Out With the Old, In With the Old; Plus Things
The Shakeup
Andy Card voluntarily resigned. The Boosh administration shakeup is underway. If you believe either of those statements, you are delusional. First, Andy Card, the Boosh Chief of Staff was asked to resign rather than be fired, mostly to help pacify irate Republicans facing re-election later this year. Did it work? Well, it could have. But, when Joshua Bolten was named as his replacement, it simply re-enforced the view that the last thing that George W. Boosh wants within his cabinet is either new blood or dissent. The very things that the Republican leaders and base have been asking for have been ignored by King George.
Bolten came from inside the administration, has in fact been with Boosh from the beginning, just like Card. Bolten was also in charge of the Budget Office, doing a splendid job of allowing Boosh to run up more national debt than all the previous Presidents of the United States combined. Yes, that is the sad truth. Add up all the debt that every ex-President has left and it does not sniff the debt that George W. Boosh has managed to accumulate for us in 5+ years. Oh, it's not all Bolten's fault. After all, Boosh is the boss who can’t be told no. This is precisely the problem that has yet to be addressed, and never will be addressed. No one will tell Boosh no about anything. Why? I have no earthly idea. You have the single biggest moron in the history of the Republic running the country, and people are afraid to tell him no. Granted, they might lose their jobs should they take that approach. But, at some point someone must draw a line in the sand and tell the dumbass that his policies, all of them, suck. And that he is ruining what little is left of his country. His country. It is no longer your country or mine, but it is his country. Don't believe it? Just ask him.
Boosh views his job, publicly at least, to protect the American people. Of course at the same time he wants to allow illegal immigrants to have amnesty and unfettered access to our borders. He wants to give them 11 years to screw up, and if they do they will be sent back to where they came from. He'll show them, by golly. Boosh says that we have to have these people to keep our economy viable, doing jobs that Americans won't do. Maybe he should re-think that one. I know of some Katrina survivors sitting in his home state who would gladly do anything to make a buck. Unfortunately, they don't get the chance. They don't get the chance because the illegals have already filled those positions. The employers like it that way. They like it because they can work these folks from sunup to sundown and pay them meager wages for doing so. A shakeup? Hardly. And, there ain’t one coming.
Illegal Immigration
I honestly do not know what to do with the approximately 30 million people who are currently in this country illegally. That number is an estimate, we don't really have a clue how many there really are. Apparently no one else knows what to do with them either. Temporary worker permits? Grant total amnesty? I’m pretty certain that neither of those are the answer. I have a couple of friends who are illegals and I like them very much. They work hard, are contributing members of our society, and I would hate to see them sent packing.
What I do know is what must be done to stop the mass stampede through our borders. Build a fence. It’s really that simple.
Let’s assume that the illegals currently here are allowed to stay. We can even “put them at the back of the line” as Boosh likes to say. The message that is sent by such action is that it is easier and much quicker to simply sneak across the border, find a job and worry about the paperwork later. In reality, it’s an invitation rubber stamped by the President of the United States to do just that. The aftermath of such legislation would result in a massive assault on our borders, overwhelming an already undermanned border patrol. With the current structure, it simply would not work and would invite terrorism into the US. For a guy who claims that his sole duty is to protect the American people, it is simply mind boggling that he cannot make the connection and realize that terrorists could easily join the Mexican migrant workers in crossing the border.
Simple common sense tells us that we must SECURE the border prior to determining what to do with those already here. Any other approach is utterly absurd. So, we build a fence. I have seen models of ideas for 700 miles of fence along the southern border that would work. One consists of rolled up razor wire, a ditch, a fence, another ditch, and more razor wire. It is a simple and reasonably cost effective approach. Checkpoints can be located at various points along the way to allow for passage of those who have a legitimate right to enter or leave the country. Only after the border is secure can you begin to sell the American people on the possibility of guest worker programs or some such approach to deal with those who are already here. You can thank this administrations 5 year fear mongering approach to leadership for this problem.
I hear people saying that “this is un-American. We are a country of immigrants.” This is true, but also highly hypocritical. We currently send Israel billions of dollars per year, and much of that is used to build a fence to keep Palestinian suicide bombers out of Israeli territory. The Boosh administration doesn’t have a problem with that, so why the problem with protecting our own people? I’ll answer that. It is not about protecting the American people, never has been and never will be. The protection that we really need is from our own government, not some fantasy man or woman from the phony “war on terror.”
Bird Flu
Houston, we have a problem, and a rather serious one at that. The H5N1 virus, otherwise known as bird flu is rapidly approaching the US. Nothing can be done to slow its arrival, and our government is lying to the people about every aspect of this soon to be pandemic. (shocking, I know)
Lie #1---If this virus reaches the point that it is transferred from human to human…….. Well, it already has been transferred from human to human in at least 2 cases that I am aware of. What does this mean? That this virus has mutated into a form that will soon be in America, a form that will EASILY be passed from one to another by the time it gets here.
Lie #2---We can try to contain it overseas and keep it from getting here……..George W. Boosh may be able to control the comatose American people and Congress, but without a whole lot of help from Cheney and his shotgun, he can’t tell the birds what to do. This disease is following exactly along migratory lines that have been followed by birds for centuries. As the weather warms, the birds will arrive, just as they always have, and with them will come H5N1. This is inevitable.
