This and That
I just wanted to say Hey, and tell you how much I have missed being around. I especially missed the commenting frenzy that went on over the last week or so. I was actually laughing through most of it. What a crew we have assembled here! But, when duty calls, I have no choice but to answer the bell.
While I have a moment, I am going to explain something that is currently going on at the Real Deal, admittedly without knowing exactly what it means. I have an idea, re-read my Bird Flu and Tamiflu comments and you’ll see what I mean. The timing of all of this seems suspicious to me, but you guys can draw your own conclusions.
For the last few weeks, we have had a “monitoring visitor.” I will give you what information I have, and maybe one of you computer/technological geniuses can figure out what is up.
On occasion, I take several hours and look to see who all is visiting this site and where they come from. I stumbled across a visitor from Fort Huachuca, which is somewhere in Arizona. I noticed that this person had been logged onto the site 24/7 for nearly a month. I found that odd, since the maps I receive show that the actual location of the computer being used for this monitoring was actually somewhere in North or South Carolina. So, I started digging further. I learned that Ft. Huachuca is the home for a massive Army communications center, something called Usaaisc. I have no clue what Usaaisc stands for, nor do I care. I don’t know how many similar communications outposts that the Army currently has in operation. I then learned that the monitoring system, although beginning at Ft. Huachuca, routed through Kuwait, bounced back to Arizona and then ended up in the Carolinas. My initial thought was that we have a soldier in Kuwait who is on the site. But 24/7? Surely these guys have to do some work sometime, so I’m not buying that. And why bounce the actual location of their monitoring location all over the world?
I then learned that over the last weekend, many people were having trouble accessing the site. I also had difficulty for most of 2 days, from late Tuesday afternoon through part of Thursday of this week getting to the Real Deal email site. According to both the blog site and my email site, they did not have any technical problems during this period.
So, I don’t know what this means. But, if the US Government has chosen to monitor this site, I say, borrowing the words of the Great One Boosh, “bring it on.” I would also suggest that they get better at it, because if one little Cyclone can track their actions simply by spending a few hours on a $600 computer, they are less competent than even I thought they were.
In comparison to more extremist places, the Real Deal is about as mellow as it gets. There are plenty of other sites, much larger than this one, which directly threaten people within our government. I wonder why they are choosing this site to screw with, of the millions that are out there. Then again, maybe they are monitoring all sites, I don’t know. If so, it would be yet another case of taxpayer dollars being well spent.
Sure, I hate Booshco, and don’t mind saying so. I also am willing to tell the truth about our governments’ cover-up of our true financial condition, and our inevitable and impending doom. I will argue that the Iraq war is a loser, and I will likewise argue that either Israel or the United States will strike Iran militarily in the very near future, likely with Nukes. I will do these things until I am blue in the face. I will tell you that I believe that George W. Boosh is the worst President in the history of this republic, that he has surrounded himself with thugs and thieves who have managed to destroy this country. I will tell you that, in my view, we as a nation are history.
I will also tell the truth about Tamiflu, IT WILL NOT WORK. I cannot stress this point enough. I do that so that those of you who do come here and want to prepare for the future don’t waste your time and blindly accept yet another lie from our government. They are doing nothing but using this as a way to make you believe that they actually have a handle on this potential pandemic, and it is simply bullshit. In my opinion, their actions constitute a criminal act. The big pharmaceutical companies do not send me a fat check every month, and I would send it back if they did. I spread the word about Tamiflu because it is shameful and immoral for this administration to tell anyone that this stuff will work, when they themselves know damn good and well that what I am saying about it is THE TRUTH. Yet, they continue to pour billions of dollars and demand that the Pharma’s ramp up production of this garbage, all in a disgraceful attempt to prevent panic from citizens who may fall victim to this illness.
While I occasionally rant about the Crimes and Misdemeanors of this administration and this mime-like Congress, most of what we do here is discuss the future. We have already covered, ad nauseum, the evil ones. We mostly spend our time trying to look ahead, including looking at the worst case scenario; one that I believe will soon hammer us hard. Maybe that is what they don’t want, having a bunch of people who know the truth trying to prepare for how to survive the impending onslaught. It probably does not fit their “preferred model” of how Patriotic Americans are supposed to act. Maybe we are to just sit idly by and listen to Cheney tell Russia how they should live, and follow whatever inane BS that Boosh spews each day. After all, Boosh is simply trying to “protect Americans.” To bad that the enemy is phantom, and exists only in the twisted, burned out mind of the Shrub. The real enemy is very close to us, and gets daily press coverage as the poll numbers drop at a staggering rate. But, we are to stay the course, no matter where it may lead. Thanks for the offer to close my eyes to reality, but I'm going to have to pass on that. My course has changed, I took it off of auto-pilot a long time ago. If that is a deed worth monitoring, so be it.
I just don’t know anymore.
“This notion that the United States is getting ready to attack Iran is simply ridiculous. And, having said that, all options are on the table.”
George W. Boosh; Brussels, Belgium; February 22, 2005
Seems to be a common thing lately. Comments about it are showing up in dozens of blogs and websites around the world. Let me give you a name to place with the IP address.
