The Deal
Okay, you guys have overwhelmed me. I waited until last night to read anything that was posted or any emails that had come my way, and I am absolutely flabbergasted. You are an amazing group of people, and I appreciate each and every one of you. So, given what I have thought about and read, here's the deal.
I will continue the blog, but I need some help. Maybe we can make it the "New Real Deal." I cannot continue to post things on a daily basis. My sanity will not allow it. I now understand that daily postings were a self imposed requirement, not a burden that anyone else placed upon me. I did not realize that until I read all of the feedback from you, so call me stupid. It's just the way that my somewhat twisted mind works. Sometimes a 2x4 upside the head is required to get my attention. I would love to respond to each of you personally, in fact hug each of you, but that is impossible for now. Just suffice it to say that many of the comments and emails really hit home to me, and made me realize what a special group you are. It also made me realize that we have a pretty neat thing going here. So let's keep it going and make it better. Now to the help part.
I would love it if some of you that feel inclined to do so would send me some things to post. I will go through them, edit them to a degree and put them out there for all to read and comment on. It would allow for different perspectives on occasion, certainly allow all to learn some new information, and help keep things fresh. Plus, it will give me a much needed cushion. Just please don't steal someone else's work. That's all I ask.
Thanks to all of you. Someday, hopefully, we will meet and tell some lies or something. Until then, we'll plod along and try to survive the madness. I will be building a fire on the 20th. Picked some wood yesterday just for the occasion. I hope all that are able will do so as well, it can be our way of making a small "anti-insanity" statement. So, let's get on with it, shall we?
The Iraq Spin
(I found myself yesterday morning, very early, writing something about Iraq. I had no intention of posting it, at that point I didn't know if I would ever post anything again. But, I will always write, regardless. I'll go ahead and post it. Mind you, some General has already contradicted what Boosh said so it's out of date today. That alone tells you just how out of touch this moron really is)
President Boosh has begun yet another campaign to win the “hearts and minds” of the American people over the Iraq debacle, while his poll numbers continue to plummet. This is an amazing thing to watch. Boosh feels that he can no longer blame the press for only reporting the negative things that go on in Iraq, because now, even he must admit that everything that goes on there is negative.
Yesterday, Boosh spoke at George Washington University. Among other things, he said; “Yet out of this crisis, we’ve also seen signs of a hopeful future.” And, “the Iraqi people made their choice. They looked into the abyss and did not like what they saw.” And this; “Iraqi’s have shown the world that they want a future of peace.”
Meanwhile, back in the real world, during a 30 hour period ending at noon Tuesday, 86 (I have had to increase this number 3 times in one hour) murdered bodies were found. And this is only in Baghdad. God knows what’s going on elsewhere. Forty of those were in the 24 hour period that ended at 6 a.m. Tuesday. Although no one in charge will admit it, these are pure sectarian killings. One day Sunni, next day Shia, civilians and American troops caught in the crossfire. Civil War? What Civil War?
And poll numbers? CNN/USA Today/Gallup: 36 % approval of performance in office, 32% said that Boosh has a clear plan for handling Iraq (where do they find these people?) while 67% said he did not; 57% say that the entire invasion was a mistake. All-time lows for all categories, by the way. Now, the Democrats are considered to be stronger on national security issues than the Republicans, something unheard of over the last 50 years.
As a response, Boosh makes another speech telling us how well things are going. Now he is blaming Iran for much of the problem. How convenient that little ploy is. As if the nuke problem is not enough, Boosh now says that the Iranian’s are responsible for providing material support to the insurgency. The IED’s are beginning to have Iranian fingerprints on them, though they really appear to be closer to what Hezbillah has used in the past. But, we intercepted a shipment of weapons that “maybe” came from Iran last year. Maybe? Last year? Why do we find out about these things only when it’s convenient? Like the terrorist plots foiled here in America that we find out about two, three, four years later, or whenever the polls show trouble on the horizon? Hello, it’s not working anymore. The polls keep diving, no matter what lie you think God wants you to tell next. (By the way, the Iranian connection to the IED's is what the general rebuffed after this was written)
He also mentioned the open border between the two countries. FYI, Mr. Boosh. They’ve always had an open border. Take a look at the Mexican/USA border and tell me just how you can expect a country that’s been blown to hell and back is to protect its border in the middle of some god forsaken desert? We can’t protect our own border, but they are to protect theirs? And we’re in charge over there? Why aren’t we protecting that border if it is the problem? I’ll answer that one for you. The border can’t be protected, pure and simple.
