Or, this was all planned out ahead of time. from Murph
Since the last post on the 9th, I have been trying to get a feel for how the forecasters on several fronts tie in together. I am sure that most of you are seeing much the same forecasts as I am. It is looking pretty grim, but of course, for the last 2 years it has been looking grim.
Looking at what appears to be happening.
Food prices at the grocery store and restaurants have been increasing steadily since last year. The primary reason? Ethanol production.
Gas prices at the pump have been fluctuating all over the place, but keep increasing overall. The primary reason? Lack of refinery ability to keep up.
Inflation is in full swing. The Feds are in a bind. If they do what has traditionally been done to slow or stop inflation, that is, to raise interest rates the economy will tank. The primary reason? Running the printing presses full blast has increased the money supply beyond the ability of the economy to support its value. You increase money supply beyond production and capital investment needs and the value of the money goes down. That is called inflation.
Currently, according to some figures I have recently read, the economic top 25% or the of the population control 55% of the national assets. That is, the gap between wealth and low income is widening and becoming more severe. The primary reason? Policies of the Federal Reserve and the government. Every economic policy since Reagan has resulted in a further concentration of wealth into fewer hands. You think we learned that trickle down economics doesn’t work? But nooooo, more of the same is what we need.
According to everything I see, our military is stretched beyond its ability to be affective. We have too many military bases all over the world and our million personnel force is scattered also. Why do you think we have hired over 500,000 mercenaries? The primary reason? The present administration has ambitions of having controlling interest in world affairs, that is, empire building. Plus, we need energy in the form of fossil fuels to keep things rolling while that last of the loot is carried away, and currently, the last of the big oil is in the east under countries that really don’t like us much. They must come under our control or our economy will all fall apart. Think it’s possible?
This debt is so huge, there is no way it can be paid.
Already, the administration is preparing the American population for explanations of why we aren’t going to get out of
The ‘greenies’ and ecological buffs are screaming for alternative sustainable sources of energy. None of which are sustainable. The American public is gaily paying higher prices for energy with no thought of having to give up even a part of the lifestyle we are so entitled to due to birthright.
Now, back to the title of this post. Is all of this just unforeseen consequences? I haven’t event touched on other aspects of what is going on. The consequences of the events and circumstances going on around us is horrendous. The biggies are going to be huge social disruption, rebellion and eventual die off. Could this be by mistake by those people that have the ability to affect policy? Could they really be that stupid?
Despite anything else that can be said about the elites that have control of how things are done, they are not stupid. I personally suspect that we are not seeing unforeseen consequences. I think this has been carefully planned out for the most part. Now that most of the wealth of the world has been focused into the hands of a very small minority, I think that they are going to let it all come tumbling down. Thus reducing the population to more manageable size, and keeping and iron control over just about everything and everyone.
Do you remember the stuff going around the internet by J. Gould some time back? The attitude in his writings was dominated by the concept of the majority of people should shut up and do what they were told by their betters. When you look at the mechanizations and thinking of the elitists groups, it sure looks to me that this is how they see the rest of the world. Well, controlling 6 billion people to that extent is simply impossible. We got to be trimmed down to size that can be controlled. On top of this attitude is what sure seems obvious to me. Right now, the third world countries are increasing their population by 80 million per year, and most of those populations exist in a state of hunger, much less arguing about what movie to watch tonight. This earth, obviously, has overshot the amount of people it can support. And it is all due to oil. If the elites want to continue to live their life of luxury and being waited on hand and foot, a bunch of us have to go. If the population of the world is to be fed and housed to make them productive for the elites, a bunch has to go.
I speculate that the biggest problem for the elites in accomplishing this is avoiding the die off themselves. That is one of the problems with the chemtrail conspiracies, the introduced viruses conspiracies and others that are circulating around. How do you keep from being adversely affected by what you do to reduce population? That could just be the ‘unintended consequences’ for unleashing stuff to get it done and over with post haste. Of course, there is the preemptive nuclear war solution, the starve ‘em solution, and God knows what else that can be dreamed up.
In any case we might imagine, I do not think all that we see going on right now is unintended. If I am correct, we are indeed toast.
Yea, they can be that stupid! Are they? Well....
As far as the population reduction scenario goes, well all you've got to do is look at the genetic manipulation being done in this country to get your answer! The simpleast, (so likely the first) organism to manipulate is a virus! Now who would geneticly manipulate a virus, and what would they do with it after they geneticly manipulated it? It would have to be something simple! Pehaps taking a virus that infects shimpanzees, and manipulating it's DNA and RNA matrix so that it infects humans, too! Hmm....! Sound familliar?
Now for the next question! Would "they" do it? With smiles on their faces, and songs in their hearts, they would!
If by stupid we mean a low IQ, then they aren't stupid. They do a lot of stuff that appears stupid to us, and may screw with our lives, but they have a purpose.
This is one of the problems with genetic manipulation and making an infectuous virus. You might just be doing yourself in too. A dangerous game to play I would think.
Would they try that? I think they already have. But, I think they see the danger in that route too. Just to easy to lose control of an errant bug.
Speaking of errant bugs, the link that Rockpicker sent in the last post regarding the genetically engineered pesticides in the DNA of grains that may end up producing drug resistant bacteria in the vegetables, etc. is really scary. I don't know how in the world we could know what is good and what is poisonous. And, we are not the only country that is doing this kind of thing. It might end up being a race to see who is the "last man standing" one of these days. Let's see...what country has the largest population? And, where are we importing a lot of our food from... hummm.
On another topic, check out the link
regarding the immigration numbers - fascinating. We got a problem...
