Monday, May 08, 2006

A Message, Plus a Post from Reality

Since it is clear that not one of us seems to care even a tad bit about the "monitoring project" that the evil empire has allowed me to uncover, we will forge ahead with what we have been doing. In fact, soon after the following post, presented by Reality, we will begin to ramp things up a bit. We are nearing the end, folks, and if the gloves are to come off, now is the time. We should not go down without telling the truth, if not for ourselves then maybe for a future generation, should there be one. THIS CAN NEVER BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN AGAIN.

As gold approaches $700 per ounce, and is likely headed to $1000-$2000, (who really knows?) it is obvious that the great American economy is soon to fail. Don't believe it? Spend a couple of hours driving through neighborhoods and look at all of the houses that are on the market. Sorry kids, too late to sell, but how many have been abandoned by middle class "home owners?" You won't find a banker to answer that question for you, but the house next door to mine is one. Yet the stock market continues to soar, if you actually believe the numbers. Interesting, how we can have debt out the eyeballs, the dollar falling like a jumper who's chute failed to open, the middle class destroyed, yet Booshco tells us that the economy is robust? Jobs are plentiful? Denial time is over, folks. We are there.

So, after today's post by Reality, look for a slight change of tone on the Real Deal from here on out. Or, maybe a severe change of tone. Hayden being named the possible head of the CIA is big, really big. It leads to the possible police state that we have been fearing for some time, along with the Great Industrial Military Complex that I warned of some months ago. It's about to get ugly, so we may as well help to expose the game that is being played. So, get ready, we are going to soon make a move.

Now, to Reality's post. And, thanks to all for hanging in there without bowing to intimidation.


How to Define Success Revisited

In the past several posts, we have discussed what the definition of success is, what it to means to each individual, and how that definition can change for each person. It could be proposed that the problem which keeps most people from obtaining what they define as a successful life is that the definition is wrong to begin with. The issue I would like you to decide is if it is possible to effect a change in that definition personally, or socially, within our society. What do we change? How would we do it? What would be the effect of such a drastic modification to our social symbolism? To decide that, we need to start by deciding what the social definition success is, and what it should be.

Websters defines success as follows: “a : degree or measure of succeeding b : favorable or desired outcome; also : the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence.”
Interesting definition, especially when you see the common slang definition at the end (under also).

We seem to have established that most of our individual definitions have met the b: meaning, and even when our values changed, this definition of success remains essentially the same. When considering that fact it would appear that success could be better defined as “the degree to which we can emulate an existing role-models, or archetypes, achievements and/or goals”. This may be the key to our goal.
When we are young, we tend to emulate those closest to us. Watch a young child with their parents at a restaurant. They will do their best to follow the parents habits, to get the same things, even to eat with the same hand. They also pick the same goals, to their understanding. As we get older, we tend to find new people to emulate, and often the source of our new role model is found on the television or the sports floor. Unfortunately, this puts us at the whim of the advertisers. They want us to emulate a great spender. Greed is embedded early (see slang definition listed above).

How do we change this? We change the social definition of admirable. Our education, our pastimes, and even our families tell us that we should look up to the person who collects the most. Maybe we should judge people more by what they return to society. We need a public discussion of “how much is enough?” Let me suggest two role models.
Benjamin Franklin suggested, ”He that is of the opinion money will do everything may well be suspected of doing everything for money.” Franklin tried to teach that success was not a matter of how much profit you made, but what you did with the profit. He made himself an example. He worked with his competition in town, instead of running them out of business (although he did like to jab him at the post office). Even helped some apprentices start their of printing shops, realizing that he could cooperate with them to improve his own business. His answer to early success? Spend more time helping others. He had earned a comfortable existence, so he moved on to his love, science for the good of mankind. Very few of his inventions made him money. He did it for love, and for good. He was wealthy by the standards of that time, but was not known as being greedy or selfish.