What are we to do about the IED’s that have killed over 900 American troops and maimed more than 9000 others? Why, ramp up the printing presses and throw some more money at the problem, of course. We did spend $350 million on IED technology, now Boosh is going to ask for $3.3 Billion. That will fix the problem. I'm sure that the terrorists will stop making them now that they know we’re going to spend more phony money to stop them.
The bottom line is this. Since May 1, 2003, when Boosh grandly flew his mission onto the aircraft carrier and claimed that major combat operations were over, the great majority of the more than 2300 American troops who have given their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan have died. No one knows how many Iraqi and Afghan citizens have died during that period, but you can bet that it’s a hell of a lot more than Booshco is willing to admit. And it’s not slowing down. Those are the facts. Make all the speeches you want to, dear Commander in Chief or whatever moniker you go by these days. Your hollow, lying words will not change the facts. Do the “tough guy” routine all you want, you aren’t fooling anybody. Anybody except the 32% who are comprised of people with the IQ of a lab rat and members of sleeper cells, that is.
Great Britain, our largest “coalition partner,” announced that it is pulling out 800 troops in the near future. 800 is not a lot of troops, but when you consider that it is 10% of the troops that they have in the region, it puts in perspective what a joke your coalition really is. You have a coalition; I have a pack of pissed off Americans. You make a speech; I write about it and call you a liar. Ain’t America grand? Maybe you should mix in the truth on occasion, it seems to help with the people I associate with. They are the same people that, oh by the way, you were appointed to represent.
"We ended the rule of one of history's worst tyrants, and in so doing, we not only freed the American people, we made our own people more secure."
George W. Boosh; Crawford, Texas; May 3, 2003
My Reply to both Posts.
Yes you are preaching to the choir, and from the replys it looks like a damn fine choir you have put together. But remember any choir gets better with practice and a good choir can help to build a congregation.
I was pleased to read this second post, after all it had to be your decision.
Well, the site is going to stick around. I am sure glad of that. It has been a pleasant experience getting some familiarity with all you readers out there.
It is now time for the choir to contribute also. For those of you who may have interest in this, read some of the comment letters that Joe Bageant draws. Some of the better writing out there and those are just comments on his writing.
So limber up the fingers and let's give Cyclone a breather and keep this as one of the more active sites on the web. Who knows how big the choir can become. If it gets big enough it may drown out some of the mundane innacurate and silly stuff out there. Ha!! Maybe become a movement. We sure could use a significant movement in this country that has some sanity in it.
Like your poetry man. Maybe put it all together and share it with a wider audience.
Now about this early morning stuff. Man, I never have done well with only a couple hours sleep, especially when I was doing physical labor. Geez guy, gimmie a break.
I do enjoy your comments. I gather also that you are a stone mason? When I lived in the Ozarks, I started to build a terraced hillside house with a monolithic fitted stone foundation. I soon discoverd after 2 years on the foudation alone that I just couldn't do it by myself. I have a lot of respect for those that are good at stone work.
Thanks for deciding to continue the site Cyclone.
thanks for deciding to stick around cyclone. We need you.
I have only two things to add to your post: (1) they don't need to run the presses 24/7 (although they do)- the banks pump enough credit into the economy to create asset bubbles like this world has never seen before; and (2) what's going on in Iraq is NOT a civil war, it's something far more sinister.
There are a number of blogs that have multiple contributors. Here is just one example:
The Blue Voice
Rage on my brother!
I am close to deciding to fight from within. We can not give up. We can only rage on!
Let them who have ears, listen. Let them who have eyes, see.
Yeah, Belgium. Please run that by us again. I can't find your original post about whatever country it was that did the bonfires in Europe in the middle ages or something...what was that again? I know it's to show opposition to the government, but go over the details again, will you?
