Monday, January 09, 2006

Ugly is Upon Us

I can't help but continue what I started yesterday. Things are happening too fast, so I may have many shorter posts over the next God knows how many days.

As I was pondering which toothbrush to take to Gitmo after yesterday's post, none other than Harry Belafonte came to my rescue. He said that "Boosh is the world's greatest terrorist." And said it publicly, in speaking about the Boosh cabal's disdain for Hugo Chavez. Thank you Harry, you'll probably draw a little more attention than little old Cyclone.

We are flying towards the point of no return, folks. Boosh has become increasingly desparate, no longer even pretending to hide the fact that he views himself as King George. Gas prices have risen again, with no obvious event driving this upswing. They, (industry officials and Booshco) claim that it's due to increased demand since we are back up to pre-Katrina refining levels. Bullshit. It's one of two things, likely a combination of the two. Unquestionable price gouging, and OPEC beginning to turn the screws on us because of our continued involvement in Iraq. The price gouging shows that as we implode, they are going to squeeze every last nickel out of us. I noticed that my heat bill for last month tripled in comparison to a year ago. All a part of the plan to break the back and the will of the American people. Speaking of Iraq;

Sunday: Northern Iraq, Helicopter crash kills 8 troops and 4 civilians. Under investigation as to whether enemy fire brought it down or bad weather was the cause. Just another thing that people will soon forget about and no explanation will follow.

Baghdad: Five Bound and blindfolded bodies were found on the side of a road. They had all been shot to death.

Today: A car bomb and 2 mortars hit the Iraq Interior Ministry during National Police Day celebrations in Baghdad. At least 21 dead, 24 wounded.

Also in Baghdad, gunmen opened fire on the Iraqi de-Baathification Commission, killing one. What the hell is the de-Baathification Commission? If it's what it sounds like, it probably needs to be bombed. (not really, I think?) Help me here if you can, this is certainly a new one on me.

In Kirkuk, gunmen killed an "investigative judge," whatever that is.

Like Boosh says, security is looking up. And as Cheney said a year ago, the insurgency "is in its last throes." Latest US troop body count, 2027.

Speaking of body counts, there is a funeral for a fallen soldier in my state today. As Stoney told me a week or two ago, (I don't recall if I mentioned this or not) there are a group of people from some church in Kansas who are running all over the country to the funerals of dead soldiers to protest. Protest what? God is killing our military people because they allow gays in the military. The police expect about 12-15 of these lunatics, but will not let them on the cemetary grounds. They did warn military people that may be in attendance not to do anything, saying that they know "feelings will be running high." Yeah, I'll bet they are. Shameful, disgraceful activity by right wing nut Booshco supporters. I'll update you on additional killings that occur at the funeral.

The Alito hearings start today. Please go back and re-read the post I did on this a while back. My views have not changed, Alito will be confirmed (thus sealing our fate) but the Dems MUST force the Repubs to use the "nuclear option." If there is a long run, this will help. Call your Congresspeople and demand that they not support this nomination.

I have screamed at the staffers of all of my representatives today. I plan to do so on a daily basis until they realize that at least one person wants to save America, and force them to do their jobs. I would encourage you to do the same if you are so inclined.

Ugly is upon us, it's time to act. Otherwise, get ready for living under a Dictatorship/Police State, poorly disguised as a democracy, from this day forward. The things that I have warned of for a long time are now a sad, grim reality. Those of you who have read my stuff for a long time know that I have issued warnings. I said that should Boosh win the 2000 election, we would one day reach this place. Well, here we are, kids. Better start throwing some ideas around, we've got to do something.



At 9:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought about calling and screaming to my selected representatives about the garbage that's occuring in this country, but since I have no money for their campaigns, they probably won't give me a second thought.

I seriously doubt if anyone is interested in protesting to the max like you've suggested. The game is rigged. For one, the people of this country are just plain stupid. Also, both spouses are working 60 plus hours a week to pay on their SUV's, plasma TV's, cable, insurance, etc. etc. that they have no time -or inclination whatsoever -to educate themselvles as to the actions of this government. They think that watching Fox News is keeping themselves informed. So, we're pretty much doomed in that respect.

