Time to Put On Your Crash Helmet
"Strength and Wisdom are NOT Opposing Values."
These words were uttered by William Jefferson Clinton on July 26, 2004 while speaking at the Democratic National Convention where John Kerry was nominated as the Democratic Presidential Candidate. Unfortunately, George W. Boosh was not watching. Nor, apparently, did anyone from his inner circle read him the transcript. That's a shame, Boosh certainly could have learned something about diplomacy, strength, and above all, wisdom.
Instead of heeding the advice of a former President, Boosh has pushed us to the brink of a war of massive proportions. A war that this world has never seen the likes of, and may not survive to see the likes of again. As we move warships into the Persian Gulf, preparing for the inevitable strike on Iran, what is going on behind the scenes, in combination with what is happening before our very eyes, shows just what disarray our country and its leadership is actually in.
As we know, the Republican dominated Congress has just passed two very important and disturbing pieces of legislation. One gives Boosh the retroactive right to illegally intercept phone calls and emails of private American citizens, the other gives him retroactive carte blanche authority to do to foreign detainees whatever the particular captor deems appropriate at the time. We can hold them seemingly forever without bringing charges of any kind. And, I must add, this legislation takes away all of the rights to appeal to the American Judicial System concerning any wrongs that may have been done to them. Oh, did I say illegally? I’m sorry, the Republicans just made it legal. When I say the Republicans, it must be mentioned that it’s the Republicans minus four, two of whom happen to be the most qualified people to decide this issue. One, being John McCain, a formerly tortured POW, and two, Lindsay Graham, a former Military Attorney. (I am mentioning these two to be fair, simply bececause they fought the original legislation and were largely responsible for bringing it to our attention. They did, however, vote for the final act, while 4 Republicans did not)
That is not what I want to talk about though, it’s that other thing. The upcoming colossal war of the ages. While these numbnuts have been busy trying to retroactively keep Boosh and his crew immune from any type of legal consequences over their formerly illegal conduct, this administration has been ignoring the fact that there is a pissed off world out there, a world with the United States of America in their sights. Once again, like with Afghanistan and bin Laden, they’ve taken their eye off the ball and have ignored what has been going on inside their own administration regarding Iran. So, I’ll be happy to give them a quick update, just in case they are spying on this site.
ALL SOURCES say that there are essentially two things going on inside Iran right now, with a third soon to follow, perhaps before the upcoming Congressional election. One, the military is conducting secret operations, desperately attempting to locate the Iranian nuclear facilities so we can maybe take them out. This is despite the fact that we don’t believe that the Iranians are close to having a nuclear weapon, and despite the fact that we believe the sites to be so far underground that we can’t reach them. That these “secret” operations are going on is known of from Tehran to Bowling Green, so I don’t think I’m revealing anything one can’t find out rather easily. (Once Bob Woodward’s book hits the bookshelves on Monday, there will be no more secrets anyway) This information has been printed all over the internet, and even mentioned in the MSM. Two, the CIA is attempting to infiltrate groups inside Iran to learn all they can about the inner workings of the Iranian government, with hopes of putting together a group willing to overthrow the same government.
One problem is that neither of these things can be accomplished in the next few weeks, which is the time frame in which they have to work. The other problem is, neither group knows what the other is doing. In simpler terms, if they can possibly be made any simpler, the CIA is walking all over the military operations and the military is walking all over the CIA operations and neither of them knows where the line is. They don’t know because NO ONE IS IN CHARGE. Those who should be in charge are busy trying to spin the little problems in Afghanistan and Iraq. Too busy trying to make those places palatable enough that throats of the American people can swallow the slime that is leaking from these countries. The administration is much too busy playing politics to worry about what is happening inside Iran.
