Monday, June 04, 2007


Freeacre and I listen to the Sunday morning news most of the time. This last Sunday, we turned it off not very far into the talking heads spewing forth more of their drivel. There seems to be absolutely no ability of these people to recognise or deal with the reality that seems so obvious to us, that is observable every day. Of course, I would suspect that big fancy paychecks are not dependent on dealing with observable information and then commenting on it. News and discussion of events are trivialized to the point of absurdity. One of the subjects they were talking about last Sunday was the viability of the Republicans as opposed to the Democrats in the next election. The Repug guy was saying that they would do just fine since the Dems have nothing more than bitching and whining about the Bush administration. The Dem guy was just smirking about the Repugs being dead meat.

Peggy Noonan, the former Reagan speech writer, came out with another analysis and comparison of various presidents on June first. I presume it first appeared in the Wall Street Journal. In this piece titled “TOO BAD”, she moans over the Republican base being eroded by the ineptitude of Bush. Of course, one thing she does not do is a definitive analysis of what his base really is. She manages to blither on about a lacking of wisdom in the administration and how both Bush presidents have squandered their political capital. It is so bad, in her opinion that the Republicans are going to have to put tremendous effort into rebuilding the Party, I assume she is referring to the misbegotten tenure of the failed actor Reagan’s administration as an ideal. Personally, it always appeared to me that his presidency was only an extension of his acting career, mostly trite and full of himself.

Frank Rich, an op-ed columnist, put out a piece comparing presidents and states he actually shed a tear for Nixon when comparing the Bush and Nixon administrations.

One of his statements; Yet if he lacks Nixon’s larger-than-life villainy, he will nonetheless leave Americans feeling much the way they did after Nixon fled: in a state of anger about the state of the nation.” And; “at the personal level his [Bush] is not a grand Shakespearean failure.” He further laments the internecine warfare within both parties.

Other than on the internet, I have heard no comments anywhere concerning the shift in the Republican party from what its platform was in the 1800’s. Nowhere on the popular media do we hear about the corporate influence in government, nor the background for the economic policies that this country has been tracking down since the Lincoln presidency. I hear or read nothing in the mainstream news about the really dismal news concerning the economic situation in this country and how it relates worldwide. I suppose there is reasons’ enough for this, but it speaks volumes about investigative reporting and dissemination of information. I am presuming that the regular readers of this site are firmly cognizant of how the mass media is misleading and promoting trivia to the population. In the past, we could always count on a few brave publications and investigative reporters to eventually get some real information out to the population. We were also able to count on at least a few columnists to put out some in depth analysis of what was being revealed. Now, we have to sort through an ever increasing array of commentaries and reports on the internet to catch a gleam of truth.

BTW, did you catch on CNN internet, additional information concerning that 1000 lb. boar hog that was killed by an 11 year old kid with a 50 caliber S &W scoped handgun? Seems that the ‘wild feral hog” was a farmer raised hog that was sold to the hunting reserve of a fenced 150 acres. He was sold because the family was getting out of the hog business and this huge boar was becoming a nuisance and was too big to send to slaughter. So much for the advocates of shooting these ‘wild feral hogs’ because they cause so much damage. When I lived in Arkansas, there was a hunting lodge not far from where I lived that did the same thing. They would buy farm raised hogs and put them in a restricted area then charge big bucks for ‘city hunters’ to come in and kill wild feral hogs as a hobby and an enlightening hunting experience. The locals thought it was a hoot. As we can see, there is much more to the story than was originally put out. How much worse when the political story is not told?

I digress. Back to politics.

The talking heads on TV and in print, are having a heyday with the early announcement of candidates, examining voting records and speeches, never really getting down to the basic elements of these people. I suspect that this is on purpose. By the time the elections actually get here (if it ever does) the public will be so fatigued that voting will be on personality and appearance only. How can you even try to make an objective choice when the information is not out there to look at?

We hear very little about where the money for these campaigns is coming from, only snippets.

We hear almost nothing about where the allegiances of the candidates lay.

We hear nothing about their actual political outlooks. What they say in a speech or write about tells us nothing. We know what they say up front is what they perceive we want to hear.

We are hearing precious little about most of the candidates background. Introducing more wealthy families into the political stage seems to by pass most commentaries. Do we really want more Bush type families as a dynasty telling us how to live?

I have seen very little on the economic concepts of the various candidates. Ron Paul is one of the few that publicly has made any kind of a definitive statement.

I haven’t heard anything publicly stated about constitutionality, or the packing of the judicial system.

