Friday, September 29, 2006

Time to Put On Your Crash Helmet

"Strength and Wisdom are NOT Opposing Values."

These words were uttered by William Jefferson Clinton on July 26, 2004 while speaking at the Democratic National Convention where John Kerry was nominated as the Democratic Presidential Candidate. Unfortunately, George W. Boosh was not watching. Nor, apparently, did anyone from his inner circle read him the transcript. That's a shame, Boosh certainly could have learned something about diplomacy, strength, and above all, wisdom.

Instead of heeding the advice of a former President, Boosh has pushed us to the brink of a war of massive proportions. A war that this world has never seen the likes of, and may not survive to see the likes of again. As we move warships into the Persian Gulf, preparing for the inevitable strike on Iran, what is going on behind the scenes, in combination with what is happening before our very eyes, shows just what disarray our country and its leadership is actually in.

As we know, the Republican dominated Congress has just passed two very important and disturbing pieces of legislation. One gives Boosh the retroactive right to illegally intercept phone calls and emails of private American citizens, the other gives him retroactive carte blanche authority to do to foreign detainees whatever the particular captor deems appropriate at the time. We can hold them seemingly forever without bringing charges of any kind. And, I must add, this legislation takes away all of the rights to appeal to the American Judicial System concerning any wrongs that may have been done to them. Oh, did I say illegally? I’m sorry, the Republicans just made it legal. When I say the Republicans, it must be mentioned that it’s the Republicans minus four, two of whom happen to be the most qualified people to decide this issue. One, being John McCain, a formerly tortured POW, and two, Lindsay Graham, a former Military Attorney. (I am mentioning these two to be fair, simply bececause they fought the original legislation and were largely responsible for bringing it to our attention. They did, however, vote for the final act, while 4 Republicans did not)
That is not what I want to talk about though, it’s that other thing. The upcoming colossal war of the ages. While these numbnuts have been busy trying to retroactively keep Boosh and his crew immune from any type of legal consequences over their formerly illegal conduct, this administration has been ignoring the fact that there is a pissed off world out there, a world with the United States of America in their sights. Once again, like with Afghanistan and bin Laden, they’ve taken their eye off the ball and have ignored what has been going on inside their own administration regarding Iran. So, I’ll be happy to give them a quick update, just in case they are spying on this site.

ALL SOURCES say that there are essentially two things going on inside Iran right now, with a third soon to follow, perhaps before the upcoming Congressional election. One, the military is conducting secret operations, desperately attempting to locate the Iranian nuclear facilities so we can maybe take them out. This is despite the fact that we don’t believe that the Iranians are close to having a nuclear weapon, and despite the fact that we believe the sites to be so far underground that we can’t reach them. That these “secret” operations are going on is known of from Tehran to Bowling Green, so I don’t think I’m revealing anything one can’t find out rather easily. (Once Bob Woodward’s book hits the bookshelves on Monday, there will be no more secrets anyway) This information has been printed all over the internet, and even mentioned in the MSM. Two, the CIA is attempting to infiltrate groups inside Iran to learn all they can about the inner workings of the Iranian government, with hopes of putting together a group willing to overthrow the same government.

One problem is that neither of these things can be accomplished in the next few weeks, which is the time frame in which they have to work. The other problem is, neither group knows what the other is doing. In simpler terms, if they can possibly be made any simpler, the CIA is walking all over the military operations and the military is walking all over the CIA operations and neither of them knows where the line is. They don’t know because NO ONE IS IN CHARGE. Those who should be in charge are busy trying to spin the little problems in Afghanistan and Iraq. Too busy trying to make those places palatable enough that throats of the American people can swallow the slime that is leaking from these countries. The administration is much too busy playing politics to worry about what is happening inside Iran.

