One of my favorite movies of all time is Chinatown, starring Jack Nicholson and Faye Dunaway. It’s an old movie, released in 1974 and was Roman Polanski’s last film before he fled the country. I don’t know, maybe Roman knew something we didn’t and was smarter than we thought. Anyway, late in the movie Nicholson’s character discovers that Dunaway’s character has been less than forthcoming and he becomes angry. He asks her who the child in the movie really is, and she says “she’s my daughter.” Nicholson slaps her, so she says, “she’s my sister.” He slaps her again, and she says, “she’s my sister and my daughter,” indicating that her father had raped her and that the girl actually was her “sister and her daughter.” Mystery solved. The scene reminds me of our world today, mostly when I think of the vampire Dick Cheney.
While I’ve been withdrawn from society and watching from afar, the Boosh administration has created and executed the most horrific “secret society” that has ever led this nation. I have kept thinking that they can go no further nor become more absurd, but naturally I’ve been wrong. I actually thought the pathetic Alberto Gonsalez saga was about the furthest they could go and get away with it, but that turned out to be nowhere near the truth. I can't imagine how they can possibly top DickVille, but if I’ve learned nothing else, it is NEVER to underestimate what these evil creatures are capable of.
In a move to subvert Congress’ ability to provide oversight over this administration by recently stating that he is not a part of the executive branch, Dick Cheney has become a nation of one. He is not the Vice President of the United States; he is not the leader of the Senate of this country. He has become a country within himself, one that incidentally is without boundaries or laws other than those set by him and him alone. He does what he wants, when he wants, and there is no one to stop him. He deals in oil, arms, and Haliburton cash. He hires mercenaries to do his dirty work, has co-opted the US military to die for oil for as long as he can get away with it. George W. Boosh, the one man on earth who could do so, has neither the balls nor the wherewithal to stop him. Or, for that matter, the desire to do so. Meanwhile, our constitution has become irrelevant.
His argument is so absurd on its face that the Republican lawyers cannot begin to defend it. Hell, they can’t even keep a straight face while talking about it, so they don’t. Way back when, Cheney was asked by Congress for records regarding his little secret energy meetings. They started with simple questions, like who in the hell was present, and were told that he would not give up that information using the “executive privilege clause” as cover. He did this knowing full well that the follow up to that was to be, “hey, and what did you guys talk about?” I’ll give you a clue, not that you need it. Those present were the leaders of Exxon, Mobil, BP, etc., and they talked about how to maximize profits from us poor suckers in Middle America, (see price gouging,) and discussed just how to divide up all the profits on the Iraqi oil that they were soon to steal. Everyone already knew this; they just wanted it on the record for future reference and likely prosecution.
Fast forward to today. Now he’s being asked for information regarding certain communications involving the fired prosecuting attorneys and he now says that he is not a part of the “executive branch” at all but the leader of the Senate. In other words, he said “bite me.” He might not be the first Veep to tell Congress to shove it, but is clearly the first who is allowed to do so by his boss. Tony Snow won’t even touch this one. He sends his merry band of Bimbo communication hacks out to answer questions these days and they can’t keep a straight face. They just say that they don’t really know what “theory” the vampire is working under, and that you really need to ask his office for clarification. That’s great, except they don’t answer the phone in DickVille. Or, if they think it’s Aunt Sally calling and accidentally pick it up only to find a member of the press on the other end, they say “bite me” and hang up. That’s how it works in Dickville, and if you don’t like it, tough shit. Sue me, and we’ll drag it out until we’re out of office and then it won’t matter. Now that Alito and Roberts are in charge of things, Dick might even win. But then you have jurisdictional issues; I’m not sure that SCOTUS has any say in what goes on in DickVille. They would probably refuse to hear the case anyway. After all, they put the bastards in office in the first place.
Rob Emanuel has it right. De-fund the Vice President, take away his salary, secret service detail, Air Force II, give him one damn secretary and pay him a Senator’s salary. Great thought, but it will never happen. You’ll just be told “bite me” when you try to take the plane.
Slap/ I’m in the Executive branch, Slap/ I’m the head of the Senate, Slap/ I’m in the Executive branch AND I’m the head of the Senate. Welcome to DickVille.
We’re in serious trouble folks.