Lie #3---Tamiflu can be effective in fighting and preventing the spread of this disease……..Pure and utter bullshit. Tamiflu will not work, our government knows it will not work, but they are paying the Big Pharmaceutical companies a whole lot of money to mass produce it. Make the money while there is still money around, fooling the masses into believing that they are serious about fighting this pandemic.
Lie #4---The scientific community is working as hard and fast as they can to create a vaccine for this virus……….Well, the government scientific community is allegedly working quickly on a vaccine and medication. They are also muted. Private entities have not been told enough of the truth to be able to effectively work on the problem, nor will they anytime soon. In fact, there have been a rash of mysterious deaths of prominent microbiologists over the last year or so, all who were asking serious questions about the motives of the US government in fighting the impending pandemic. Don't believe me? The conspiracy theorists have been all over this one for a long time. Check it out.
Lie #5---The numbers……….. Granted, getting accurate numbers out of many third world countries is difficult, but our government should admit that the numbers reported are at a minimum 100 times lower than the actual counts. Again, they won’t.
The truth……. In 2006, worldwide, a human case of H5N1 has been reported every other day. Again, these are “reported” cases. In 2005, the number was one reported case per week. So, this is building steam, and building it in a hurry. Of the reported 186 cases of human infection, “at least” 105 of the people have died. At least? How in the hell can you not know how many actually died? Did you just stop following the cases? Answer, no. Many more than 105 died, actually 128 of these reported cases. That is a little over two thirds. Like I said, you can easily multiply any bird flu numbers you hear by 100 and still likely have a conservative estimate.
Our government is doing nothing to stop, fight or treat this virus, and they are lying about it. Just like they are lying about the war in Iraq, lying about lobby reform, lying about the economy, and lying about everything else that they talk about. All signs point towards the economic implosion being right around the corner, and that, my friends, is a good thing. (I'll have more on that later) We need the civil war to occur before the bird flu kills two thirds of us. Killing us with the blessings of our government, of course.
Keep this in mind, to create a 'vaccine' to combat the Human to Human version of the virus, that ‘leap’ has to be created in the lab. The very thing that ‘they’ don’t want to happen in nature has to happen to get an effective vaccine. CBS news reported last night that a vaccine has now been created. http://www.webmd.com/content/article/120/113808?src=rss_cbsnews
Maybe all those mysteriously murdered microbiologists were just too independently minded. Could this be part of the collapse you have hinted at? We have been thoroughly prepped for a pandemic, who’s to know if the event is natural or man-made now.
Yeah, the vaccine allegedly worked on appx. 50% of healthy 20 somethings. I have not verified that, just saw it reported. Big difference, but not good numbers for that sort of trial. Throw in older people and the % goes zooming down. Yes, it's all a part of the same event. We have to get the population to a manageable number, and the way to do that is to kill people. Katrina was the first blatant example of how far they will go. This event is not natural, I can guarantee you that.
Good to hear from you again! I have lived in Tahoe and seen the situation deteriorate with illegal immigrants. The casinos recruit them, pay them the lowest wages, they have lots of kids, overwhelm the welfare and medical and school systems, etc, etc. Then all the jobs that have to deal with the public require bi-lingual workers and the local kids can't get the entry-level jobs and have to move out themselves. And, it's not their fault. It's the corporations and companies and people with a slave mentality who hire these people that are to blame, and they are the ones who should be prosecuted. Mexico is a failed state. The people aren't leaving Mexico, they are fleeing Mexico. Until there is a "regiem change" there, nothing will change. There is no reason for Mexico to be such a hell hole except for corruption and greed. If nothing changes, Mexico is a blueprint for what will happen here - and Canada will be the one building the walls.
On the Bird Flu - it's scary. Bushites will probably take the opportunity to declare martial law. People will be immobilized, hunkering down and trying to keep their families alive. Lots of stored food, homeopathic remedies, Chinese herbs, etc. may help some. We are going to have to learn to deal with loss and suffering in a big way. It looks like the "perfect storm" to me. Add this to the next hurricane season, the financial debacle, the resourse wars, etc. It ain't pretty.
Let's see now. There is rather large building projects going on all over the U.S. military bases, huge barracks, rather stoutly built. Big enough to hold lots of people. Who are they going to put in them? We don't know for sure, but we do need someplace relatively isolated for quarantining large amounts of people infected with bird flu. hmmmm
I've given up on reforming anything in the government. I guess Bush has too. Just too many people that are too powerfull out there to make changes, despite his good intentions. hmmmm.
Interesting how Mexico's Fox gets all upset about any border tightening. He can't understand why so much of his population wants to leave? hmmmm
Let's see, we can't manage our own ports, can't maintain our own freeways and so must sell the jobs to foreign companies. But we have money to build up a massive military and destroy other countries. hmmmm
Can't fund education, can't support social security, can't make drugs cost reasonable, can't fund medical reform, can't raise the minimum wage but we can support the mega corps. hummmmm.