All the while, we have a man sitting in the Oval Office who has, without a doubt, lost his ever loving mind. He doesn’t really care that the CIA and the Military don’t know what the other are doing in Iran. In fact, he doesn’t care whether or not they are even there. He has no intentions to act upon whatever they can or cannot learn, or who they might be able to influence. It’s all just for show. He doesn’t care because of the third thing in the equation, and that is this. He’s going to try to bomb Iran to hell and back. Why? Because he can, and they have oil. Or, at least he thinks he can. A deluded mind can create something that Boosh, of all people, should be able to recognize. It creates something similar to "liquid courage," a description that a dry drunk like Georgie should easily understand. You know, like when you’ve had 3 too many beers, can’t carry a tune in a bucket, yet still get up and sing karaoke? Despite his experiences, that’s how Boosh is with Iran. He thinks it’s just another stroll in the park.

Given the failures in Iraq and Afghanistan, one would hope that the last thing on the mind of the designer of those monstrosities would be to start another war right next door to the other two. To Boosh it seems as serious as going house to house on a block in a search of a cup of sugar. He told them what would happen, and he keeps his word! Damn the consequences! It’s stunning, but that is exactly what the Booshman is going to do. He’s going to drop bombs on Iran, all kinds of bombs. Big ones, little ones, bunker busters, cluster bombs, maybe even try out the new top secret isomeric gamma ray bomb. Then he’s going to be in for a big surprise. This time, the enemy is going to fight back, and fight back hard. Let’s take a look at Iran for a moment.

Iran’s Supreme Leader is the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Like most from the mid-east region, this man has no love lost for America. Iran is roughly one-fifth the size of the United States. To put that into context, it is about the size of California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Colorado and New Mexico combined. Or, for you folks not terribly familiar with US geography, it's about the size of Great Britain, France, Spain and Germany combined. In other words, a BIG place. Much larger than the two countries we are currently occupying with disastrous results. Iran has a population of about 70 million people, two thirds of which are under the age of 30. Good fighting age, in other words. Iran will not run dry with their “volunteer army." They have more than enough young men willing to give their lives to take ours. They also have weaponry unlike anything we have ever had heading in our direction. They have bombs and missiles that will travel great distances, plus airplanes and ships. And, if they run out of munitions, they can get more. They are also guaranteed to use them. If Boosh thinks for a second that they will lie down and take whatever we dish out, he is sadly mistaken.

Then, of course, there is the wild card, the President of Iran. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He is perhaps as, if not more, nuts than Boosh. Or he’s crazy like a fox, I’m not sure which. One thing that I am sure of, is that Ahmadinejad is more than willing to take on the US to protect his country and its oil. Iran has been in existence under various names from the beginning of time, so their culture runs a whole lot deeper than ours. Quite frankly, they take their heritage a lot more seriously than we take ours. They will not bow down to the Great Satan, regardless of the circumstances. Being threatened by US or UN sanctions? That is probably the best laugh in Iran in years.

While Boosh claims that we are pursuing a diplomatic channel to achieve what we want from Iran, keep in mind that he said the same thing prior to our invasion of Iraq. Sources say that a series of air strikes against them are already pre-determined. They say it’s already a done deal, the plan is set in stone. The problem will begin when the plan fails, and it will fail. It will fail because once again we will not know who our true enemy is. We cannot distinguish truth from fiction, especially George Boosh. In his world the bogeyman is real and the human beings are the illusion. He is the mad scientist, and this experiment has gone badly wrong.

If we are to take out Iran, there is only one way. That is, God help us, by using our nuclear arsenal. If you think for one second that this is not being strongly considered by the Boosh cabal, you are kidding yourself. Should the unthinkable occur, should Boosh decide to fire weapons he cannot properly pronounce, the gig is up. Russia, China and the rest of the world will be on us like a rash.

He’s going to do it, folks. Put on your crash helmets. George W. Boosh is going to attack Iran. We cannot enter Iran with ground forces; we simply do not have the manpower to do it. So it will be done by air and by sea. Simply put, if he goes nuclear, we will not survive, at least not in any recognizable form.



At 8:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Cyclone,

I'm visiting from the peak oil site. This is a great blog and will be added to my list of must read sites. Thank you for the excellent information. I've been worried about oil for a long time. I guess it might not matter. I might have been worried about the wrong things. This world is going to hell in a hurry.

from Michigan

At 9:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Since the latest spate of legislation essentially dissolves the system of checks and balances, and removes the courts from the equation protecting our constitutional rights and freedoms, we're now in a game the nature of which has not been visited on America since we kicked out the other king George.