From Belgium,
Just over a week ago, I attended an official birthday party for her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (God bless her and her heirs in perpetuity). Turncoat, I hear you saying. Well it is a bit of a complicated story and I am easily influenced as you all know, especially where free food and drink at her Majesty’s expense are concerned. After it was all over, our little group found somewhere to continue toasting her health and someone there asked me that same old stupid question of what I would do if I won big time on the lottery. Trying not to be disdainful and saying that you have to be in it to win it, I took it at face value and said “I would probably first off, visit my kids because it is a while now since I have seen them, Then, If America was still open, I would visit as many of my internet friends as I could and then I would probably bugger off lock stock and barrel to New Zealand”.
“Why there” came the puzzled replies?
“Well, they are awfully nice people, they used to be British don’t you know. They speak the same language (almost); they just carry on with their ordinary rural lives without making waves; in all of recorded history they have never produced anybody famous (I am willing to stand corrected on this but it not an easy one to knock down) and – Here is the crunch – it is sufficiently far out of the way when Bush declares Martial Law in the USA”.
I didn’t have to count to three, it was as if a hundred cattle auctioneers had suddenly jumped up in the middle of the NYSE and started to sell the furniture.
In my naivety I didn’t think I was saying anything controversial. I know not everybody thinks along parallel lines but I expected that even if they had not fully thought it through, there would be some broad consensus.
After enduring assaults on my sanity someone finally said “He would never get it through Congress” and I said “He doesn’t have to, the President has written one of those letters to the Commander in Chief (himself) giving him and the chief of Homeland Security total authority over Congress; the judiciary and the legal branch in the event of a national emergency and who do you guess it is who decides what a national emergency is”? “And if you don’t believe me you can check it out yourself because they were arrogant enough to put it up on the White House web site and so far as I know it is still there. That was kind of a hard one to argue against.
I am not afraid to be controversial but I do hate it when you have to read the lesson to supposedly educated people.
So I put it this way. I said, “If you go into the living room of a thousand people’s homes, in 999 cases their furniture will point at the television. In a similar way the Bush Presidency has pointed towards Martial Law. First you had Patriot Acts I & II. This gave him permission to intercept any communication at all between any two people at all in America or any communication inbound to or outbound from America and before you say ‘This is what GCHQ does all the time and I don’t feel threatened’, the point is that it is specifically against their constitution. The normal procedure is to get a judge to sign a warrant to intercept a communication and in all the tens of thousands of requests to date, only three have ever been turned down. If the legal branch is so compliant then why does he need to get around the system? Is it because he is building an unconstitutional data base on all Americans? If he is not doing it then why does he need the powers”?
“Secondly, he has stuck up two fingers at the Geneva Convention and said that “We can torture people so long as we don’t do it in our own country. Anyway these people are not POW’s they are enemy combatants”. He makes it up as he goes along. “What most of these people are, are nothing in particular. They are not people who know the secret of how a battalion is being led into disaster or even ones that have invaded the Matrix and have to be debriefed before they are got rid of. Some of these ‘detainees’ are only eleven years old”. The only purpose of torture is total control through complete humiliation.
“More recently we have had the Military Commissions Act. The main bits of this are that they repealed the Posse Comitatus Act. This means that the military can be put on the streets in place of the police to quell public disorder. If you have seen the excessive riot police response to G8 & WTO demonstrations, why do they need extra? Also included in this Act is the abandonment of prisoners’ rights of Habeas Corpus, so that any prisoners can be incarcerated indefinitely without trial. In addition to this, Halliburton have built about 830 detention centers (concentration camps) each capable of holding between 20,000 and 200,000 people and FEMA have tutored helpful pastors in quelling public anxiety during relocation in a time of national emergency”.
Now we have the latest announcement that the President can personally, without reference to any other branches of government, take complete command of the whole country”.
“When you take all of this together, what does this tell you about what is going to happen next”?
I did kind of over reach myself a little bit by saying that whatever comes about will have to happen before the end of the presidency in Dec 2008 and since a high ranking General will likely make a very critical report on the progress of the post surge Iraq War in Sept, then this report will probably be trumped by some action in August of this year.
Overall, I was left with the impression that just because you have silenced people, you have not necessarily got them to agree with you. Anyway, all in all, Her Majesty’s birthday party ended on a bit of a bummer.
After this ramble, I will get back to topic. The four remaining largest untapped oil fields all happen to be inside the borders of Russia and that irritating Mr Putin has publicly said that they are not open to foreign investment. Oh drat!
As for the rest, from inflation to population control, to first and third world debt poverty, everything is moving along nicely to plan.
It is all explained here although I must forewarn you, it is a monster read.
You really should have saved that last link for Halloween. Yup, they traced it back for sure. Been going on a long time.
Your replies to the people at the party sound right on to me. I have a lot of the same reactions around here. Just more denial of events and implications.
i think you are right Murph, we are toast, but somehow i know we will land butter side up.
Thank you P
ps,i planted my six legal marijuana plants on fathers day.
From Belgium,
People are beginning to fight back and very small cracks are beginning to appear in corporate armour, insignificant at the moment but who knows? I have just learned that the townships of Licking and Porter in Pennsylvania have made history by adopting ordinances that eliminate a corporation’s ability to claim ANY constitutional rights as a “person”. So as people become more aware they are beginning to retalliate. It is not all gloom and doom.
I hope you are right. The problem I see around this concept is that the fight is being carried on in a legal manner, within the legal system. When you are opposing a power group that can change the law pretty much at will, they have a strangle hold on the oposition don't they? At a more local level, this could be effective. We are seeing it work in our community. On the national level, I don't know. They keep changing the rules as fast as someone finds the crack.