A more modern example is Peter Karmanos The founder and CEO of Compuware. This software company is a powerhouse in the Midwest which shook up the business sector in Michigan a few years ago. Farmington Hills and Detroit were fighting for the bid to host Compuware's headquarters in their city. The bids were placed back and forth, mostly about tax credits. Compuware's answer to this? They announced that they were going to publish the bids, and tell both cities to forget the tax credits because the bid was going to the City that could provide the most benefits to its workers. Not surprisingly, Compuware enjoys fierce employee loyalty, and exceptional results in all of their departments. They have shown that paying your employees well, and considering their needs is a good business decision.

These people believe(d) that we can make ourselves better and happier as people by helping to improve our communities with our success, and that we should be judged by that ends. They also le(a)d by example. There are several other examples available of people who share these beliefs. These are the role models to look up to. In my opinion, this is an admirable change in social expectation, and one that most people would accept without any significant complaints.

I've rambled on long enough, and now it is time for you to give me some suggestions on what you think needs to be changed. I'll leave you with a quote that I think serves as an excellent definition of success.

“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of leave the world a better know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Next time- how to start the change


Thanks, Reality


At 8:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent post, Reality! It is inspiring to hear of companies that actually value their employees and don't consider every dollar not sucked in a dollar lost. If we could just change the bottom line to be a balance of the workers, the environment, and the profitability, if would be much better for all of us.
And, Cyclone, the average house in my former home town of Lake Tahoe, CA, just went up by 27%! The median price is $527,000. On the North side of Lake Tahoe, it is a $million. But, 70% are second, third, or more homeowners who don't "need" to rent out their multiple homes. The working folks in Tahoe have to live in the valley and car pool to work. Schools are closing, as the population of children is reduced by about 7% per year. A service economy means that you create a nation of servants with a small percentage of masters to serve. With all this crumbling infrastructure, it's amazing to me how well the illusion is maintained that all is well.
Anyway, I think Ben Franklin has just become my favorite - Emerson, too...well, then there was Thoreau (and Jefferson,..). We need them back! Maybe they ARE coming back.

At 9:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Good continuation of the thought. I think there are two key points made. Changing the social definition of admirable (depends on the individual value system), and How much is enough (again, individual value system).
Obviously the circumstances of your living situation will affect both, at least to some degree. I know people that are dirt poor most of the time and when they get their hands on some money, they immediately go out and buy some piece of hard good that has the appearance of wealth. Of course they soon have to pawn or sell it to feed themselves.

Those with big incomes and lots of financial resources tend to compare themselves to those with more and strive to have that "more". This seems to be a prominate character of our society, always wanting more, trying to get a piece of the action we see going on around us.

I figure that will end soon enough. When you're trying to figure out how to stay warm and get something to eat, you tend to not be too concerned with anything else.

I'm just hoping that when this crash comes at us the internet stays up for a while so we all can stay in contact for a while.

At 9:56 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...

At least I have a little hope that this administration that brought on this nightmare will get it's "comeupances" here pretty soon. Karl Rove not only lied under oath, but was involved with outing Valerie Plame, right down to having an "investigation" done to see what she was working on!

The noises I hear coming from Washington tell me that the biggest scandal ever known will soon break, and it will make Watergate look like Sunday night bingo game! In fact Watergate is involved in this new one, but not quite as broadly. Duke Cuningham was just the tip of the iceberg and Bush is on the Titanic in the dark!

To Big Brother's Observer,

Did you hear me you misguided snoop? Your boss is about to get his ship of lies nailed by a truth torpedo! All will be known!

Now get off your ass and stop watching us and do your job! This once proud nation is being driven into the ground by a bunch of criminals who are so stupid and inept they spread their conspiracies so thin they don't know who knows what! Is this what you want to look your children, and grand children in the eye and tell them you defended and enabled? don't want to take my word for it? Yhen do what your paid to do and INVESTIGATE IT! Those that drop the dime on Bush for his crimes are the REAL HEROS!

The ball's in your court! GET OFF YOUR ASS AND DO SOMETHING! If you think it's going to go away, You're wrong!