It's bad enough having a regime running amok with, for all practical purposes, dictatorial powers. But when the leaders of that regime are defacto mentally ill, and are convinced by their delusions that they are divinely directed to drag the country into a fatal confrontation that the rest of the world simply will not tolerate, they are threatening not just the material well-being of Americans, but they are now putting all of our very lives in jeopardy.

Much of the US military's former leadership is somewhere between disgusted and terrified of recent developments. I suspect current leadership shares the sentiment but has, at least so far, just soldiered on.

SO lets just do this as a thought exercise. I am not advocating this action, but what if ...

Is there a possibility that the currently silent military leadership might decide to challenge the madness? Since there is no constitutional democracy here anymore, might we be reaching the point where a military coup in this country is actually no longer unthinkable? Faced with the probability of having all of the Middle East, and perhaps Russia and some other powers go to war with us, which would have 100% probability of resulting in our devastation, might it be preferable that some extraordinary action be taken to prevent this?

I now shudder at the fact that I, who have always loathed authoritarianism of any stripe, have let my mind assign even a hint of legitimacy to an action such as military intervention in our government. That is how far things have gone.

I'm going to be out of the country for about 10 days in the middle of October. Just about the perfect time for the October surprise. I'm wondering if there will be anything to come back to.

At 9:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We cannot let this travesty happen! No!No! No! No! NO!! NO!! NO!! Whatever it takes, we have GOT to not let this happen. Vote against each and every senator who voted against the rule of habeous corpus, and drag the rest of those twisted, evil, peccants out of there by their heels. Start handbilling to support the general strike Oct. 5. The ships can't get there for a few weeks. If we shut down the country before then, maybe they'll reconsider.

At 10:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From News for Real:

The NOT Justice for All - Senate 65

Alexander (R-TN)
Allard (R-CO)
Allen (R-VA)
Bennett (R-UT)
Bond (R-MO)
Brownback (R-KS)
Bunning (R-KY)
Burns (R-MT)
Burr (R-NC)
Carper (D-DE)
Chambliss (R-GA)
Coburn (R-OK)
Cochran (R-MS)
Coleman (R-MN)
Collins (R-ME)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Craig (R-ID)
Crapo (R-ID)
DeMint (R-SC)
DeWine (R-OH)
Dole (R-NC)
Domenici (R-NM)
Ensign (R-NV)
Enzi (R-WY)
Frist (R-TN)
Graham (R-SC)
Grassley (R-IA)
Gregg (R-NH)
Hagel (R-NE)
Hatch (R-UT)
Hutchison (R-TX)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Isakson (R-GA)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kyl (R-AZ)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Lieberman (D-CT)
Lott (R-MS)
Lugar (R-IN)
Martinez (R-FL)
McCain (R-AZ)
McConnell (R-KY)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Murkowski (R-AK)
Nelson (D-FL)
Nelson (D-NE)
Pryor (D-AR)
Roberts (R-KS)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Salazar (D-CO)
Santorum (R-PA)
Sessions (R-AL)
Shelby (R-AL)
Smith (R-OR)
Specter (R-PA)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Stevens (R-AK)
Sununu (R-NH)
Talent (R-MO)
Thomas (R-WY)
Thune (R-SD)
Vitter (R-LA)
Voinovich (R-OH)
Warner (R-VA)

At 3:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bleak words Cyclone, I really do hope you're wrong. I've been listening to a series of programs on BBCradio 4 called uncovering Iran and I'd hate to think of the people of this beautiful and diverse place suffering like the people of Iraq.

Interestingly in 2003 an approach was made to the US government via Swiss diplomats from the Iranian government seeking better relations between the two countries. Sadly this approach was dismissed.

At 7:52 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I did add something about McCain and Graham to this post this morning. After reading freeacre's comment,I realized that I took for granted that all understood what I was talking about with McCain and Graham. With their names on the "yeah" list, and many people from other countries reading this, I realized I should not have. In the end, they DID vote for the legislation. They had to because they negotiated the compromise, which did little if anything to change the actual basis for the legislation. My apologies to all for not being clear in the first writing. They should be cast aside with the others in my opinion.