I probably should send them an invitation to my friends and family plan. Maybe it will save a few of my tax dollars. What do ya think?
fort huachuca is a place in arizona where a duck i know of stops in the fall to rest and investagates the comings and goings of the federal government,he also does this on his way back from lake titicaca in france,he tells me that the military sciencetests are still taking apart the saucer that crashed in new mexico a while ago and are retro designing the thing so the military can keep up their keen secret advantage of monitoring places where people of no account talk treason,[so they say],actually super fun gossip [just to throw them off their tracks] and are a threat to all they hold special,which is , death and destruction and ending world hunger by dropping nukes on the people that have no mc donald burgers to eat.hell thats me!!,seriousy thats what the duck says and i beleave anything with feathers,so i guess we can all relax and forget about the bird flu, cause gus,[the duck],says thats all a bunch of birdshit too,and the big pharmasutials jussssssttttt can't get enough toys in their boxes before they die,and fuk everyone else,sept their personal guru sent stright from god to help them to build a bigger toy box from the blood of all thoes malcontents that think that they, [the huachucains]are all full of shit,and will not take that shot in the least me and gus[the duck]won't.come to think of it why would a bird want a shot of bird flu repellent any way if he was the carrier of said flu? plus he has no fuking arm to get the shot in anyway,makes no goddam sense what so ever,so fort huachuca,you can kiss my bird lovin ass,
sorry folks to much coffee and the dogs were barking at the town bears all night,i'm moving to the city.
sincerly and with peace to all of us
montana freeman
please don't kick me off the comments cause i'm out of medication to smoke,stoney knows the feeling.
Years ago I came out of the theater after watching "Shindler's List" wondering who would be rounded up next and who would be doing it. I was a practitioner in my church at the time and I was fearful that I would be rounded up and thrown in with a bunch of the 700 Club as the Feds get it all wrong most of the time. So, to keep from being lumped in with them, I got myself a trout tatoo and had it done on the inside of my forearm in the same place that the Jews were tattood. If rounded up and put in a prison camp, I want to do time with the Trout People. Still do. So, I invite you to put a trout on the inside of your arm. To me it is the most elegant indicator of life on this planet. Where there are trout, life is worth living. If they put us in camps, I want to be with you.
Montana Freeman,
When out of medicine, go fishing.:)
Montanna Freeman,
You know I do! It's raining out here and the driveway's a fucking nightmare, so mine won't be here 'till later.
Dear Troll/evesdropper/government agent/weasel-in-the-chikenhouse/CIA( that stands for "Cocaine Importers of America", people)operative/Law enforcement officer, greetings! I certain;y hope you ore having a lovely time squandering our resouces to keep tabs on a bunch of concerned citizens discussing political matters! I certainly hope that at least some of this sinks in to your thickly layered and government programmed skull! If what your leaders tell you just happens to sound too good to believe, THAT'S BECAUSE IT IS!!!! I learned the hard way, and you will too! We aren't here spreading insurection, child pornography, phone sex, nude pictures of Karl Rove, or the heartbreak of psoriasis. You won't find seddition or revolutions here, nor will you find photographs of Laura Bush on the toilet! We just want the truth, and this is where we find it! I gues your welcome here. God knows there doesn't seem to be anything to get you out.
If you're a troll watch out! Sometimes we piss off the bridge!
If you work for the CIA, why don't you quit playing spy and get a REAL job!
If you work for the NSA, then you don't really exist, and if you don't exist you can make no mistakes and are, as such the most efficient of all government agencies! So thanks for nothing! I hope the nothing that you do brings you great satisfaction, and that you will enjoy performing it for a long time to come. Just remember "Nothing ventured, Nothing gained!"
If this is a mititary venture, please remove your nude pictures of Karl Rove from your locker doors and foot lockers AT ONCE!! Yea I know all about: "Don't ask Don't tell," but some shit is just beyond sick and that's one of them!
If any of the personel mentioned above should have pictures of Laura Bush on the toilet, seek therapy imediatly 'cause just... well... DAMN!
Thanks for the link. I think we could all get together and get the group rate. Probably cheaper than the family plan, assuming we can get enough folks to keep the voueurs happy.
montana freeman,
Kick you off? You've got to be kidding me. You've got more wisdom than I will gain if I live to be 150. (Please don't let that happen!) Hell, you should be writing this thing, not reading it. You are safe for now, and forever in this place.
I can't do tattoos, but the idea is spledid. Maybe I'll carve up my forehead or something instead.
Agreed. I think they should come to the first reunion that we have. They might learn something. Hell, bring Cheney along, unarmed of course. If he's done begging the former Soviet Union for secret oil pipelines out of one side of his mouth while admonishing them about human rights out of the other. By the way, Porter Goss resigned. Didn't have that gig long. I'll have to see why.
Freeacre, and Cyclone,
I like tattoos and have quite a few! That Navy thing I guess. I've got an open space on my right inner forearm and a trout sounds like something cool to put there.
I'll have to get some pictures off the internet and pick out a good one. There's so many different species of trout and so many different colors it will be a tough choice.
Field nad stream magazine have an extremely nice trout as part of their logo. Start your image search at their site.
Have to take a good pic of Freeacre's arm and send it to you.
By the way, nice challange.
Montana Freeman,
Remember the saying from the 60's about money and pot.
Do you remember that a few weeks ago there was same Anon trying to see if anyone would react on his thinly disguised argent provocateur shit but he got rumbled and tried misdirection into some teenage kiddypop sites. Now we have this. Just remember that what you don’t know they can’t crack and as my wife is fond of telling me “I know nothing”.
That saying about safety in numbers thing, I am not sure how many numbers equates to how much safety but if you want to try your own bit of misdirection then every so often take the internet cable out of the wall for ten minutes and then put it back in. Give them a lot more ISP addresses to check and let them think we are bigger than we really are.