At 10:00 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Let's hope they are coming back. As for the housing prices, don't forget the rising interest rates. If you didn't sell your home 2 years ago, it has become a loser, unless you plan to stay in it for a long, long time.


At 10:10 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...


Excellent post my mt man! Most excellent! I especially like the Ralph Waldo Emerson quote. I've been a fan of Emerson since I was introduced to has work by a very liberal minded English teacher in the ninth grade.


The months of May and June are going to be VERY interesting! Very fucking interesting indeed! I got a letter today that says Bush's chickens have come home to roost. The reason for the "shake up" at the White House will be revealed very soon! I know it's too little too late for the economy, but big fat rats are leaving the USS Bushco! And these rats are squeaking in a very loud and "testimonial" manner! and I for one enjoy the songs of rodents! Especially if there's a pretty good chance that Bush and company will be a captive audience and attired in matching orange suits!

At 10:25 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Your letter is correct. The panic has begun, things are spinning out of control and the madness is right around the corner. The letter from Iran is merely a teaser. It will be interesting to see what Boosh does with it. Notice the price of oil dropped as soon as the letter arrived? These people are moronic fools, Wall Street would buy an ice cube in Antarctica right now. Everything's just peachy! More later on all of that. Entertainment at its finest.


At 11:07 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...


As of 10:00 hours EST, he was denying it! But then again You knew he would! If this wan't so grim and had the fate of the United States attached to it, it would be a fucking great comedy!

Comedy Central should bring "That's My Bush" back! Right now, the ratings would be unreal!

At 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a common belief that the more you give away, the more you receive back so maybe this could be considered to be a definition of success. Unfortunately I have never been in a position to test out the theory. One problem as recently discussed is that especially with regard to charities, you have to be so careful that your thoughtful donation is not going to support some administrator’s six-figure lifestyle.
If selfless giving of yourself is a measure of personal success then probably Mother Theresa had it in large amounts but was she successful in completely achieving her objective? One thing, she wasn’t daunted by the enormity of the task and if making a difference is enough without what would be called modern resources she certainly did it. According to Murph’s definition, she could be regarded as an anarchist although she probably wouldn’t think of herself as such.

I once heard of a company director, somewhere in Middle America, I think who let any employee at any time see the company books. I still can’t make up my mind if he was the most open and honest businessman I heard of or if he was a very clever psychologist. The last time I heard of him his business was doing fine.

The human spirit is incredibly robust and as both prisoners of war and detainees will attest, you can get used to anything. If POW’s have an escape plan then having a common objective which will keep the spirits up against all odds could be enough success regardless of whether the actual escape comes to fruition or not. Therefore to have travelled well even if objectives were not realised could be success in itself.

One ironic thought that crossed my mind on the POW subject is that just as Adolph Eichman Died a lonely death in Colditz so Buscho could be left to wither away in the Halliburton Holiday Camp.

From Belgium.

At 12:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have just read an extremely nauseating article posted on called "The Biggest Con: Democrats and Republicans Work Together To Destroy America (part 1 of 3)by Tibor S. Friedman. Scary only begins to describe what he writes. I don't know if this guy is credible or a quack, can anyone tell me?

Alberta Clipper

At 12:46 PM, Blogger Reality said...


A good analogy, but let me point you in another direction.

The issue is not how much you give, but how much good you give. A poor person can take time from his day to help the elderly person next door pick her garden, and will have contributed more by comparison than The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation ever will. The gift is never the dollar value, but the care and concern.

The question of the article which remains with us as individuals is, "how do you teach yourselves and your children to aspire to be like the well-to-do man who helps his community instead of the wealthy man who plunders it to have more for himself? How do we emphasize values over value? How do we value rich more than wealthy?"

At 1:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Point well taken Reality

From Belgium

At 3:54 PM, Blogger efsaturn said...

How to change society's view and definition of success. That task even if we had an answer seems so undaunting and overwhelming! But I guess it changes one mind and one person at a time.

At 4:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alberta Clipper,

Yes Yes Yes. That article in The Online Journal is exactly what I have been spouting off about since the 70's.