Belgium --
I don’t think you were overreaching by saying that whatever comes about will have to happen before the end of the presidency in Dec 2008. I was surprised we made it to the ‘06 elections. IF we do get to the elections in ‘08, it will mean the voting machines have been so thoroly rigged that the GOP will win regardless.
But, on a topic that pops up here off and on -- I realized yesterday how the government is actually doing us in. Not with a superbug, or poisoned food and water supplies or rounding up us dissidents or any of the other conspiracies we read about. No, the Haliburton hotels are for those the bureaucracies have driven round the bend. They will either drive us over the edge or to an early grave from aggravation.
I recently tried to sell my house but have returned to it when it didn’t sell. First, it took me three weeks, two trips to the post office, one grabbing of a letter carrier and three e-mails to someone answering mail on their web site. to get them to stop forwarding my mail. But even after I got a phone call that it had been corrected, mail was still forwarded.
Or lost. I got my old phone number back with no trouble, but can’t get the low-income elder rate I had. The phone co. has some organization that mails out the forms. They say they did. I haven’t gotten it after two months and all I can get from them is they sent it and I need to call the phone co. Of course, the phone co. has a voice-activated answering machine which never can understand what I want. I’ve found in my frustration that yelling at it does get it to transfer you to a person. But the phone co. doesn’t have enough operators to handle the volume of calls. so that’s really not that helpful unless you like to listen to music not of your choice for 10-20 minutes.
And the DMV found out I no longer had insurance on my car so they were suspending my license. I wrote them back that I no longer had insurance because I no longer had that car. Well, who had it? -- name and address. It was easier to send in a form that it would not be operated in this state. They said that was invalid because I hadn’t sent it in on time. Huh?
Now,excuse me while I go pull out the rest of my hair before I run babbling out into the street.
I must say that I am in awe that you know so much about what is going on in the USA, and you don't even live here. You are amazing. I am still reading that e-book you referred us to. Puts it all in a very depressing nutshell, for sure.
To lighten things up, I am turning to a bowl of popcorn and a fluff science fiction movie, "Android Apocalypse."
By the way, tomorrow is the summer solstice, folks.
First, let me say that Murph, your post is another valued warning,
and Belgium, your rambling
is a fine and relevant speech.
This is real journalism, of the most vibrant and necessary kind.
You have gone and seen the enemy,
and reported back the state of it's mind.
Second, let me take this opportunity to remind everyone, as if admonishment was needed,
tomorrow the distant drums
that keep an eye on the sun,
and its orbiting gaggle
of rocks and gas, will beat again
on this blue stone
to signify our awareness
of being aware of our mother's
progress on her yearly circuit.
Things do seem grim.
But our energy is high.
Look how well Belgium writes,
tight and alert. And Freeacre,
picking up on the dna connection.
Despite what the dolts,
who surround us, bleat and bray,
it's our lot to finally
take their hands, in this
darkening day and lead them
into the only light we know.
Keep the faith. That light
will glow for those of us who
know the light for good.
They will, at some point,
distinguish stone from wood.
I like what you have written. I do hope they will eventually learn to distinguish wood from stone, but I will not hold my breath in anticipation.
I suppose it is small satisfaction that the bumbling bureocracy is alive and functioning in Europe also. I wonder what will happen in the U.S. when the bureocracy ceases to function much at all.
I have said this before.
You know I repeat what other's
have said. We're in the time
of disclosure. By equinox,
the time we dread.
P,"the conditioning is massive. and so, the unraveling is complicated."
From your site p, got me to thinking about this unraveling thing,..something inherently unsatisfactory here, what it is ain't exactly clear, but one wise old elder explained to me that if you think about it...ok, conditioning is massive, more massive that it includes our entire life it seems,and after each probe into this morass of insanity it becomes more clear that the approach to this problem i believe is just that, The Approach, how does one approach something that contains maybe within its self all the good and evil in the world? From rags to riches?
The main thing that this old elder i happened upon to, directed me to was this, the massive conditioning is time, time in the psychological sense of the word.Time to become someone, time to learn something,time to become something other then what we ARE, this approach is meaningless because within it lies the assumption that it takes time to figure things out.
And does it?
What is important here is to me this,..aside from going to the grave still trying to figure our who and what we are, and all along the way scattering the seeds of destruction
through our blind mindless searching, we will never figure it out, because what is not taken into consideration is this, is there a difference between the figure and the figureie,? i know this is repetitious , but it always returns to the same mistake,..which is as Freeacre says , who are they,? and what is the difference between them and us,,,ok now, not a goddam thing.
WE are the same,
Now if we look with clear unadulterated vision, which according to the old elder requires not practice, because that leads us back into the same viper pit we are trying to examine, but to just look....and observe in silence,the comings and goings of the mind with out prejudice, with out condemnation or judgment of what we find, that that in itself will lead one to understanding,....easy to say arduous to do,? yep, at least for this one, however it does work, at least for this one because i can see it manifest in my daily life.
So in seeing the rage in the mind and leaving it alone and just watching it, it will tell a great story, not about me but about every one because we all go through the same conditioning, some a little more this, some a little more that, but basically the minds are the same. So understanding our selfs, not according to some fucking psychology or philosophy book, but just to look leads us to the fact that we really are one! Not just a new age buzz word, for the people that think that they are cool. And after that when the supposed trigger that throws us into a tizzy manifests, it will be recognized for what it is and its power to destroy will be lessened until such time as it will be recognized for what it is before it happens?? And at that point i think that the powers of creation which we are,will give the act of action a touch of love and just maybe we can put the guns away.
To be continued, i know some of this sounds like horse shit, but i don't know how else to put it yet.