At 7:55 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

Anonymous 8:44,

Thanks for visiting. I hope you will stay around for a while. You will find a civil, well thinking group of folks here who care very much about our country and what is happening to it. We cover a variety of subjects here, including how to survive the aftermath of what may or may not happen.


At 8:00 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

Carl in PA,

I have noticed a large uptick in the anger of the average American citizen of late. The number of people visiting this blog reinforces that view. Whether that spills over to the military or not, I do not know. One can only hope. Regardless, we the people must act in some fashion, with or without military involvement. I agree with freeacre, we must do something and do it now. We are being led down a path of obvious destruction, by one of several means. Which one strikes first, only God knows.

Have a safe trip, and I do hope there is something to return to.


At 8:08 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

aaron from uk,

You are absolutely correct about the Swiss attempt. Unfortunately, this bunch will not listen to anyone outside their own little group of enablers. They have managed to remove ALL voices of dissent from within their ranks, and it is obvious that anyone who disagrees with their views of controlling all parties in the world simply "don't get it," in their minds at least. Meanwhile, whoever manages to survive the upcoming onslaught, will be left with, well, who knows what?


At 8:24 AM, Blogger RAS said...

You're absolutely right on many counts. But you left out some very important points in this new 'legislation'. Speicfically, it alos applies to American citizens. And remember, old Georgie boy now has the power to determine what constitutes 'material support' to the enemy. In other words, anyone who disagrees with the President can now be sent to Gitmo -and the government is under no obligation to let anyone know that they are there.

Regarding Iran, that culture HAS been around since the end of time. Iran and Iraq are the very birthplace of civilization. It is there that we humans learned agriculture, astronomy, algebra, reading, writing. And all of this 10,000 years ago. With all of this history they are going to just cave in to a man half a world a way who hates them and wants their oil? I think not.

Secondly, they are acting completely rationally from their point of view regarding the nuclear power question. At current rates of pumping, it will be less than 50 years before Iran can not economically produce enough oil to keep the lights on, much less to export. They need nuclear power. Their leader is not crazy -he is indeed sly like a fox.

Carl, remember the Thai coup just a couple of weeks ago? What you didn't hear on the MSM was that their former PM was a miserable b*****d of a person who completely ignored their constitution. So, the military suspended the constituition, took over the government, and reinstated said constituition once the SOB was gone.
I am not saying that I am advocating such a move here, but I have seen very well reasoned arguements that when a president goes too far, it is not only a possiblity for him to be removed, either by the people or the military but a requirement.

At 8:28 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I could not agree more. I know that you are doing some things that may help, and you should be applauded for that.

Thank you for the list. It made me realize that I made a poor assumption in the post, and allowed me to fix it.

People need to know exactly who the players are that support the totalitarian regime that has taken over America. At a minimum, each and every one of them must be sent packing. A new Congress must be allowed to go back and undo the devastating harm of these two pieces of legislation, before the world has the opportunity to do to us and our soldiers what we have chosen to do to them. The people must DEMAND it, if the Republicans are tossed out of power. NO PRESIDENT, NO SINGLE MAN OF ANY PARTY, should have the unfettered power to re-write the contstitution, the bill of rights, and the Geneva Convention. As a whole, the American people are against this, so it begs the question. Just who are these people representing?

Boosh said in the last day or two that he would not change course in Iraq even if only Laura and Barney (the dog) agreed with him. We are nearing that point, and this is unacceptable. It is well past time for impeachment, at a minimum, for crimes against humanity. Unfortunately this Congress just made that prospect even more unlikely, unless this legislation is revoked.

The only way for that to happen is to put the democrats back in power and apply immense pressure to them. It can be done, but in time to prevent another invasion? All signs point to an invasion PRE-ELECTION. This is where we find ourselves. We need some ideas followed by action, and we need them now!


At 9:02 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Thanks for the comments. You are correct, this does apply to all of us. Anyone can be named an enemy combatant at the whim of the Booshmeister or anyone else. Thanks for pointing that out.