Folks, do read that posting on The Online Journal. It is dead on. If you want to have something to really worry about, read it. Buy more ammo.

At 4:51 PM, Blogger Reality said...


Thank you for the comment. One person at a time is enough to improve the world.

I would point out that a whole lot of people are very unhappy with what they have been living. We may be ripe for just such a change (I was one of them), and with this small change comes many others.

What may may seem daunting is actually miniscule in comparison to the bigger issues, and yet it opens up the doors for many people to accept those very issues.


You sneaked a comment in on me!

I wasn't ingoring you. I am very glad that you liked the piece!

At 5:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alberta Clipper,

As an expansion on that article and what I previously said. The exact same information was being put out by the radical conservative publications in the 80's. At that time when you talked about this stuff you were accused of being a racist, a warmonger, a silly doomsdayer and a lot of other names. Interesting that a respected online publication that is progressive is now putting out this information.

Back in the late 70's and early 80's, groups reporting on these international organizations that were setting up the new world order were being infiltrated by investigative reporters, and no matter what they said about the goings on, they were heavily discounted. Nearly every singe corportation, nearly every single government leader is a member of at least one of these groups. They are highly secretive, and have their own virtual army of protection.

Some of the stuff in that article is extremely difficult to document for sure, but I have been aware of this information for a long time. And, it does fall under the classification of conspiracy. The thing that readers will have to decide is it a conspiracy theory or a conspiracy probability. This kind of manipulation has been going on in this country since the early 1800's. That has been documented. And in the early 1900's is when they buttoned up and went underground so to speak and information about these types of groups became very difficult to find. The groups I am referring to are the CFR, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg. They are real, and they are conspiratory.

Just what we need uh?

At 6:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I wonder is if we'll see parts 2 and 3, or will someone put a sock in Mr. Friedman's ability for free speech.

Alberta Clipper

At 8:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Murphy, and Alberta

I just happened to bring up that sight of all I have to choose from and red that very thing. It all makes sense keeping the masses fighting between each other all the while reloading with a differant party. Its explains also why you (Murphy)don't like either party now I know why I have been so ignerant. I have been reading alot about events from WWII to present and how things really were/are. False flag events how else would they get control or get us to go along with some of the things they have done and are doing.

I'm real interested in what is coming down on boosh and fiends. I'm somewhat out of the loop on this one. And whom may I ask is going to actually do anything about it, he whipes his ars with our costitution so I'm thinking this will be but another blip on the screan before the corporate media spins it away.

Yes get to all these third world countries and help them out with loans and democracy, what a bunch of bullshit. You don't like what we have well them your a comunist bastard and we will let eveyone know through our corporate media. You will not be able to do shit if you don't toe the American line and let us at your minerals for what we tell you we are going to pay for them. You can pretty much give us amnesty from prosecution for damage to your ecology as well. Because we don't give a shit we are the world elite. So back inline with you pessant or you will be fowarded to camp Dooshbooch. Oh by the way how does it feel to be free?


At 9:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it seems as if all that attune to this site know that the end of things as we know it is soon to be a thing of the past,personally this one,like freeacre would be sadly dissapointed if it did not happen,it sounds calous to consider such a thing,but to look at the misery that permeates the land and the absolute denial of reality that stands before us,is insanity personified,to an unbelievable level,the arrogance contained within the structure of society is not only amoung the people that supposely have it all,but the ones that have nothing are in that same boat.they are just as arrogant, whats the difference between a beer and a martini?,and furthermore,people will never elect anyone that sees much difference in the way they view the world,looking close at this and it is really apparent,this one chooses to live a very simple life and it is for the most part a life of peace and outward contentment,however there are weeds in this flower patch and i see absolutely no distinguishable difference between myself and anyone else,not even that ratfuck bush,hes just younger then me,thats all,and that statement has much hidden meaning, i ask myself what if i was stranded on an island with him and no hope of rescue? knowing what we know now? what would any of us do.?without the kneejerk reaction,seriously what would you do? this is a serious question because in it are the ingrediants that all of us have had more or less shoved down our collective throats,including him. he and i sit across the campfire from each other and something would be said for sure,right? we both know that there is no help coming ,now what?
he knows how hes behaved and i know how i've behaved,what do we say to each other?
come on stoney, i know you were reaching for your gun but wait a minute,work with me on this one,i think stupid shit like this from time to time.probably all that acid in the 60's
peace guys
montana freeman

very good post reality,wish i could understand more of what you say,cause i feel its really important that i do.