I believe the powers that be are grabbing as much riches as they possible can before Peak Oil hits us between the eyes. And when that happens, we'll be trying to stay alive in the most violent country on the planet while they're on a tropical island somewhere with Blackwater troops guarding their pampered asses.

I'm just so glad I never did the wife and kids thing.

At 9:51 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...


Thanks for the mention. For the rest of you the whole sordid tale of these wing-nuts is on my blog "" I'm afraid this is going to come down to an armed deffence of our civil rights. Elections are being fixed and the will and the word of the people doesn't count for a pinch of shit! "We The People" are turning into "We The Sheople" I've said it before and I'll say it again! Get armed! Get ready! The shit looks very bad and very close. Bush may have already crossed the point of no return. China is already7 grumbling about their investments just like you said they would. We've got to get rid of the Neocons before the Neocons get rid of us!

At 11:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with dude. The American people are too busy working their asses off to pay for their everyday living. Americans for the most part have become very selfish and are only concerned with working to make money and be able to survive, even if it means living from paycheck to paycheck. I personally think it’s too late to save this country, as the majority of the sheep still believe the media, which is controlled by the very neocons that got us where we are in the first place. These guys are trying to get us from every angle. From trying to sell us luxuries we don’t need to raising oil and electricity prices. It’s all just a big money making game for them. I think we will eventually by fighting a civil war against our corrupt beyond repair government and millions will die in the cross fire. The sad thing is most people don’t see it coming.

At 4:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just finished reading “Bush on the Constitution: It's just a goddamned piece of paper” found at
I simply cannot believe this idiot. Our forefathers would turn over in their graves if they heard this jackass. Who does Boosch think he is the all mighty god himself? To make things worse you know the press didn’t give this incident much coverage if any at all. The American people need to wake up. Our president as no respect for the constitution and he definitely has no respect for us.

At 10:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stoney, went to your blog site, read the thing about alternet. Went there for first tiem. Couldn't find a single comment defending the neocons. What in the world did they boot you for?

At 10:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bloody Hell!! rockpicker...??
Nice outburst ;)

I like what 'dude' said....right on tha money I reckon. Had a conversation last night about the same thing and how there is no hope of the 'norms' understanding where we are at as a civilisation. They just go blindly about their business everyday, consuming more and getting further in debt. Poor bastards :(

I do find it interesting and confusing how the 'Wall Street' (and our ASX here in Australia) show no signs of cracks yet. Although I did read that the 'Street' and other such trading places wont show any warning as they are very artificial and always manipulated. I also read that the value of the street will increase due to traders putting money into resources rather than traditional things as resources are safer and due to the scarcity of some resources they are increasing in value (eg: Oil).

BTW, even though there is some entertainment value in watching all this, I still feel pissed off and angry that it has come to this. But we have a lesson to learn and mother (nature) wants to smack us for being way outa line for too long and ignoring the true law. So pull down your pants and expect to get a good belting as she is pissed off at us lot, thats fo sure.

Down here in OZ we are also having our fair share of foul weather and stupid I'll be joining you in the fight for survival.

At 10:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Ok, here is my idea. First, we have to idntify the basics that got us in this mess. I insist there are several linked forces. 1. We allowed the formation of corporations. Bad mistake. 2. Technically our Constitution is just a piece of paper. It's importance is based on what significance it is given as a consensus of the population. It is obvious that the safeguards were not written in stone. 3. As through history, the rich, the elite are fairly worshiped by most of our population. The only legitimate use of wealth is to buy objects, not people. We got to stop giving special status to the wealthy. And stock up on salt and pepper. 4. People love to be told what they want to hear. ANY promise that revolves around your security is a lie. And, there is always a price to the promise, namely involving your personal freedoms. 5. There are inherent flaws in a democracy, none in the past have survived and neither will ours.

I think it is time to start thinking about what kind of organization we will want when the dust clears. More of the same will always end up the same eventually.

Lets start talking about some alternatives.


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