From Belgium.
From the link in comment 1:
"Intelligence is the centerpiece to this war and of getting to the peace," Fast said during an interview in her office at the southern Arizona military base.
"It shapes decisionmaking. . . . The key thing is about the future. What's going to happen next? Who's going to attack our compound? How do we help the new government from a security standpoint? It is a huge responsibility that we take seriously.
“I’m also not very analytical. You know, I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about myself, about why I do things.”
George W. Boosh; Aboard Air Force One; June 4, 2003
Again from the article:
“For example, Fast said soldiers now get more instruction on military law and rules of the Geneva Conventions”.
The point about Abu Ghraib; Gitmo Bay and anyplace else the little white jet lands is that anyone who is held there is a detainee not a political prisoner and so, according to this administration, the Geneva Convention does not apply, so what is all this instruction good for?
“In March, Fast was formally installed as boss at one of the nation's most secretive bases, promising reforms that would produce soldiers who do things right”.
Does this mean not getting caught?
“"In intelligence," she said, "you really are in the business of saving lives . . . and setting the conditions for a nation to be able to choose its government."
Trouble was USA didn’t like the one they chose; or did she mean setting the conditions for USA to be able to choose its government?
“As for America's failure to anticipate postwar resistance in Iraq, Fast said, "I don't think 'misunderstood' is the right word. It was evolutionary. I mean, the insurgency didn't start with a Big Bang."
If one country has a legal (I won’t even say elected) government and people from outside that country invade or infiltrate with the purpose of overthrowing that government then they are insurgents. The people generally referred to in this way are Sunni Moslems who were born in Iraq and have every right to be there.
“The work they (the soldiers) do day-to-day would bring tears to your eyes. They believe they're making a difference, and I believe they're making a difference."
I am not going to argue with this one.
From Belgium
I also say we should never fault the soldier following orders. He has been trained to do so...
Do you ever wonder why they won't normally recruit over the age of 25? Stoney, or anyone else here with military experience, can probably give you a very thorough answer to that one.
As Far as the link, I thought you guys would like that one. These people have their heads so far up their asses that they're licking their tonsils. Can't say it any better than that.
Waiting for Will Smith to come flashy-thingy me...
Reality and Belgium,
I went to that web site, read what Fast had to say and didn't even consider it worth commenting on. Obviously Fast has learned to be a politician, speak in generalities and half truths that make it difficult to corner them about the BS they put out. What shit!!
I was served draft notice at age 26. I had the choice of letting me get drafted and go to Nam or enlisting and hope to get something out of the deal. By that time I had 4 years of college and had been married for a few years. I was not all that cooperative in the military and faught it every step of the way. I did my job with a lot of competance and couldn't get promoted because I refused to spend time in the bar getting soused most nights after work. Never before in my life had I been forced to work with some of the dumbest (low IQ) and most ignorant (didn't know shit about anything, often not even their job) people I have ever encountered, and I couldn't get away from them. Quitting that job is not a good option. I didn't gain a single positive thing from that experience. From that experience, I concluded that they want em young, and for good reason. The older you get the more resistant you are to Bull Shit and they need people who like to eat shit all the time. That was my experience anyway. Have talked to otheres that really liked their military experience. Really loved shooting and burning those darker skinned ass holes out there that couldn't understand good old American language and ate terrible food and looked funny. I suppose it's always been that way in armys.
LILAC said ...
(just wanted to see if typing that makes me a blogger )
Montana said
we have no seditionist here - does that mean my title has been downgraded. Abbey and Rubin may never speak to me again.
I will personally volunteer to be interrogated - my wife has been interrogating me for 41 years and I ain't yet admitted to nothing.
Back in '96 , I even tried dying once - but them cardioligists with their electric paddles put me back in this crazy world.
I was in the signal corps and served under CONARC and COMZ if they are doing the monitoring on this, I guarantee they do not understand a word I am saying.
People ( Reality for one ) like to tell me I should take our leaders serious. Sorry I have not seen anything in DC that I could take serious in a long time.
Send the FBI - I need someone new to argue with.
You touched on the point I was leading toward (I figured someone would have bitten on it by now). The military prefers to take enlistees before the age of 25, and preferably around 17-18, because people generally have developed their outlook on life by the age of 25. This is the average age for someone to become more set in their beliefs. The military has a hard time with "training" a persons response system in that situation.
"Because that's the way it's done" means absolutely shit to someone who thinks independently, unless they've had a few years of work to keep them in line with the picture.
You're putting words in my mouth again. I think our fearless leaders are complete bufoons, and the head of the pack thinks God has him on speed dial. I don't lose a minutes sleep over what they think they can do. I worry about the next guy...
from Lilac
One more note.
Bush Fired Goss
Blair Fired Straw
I think the decision on Iran has been made. The last two sane voices on the subject are gone.
Ok Lilac,
What ya feel like arguing about? I'll pull a Cyclone response like he did with me. I got a feeling the FBI people don't argue much. Iron fist and all.
Abby and Rubin will forgive you. Different circumstances to work around.
It does sound like you are an experienced enterrogatee.
If they didn't have so much power over us, I wouldn't take our leaders serious either. I always take serious the guy holding a knife to my throat or a choke hold on my balls. Even in a figurative sense.
