Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Blow It Up and Start Anew

Okay, seems I have been called to duty by freeacre, wanting an update on what’s going on in the world. I am feeling better, a bit re-charged, and when freeacre calls I think I had better respond, if I know what is good for me. I think she can be a mean gal when she needs to be. Just kidding, freeacre.

I thought for quite a while about the proper order to put all of this into. Then, I realized that since it covers nearly all of each part of our individual lives, it really doesn’t matter. As a result, these thoughts are being fired randomly as they enter my head. So, should they seem a bit out of order or detached, they probably are. Anyway, here we go.

Where We Are

Our economy is in shambles. We are so far in debt that each and every child who is born today,(along with each of us already living) starts off with a negative balance of $27,000+, just to pay for the current war in Iraq/Afghanistan. Yes, just for the Mid East excursion. Add all the other absurd amounts of debt that our leaders pile up each year and one can only imagine what the actual debt per person is. I don’t even want to know. Suffice it to say, we won’t ever make enough money to pay our fair share of what we owe. Keep printing money boys, it soon won’t matter.

Speaking of Iraq, while waiting in the Doctor’s office yesterday, I had the pleasure (gag me) of hearing Boosh try to sell his Iraq policy (he has a policy?) to some folks in Cleveland. He said the same old crap that he always says, throwing in some talk about a town where little insurgent activity has occurred and called it a success story. He did take questions, and not surprisingly, looked like a total fool in the process. One particular question was whether or not he agreed with the Christian Right in believing that Iraq was a sign that the end times were near. Always quick on his feet, he stammered around like an idiot who has never been involved in a public speaking performance before, babbled for 13 minutes, and never answered the question that was asked. To his credit, it is the first time in his Presidency that I have ever seen him field questions from an audience that wasn’t pre-screened. Should be the last too, he is a clueless zombie. Selling this war won’t work, ever.

The infrastructure of our country is crumbling, and we can’t print money fast enough to fix it. So, we have resorted to outsourcing the work to foreign entities. Leasing toll roads for 75 years with more to come in my state, selling ports and bridges and who knows what all throughout the country, we just can’t handle fixing what we already have. But hey, the economy is robust so everything is just grand. Boosh said so, it must be true.

About ports, our security at these points of entry is disastrous. It is reassuring to know that 5% of all packages are checked and monitored, makes me feel safe. We may as well throw our borders in here too. It’s now easier to cross the Mexican border than it is to enter an NBA basketball arena on game night. I’m not sure about the Canadian border, but Mexican border security is an outrageous joke. Boosh says to make them all legal under his “guest worker” program. No one seems to be able to agree on this issue, but one thing is certain. To spend $5.9 Billion per week in Iraq to “fight them over there instead of over here” while having borders where you could drive a nuclear weapon through in the back of a minivan is beyond the height of absurdity. Claiming that we are serious about national security is nothing but a money making fraud by Boosh and his buddies, and it’s become laughable.

Who are his buddies? How about Big Oil, who are reaping in obscene profits while the price of crude goes down. Hmmm, how is that justified? Well, it’s not. It just happens because it can. Want an explanation? Too bad, we don’t have one for you. Well, we can make one up like we always have, but we don’t feel that is necessary any more. We’re just tired of the game. Now you can just accept it and like it, here in the New America. And, we can’t forget the corporations, of course. Those that line the politician’s pockets with the money they use to buy toys and elections with. All the while screwing you and I out of health care and pensions, without penalty. The new legislation enacted to rebuild the under funded pensions is actually going to allow the corporations to put less money into employee pension funds than they did when they were under funding them, when all is said and done. Huh? Yep, check it out, it’s interesting rationale.

Did I mention health care? The American health care system is probably the biggest travesty of all. This self described “superpower,” the “richest and finest country in the world,” has tens of millions of people who couldn’t go to the doctor if their appendix were about to burst. It is absolutely shameful that we can spend $5.9 Billion per week blowing up Iraqi’s when we have people here at home without food or the ability to see a medical professional when necessary. Ever wonder why health care costs so damn much? Could it be that when these poor souls finally get to the Dr. after being found near death on the street, are then picked up by an ambulance and hauled in, that they are in such sad shape that they spend weeks undergoing every test known to man along with a long hospital stay? It is completely preventable, and would be cheaper in the long run to provide health care for every American, free of charge. Screw the wealthy; they can still buy whatever Dr. they want for their own personal pleasures. But no, we must spend our funds “bringing democracy” to a bunch of people who don’t know what it is and don’t want it, given that it includes the deaths of hundreds of thousands of their brothers and sisters and blows their homeland to kingdom come. That’s the Boosh way, and by God that’s what we’re going to do.

