Thursday, October 11, 2007

From Murph

Well, Freeacre is in California taking care of several pieces of business and hawking her book and I have way too much time away from honey-do jobs to think about the blog site.

You may have suspected by now that Cyclone is probably not going to be around the site any more. According to his e-mails to me, he has too much going on in his life to deal with the site, and has for all practical purposes turned it over to Freeacre and I to run. For those that have been at the site for a long time, you have noticed that it’s emphasis and subject material has gone through a change. We haven’t had a good old “Bush Bash Post” for some time now. We now have a more tribal atmosphere, and at least as a metaphor, we talk about sitting around the campfire and talk about whatever comes to mind, whether it is about the post or not.

You should have noticed that I haven’t been putting up very many posts in the last number of months also. This is because, mostly, I very infrequently have anything new to say. Mostly, I have said several times what I wanted to say in posts and comments. Once in a while something grabs my attention and I shoot out something about it. Frankly, I sometimes get to feeling guilty about having the same post up for so long. We all have done some predicting, issued some judgments about what we see going on around us, talked about how to get ready for shit heading our way (at least as we see it), discussed history, money, wage slavery, psychology, music, extensively on politics and how the world is going to end, at least as we know it. On an almost daily basis, we are appalled at what we see happening around us and the antics of those in power. I have written about and am having to deal with it on a local level also.

So the gist of this post is what to do about the web site. Do we keep the Real Deal going with whatever contributions people wish to make to it? Do we fold it up and stay in contact by e-mail? Do we move to another site? Do we make another site? Freeacre has been toying with the idea of using her other web site, which isn’t active at this time, as a new blog site. As you can see, I don’t have a new direction, a new paradigm, a new direction firmly in mind to tackle.

So, I am asking the people that frequent this site what they would like to do. If we can get an agreement on what to do, whatever that might be, it will be ok with me since I don’t have a direction to go charging off in anyway.

The people that frequent this site have formed some kind of a cyber bond in many ways. Some of us have formed some pretty neat relationships and friendships. I don’t think any of us will collapse on the floor in psychological lock up if we just stop the site. But I know that for 2 years now that it has become a cyber check-in place on a daily basis for us and for quite a number of others. So, for myself and Freeacre, I can say that outside of the no-blog-site idea, we would like to have a continuance in some way.

So folks, what ideas do you all have about this.

The Murph


At 10:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Waiting For The Signal

These pages that bring us together
are the fire in the cave above the stream,
no dream we move in and out of, faceless,
expendable, waiting for a burst of wings
to spill our pooled bones like coins
over the chilled and silent ground
we fell in love with so long ago...


Glen Uig

Believe in this couple this day who come
to picnic in the Faery Glen. They pay rain
no matter, or wind. They spread their picnic under a gale-stunted rowan. Believe they grew tired
of giants and heroes and know
they believe in wise tiny creatures who live under rocks.

Believe these odd mounds, the geologic joke
played by those wise tiny creatures far from
the world's pitiful demands: make money, stay sane.
Believe the couple, by now soaked to the skin,
sing their day as if dry, as if sheltered inside Castle Ewen.
Be glad Castle Ewen's only a rock
that looks like a castle. Be glad for no real king.

These wise tiny creatures, you'd better believe,
have lived through it all: the Viking occupation,
clan torturing clan, the Clearances, the World War
II bomber gone down, a fiery boom,
on Beinn Edra. They saw it from here. They heard
the sobs of last century's crofters trail off below
where every day the Conon sets out determined for Uig.
They remember the Viking who wandered off course,
under the hazelnut tree hating aloud all he'd done.

Some days dance in the bracken. Some days go out
wide and warm on bad roads to collect the dispossessed
and offer them homes. Some days celebrate addicts
sweet in their dreams and hope to share with them
a personal spectrum. The loch here's only a pond,
the monster is in it small as a wren.

Believe the couple who have finished their picnic
and make wet love in the grass, the wise tiny creatures
cheering them on. Believe in milestones, the day
you left home forever and the cold open way
a world wouldn't let you come in. Believe you
and I are that couple. Believe you and I sing tiny
and wise and could if we had to eat stone and go on.

-Richard Hugo

I say we keep the fire lit,
each time we enter the tent
we drop a small load of squaw wood and throw on a few pieces
to stir as we converse.
Above, the stars are spinning.
Below, the earth is spinning.
Let us keep this fire sacred,
against what pitiful demands,
for our own
good selfs.


At 12:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


That blue morning,
did any one
look up
from bills,
from piles of reports,
and say,

Maybe there were no planes.

Check out

At 3:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi guys,

You have not heard from me for over a year now. However, I have continued to read and follow this blog. My own blog (http// not get beyond its first post (August 2006). However, a belated thanks to all those of you who commented. My original post with comments is still up there for those of you who never read it, but might be interested to get a sense of where I am coming from.

Anyway, on to the subject of this post. Sometimes posts and comments on this site go off on tangents that I find less interesting, whilst at others I find the material here both coherent and inspiring. For the latter reason I would definitely like to see the camp fire kept burning. However, maybe a new location for the blog with a new name, now that Cyclone is out of the picture, would be a good idea. New beginnings can set in motion new ideas and ways of thinking and feeling about the world in which we live.

As something of an astrologer, I am very aware of the fact that the planet (or dwarf planet, according to astronomers) Pluto is now in precise alignment with the Galactic Centre (last of 3 exact conjunctions occurs on 27th/28th October 2007). The last time this alignment occurred (apart from the two earlier exact conjunctions of this same current alignment in late December 2006 and in mid July 2007) was around 250 years ago in the middle of the 18th Century at a time when the modernist Scientific World view that is now prominent (the so called 'Enlightenment') first began to really replace and challenge the more traditionalist religious model.