In my view Iran has every right to nuclear energy, as does any country who wants it and has the ability to produce it. We are ALL going to run out of oil, not just America. Boosh just doesn't care about any of that. He has a vision of the world that is not only unrealistic, it is simply mad!

You are correct, it is an obligation for us to stop him and his ilk. If our representatives lack the will to do it, the people must. The Washingtonians live and operate in such a bubble that they do not see what is going on outside that bubble. They look at different countries and situations as isolated circumstances, and ignore the big picture. That is obvious when they are unable to see that polls in this country DO MATTER, and are unable to see the groundswell of unease around the world.

We are approaching a time when there will be no turning back, if it is not stopped now. In reality, I think we have already passed that point, but one must hold onto some hope, simply to have a reason to continue to exist on this earth.

Thanks for your input, it will take all of us to reroute this ship.


At 9:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


That was neither the first (in 2003) nor last approach that Iran has made to better relations. Bush and crew in their arrogance have rebuffed all of them. t would appear that any resemblance to diplomacy is purely coincidental to this administration.


It indeed will be interesting if our military decides to put a stop to this madness. I got to admit though that I wonder if the military mind is any more rational than what we have now. I just don't know. My personal experience answers that question with a no.

A friend sent me, this morning, a link to a site dealing with Armageddon and the Rapture. Interesting, they discussed an accusation of an antichrist, but no mention of the current leaders in that catagory. That falls into my catagory of wing nut for sure.

At 11:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

I believe we here are all singing the same song but I am using a different arrangement than Cyclone so here and there, there will be a bit of discord.

I don’t believe that Ahmadinejad is nuts at all, the more I see of him the more I have come to believe he is a wily fox, playing Bush like a fish on a line. Many times in my life I have seen instances where men of small physical stature use their vocal organs to compensate for their lack of verticality. We should not allow this bullishness to obscure his intellectual prowess, after all it may be just a dinner jacket he is wearing to eat Bush.

It occurred to me that the power of the internet has shaken the tree of knowledge and now the fruits are beginning to fall to the ground. At least a lot of things are becoming much clearer than before.

You know, I was often puzzled by the way that the Bush administration led Tony Blair around by the nose. I thought he was just a sick sycophant and whilst that may be so, it is not why he did all those things. Secret agendas were struck behind closed doors between Bush; Blair and the British Royal Family. It turns out that the British Royals are the big money that is ultimately backing the Afghan opium and heroin trade. When the Taliban rose to power (backed by America at the time) it was not expected that in a whirlwind of religious fervour they would sweep the poppy growers from their land, for 95% anyway. Major players can’t stomach this sort of gratitude and so the Taliban had to go. It appears that a deal was struck between Bush, Blair and the British Royals whereby the Americans would help the British evict the Taliban from Afghanistan in return for British helping the Americans get Sadam Hussein out of Iraq. 9/11 was the event to start the ball rolling and the players above were ultimately behind this too. So in that respect the latest Afghan war was a success and still is. It is strongly believed in some quarters that the real reason Princess Diana was killed was to prevent her going public with this knowledge after she had been kicked out of the Royal Household. Which goes to prove the old adage that if you follow the money then you will find the people with the sticky fingers.

The meaning was to quickly sweep Iraq one side and move on to Iran but it didn’t happen that way. The law of unexpected events always seems to come into play if you never consider consequences.

For more on this aspect of the Afghan war and other info:

If Iran was always the ultimate prize, what is all this about “We will have to get black opps started in Iran; we have no intelligence there at all”. As the author of the above article says, The Pentagon has a plan for Canada attacking the USA so if Iran was the goal, would the US spend five years in the build up without a plan? Maybe, just maybe, this lot would, but hey, hey, who is kidding who here. And is Tehran likely to buy this “Were making it up as we go along” BS.

Where did Osama bin Laden come from in all of this? He was a hothead dissident that was being sidelined by most of the Muslim world and who fitted a part in an American drama. In my view, he was created in Hollywood like John Wayne and al Qaeda was his posse. But they now seem to be as ephemeral as the Black Panthers.

