Saturday, March 04, 2006

The Real Deal

The gig is up. The party is over. The train wreck is upon us. Whatever cliche you wish to put on it, do it. The time is here, and Boosh is finally showing us that he knows it. He still doesn't know that he's a clueless lunatic, but he does know that the game is over. Let's look at the events of the last couple of weeks and make some sense of them. There are plenty of other examples that tie into all of this, but I'll limit it to these. Otherwise, it would take a week to read. I think you'll get my point.

The American People

George Boosh, probably learned from Dick "Shotgun" Cheney, has more disdain for the American populace than any President in history. Now, he doesn't even bother to try to hide it as he attempts to sell everything we, as a nation, own. You see, Boosh has finally realized that through his insane policies, his sheer arrogance toward virtually everyone around the world, that they don't need him or us anymore. He's learning it the hard way, and we are paying the price for it. We've let him do it, make no mistake about that. No revolts, no real dissent, just laid back with our creature comforts and watched it unfold before us. Now, we will pay the piper.


The first indication that Boosh is aware that the economy is history and that we are about to become irrelevent is the Port Deal with the UAE. Done, as usual, totally in secret, Boosh had no idea that it would create the backlash from his own bretheran that it did. That goes to the clueless category. He thought that he could continue with business as usual and slip this one through with little opposition. Boy, did he miss that one. What the Booshman doesn't understand is the "trust me and my administration" politics as usual, are over. He simply doesn't get that he has overdrawn his "trust account," or his "political capital" account and has no overdraft protection. As a result, he is being eaten by his own.

Boosh mentioned as recently as 3 days ago during a TV interview that he has "political capital" and is spending it. If this does not prove once and for all that this man is completely out of touch with reality, it will never happen. If you look at his standing in every category of polling, you will see what I mean. Overall job performance? Between 60% and 70% negative. The always Republican stronghold, Homeland Security, 55%-60% leaning toward Democrats. The economy? 70% negative. Iraq? 70%-80% negative. Katrina response? 80%-85% negative. The Port Deal? Around 90% against. In every category that is polled, Boosh is at the lowest levels of his Presidency, and maybe lower than any President in American history. Yet, he still claims to have "political capital" to spend.

What Boosh really needs right now is some friends. Friends and some money. Friends that we used to have, before he came into office, or at least people that we could live on the same planet with. Money that we used to have, before he came into office. I have warned that we are now hated by everyone, and Boosh is proving this to be true. Sell our ports to Arabs? Are you serious? This particular group of Arabs produced two of the 9/11 hijackers, has funneled terrorist money around the world for years, and are now one of our "closest allies" in the war on terror? Sure Georgie, sell out the very people that you were elected to represent and protect, all in an effort to save a nation that you have almost single handedly destroyed. Guess what? You're the wrong man for the job, and it's too late anyway.


Flying into India, in the midst of massive protests, he continued the sellout. "The United States and India, separated by half the globe, are closer than ever before, and the partnership between our free nations has the power to transform the world." That's what he said. Really. He then gave India the go ahead to produce nuclear weapons, forgetting that they have always refused to sign the Nuclear Proliferation Act. Boosh also justified the outsourcing of American citizen's jobs to India, stating that the answer to outsourcing is to re-train American workers who have lost their jobs so they can compete on the global stage. In English, screw you American people, we're in deep doo-doo here. He visited Hyderabad, the home to Microsoft and many other formerly US based software companies and sang their praises. What was he really doing? Playing a very dangerous game, one that will be the end of us.

Forget the Iranian oil bourse, it doesn't matter. What does matter is this. China and India are not exactly chums. And Boosh just chose sides. He married the Indians and thumbed his nose at the government of China. Even when he's out begging for buddies, he can't get it right. Who are you more afraid of, India or China? You don't pick sides in a less than favorable climate, and if you are dumb enough to try, you choose the winner, not the loser. But, we can't buddy up to China because they don't treat their people properly. So, we go to India. How far are we from other countries being able to say that they can't buddy up to us because we don't treat our citizen's right? I'd say we're about there now. Superpower? I think not. More like a country led by a madman that finds itself in need of some support from anybody that will give it. Anybody. And most want no part of us. Who can blame them?