See, now your a blogger.
man if the govment can decipher the stuff on this page they are as nuts as we are,ya think?
thanks cyclone,sometimes the whole thing just gets so overwhelming that i just want to walk into the woods and never come back, and i'm pretty sure i'm not alone with these kind of notions. then i read you guys and it all seems to fall into place once again,don't know how all this happened but its really farmout,
stoney we really must pass a roach someday,along with the rest of this wild and wooley bunch of outlaws,doesn't that word mean out side the law,?you know i think we are outside the law and are a law unto our own selfs and have no need whatsoever to be told what to do,unless your the passenger,i'm the driver and a mac truck is bearing down on us and i do not see it because i never went to church,to eat my fortune cookie.behind the words lie the truth and behind the lie lies the lies ,the thing that really ticks me off is ,, coming from a really slow family,the time wasted in taking so long to learn that love is the only thing that will save us and bouncing off the wall of disintrest really sucks sometimes,man it is so good to see all these points of light,kindness,care,and absolute consideration that you people have for one another,i bow to you and am so gratefull that you allow me to be a small part of this encreadible journey,the world would flip if they could be here,and be able to be touched by all of this.
the silence that is love encircles each and every one of us ,we are that manifestation that gives essence to being.
peace to all of you from here and thank you all for being so generous with each other and yourselfs.
a fish?a trout? never had a tattoo ,sounds interesting at this point,under hidden part of arm? or out in open?
big trout,little trout?
man this is complacated,i was in the military,discharged and at the age of 24 they sent me a letter to come back in to go to vietnam and i ran like a really scared rabbit,never looked back.way to old to go for that crap,i have friends that have family members that are signing up and heading for iraq and its just horrible sad,they can not be talked out of it and are looking forward to it!!!times like that make me just want to go beserk and do the same things that insanity does,its a really scarey impulse,but then i realize that thats exactly what it is ,just an impulse and will never take the place of sane,not now for sure,the future? we must create something different for us and thoes that will follow us,and they will follow us.
god what an overwhelming undertaking,to be alone with this would just be to much,but the stars in this place and others like it will make the change and it will and is happening.
from here to there,peace
montana freeman
Ain't no way I'm letting the sons of bitches get that close to my throat or balls! (or house, or car, or family, or just about any thing within a thousand yards of where I happen to be!!)
It wouldn't do for them to kidnap Montana Freeman! They would be even more confused than they are now! We're fine and polished liberals and hear The Freeman and know his wisdom! Put a right winger across from him and he could make the poor misguided Bush Boy's head explode in mere seconds!
By now they're all scared of the Murphinator, and if they're not, then they will soon be!
Some how I feel strangly pleased that Big Brother is looking over my shoulder! Makes me feel like I actually got SOMEBODY in this dead-in-the-water government off their ass and doing something! Of course it's the wrong thing, but since when that does that stop the basards!!?? I guess if doing the wrong thing counts too, they're doing all they can, and then some!
Montana Freeman,
You know my friend, I almost hate to tell you this, but all of your comments indicate you are an anarchist at heart and in practice. Welcome to the club. I have put this short blurb about anarchism up before. Here it is again.
It’s true. If your idea of healthy human relations is a dinner with friends, where everyone enjoys everyone else’s company, responsibilities are divided up voluntarily and informally, and no one gives order or sells anything, then you are an anarchist, plain and simple. The only question that remains is how you can arrange for more of your interactions to resemble this model.
Whenever you act without waiting for instructions or official permission, you are an anarchist. Any time you bypass a ridiculous regulation when no one’s looking, you are an anarchist. If you don’t trust the government, the school system, Hollywood, or the management to know better than you when it comes to things that affect your life, that’s anarchism, too. And you are especially an anarchist when you come up with your own ideas and initiatives and solutions.
As you can see, it’s anarchism that keeps things working and life interesting. If we waited for authorities and specialists and technicians to take care of everything, we would not only be in a world of trouble, but dreadfully bored—and boring—too boot. Today we live in that world of (dreadfully boring!) trouble precisely to the extent that we abdicate responsibility and control.
Anarchism is naturally present in every healthy human being. It isn’t necessarily about throwing bombs or wearing black masks, though you may have seen that on television; (Do you believe everything you see on television? That’s not anarchist!). The root of anarchism is the simple impulse to DO IT YOURSELF; everything else follows from this.
Montana, no matter how we label ourselves, most of the people at this site would suscribe to this kind of living. I certainly do. You come from a very long tradition of this style of living. It is a good thing.
lol...well, if ya want to see my trout tattoo, send us an e-mail at and we'll send you a picture. It's a brook trout, about 3 inches long, and runs up the inside of my forearm starting about 2 inches from my wrist. One of the things I have always liked about it is that it's kind of a anti- corporate statement. It looks real out of place with a power suit, especially when I got it about ten years or more ago. But, of course, whatever trout is your personal favorite is the one to get.
Oh, I just got one of those old lady tri-cycles with the big basket in the back and the wide seat so when gas goes to 4 or 7 dollars a gallon, I can go to the store and stuff. Are you reading, Singapore? Got one of those?
Hi guys, daytime has come around again.
Reality, your hidden meaning was not lost on me. It was Mao who said “Give me a child to the age of seven and I will give you a communist for the rest of their life. At 17 – 20 people are still in the school, authority figure mode of thinking. So when some bullshit for brains shouts “Over the top” (of the trench), no smart arse rookie is going to say “Hey, hey hold on a minute there, is that a really cool thing to do”? I suspect that is why weed is so freely available in the military, so that it calms the older heads.
