Friday, January 06, 2006

More Short Shorts, or Maybe Capri's

Boosh Speaks, With His Foot in his Mouth

Although I cannot locate the exact quote, yesterday Boosh said something to the effect that "We are making darn good progress on the security front in Iraq." Soon after he made that comment, it was reported that 130 people were killed in separate incidents around the newly secured country, including 5 American soldiers. Then later, reports surfaced that 6 more American soldiers had been killed. The summary for the January 5, 2006 American soldier deaths is as follows; 2 in Ramadi, 2 in Fallujah, 2 in Baghdad, and 5 in Karbala. I don't know what planet this lunatic comes from. Yesterday was the bloodiest day since 160 were killed in September, and one of the highest body bag days in over a year. And, Boosh has the unmitigated gall to tell us that we are making "darn good progress" in the security area. The locations of the dead were scattered out over a large part of the country, so I'm not sure just where the "progress" is being made. Likely solely inside the head of the Boosh. Earth to the Leader of the "Free World," there is no security anywhere in the country that you chose to destroy. Maybe you should go there and walk around a little bit and test that security progress statement for yourself. Just don't forget your helmet and body armor, if we have any to be used, that is.

My Two-Cents Worth in the Bring Home the Troops Debate

While I have all the respect in the world for Scott Ritter, and admire his constant speaking out against this war and this administration, I disagree with one thing that he recently said. He said that a civil war will soon ensue in Iraq. Well, there is already a Civil War in Iraq, and has been since the day we arrived. In fact, there is a Civil War that has been going on for a long, long time, even before Saddam Hussein stole power in that country. Which leads me to my point in this "what to do with the troops" argument.

This is a war that clearly never should have been started, I think that few outside of Boosh and his merry band of Neocons would dispute that. We entered into Iraq with blinders on, and have yet to remove them. The Sunni's, Shia's and Kurds have been warring against each other for decades, and the Muslim world does not approve of our presence there. This is obvious, as American soldiers walk around daily with targets attached securely to their backs. There may be a moral argument to be made for us staying and cleaning up the mess that we've made, but with Booshco in charge, claiming any type of moral authority for anything is laughable. The truth is this. Whether we stay one more day or 50 more years, not much will change. First, we have proven that we cannot rebuild the Iraqi infrastructure that we destroyed, we in fact hamper that effort merely by maintaining our presence there. Second, we cannot force the above mentioned groups to get along or stop fighting, no matter what type of puppet government we assure that is installed there. Third, the entire world hates us for what we have done in Iraq, and staying there or leaving will have no impact on the way others view us. Fourth, we have lost a minimum of 2,194 troops in this little war. There is only one thing to do, and that is to GET OUT OF IRAQ TODAY, since yesterday has already passed. We will not regain our former "respected" status that we enjoyed all these years, nor will we retain our "superpower" status. Bring our boys home now, before one more drop of blood is spilled, and let Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton get down on their knees and beg forgiveness from the rest of the world.

The Pandering Continues

In what could be described as nothing short of another photo op, yesterday Boosh tried to put to rest the idea that he lives in a bubble, accepting advice from only a few people. In a move that has Karl Rove written all over it, Boosh "invited" former Democratic and Republican White House staffers and Cabinet members to the White House for a little chat about Iraq. The list of attendees follows: Former Democratic administration officials; Madeleine Albright, William Cohen, William Perry, Harold Brown, and Robert McNamara. Former Republican administration officials; Colin Powell, James Baker III, Lawrence Eagleburger, Alexander Haig, George Schultz, Frank Carlucci, James Schlesinger, and Melvin Laird. Boosh claimed that he would "take to heart" what they said to him.

What did they say to him? This is best summed up by the words of Lawrence Eagleburger, who spoke to the press after the meeting. " When you are in the presence of the President of the United States, I don't care if you've been a devout Democrat for the last hundred years, you're likely to pull your punches to some degree." Eagleburger followed by saying that the main thrust of advice was to tell Boosh, "You haven't talked to the American people enough." Truly earth shattering stuff, the same things that people have been telling this moron for many months. With all due respect to Mr. Eagleburger, I would suggest that the opposite is true. Since few Americans tend to believe anything that Boosh says, I would say that he should talk to the American people less. I am sick of looking at him and listening to him. It's shameful that these people don't have the gonads (sorry Ms. Albright) to tell the dumbass what he needs to hear, President of the United States or not. Too bad he didn't invite Cyclone to the little "kumbaya" event, because I promise you that the punches would not have been pulled, but delivered with full force. And he would have been told something different. Tell the damned truth, if you even know what it is anymore.

The Charlatan Strikes Again

Reverend Pat Robertson, founder of the 700 club and the television show that goes with the package, managed to put himself in the headlines again. Obviously he learned nothing from his call for the assassination of Hugo Chavez, the President of Venezuela, and the lame attempt at denial that followed. Speaking on the massive stroke suffered by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, Robertson said the following on his television show yesterday.

"God considers this land to be his. You read the Bible and he says, 'This is my land,' and for any Prime Minister of Israel who decides he is going to carve it up and give it away, God says, 'No, this is mine.'" He followed this with, "The prophet Joel makes it very clear that God has enmity against those who 'divide my land.'" In human speak, what Robertson essentially said is that Sharon's stroke was "God's punishment" to Sharon for dividing Gods land.