Last night my good friend, and i lay in the (literal)garden of earthly delights and felt the welcome of summer upon the onions and garlic in the rows aside us, and thanked the Great Spirit for the Magic that entangled us as we became part of the garden,and the lighting storm that raged overhead and got us soaked in the milk of the mother was peachy keen also.
From Belgium,
It is always satisfying to have positive peer review, thanks for the encouragement guys but you all know that is not why I wrote it. I only wish we were discussing ways of keeping the deer out of the cabbage patch instead of the thoughts which seem to occupy us now.
American politics is easy, you have the bad guys and the pseudo bad guys and you have to figure out who will do the best deal for you. As has been said, there are a few good ones in the bunch, Ron Paul; Krucnich I even like Ray McGovern but he is pushing on now and I guess the Bilderbergers didn’t take to him when he had a shot against Nixon. There was a guy around in 2005, can’t remember his name now who was encouraging anyone at all to spend the $20 or $100 or whatever it costs to register as a candidate to run for congress and that was all they would spend on the campaign. They would call themselves something like the NOT Democrat or Republican Party just to see how many votes they got. They said they would figure out policy when they got in but they reckoned whatever it was would be better than the alternative. Sometimes you just have to admire cranky logic.
Over here it is a lot more complicated. Very simply you have the Socialists and at the opposite end of the spectrum you have the Catholics (can you make any sense of that). There are so many small parties that some group together and some of the smaller ones join with bigger ones which is to the supposed advantage of both except that all to some extent or other have to dilute their policies to accommodate each other. On top of that there is a proportional representation system which means that if the leading party does not secure 67% of the popular vote then they have to form a coalition with other parties until the required percentage is achieved. In the recent national elections the National Front (Vlaams Belang) got the second highest proportion of the popular vote but all the other parties are treating them like the germs that caught penicillin. In effect the system is designed to produce the lowest common denominator rather than the highest common factor. When you vote for a mish mash, extreme movements are unlike to win, except that The Netherlands, our neighbour to the north is now a predominantly Muslim country and this is frightening the hell out of our good burgers. Anyway the party that was just put out was the party of not too bad policies but very high taxes and the current winners are the party which is going to devolve more policy to the townships. Belgium is the only European country where voting is mandatory. Because of my status here (married to a Belg and been here enough time) I can choose whether to be in or out but so far I am resisting. If I ever say yes then they have got me for life and quite simply it is just too damn hard for me to figure out.
I figure that we will have bumbling beurocracy when yours has evaporated, but wasn’t this your game plan all along?
Understanding by observing is fine but is it enough to get rid of the problem?
We have all heard that agriculture is the process of turning oil into food. The thing I feel you have identified is that the three feet that distances the tractor seat from the ground separates the driver from any feeling of being connected to the land. He is now just an outdoor machine operator and no longer a farmer. What do you think?
RP On changing seasons:
From The Strawbs:
While seasons change in timely way
The salt sea ever flows
Where open moors lie cold and bleak
A single flower grows.
Though winter snows fall deep and long
The flower grows the while
The weary traveler passing by
Feels warmer for her smile.
Sunshine and the tender flower
Both melt the young man's heart
But he who lingers waits his turn
Must learn to play his part.
Through summer days of warmth and love
The young man tends his flower
But blinded by their colours bright
Heeds not the passing hour.
The autumn trees once clothed with gold
Now frayed and sadly worn
The flower bids a chill farewell
The young man's heart is torn.
While seasons change in timely way
The salt sea ever flows
Where open moors lie cold and bleak
A single flower grows.
What if we imagine a new possibility?
Check this out:
I could think of worse ways to spend an hour.
mf... on the farm where i grew up we grew the finest gardens in the county. on horseshit. so i never underestimate what can grow from it.
mr b... wise words re the tractor seat and the farmer. in my mind, well placed metaphors never quite get the credit they truely deserve. for the first three years of my life my dad farmed with a team of horses. obstinate critters they can be. i would be too were i pushed to toil under a whip all day. my dad and they never seemed quite eye to eye. he considered their differences with his point of view to be some form of illusive conspiracy totally dedicated to the sole purpose of fuckin with him. one day he had em all hitched up and about to head for the fields when one of em droped deader'n a nail pulling the other one over on top of it, breaking a leg in the process.
he "modernized" and bought a tractor. tractors have their ways of being obstinate too. but thats another story. or is it conspiracy?
anyway, this tractor was an 1939 alis chalmers. one of the first with rubber tires but it took 3 good men to turn it even when it was movin. no way was it kid friendly. so he ran it and bought a little 8n ford for the up and coming kids. i was on it when i was 5.
when you start with somethng that young it can be difficult to come to the realization that there are other realities all around you. other realities a mere 3 feet below you. and it can be an even longer time before realizing the grim reality that these other realities remain hidden in plain site when one's own mind has been so damn busy having a love affair with itself.
the mind observes and that can expand its point of view. does that expand the pov of that which it is observing if the mind merly sits observing, disconnected from the sensual and emotional aspects? how much has the mind really learned of the other and how much has the other learned of the mind when segragated? can either really fully understand what it is without being a part of the whole?
i can think of something in my mind. if i can see it, it may not look the same if i just think it. if, at the same time, i can smell it too, my thought of it expands. if i can taste too, it expands even more. and even more if i can touch it too. if can FEEL something, that reality is added into the mix.
if i don't feel my rage and let it move, vibrate, let it express, let it bring its reality forward, how can i really know what its all about? how would i know if its really approiate to the experience of the moment or just giving me a reflection of a previous experience that doesn't really fit this moment? how would each, the mind and the charge, the energy, that is the rage, expand the point of view of their own seperate realities?