At 9:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Montana Freeman
you understand plenty, more then you realize.

Hmm how liberal am I- I would be affraid he would try to iliminate me. To bad for him.


At 10:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Montana Freeman,
I periodically have fantasys about spending time in front of Bush and others in his group. The outcome varies. Sometime they die, sometimes I just walk away from them. It is very difficult for me not to view all of them as sick shits, even evil. How should I deal with a sociopath, an evil personality? Would the world be better off with them gone? I refuse to obsese about it, but it does come up at times. It is relatively easy to forgive actions that were accidental, or the consequencies were not realized. Can premeditated actions that delibertly hurt and maim people be forgiven? Can a leader that delibertly violates his trust, that knowingly lies, that knowingly uses his authority to kill and butcher innocent societies, that delibertly makes life worse for many people, can that person really be forgiven? How can you respect that persons life at all? Then I ask; Am I even qualified or able to judge at all? I say YES I AM!! We spend our lives in some kind of judgement almost constantly. What we do with those judgements perhaps tells more of who we are than the judgements themselves. No hard answers to this.

At 11:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

W. H. Auden poem - wow, Rockpicker, perfect choice to respond to Montana Freeman's scenario.
The choice of responses in that island existential situation throws me into a practically chemical flashback review of all that I am and all that I believe. But after all is said and done, the temptation to affect a miracle would be too great to pass up. Because if one could possibly transform that son-of-a-bitch by truth and forgiveness, it would be a miracle of such immense proportions that it might just drag the rest of the reality right along with it and transform the whole situation. It would be worth a try.
This may be the residual effect of some of that same substance from back in the day to which you referred, Montana Freeman.

At 12:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post Reality....all to true.

BTW, I went and read all parts on that onlinejournal site.
I was interested in what he had to say right up till the part where he started talkin about hidden cameras that are built into computer monitors....HAHAHHA!!


Sorry, but this guy has lost it.

At 2:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I was sat across the campfire from George W Bush I think that I would quietly enjoy looking into his eyes and keeping my own council. Let it sink in that even with potential help he is utterly alone and that living or dying is down to him. That his skills as world leader have not prepared him to look after himself and we would both be thankful that sharp shooter Cheney was not around to finish the job quickly.

It was George H Bush who galvanised those in the know by on a number of occasions by using the phrase “New World Order” (One Government World) as did also Nixon on a visit to China.

Apparently the NWO was the original brainchild of Cecil Rhodes (Rhodesia – de Beers Diamond Merchants) and took shape through the support of JP Morgan; A Carnegie; the Rothschild’s and Rockefeller’s.
American presidents associated with its sub organisations, reportedly are: Gerald Ford; Jimmy Carter; George H Bush, Ronny Reagan; Bill Clinton and George W Bush.
Also reportedly, other senior administration officials include: Walter Mondale; Zbigniew Brezeinski; Cyrus Vance; Stansfield Turner; Al Haig; George Schultz; William Casey; Brent Scowcroft; Richard Thornburgh; Warren Christopher and David Gergan.

These people apparently have no qualms about supporting extreme right (Hitler) or extreme left (Lenin) organisations just so long as they are the ones left standing at the end of the game.

The thing that I find puzzling about the whole thing is if all of this comes about, what can these people do with their money that they can’t already do now? Or is it a case of playing tin soldiers? Even allowing for the possibility (which I don’t) that such a thing was deemed relevant in the times of Cecil Rhodes, with oil on the downhill slope and a predicted return to self sufficiency, what is it that these people going to be master of?