Boosh flew into Pakistan like a thief in the night. Playing cowboy the day before, he said something to the effect of nobody is going to keep me from visiting my friends. Such arrogance. Such bullshit. Again, met with nationwide protests, people shouting "Death to Boosh," and "Boosh go home." In case he hasn't noticed, these are Muslims and Muslims don't like us much right now. For good reason. He started a war with Islam, what the hell does he expect? They had to essentially shut down the city of Islamabad for this middle of the night visit. Had to turn all the lights off in Air Force One to land. Then had to have two helicopters and several vehicles on the tarmac, all so no one would really know what vehicle Boosh got in. This after shutting down the city.

What was he doing there? Praising Musharraf, of course. Forget the fact that Osama bin Laden is likely hiding in Musharraf's country, he needs friends. Forget the fact that he had just come from giving India permission to have nuclear weapons, with India not exactly being friendly with Pakistan, he needs friends. Last month he told Pakistani journalists that Musharraf was his "buddy and his friend," and that their personal relationship "can set a tone" for the two countries relations. Forgetting, of course, that Musharraf is hated among the Pakistani majority. When he was "elected," Musharraf made a bunch of promises to the people he represents to improve their lives. Six years later, it hasn't happened. Sound familiar? It should. Boosh is an expert at it. The Pakistani people do not want to be our friends, that much is clear. Clear to everyone but Boosh. But, like I said, Boosh needs friends and will go anywhere except Iran, China, or Syria to find them.

What it Means

I have been screaming long before this blog started that we would reach this point. We have been sold down the river by Booshco and a corrupt elite. The realization that we are history has apparently taken a little longer to sink in to Boosh and members of Congress, and now they are scrambling, trying to fix it. But, it has taken them so long that it is too late to do anything about it. Boosh can fly all over the globe, give away nukes and ports and jets and secrets, and it doesn't matter. Too late. We are the laughingstock of the world, and Osama bin Laden and China are licking their chops in anticipation of our demise. A demise that bin Laden predicted long ago, a crumbling from within. We are now there, with plenty of blame to go around. We can blame Congress for not doing their jobs, we can blame Boosh for being an incompetent fool, we can blame ourselves for allowing him to be appointed twice to office. In the end, it doesn't matter. We are finished, our economy is doomed, and we are going back to the dark ages. So, only two questions remain.





At 12:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Your last two statements are the gist of the stuation. What in hell are we going to do? I am not inclined nor have I the resources to move to Europe, in fact, I doubt there is anywhere that will be safe and sane when this starts to shake out.

At 1:57 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...

Oh well, There goes the neighborhood! Good thing the earth can still feed us! All you got to do is know how to find it, or make it grow!

At 3:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I had the resources to bring those of you who want to come, over to Europe but I never made it in big time capitalism. Anyway that leaves me like the other 98% of us doing pay check to paycheck stuff (in my case pension check to pension check). All I can say to you is if you want to go, go as far south as you can get because north of the equator is not going to be where you want to be.

Best of luck

From Belgium

At 5:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Why not north of the equator? Not too far north of course. And some places north aren't too bad to live in anyway. Vancouver BC is supposed to be nice. Course all the really nice place are taken up with them rich folks. I think I'd rather be a bit uncomfortable than deal with their shit.

At 6:30 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


I think you are correct. Again, just out of the big cities. In community, small community at that, heavily armed and well stocked with food and water. I think that is the best we can do for now. And, hopefully out in the middle of nowhere, a hard place to find and get to.


At 6:31 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

My Belgian friend,

I'm curious, as Murph is with the equator suggestion. Can you expand on that a bit? How is Belgium, by the way? Does it seem safe when the USA implodes?


At 6:33 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


Finding it and making it grow are both problems in my current location. Not long for this place, I don't think.


At 8:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think what Belgium could be hinting at is in the event the nuclear warheads fly..which I don't believe will be the case here (yet)....the safest place to be on the planet will be in the southern hemisphere. Why? Almost all the major cities worth hitting with a nuke are in the northern hemisphere. Don't take my word for it, grab a map and check it out.

I'm getting outta dodge within the next 18 months myself. A gun with a stack of ammo ain't gonna save you folks. Your small community with a few hundred people armed to the teeth can't save you when a city of millions of starving ex middle class morons walk down the highway and take what is yours because your out numbered ten thousand to one. Not sure exactly how it will all play out bit sure as hell ain't gonna be pretty.

Where am I heading? South and West...

At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This outsourcing thing hits close to home. What I don't understand, and I hope someone can make it clear for me, is what happens after you outsource a *knowledge industry*. I can see the argument for making injection molded plastic toys outside of the US, maybe even transmissions and car bodies, but when they move integrated circuit work, software and even radiologist work (interpreting x-rays for insurance companies) to India, I mean, what the hell is left? Who's going to buy all of the consumer crap? Henry Ford understood this, but our craptains of industry apparently don't. No middle class == no consumers. And I don't think US products are going to be on everyone's wish list after the bunch in Washington get done trashing our image. Sheesh.