Ain't life in the U.S. grand? hmmmm
First let me say the following tidbit is from a very questionable source, one I would not consider credible in general. But ...
I've heard rumblings about an "attack" over Easter weekend, to take place in a major port (Texas City, near Houston) involving a stolen/smuggled Russian back-pack, uh, device ...
Supposedly the item has been in place for some time, hidden in a ship, the whole thing being orchestrated by - well, let just say, NOT bin Laden.
In spite of the low credibility of the source it is just terrifying enough that I want to ask if any of you or your other commentors have heard anything similar from a source you might consider more credible.
I usually post here with a name/handle but I'm doing it anonymous this time, well, just because I'm feeling a lilttle paranoid of late.
I'll watch the comments for verification or ridicule of this idea, I hope the latter, and I hope those in that camp are right.
Well people, what did you expect! Big Pharma has a treatment for everything, and a cure for nothing! This is no different! Every time you turn on the TV you see medications advertised that work only if you take them for the rest of your life! Isn't that what we call "addiction"?
New studies show that Marijauna kills some cancer cells and slows the growth of others, yet the Bush administration and the DEA are falling over themselves to irradicate Medical Marijauna, even though 11 states have legalized it! States' rights indeed! Why, you might ask? Because it "Sends the wrong message" to the school kids!
When I lost the tip of my left thumb to a log splitter in 2002, I was prescribed 7 Percocets a day for pain. Those Percocets were a damn sight more dangerous and addictive than the joint I just put out, yet nobody busted Eckerds for filling my prescription! If you can't keep drugs out of the prisons, how the fuck are you going to keep them out of schools!
What it all boils down to is if your waiting for Bush and Big Pharma to save us from Bird Flu, make your wills out now and beat the rush!
Oh yea! By the way, I don't think Cheney's 28 guage pop gun is going to take out too many infected birds! Maybee if you told him they were all rich lawyers in disguise you'ld get better results!
The fence you propose is much the same that keeps muderers, rapists, and (gasp)convicted drug offenders away from society at large for years! How odd it is that nobody has figured out that it could be used to serve the same job to keep illegal immigrants out!
Oh wait! I'm sorry! How foolish of me! We are talking about the US Government here! That means nothing that has a chance of working will ever be tried! It's just "not prudent at this juncture" The apple damn sure don't fall far from the fucking tree! Does it?
Geez man, you sure are being a bigot. Just think, all those lovely jobs that the illegal immagrants are taking at below living wages so that they have to live 20 people to a house and sleep in shifts and eat in shifts to make a go of it. Besides, wiping the butt of some wealthy sucker that is too lazy to do it himself is rather too demeaning for us don't you think?
It is sure simpler to addict the kids and the adults to high priced drugs than to let the pharmas go broke because of competing naturals including pot.
We are so riddled with contradictions and hypocrasy in this society and government that it will take some mammoth catastropy to change anything. Love your local migratory bird. Maybe a big bird feeding station in Washington DC would do the trick.
Yeh, fences make good neighbors as was once cynically proposed. What does it take for for people to understand this shit? I'm getting to the point of wishing it would collapse just to get it over with and get it on.
and for cripes sake Stoney, take off the pin stripe suit before you go out. Don't want you mistaken for a quail. Going to need you around for a while yet.
Anonymous, I sure haven't heard of anything of an Easter attack, but if we go screaming red alert soon, you probably can expect martial law not far behind. Were Americans, crazy and ignorant is our stock and trade.And who can we thank for all of this? Try Leo Strauss and his students.
Asking anyone who believes that Intelligent Design explains the origin of life on earth to believe that a virus can "evolve" is asking them to stretch their brains too much, I think. Of course they don't think it's a danger.
And on the immigration front, the government proposing a guest worker program absolutely blows me away. As a Canadian currently caught in the immigration quagmire, let me tell you that the US government couldn't begin to process these applications in a timely manner. We've been waiting for 3.5 years for just the first step toward getting a Green Card, with no way of finding out how much longer it's going to take. I agree that we need immigrants to do a lot of the dirty jobs, since a lot of native-born Anglos have an attitude problem towards menial work. But how to work it? I haven't seen a lot of reasonable proposals yet.
A while ago it was people working on Siemens electronic warfare projects who mysteriously suffered bizarre deaths (allegedly). Now it is microbiologists working for big pharma.
Deadly virus’s; massive detention camps?
Nah, I think I will stay in Belgium and pay six bucks a gallon.
Loony Lefty,
I'll make you a deal. You and I can switch identities. You can have my drivers license, house, dogs and lawnmower. I'll take whatever you've got and we'll switch. Deal?
Your inability to get a Green Card proves my point of what happens to those who try to do it the right way, I think. They get screwed. I just this second heard John McCain ask "how" we find the illegals and send them back? Can't be done, he says. So, the answer is to make them legal. Don't know how well that goes over in a place like Arizona. If someone's from Arizona, please fill me in on the view of McCain. I assume that he's running for President and doesn't care anyway, but I would be curious.
I'm serious about the trade, by the way.
I think you've got it!
Yeah, the corporations. They pay no taxes, pay no wages, pay no insurance, essentially pay nothing. Just a perpetual free ride. Isn't going to change either, until we're all broke, dead, or taking them over with guns.