How will the latest naval adventure play out over the following weeks and who will do what to whom? I have no more idea than anyone else but if I was Ahmadinejad I would sail several non combatant ships flying the Iranian flag out say 500 miles into the Arabian Sea and broadcast the arrival of the American fleet to the American networks. If there is to be another Gulf of Tonkin incident then let the whole world see it. It could be a riveting couple of day’s television combining sea level and satellite pictures; identifying the position of commercial ships in relation to naval vessels; a bit like the moon landings only for real. I do not know if the fleet is intent on business or if they will just ponce about in the Arabian Sea looking threatening and waiting for Iran to get its retaliation in first. I don’t really believe Tehran will fall for this one.

If nukes start to fly a big deciding factor will be the reaction of Pakistan. Will it remember the leader of the free world popping over in the middle of the night to say “Howdy” because he just happened to be next door in India, or will it decide it likes its Muslim brothers more? That is not to say that Iran can’t look after itself but Pakistan has to try to pick the winner by the time the game starts. If the USA wins it wants to put a pipeline through Afghanistan and Pakistan and pay for it with mega amounts of worthless dollars. If Iran gives America short shift then Pakistan will not want to be on the opposite side of the ideological fence from its Muslim brother.

If however the situation does go nuclear, the Afghan poppy fields could be genetically mutated for the rest of time and I will wager that was not the intention of the British Royal Family.

At 12:04 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


Interesting stuff. I would love to see your proposed stand off in the waters, and I think Ahmadinejad has probably already thought of that. He seems to be able to manipulate the press at will.

I would bet that, since blood is thicker than water, including Muslim blood, that Pakistan will not side with the US. Everyone likes a winner, and no one believes that the US will come out on top in such a confrontation. (except the nuts in office, of course) I think there is no more giving the benefit of the doubt to the US, nor is the fear factor near what it was a short time ago. If this does go nuclear, we will find ourselves totally alone. That is what is at stake here, and our leaders can't seem to get it.


At 12:53 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

To All:

Completely off topic, but I have ordered another batch of Real Deal T-Shirts. Please let me know if you want one. Email me at:

Please put "t-shirts" in the subject line and include size(s), and an address you want them shipped to. I'll respond and let you know where to send payment.

Reality and Stoney, I've already got you covered so no need to remind me.



At 7:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am very familiar with the Thai situation, we have something akin to family connections with Thailand. My brother, whose companion is from Bankok, said this had been brewing for some time. You are correct - the PM who got ousted was not good for the country. Also the way they do coups in Thailand, rarely does anyone actually get hurt, and life continues on pretty much as normal. Add to this, the coup had the tacit support of the king, who actually is a humanitarian figure and adored by the populace as a whole.

A coup in this country would be another matter altogether. It would be bloody and devastating. We have no universally respected unifying figurehead.

Keep in mind that the Thai population is fairly homogenous, and about 98% Buddhist. The only trouble-makers are, yep, you guessed it, some muslim fanatics in the soutern part of the country that occasionally like to blow something/somebody up.

In the US, you have a broad diversity of sometimes antagonistic population groups. Any civil unrest in our country would divide people along those lines. The outcome is unpredictable at best.

Damned if we do and damned if we don't. Maybe when I'm in Denmark next week I'll just ask for political asylum, then see if I can get my girlfriend and her daughters over there.

At 2:06 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...

Well, the idiot finally did it! I hope that "Imadinnerjacket" isn't half the nut Bush is, or we're going to have a very hot time of things!

Surely to God he can see what this is! Bush decides to sail The USS Eisenhower with full compliment, and destoyer escort right up to the Persian Gulf? At the very time that Russia is having one of the biggest joint force exercise in the history of organized warfare? WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS IDIOT TRYING TO DO????!!!!!!

Holy shit! That's like taking an 800-pound gorilla to a Vermont country club in a Sherman tank, and parking it in the grass, before taking a piss in the koi pond! Hell! If we DON"T take a hit, I'll be surprised!

I just pray that all forces on all three sides prove to have a complete grasp of the consequences of their actiopns to the world at large, and keep their itchy-assed fingers the fuck off the triggers before it all goes to shit!

If all goes well, Bush will probably have to resort to the tried and true "Terrorist attack" and will lose a ship, or patrol boat to the dirty, bad, nasty, "Islamofaccists", and of course it will be traced back to Iran through "Terrorist chatter" which We the People will never hear, and no court in the land will ever consider!!