Chains of command and the Nuremberg argument, it wasn’t me, the boss told me to do it. Well it didn’t work for the German command but the squadie soldier is a different case. I guess there are two basic types of soldiers, those that have to be there and those that choose to be there. At the age youngsters usually sign up they are too young to question whose interests it is they are really protecting. Those who volunteer really should listen to the Universal Soldier at least once before committing themselves.
They are the ones who must decide.
Who is to live and who is to die
Their orders come from here and there no more
They come from you and me
And Brother can’t you see
This is not a way to put an end to war.
In other words, there can’t be any wars without soldiers to fight them. I guess this is mutually assured destruction on a smaller scale.
On the subject of holding detainees and torturing them and the possibility of American soldiers being held in capture, I don’t know why the administration does not announce that all military personnel who are held in captivity are instructed to admit everything and sign anything that is put in front of them. Whatever they sign can be easily denounced as just following orders and of no value.
Montana Freeman,
I guess you are talking of outlaws as opposed to in laws.
I also think that the god of love that talks to GB knows a different sort of love than you do Freeman.
In a previous post I was referring to the anarchists in Eugene and how they would react to a confrontation between those who wanted to try a different lifestyle and those who wanted to maintain the status quo. I only mention this because you have brought the subject up otherwise I was going to let it wither on the vine so to speak.
Freeacre of the granny trike,
We have a kiddy buggy to haul behind the cycle which is good for shopping when there are no kiddies about.
From Belgium.
From Singapore.
Yes, I also have a tricycle too, the loading capacity is at back and the cyclist is at front. I tested load 100KG and no problem. My place 1 km/30 minutes walk away is the main distributor for the entire of singapore, I spotted 13 of such tricycles within 1 km radius, including mine, the newspaper delivery man and an abandoned one near the nearby sub way station. The size is small enough to fit into the 2.8 metre long made in Germany inflatable 1-2 man small boat. The samll boat is called canoe in USA. I did not choose large size tricycle as large size tricycle cannot fit in the 1-2 man boat. Cost is S$240 + 5% sales tax and S$1.58=US$1. Made in china, Wen Zhou, near shanghai and is blue in colour. This item not so good, rusty very easily but I checked the chinese manufacturer web site, no more manufactured since 2003.
As for tattoos, my first tattoo is Rob Gonsalves in the up swing (See www.discovery, front piece entirely, full colour, from chest level to stomach area XXL size. The stomach area is very very hard, feels as if giving birth and total time is 22 hours, 13 trips. This is morphing image of fence morph into church. S$2,800/US$1=S$1.58 for front piece. Back piece is full colour Rob Gonsalves Written Worlds , the books inside library opens up to various worlds e.g. forest, swordsman , outer space. Cost is S$2,500.
And as for tattoos, if you have studied tattoos well, there is an american book called Body Art, one of the pictures inside shows a man from New York with a very beautiful Black and white young ladies going to church left sleeve, fron across the road the guy's left arm is totally black colour. The man also has a B/W stomach piece (It is bad art design) and his back piece is B/W eagle on it and the words "Overwhelm" and "Overcome". I must tell you the world is very small, I met this guy from New York in Singapore, opposite Bugis Junction taking a bus just 2 hours ago, he says he has been posted to Singapore in Jan 2006 from USA and he got surprise some one recognised him from the tattoo on his left sleeve. The book only shows his good tattoos, he has very bad tattoos the rest of the body, the book did not show his bad tattoos on his leg, the green coloured pine leaf on his right elbow area, and other horrible looking tattoos. I asked for his name card but he refuse to give me as I am stranger. If any one else from Singapore is reading this, please do look out for this person, his arm full sleeve B/W is very very nice but the rest is really horrible. My definition of nice tattoos is the type of standard as Mona Lisa, Rob Gonsalves art work ( I wish I did not meet him as he destroyed my image of him after seeing him.
Lastly, I realise no point getting too many canning jars and food. I have enough canning jars 62 litres, about 64% of current capacity I can find, 62 litres can last 20 days but if I buy all I can last until 30 days canned jars. I also have 260 canns of food and 260 KG of rice, can last 40+ days but I only managed to boost water capacity to 1,000 litres, total of 20 storage pails and can last max 12.5 days only. So I have insufficient water as 12.5 days max on hand storage as compared to canning jars 20 days and I can buy until 30 days ready stock and food can last at least 40 days. Today is voting day in singapore and I think 62% of available canned jars sale capacity is enough, until the local politicians who claims "I hope to get a minimum of 85%-90% of all valid votes for me, anything less than 85% is no good".
[reality shakes his head, laughs, and exits stage left]
somehow saw it coming...
NO permanent ink in Belgium or extra holes that didn’t come with the starter kit.
It seems to me that you can’t ride very far in a 2.8m canoe or was the intention to hang the back wheels over the side and fit paddles to them?
I sure do agree that the God of GB does not appear to be the God of Freeman nor for the rest of us here nor for the the truly conscious. I know that is a tautalogical statement and I shall exit right after the next.
I have no idea yet how the anarchists in Eugene or Seattle will deal with that confrontation. They seem to mostly be doing their lifestyle now, except of course, when they don't. True for us all.
lol...well, it figures that you'd have a tricycle, guess my thoughts on it are validated. I looked up Rob Gonsalves art - both pictures very tasteful and interesting. Boy, that must have been a real bugger to undergo though. Amazing that you ran into the man in the magazine, isn't it? It seems the universe keeps giving us what we are looking for. I mentioned that I wanted a trike to my neighbor and the next day she heard a lady say she had one and had been trying to sell it at garage sales. Like new almost, and I got it for $100.