I can’t go without mentioning education in this country, another major failure. We have a large percentage of our population who are functionally illiterate, yet we are the self anointed leaders of the free world. Our school systems suck, from Kindergarten through Graduate School. Don’t believe me? George W. Boosh has an MBA. Enough said.

Our court system is a joke. They are facing such a major backlog of ridiculous drug cases that about your only option is to plead guilty just to get it over with. Most of them are marijuana cases, the “gateway” drug. The only thing “gateway” about marijuana is the increased travel to the nearest 7/11 so people can stock up on Doritos. And, this leads to our prison system, which has been outsourced because we can’t build prisons fast enough to lock up all these potheads. Meanwhile, people who have committed violent crimes are released on a daily basis due to jail overcrowding. Another brilliant, well thought out plan by the greatest country in the world.

I guess I must mention the Supreme Court while I’m at it. While the Right wants to scream at the top of their lungs that “we can’t have people legislating from the bench,” answer one question for me, please. Has there ever been a bigger example of legislating from the bench than the appointment of George W. Boosh to the Presidency of the United States? I already know the answer, and it is NO. These people, the champions of state’s rights, are so hypocritical it is nauseating. While claiming to be state’s rights advocates, they stomp all over the Florida Supreme Court to make certain that their boy was the winner in a fraud of an “election.” Meanwhile, they don’t mind continuing the daily stripping of our own constitutional rights, the rights of the American citizens. Yes, those of us who live in the only truly “free” democratic society in the world, are watching our rights erode quicker than the ice shelf. It is simply laughable, and appalling. I just know that other countries around the world are drooling in anticipation while waiting for us to bring our form of “democracy” to them.

Speaking of the ice shelf, I saw something on Global Warming on 60 minutes the other night. It was called something like “Re-writing Science.” I did not take notes, as I was doing other things at the time, hearing only bits and pieces of it. But I will say this. What I heard was chilling. I know, chilling doesn’t exactly fit while talking about “warming,” but I’ll tell you that what the Boosh administration is doing on this front is nothing short of criminal. I am going to do a full piece on this in the near future, so I won’t go any further now. Those of you who may have seen it probably know what I’m talking about. Those that didn’t, soon will because I'm going to tell you.

Then there is Congress. They have stood by, accepting paychecks and great pension plans, allowing all of the above to occur. They have absolutely sold out the American people, pretending to “represent” us while flying all over the world, playing golf on Jack Abramoff’s stolen money. We would be much better off doubling their salaries and telling them to stay home. We can handle it on our own, thank you very much. Divide this place up into small communities and let us live our lives. All we need is some self directed organization, some guns, and we’ll live in the Wild Wild West.

Whose Fault All Of This?

There is plenty of blame to go around, but I choose to blame us, the slumbering American people. While we chased the dream of living above our means, buying into every advertising campaign designed by corporate America to give us more, used the school system as a babysitting service, allowed Murph’s television to fascinate the hell out of us, refused to become involved in a political process that used to be available to us because it took some thought, failed to even look outside the box that contains our little lives (much less venturing out of that space), we have allowed the thieving “leaders” of our country to get fat off of us and sell us down the river at the same time. American’s, as a mass, are dumber than a box of rocks.

We are officially a banana republic, in fact we have been for some time. We just didn’t know it. Now, it’s too late to save it. Blow it up and start over, that’s the only way out.

Boy I’ve missed you guys. See why I write?


"Quotas are bad for America. It's not the way America is all about."

George W. Boosh; St. Louis, Mo; October 18, 2000


At 9:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Damn, you sure covered the beast today! And wouldn't you know it, I read your post carefully, trying to find something to disagree with I and CRAP!! I agree with all of it. I need someone to argue with today. lol

It is so discouraging to watch a country highballing it's way into disaster. And if our country isn't enough to trash out, we got to go and trash other countries too.