I haven’t heard anything concerning the whole new world order concept; NAFTA, and CAFCA and all the other three and four letter designations that center on consolidation of corporate power.

We hear nothing about overall corporate influence in the government.

In short, we hear nothing that is about the underlying basis for the messes that have been created. Instead we hear about agendas that are pabulum in the political arena.

One concept that I think is very true is the attitude of the American public toward war in general. If we were winning hands down in Iraq, how many people would then be against it? Does the fact that we aren’t kicking the camel jockeys asses have anything to do with wanting out? In fact, a great deal of the dissent about the war has to do with the observation that we can’t win, not that it was an immoral and unnecessary war to begin with. Americans are used to winning wars, or at least the appearance of winning. When it becomes obvious that we can’t or aren’t winning, then they are against it. Was there many voices dissenting to the first invasion of Iraq? No, it was won hands down and the evil guy was pushed back inside his own line. That Sadam had a legitimate bitch against Kuwait was beside the point. We won. How many people dissented about the invasion of Afghanistan? Hell no, we won that one too, or at least aren’t losing it yet. Besides, there are all those poppy fields to prop up the stock market. Hear any dissent about the Falkland conflict? We offered military support and gave $60 million to our staunch allies in that one and the Brits won hands down. Viet Nam? When it became evident that we couldn’t win that either is when the really heavy dissent started. How about Granada, the invasion of Panama and all the covert operations in South America? Just how much dissent did we hear at the time? As far as I am concerned, the dissent over Afghanistan and Iraq is hypocrisy on the part of most of the dissidents. A very few people genuinely opposed those wars at the beginning for at least some reason. You also don’t hear much from the Dems anymore about the Iraq mess that was drummed up on false evidence. But then I guess that was old news and time to get on down the road to new issues. If we bomb the hell out of Iran, then we can decide again whether kicking ass was worth it. Ho hum. I don’t think the neocons are going away at all. They just change clothes and put on a new face.

Aw well and what the hell. I even doubt that there will be another presidential election; rather I expect the current administration to either take advantage of some event or create an event to facilitate more of the same agendas and ideology. And even if by some chance we do have an election I do not expect a reversal of direction. If we did it would be to the detriment of the money people, the bankers. They simply are not going to allow that to happen if they can help it. The 1% or so of the population now hold all the cards and looks like a royal flush to me with no need to try a bluff.

More optimism from Murph.


At 11:54 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...

Well, anybody that knew me back when I first started posting on Alternet in the comments section knew that I for one was DEAD SET AGAINST this war from the get-go!

In Afganistan, (even though I was against it) I could see why we would want to go after them. I was against it because:

(A) If we SHOULD have learned anything about Vietnam, is that when you put it on the news that your going after the "terrorists", the terrorists hitch up their shit and bail, leaving inocent civilians to get blown to fuck, furthering their own agendas, and painting us to be the bad guys!

(B) If there's one thing that we SHOULD have learned from The USSR's misadventures in the same country, is that you can't go into another country, and tell people how to conduct their own business at the point of a gun!

We've lost Afrganistan! Make no mistake! We just haven't figured it out yet! THAT'S why we turned the whole sordid mess over to NATO! Nopw it's all Nato's fault! We had it won, and now NATO went in there, and screwed it all up! (yea! RIGHT!)

Iraq is another kettle of fish entirely! hey had done NOTHING to us to get us in there in the first place! Everybody knew Suddam had nothing, because Clinton bombed his shit, and GOT THE FUCK OUT!!!

Bush decides he's the "Twenty-first Cetury Crusader" and with his handy-dandy copy of "Progress For a New Century" he goes snake-shit in a country that has quite enough snake-shit of it's own!

Now it's a big fucking mess JUST LIKE I said it would be in 2001!

At 2:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Yup, you and a small minority of people were saying this, so was I. Bet you remember how well it was receive too.

Remember how everybody cheered for Bush and crew when he showed up in flight clothes on an aircraft carrier? We Won!!Wasn't till we started to lose the won battle that people started to turn on him. If nothing had happened after his boat photo op, he would be one of the most popular war time presidents in history. The general American population just flat out doesn't get it. They are for the most part just as war crazy as the top leaders, at least as long as we win them.

At 8:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the things that really grinds me about the wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq is that both the Democrats and the Republicans have abandoned their rhetoric concerning the liberation of the women there. Remember how we told them to break out of their burkas and we would support them in their struggle to get an education and to go to school, etc. Don't hear a word about that anymore, do we? Once they get the pipelines built in Afghanistan and secure the oil rights contracts in Iraq, forget about the women or the men who risked all to bring "freedom" to either country. Once again we have taught the world that our word is worthless and we don't give a f**k about them. Just one more level of national disgrace.
Our stock market would have crashed a long time ago without the laundered money from the drug trade, so once again the heroin production in Afghanistan is back up to speed, increased even. Oh, and "we can't stop it" ... with Google Earth and all our surveillance capabilities, yeah, right. Shameless. There's another topic you won't hear in the "debates."