Anonymous Easter,
I've heard nothing about that, but something that specific would either have to be made up or come straight from the government. I'd bet on the former. I have heard rumblings about the Final Four, but they've been babbling about sporting events for a few months now. I go where I want to, when I want to, and if my tickets punched, so be it. I will not live my life based on the fears shouted by a madman and his cronies.
Keep it rolling, dude. You're on it.
My Belgian friend,
You have no idea how I wish I was watching this nightmare from as far away as you are, no matter the cost of fuel. We are about to have front row seats to a mass execution.
Gotta add my two-cents worth here(with inflation $125) we have a massive problem with resource depletion. It is getting worse every day not just PeakOil it is Peak everything, so if you are in control of things how do you handle it? the ONLY way to handle it is through Peak-People... If population is reduced to under 2 bil the survivors(winners) have a chance still to continue with our current level of tech for another hundred or so years(and still have tractors doing the farming, still have plastics etc.And a military parked on big oil reserves.) as a life long chess player it is the most viable option. Hence bird flu, hence AIDS hence DU over the areas we dont want to have repopulation problems.it will also cut back on glabal warming problems. It's simple. Repulsive but simple.
Agreed, mostly. The housing bubble has already burst, we just don't know it yet in some parts of the country. All will know, very soon. We might not make it to the bird flu problem, but I get your drift.
Anonymous 2 cents worth,
I couldn't agree more. What they fail to realize is that the "winners" won't automatically be the ones who have stolen the most money. Heavily armed, pissed off fraud victims can be very dangerous. Here's hoping that the "little guy" (of which I am one) wins in the end.
Best made plans Cyclone
I hope they don't win either, because I will be one of those pissed and I will be armed. I will be doing everything I can to keep them from winning.
Its as though they are milking everything out of us they can before the shit hits the fan. Like the price of gas its seems they have run out of excuses for the the increases.
As far out as it seems could it be that the elites have a antidote for this bird flu crap. I was reading someplace that the micro bioligists have been and are still being eliminated. Now thats scarey.
I don't know if the "elites" have the cure or not, but the CDC does. Who gets it is anybody's guess. Good to hear from you. Yes, microbiology is not a good field to be in right now.
...well, gold just hit $587!
Something is going on...
If what Anonymous 8.24 says has any validity, then who would have to be in on the big secret? Obviously the smallest number as possible.
The higher echelons at the White House; Government research centres dealing with Biological Warfare; top executives of Big Pharma and the microbiologists involved in the work; probably Congress too or at least enough of it. We already have experience of Dems being openly told Repug dirty dealings provided they agreed to be bound by a gag order. Congress could be rewarded with tribute in the form of Abramof type foreign junkets and unchecked and positively responded to lobbying. Big Pharma gets tax breaks and nodded through contracts for the privilege of looking in the wrong direction when called upon to respond by the WHO. I guess we have figured out that those in power didn’t pick the job for the official pay check. The only possible problem area could be the microbiologists themselves and they are expendable. Obviously AIDS and BSE (Mad cow disease) didn’t get the job done as planned. What is really needed is something that will do for humans what myxomatosis did for rabbits. It is funny how this sort of thing was frowned upon when it was thought that Saddam was involved. I guess it is another example of circumstances altering cases. The thing I can’t come to terms with is the ultimate purpose of the Halliburton Holiday Camps, is it to keep people in or keep them out. It could be what the British used to call a Regional Seat of Government, an alternative place to run the country from if the normal one becomes untenable.
As A8.24 says, it is a win all round situation, except for the ones who happen to be dead of course but in any war including the one on terror, there has to be casualties.
The point about sitting on big oil reserves, whilst true is not the whole story. The really big oil prize is Russia. Even though it is in an economically inferior (for now) position, with hardly enough troops to cover the ground in Iraq what chance does GB have of even trying to start an adventure in something the size of Russia. Apart from this Putin is playing a canny game. He is planning to supply every country to the south with oil. This ranges from Algeria, north through the whole of Europe (except from his stand off with Ukraine), around the Black and Caspian seas and including Turkey. Some sort of oil and nukes compromise can be worked out with Iran. He is also in the process of supplying the massive Indian and Chinese markets. At a time when the leader of the free world is turning almost every nation against him, Russia is surrounding itself with reliable friends or at least friends who rely on him. This is not to say Putin is not a magnanimous man, He would probably let the USA have enough to keep the tractors working even if not the automobiles; just enough to hurt if it suddenly got turned off. For those who watch the international chess game, this is shaping into a real David and Goliath story.
From Belgium.
I'll tell you what's going on. The gig is up and those in the know are doing what we have been saying to do for a long time around this place. Buy gold and prepare for a civil war, WWIII and martial law, followed by possible foreign occupation. It's over, the dominoes are teetering and very close to tumbling.
This is not supposed to be as stupid as it sounds but how much of what we know, do you suppose Boosh knows?
From Belgium
My Belgian friend,
He knows it all, or should. He is clearly incapable of comprehending it in a satisfactory manner. Someone will have to interpret it for him. And, like most Americans, he won't believe it. We are approaching D-DAY, and it is soon to get real ugly.