Along with everybody else I am delighted at the decision that Cyclone has come to. Now it is up to everybody else to keep their part of the bargain and lighten the load off Cyclones shoulders. Even the ones who do not feel they are particularly articulate can write ten lines on something especially if Cyclone is going to proof read it before publication. Cyclone also (from a personal view) should I feel commit himself to a MAXIMUM number, (could be less) of posts per month and stick to it, then everybody will know where they stand. Cyclone could jog us along when the number of buffer posts runs low. This is only a suggestion, let us hear other suggestions if you have a different viewpoint.
OK the fires. Apart from Red Indian smoke signals which were the stuff of childrens’ cowboy films, I think that Freeacre is mixing up two other stories.
The English King Henry VIII married Anne of Cleves to form an alliance with Germany but the marriage was not a success and Henry wanted a divorce on the grounds of non consecration of the marriage. The Pope would not agree which led to a major difference between England and Rome, England was a catholic country at that time. Henry declared The Church of England to be the official religion of England and set about sacking all the catholic monasteries in a fit of pique. At the time many people lit bon fires on distant hills to warn the monks that Henries soldiers were on their way and give them time to prepare.
As an amusing aside to this story, future kings decided that it was not a good idea to use this excuse as an out for an unsuccessful marriage, so Knights of the court were ordered to attend the royal bedroom on the first night to ensure the deed was done. Each successive king felt obliged to prove that he was more kingly previous one by performing the act just one more time. Talk about only women faking it!
The other story comes from the 1970’s when the Scandinavian countries were invited to join the European Union (It was then known as The Common Market or European Economic Community) and each country had a referendum to decide. Denmark and Sweden joined but the Norwegian people were set against it although the government of the day wanted in. Many people had the feeling that the result of the referendum would be ignored, that the government would essentially say 28% is a bit near 51% so that is a clear mandate to join. On a particular night the populous lit massive bonfires all around Oslo and in other major centres too as a demonstration of their displeasure and solidarity and in this case the will of the people ruled the day.
I suggested the 20th March because I read that this was the anniversary of the start of the Iraq conflict.
From Belgium.
Thanks for the comments, and the link. While I agree that there are other things likely going on in Iraq, I still am of the belief that the place has been in a Civil War of sorts for probably a year and a half. No doubt, the grand old USA will use that to every advantage, regardless of the cost of life to all involved. What's interesting to me is this: they spend 3 years denying that a civil war is imminent, yet do things to provoke one. Just more total incompetence shown by our great leaders.
And to all: I would highly suggest that you look at qrswave's site, The Truth Will Set You Free. It is on blogspot, or you can get there through the link he provided in his comment. Bookmark it. While we don't totally agree on exactly what is going to happen, I think it's safe to say we agree that we are in big trouble. He especially has a great handle on the financial aspects of today's America and world.
Thanks for your support. As for your question, the actual date is the 20th. If we all start fires, they will be noticed. We are spread out all over the world, but somehow I think Montana might be burning very brightly that night. rockpicker and montana freeman know how to build a fire, I'd bet! Someone might ask you why you are having a fire. You can say it's in memory of fallen soldiers on the anniversary of the illegal war and refer them to this site. Or, whatever you want to tell them. Belgium has written more about it today, I believe.
Thanks Amber.
I know that other sites have contributing writers. I have always tried to avoid that, but I now see why they must. It becomes too large an animal for one person to handle if things are to be written on a consistent basis. It is a lot of work and you get worn pretty thin after a while, especially if it grows a lot. We'll get it worked out, hang in there.
Thanks, man. I will do what I can for as long as I can. That fight from within might be the only way out.
By the way, you probably don't know that we are natural born enemies. I grew up in Norman throwing things at Norm Stewart! No, just kidding. I've been out of there since the late 70's. Still have Sooner blood, but don't take it nearly as seriously as I did when I was living it. This year, guys could be one and out followed by probation, but girls could win it all. C. Paris is an animal! Long 4 years for the rest of the Big 12 girls, I'm afraid. Later,
An amazing choir, I'd say. They certainly astounded me. They don't know it, but they don't need a director! Already a self sufficient congregation in my book.
Thanks for the contributions that you have already sent. I'll get them up soon. And, thanks for all that you do to support this place. You'll never know what it means.