I reckon absurdity is the word of the day.

At 9:39 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I'll argue with you. What do you want to argue about? Surely there is something out there.


At 9:40 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Fire was a blazing!


At 10:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Cyclone,

I haven't posted for a long time because I'm (ahem ...) working on an MBA. But I'll just throw in this two cents:

Some of my latest course readings have been about decision-making by both groups and individuals, and about the errors and biases that get introduced resulting in poor, damaging or disastrous decisions. I couldn't help be relate just about every boned-headed miss-step talked about in this course material to at least one action(usually a whole series of actions) taken by this regime.

That being said - I'd love to submit a guest article someday, instead of just a comment post. Any such article I'd want to email to you for your vetting. Is your email address on this site anywhere, and if so, where?

Later ....

At 10:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Man, the only way I can argue with you is to take a devils advocacy stand.

Ok. All you whinners and complainers out there. What is the matter with you? You complain of debt and economic problems when we have a great economy going, greatest in the world. Look at how well off you are in comparison to Africa for instance. You got food, shelter and no one's shooting at you, unless of course you live in certain parts of L.A. But we have our ways of dealing with them too. Look at Iraq.

And about calling Bush all them bad names. He went to college just like a bunch of you did. Got his degree and made a success of himself. It's the American way. So what's not to admire about him? He has surrounded himself with the best advisers money can buy, all of them highly educated and completely rational and honest. So get off this Bush bashing. It is not a responsible thing to do. If you don't like how he is doing things, show up at demonstrations and vote him out. But nooooo. Instead you sit at home and complain, forgetting that a true American voted for the right thing in electing him.

And stop complaining about the war in Iraq. At least we now have a president that has put some balls into our foreign policy. All those liberal politicians did was expose us to being attacked by those evil bastards.

You complain about loss of liberty.
Well children, I must remind you that if you want to keep our country safe you got to give up something. I don't feel a loss of freedom. Now, do you really? We all have to give up some little things to keep our country safe.

There Cyclone. Have I stated the case adequately?

At 10:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww for pete's sake. How did that get double posted? Grrrrr

At 10:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Since you brought the subject up, here is what happened to me last night for the bonfire.

Ok, lit the bonfire last tonight. Couldn't make it very big, what I had to burn was frozen up with ice so bad I couldn't drag much to the fire. Because it was so wet anyway, I decided to do the smoke signals thing. Hopefully the smoke was white enough to be seen against the backdrop of the stars. Were you able to see it? Geez it was chilly out too, snow flying all over, wind
howling around us, trees moaning and bending. And the wolves, attracted
to the fire were a bit of a nuisance. Had to bite a couple on the ear to get them out of the way. Because a fire in the middle of the winter was so unusual the cops and the fire department came and of course woke up all the neighbors. I got a few threats. I built the fire over the fire pit that was completely filled in with snow and as it melted I failed to notice that it was hollow underneath the top layer of snow and I fell in, and consequently fell into the fire, burning off my pants, and it was so cold out. Nearly froze my you know whats off. The firemen took a picture and said it would be in the paper, and they were going to
mail me a bill for the false fire call. For some reason our fire
insurance agent was in the neighborhood and he asked me about the fire and said he would have to check with the home office to see if they wanted to continue our coverage. Our dog got curious about it all and set her tail on fire. It was an embarrasment chasing the dog with fire on its tail with no pants on in a blizzard. The neighbors took a picture of that and threatened to post it on the grocery store bulletin board if I didn't move soon. For some reason, we had left the door open and didn't notice that the wind was blowing the heavy smoke right into the house. When we finally got inside the smoke had asphyxiated our white doves and left ash all over everything. My wife said that I was just going to have to sleep in the greenhouse tonight cause she couldn't stand the smell of scorched hair. But, overall, it was a good time and we did show solidarity for the anti war bloggers on Cyclon's site.