So what you may ask? Especially if you think astrology is a load off doodle flip? However, to me, this alignment suggests it is time for yet another transformation (a Pluto key word) in the collective consciousness (a Galactic Centre key phrase) of both humanity and the beautiful planet upon which we live.

It is also worth mentioning here that an even greater astrological-astronomical alignment is evident at the present time; one that occurs at around 6000 to 6500 year intervals. This alignment concerns what astronomers call the Galactic Equator, which is an imaginary line that marks the central more diffuse lie of the Milky Way Galaxy (as we see it from Earth), of which our planet and solar system are a part. The Galactic Equator is currently in alignment with the December Solstice Point (Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere; Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere). Around 6000 to 6500 years ago it aligned with the September Equinox Point; 12,000 to 13,000 years ago it aligned with June Solstice Point; and 18,000 to 19,500 years ago it aligned with the March Equinox Point. In fact the last time we had precisely the same alignment as today is somewhere between 24,000 and 26,000 years ago, which is what both astrologers and astronomers refer to as one full cycle of the precession of the equinoxes (it could just as well be referred to as the precession of the solstices) as they move backward through the zodiacal constellations.

The current alignment was exact back in 1998/1999. However, as we are here talking about such a slow apparent astronomical motion of galactic points and stellar phenomena, the alignment, in truth, was exact from around 1980/81 and will continue to be so until about 2016/17. This alignment thus incorporates the much written about (from the inspired to the idiotic)21st December 2012 End Date of the Mayan Long Count Calendar.

So the current Pluto-Galactic Centre alignment seems a good point, in the midst of this greater Galactic Equator-Solstice alignment, to begin a new venture, even a relatively small one such as a new blog?

I have waffled enough now, so I shall say just one more thing. I would like to see more from MF, Palooka, Rockpicker, Freeacre and all of you on their deeper spiritual understanding of where we on Earth are coming from, where we are at, and where we are going to in the future. I am thinking more on a cosmic level here than on the personal, though it is through the personal that we connect with the cosmic. Love, compassion and a deep wisdom, it seems to me, have to be central to how we interpret and understand the past, the present and the potential future. I believe we can all help to co-create a better future however dire current world events appear.

Best Wishes


At 8:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rockpicker and Truthseeker,

Thanks for your comments. I want to keep track of what people have to say on this. Truthseeker, nice to hear from you again. Didn't realize that you were into astrology.

As you can tell, I am just a little ambivalent about what we do around the blog site. But, we will see what others have to put into the fire for a while.

At 9:45 AM, Blogger mrs p said...

I don't really know any of you...not really. Just the words you've shared in here and through those words I grew fond of you. It may sound a little corney but it's how I feel. Rockpicker's latest was beautiful and where ever you go you'll all be missed. Our minds met in the cave above the stream...that in itself was enough to inspire me to keep searching and learning. It was a beautiful place, the cave above the stream and I think we'll always be there, even if only in spirit.

At 10:10 AM, Blogger mrs p said...

truthseeker, I plan to visit your site. The astrology stuff has always been of interest to me and a good friend who's studied it for 10 years has shown me how it can be practical and tells me that way back when, astrology and astronomy were studied one in the same. But there's this calendar don't know if it has anything to do with Astrology...interesting the time frames you mentioned, 24,000 yrs ago, the Dwapara Yuga,(Bronse Age) is suppose to be 24,000 years long. Are we in the Dwarpara Yuga which began 1698 A.D.? It seems like the Kali Yuga, (Iron age) is still hanging on. When does Satya Yuga, (The Golden Age) begin 1932? or are we in it now? The diagram I'm referring to is very hard to read.

At 10:16 AM, Blogger mrs p said...

P.S.: Best wishes to cy, may you be blessed and guided by your inner most higher thoughts and wisdom, take good care of yourself, the world needs people like you. Ditto for Murph and guys are the best and along with cy have made the cave what it is.

At 10:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Troutclan Brothers & Sisters,
I'm writing from Carson City, NV. You are just as important to me from here as from anywhere.
When I get back to our home in Oregon, I'm going to pack the cyber blankets, gather the poles, put everything on the travois, and walk it all downstream. We'll start a new site and we'll leave a trail that you all can follow.
Truthseeker, the message of a new world being created in our hearts and minds has to have a home. And I must have a place to read Rockpicker's poetry. I need the goosebumps. When I look out the window at the franchise box stores of this Candyland I find myself in, nothing gives me goosebumps.
My father died this morning. I guess at least his stars where aligned for something new.

At 12:42 PM, Blogger mrs p said...

Dear Freeacre, sorry to hear about your father passing. Take good care of yourself. Our thoughts and blessings are with you.

At 2:17 PM, Blogger mrs p said...

A Mighty Heart (the film) being released next week, 10-16-07

At 3:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

Personal Comment: It is a sad time Freeacre, all of us who have come to know you in cyberspace as it were, feel for what you are going through at the moment. Take time for what really matters, the blog is not so important in the scheme of things. When you want to pick it up again, we will be here. In several ways, it is a time for new beginnings. A time to close the back cover of a fond, much read book and look at the horizon for a new emphasis in world that looks the same but feels strangely out of balance. But everything, past present and future will reassemble itself into a new equilibrium. Then will it be the time for those who support you in the background to again play a roll.

On Topic: Like Murph, I have no strong feelings about where we place the campfire. I do think the format should change slightly though. This blog site dropped from heaven into Murph’s outstretched arms and most of us sat back and let him get on with it. Unless someone feels it within them to write a missive I feel the Posts should get shorter or be dropped altogether or maybe invite comments on a subject title. The feeling that the Murph’s inherited the site so it is up to them to keep it going for everybody else is a bit on the selfish side from the rest of us. Against this is the fact that many here keep blogs of their own so their major energy is spent in other directions. Maybe we could use a new site to comment on the current interests that others are discussing on their own sites.