At 8:58 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


The middle class only exists in the minds of those who were once in the middle class, including myself. We are drowning in the sins of our own government, we never cross the minds of those who make decisions all by design. We are merely pawns in an ugly game, and there is no longer any use for us. We can no longer pay the bills, so we are Katrina survivors, sitting on rooftops waiting to be rescued. Only problem is, there are no rescuers coming. Except ourselves.


At 9:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do other countries even let Boosh come with all the very expensive logistics and security problems his presence causes?

At 12:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 8.45 got the hidden meaning. If it comes so far Western Europe will catch the nuclear wind eventually and be no better than anywhere else. Do you remember ‘On the Beach’ by Neville Shute? It recalls the aftermath of a nuclear war and Australia was the last country standing.

The reason these other countries tolerate Bush is because for the moment he is still useful to them. For the moment he still represents the giant, limping a bit but still the giant and it doesn’t do greet him with a burning stick in your outstretched hand. Besides these other leaders probably do not have issues with the American people and may want to have good relations with America at some future time?

From Belgium

At 4:54 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

My Belgian friend,

Thanks for the explanation. Makes sense. I'm not sure that they want to be friendly in the future, not sure they believe there is a future. Just don't want to antagonize the maniac at the moment. I think overall they do pity the American people, for the most part, though.


At 6:53 AM, Blogger Reality said...


I'm afraid I have to say that pity for us ran out not too long ago. I don't think there are many places America will find anything besides animosity anymore. Bush is considered the antichrist by most of the world. The rest of us are recognized as supporters. The world is shocked at what he has done, and they have noticed that we did nothing to stop him. Hell, our media touted him as everything but Ceaser.


At 10:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exactly, Reality.

Since we do nothing about Bush, the rest of the world believes the people of this country love him. And some do, which is absolutely sad (Someone in an SUV, slowed down to give me the finger then he ran me into the sidewalk last week because of my "Impeach Bush" bumper sticker on my car.) Fox News and the rest of the right wing nonsense spews from our airwaves which confirms the rest of humanity that we here in the US are just plain stupid and/or ignorant. We're doomed.

At 11:57 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...

You tell 'em Rockpicker! I'm dragging my old set of Ludwigs out of the attic and tunin' 'em up today! I ain't Niel Peart by a long shot, but I can damn sure make some noise on March 20!


You know where I'm at,land is cheap here. I belive a little town like Saluda is the only place to be when the shit comes down!

At 1:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cyclone and rockpicker ,you guys are right on along with the rest of the posters here,this village i reside in has 500 people more of less has hotwater springs and is nestled up against the mountins on a dead end road, the possibility of survival here is indeed great i think . one never knows for sure ,theres know money here and most people i know are on social security or ssi for know being able to deal with a society thats nuts around the bend, this is a reservation and there are a few factions but with the coming crash i think the people will pull together because it will be in there own best interests for one thing ,i've lived here for six years and after traveling two other countries and this one i can think of know other place where i would claim like rockpicker this is a good day to die. come check it out if you care to . hot springs montana,would love to meet you all,we have bison,many cattle ,bears, eagles good fishing ,deer,elk ,moose ,mountian goats,hell you name it , the neighbors take there time to get to know you and won't take one single moment of bullshit but if your heart is right you will be welcome

At 3:44 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


I go back and forth on that. I would have never believed the support we got after 9/11. Granted, Boosh has abused our place in the world and others since then, spending all that "capital." Somehow, though, I still think that some people in the world (certainly not leaders) understand our dilemma. After all, many of them are in the exact same shape with their leaders. Then, other times, I think that anyone with brains would laugh and say "that's exactly what they deserve." But, I think in the end, we are mainly the ones who have lost our respect for humanity and become jaded, moreso than others around the world. The Arab world excluded, of course. A lot of the email that I get from around the world is much more positive than I would have thought imagineable, answering just that question. We'll know for sure soon enough,


At 3:46 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


They still have to play the game. But, it won't last much longer. Then, they'll give him the finger and tell him not to bother.


At 3:48 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


Agreed. I'll fight the bastards. If I'm going to stay here, I'm damn sure not going to lay down for them. I like the fire idea, by the way.