I've got to tear myself away from this site for awhile. Murph wore off a couple of hunks of skin on his hands rototilling the huge garden that I've got all these seeds for. Now, I've got to do my part... got to go plant some stuff. Later, My Brothers
Do you think your brothers will grow if you plant them?
Curious From Belgium
I didn't know you were a fan of Snaglepus.
From Belgium
I am at times. Although, if I were to re-visit my cartoon days, I would probably lean toward Winnie the Pooh. First existentialist cartoon ever!!!
No idea why I had to put that in, but what the hell!
From Singapore
The reason for the 2.8 metre kayak/raft (It should be a kayak/raft just like in the movie the River wild and not a canoe) is because that is the only one available at local shops, I checked with a New Zealand manufacturer directly and they say they only sell overseas minimum 5 person model, weights minimum 30KG and so it must be airmail only and not thru local post office. So I decided to get 5 sets of 2.8 metre inflatable kayak at local seller instead as infltable kayak 2.8 metre is 7 KG weight only. Cost is S$150, about US$90 each and available is immediate. Made in Germany, german text describes it as a boot set, no English text but it looks more like mini raft/kayak than canoe. Intended purpose is to hopefully can sail very near coast, up to Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, China and then South Korea. Japan is impossible to get to it in kayak/canoe/raft. Reason for sailing up coast is for more options, instead of using car to flee up coast, use a kayak instead. For singapore, there are about 100-200 non motorized kayak+canoe+boats etc.... I live near the river which every saturday can see about 50 people riding on canoe. And too many motorized boats which is useless when oil is too expensive.
its easier to get through hard times with pot and no money then money and no pot,yep,just read the chicago seven and almost lost it.goddam we were so strong then,no one could stop us,no one ,i was 28 when the boys were indicted,there was so much going on in california i missed the convention party,but everyone knew what was going on on some level between acid,love ins pan handle golden gate park,fillmore,haight st,i lived at haight and steiner in the black district,it was great,saw no problems with race,every one was just hanging out,getting high on stuff that would not fuck you up,gary garcia on the back of a flatbed truck playing in the park,janis singing her beautiful heart out ,god there were so many beautiful young people loving and protesting in peace and sharing what ever.abbie replying [conspirancy?hell we can't even decide on lunch!]forgot about that.
will print it out and give to my son to take to school,should be available to this generation,hell it makes me really feel my age.
thanks for the reminder murph
montana freeman
From Singapore
The only thing I lack of now is more water storage capacity, my current capacity is 1,000 litres, 20 sealed pails x 50 litres, which I cannot do as I am running out of physical space and as you know, water is very space intensive.
The other thing which I know is useless but nice to have is dial o gram/cent o gram, 311gram/310 gram at 0.01 gram, spotted it as the main distributor of weighting machines. USeful for chemistry but I only got water distill kit x 4 using liebig condenser, 3 litres seawater source, 4 litres collector, lots of mirrors to concentrate energy source, no chemicals, basically no use for the 0.01gram mechanical weighting machine. Cost is S$372.50 new / US$185 selling in USA, ebay is US$26 for used set + delivery cost.
If you are looking portable or compact, then maybe you shouldn't be looking at large storage as an option. I would recommend simple tablets or heat and strain, but that doesn't cover microspore problems. I seem to remember you have a problem with a few of those in your area?
If you are looking to treat water for a small number of people then maybe you should skip looking into the expensive major units, and spend time researching on the outfitting and backpacking sites. Maybe something made by Katadyn or MSR?
I kinda go for South Park. Beavis and Butthead are too much like my nephews. In fact I think the creators of "Beavis and Butthead" had a hidden camera in my house when they spent the summer with me back in the nineties
The guys that make South Park did a show called "That's My Bush", that was great! Comedy Central took it off the air right after 9/11. I wish to fuck they'ld put it back on!
The military wants the young because it makes it oh so easy for the military to slip into the "Parent" niche that has so recently been emptied by the subject's enlistment. In other words, It is very easy for them to order a young person to run head long into a meat grinder and feel reasonably assured the the meatgrinder will indeed be run headlong into.
An older person will stop a second and weigh the grim possibility that running into a meat grinder will not be a prudent action to take on the part of the runner. That's why the old saying "It's not mine to wonder why, It is mine to do or die" is repeated ad nauseum untill it's so firmly stuck in the new recruits mind that they can find it with a CT scan.
War is fed by warm and willing bodies. The younger and more indestuctable in their own minds, these bodies are, the better cannon fodder they make. Which is pretty much the job of Airmen, Seamen, and Privates in the first place!
Call it cold if you must, but it is the truth! That's why when the "All American Boy" comes home from the "war" he has a roaring case of PTSD, and a thousand yard stare that will scare the fuck out of his parents, who will have to deal with this poor damaged individual after Uncle Sam cuts him loose with a hand shake and pat on the back.
John Wayne never made any movies about that part of it!
Thank you. I figured that you would answer that one for me, and I knew that your description could paint a much better picture than I cold ever hope to.
On another subject, got a link from Lilac that I think is an excellent read. Lilac found it on LATOC:
Worth the read. I am not really sure who Dmitry Orlov, but he has a very interesting angle...
Its a beautiful sunday morning and this came to mind.