At 10:16 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...


Streange that you should mention "Google Earth"! I was over at a neighbor's house last saturday and we spent some time looking at our houses from space!

You could see our houses clearly enough to see the chimneys, and front porches! But they can't find a poppy field in Afganistan! Go figure!

At 11:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just decided to take another stroll through the neocon and just conservative web sites. Interesting, I gather their readership is small, there are very few comments on most of the sites that have them, and as is typical, what understandable writings I could find completely ignored most of what is happeining in the real world and contained some of the worst pedigogery around.

At 6:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

Probably the time of the Republican demise occurred when they decided to abandon the Republic in favour of a democracy and the Democrats let the Republicans have the type of democracy they wanted.

Sitting over here at a distance and getting second hand knowledge, I always thought Lincoln was one of the more or less, good guys. He was against national banks and issued his own treasury money, the fait green back. This, I heard was much of a success, with very little inflation because the money supply was not over issued but was in some way linked to the GDP.

I think that we have covered some of this ground before. I remember some time ago doing a won, lost and drawn table of US wars and being told by Stoney (I think) that I had completely forgotten Somalia. Anyway whatever the tally, it seems that most American presidents adopt the Henry Ford view of history when they want to push their weight around.

Stoney, Aaron Ruso tells of the time he was best mates with Nick Rockefeller and the latter thought it was hilarious that all these fucking idiot Americans were scrambling through caves in Afghanistan. It is also worth repeating that reportedly, as well as keeping the CIA and America in general afloat, the Big Money behind the Afghan drugs trade is the British Royal Family. That is why our erstwhile prime minister entered on a moral crusade, with a little help from his friends, to do the bidding of his head of state. You can’t plan for uncertainty and I have also heard that with resurgence of the Taliban and their second demise and their second resurgence, the poppy production has been moved north to the more compliant nations of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Since both of these nations are part of the SCO it makes you wonder who is in bed with whom.

Freeacre, no Iraqi child left behind; they are all in Abu Garaib.

If, (wishful thinking) interviewers ever got tired of pitching softball questions, the things presidential candidates should be asked to address, IMHO, are:

1. Who are the top contributors to your presidential campaign?
2. Are you in favour of sharing US sovereignty with Canada and Mexico and if so what advantages would this provide to the American citizens, over NAFTA?
3. What is your position on the Codex Alimentarius?
4. Does Iran pose a threat to the USA and if so what? (Or to be really dog in the manger, does the USA pose a threat to Iran)?
5. Is it the long term goal of the American policy makers to occupy and control the Eurasian continent?

There are many more such as Medicare; the poor state of the Nation; the state of the nations poor, the list goes on.
What are the top few questions ‘you’ would ask the presidential candidates if you had the opportunity?

At 6:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

I forgot the obvious question of “Is the Federal Reserve a good system for the American people and are you in favour of keeping it? If so why”?

It would be interesting to have answers on a few of these, but somehow…….

At 8:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I like your list. I'm sure all of us would come up with questions that would have just a teensie weensie more stumble factor than what I am reading or hearing in the news. Again, it is very easy for a person under fire to tell you what you want to hear. Bush sure did that before the first election.

At this moment I have no idea how it could be determined what a candidate really believes except after the fact.

Maybe a comprehensive detailed list of beliefs and stances is made and then when elected, if you violate one of those things on the list, you are automatically out of office. Sort of a very detailed and exactly stated pre nuptial agreement with the populace. Now wouldn't that be interesting.

At 8:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last comment was from me. sigh

At 9:35 AM, Blogger RAS said...

I don't expect there to be an election in 2008. I'm open to the possibility, but I'm not sure there will be. Even if there is both the parties are really one and the same. That is, they are both the party of Big Business and Big Money. Only the window dressing is different.

I think if anyone dared to ask such insolent questions of the high and might presidential candidates, he or she would wake up the next morning in Gitmo in an oragne suit.

At 9:54 AM, Blogger Joe said...

By the time the 2008 elections come around the US won't even be a recognizable entity. What we see now is pure illusion. The basic perception of the populace will be completely changed. They will not care about Politics, Entertainment, Economic discussion, Global Warming, Peak Oil, National identity, Scientific discovery, Government corruption or even off-world Aliens come among us. It will be a matter of personnal survival.