OK I am trying to list these problems as they affect ME ( After all I am a selfish old fart )
I hope that bird flu turns out to be no more than Swine Flu. After all it seems to be less infectuos.
After all my heart probably would not survive any flu, and I would not accept any shot my government tried to give me.
The housing bubble is bursting - can not say how fast it will fall. I guess if I owned a home that would scare me. Hope my landlord drops my rent before my Social Security check bounces.
The move to expel illegal immigrants does scare me. My family did break several laws when we founded our socialist based Plymouth Colony. The true Americans tried to send us home to Enland and Holland. Hope the INS and Border Patrol do not do a better job on us then they did.
My real worry is the twin occurance of Global Warming and Peak Oil and the worlds reaction to them. I believe that time is here, Not the events, they take time. The people of this world are the problem.
Since the answer is obvious. It is a 90 to 95 percent reduction in the worlds population. the 5 to 10 pecent who intend to survive (Not including me thank you) should and probably are working on it now.
Places to stay away from. 1. Washington DC ( the crazies go first) probably our senators will resort to cannablism - 2. any place that has gas or oil ( Many will be coming to get it) 3. any coastline ( here comes the sea).
Places to go 1. anywhere that has fresh water and freindly people ( maybe you could move in with Murph and Freeacre)- stay away from Reality.
Thanks for the comments. I agree with your locations, not sure murph and freeacre would have me, though. I also agree with the population reduction, I'm thinking 65% but they may find it is so much fun that they get carried away and it reaches 90-95%. As for Reality, do you know something I don't know? Seems decent enough to me.
I think I could tolerate most of you, but could you tolerate me? I just quite smoking about two weeks ago and thank god for the patch or I would have started early on elite reduction.
By all means, rip the patch off and get to work!!!
Cyclone and everyone,
Ok, I will admit it, I enjoy this community that has come together around this blog. I even revealed my tree hugging proclivity, wouldn’t do that for just anyone.
It certainly appears that we mostly agree on politics and most of our idealism fits too. It is not apparent that anyone is living a lifestyle that would cause a lot of antagonism. I get the feeling that we tend not to get too obsessed with political correctness, and don’t take offense easily. So what’s the problem Cyclone? Put up with you huh? Ok, what quirky personality aren’t you telling us about? Now Stoney, well….. Outside of lambasting his neighborhood with drums and pissing off his conservative Christian neighbors trying desperately trying to save his soul, and nearly burning down the neighborhood with too many volatiles, he seems ok with me.
He he, I can’t wait to show him my balloon bombs.
I would let Reality answer that himself, but every since he read Murph's earlier post he has had himself chained to my maple tree.
Now that I have invited everyone to your place. You might want to visit this blog to study up on how to prepare.
That deconsumtion - LAOTC also provides a link. I do not how to load links.
I am hoping we get those t-shirts soon so that when I run into one of you pissed-off well-armed people after the chaos begins you'll know I'm on your side.
That particular article in Deconsumption I hadn't seen. We are regular visitors to that site but I had missed that one. I think it is a good general guide for people to consider.
Our small community is not yet ready for intensive change or even consideration of the peak oil. So I talk about it to people and suggest that they look into it. So far, conversions = 4. Flat out rejections =2. Previous knowledge and agreement =3. So, progress is slow but little by little----.
Of course, we may just have more immediate concerns coming at us. This whole bird flu and economic collapse deal may slap a bunch of people in the face before the oil problem comes crashing down anyway.
Indeed a t shirt would be good for identification. But if that t-shirt is in the laundry, remember the hand sign and travel around armed.
Admire your not smoking trials. I've probably got a worse problem with it than you do. I tried the patches and simply wanted to smoke more. Tried the gum that makes tobacco smoke taste bad, I actually liked it. Sigh. Maybe a mother tree can help me overcome. hmmmm.
It's ok Lilac. He could be into a lot worse stuff than a maple tree. lol
OK, it's the weekend. I'd like to suggest that you go see "V for Vendetta" at local theaters if it is showing. I'm dragging the Murphinator to see it. Whoee!! It's a good one! Talk about a call to insurection ...wow.
If I tried to quit smoking, half this town would go up in flames just from the bad vibes! I wouldn't even have to strike a match!
Poor Reality! (sigh) So young to be involved in so reckless and radical pursuits! Could be worse though! At least it's a maple! Those seedy oaks with their mushy knot holes! THERE'S something that can turn a young man's mind from all that's good and pure!
Don't even get me started on those knotty pines! It's like theyr'e actually PROUD of their leacherous ways! (sigh) What's a father to do?!
Everyone duck, He's about to Blow!...
You are correct in many aspects. Every year we engineer a flu vaccine on an assumption of where the flu is going, and (like our EU H5N1 tests) this year Iear our vaccine isn't worth SHIT. Maybe I should take tamiflu for it, eh?
You make an interesting comparison. Aids and H5N1; Both affect the productive parts of the population first and most. This would be the last segment you would want to hit with an engineered virus. My guess is that our government is doing like it always does. They have no idea what to do, but it looks best for re-election to lie about a solution and hand over money to corporate sponsors. Could be similar to our recent SARS scare, though. It wasn't anything like they expected, yet.