would each, the mind and the other, more fully realize each others realities if they get together down in the trenches and dig in the dirt and connect by experiencing what is happening in the moment? what of the mind's own wisdom could it offer to the other? what wisdom could the other offer the mind? what mis-interpretations, judgements, and mis-understandings could be healed? what happens with each if they connect mentally, physically, and emotionally on an experiential level? will they realize they are all connected up and inter-dependent, each on, and responsive to, the other?
it seems to me both have much to learn. and ya, thats what its all about. lessons. communion... back and forth. do this and we... the realities... evolve along destiny's path. don't do it and the realities remain frozen. left to create the future based on the frozen past.
the mind can only expand its own dream. left to its own devices, thats no more than a wet dream. the emotional charges cannot expand if they are not allowed in. left to their own devices they will re-create their realities.
is it possible that such interchange is the intercourse, the concubine, and heart could be conceived and born into life from such? can heart, the heart this planet so sorely lacks, be born from all this heartlessness that surrounds us?
i still have many stones unturned and many lessons to learn. but i realize profoundly that i am connected to all of you. and all of us are connected to all of the earth. and to the great spirit. the electro, the light, consciousness, our father. the will, the magnetic, the emotional body, our mother. the earth... a living aspect of our mother.
but i did not learn this from a tractor seat. more like learned it the way we all learn... from the seat of the pants. learned that i am connected to all of you and all of us are connected to our mother and father and they were never meant to be seperate from one another nor we from them.
the river gods taught me. i learned it from the seat of my boat that me and curiosity found while shoping one day. whats the difference between a tractor seat and a boat seat? or the seat of my pants? nothing. i could have learned it from the tractor seat. but i didn't. i was younger then.
it really wasn't the seat. it was more a feeling i got from it than anything i can put into words.
know what i mean brothers and sisters? if i think about it, its one thing. if i feel it, its something much more profound.
what has been left unfelt is the great unraveling. momma's about to show us just how much has been left unfelt. and thus, seperate.
Hey all. Good post murph. I don't think any of this is unintended either.
Yesterday was the summer solstice. The second holiest day of the year for people of my faith. The longest day and the shortest night.
Unfortunately, el diablo desecrated my neck of the woods yesterday, and gave a speech about how nuclear power is the key to our future. I was 50 miles away and could still smell the stench.
Times are chagning fast. The Earth is crying out. I may be wrong, but I can't help but feel that a reckoning is coming.
Murph, I love it when you write your thoughts. You have raised some interesting angles. There are indeed some incredibly stupid wealthy people in the world...I've met a few of them. We know there's a huge number of incredibly foolish people in general...or at least mis-informed, detatched and so self absorbed they don't want to know what's going on. And not to make light of the fact that we are "toast"...if I'm going to be toast I want a cupa tea to go with it and some honey. If the bees all die, honey will be liquid gold and more costly than gas. Milk already is. As for the virus stuff, why have so many DNA Phd bio chemists past over to the other side? Maybe there's another reason for blocking stem cell research than keeping up the religious right happy contest. That baboon has got one ounce of spirituality in him but the illusion has been created.
Oh poop! I meant: "hasn't" got one ounce of spirituality in him, as in HAS NOT. How many top DNA people have been axed? I can't remember..17, 24?
...and i meant "passed" over as in gone, history, murdered, dead.
My brain doesn't spell well.
There's only one thing that could save us now. 20 foot tall socialist organic farm women in spandex from outerspace, another galaxy, decending upon us and taking over everything.
Mrs. P,
You touched on an important point. The notion that lots of middle-aged, urban and not-so-urban professionals, or at least educated- to- be- professionals, many whom have made it elsewhere and are kicking back, building dream homes or just settling into older houses in little towns all across Amerika are actually a larger part of the problem than anyone has really suggested. But you said it succinctly. THEY DON'T WANT TO KNOW! And so, we can't educate them. And we can't enlist them, if they don't see a problem, which, mostly, they don't.
These people are my friends. I know lots of them. Some of them are my relatives. They're smart. They do, or did, work good jobs. They saved nest eggs. They bought into the 401 K plan scenario, and they damn-well expect to retire early and live second lives as unencumbered free souls, pursuing happiness and discovering their true selves. After all, they've played by the rules, and they've earned it.
Many of us who gather by this fire to discuss our respective realities find this expectation of "retirement" absurd. For those who can't afford health care or advanced education, simply keeping up with the bills and providing a roof over our heads, not to mention buying food and gasoline, is about all we can handle. The concept of retirement is as foreign as Palestinian autonomy.
I suspect that attitude is a result of perceptions shaped by biased media coverage AND the conscious, or maybe unconscious, selection of information that does not threaten
agreed safe paths to the future.
The fact of the matter is that most of the people to whom I'm referring hate the jobs they do. They do their jobs, like good soldiers, they pay their tithe to Caesar and they look forward to enjoying the consummation of their contracts with civil society.
Where, exactly, are their "retirement" funds invested? Do "green" firms pay the kinds of dividends these people are expecting? I suggest much of the capital needed to sustain the Empire's military efforts for securing the last few drops of world oil comes from these very sources. And, I suggest they know full well that they are responsible , to no small degree, for the continued abomination of Amerika's attack on the planet.
That is why the "self-absorbed" do not want to know. Because they know damned-well they are guilty.
They have all bought into a fucked system and they all share common self interests, and they are stuck defending each other's abominable actions, for good or ill.
They do not want to hear what threatens their future. Another false-flag attack, (as predicted on truthseeker recently), will only drive this silent majority deeper into the administration's camp.
All because of money.
It makes me sicko!
From Belgium,
I have to look no further than my own family to see some building, some changing houses; investing in the new generation; friends changing cars, all committing themselves to the future and I want to gout onto my roof, raise my fists in the air and rage “NO”. But my silly, out of skew voice would be lost in the wind.
