A friend of mine, much older than me, was an ICU nurse for over 20 years, taking care of the worst cases of the ill, the injured, the dying. This afternoon she was crossing the street between the hospital and the parking garage after her shift and was run over by an SUV. The woman driving it was turned around in her seat yelling at her kids, paying no attention to the road. Because of that, and the demonic hunk of steel she was commanding, she took out a light this world could ill afford to lose.

That is all -I felt the need to share it around this campfire.

At 8:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, ras. We share your sorrow and honor your friend. Now it is her time to be comforted - in the warm embrace of our Mother, the Earth.

At 10:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

Words don't mean much at a time like this although our thoughts are with you.

At 7:45 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I'm sorry for your loss.


At 1:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is something in the air, something that is just out of sight, just out of reach but it is there nonetheless, business and goverment drive these counties and hold us as their prisoners, we struggle to pay the rent, heat our homes, yet businesses are sold for pennies that should be millions, there is a change coming.


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