All the while, we have a man sitting in the Oval Office who has, without a doubt, lost his ever loving mind. He doesn’t really care that the CIA and the Military don’t know what the other are doing in Iran. In fact, he doesn’t care whether or not they are even there. He has no intentions to act upon whatever they can or cannot learn, or who they might be able to influence. It’s all just for show. He doesn’t care because of the third thing in the equation, and that is this. He’s going to try to bomb Iran to hell and back. Why? Because he can, and they have oil. Or, at least he thinks he can. A deluded mind can create something that Boosh, of all people, should be able to recognize. It creates something similar to "liquid courage," a description that a dry drunk like Georgie should easily understand. You know, like when you’ve had 3 too many beers, can’t carry a tune in a bucket, yet still get up and sing karaoke? Despite his experiences, that’s how Boosh is with Iran. He thinks it’s just another stroll in the park.
Given the failures in Iraq and Afghanistan, one would hope that the last thing on the mind of the designer of those monstrosities would be to start another war right next door to the other two. To Boosh it seems as serious as going house to house on a block in a search of a cup of sugar. He told them what would happen, and he keeps his word! Damn the consequences! It’s stunning, but that is exactly what the Booshman is going to do. He’s going to drop bombs on Iran, all kinds of bombs. Big ones, little ones, bunker busters, cluster bombs, maybe even try out the new top secret isomeric gamma ray bomb. Then he’s going to be in for a big surprise. This time, the enemy is going to fight back, and fight back hard. Let’s take a look at Iran for a moment.
Iran’s Supreme Leader is the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Like most from the mid-east region, this man has no love lost for America. Iran is roughly one-fifth the size of the United States. To put that into context, it is about the size of California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Colorado and New Mexico combined. Or, for you folks not terribly familiar with US geography, it's about the size of Great Britain, France, Spain and Germany combined. In other words, a BIG place. Much larger than the two countries we are currently occupying with disastrous results. Iran has a population of about 70 million people, two thirds of which are under the age of 30. Good fighting age, in other words. Iran will not run dry with their “volunteer army." They have more than enough young men willing to give their lives to take ours. They also have weaponry unlike anything we have ever had heading in our direction. They have bombs and missiles that will travel great distances, plus airplanes and ships. And, if they run out of munitions, they can get more. They are also guaranteed to use them. If Boosh thinks for a second that they will lie down and take whatever we dish out, he is sadly mistaken.
Then, of course, there is the wild card, the President of Iran. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He is perhaps as, if not more, nuts than Boosh. Or he’s crazy like a fox, I’m not sure which. One thing that I am sure of, is that Ahmadinejad is more than willing to take on the US to protect his country and its oil. Iran has been in existence under various names from the beginning of time, so their culture runs a whole lot deeper than ours. Quite frankly, they take their heritage a lot more seriously than we take ours. They will not bow down to the Great Satan, regardless of the circumstances. Being threatened by US or UN sanctions? That is probably the best laugh in Iran in years.
While Boosh claims that we are pursuing a diplomatic channel to achieve what we want from Iran, keep in mind that he said the same thing prior to our invasion of Iraq. Sources say that a series of air strikes against them are already pre-determined. They say it’s already a done deal, the plan is set in stone. The problem will begin when the plan fails, and it will fail. It will fail because once again we will not know who our true enemy is. We cannot distinguish truth from fiction, especially George Boosh. In his world the bogeyman is real and the human beings are the illusion. He is the mad scientist, and this experiment has gone badly wrong.
If we are to take out Iran, there is only one way. That is, God help us, by using our nuclear arsenal. If you think for one second that this is not being strongly considered by the Boosh cabal, you are kidding yourself. Should the unthinkable occur, should Boosh decide to fire weapons he cannot properly pronounce, the gig is up. Russia, China and the rest of the world will be on us like a rash.
He’s going to do it, folks. Put on your crash helmets. George W. Boosh is going to attack Iran. We cannot enter Iran with ground forces; we simply do not have the manpower to do it. So it will be done by air and by sea. Simply put, if he goes nuclear, we will not survive, at least not in any recognizable form.