Here is the source of my info: and then you will know who these people are in Fort Huachuca.


Auden has a way of pulling your sentiments apart and showing you what was always there just behind the veil. I have a jumbled collection of the classic poets and have even quoted Rupert Brooke in this blog albeit without the attribution. The two great pillars that have always been missing from my collection are Siegfried Sassoon and WH Auden. One day maybe.
From Belgium

At 6:32 AM, Blogger Reality said...


I am glad you liked the article. Thank You

Montana Freeman,

I am sure that you understand what I am saying, we just talk to different people. Let's put it this way.

The robin builds it nest from sticks, and grass, but the crow stops for the prettiest rock for its collection and the nest is never finished in time. The Great Owl bestows upon the robin the voice of beauty as an honor, because its love for its children is much more than its collection of trinkets. The wolf looks on and smiles because this is good. Can we become the robin, or must we stay the crow?

(I hope I got that one right)


At 9:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I hope you noticed that he qualified it with stating it was a rumor. Doesn't negate the rest of the article at all. This stuff has been around for 30 years man and a lot of it has been documented. You can look up this stuff.

At 9:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There seems to be some kind of general problem accessing this site. I finally got on after much messing around. Cyclone says he can't access the site at all and he has emails that say others having problems too.

Has the shit started so soon?

At 10:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

I think the recorded posting times are local to the sender, that’s what I suspect anyway. My 14.17 comment would be about 09.15 Atlantic side and about 05.15 Pacific side. I kept checking about every hour to see if there was a reply and between 1600 & 1700 my time (GMT +1) the site went down. This would correspond with the start of the working day in Arizona. I felt really guilty against you guys because I then thought I had been responsible for pushing the boat out too far by naming names, but I quoted my source and it is stuff that has been on the net for a long time, I was just connecting the dots. I was not sure if Cyclone had taken the site down for a new post but it was too long and other alternative sites loaded immediately. If we are being monitored to that extent then maybe the analyst took the site down whilst he kicked the comment upstairs for a decision and on the other hand maybe I am flattering myself too much. Who from us knows how these things work? Maybe this is the shiny bit of tinfoil this old crow put in his nest and it happened to catch someone’s eye. If you haven’t seen it yet that URL in my 2.17pm comment is worth checking out. If they are dancing ballet it is up to us to keep them on their toes.

And apologies if it did have anything to do with me.


At 10:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks folks for the input,to try to twist sanity around insanity is one goddam,godforsaken chore and i'm pretty sure we are all in that same fucking boat that is loaded with the pain and relief of new awareness,
i love you all,
and i thank you much for your patience,
montana freeman

At 11:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Belgium again,

I have just noticed that my first comment today was timed 0217 am so it must be Pacific time. Thinking back on what I did today it must have been a bit earlier than I thought and the site went down at between 1500h - 1600h at GMT +1


At 11:09 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

My Belgian friend,

To heck with them, no apology necessary. Let's keep them occupied trying to figure out "just exactly" what we are talking about. If they weren't mental midgets, they wouldn't be working for the Booshmeister.


At 12:08 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...

Montanna Freeman,

I am a slow thinker and as such I have taken some time to concider your proposal about being stranded on an island with GWB.

I would like to think that as a human being of a sensitive nature, I would not succumb to the temptation to kick his sorry ass out of the lifeboat before reaching said island. But since shit floats when it's full of hot air, I'm afraid the current would bring him to the nearest land like ocean currents do as the tide changes, so that option would render the same result!

I would probably try to teach him some basic survival skills and use the rubber from the life raft to build a solar still to make fresh water, as that's the first order of business when it cames to survival. I only hope that he isn't too dense to learn these skills, but popular concensus points to the negative!

I'm fairly certain the Comander and Thief's lilly white hands would be far to thin to weave palm fronds into any sort of shelter, so I guess that job would fall to me.