But I do have one request, next time make it in the summer will
ya? Pat

At 10:37 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

Carl in PA,

Hey, man, good to hear from you. I thought you had fallen off the face of the earth, or were in Gitmo or something. Just kidding. Nothing wrong with an MBA, unless you have the brains of a gnat. Then, I've got a problem. I would love for you to send a post. Just send it to:


and we'll go from there. Don't study too hard, you've got to keep up with the shenanigans somewhere!


At 10:42 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I removed one of your double posts. As for your arguments, I respectfully refer you to the previous 91 posts on this site. You will surely find rebuttals to your arguments somewhere there. For now, I'm a bit busy to respond to them. I think I'm, uh, yeah, doing the dishes or something. Then I have to, uh, yeah, read the Readers Digest condensed version of Star Trek or Star War's or one of those things. Don't know when I'll get a chance to respond. But, I think you might be right. Have I seen the light?


At 12:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey you guys, get off Gorgeous George’s back, he is doing a fine job of what he was put in to do.
This is from Life After the Oil Crash, It is on Cyclone’s recommended reading list and he wouldn’t bum deal us so it must be true.

“. . . the world has never faced a problem like this. Without
massive mitigation more than a decade before the fact, the
problem will be pervasive and will not be temporary.
Previous energy transitions were gradual and evolutionary.
Oil peaking will be abrupt and revolutionary.

As one commentator recently observed, the reason our leaders are acting like desperados is because we have a desperate situation on our hands.

If you've been wondering why the Bush administration has been spending money, cutting social programs, and starting wars like there's no tomorrow, now you have your answer: as far as they are concerned, there is no tomorrow.

From a purely Machiavellian standpoint, they are probably correct in their thinking”.

From Belgium

At 12:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Ok point well taken. Guess I'll just have to reread the posts and argue with myself. sigh. Maybe better yet just go out and do some more reloading.

I do like your summation post today.

At 12:19 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

My Belgian friend,

There is a lot of truth to that statement. Yes, they are preparing for the end, just like I hope we are. I guess my problem is that they were elected to represent us, and maybe they should consider clueing in the trolls as to what is going on. Maybe, I know it's a long shot, but maybe someone with an IQ in triple digits and without a personal axe to grind could help SOLVE the problem without blowing up the world and starting a civil war in America. I know they don't want mass panic, but liars and thieves and criminals they are, and must be exposed and dealt with. We're going down, so we may as well go down with some honesty and integrity rather than being herded by a lying fruitcake.


At 12:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If anyone else is intersted in another great summation of the present situation, dig Will Durst at this posting. It is great.

At 1:00 PM, Blogger Reality said...


Damn I love it when you post!!!

One little correction, though. That was the third little Q&A by Bushy in the last couple of weeks.

You really should check out the transcript of the one in MA. He somehow managed to schedule a speaking arrangement about the new Medicare drug system at a retirement home, and fielded some questions there. One of the people who lived in the home, though, was "unfortunately" one of the people who wrote the original nuclear anti-proliferation treaty. You can guess where that went...

Other than that, I'm with you one hundred percent!


If your are going to play Devils Advocate, the least you could do is call me a tree hugger so that I can get even!

At 1:13 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


Thanks for the correction. I must admit, I didn't see the first two and just assumed that they were like all the others, canned Repubs in a room doing a love fest. Now you have my curiosity up. His numbers will go down if he keeps this up. They've kept him out of such situations for a reason. He might be the slowest man on earth who is not in a straight jacket. Honest to God, if he weren't President, I don't think a fast food joint would hire him. Or, certainly not allow him to touch the cash register. No way he could figure how much change to give. Amazing.


At 1:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I aims to please. Your a tree hugger, but do be careful of that sensious bark and the squirrels.

At 1:57 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...

You think Murph had fun? Listen to this!

I drug all the brush that the ice storm in December tore out of the trees into a nice big pile and jumped into the middle of it with a Husquevarna 272 chainsaw. I slashed in all directions with the saw running at full throttle. My neighbor's mother in law (Who's been trying to save my soul for the last six months) watched these procedings with alarm.

After the saw got too dull to cut, I added three dead locust trees (sliced), stale laquer thinner, used transmission fluid, used hydraulic oil, used motor oil, and the fossilized sludge only found in the transmission and rear end of a '48 Ford one ton truck. My neighbor's mother in law (Who's been trying to save my soul for the last six months) watched these procedings with alarm.