The time taken to find new subjects to research or just assimilate and form an opinion on is something of a problem so something less formal could be worth considering. Is a blog site expensive to maintain, I really have no idea about this. I would be willing to put a few dollars in the post if it was decided to start something new or just stay here with a different format. Over the last days some of you received an e-mail from me suggesting, only suggesting, that a newsgroup might be a useful format. In a way it is like a less formal blog but since we seem to be getting into the middle age of our relationship with each other where there are not that many new things to find out, then that might be ok. Simply e-mailing to a group is a recipe for getting smaller and closing the gates to new contributors. The only problem with a news group, if it is one, is that the free hosting is balanced by the presence of click throes. Anyway the suggestion is there to be picked up or knocked down.

Off Topic – Truthseeker: I hope that I didn’t disappoint you with any lack of enthusiasm last time around. So far as I remember I tried to be encouraging. As my old mother used to say ”It wouldn’t do for everybody to have the same point of view” and I feel, for me at least, that astrological happenings require a leap of believing that which cannot be proved. I am talking about astrology, not newspaper horoscopes which are no more than harmless amusement. I cannot make the connection that if random bits of condensed energy happen to form some sort of pattern that will affect the mass psyche of living things on a bit of rock going around a fairly minor star in the outer portion of a galaxy which is similar to thousands of others. I am skeptical, which means that I have a natural feeling that the whole thing is mistaken but it is not strong enough to say that it is not true. Since matter in the universe is only a small proportion of the total energy, as we are told, should not energy fields have a stronger effect than the alignment of some planets? And there again, why should even this be so. We could say “if only the ancients knew what we know today” but they may have known more than they were telling. I feel that recent advances in astronomy like the Hubble Telescope, for instance, has increased our knowledge but decreased our understanding. For me, I have no God but I like the idea of the Shinto religion or the Great Spirit whereby some invisible force is the keeper of beauty. It could be the sunset over a lake, a secluded waterfall or the reflections of light in an ice cave or the movement of buffalo to new pastures according to the Earth’s eternal rhythm. I am sure you will see this differently but that is what friendly discussion is all about.


At 10:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Freeacre, our spirit lives with you and your father in this moment, i also will miss a beautiful lady that decided to joined the ancestors last week,..that i have known for only about 3? years that helped run the free store,and was only 92 years of age and had been married to the same man for 71 years,i would buy eggs from her each Monday of which they were of various colors and very delicious having of had the free range of things to eat and a beautiful rooster to keep them in good running condition.
We became fast friends and really began i think when i started giving her extra money to her to buy a little something extra for the chickens.
Her husband is still alive but will probably join her soon, and of him i knew much less as town was not his comfort zone. Preferring to stay in the country.

Rockpicker you ole dog, you give really good words and make a heart sing the sweet side of this weary old planet.
The warm cave that we inhabit and council from within is a place i think of which change can come, and how it takes place is up to us and as for me it has taken on a meaning all of its own.This group of most excellent people that choose to share their stories and experiences with one another is truly one of the highlights of the day when i turn on the computer.
Maybe we don't have to have an agenda of stone but a place where thoughts in regard to anything goes because the person that writes what is written just would like to write something.
OK, everyone knows i flunked almost everything in school but that doesn't stop me from being able to say what i have in my heart.
This is a special place and i the only regret of it(for me anyway)is that we all live so far from each other that we can't have lunch together sometimes.
I only have email addresses of a few of you folks but if you would like to email me we could exchange more private thoughts by going through the Murphinator or Freeacre i believe.

Its a beautiful sunny cloudless day in this neck of the woods where Rockpicker and Oldensoul and i live here in western Montana and will soak it up with great relish.
Four of Six sons are here this weekend so its really a time to be blessed. Thank you Great Spirit,
its good to have our teepees sitting close together in these strange times.

Anyway i hope all of you great prosperity and health on this sunny day.

At 12:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


The pain of losing a loved one can never be measured. Time to grieve and heal is essential for such a loss. My own father died in January 2005. It was unexpected and a shock for us all, but his time had come and I personally have no doubt that his soul has now moved on. I see physical death as a transition back toward a greater reality, from which we all come. It is my strong conviction that when people die they are actually returning home, back to source.

My mother's death back in 1982, when I was 20 going on 21, was a major milestone in my life, that has influenced my thinking ever since. She had suffered with cancer for five years. On the day she died, I was at work doing some weeding in the grounds in which I worked at that time. I remember feeling terribly sad for most of that day, close to tears much of he time. I knew that she would soon die! However, at around 3 p.m. that afternoon, I suddenly felt a great lift in my spirits, feeling a deep certainty that death is not the end and that for my mother it would be a great release from a long and painful illness.

On my return home from work that evening I received the news of her passing and learned that this had occurred at about 3 p.m., just around the time my spirits lifted. Maybe I am fantasising, but to this day I an sure my mother was able to communicate to me the pure sweetness of her release from the physical, emotional and mental pain and burden that had been haunting her for so many years. She had begun her journey back home.


You did not deter me from my earlier writings. The only person to blame for that failure is myself and my general inertia. I am a bit of an ‘all or nothing’ kind of guy, so I either write reams that have to be as word perfect as possible or I write absolutely nothing because it all seems like too much effort. Unfortunately the latter rather lazy option, on my own part, one out, so I never got very far with my blog.

Actually, I welcomed your response to my blog, including your scepticism about astrology. For the benefit of others, who I hope will not be too bored by my ramblings, I shall here indulge my self and quote my then response to your scepticism in my blog. If you have no interest in astrology or my explanation for it, then just skip the next section of this comment and go straight to my reply to Mrs P. So for those of you that can bear it, here is my 2006 reply to Belgium's scepticism: -

"I can understand your scepticism about astrology, especially as you come from a scientific background. However, your assumption that astrology is about “imbalances of collective gravity affecting human behaviour on tiny planet Earth” is, I believe, incorrect. Their certainly are some astrologers who attempt to explain the intricacies of astrology in that manner. However, I am not one of them. That is not to say that gravitational and electromagnetic forces do not have their effects upon us. I think there is plenty of evidence that solar radiation and lunar gravitation have significant effects on us all. Maybe, even the planets have a minor gravitational effect as well, particularly Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system. I think their may even be evidence that some of the more distant astronomical bodies in our galaxy have some effect on all of us. However, none of this is specific enough to justify the intricacies of astrological interpretation.