After giving the subject some thought I'm pretty sure I'ld have to kill him anyway! I'd eat him afterwards, though! After all! Survival is the name of the game here! Yea I know the meat would be gamey and tough! But as a SEAL I've had to eat some pretty gnarly shit in my day! It couldn't be any worse than Nanooks seal steaks, but then again we are talking about Bush here!

Tell The Great Owl that we hear his words of wisdom and his council is welcome here!

At 12:28 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

Montana freeman,

I would sit and interview Boosh. I have always been fascinated with the human mind, regardless of its capacity or lack thereof for organized thought. It would probably take a day or two, but I would break him down. The sad part of it all is, I already know what I would find. After peeling the layers of ignorance, arrogance, bigotry, untreated alcoholism, and lost power, I would find a small, lonely, scared and intimidated child who never had a Daddy and was scared to death of his mother. I've seen it before, but never in one that was not incarcerated. It would be fascinating, for a short while, then become quite boring when he began repeating himself over and over and over again. Eventually, I would have to pack up and move to the other side of the island, threatening physical harm to him should he come near me. He would then not be able to help himself and come near me..........


At 7:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think you got it right,a robin is a most unusual relation,and one of the most survival gifted of the bird clan of which i think i am one in the cherokee tribe,have not found out for sure put all experience so far has pointed in that direction,life is for the living and the bounty is enormous.
it is so good to find birds of a feather here in this most excellent of places.
montana freeman

At 5:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said... this is what I am getting at....

I often imagine what the world would be like if the drive were to improve our existence by making the world we live in a better place period.

Corporations monitored success along with a reasonable profit were also interested in keeping people employed such that their particular earnings would allow them to afford the products they produce etc.

There are wondful stories out their of such people and individual companies however for every one story of admirable character there are ten of abomination.

Success does not have to mean stupid amounts of profit for a limited few at the expense of the greater mass and that is what we as a society have to get into our mind set....

alas I still believe we need a total economic crash to get to such thinking....


At 8:17 AM, Blogger Reality said...


Wonderful point, my friend. I am with you in that vision as if we were of one mind, and I also sadly agree that we need some hard times to unroot the illusion. That is what it took for me.


The fact that you immediately pointed to Cherokee tells me that I did, indeed, get it right. That is a proverb which was given to me on the Cherokee nation by a great and wise man. I believe it was Wandering Deer.

He also gave me another which may refer to your Cherokee quest. He said this.

"We are all Cherokee. We are all Navaho. We are all each of these and more, but many of us are to busy seeing what we are first instead what we are in whole." Then we sat and made a dreamcatcher for my newest family member so that she could learn the beauty of life herself, and dream of wonderful suns and moons to come.

I am from the Mayflower society. My family crossed the ocean to this nation on that ship. I am also Cherokee, and Navaho, and Pueblo. My heart and my soul crossed those waters long ago. I am certain that you are there next to me.


At 7:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

we indeed sing at the same campfire,if there were only more of us to help light up the night with praise to the great spirit for a world of abundance.
i think you were very fortunate to encounter that wise man,my people were beaten into such shame as to forgo their own relationship with the good earth and the teachings of the wise owl,same as yours,and these things are being returned to us by that same wise owl,in return for our desire to know thoes things of which we were given in such greatness,including the oneness of humankind ,our prayers end with the statement......and all our relations,
it is truly good to know of you my friend,let us ask cyclone to fix it so we can post pictures of our families here, as time may indeed be running out for this campfire,and we shall be scattered
to the winds like seeds from a great flower of light and love for one another,and if so may we land in fertile life-giving soil,and share the things that we have rediscovered about our creator,ourselfs and each other and of course especially the gathering of the ones on this site.

montana freeman

At 10:21 AM, Blogger Reality said...


You are always an inspiration. Don't ever stop being who you are. I will always continue to work toward a place in the field where the grasses always swing toward us, and we meet in peace with one another and the circle that has everything within.

As far as pictures, can we not feel each others concern? Can we not hear a call into the night? If not then look for the guy pulling his hair out and ranting on the corner. Chances are good that it will be me. LOL


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