I see multi coloured fluorescent lolly ices turning up in the freezer, for the already hyperactive granddaughter of course and I shake my head and think “I have already given them all the shit on this, so why are they still doing it”?
I have never been a druggy, except for alcohol and not too much of that these days but I see it going on. I heard a global figure of bn$700yr. In case you skipped over the shorthand that is two thousand million dollars per day. What would that do for your mortgage? But since all of your taxes go into the pockets of the owners of the Fed the money for the CIA and American infrastructure has to come from somewhere as well as keeping certain aristocracy in its rightful place. And of course there is the double whammy of keeping the populous compliant, what could be better? Of course we are winning the war on drugs, like other elusive wars – could we ever afford to loose them? What else is keeping the economy robust?
Rockpicker, speaking of jobs, check out Jan Lundberg's latest:
Unlucky to have a job
From Belgium,
Ras – on global warming and rising meltwaters. This really looks bad.
All - Could Veep Cheney have broken the 11th commandment?
Yes Rockpicker, I hear some say, I don't want to hear about that stuff that 'might' be and things I can't do anything about and things I have no connection to. To this I respond, you are, you can and you are. They will keep on hearing about it, like it or not and they can do something about it and they are connected. Everything is connected.
It's just easier to 'stay in love' with the 'dream' and keep thinking 'it's all good' and hang in the wannabe disneyland mindset that they're part of the, I'm getting-richer-gonna-have-it-made crowd. These desires have to be delusional. What is the value of anything when it's fake? We fool ourselves. And we love to hear that fluffy barbie doll news that things are improving and everythings okay. We just don't want to look at the lemons. It is a two year old mentality.
They'd be better off selling everything they own and buying silver. I'd like to do this but my husband can't wrap his head around it. It wouldn't buy much but I'd feel safer.
And the way money works is so weird and unbeliveable. I'm just now learning about it myself thanks to a google video link send to me by Anon in Belgium I believe. The whole thing is smoke and mirrors. And those people buying everything in suburbia are in for some shocks because the world is changing rapidly. Are all of us ready for a crash? In case the Plunge Protectors fail. What do we need? If all the stores are closed and you can't access your bank. What would we do? I guess I could live on rice and our garden but I'm renting. If there's a crash, the owner who says he's not selling might get desperate. It's not a fun thing to think about. I don't want to become homeless and end up in a Halliburton tent. All of our current situations are different and have different solutions but we have to consider our day to day and change our sails accordingly.
Anon from Belgium
Your post was funny. I could see you on your roof with your hands in the air. You're not alone. And those lolly ices...that was halarious to me. I've been reading labels for so long I think I spend more time reading in the stores than I do at home. Watch out for that Red #40 dye. It's no wonder there's so much ill health, we've got so much poop in our food.
From Belgium,
Sometimes you need a vivid imagination to see the lighter side of it.
Over here food additives come in three sorts, colourings, preservatives and enhancers (not to many of these thank goodness), and they all have three figure European numbers. For example E102 (or e102) is the nasty orange one that turns normal kids into clockwork mice. Here is a report on Jeff Rense’s site which says there is a causal effect. It is undergoing peer review before it is published officially.
Btw, wrt food; just as a complete downer, did you check out the Codex Alimenteroius I referenced in the comments of the previous post?
The internet is so full of bad stuff to immerse yourself in every day I think I will start watching Fox news before I become a complete cycle path. I expect that you know a company exists as a “person” in law so that if you sue a company, you actually sue the imaginary “person” that the company exists as. I saw a documentary recently which quite clearly stated that the multinational corporation exhibits all the behavioral traits of a psychopath.
I too am renting but when I saw the possibility of bad things on the horizon a couple of years ago I applied for a social house with the belief that however bad things got they would not take it off me. Such things are not bad at all, especially the more modern ones and the pre WWII stigma of houses for the poor has long disappeared. The trouble is that you do have to wait your turn and now our self building relatives have moved out and there are only two of us, what they would allocate us would be quite small (smaller than I would like, maybe). I would settle for small with a garden.
It would seem that my wife and your husband have similar outlooks. There are none so blind as those who don’t want to see.
I heard some time ago that not everybody in USA uses the Federal Reserve Notes and that other monetary systems coexist. Are there alternative systems that you know of and if so are they small and localized or more widespread? What sort of a proportion would you estimate?
kBelgium, re alternative money systems: do a search on alternative curriencies. You'll get an eyefull. They're not everywhere, not very widespread, and operate mostly as a supplement to the Federal system, but they are there and growing. Some have been around for as long as 15 years. The feds often harass them, however.
Yesterday, Oldensoul and I were talking about this situation. I said probably only a handful of people in the whole country are paying attention and know what is going on, and actually want to know. By her gasp of disbelief, I inferred she considered my estimate niggardly low.
So, to put things right, let me state that I think maybe 1% of the population is paying attention, and WANTS to know what is happening. Mind you, this is an admittedly unscientific estimate drawn up by my left brain based on observations of interactions with the small number of people I personally come into contact with in my isolated , cattle- and- tourist- dependent corner of the Great Amerikan Desert.
One per cent of 300 million is still three million, right? Sounds like a lot, but it's, well, just a handful, really.
How many people do you know, talk to on a daily basis, run into , drink with, socialize with once a week, you know, friends who share lots of the same ideas and feelings you hold dear, but don't like to talk "politics"? Can't go there, can you? It makes them uneasy. And you are SO unmellow for always bringing up this anti-establishment rhetoric! Why can't you just let it go? You bum people out! They already know about all this shit you keep telling them, and there's nothing they can do about it, so why not just mellow out?
"There oughta be a law against you coming around. You oughta be made to wear earphones!"