To get your head around the possibility of astrology working at all, you need to drop the mainstream scientific mindset that explores everything in terms of ‘cause and effect’. You then need to be open to the possibility that there might be another way of finding meaning in the universe. A way that exists outside the spatio-temporal (space-time) continuum. You have probably heard of the Swiss Psychiatrist, Carl Gustav Jung, who was a one time pupil of Sigmund Freud, founder of Psychoanalysis. Jung eventually disagreed with Freud’s basic ideas, so he set up his own school of Psychology called ‘Analytical Psychology’. Whereas Freud was very much locked into the rationalist and materialistic mindset of the mainstream scientific tradition in the early 20th Century, Jung had a much broader vision which incorporated the metaphysical, the occult and the spiritual.

One of Jung’s key concepts is ‘Synchronicity’ or ‘Meaningful Coincidence’. This concept suggests that meaning can be obtained from two or more unrelated, in causal terms, phenomena or occurrences. Jung gives various examples of this in his writings, particularly in the form of his clients describing their dreams to him. Here are just two examples. Jung’s patient, as they both walk through the woods, is describing a dream in which a spectral Fox appears running down some stairs. Just then a real Fox appears on the path ahead of them, reinforcing the meaning of the apparition of a Fox in the dream. In the second instance a patient is describing the appearance of an ‘Egyptian Scarab Beetle’ in her dream. As she describes this in the real world of Jung’s office, tapping is heard at the window. Jung goes to open the window and in flies a ‘Rose Chaffer Beetle’, the nearest insect living in the area (Switzerland) to the Scarab Beetle of Egypt. Now, clearly there is no causal relationship between these animals occurring in the dreams of Jung’s patients and the parallel appearance of these or similar animals in material reality. These are examples of what Jung calls ‘Synchronicity’. They are thus meaningful coincidences, in these cases to both Jung and his patients.

Dreams are not necessary for an occurrence of ‘Synchronicity’. Nor do animals have to be involved. Meaningful coincidences can occur in everyday life. Last year I attended a meeting connected with Psychiatry. I had also recently given a couple of months notice for my job. So in the back of my mind I had the rather vague hope that I might meet someone at this meeting from the charitable group I now work for (I had worked for them before in Suffolk) and that there might be an opportunity for some work. The meeting was in Leicester, miles away from any place I could work if I planned to stay in Yorkshire and I knew nothing of any residential establishments run by this group within the Yorkshire area. To my surprise, their were two members of staff at this meeting, not only from the said charity, but also from a nursing home in Halifax, West Yorkshire, a place easily reached from my current home address. I spoke to the two nurses present at the meeting and established that work was available in Halifax. The rest is history, as I still work at this nursing home today. Now that is ‘Synchronicity’ in action.

It was also Jung who came up with the concept of the ‘Collective Unconscious’. This is the vast reservoir of consciousness that is ultimately accessible to all of humanity, but generally lies out of our reach beneath our own personal conscious and unconscious minds. Jung also spoke of various archetypes, such as the ‘Shadow’, the ‘Trickster’, the ‘Warrior’, the ‘Nurturing Mother’, the ‘Hero’, the ‘Seductive Maiden’, the ‘Wise Old Man’ and many more. These archetypes are said to exist within the ‘Collective Unconscious’ from where they are projected into the ‘Individual Unconscious’ and, if we are self aware, into ‘Individual Consciousness’ of everyday living. Whether unconscious or conscious, these archetypes will manifest in various ways in the world around us, in the form of individual people (leaders for example) or groups or even as concepts, movements and events in society. In many respects the archetypes correspond to the deities, gods, demons, angels, mischievous spirits, etc. that people the mythologies and traditions of the world. Each culture has its own set of non-human beings with individual characteristics comparable to those described in the separate archetypes described above.

So, what has all this to do with understanding how astrology might work? Well, the Sun, Moon and planets are very like Jung’s archetypes in character. Indeed many of the traditional deities in world mythologies have been associated with these astronomical bodies. So, very simplistically, we here have the Hero (Sun), the Nurturing Mother (Moon), the Trickster (Mercury), the Seductive Maiden (Venus), the Warrior (Mars), the Wise Old Man (Jupiter) and the Shadow (Saturn). Such characteristics have been identified with these astronomical bodies for at least a couple of thousand years in both Western and Eastern (Vedic) cultures. So here we have what many astrologers call the ‘Planetary Archetypes’ appearing to orbit our planet (yes I know the Earth actually orbits the Sun) as lights in our sky being identified with certain archetypal concepts. The synchronicity element of it all comes in when we apply the movements of the Sun, Moon and planets to individuals existing and events occurring here on Earth. Astrologers call this the ‘law of correspondence’, where celestial movements of the Sun, Moon and planets are reflected in the terrestrial events here on planet Earth. The connection between the Sun, Moon and planets and humanity and the events on Earth, is thus not a causal physical one but a synchronistic and symbolic one."