Cheney the great hunter won't help with this subject. I've never heard of him shooting a bird. The only thing he'll aim for is a horses ass. Hey, Bushy, why don't YOU go huntin' with him!!! He'll do "a Heck of a job!"
On illegal immigration...
I was just passed an excellent editorial on this subject today. It breaks this all down perfectly. Piece by Molly Ivins. Here's a URL for you http://www.commondreams.org/views06/0331-25.htm
If you really want to cut down on illegal immigration (you will NEVER stop it...) you only need to remove the majority of the crossers' reason to come here. Anyone who has spent time in a border town knows all the laws regarding the transport or aid of an illegal immigrant. What most people don't know is that there are a whole series of laws on hiring illegal labor. If you want to stop the flow, don't build a fence or a wall. It will only temporarily slow them down until someone decides to smuggle them in (which WILL HAPPEN).
If you want to stop the flow, arrest the Waltons, the Heinz, and any other pansy ass suit who thinks they can make an extra buck off of these people's tired backs. It is already illegal to hire them. ENFORCE THE FUCKING LAW!!! If you find a loophole, then plug the damn thing.
Anyone in the country illegally in this case will either apply for a green card so they can work, or will be weeded out quickly if they want something else. The immigrants can and will point out the troublemakers. They don't want to be blamed by a bunch of hicks when something happens.
As far as a change in the system...
Only change you expect from this administration. Further toward Fascism. Fuck all of 'em! they'll get it from their own. Lilac says they'll be the first to resort to cannabalism. They did that a long time ago. We call it "campaigning" in this country. It's a very small step from what they do now to a full pig roast. How's that for a pork bellying? Go ahead congress, take my idea. You steal everything else...
Housing bubble???
What housing bubble? Anyone who believes that it is still there needs to take a look at how many foreclosed houses are sitting empty and unsold to stay out of the loss column. Hell, I know people who haven't made a payment since they were laid off almost a year ago, and the bank is afraid to forclose on the house so they are letting them stay there for now. Hey, maybe they are waiting for them to show up on the unemployment numbers. KEEP WAITING cause it ain't going to happen anytime soon. It's an election year. Nothing bad is going to be public before november 11.
Hey Looney Lefty,
Here's some helpful advice. Take your cit app and shred it! You don't want any of this mess. I know you guys just put your own cowboy in, too, but the most damage he's doin' is coming down to washington to play brokeback. Gotta feelin' he's the receiver at 1600...
I ain't so bad to live with after I finish my ranting (Damn, I feel better!)
Back to the woods. I gonna change trees and rename myself the Ash Borer...
Forgot one...
Will attempt to follow your advise to anonymous as well, but my hands kinda stuck in its default signal for now. Spent so long thinking about washington that I'm pretty certain I don;t want to hold that up if I want to stay safe... :-)
Ash Borer
Sure glad you brought up the alternates for Lilac. I was hesitant to mention how bad it can get. You know, them jack pines, and the real suggary maples, and the swamp willows Woooeee man.
You think you got a smoking habit. Every town I've moved to ends up putting in a special department and phone line just for me. I've even got my own monagramed fire hose.
You got to stop thinking small. A double barreled salute is much more effective. The off hand can do double duty as the hand sign of recognition.
The answer to illegals is so simple. Effect a regime change in Mexico, you already know how to do this, and then make it a more attractive place to live than USA. Dead easy, I don’t know why anybody hasn’t thought of it before.
From Belgium
You may find this article interesting. It's called "Che Rides Again." Link; http://www.commondreams.org/views06/0326-26.htm
This may be your suggestion in the works already, because Fox does not have much of a chance against this movement.
It is interesting to me that Bushy himself is inspiring the biggest enhancement in Equality and social services in the history of Latin America. I guess you can file it under the title "unintended consequences." Maybe there is a sliver of hope left here as well. Somehow I don't see us reacting the same.
I save the other hand for when the first finger gets tired...
(oops, borer)
Read it. My, it looks like Simon Bolivar’s original dream of a La Gran Colombia may be far exceeded and then some, minus the real Colombia. When Bush goes Colombia could find it likes its neighbours after all. Shrubs ineptitude is truly awesome.
From Belgium
This movie is a must see. If you can possibly swing it, see it more than once, the symbolism comes at you pretty hard and fast. Might not pick up on all of it in one sitting. Please take this one seriously. Get to a movie theater showing "V for Vendetta" as soon as you can get out the door. I mean NOW, before the government pulls this film. The TV adds for it have already been pulled in this area. It is an honest to God call for revolution. Pat
Reality, I know Canada just put in their own cowboy, however, since he's in a minority government, he's pretty toothless. My brother is in town from Canada right now, and he says that he thinks his government won't last more than a year or so. And when the stuff hits the fan, at least we do have somewhere to bolt to... unless we are rounded up and put into the camps being built as enemy aliens.
But then again, as Lilac pointed out, one wants to stay away from any country that has lots of oil, and since Canada is the largest supplier of oil to the US, I guess we'll be first on the 'invade' list.