We're talking about the "willfully uninformed" here, and they make up the majority of our country's citizenry. They're good, hard-working, bright people who, for some reason I have not quite got a handle on, as yet, do not want their reality paradigms challenged. Maybe it's like the Sleep-Number bed that Garrison Keillor is always promoting. Dial in your comfort level, and hit snooze. Every man, and woman, for themselves.
I'm sitting in a small house, in a small town in southcentral Montana, watching the setting sun elongate the shadows of spruce trees across my neighbors' manicured lawns. One older neighbor, a rancher's wife, who lives two doors down, grows a garden. She's recovering from cancer. We chat sometimes, over sagging wire, when she pauses her walking to access my raised beds.
But, all in all, I'm feeling lonely. Close friends say I'm out of balance. At parties, I'm introduced as the one who keeps everyone else informed.
How do we build a movement, if no one will move?
A conversation with Ignorance is just Assertion suffered by Doubt.
You have some good observations there, and valid questions. Want one perspective of answers? Both Freeacre and I have just finished a new book that is out by Joe Bagaent called "Deer Hunting With Jesus". Joe outdid himself with this book. It will answer a multitude of questions that we ask on this site. The book is astute enough and intense enough to almost numb your brain. I plan to read it again. I would recommend it to most anyone.
By the way, I think your 1% might be a tad high at this time. I am drawing not only from what I hear in conversation but also from what I read on the internet. I'm not talking about news items. I'm talking about essays and commentaries. It sure seems to me that I am coming across a whole lot of 'pie in the sky' talk, new age wistfull thinking, pointing of fingers at the bad guys who did this to me kind of stuff. That's one reason I like Bagaent to much. He is so down to earth he has shit and dirt on his worn out boots. Clear and articulate observations and conclusions.
"There are cracks in everything. Cracks let the light in."
Leonard Cohen
The hometown of my adulthood, South Lake Tahoe, is burning down. Several of my old friends and co-workers have lost their homes. My niece and her four children barely escaped being blown up when the duplex next to them exploded yesterday in Kelso, Washington. And, I just finished reading Joe Bageant's new book: "Deer Hunting with Jesus," which gives a compassionate and unrelenting look at the suffering of the working class.
As the shit hits the fan, I gotta feeling that there are going to be many days ahead like this one. Good grief.
rp... 1% is what catherine austin fitts found. exactly 1 out of 100. she tells us all about it in the red button story.
thats what art bell, host of coast2coast radio, found about his listeners too. He had read an excerpt of Kunstler's "Long Emergency" in Rolling Stone. He was moved by what Kunstler had to say about Peak Oil so he did a 3 hour call-in show about it to get people's reactions to the issue. He ran a straw poll midst this asking a handful of questions like, do you believe we're near peak? At what price can you no longer afford to buy gas? And, perish the thought, would you steal or even kill if the wheels come off? Dozens of callers responded. most tried in every way imaginable to avoid that last question. But, to Bell's credit, he held their pants to the fire. I heard one caller say they would not resort to killing their own neighbor.
it rattled bell's cage.
mine too. but disturbingly, when the rubber meets the road, thats about how it turns out. i wrote about the fitts story and the bell show in the rubber meets the road, parts 1 ( and 2 (
but mostly those are about your point exactly... "they don't wanna know".
what inspired me to write those was not fitts or bell. they were just antedots, the frosting on the whole rotten cake. what had gotten me going was the steorn thing. steorn, a european company, claims to have discovered a free energy source. they took out a big add in a high profile rag to announce this and put up a poll on their web site asking readers to vote yea or nay to peer review and independent examination of their discovery. early on the nays were running in the high 60 percentile and the only conclusion i could draw was that people just fuckin didn't wanna know that there might be some solution to the energy crisis at hand.
again, i was throughly disturbed. i've since recanted with the help of you folks here. particularly murph. as long as we find ourselves in the midst of a condition where power mongers over-ride the many for the benefit of the few, there's no future in such salvation.
and speaking of bell and oil. matt from latoc, our friend and sometimes circle guest, was a guest for the 1st hour on his show last saturday. i've heard him interviewed before by c2c's regular host, george noory. noory is big buds with jerry corsey, probably the highest profile idiot in the country beating the abiotic durm. noory takes that side along with the idea that po is a big scam and the real culprits are big oil manipulating the market and the numbers along with the shadow power elites. i think there's alot of truth to the latter but the former has been pretty much proved anathama. noory's position drew in like minded callers and together they raked matt over the coals pretty good. he ended up on the defensive and before it was over it it was embarassing.
not so with bell and saturday's show was a whole 'nother ball game. matt did a pdg job of making his points in the short time and bell was taken enough by him that he wants to do a full show with matt soon. there's a discussion going on over on latoc about the show and a link to the interivew here...,4553.0.html
rockpicker, I feel for you. You are not alone! What you have described is so familiar to me! Sometimes I have to wonder if some UFO came down and shot up my friends and family with some kind of Stepford wife drug that keeps them drooling on the darma of life. Their Bullcrap detectors have shut down. These are people who actually share my concerns for the present/future etc but do not want to become too attached or envolved, (only at a superficial level when they're in the mood to discuss life and it's chic?)it is too painful. In other words, don't look too closely at this stuff; it will make you sick to your stomach. I think their fear is that they will be unable to stop looking, finding, searching, etc. and will loose something of themselves. Happiness? I just don't get how anyone could not care at a deep level. Maybe it's like those people who have a boo-boo that they know needs a professional opinion but are afraid to go to for fear it will turn out to be something terminal. They are in disbelief that things could be this sinister as well and hang on to these make believe hopes that good will triump over evil and we'll just evolve. Sweet but not likely in our lifetime. Don't you hate being made into a kook who cares like it's a negative trait to be conscious?