This will al become self-evident in 2007.

At 12:24 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...

Anybody heard anything from Cyclone?

At 3:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

No real comment other than the words Bush, bunker and Berlin come to mind, but with one big difference.

Murph, I was wondering about Cy too.
Any news?

At 7:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What in the hell is the codex alimentarius??
I don't give a rats ass about Paris Hilton, but damn! The fact that she got out of jail after two days and released to a home that is more plush than a 5 star hotel is simply an affront to all that is decent. Maybe they should move all the other inmates in there with her. What a load.
Joe - this is the year, eh? I agree that there are many fronts that may tank dramatically. What do you think may be the tipping point?
Regarding Cyclone - stay tuned. I think we will hear from him soon.

At 10:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We just watched "Maxed Out," a documentary about the state of indebtedness on both a personal and national level in this country. It vividly portrays the systematic transfer of money from the poor and working and middle classes to the overlords. It is a MUST SEE.
If a person somehow manages to get out of credit card debt, then there is the almost obligatory Big One, some medical crisis that will eventually get you that will require expensive medical treatments, or hospitalization that you have no medical coverage for that will take your money anyway. In my case,as with many others, I would have to liquidate our home, and that would impoverish both me and my husband and my son would have no lifeboat to help him. The financial crisis that is in front of the next generation is even worse than the one that stares us in the face, so to me, providing a leg up in the form of a paid for place to live, is an imperative.
I have already been impoverished twice due to medical bills, and believe me, if you think that somehow it will work out and it won't be too bad, you are wrong. It's worse, and they have no mercy.
Due to the congress changing the rules for qualifying for bankruptcy, even that is impossible now for most people. A professor in the Maxed Out documentary noted that for a lot of people the only way out of this debt is death.
So, a lot of people are killing themselves rather than suffering financial strangulation or serfdom at the hands of the banks or Big Medicine.
Now, personally, I do not believe in killing another human being to make some point. I think that the message that the suicide bombers are trying to make is lost when they inflict pain and death and terror on others. But, if one is willing to sacrifice his or her own life in service to others, I find that inspiring. An example is those two incredibly brave and loving Amish girls who asked to be shot first to try to save the younger ones. Another example is the Buddhist monks in Vietnam who set themselves on fire to protest the war in Vietnam. When they began to do that, I knew the war was over. We had lost any pretense of moral superiority, and it was time to leave. Somehow that seems to be slipping from the history books...but it sticks in my mind.
Anyway, I hope that those who are making the decision to forgo the impossibly expensive medical treatments, or to off themselves rather than leave their heirs in serfdom, do so on the steps of the congress, or in the lobby of a big bank, or at a convention of insurance executives - not in the darkness and seclusion of their own homes. If, say, a thousand people a year began to sacrifice themselves in public with statements to the public about what is was all about, I think it would be a powerful thing. I remember a quote from Martin Luther King, "Until you are willing to die for something, you have not really lived." That may be what it takes to shame the government into doing what is right.
Both the democrats and the republicans have presided over this slide into financial servitude of the majority of citizens in this country, so voting is not going to do it.

At 1:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,


Codex Alimenterious

I have a strong feeling for this year too, maybe late summer early autumn.

I am old enough to remember the shock which ran through Europe when Jan Palach immolated himself as a protest against the Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia

“The wave of suicide attempts by immolation that ran through the Czech lands in the first months of 1969 was a unique event on a world-wide scale, a result of the social atmosphere at the time. After Palach, 26 people attempted suicide between January 20, 1969 and the end of April that year, 7 of whom died”

I had no idea that so many people had used this ultimate form of protest.
Here is an article which deals with suicide as a method of political protest.

At 5:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

If you are interested in learning how the real ‘World Change Game’ is likely to play out, here is a report on the proceedings of the latest Bilderberg conference, which has just ended in Istanbul, plus some interesting historical stuff.

At 6:42 AM, Blogger RAS said...

Here's something Tim Bennett wrote about the feeling that something's going to happen soon:
Something's In The Air

At 9:41 AM, Blogger Joe said...

The place where the biggest lunatics live is the White House. Couple this with the housing meltdown and throw in a USD crash and you get 2007.

At 10:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Belgium, Ras and Joe,

I followed up the links you posted. The one on the Bilderburgers is a recap of the information put out in the 70's brought up to date. A well done article and consistent with other information on the group. The link to self immolation startled me. I had no idea it was happening as much as the article indicates. The article at Bakers site is in the archives but is also an indication that something is soon to happen.