Mrs P,

You refer to the Yuga Cycle of the ancient, but still living, Vedic Culture of India, wondering if maybe it corresponds with the 24,000 to 26,000 year precessional cycle that I mention in my comment. There are a number of different views on this. The most commonly expressed view in mainstream Hindu thought is that the cycle is in fact many millions of years in duration. However, Sri Yukteswar, an Indian Guru writing in his classic book, "The Holy Science", in the last decade of the 19th Century argues that this longer cycle in millions of years is a misinterpretation of ancient Vedic texts and scriptures. He suggests that the Yuga Cycle is in fact a 24,000 year period comprising a 12,000 year descending phase from a Golden Age (Satya Yuga) to a Dark/Iron Age (Kali Yuga), followed by a 12,000 year ascending phase from the Dark Age to yet another Golden Age. This cycle is repeated over and over again. According to Sri Yukteswar the low point in the current cycle (i.e. the point between the Descending and Ascending Dark Ages) occurred in or around 500 AD. The Ascending Dark or Iron Age (Kali Yuga) lasted for about 1,200 years, ending around 1700 AD. Thus, according to Sri Yukteswar, we are now about 300 years into the Ascending Bronze Age (Dwapara Yuga). Sri Yukteswar did in fact equate this entire 24,000 year cycle with the precessional cycle, which modern astronomers and astrologers tend to depict as about 25,800 years. However, he proposed a very different astronomical mechanism as the basis of the cycle.

Currently most astronomers and astrologers assume that the precession of the equinoxes, and thus the Yuga Cycle as described by Yukteswar, is caused by a slight wobble in the axis of the Earth. This allegedly changes the orientation of the Earth to the background of stars and constellations which lie along the ecliptic (the apparent path of the Sun through the sky) so that the equinox and solstice points slowly move backward through those same constellations.

Yukteswar supports the measurable motion of the equinoxes and solstices backward through the constellations. However, he describes the cause of this as a very different astronomical phenomenon. He suggests that our Sun has a companion star which, with our Sun and its planetary system, revolves around a central point. (This central point is not to be confused with the Galactic Centre, mentioned in my earlier comment, which all the millions of stars [many probably with their own planetary systems] in our galaxy circuit in a much longer period of about 250 Million Years). Thus it is the motion of our entire solar system, rather than a mere planetary wobble, that causes the apparent movement of the equinoxes and solstices backward through the zodiacal constellations. This might all sound a bit fantastical. However, if our Sun has a companion star, then like the majority of stars in our galaxy, our own star (the Sun) is part of a binary system.

If you are interested in understanding the astronomy (not astrology) of this theory, then a visit to, may be a useful to you, as it is far too complex for me to go into here. The founder of this site, Walter Cruttenden has also recently written a book entitled “The Lost Star of Myth & Time”. The book is definitely worth a read if you are interested in such things.

Here for the record is the Sri Yukteswar version of the Yuga Cycle: -

Descending Satya Yuga (Golden Age) – 4,800 Years – 11500 BCE to 6700 BCE
Descending Treta Yuga (Silver Age) – 3,600 Years – 6700 BCE to 3100 BCE
Descending Dwapara Yuga (Bronze Age) – 2,400 Years – 3100 BCE to 700 BCE
Descending Kali Yuga (Iron or Dark Age) – 1,200 Years – 700 BCE to 500 CE
Ascending Kali Yuga (Iron or Dark Age) – 1,200 Years – 500 CE to 1700 CE
Ascending Dwapara Yuga (Bronze Age – 2,400 Years – 1700 CE to 4100 CE
Ascending Treta Yuga (Silver Age) – 3,600 Years – 4100 CE to 7700 CE
Ascending Satya Yuga (Golden Age) – 4,800 Years – 7700 CE to 12500 CE

Other more modern writers, such as John Major Jenkins, who has written many books pertaining to the Maya civilisation and two in particular relating the galactic alignment (“Maya Cosmogenesis 2012” & “Galactic Alignment”, also worth a read) that I mentioned in my earlier post, also equate the Vedic Yuga Cycle with the precessional cycle. However, these authors argue that we are at the low point of the Yuga Cycle right now and that 21st December 2012, the end of the Mayan Long Count Calendar, marks the transition between the Descending Kali Yuga and the Ascending Kali Yuga. If that interpretation is correct, then we are now in the depth of the two Kali Yuga phases as opposed to the early Dwapara Yuga as proposed by Yukteswar and Walter Cruttenden. So take your pick on where you think we might be at within the Yuga Cycle.

I think I have written more than my fair share here, though I just want to reassure the many contributors here that just because I did not mention them in my very short list in my last comment does not mean I do not value their input. Cyclone deserves enormous credit for founding this blog. Murph deserves much the same for keeping it going so long. I wish I had your commitment and discipline to do the same with my own extremely short-lived blog. Belgium has provided some excellent posts and great comments. I could go on, but it might get a bit boring.

Best Wishes


At 2:10 PM, Blogger Shadowfax said...

Blogs are a lot of work,if they are going to be worth-while reading.I know i started one and then realized I could not give it the attention I should so I cancelled it.Now I just comment at LATOC .

At 10:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Boy, is that true. After about 60 or so posts, I ran out of something different to talk about anyway. It takes a lot of time to research information, otherwise it is just opinion, which is ok, but doesn't contribute much to a learning curve.

Thanks for the comment. Don't recall seeing your handle before. Welcome to our cyber campfire.

At 10:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

Recently I sent an e-mail to Murph suggesting a news group format as opposed to a Blog site and gave him a reference to my old Group site called Brainstormings. He had a look at it and asked me to put it up as an example so that others could decide if they liked it or not.
A brief history of how this came about is that I used to comment on Google Answers a few years back and like here I found myself gravitating to a certain group of people. About a dozen of us left our activities at GA and an Australian guy called Phil (also known as Silver 777) started the group and gave it its name. It ran for about a year and a half before Phil left for a part of Australia that not only didn’t have cable it didn’t have phones either. About six months after that we lost critical mass, ran out of subjects to talk about and stopped posting.

Here is a post from May 2005 the subject of which has surprisingly come round again called “Coincidence, Synchronicity and Collective Intelligence”. Even more surprisingly, I appear not to have contributed to it – must have been away for some reason. Anyway you can get the idea of how it goes and decide if it could be anything for us.