Prejudice lies deep within the mind,so deep that it is contained within the very building blocks of the universe, the dna,the map of from which we as sentinent beings have our physical and mental being is only one of the infinite trails from which prejudice travels on its way to that which cannot be unraveled by the mind,and its called the great mystery by my people.To try to examine this mystery is to become entangled in an endless quest because the untangler is the tangled,and part of that same mystery,in other words,no different.The actual realization of this phenomenon seems to put an end to the suffering that besets humankind,for it is the mind that is the source of this suffering.All the great religions of the planet came into being as a result of the pursuit of this understanding,and a very few have indeed understood and from there sprang the religions as this information was attempted to be passed on to others,and we can see from the results of this attempt that the people did not understand and turned the teaching into the corruption that exsists today as religion,the absolute misery that has occured is the ruthless competition between the various sects on the planet.So what is the problem?Why can something so simple be so hard to understand?Why indeed is there only a handfull of people in all of recorded history attained that state of grace,wherein all contention has dissapeared?The blood of millions of our brothers and sisters has spilled upon the ground in the mindless pursuit of what?
There is something that seems to be beyond the ordinary person's ability to comprehend the workings of one's own mind,for therein does lie the answer,does it not.
And just exactly what is it that keeps the average person,you and me from being able to examine the contents of ones own mind?,from there comes the question,what exactly is the contents of ones own mind?Is it something which only a very handfull have exclusive privilege?,and if so why is that?,is it a matter of mutation?,a different distribution of grey matter?,is it that people are so busy with the mundane,useless self image?and fear of upsetting someone elses idea of proper procedure to travel that road?or is the guru[the one who points]is of few?
These questions i think are of value becauseit seems that whatever humankind has come up with has led to nothing but death and destruction,both to the human spirit and our home.[except for the almost cure for the common cold]
Why on spirits own earth is this only for the very few?,should this not be at the very heart of human endeavor?
one stands in pain and cries out for the blood of the millions upon millions of people that have been slaughtered in the name of some unpronouncible deity! what is wrong with us?we must find out before its to late,and it just might be to late.
i do not know the answer,we have been here for so long and have not learned to share this beautiful garden,which is our only home.
Great spirit,we lift up our arms to you on this calm sweet morning,that the travails upon which we seem to be anchored be loosed and drop away like the fog in the wind,and the gentle voices of our ancesters be heard as music to our ears.
from brother crowfoot,
what is life?
it is the flash of a firefly in the night.....
it is the little shadow which runs across the grass
montana freeman
the last line of brother crowfoot's is
and loses itself in the sunset
Montana Freeman,
You ask the question of ages, so many have attempted to answer and so few found an answer.
In most cases, it appears that it is just too much work, seems to take too much time, too much dedication for most people to be interersted in pursuing it. Thinking is hard work, that is why it is so unpopular. We look for instant salvation, easily accomplished, with little effort.
And then again, maybe some questions simply can't be answered for most people if they were interested. I have so many questions that begin with WHY, and hardly any become clear. It is easty giving up the quest for WHY when you throw in a lot of effort and cannot come up with and answer.
It also appears to me that so much of man's efforts have ended up in death and destruction. We can envision better, but over time it does not appear.
The fundamentalists explain it as the work of Satan. Anything to take away the responsibility of our species for what we have created. We create Gods to appeal to for mercy, for assistance and it never seems to be realized. We sacrifice virgins, son's of God, various animals to appeal to the blood thirsty imagination of help beyond ourselves. The answer is within ourselves and as you said, so few find it.
Perhaps in the grand scheme of things we are a cosmic joke, a being who will never be free, who will always be imprisoned in a mind of horrors, a fallen race.
I have no answers, but a lot of questions that begin with WHY. WHY oh WHY great spirit, God, whatever is greater than I, do you not free me?
Dmitry Orlov I have mentioned before. The site you posted is a short condensation of his essays and research.
From The Wilderness web site has a bunch of articles by him that explain in detail. It is excellent reading and very much worth the time
Thank you, Montana Freeman, for that blessing. I, too, wonder at what seems to be the flawed nature of our species - how we have made one group or one country or whatever the "other" and denied their humanity and so justified their exploitation or suffering and/or deaths. I was watching the History Channel this morning about the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. None of them exist anymore except the Great Pyramid. Most were destroyed by cultures that came after them and considered themselves better, much like the Taliban just ruined the huge Buddha statues carved into the mouuntains of Iraq or Afghanistan or wherever it was. But, it is of some comfort to me to know that cultures have come and gone and been forgotten and risen again and it all just continues. At least we can be certain that nomatter how screwed up things get, it can't be sustained forever. The sustainable things do last, and the bullshit ends because eventually it has to. I think there is a "rightness" that prevails in the long run, but it can get pretty bleak in the meantime. I sure wouldn't have wanted to be a female in Europe during the Middle Ages, for instance.
And, then, I pause from all this considering, and I go outside and look at the garden and my neighbor's alpaca and the miniature goats and the silly goose that follows them all around. It's quiet and the trees and the dirt smells so good and there are birds flying around and it all seems so beautiful to me that I wonder what the hell have I been thinking? It's just that everything is happening all the time and you just can't grok it all at once.
I, too, lived in the Haight district, on the corner of Haight St. and Waller. Also lived on the South Side of Chicago just after the Panthers got annhilalated.Was in the huge street demonstration in Chicago after Kent State. What I wanted to be able to create in my life is pretty much what I finally have now.