How long do you think I can hold my breath, man?
Mrs. P,
Your words soothe like a hot bath and whiskey after riding all day in a cold November rain. Thanks.
rockpicker, oh how delicious, "a hot bath and whiskey after a ride in a cold november rain", you make a city dweller green with envey.
Mrs. P, Rockpicker: it's a little thing called denial. When something is so distressing, so disturbing, that it would rock the very foundations of your world, this is often the first reaction of most people. It is a very normal, very human reaction. When a loved one dies, this is the most usual first stage of grief. With something like the Terminal Triangle, denial is even more likely to be manifest, most especially by anyone who has young children. It's not surprising when someone goes into denial over something like this; that is a normal reaction, as I said. The abnormal reaction is what some of us had -researching it, verifying it, and accepting it. (And preparing to deal with it.) The proper question should be, not why are they in denial, but how do we get them out of denial?
This is completely OT, but I had a most welcome and unexpected visit from my spirit guide this morning. I was outside with the dogs, not five minutes after waking up, and the largest hawk I have ever seen landed in a tree not twenty feet from me. He was utterly majestic. He looked at me, stood up on his back legs, spread his wings wide, and gave the most poignant cry I have ever heard from a hawk. Then he was gone. Just like that. A flash of wings, and he disappeared into the rising sun. But for the first time in weeks, my soul was at peace. Strange, how that can happen.
CY, i have been bugging the hell out of Halliburton about visiting hours but i see the tunnel you guys were working on turned out ok.
Good to see you brother.
Well in staying with the present line of "reality R us" i got to say the little village of which i have the honor of residing in is maybe going to get a little taste of what its like to deal with someone that has as a spirit guide, a cricket named Cadence,
The position of village council is coming up and i have filed the necessary paperwork to run for one of the openings and get this, at the time of filing there was no opposition, so we'll see how that washes out.
Even though this is native american reservation this village is a small square of land bought? o yea bought by white people and has all the wonderful things that make this country what it is.
Anyway, there is a lot of things that need attended to here and some of the easier ideas at this site are going to be installed into the programme if at all possible,and i think it can.
A small weekly news rag is pretty much the big presentation of worldly events and i have posted a few user friendly articles in it.
How ever interest in greater coverage of actual good shit is growing and several friends including one of whom is also running for one of the village council openings are really excited about what we can stir up.
Its going to be fun i think,if we don't get lynched in the meantime.
For you that don't know this i live just up the road from Rockpicker and we ride the same horse mostly,except hes kind of shy about some stuff, hehe.
Rock, we still on for sons wedding?
Well now that Cy has been pardoned and will hopefully give us good news about the situation facing us,we can all be glad that he is back at the helm. I'm pretty sure we didn't tear up his blog site to fucking much while he was on vacation.Right guys??
OK, does anyone have experience in regard to online newspaper publishing? Freeacre?
Have folks that will write stuff to put in it and would love to have about 50 or 100 copies to pass around to start with,and see if it will take off, i think it will because many of the folks i talk to have gotten a smidgen of worldly things mostly because we are blabber mouths about such stuff and will not be shut up!! And actually have an interest. Sound like fun??
i called bush a son of a bitch around some older ladies the other day and there was affirmative head shaking all around, now these ladies are church members but recognize scoundrels {their words} when they see one.
What? o yea i was ducking for cover also.
Anyway good to see all of you at this sacred council of fellow hearts, and love the way you've kept it burning.We are one.
Cadence chirps
Wedding's very much on. Please come if you can. June 14. I'm half a mile up Mill Street from Main. A tan, two-story, south side of the street, at the corner of Mill and Beiler Ln.
I was sitting at the fire ring this late morning, paused between chores, when hawk chased raven over the Chinese Elm and disappeared in a raucous tumult.
I went inside and tried to call, but your line was engaged.
The red does are fattening
in the belly-high hay
and the garden displays
its first soft hairs of pubescence.
From Belgium,
Ras, Palooka,
I know this would never enter your heads but just suppose some mischievous person wanted to stir something up for fun. When they caused trouble and you refuted it, they could accuse you of being in denial of their self proclaimed truth and could advise you to seek counseling to overcome your problem. This is where you get into the single game / double game smoke and mirrors that espionage thrillers are made of. It’s kind of hard to deal with isn’t it?
Can you send me a postal vote? I know you are going to give them hell.
I don’t know what is coming but I know it is going to be important.
With you in spirit for June 14.
b...oh ya, you got that right brotha. except the thought did enter me head and come out the other end smellin like a sewer.
so i asked my bard of bards why this is so. and he said: yo, why is so much of my wisdom lost upon your closed door... one man's ceiling is another man's floor. that is what makes the book so interesting. it is your own nose that deceives you. garlic and onion to one is as if honey and nectar to another.
and then he said: btw, i am only your bard of bards because you have made me so.
so then i said: ok, which way to the table of truth?
and he said: open your door and look around! you are already here.
rp.... maybe its not that they don't want to know. maybe tim hardin hit d'nail on d'head...
If I listened long enough to you
Id find a way to believe that its all true
Knowing that you lied straight-faced while I cried
Still I look to find a reason to believe
....and the beat goes on.
ras, maybe if i managed somehow to go buy a horse, (they're allowed up the road east from here) but not here on the coast(city), and throw all my energies into learning how to ride, my family would take me seriously about what's coming. Or perhaps the same idea but with a 650 iron horse. Thoughts of plowing through the canadian border on horseback iron or otherwise are still an option even it it's a pipedream.
From Belgium,
It's going to be even quicker on the new super highway.
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