Is that really you CY? Hallelujah, I'm glad you're ok
Cyclone you've been missed Murph has done a great job while you were gone but we're glad to have you back!!!!! Hope you'll stay for a while.
Glad to have you back from sabbatical, or vision quest?
Murph, Freeacre, SATS,and all the rest of the renegades that have collected here at the strange and unusual, as Halliburton rejects,bid you fare welcome home.
You are right of course and its getting easier and easier to see by the light that is being shown even in the mainstream mud.
Next thing you know outside the event that will finalize the present dismal prognosis,the collapse should be seen as a rejoice because we are really seeing the end of something catastrophic and beautiful at the same time,depending upon which mountain you stand on.
Those that have the means and the knowledge, much of which comes from this forum will collect together and huddle in the rainbow as warriors,and face the new day as such.
We will prevail.
As we approach the 4th of July, our Independence Day, we find that the freedom and values that the country was founded upon are being destroyed by the current administration. I'm with you Cyclone, in watching with disbelief the machinations of Darth Chaney in what has become an evil empire. We need Independence Day 2.0 - freedom from them.
Let's not forget that the congress has funded the secret prison camps, the shadow government,the domestic gulags, the block ops/surveillance/mind control adventures, and turned our military into the servants of the corporations. And, how about those elections that are supposed to empower the people to vote for those who serve in the government? After all the hearings that showed how the elections can be hacked, has anything changed? After watching the documentary "Hacking Democracy," I just send back campaign literature with the question, "Oh, has Diebold stopped counting the votes?" and an empty envelope.
Chaney has two more years. All bets are off. He has shown that he is capable of anything and is completely out of control. I'm sure that the other countries of the world have noticed and are making their own contingency plans. From now on, it's pivital.
We all need to be responsive and light on our feet to negotiate the coming incoming tide of toxic consequences of the last ten years....and it's so great to hear from you again, Cyclone! That's worth lighting a sparkler for sure!
I'm tired so pardon the lack of eloquence.
So we're in deep trouble. Wtf are we supposed to do we about it?
P.S. Good to have you back Cy.
I think Bush and Cheney can't allow the next election to take place, because they are both guilty as hell of treason for the attacks of 9/11, and they are both guilty of subsequent war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the Repubs don't have a very good chance of winning any more elections for a long time to come, so who's going to protect them should they chance letting the electoral process happen as scheduled?
Would they trust their fates to Demo gatekeepers? I bet not.
That's why I think we can expect another false flag incident, and this time, a REALLY big, scary one that is guaranteed to enlist the
sympathies of the silent, (read 'bewildered') majority.
After the attack, look for a quick
identification of the 'guilty' parties, but don't expect a timely
apprehension of the scoundrels. That wouldn't fit into Cheney's plan. He won't want to close the case on the next one anytime soon.
What will happen is that the shock and awe of the next attack will create such panic, the public will almost beg Big Brother to step in and make everything right. Maybe they'll let the gas pumps go dry for a week or so, and let the grocery stores shelves sit empty for a few days, in order to impress upon the masses the terrible situation we face unless drastic measures are taken.
Remember the Reichshtag fire? Hitler told the German people, you give me the authority and I will protect you. And they gave him everything he asked for. Bush/Cheney plan to use the same tactic, and fully expect similar results.
Let he who has eyes to see, see this impending treachery as it unfolds.
anon 8:53 abd 9:37,
Yes, it is indeed me. And, I owe everything to Murph, freeacre, and possibly some others. They have done more than can ever be repaid, in this lifetime at least. You could not ask for two better people, and all should appreciate them for keeping the campfire stoked. This, in reality, should now be Murph's Real Deal. Bless them both,
Ach, aye, that, Cy.
Murph and Freeacre, thank you.
Thank you folks. Our meager efforts to sustain what Cy has started were barely adequate. We thank you for the appreciation. During these many months, I regretted not having the fluidity of writing that Cy has amply demonstrated. I just could not seem to let go of the site though. It appears to fulfill a niche for us all.
Indeed, I offer my salutations Cy, it is good to have you back.
