One of my favorite movies of all time is Chinatown, starring Jack Nicholson and Faye Dunaway. It’s an old movie, released in 1974 and was Roman Polanski’s last film before he fled the country. I don’t know, maybe Roman knew something we didn’t and was smarter than we thought. Anyway, late in the movie Nicholson’s character discovers that Dunaway’s character has been less than forthcoming and he becomes angry. He asks her who the child in the movie really is, and she says “she’s my daughter.” Nicholson slaps her, so she says, “she’s my sister.” He slaps her again, and she says, “she’s my sister and my daughter,” indicating that her father had raped her and that the girl actually was her “sister and her daughter.” Mystery solved. The scene reminds me of our world today, mostly when I think of the vampire Dick Cheney.
While I’ve been withdrawn from society and watching from afar, the Boosh administration has created and executed the most horrific “secret society” that has ever led this nation. I have kept thinking that they can go no further nor become more absurd, but naturally I’ve been wrong. I actually thought the pathetic Alberto Gonsalez saga was about the furthest they could go and get away with it, but that turned out to be nowhere near the truth. I can't imagine how they can possibly top DickVille, but if I’ve learned nothing else, it is NEVER to underestimate what these evil creatures are capable of.
In a move to subvert Congress’ ability to provide oversight over this administration by recently stating that he is not a part of the executive branch, Dick Cheney has become a nation of one. He is not the Vice President of the United States; he is not the leader of the Senate of this country. He has become a country within himself, one that incidentally is without boundaries or laws other than those set by him and him alone. He does what he wants, when he wants, and there is no one to stop him. He deals in oil, arms, and Haliburton cash. He hires mercenaries to do his dirty work, has co-opted the US military to die for oil for as long as he can get away with it. George W. Boosh, the one man on earth who could do so, has neither the balls nor the wherewithal to stop him. Or, for that matter, the desire to do so. Meanwhile, our constitution has become irrelevant.
His argument is so absurd on its face that the Republican lawyers cannot begin to defend it. Hell, they can’t even keep a straight face while talking about it, so they don’t. Way back when, Cheney was asked by Congress for records regarding his little secret energy meetings. They started with simple questions, like who in the hell was present, and were told that he would not give up that information using the “executive privilege clause” as cover. He did this knowing full well that the follow up to that was to be, “hey, and what did you guys talk about?” I’ll give you a clue, not that you need it. Those present were the leaders of Exxon, Mobil, BP, etc., and they talked about how to maximize profits from us poor suckers in Middle America, (see price gouging,) and discussed just how to divide up all the profits on the Iraqi oil that they were soon to steal. Everyone already knew this; they just wanted it on the record for future reference and likely prosecution.
Fast forward to today. Now he’s being asked for information regarding certain communications involving the fired prosecuting attorneys and he now says that he is not a part of the “executive branch” at all but the leader of the Senate. In other words, he said “bite me.” He might not be the first Veep to tell Congress to shove it, but is clearly the first who is allowed to do so by his boss. Tony Snow won’t even touch this one. He sends his merry band of Bimbo communication hacks out to answer questions these days and they can’t keep a straight face. They just say that they don’t really know what “theory” the vampire is working under, and that you really need to ask his office for clarification. That’s great, except they don’t answer the phone in DickVille. Or, if they think it’s Aunt Sally calling and accidentally pick it up only to find a member of the press on the other end, they say “bite me” and hang up. That’s how it works in Dickville, and if you don’t like it, tough shit. Sue me, and we’ll drag it out until we’re out of office and then it won’t matter. Now that Alito and Roberts are in charge of things, Dick might even win. But then you have jurisdictional issues; I’m not sure that SCOTUS has any say in what goes on in DickVille. They would probably refuse to hear the case anyway. After all, they put the bastards in office in the first place.
Rob Emanuel has it right. De-fund the Vice President, take away his salary, secret service detail, Air Force II, give him one damn secretary and pay him a Senator’s salary. Great thought, but it will never happen. You’ll just be told “bite me” when you try to take the plane.
Slap/ I’m in the Executive branch, Slap/ I’m the head of the Senate, Slap/ I’m in the Executive branch AND I’m the head of the Senate. Welcome to DickVille.
We’re in serious trouble folks.