I drug my ancient set of Ludwigs, freshly re-headed and tuned into the yard and started setting them up on two pieces of plywood in the driveway. Cackling maniacly, I scampered around tightening set screws and hanging cymbals on stands, grinning like a madman. My neighbor's mother in law (who's been trying to save my soul for the last six months) watched the procedings with alarm.

I grabbed a napkin, wrapped it around a rock, and threw it on the pile. Seconds later, I figured that I went overboard on the flammable liquids. A horrendous mushroom cloud of fire and thick black smoke rose magesticly skyward. So moved was I by the sight, I began playing the solo from "Iron Butterfly's Inna Godda Davida". My neighbor's mother in law (who's been trying to save my soul for the last six months) watched the procedings with alarm.

After the fire burned down, the local volunteer fire department showed up to drink beer. We drank beer and I played requests untill a guy showed up with an amp and guitar. We played old "Black Sabbath" songs untill the rain storm chased us into the basement. My neithbor's mother in law (who's been trying to save my soul for the last six months) came by to demand an explanation for the evening events. We sent her on a beer run and she hasn't been seen since!

At 2:23 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...

Damn, Reality!

You just HAD to get Murph started on the trees again! So sad too! Just when Freeacre had him so close to cured! Oh well! I guess the squirrels will have to sleep facing out the knotholes tonight!

At 2:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still laughing at Will Durst, I reckon that must be the longest sentence in the English language. Think he said slime buckets twice but I’m not sure.

It was worth doing the bonfires just for Stoney and Murphs contributions. Who says that politics can’t be fun?

From Belgium

At 8:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi guys and gals,had a great time last nite ,my baby son ,about to get his license to drive legally,and i brought lots of wood to the little tow n park that has a fire pit for people to use ,we started fire about sundown and slowly people started drifting in,and two other sons drove up just about that time from seattle to be at the event ,very sweet ,most of the cast were teenagers of the outlaw type in a nice kind of way when necessary, very good nite with a lot of back and forth about the war and the enviroment and the shit school in this town which most of them hate,its really retarted, the boys from seattle said they noticed fires along the highway on the way over so i guess the word got out .
happy bonfire some of you posters really crack me up .
peace brothers and sisters
montana freeman

At 11:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Montana Freeman,

Christ man, I gotta ask about this. Your son saw bonfires along the highway? Around Seattle? They mention if they say bonfires all the way to Montana? Jesus man, if there were that many people doing that, can you imagine how the word got around so far to so many.

At 11:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Montana Freeman,
That fire ceremony sounded really good. You know, it occurs to me that talk of this event could continue to build. We did this on the anniversary of the start of the war in Iraq. But, it was also the first day of spring. Maybe we could do this again on the first day of summer...then fall, and so on. Symbolizing the changing of the season. Because that's what we need - a change of season for us all.
By summer, it could be big. By the fall, it could be HUGE.
What do you think?

At 12:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Supreme effort Montana freeman, I am impressed.
Big mouth do nothing is at it again, picking up on what Freeacre has just said. Do you guys think you could surround Washington DC with fires about the beginning of November?

From Belgium

At 7:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, Belgium, I don't think it is really necessary to surround Washington. The new paradigm calls for thinking and responding on a local basis, wherever you are. The Washington Beltway is so entrenched, so corrupt, so sick and wrong, that I think they should be mostly shunned. On the other hand, backyard, townsquare or empty lot fires by the millions would lend itself to a feeling of personal satisfactin as well as collective empowerment. Plus, it's a way to demonstrate without leaving you suseptible to the outrageous impliments of repression with which the homeland security forces have equipped the police. Cops in riot gear are not going to march in with batons and rub pepper spray in your eyes if you are just drumming and lighting a fire in your own yard. Too much square footage to deal with on the whole.
If we invite our friends and they invite their friends, and on and on...and somebody lets Cindy Sheehan and Michael Moore and MoveOne.org (no, wait a minute, they'll probably want us to send them money to put an ad in the NY Times or some such crap..) well, it is possible that this idea could really catch on.