At 10:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

FA... the death of a friend or loved one of a friend or loved one always leaves me with feelings of inadequacy cuz i find myself at a loss for meaningful words to express to them other than the ole standards like... sorry about your dad, or, my deepest sympathy, or, my condolences. and there's no doubt, your loss, anyone's loss, of a friend or loved one, and particularly a father or mother, deserves better. yet, knowing that someplace, somewhere, some words exist that are just the right words for the moment and some day i hope to evolve to a point of connection with my fellow and i'll know those words. its one of those desires i cling to. in the meantime i can only put it this way...

can i write to you to tell you i can't write to you today
can i pay you back tomorrow for words i just can't say
will you trust me and believe me that i love you anyway
and i'll pay you back tomorrow for words i just cannot find today...

TS... welcome. so you like dem old sentinals eh? i'm headed for the mountains of SE Tenn about mid-week. a stop at joyce kilmer nat park via the cherohala pkwy is on the itenerary. this is home to the last stand of old growth timber in the southeast USA and i'm pinning (pun intended) to hear what they have to say about the sad state of the union we find ourselves in and whatever wisdom they can impart about it. you know you're in a special place the minute you get there. the energy level is so high it almost knocks you down when you get out of the car in the parking lot. so too is there a special energy around this campfire. i'll be thinking of you and all who gather here.

The silent majority... if i recall correctly cy put up a report saying the hits were over 100K shortly after i started to visit here. so, based on that, i suspect the silent readers are in the majority. this is one topic it would be good to hear from you on. if your self conscious about it just use the anon tag and tell what it is that sasifies you in coming here. personally i find great value here. the mix of regulars are knowledgable on an eclectic range of topics and its been quite a challenge to my own frozen points of view. 20 years ago one of the first things my guitar teacher said to me was "always play with people better than you." its never been hard to find THAT! but he was right. now i apply that to life in general and it goes a long way in expanding my pov.

murphinator... yup, after awhile its just more of the sos... same tune, different lyrics. to me the real value is in the comments that follow. i can get a bush bash anywhere these days. how we go from a bush bash to a discussion of free energy or the machinations of the human condition or a rockpicker original or one of mf's stream of consciousness jewels is just part of the process of what's really on our minds and in our hearts. that's what's important. the topics are just the reflection. this circle is unique in that way and, as mf said, is one of the highlights of his day. it is for me too and i need a warm fire midst this fucked up cold war. i gotta tell ya my friend, the opinions i've heard expressed here have gone a long way in expanding my learning curve. some of that came from you! and i value it!!

but ya, those threads have to start somewhere. i've been around this internet and i find few to rival the likes of you or B when it comes to research and then writing a topic. so the topic's the real challenge and i appreciate its a stretch after awhile. there's more than one way to put on our pants. FA has a way of cutting to the bone of the human condition and she sez she wants to move the circle downstream. for what its worth, the message that the whole thing's coming undone and new SOC's (self organizing communities) will rise from the ashes is coming from many directions now. we can hear it on the wings of the wind. we can see it in the flames that leap from our fire. and its becoming louder and clearer with each passing day. it touches a longing within us that seeks to know truth, love, and live life. with that will come a new way and with that new paradigms.

we are likely living in the most important time in all of creation for this planet and its manifested spirits. we can say we've been here before. several times. we have. but there's something special about this one. something in the winds and on the flame that makes it different. i say this because i truely believe we carry within us an unrequited desire to know our right place and evolve along our destiny path. to know true balance and understanding. to know true freedom and become the individual we are and have personal power and CHOOSE to not use that power to override others. why? because we will have come to know and understand self love and know that if we use that power against another we use it against ourselves first. and with that, we loose freedom. these are our potentials. and i truely believe we can and must heal the human condition if we are going to realize our potentials. otherwise it will be no different than its been in the past. it will just keep coming round and round until we learn what it is we need to learn which is if we can't truely love ourselves we can't love damn thing else either. with that will come true compassion and self-forgiveness. then we can forgive others and ask them to forgive us for blaming them all along when it was really ourselves we were blaming. and i believe we carry within us the process to to do that. we're all looking for those goosebumps cuz thats where we find value. hell, i got goosebumps just reading what FA said about goosebumps. i WANT goosebumps! ...p

At 10:53 AM, Blogger mrs p said...

truthseeker, thank you for that very informative and technical explanation. My husband has the Holy Science by Sri Yukteswar and I've never read it. So many books, so little time. Your explanation clarifies this old chart which is blurred and I cannot tell which year is which.

Based on all I've seen and heard of the world up to now, especially with regard to the U.S. military, CIA stance on torture, and the present administrations attitude toward human life in general, the corporations, the oil people etc., I'm convinced we're still somehow stuck in reverse or still in a dark age holding pattern. If climing out of the,(excuse my bad language here), shithole we're in at the moment, means that the solar systems out there need to spin in a particular direction in order for us to evolve, then I can cry all I want and it won't change a damn thing. I used to think we needed to slow everything down, that the earth was spinning too fast. It just baffles me that so many horrible greedy evil sub-human morons sitting in high places continue to rule the planet. The injustices of this country frustrate me and if I were Queen there'd be a few burnt at the stake! So I cannot stop writing, singing, screaming against the injustice that prevails. Thank you for the web page address for the binary research institute. Some of this stuff makes my head want to explode but I have this ridiculous obsession with wanting to know even if I can't understand all of it. Thanks for the Yuteswar list of the Yugas. Maybe we can all come back, (if we must) and reincarnate to a better age. I wonder if anything will still be here in 500 years from now.

At 11:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

B... these ole man's eyes found the small print a bit of a challenge but ya, that format would work too. i particularly liked the discussion about free will. imagine that! ...p

At 12:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

As memory serves, it wasn't always that small, hovever after selecting the page, just hitting the + key a few times gets it bigger and not surprisingly the - (minus) key gets it back again.


