Out With the Old, In With the Old; Plus Things
The Shakeup
Andy Card voluntarily resigned. The Boosh administration shakeup is underway. If you believe either of those statements, you are delusional. First, Andy Card, the Boosh Chief of Staff was asked to resign rather than be fired, mostly to help pacify irate Republicans facing re-election later this year. Did it work? Well, it could have. But, when Joshua Bolten was named as his replacement, it simply re-enforced the view that the last thing that George W. Boosh wants within his cabinet is either new blood or dissent. The very things that the Republican leaders and base have been asking for have been ignored by King George.
Bolten came from inside the administration, has in fact been with Boosh from the beginning, just like Card. Bolten was also in charge of the Budget Office, doing a splendid job of allowing Boosh to run up more national debt than all the previous Presidents of the United States combined. Yes, that is the sad truth. Add up all the debt that every ex-President has left and it does not sniff the debt that George W. Boosh has managed to accumulate for us in 5+ years. Oh, it's not all Bolten's fault. After all, Boosh is the boss who can’t be told no. This is precisely the problem that has yet to be addressed, and never will be addressed. No one will tell Boosh no about anything. Why? I have no earthly idea. You have the single biggest moron in the history of the Republic running the country, and people are afraid to tell him no. Granted, they might lose their jobs should they take that approach. But, at some point someone must draw a line in the sand and tell the dumbass that his policies, all of them, suck. And that he is ruining what little is left of his country. His country. It is no longer your country or mine, but it is his country. Don't believe it? Just ask him.
Boosh views his job, publicly at least, to protect the American people. Of course at the same time he wants to allow illegal immigrants to have amnesty and unfettered access to our borders. He wants to give them 11 years to screw up, and if they do they will be sent back to where they came from. He'll show them, by golly. Boosh says that we have to have these people to keep our economy viable, doing jobs that Americans won't do. Maybe he should re-think that one. I know of some Katrina survivors sitting in his home state who would gladly do anything to make a buck. Unfortunately, they don't get the chance. They don't get the chance because the illegals have already filled those positions. The employers like it that way. They like it because they can work these folks from sunup to sundown and pay them meager wages for doing so. A shakeup? Hardly. And, there ain’t one coming.
Illegal Immigration
I honestly do not know what to do with the approximately 30 million people who are currently in this country illegally. That number is an estimate, we don't really have a clue how many there really are. Apparently no one else knows what to do with them either. Temporary worker permits? Grant total amnesty? I’m pretty certain that neither of those are the answer. I have a couple of friends who are illegals and I like them very much. They work hard, are contributing members of our society, and I would hate to see them sent packing.
What I do know is what must be done to stop the mass stampede through our borders. Build a fence. It’s really that simple.
Let’s assume that the illegals currently here are allowed to stay. We can even “put them at the back of the line” as Boosh likes to say. The message that is sent by such action is that it is easier and much quicker to simply sneak across the border, find a job and worry about the paperwork later. In reality, it’s an invitation rubber stamped by the President of the United States to do just that. The aftermath of such legislation would result in a massive assault on our borders, overwhelming an already undermanned border patrol. With the current structure, it simply would not work and would invite terrorism into the US. For a guy who claims that his sole duty is to protect the American people, it is simply mind boggling that he cannot make the connection and realize that terrorists could easily join the Mexican migrant workers in crossing the border.
Simple common sense tells us that we must SECURE the border prior to determining what to do with those already here. Any other approach is utterly absurd. So, we build a fence. I have seen models of ideas for 700 miles of fence along the southern border that would work. One consists of rolled up razor wire, a ditch, a fence, another ditch, and more razor wire. It is a simple and reasonably cost effective approach. Checkpoints can be located at various points along the way to allow for passage of those who have a legitimate right to enter or leave the country. Only after the border is secure can you begin to sell the American people on the possibility of guest worker programs or some such approach to deal with those who are already here. You can thank this administrations 5 year fear mongering approach to leadership for this problem.
I hear people saying that “this is un-American. We are a country of immigrants.” This is true, but also highly hypocritical. We currently send Israel billions of dollars per year, and much of that is used to build a fence to keep Palestinian suicide bombers out of Israeli territory. The Boosh administration doesn’t have a problem with that, so why the problem with protecting our own people? I’ll answer that. It is not about protecting the American people, never has been and never will be. The protection that we really need is from our own government, not some fantasy man or woman from the phony “war on terror.”
Bird Flu
Houston, we have a problem, and a rather serious one at that. The H5N1 virus, otherwise known as bird flu is rapidly approaching the US. Nothing can be done to slow its arrival, and our government is lying to the people about every aspect of this soon to be pandemic. (shocking, I know)
Lie #1---If this virus reaches the point that it is transferred from human to human…….. Well, it already has been transferred from human to human in at least 2 cases that I am aware of. What does this mean? That this virus has mutated into a form that will soon be in America, a form that will EASILY be passed from one to another by the time it gets here.
Lie #2---We can try to contain it overseas and keep it from getting here……..George W. Boosh may be able to control the comatose American people and Congress, but without a whole lot of help from Cheney and his shotgun, he can’t tell the birds what to do. This disease is following exactly along migratory lines that have been followed by birds for centuries. As the weather warms, the birds will arrive, just as they always have, and with them will come H5N1. This is inevitable.
Lie #3---Tamiflu can be effective in fighting and preventing the spread of this disease……..Pure and utter bullshit. Tamiflu will not work, our government knows it will not work, but they are paying the Big Pharmaceutical companies a whole lot of money to mass produce it. Make the money while there is still money around, fooling the masses into believing that they are serious about fighting this pandemic.
Lie #4---The scientific community is working as hard and fast as they can to create a vaccine for this virus……….Well, the government scientific community is allegedly working quickly on a vaccine and medication. They are also muted. Private entities have not been told enough of the truth to be able to effectively work on the problem, nor will they anytime soon. In fact, there have been a rash of mysterious deaths of prominent microbiologists over the last year or so, all who were asking serious questions about the motives of the US government in fighting the impending pandemic. Don't believe me? The conspiracy theorists have been all over this one for a long time. Check it out.
Lie #5---The numbers……….. Granted, getting accurate numbers out of many third world countries is difficult, but our government should admit that the numbers reported are at a minimum 100 times lower than the actual counts. Again, they won’t.
The truth……. In 2006, worldwide, a human case of H5N1 has been reported every other day. Again, these are “reported” cases. In 2005, the number was one reported case per week. So, this is building steam, and building it in a hurry. Of the reported 186 cases of human infection, “at least” 105 of the people have died. At least? How in the hell can you not know how many actually died? Did you just stop following the cases? Answer, no. Many more than 105 died, actually 128 of these reported cases. That is a little over two thirds. Like I said, you can easily multiply any bird flu numbers you hear by 100 and still likely have a conservative estimate.
Our government is doing nothing to stop, fight or treat this virus, and they are lying about it. Just like they are lying about the war in Iraq, lying about lobby reform, lying about the economy, and lying about everything else that they talk about. All signs point towards the economic implosion being right around the corner, and that, my friends, is a good thing. (I'll have more on that later) We need the civil war to occur before the bird flu kills two thirds of us. Killing us with the blessings of our government, of course.