At 3:52 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

hot springs montana,

Sounds like a neat place. I have a touch of Indian in me, I know a bit of what you speak. The bullshitometer is something born with, not taught. Your best friend, your worst enemy, doesn't matter in the least. But, you will be one or the other. Just who we need when the crap starts flying.


At 3:53 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


I'll be scouting your area before too long. Soon as things settle down a bit, at your place and mine.


At 6:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This post has sure gotten some interesting comments on a variety of subjects.


You say you are going to head west and south within next 18 months. Depending where you are starting from, I am assuming that means South America to get south of the equator? Maybe continuing across the Pacific? I am curious; you ever lived where you are planning on going? I don't mean a holiday visit; I mean live there for a few years on the economy, not in a compound surrounded by tall fences. And, further live with how most of the population lives, not with the elites or well off. I think you are going to find that these places you want to go are not like the U.S. in the 1800's, welcoming immigrants.

You further are not very enthusiastic about a pile of ammo against a horde of millions of middle class fleeing the cities. I think your view is a bit Hollywood. First, those millions are going to be thinned out a bunch before they decide to go out of the city. Secondly, considering how they have reacted to how the U.S. government has conducted itself and how they have swallowed wholesale the propaganda from the mass media and show themselves to be gutless wonders when it comes push to shove, how am I to be particularly concerned about them?

This horde of middle class simply doesn’t exist. Yes, there are millions of them but they are most definitely not the majority any longer, and they are scattered all over between the suburbs and cities of the country. Most of them wouldn’t know how to make do without paper towels or running hot water. If you live in really small communities you see them all the time, eating in the local restaurants, taking guided sightseeing tours or hiring hunting guides to take them into the ‘wilderness’. Arrogant, unaware and ignorant beyond belief.

The once great hope of the American society, the middle class, that brought stability, inventiveness, innovation and good sense to the society have become lackeys to the power brokers and have cut their own throats by supporting the policies that were fostered on to them. What is left of the middle class has become herded sheep, and those I do not fear.


If you are referring to the Cheyenne warriors morning prayer, you got it close. It’s a beautiful morning to die. Sentiment is the same and the willingness to go the whole way. You are correct that we have made connection and thrown in together despite the distance separating us. Ain’t the web great?!!

Lord but I think it would be cool to sit in the same room with you-all and talk.

At 12:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Feel free to use the bonfires idea, that’s why I posted it. I must admit I didn’t think anyone would go for it.

You know what Karl Marx said about the middle class (actually he said middle management), having all the responsibility of ownership without any of the benefits. The trouble is it, has left a whole swathe of people with the knowledge but not the skills.

It’s just an observation but a disproportionate number of you seem to be based around Montana.

From Belgium

At 10:28 AM, Blogger efsaturn said...

You wonder who will be left to buy all the goods that the US middle class were buying. Well that is where India and China come in. They have been grooming their population to want all the same things that we wanted. This is especially true in China. A while back I heard a story on NPR, a Chinese woman was buying a car. She had been on a waiting list and was buying it without test driving. They are being groomed for the desire and are getting incomes now to afford the things that they are being marketed. So the won't need the US people to buy anymore.

As far as getting away. I was set before on staying put for the reasons mentioned by someone else, not knowing the culture and not even haven't been to whatever place I would end up. BUT when thinking of every story and book I have read about Germany, Poland and the other country's citizens scared of Hitler; they left the country and left early. This makes me wonder if I should not follow suit. WE are all saying that we need to learn from history. We've already heard about the civilian prison camps to be run by Halliburton and others. These companies will still have $, therefore they will be able to get workers to torture and shackle the survivors. For what? To be China's cheap labor prison? Scary.

Whose to say what will happen next? It is crazy. At least I do have some food stockpiled and have paid a lot of debt related to assets as I don't want the assets (home) taken from me. If the crash is fast then I think there will be too many defaults to do anything about it, but if it is slow many will be removed from their homes. Will they be the ones filling the labor camps?

Bonfire. Good idea. I will post on Seattle area and see if I can roundup folks in this area and find a place for such a bonfire.

At 12:22 PM, Blogger Reality said...


Some are also from the Mid-west...

At 3:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's official folks. Bosch has declared the war on independent reporters who have not been bought out by corporate America. Read this!

At 3:56 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

My Belgian friend,

I think that three are from Montana. The rest are spread over 40 countries, and all over the US. Most don't comment, though, just observe. Many email me privately but don't ever comment. That's okay, though. I guess it's like talk radio. A lot of people listen, not too many call.


At 6:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out the Capitol Hill Blue -"Bush declares war on freedom of the press:"



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