Thanks for the links folks. Informative.

At 1:23 PM, Blogger RAS said...

Murph, just wanted to clarify: the article on Baker's site was posted on June 1st. It's in the archives because it's no long the top page story. I've had that somethings-ready-to-pop feeling for several weeks now. Anyone else having that?

Btw, where is MF?


At 10:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for asking RAS,and all the commentors seem right on also.
Don't know if any of you guys have been experiencing movement but i have a bunch, i mean moving, as in leaving one place and going to another.i spent yesterday and the day before that helping a good friend relocate all her belongings from one house to another and at the same time two houses down the street a neighbor was moving into a vacant house there,today i spent much of it moving things into a storage shed.also some of the kids
and i are dickering for a small ranch out of town a few miles cause the owner just divorced his wife and wants to leave, i mean its all around me and you should see all the traffic from Washington State rolling into Montana to live, its really insane.The two democratic senators here are in cahoots about telling the feds to go fuck them selfs in regard to the ID bullshit, one of them is a local farmer and wears a crewcut, really! He roasted the last Senator , a Repugent and seems a happy go lucky type, thats a good sign i hope.The other one needs a talking to about the realities of life, but likes people in a kind of intellectual way.Big Pharma buys him some toys but not to many to make him uncomfortable, you know what i mean, i mean, a little on the sides alright ain't it,? i mean ain't that the true path?
Speaking of speaking truths, isn't it just the same as lies,?they are both forms of gossip i think. i mean spreading lies and spreading truth are kinda the same ain't they? Truth could travel just as fast as lies if it were properly presented it seems, maybe faster.
Cadence was drifting some strange shit through last night and also a good friend of mine was giving me a essential oil treatment also and i swear i could see blue fire coming off her hands and lighting up my body in electric blue.

So RAS, i don't think soon, i think now,,its happing,.. can't get a good grip on it but it seems like the evolution of human conscience ness is kicking some severe ass on some levels and its only going to get stronger according to Cadence,Langosta's dream keeper.
He sings of love for all things and was in charge of introducing me to the Rock People as indigenous beings.
i don't know for sure but i'll bet that Rock Picker listens to the Stones and they suggest to him just how to lay them when he builds his beautiful creations upon Mother Earth.
Be good to see you and Oldensoul again Rocky,Murph and Freeacre too.

Cadence insists that motion as we know it is undergoing a quickening and it may be a little strange for most folks,as time slows and speeds up at the same moment,it has something to do with the different sides of the brain looking at the same thing but with different views.this should be conflict but it ain't he says, i say "how do you know,? your just a bug." he says it came to me in a dream,from Langosta. i says fuck, i think i will have one more toke before the fade interrupts this encouraging note from multi legs, and his excellent songs.

i'm so glad you folks have the ability to decipher the comings and goings on of this crazy assed world,that leaves me with having fun learning the language of things that stick there bottom parts into Mother Earth and become corn fritters later on for us to eat.

Aside from the usual,which around here can get real unusual fast,,its been a wonderful fun filled day and fishing is just around the corner,maybe this time we will not have to have the worms for lunch, even though they don't mind all that much, yeaa right!! Cadence says they are delicious,i will take his word for it.

Life is for us the living, take care brothers and sisters,you are excellent...i love you.

At 11:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

A leaked White House report reveals the Greenland ice cap is predicted to completely melt in 5 years not 500.

Could Bush’s recent interest in Kyoto be a CYA exercise?

This is not good news, particularly for those of you who live on the low lying eastern seaboard or the gulf regions. The message is clear, move your livelihood and save your life.
Would that I could, smugly sit back and say, “One for you guys” if it wasn’t for that pesky Law of Gravity.
The good news is that the umbilical cord from Mexico to Canada should still be out of harms way.

This item starts two paragraphs from the end of the article.

At 2:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Great article from truthseeker. I had to laugh at some of the way they stated the situation between the Kurds, Isreal, US and Turkey. Bush has got his ass on the line everywhere it appears. So yes, I would suspect that climate talk is a cya strategy.

Boy do I understand that law of gravity. Every time I get on my high horse and soap box and ask to be dictator of the world (DOW)I get shot down. Oh the inequities of this existance!

At 2:32 PM, Blogger mrs p said...

Murph is right the banks, the money men won't allow it. If there is to be a "new guy"
(or gal)<--ha ha, that person will be bought and paid for, sign, sealed, delivered. De-livered!
There's only one thing that could save us now. 20 foot tall socialist organic farm women in spandex from outerspace, another galaxy, decending upon us and taking over everything.


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