And, Cyclone, if you can fake being a 46-year-old woman, I'll consider swaping identities with you! :)
Looney Leftie,
All you have to do is look to your history books! Vietnam and this new boodogle in Iraq should prove conclusively that if there's one thing the United States simply cannot win is a guerilla war fought on the enemy's home turf!
Cyclone as a 46 year old woman! That's just damned disturbing!
Oh My God, Cyclone as a 46 year old woman? What oh what shall we do now.
You think your scared? Ha, we're going to have to live through it and it will probably start here. You will get hit by this crap too and you can thank primairly the U.S. government and the world elites for it. You got reason to be scared.
I know that life generally is going to be harder for us and a lot of folks when this stuff starts coming down really hard. It's getting to the point where we sorta wish it would start really showing up, get it going in strength. My wife and I have been waiting for it to happen since the late 70's. Our timing was obviously way off. We came real close, but the government discovered the drug trade and it didn't happen.
Sure looks a whole lot worse now than it did in the 70's.
If Cyclones predition comes off, peak oil and bird flu and global warming will just make the situation worse. Not something to look forward to over all, but it is all going to come down sometime and technology is not going to make business as usual possible, in any of the large and complex societies.
scrole down to Peak Oil & Community Considerations. That isn't a bad site for information and that article has some useful information.
Man, we are in uncharted waters. How to plan for this has no hard rules. What my wife and I are doing may be either innapropriate or unavailable to some. Go back in the posts and see what the guy Anonymous from Singapore is doing. Man, he needs a warehouse for all the stuff he is putting aside for survival inside a whopping big city. Wife and I chose central Oregon on east side of Mountains. Primairly volcanic land, not too wet, etc. Small town, I think around 10,000.
The problem with family and friends is not uncommon. Outside of kidnapping them, information is about all you can present. Do it well, and thoughtfully. Also, know your information fairly well, you well get questions and you want to be able to answer them. Be serious but not extreme. People that are not familiar with this information are going to tend to view you as a nut case anyway, right up there with the conspirasy theorists and used car salesmen.
What you actually do is going to depend on where you are, how good a support group is around, and perhaps most important, how sustainable can you live without grocery stores and general ability to go to the store at any time. My wife and I just bought 1 years worth of nitrogen packed food stuffs plus the rest of the food we have put away. That is to be able to isolate ourselves from people while the maybe bird flu comes down and runs it's course. If it doesn't happen we have a lot of food to eat for a while for sure. My view, do what you can that will not put you in a bad position if the bad shit doesn't come down. Be realistic. Not panicky. After all, you do what you can for circumstances that you see coming.
Well, guy, that's the $64,000 question, isn't it? What do we do? And, how do we get people to listen? Depends on how old you are, too. If I were younger, I'd be preparing for a career in permaculture or alternative energies or some sustainable thing, rather than marketing, retail, or some other unsustainable thing. Be flexible, be helpful, try to keep a sense of humor. When it gets emotionally rough, this blog and the people contributing seems to help. You may find yourself doing weird things like lighting bonfires and hugging trees, but it's all good....I have to come to terms with the fact that I might not survive this one. In any case, there is no getting out of this life alive. So, you just do the best you can and appreciate every day and be honest and good to those around you, I guess.
Loony Lefty,
I'll have to think on that one a bit. The age is okay, but a sex change operation? Not sure we have time for that! I don't look good in drag, I don't imagine.
I sent you a rather lengthy personal email responding to your questions. Hope it helps.
murph says it pretty well,i think mostly though it depends a lot upon the circumstances under which you live,city,country,desert,forest,game available,water,? personally i tend to rely on a life time of survival techniques of which there are many good books on the subject,however it might be prudent to study and practice them before it becomes a matter of life or death, and believe me you can die in the midst of plenty if you choose not to learn thoes skills,theres an old saying that you probably have heard but i will repeat it anyway , you can give a man a fish and feed him for a day ,teach him to fish and you feed him for life.
the big question here seems to be what the fuck is going to happen and how will it manifest, well there you go,we or at least i,do not know how this thing will run its course,and getting caught in that mind fuck will more then likly drive one nuts,so learn to fish,hunt,grow stuff,harvest stuff,preserve stuff,use tools,fix things,build a shelter,learn some basic medicine,skin a deer or whatever,tan the hide,could go on forever but get the basics, food,clothing, shelter. make thoes three things happen first or the rest of the stuff will not matter anyway,.
you know drummer,we lived on this planet for a very long time without the benifit of the absolute bullshit that permeates throughout our conscientious at this time of human travial,some of us will get through it,most won't,i truly hope you make it brother,if you have more concerns please post them here because there are many brothers and sisters in the same circumstances that you appear to be under, the more we help each other the better the odds are that we will survive. and if you learn the necessary skills you can pass them on to thoes you surround yourself with.
somewhere in the back of my mind, and i dwell on this in the backwoods of that same mind,that there is a reason for all this destruction that is taking place on the planet as a result of the insane practices of humanity.the only thing that seems to have any positive outcome is maybe the collectivness of us is about to take a quanitative leap to a place where ordinary awareness will be replaced by something greater,and with some fucking love for a change , hell is that way to much to ask?just to be nice to each other? instead of following the dictates of an evil system that thrives on the the death of all things except money?