Iran is like a snapping turtle, and Bush is like a beagle puppy! You know this can only end up one way!

Use the nukes? I don't think even Bush is stupid enough to pull something like that, and if he is, the "Real Power" won't let him, because that will lead to catostrophic events beyond their range of control.

Oh I don't mean they would shed any tears over the deaths of a couple million! Only if they think the area could be better brought under their thumbs will these couple of million people die! Killing off large chunks of a population is not something done lightly! It can only work if the land can be quickly resettled by a population better suited to the needs of "The Real Power". I can see no way that this could be realized by using nuclear weapons!

At 3:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

Here is a quarter hour video into purported White House thinking on Iran with an analysis of how the current build up might play out.

I also read somewhere, although I can’t find it back, that the current hawkish US view on nuclear weapons is why buy and maintain expensive things if the intention is never to use them? They wrapped it up a bit more nicely but that was the thrust of it.

At 4:35 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


My fear is that the Handlers cannot control Boosh any longer, and that he has just enough support within the nut house to do it without anyone being able to stop him. This guy has lost any semblance of reality, and he IS stupid enough to do it. He is on a mission from God, he truly believes that.

If someone else was truly in control, I believe that they would have stopped him already. We would have already "changed course" in Iraq, refocused on Afghanistan, etc. My biggest fear is that they have taken the Billions they have made/stolen and already relocated, awaiting the population purge by whatever method this psycho chooses. Then they will swoop back in on the backside and restore order. Farfetched? I don't think so.

These are very scary times, and anyone who isn't afraid right now is simply not paying attention.


At 4:39 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

Carl in PA,

I would not blame you a bit for that decision. You can always come back if things somehow work out here, but the odds of that are very, very long I would say. We are now at the place that we have been talking about someday being since the inception of this blog. Hauling butt, or holing up somewhere safe, if there is such a place within the confines of the US is not a bad idea.


At 4:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Sin

reports that a large number of put options has been put on Oct 6th for Diamonds DOW index, Standard and poor depositary receipts, NASQUA and vector miners gold index. Wonder if there will be an attack just like 911 very soon, if the pattern of put options is the same as just before the big event 5 years ago.

At 4:45 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


You are exactly right about the views of many of the hawks. I don't know what you read, but all signs point to them thinking exactly that.

Many in the military and intelligence communities are wondering what the hell to do, they know that they are being sold a bill of goods that they no longer want to buy. The madman and his psycho crew have some new, very expensive toys that they are "dying" to try out on someone. The threat has been made, the threat was ignored. So, I'm afraid the table has been set for just that.


At 6:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When men die pointlessly in a war they know cannot be won and that means nothing to them,when they realize that they are dying for the egos of draft-dodging politicians safe in Washington--they will revolt.It happened before.It will happen again.But when? Next year, I'd guess.


At 8:20 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Welcome. I hope you are correct. It's not just the wars, but the economy and energy situation as well. The sooner the better, in my view. We are running out of time.


At 11:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

Welcome Fred, you sound like a fellow countryman (Brit).

The USA needs economic growth and it also an expanding economy, in other words it needs to trade or have economic influence over a wider part of the globe. In a way the Vietnam War was all about stopping the Vietcong from sweeping down through Malaysia; Indonesia and Australia and denying these markets to the US.

I have just been reading an article on The Truth Seeker site which is talking about the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation), of which I was previously unaware, even though it has been in existence for ten years. Essentially it is a club, initially between Russia and China which now includes Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan with India as an observer. I will C&P some of the clubs objectives.

The two sides shall, in the spirit of partnership, strive to promote the multipolarization of the world and the establishment of a new international order.

All countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are equal members of the international community. No country should seek hegemony, practice power politics or monopolize international affairs.

Both sides underscore that the vast member of developing countries and the Non-Aligned Movement are important forces in promoting world multipolarization and building a new international order.

Developing countries have enhanced their awareness of self-strengthening through unity, played a greater role in world politics and increased their share of the world economy.

Their rise will give a strong boost to the historical process towards the establishment of a new international order.