At 12:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

Btw, just in case you weren't aware of it, control scrolly mouse, does the same thing.

At 5:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't update my blog page much either, but I leave it up anyway and pay a few bucks a month to keep the ads off of it. Hey, now and then I got something I really want to post, so it's nice to have a page up.

You'd have to reduce updating to once every three months or so before I wouldn't bother checking the site. Every couple of weeks is plenty to keep interest up.

At 7:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

update on the peruvian meteorite
from michael farmer, meteorite hunter extraordinaire...

"This meteorite fall will be one of the most studied and important meteorite falls in the last few decades, and I am distributing pieces to laboratories all over the world."

At 9:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awaking this morning,stepping out onto the front porch,it is raining big brilliant yellow leaves as if rain,and they shower me with the rain of earth love, our mother. She is so alive in this moment as they land on my head and cover every thing in gold.
The fish are jumping and its a good time to join them, all that attend this place of peace.

There are many many of you aren't there?, that come here to only listen,to feel the goodness that emanates from these pages at no cost or desire from any one to give anything but their attendance,and then only if it so happens to be of interest to you.
i can just feel all of you out there in cyberville,...just roasting marshmallows over the shiny little fire that we sit around in the enjoyment of our companions, our brothers and sisters and all the relations that attend even though they are not visible to every one yet, but soon will be says the dreams of langosta, the synchronicity that truthseeker speaks of is something that has been a constant source of wonder ever since the sixties and produces so much laughter,sometimes at the expense of people that i find myself playing with, and know that they think that im a little touched, and i am. Touched by the invisible smiles that glow when an unexplainable manifestation takes place and no one sees it but you.

The little people that live under the castle shaped rocks,and the grass, tall as trees that grows around the castle and the dragonflies that land there to take us for rides is the land that we tucked our awareness in?at? to shield us from the likes of the killing machines that surrounded us. Does this statement trigger anything in anyone that reads these pages? Did anything like this happen to any of you when you were very young,?and in the silence of your mind is it possible for you to remember (where)happened to your magic world that was yours from the moment of your birth,? or even before? or even before that?
Have you not seen the blue wings of your own personal sky companion sailing down to you as you sit upon a red and white spotted mushroom to join your friends in a visit to the moon?
Were not there creatures that crawled through the grass and brought berries of life to share with you when you were hungry? And danced with you when the sun sparkled on the little creek that ran beneath the cave?

We have not lost our world, it lives within our minds and our hearts and is anxious to reveal itself in the freedom that is its own magnificent sweetness. A world that will never be seen by the destroyers for the eyes of those that destroy are not allowed to be, the magic that keeps them in their place is love and love burns those that attempt to invade this sacred place.

May this day bring remembrance to the warmth and wonder that lies deep within our minds, that we experience the nature of the unspoiled oneness of us all.
i love you, each and everyone ....let us soar,
my dragonfly watches and waits for me, we join the golden swirling leaves of spirit this day.
Our new old home is ready for us they say,and if we wish it,
the universe is ours to play


At 2:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your love is beamin',
Montana Freeman...

At 3:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Are you familiar with Ian Lungold's work, and if so, could you give us your take on these times, as they relate to Fifth Day/Fifth Night transition and current events. Recent public debate concerning the Armenian genocide and Amy Goodman's momentous interview with Dar Jamal on DN today seem like good examples of important revelations coming to light just as the Night begins its descent.

At 8:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea! I'm back! Got lots to catch up on. I am grateful for all the kind thoughts...
Boy, Montana, I am envious of the imaginative childhood you experienced. I was doing good just to pretend to be The Milkweed Fairy. Still hope, though. We aren't done yet. More and more I want to cultivate the post-collapse paradigm, or the new world, or the sacred circle vision of how we want it to be for us (whatever we call it.)It helps to have glimpses of wondrous thoughts to limber up these creaky mental bones.
Driving between Reno, NV and Oregon through Northern California today was exceptionally beautiful with the autumn colors and the storm cut skies embracing the mountains. It felt good to be coming home.
Just in time for the possible events coming up. Been reading George Ure's "Urban Survival"? Seems there may have been one of the predicted events(the volcanic eruption that interferes with air traffic). So...looking toward a possible West Coast earthquake maybe. If that happens, that will indicate the web bots as being pretty damn amazing. Stay tuned.
Boy, there's a lot to keep up with! I'm actually looking forward to a big fluffy snowfall so I can just rotate between curling up on the couch to read, migrate from there to the computer desk, then into the kitchen to make some soup or something - and that's about it for a couple of months. That would be good.

At 8:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I checked out that 911blogspot referenced - jeez. One more weird anomaly. Then I saw a video of this hideous pain ray weapon that looks like something out of "Terminator" or "Star Wars" or some futuristic Evil Empire movie. WTF?? There seems to be no limit to this horror show.
So, they can project holograms and have us see whatever they want us to see, beam frequencies at us (H.A.R.P. technology) to make us feel whatever they want us to feel, and top it off with a pain ray that will feel as though we are being burned at the stake... and Bush goes on TV and says that the United States doesn't torture.
Shouldn't there be some general outcry all over the world over these crimes-against-humanity weapons?