So, I feel quite lucky to have lived in these times. I feel less and less worried about collapse. In fact, it worries me more that maybe things WON'T collapse - and it will be all about clones and genetically engineered monstrosities, and mutant seeds, and biotic bullshit and pig-ignorant fascist greedheads in control of everything.
I like the Buddhist teaching that it's good to stop thinking and just experience getting the mind to be silent for awhile. Then, maybe we can hear what spirit has to say and walk a more righteous path.
Beautifully expressed Montana freeman, the eternal question to which very few find the answer until they stop looking everywhere else for it.
I do believe that you will have short circuited more than a few synapses of whoever it is that is looking for Bush Bashers in Fort Hauchuca. Keep up the good work of confusing them with the truth.
From Belgium.
I'm actually a fan of LATOC. I've read a few of Orlov's pieces, but really don't know much about him yet for some reason. I need to do a little research there.
His works go very well with Michael Lind's work "After the Empire." That is someone who can talk about the end of empires without many brave enough to counter. His works on the Soviet collapse where dead on, and written several years ahead of it. This work focuses on America.
From Singapore to reality
I have checked Katadyn and Mountain Safe Research web sites. Katadyn has subsidaries in USA, Germany, France and Singapore but I never heard of this company's name appear in the local newspaper at all. Both Katadyn and Mountain safe research uses chemicals/distillation filters. I did experiment in 1990, adding water filter and change the water 6 months later and the water filter is slightly dirty. That is why I never use distillation filters, as they have to be replaced and where to get them when transport is not available? If you check all the items I buy almost all (Except the HP Graphic Programmable Computer HP49G) are all stand alone self sufficient units that use no external batteries, some are solar with built in batteries for torchlight/light and the rest are 100% mechanical.
My son in law said to me yesterday “It’s started”.
“What’s started”?
“This oil crash business you were telling me about”
“Oh how so”?
It seems that the company he works for that refines and processes precious heavy metals, platinum; rhodium; osmium; gold etc has just made a snap announcement to jack their prices 5% across the board.
I will keep you guys up to date with this from time to time as I get the info.
From Belgium.
I could have swore they made a couple of electro-mech units! Must have pulled those lines. In the US, we don;t have much to worry about from the water other than gerardia (sp?) from beavers and humans, and filtering out basic contaminent. Half the time is you find a good natural spring, most of the filtering is done already. Amazing what you can learn about water from a backpacker. They certainly help me!
To All;
You are an amazing bunch of individuals. The comments are profound, and I am happy that no one seems to care that Fort Whatthehellareyoualldoinghere is watching our every move. You ALL make me proud to be associated with you, and we shall continue.
fort huachuca listeners can kiss my crusty old hippy ass right where the sun don't shine.and take a real good sniff at the freedom that commenters on this site have,and how you fucks are a bunch of lily livered puke bags without a speck of brain matter to share amoungst all of you,piss ants!!!!and i'll bet my friend stoney can stand and deliver a hell of a lot stronger message then that douch bags.
montana freeman to the end,
gittum gang!!
Montanna Freeman! You know I can!!!!
To the Fort Fuckemall boys,
It doesn't surprise me that you pricks are lurking around getting the dirt on all us Godless Liberals. I certainly hope the dirt you get is worth all the expence and taxpayer's money that you are needlessly squandering so Big Brother knows his favorite son George W Bush is on his way to a secure location, anfd will soon be dressed in one-piece apparell in a lovely shade of orange!
I know you're probably reading this grinding you teeth right now with a heartful of hate for this smartass calling himself Stoney13 in a little shit burg in North Carolina. I know you're probably filtering through files and the such trying to find out exactly who this prick is and why he has all this hate for everything you style yourself to be! Let me save you some trouble! I USED TO BE ONE OF YOU! Yep! No Shit!!
Oh you'll have to search long and hard to find me because I got "Whitewashed" because of a motorcycle wreck that laid me up for sixteen months, and left me unfit for military service. Steel plate in my head, reconstuctive knee surgery, lost about half my sight, Back and neck injuries and fractures. All that kind of shit. But you see, I didn't die! I fooled all the mutherfuckers! Everybody had me dead and buried, but you can't kill a SEAL quite so easily! CPO Browning may only exist in a tiny file that nobody less than GS15 will ever see, but guess what fuckers! I'm alive and well! Right fucking here! So you see when I tell you that I found out the hard way, I did! Remember OPERATION SNOWSCREEN? I sure the fuck do? I was there! I won't divudge any more than that. I can say that much without breaking my oath. I ain't got much, Jack, but my word is still gold! I'll let you in on a little rhyme we used to say over in that place which I cannot name!
Lock and load, and sally forth!
Fun and games with Olly North
Poindexter's got the heat!
Olly's got the cash!
But Noriega's the man!
He sacks the stash!
Before you sell your soul for these knee-jerk tin soldies, think!
Do they really deserve your soul?
Montanna Freeman,
Not to be a know-it-all or such shit, but your friend the duck got his wires crossed somewhere! Lake Titticacca is in Peru!
Oh yea! By the way! "Titticacca" means "Smells like shit" in the Peruvian native tounge!!
thanks stoney,
i knew you could stand tall in the saddle and give the sons a bitches a taste of truth even if like you say it will probably fall on earwax,
i knew lake tittiecaca was someplace outside of montana,the way you describe it i would of placed it somewhere in northern arizona actually.again my friend,thanks and have good campfire,
montana freeman
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