The two sides agree to work together with the rest of the world to oppose the momentum presently preventing the establishment of a just multipolar structure for international relations.

The international community should thoroughly renounce the mentality of confrontation and alignment, should not pursue the right to monopolize or dominate world affairs, and should not divide countries into a leading camp and a subordinate camp.

In other words, it is a club of the East to challenge the power of the USA. What it couldn’t achieve through war it is establishing through cooperation. The USA has applied to join and has essentially been told to go outside and play in the traffic. Non-Western countries are eligible to join and will be protested from control by debt or intimidation by the big two and allowed to flourish in their own right. The object is to alienate and marginalise the USA by trading and cooperating within the group in a way that takes away control by eliminating the USA’s markets. This looks like Anarchism on a national scale and by the looks of it is having some initial success.

At 12:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Magnetic Ribbons and the Yellowcake of Faith

When we wake, puking shame,
at last, and know the dream
for sham, embraced en masse...
When bells that rang victorious
hang mute, their tarnished claims
ignored in disrepute and
bitter sons, having been all
they could be, can't wish back
innocence, or the leg below the knee...

(This brash regime's trimmed reason from it's ranks,
it's black guard in the street,
protecting flanks.)

Then will we heed the schemers'
gloating leer? "There's no future
for you dissidents here."
Row on row, with hand
in trembling hand, it's come to this. We dreamers NEED TO STAND!

-G. Karl Marcus
P.O. Box 201
Sheridan, Montana 59749

Let's roll!

At 1:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 1:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 4:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Sin

During the past few days, haze has covered the sky and the sun energy is blocked. I checked with the solar charger, the sun energy is 0. This means my solar lamp, solar watch, solar torchlight, solar water distillation kit, solar radio, solar charger for laptop battery will not work. I checked history, hundreds of years ago a volcano erupted and the sun rays worldwide is blocked for 1 entire year and lots of crops died due to no sunlight. For christians and catholics, the last chapter of the bible says that the sun will be as black as sacks of hair and moon will be bloody red. The only time keeping device that I manage to find that does not use solar and no batteries are (1) Mechanical watch kinetic series by Seiko and (2) Grandfather 2.2m/US$2000 minimum clock with moon phrase operated by 3 wires and needs to be wind up every 7 days, the type with a pendilum inside and it is impossible to transport it during fleeing. I am now checking out how to convert exercise bike to become a AC/DC power generator using magnets, this is the same as actual power plant generators where a rapidly spinning magnet generates magnetic flux that is converted to electricity. The distilled water may have to be generated using eletricity from exercise bike but the most problem is the plants and crops will die without sunlight and I still have not figured out a way to overcome this yet. I also discovered that actually the laptop/PC is not useful at all, as nowadays almost every thing is tied/connected to the internet. If the rumours of a second Sept 11th this or next week is true I will not have enough time to set up the power generator exercise bike.

At 5:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Can I assume this is Singapore guy?
If so, haven't heard from you for a while.

Yup, you got it, everything depends on sunlight for our survival. Whithout it, it is going to be pretty bad.

At 5:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


In the case of no sunlight - you could take some of that stored up grain, feed it into a still, make a lot of alcohol, and drink till you drop. At least you might go out with a smile on your face.

At 10:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Or throwing up a lot.

At 4:38 PM, Blogger mrs p said...

For all of the millions of Americans who don't believe or are completely unaware of the U S arsenal of trigger ready nukes, (ready in 15 minutes), not to mention what Israel has, perhaps they should go to the Nobel Prize Website and check out Harold Pinter's speech under literature. I think it's
Yes we'd better except it; were half baked & soon to be fully fried by Boosh & Cheneyco. Practice your lotus position. Sad though, there are about 17 million innocent people living in Iran? This regime we have running us into hell is so damn perverse it makes me insane. I think my head might explode.

At 4:43 PM, Blogger mrs p said...

P.S. Got Kelp? (seaweed). Norweigen kelp is great for your thyroid, (iodine), under or over it regulates it. It may help you survive exposure to fallout or so they say. Some of us might not want to survive. Anyway get some kelp. It rhymes with help.


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