sorry for the rant but i know you all feel the same way sometimes or you would be somewhere else other then at this beautiful and nourishing site.thinks guys and girls,
something i came accross that said"when the earth is ravaged and the animals are dying,a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors,classes,creeds,and who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again. They will be known as the warriors of the Rainbow" old native american prophercy.
peace and love
montana freeman
One comment on what you wrote. Agreed. The housing bubble burst a year ago, we're just now starting to realize it.
in response to looney lefty,
was wondering about the after thought
"i don't imagine"
montana freeman
Lilac Here - Like Freeacre I do not expect to be a survivor. That is for the young. That is kind of funny because I have always considered myself to have pretty good surival skills. Eight years in the army, a life time of hunting, Hiking, and nature study and I am to old to make use of it now. Even took time to get an associate in metalurgy. And taught myself to build a few computers.
I do not usually give advice but I am going to try. I think the immediate future looks like a fast crash for government and a slow slide from civilization. Maybe too slow , as that will give us more time use up the earths resources. No crystal ball - just my guess.
The people left in the future will be the ones with the best survival skills. As units of survivors seperate from each other many forms of government, and cooperation will be tried,
In my humble opinion those that work will be the people with the best knowledge of history and the willingness to try new ways of using the remaining earths resources. I do not have a clue what that earth will look like, Those still here wiil certainly have to adopt.
By history I mean Knowledge of government and science, with a strong emphasis on earth science.
However I DO Believe A New Civilization Is Possible And It Could Be A Better One.
Sorry I do not usually get this serious
Montana Freeman,
Like your comment. Right on. Of course we are making an assumption that the ass holes in power won't flat out destroy human life on the planet. In which case, our preporations are in vain. Life can be an overall enjoyable experience. Right now just too many jerks out there that have values that make that really difficult. If humans do survive, the jerks will be around too. Have to deal with them.
Please keep the sense of humor and at the same time the seriousness. You make good comments.
Your comment about a new civilization is what I am hoping for and planning for. I agree, new ways of looking at things, new consciousness, new value systems needed.
Montana Freeman,
You have becom3 an "elder" in my heart. I really value your counsel. Thank you.
Montana Freeman,
You are the CHIEF Warrior of the Rainbow. Bless you, my friend.
Wow, Rockpicker,
"Waiting for the Signal" really got us where we live. Thanks, man.
OK you guys, let's lighten up. This is how things are in Alberta:
I went to the doctor for my yearly physical. The nurse starts with certain basics. How much do you weigh?" she asks.
"115," I say. The nurse puts me on the scale. It turns out my weight is 140.
The nurse asks, "Your height?" "5 foot 8," I say.
The nurse checks and sees that I only measure 5' 5".
She then takes my blood pressure and tells me it is very high.
"Of course it's high!" I scream, "When I came in here I was tall and slender! Now I'm short and fat!"
She put me on Prozac.
Alberta Clipper
"Waiting for the Signal" is now on my file cabinet. It is one of my two favorites you have ever done. Amazing.
Alberta Clipper,
I've spent so much time at one Dr's office or another over the last 2 months that I can definately relate! You have succeeded in cracking me up with that one. Thanks,
wow rockpicker ,
man how do you come up with that really neat stuff? most excellent!!
montana freeman
296 Million People, all on happy pills because they are vertically challenged. Now what does that tell you? We will have to see if Mr. Halliburton can find a place for them all to be happy together.
From Belgium.
Montana Freeman,
As a Native American I've heard of the Prophesy of the Rainbow Warriors. I may not look the part now, sense my birth mother was raped by a clerical teacher when she was 12 years old. Maybee I shouldn't be bitter about that. It brought me to life on this planet, but still it hurts somehow. There is a book called "Seven Feathers" by Hyminiohost Storm (sp) That I read a long time ago that helped me deal with my identity, (or lack of it in my own mind) It's a great work indeed. I recomend it highly!
I know I've said this before, and I'll say it again! YOU'VE GOT TO GET YOURSELF PUBLISHED!!!! Get a bunch of your best work together and bury it in a vault somewhere! You could be the "Homer" of the Rainbow Warriors" Motanna Freeman describes.
I don't know if I'll be alive tomorrow. Nobody really knows! But I'm alive right now! They won't conquer me untill they kill me! And if there're any government trolls out there listening in: I AIN'T DEAD YET MOTHERFUCKERS!
"HATAHEY!!!!! IT IS A GOOD DAY TO FIGHT!!! IT IS A GOOD DAY TO DIE!!! WEAK HEARTS TO THE REAR!!! STRONG HEARTS FOLLOW ME!!!", Crazy Horse at the Battle of the Plain of Greasy Grass. (or as history knows it The Battle of Little Bighorn)
Get a copy of Rush's "2112". Listen to it. Then get a copy of Rush's "Hemispheres". Listen to it. Get a copy of Douglas Adam's "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"! Read it. Maybee it won't help, Maybee it will. It always works for me!
Now I gotta order ammunition! Lots of ammunition!
Later, my tribe,
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