I am constantly amazed at the audacity of our government officials. It has always been true that we have had the graft, corruption, double dealing and flaunting of power, but never before to this extent. A monster has been created and I do not see how working within the system will ever change it now. While Cheney is the worst of the bunch, he is not the only one. If a concerted effort is made to fight this within the system, they will simply change the rules again, as they have been on an expediency basis for the last 6 years. These people are determined to preserve power for the agenda that has been outlined. We see part of the agenda, but not the whole picture for that would mean that we would have to be part of the power structure. And still most of the population blithely goes about its business, unaware of what is happening to them and going to happen to them.
Glad you see this takeover coming too. Not many of us out here that see it that way. Freeacre and I attended a birthday party this last weekend. Freeacre was the one that got the conversation turned toward the political instead of me for a change. Freeacre mentioned Moore’s new movie coming out, “Sicko”. One of the women immediately went ballistic about it and stated it wouldn’t be worth seeing because Moore was an America hater. Sigh. So much of that attitude circulates around. It is like a dogmatic religion for them. They cannot deal with any other information out there to see. I decided to keep my mouth shut this time, but I think I will attend birthday parties in a more defensive posture from now on.
More firewood to cut and stack.
We more then appreciate them Cy, we love them,at least i do.
They have really kept the fire burning bright which might have gone to ashes without their good brave words of wisdom.
To be a part of this council mingling with the kindness shown here in regard to one another is just awesome
to experience. i see it nowhere else to this degree, so yep,life is good here and i feel fresh from the reads that are presented at this fire of light.
So i say thank you to all that attend and for the ones that choose only to listen also.
peace brothers and sisters
Thanks for all you have done for this place, and bless you my dear. As for our dear friend the Dickster, there are a couple of theories about what might happen, both plausible. I'll address them in my next post. And,
Don't Burn Yourself with that Sparkler! (it's not worth it)
montana freeman,
Thanks for the welcome. I'm not sure exactly what my absence was, but you covered the two most obvious reasons. Who knows? Thanks for hanging in there,
Ride out the storm is all there is, it is out of our control. No election is going to fix this, so take care of yourself and those dear to you as best you can. We're in for some rough times.
You may be right. There are a couple of different options for them, certainly what you offer is as plausible as any. I'll address those issues in the next post. An event would not surprise me, regardless of which road they choose to take. It's past time for car bombs in this country. I'd bet that is the direction they will go following the European events of the weekend. We'll see, but something is going to happen. Thanks for being there,
I can't say enough, so I'll leave it at this.
...and the voice of Oz said, in a deep and official tone, "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!".
Ah yes the warlord will let nothing stand in his way and he's always so "right" about everything when it flys out the side of his mouth! He speaks as if he was the voice of God himself. It boggles one's mind how this 100 percent pure rotten pork diabolical Darth continues to have his way with our floundering congress. I love your intro from Chinatown. I saw it just a few days ago when hubby was channel flipping, (Jack was great). You put the meat in meat and potatoes. I'd love to see some well deserved bitchslapping. I feel better now!
I'd love to hear your take on the definitions of nspd 51 and hspd 20. I printed it out and everytime I read it I'm not sure if I comprehend fully. And general provision #23 Annex A is Not attached or at least I couldn't find it. Keep on Keeping on. Love Hugs to you all.
Cy, yeah, I know riding out the storm is all we can hope to do at this point. What I'm trying to figure out is the best way to do that!
We'll work on that in the coming days.
This is a general invitation to all.
The fire is lit. A dance is set
for those who dance and dream.
Come to Montana in July, our mid-summer's night beckons all
who can envision a finer Fall.
A wedding on the 14th; Devin and Mary
will exchange vows. Come and join us.
Mid-summer 2007 is not the same as mid-summer 2006 or mid-summer 2008.
On the Mountain Stage tonight, Judy Collins said, "It is the Sixties again."
Believe it!
We can make our own future.
Come and sit by the fire.
And bring your drum.
Does this coincide with the pow-wow, or is that even an annual event? Where in Montana are we talking, exactly? Thanks,
I'm not far from Virginia City, in southwestern Montana. East of Dillon and northwest of Yellowstone. We have camping facilities close by. I have a fire pit and tarps set up in the front yard. Pow-Wow! is up north and on right now, closer to Freeman's neck of the woods.
RP, even though I will not be at the Blessed Event, I would like to extend my congratulations to you, your son, and his fiance, and my hope that they have a long, happy life together.
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