My Belgian friend,
As usual, your words are very meaningful. Thanks for everything. The fire idea is outstanding. I hope that everyone in the world who reads this and is able will participate. If only we could get a satellite view....
By the way, I hope they had some young kings, otherwise heart attacks had to be plentiful!
Oh well! I guess my mother got her licks in the end! I grew up to be a choir boy after all! Geeze! And it only took 48 years!
Glad to se ya back Cyclone! I haven't gotten much computer time in lately. It seems my wife has come to the conclusion that there is a lawn under the huge brush-pile in the yard. Seems I got charged with finding it! So far so good! It rains today, so I got a reprieve.
No, I didn't dance to make it rain, but now that I think about it... NAAAHH! That shit only works for The Navaho! I'll just smoke weed and stare at the sky like I've been doing for the last thirty years! Or I could just do like the White Man and wash the car! Problem is the dirt is the only thing holding it together! NAAH! A little weed will do the deed!
I have to add my comments about keeping the site going, I've been away from the internet for several days. I was reading the most current post first and saw your comments about keeping the site alive.
Clearly I can see that everyone needs a break and some fresh air after contemplating and clearly seeing that "our" little world in the USA is going to crumble. I too come to the site everyday several times a day to see what is new. Your site has led me to many many many others and has given me the ability to now question what I hear in the news. Believe me, when I heard that the Dubai was going to sell their portion of the business associated with the ports, big flashing red lights came on for me. This didn't happen before. I would have just thought, oh see Bush sucumbbed to the pressure. But that surely is not so.
If I can contribute anything I will. The people on this site are all great and offer other points of view.
As far as the bonfire for next monday night. Guess I need to investigate the arson laws and such prior to setting up some big fire in a public park. Don't know where else to do it.
I have passed on a great deal of information that I have learned on this site as well the money issues from qrswave's site. I guess now I maybe should spend more time at work, actually doing what they pay me for and concentrate at home on my future and how I can survive after the crash and how I can do my part now.
Glad you've decided to keep the site--in a more limited capacity. I'm sure others will be sending in ideas and writings for you to post.
We'll keep the truth alive and continue to question what the media feeds us!
Thanks Cyclone and all the choir
hi folks ,
being that there is not much action going on at the site i thought i might throw in a little human interest story, one of my sons was taken from me by the mother and dissapeared without a trace,nothing illegal,it just happened,i had raised the child alone from the age of two till he was eight years old ,i was divistated beond belief,i thought my world had come to an end. seventeen years later guess what? he found me !!that was last year,he turned out to be a computer geek and makes lots of money from that trade but wants to be with his father,he is here with me now in my house,the joy is absolute and cannot be imagined,he wants to learn my trade and will teach me computer stuff.the spirit must have the smile to end all smiles.
thanks for being here cyber family.
with much love and appreciation,
montana freeman
Nice one Montana Freeman good fortune is smiling on you.
Maybe you can both cook marshmallows around the bonfire.
I have just been knocked side ways today, I have been told that it is actually illegal to have a bonfire in Belgium. What sort of a stupid control freak country is this? The people I have spoken to think this is quite normal; what a dumbed down lot they are here. Since the suggestion came from me I feel really cheated. This is another basic freedom down the tubes. I am going to find out exactly what can be done. They can’t stop me drinking whisky out of a bottle in a paper bag.
Mr. Angry from Belgium
montana freeman,
That is great news! Congratulations, and take care of each other. Your story has made my day.
My Angry Belgian friend,
That sucks. Of course, open burning is outlawed where I live as well, but......
Can you do an outdoor fireplace thing? I know that they aren't too terribly expensive, here anyway, (maybe $60 for a cheaper one) and you can use it other times as well.
Just a thought.
You get full credit for the fires burning everywhere but Iraq and Afghanistan on the 20th anyway. I'll build an extra one just for you, in case you can't pull it off.
Angry in Belgium
Take an old oil drum and shoot holes in the bottom of it! Build your fire in that. If the authorities say anything about it tell them you're cooking something! (And have something to cook!)
Montana Freeman,
Great! I'm glad for you! Don't give him any of Rockpicker's cheese!
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