At 8:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shouldn't there be some general outcry all over the world over these crimes-against-humanity weapons?


actually there is. we just don't hear about it here in the states. we're more interested in artificial food and artificial intelligence and "reality tv".

the reality is even so-called conventional warfare weaponry entered the twilight zone when they started spiking it with DU. every bit of that stuff is in violation. the haige otta be so backed up they could take a page from the money mogels and bundle cases into class actions. but they don't. which only means they're in on the deal. some international high court of justice eh?

re george and the time monks... i'm pissed at 'em. well, george anyway. don't know for sure cuz we're between reports but i doubt the monks are claiming the bezymianny ash warning as a hit. the sine qua non is air space off limits. besides, the report didn't predict a volcano. it only predicted a quake with high probability the hit would be west coast sumatra UNLESS there was a volcanic eruption NORTH of the equator. in which case, west coast usa became a higher probability as the target area. and that eruption would result in shut down of air traffic lanes, specificaly west to east. that hasn't happened that i know of.

and then claiming the 2 s. pac shakers as the twins. i wouldn't call a 6.4 and a 6.0 biggies. i don't think cliff would either. initially he was very reluctant to claim the 7.9 in peru as the first one (of 3 with the 3rd being twins which would really be 4. we've had the first 2) saying it wasn't big enough to qualify. but then certain details in the aftermath started matching up and he acquiesed. besides, these last 2 are only off by about 3000 -6000 miles depending if its west coast sumatra or west coast usa!

george lets his marketing meme get away with him. there's plenty of stuff playing out just as the linguistics predict without have to pimp. bitch about spin and do then same damn thing! crap like that really pisses me off!! ...p

At 10:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey you guys, Anybody seen this one yet? I can't figure out how we all missed this.

Oldensoul and I watched it last night. What do you all think of this ?

At 11:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I watched the video today, and I thought it was fascinating. But, I notice that it was made in 2001. If so, why hasn't it had more impact on the nation by now? Anybody got more info on this? It's a video of a Disclosure Project to the National Press Club regarding vetted testimony of 400 scientists, engineers, physicists,military people, etc. who have seen or had dealings with UFO's. Says that the knowledge can solve the energy crisis and save the planet. Does this go into the "too good to be true" file, or is it for real?

At 1:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just finished watching a new interview with David Wilcock on the Project Camelot site. Very interesting. He talks about the Disclosure Project and about 2012, and what we might expect to happen between now and then. Much of what I'm hearing and reading seems to be interrelating and reinforcing testimonies.

Project Camelot has announced that its focus will now be on preparations for the transcendent
event in 2012.

I strongly urge all to try and view some or all of the interviews, along with Ian Lungold's work on the Mayan calendar,to help make sense of these disturbing times.

At 8:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Operation Vigilant Shield is taking place in the Portland, Oregon, area, in Arizona and on Guam, right now, (Oct. 15-19). Any strange things happening in your vicinity?

Here's a link to an article by Ginny Ross
entitled "TOPOFF 4: A Teachable Moment for Portland and America".
link: >

It's a cogent explanation why activists are wary of civilian-military exercise drills being run by Dick Cheney, and how the local paper minimizes those who would sound the alarm.

You asked, as did I, how could this revelation of Project Disclosure at the prestigious National Press Club luncheon address have been so effectively suppressed?

The only possible answer is the media are refusing to do their jobs. I lay blame squarely on the shoulders of editors and publishers.

The fire in the cave casts
a vital light. Let it burn
brightly. Let it warm
our lonely bones and dispel
the false assumptions of the night.

At 1:38 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...

Montanna Freeman,

Dude! I've GOT to get me some of those mushrooms! A nice long "Spirit Journey" would do me a world of good right now!

You've walked in a world we all need to go once in a while! Thanks for taking us there with you!


Damn, man! You've got some damned fine words! The ancient ways of the stones that have seen all of history unfold before speaks through you. You have the wisdom of a very old soul.

Murph and Freeacre,

Whether we all stay here, or go on to another website, THANKS!!! You two have helped hold this disjointed council fire together in the face of all that has tried to pull it apart.


Your father was met by a short, but very strong-spirited woman, and a very old female soul. They merged into one and went to The Light together. I don't know how I know, but I know. They are happy, and at peace together.

Few souls are returning to The Earth, these days, and the ones that are, were grounded here for the most part.

The end is rapidly aproaching. I do not fear it. I welcome it gladly. I've seen the other side. There is nothing there to fear. Those that say there is, are just using fear to try and control you. After this last administration, they should all know by now that trick only works for so long!

At 6:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


"Fool me once, uh, shame on you.
Fool me twice, uh, can't get fooled again."

- the smirking chimp

At 12:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For more on the UFO/ET thing, here's an article by Dr. Steven Greer entitled "Cosmic Deception: Let The Citizen Beware".

Look at how effective the manipulation of the press has been in the hands of the ptb since 9/11. Everyone with half a brain knows that the official conspiracy theory is a joke. We also know that at least four war games exercises were conducted the morning of the attacks, effectively removing fighters from positions of response and that fake blips were placed on FAA radar screens, confusing controllers and Air Force personnel
alike. And we know Cheney was in the bunker under the WH and in direct control of the proceedings.
We also know FEMA was conducting an exercise in NYC that morning, and was coincidentally all set up to handle just such an emergncy. Gee, seems like that might have raised a few red flags.

The London bombings appear to have repeated this winning strategy of maximum confusion propagation by planning drills that suddenly morphed into the real thing, on precisely the same targets as those chosen for the drills. Almost spooky, huh?

Then we have war in Iraq. You pick a reason. There have been so many now I can't remember them all. But now we're left with this phoney war on terra, which our heroes, the Democrats, keep funding, with absolute impunity.

Where's the press during all this?
Beating the drums of war and lobbying the FCC for relaxation of monopoly regulations.

America hasn't heard much real news in the last seven years because the PTB and the Bush Junta don't want us to know what's going on.

Dumbed-down, we're easier to manipulate and exploit. We make better soldiers, and better workers, if we don't ask questions and just do as we're told.

Thanks to the 'internets' we're able to meet like this and exchange ideas and info. Let's be wary of those who would mess with access.

Freeacre, did you mean to suggest that the Press Club address was somehow a false presentation?

Oklahoma City, 9/11, Iraq War, war on terror, those all qualify for phoney-baloney awards. Free energy and ufo's, somehow, they're easier to get behind.


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