At 11:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Light was fading on an early November evening, unexpectedly warm for the time of year. The president moved towards the great windows of the oval office.
”Look at this” he said he said half turning and handing a fading photograph to his VP.
“What is this” came the reply?
“It’s my wife and family; this darned war has kept me away from them for so long”.
“I know, I have been half expecting a ‘Dear Dick’ letter for some time now”
Something on the horizon suddenly caught the President’s attention, “What’s that” he said curiously. They both watched silently for a half minute.
“It looks like - a bonfire” replied Dick “What the”
“Look there is another two miles away” cut in George
“And another”
“Alert the Homeland Security, get a helicopter up and find out what is going on”
“Washington is surrounded by fires” cried the head of the head of the CIA bursting into the oval office “at least twelve”.
“Find out who it is” barked the President “Round them up and throw them in the Halliburton Holiday Camp”.
“Helicopter reports are coming in Sir, all the fires are unattended, nobody there”.
“OK everybody except the VP get out you all know what you have to do”
The President opened the great window and looked out as the horizon blazed. The previously unnoticed wail of a fire engine and cop car burst into the oval office then faded away into the distance, the air was still.
Dick came over to the president’s side as the great man whispered, half to himself “I don’t like it. It is too quiet”.

Thwak! – Thwak! Both men reeled backwards as an arrow buried itself deep into each man’s chest.

There were urgent cries of “Get a doctor; get a doctor” quickly followed by “Surround the White House, don’t let them get away”. But there was no one to be found. The head of Homeland Security was suddenly nonplussed. Who could be responsible for this cowardly act and which side would suit him best?

Was this a great victory for the common man, striking back against seemingly unwinnable odds or was it a stealthy bid for Empire by the shadowy Roving Karl?

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to provide a suitable ending for this adventure in not more than 100 words.
Your computer will self destruct in fifteen seconds.

From Belgium.

At 3:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Realizing that the extent of the infiltration of the White House was so extensive that there was no way he and his men would excape retribution, h
he pulled out his Japanese short sword and commited suicide. Shortly after, the hidden explosives went off tearing the structure complete apart and taking with it Karl Rove who was on his knees with Bush in the Oval Office. Thankfully there was a full cabinet meeting that evening and they perished also. All other member of the administration immediately left for China and the nation had no government. The Anarchists celebrated.

At 3:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

98 words I think. whew.

At 3:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

and at least 6 mispelled word. Didn't have much time for this one, didn't want destroyed computer.

At 10:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many of you have seen the documentary "Wal Mart-The High Cost Of Low Price"?
Just watched it tonight. With all the other information we have, it further reinforced our commitment to never step foot in the store. We haven't been in a Wal Mart for years now and this documentary just takes it to a new level of commitment. That is truly a company of deliberate malicious intent. Our neighboring community is fighting tooth and nail to keep out a super store. Wal Mart has sought injunctions to force the community to give them the subsidies so they can build there. So far, the overwhelming evidence is that it would not be good for the community and have been successful in stopping the store.

What about your areas?

At 11:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

first of all i would like to have some of what (you know who you are) you all are smoking ,sounds like mitty fine stuff.
the idea of fires at the season
changes sounds really good, it could grow into something large and we could spread it easily i think,the number of good folks that tune in at this site must be considerable.cyclone would know wouldn't you cyclone?
i have been put in the position of being a father figure to a number of teenagers that have no father figure or have fathers that are not in tune with their sons and daughters ,mostley boys though,and they are really keen on the things that i say ,they know much about how things are just by being exposed to the system and know that its pure bullshit,these kids are smart and really shine when they are listened to enstead of being talked down to and told what to do.
so the idea of fires as a signal of rebellion against the establishment sets the tone for these excellent youngn's of which i feel really blessed to give and receive respect when they come to my home.i am indeed a lucky man.
their young brains really pop out some good ideas and its exciting to watch them interact with each other
when they brainstorm together.
hope i can keep up.
peace brothers and sisters,
montana freeman

At 11:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow,one of the sons that came from seattle brought that dvd with him and we watched it tonight !! how strange murph.
montana freeman

At 11:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

o and also i don't think they would want to build one in this village of 500 people.
montana freeman


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