I seldom mention religion on this blog. I would venture to say that the majority of you who read this have no idea about my beliefs on religion, and I'll likely keep it that way. Religion, generally, is for a different forum. But, when someone such as Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell,Oral Roberts or the like crosses the line and enters into the " God did this becuse...." game, I will talk about it. Because it's harmful to all of us.

People such as these are not Christians. In fact, I don't even think that they believe they are Christians. How could they? They are mere charlatans, and a special place in hell (if you believe that there is such a place) should be reserved for them. They take advantage of the elderly, raiding their bank accounts in the name of "God." They pick on the weakest of our society, and it is shameful. Faithful, yet confused Christian's look to the Pat Robertson's of the world for guidance, and provide these assholes with a very good lifestyle for doing "Gods work." They are dependent upon these "Christian Leaders" and "Moral Majority" freaks to provide truth about the Bible and Christianity, so that they may lead the type of lives that God would want them to live. They do it honestly and with good intentions. And this is the type of crap that they recieve for their vast contributions.

Pat Robertson does not have a red phone line to God, any more than you or I do. So, he has no right to speak for God. What Pat Robertson and Ralph Reed and the rest do have that you and I don't, is a forum and a huge following. To use that forum to spew hate and filth, calling for assassinations of democratic leaders, entering the political arena and selling themselves to the devil (Jack Abramoff in Reed's case), and claiming to speak for God, is nothing short of despicable. A lot of people choose who to vote for based upon what these disgusting, subhuman pigs say, and most vote for Republicans. ALL of these false Christian leaders need to be exposed for what they really are, simple thieves. Just like the thieves who were on crosses next to Jesus when he was crucified. I often wonder if Robertson even remembers who Jesus was, he is clearly uneducated in what Jesus had to say.

Hugo Chavez was right. Pat Robertson should be locked up and prosecuted for calling for the assassination of a head of state. We should not have to wait for God to punish the likes of him.



At 8:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are George Bush and Pat Robertson suffering from the same sort of brain virus that separates them from reality? And what about the vast amount of people who keep them in power, despite repeated examples of their lies and hypocracy? Remember Jim Baker (from my home town) and Jimmy Swagghart? Jim Baker was insisting that his accountant blow him while he counted the money between services, and Swagghart was balling prostitutes in seedy motel rooms, then, tearfully blaming the devil when caught. Now Pat Robertson has forayed into the political assassination arena, ignoring the fact that both testaments of the Bible include the injuction "Thou Shalt Not Kill."
I guess it's in poor taste to challenge these morons with any facts. These fundamentalist preachers are the equivalent of American mullahs. It figures that George's "religion" is just as idiotic as he is.
In my religion, there are consquences to squandering a human incarnation...wouldn't be surprised to see this bunch come back as pond slime.

At 8:25 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I think they already did come back as pondslime, disguised as human's. George has no religion, merely hides behind one. I proposed an idea on Alternet some months ago to expose these assholes to those unfortunate souls who follow these idiots, but it went nowhere. Maybe I'll do something on it here and we'll see what happens. Granted, the numbers are smaller, but people here seem to be a bit more educated and caring. I did notice this morning that as long as you put the apostrophe in Cyclone's Real Deal, it is number 1 on Google, Yahoo and MSN, so this place is definately growing. With that comes some responsibility, I guess. So, thanks for the pep talk yesterday. BTW, have you thought of televangelism as a career move? You would succeed beyond your wildest dreams! (just kidding, I think)


At 8:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 9:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


With respect to fundamentalists of any stripe, one must always keep in mind that the source of their belief dictates just what kind of discourse they will tolerate about that belief.

So, talking rationally with St. Paul, for instance, probably wouldn't have made much headway. Striking him temporarily blind on the other hand...

Televangelists are, by and large, complete hypocrites and a lesson about the power of television and why we must all avoid it and other popular media if we are to be unled.

I'm sure you've all heard about the influence Leo Strauss had on our neocons. Have you read this book: "Leo Strauss and the American Right" by Shadia Drury? Absolutely fascinating for me, particularly Strauss' views on the uses of religion by the state.

Take care,


At 11:17 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...

Pat Robertson would have learned to keep his silly flapping yap shut by now! What is wrong with this guy??! He obviously doesn't read the same bible I do! Jimmy swaggart? oh don't get me stareted! "Oh I'm so sorry! But the cooze was so good!" Gimme a fuckin' break! That wasn't enough! After he gets the congragation back he gets busted sporin' with a whore in his shiney new Jaguar! Still the faithfull pour money in his pockets!

Hell this goes out to everybody! Want your money to do the Lord's work? Forget about these sleasy ass televangelists! Go to a homless shelter and give! Give of your money and your time! SEE what your money does!

Give it to the Shriners! See what these wonderful people do for kids like my son who was struck at birth with Cerebral Palsey! Send your money where it does good! Not fund pundits!

Oh just to have Bush in a room with you and me! Oh joy and rapture! I know it won't happen, but I can dream, can't I!

At 11:21 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I am going to get that Strauss book and read it. I hadn't heard of it before. Thanks for stopping by,


At 11:22 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Yeah, we could have a ball. Stop it, you're going to have me dreaming good dreams! (or bad, I'm not sure which)


At 11:23 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

Anonymous 1,

thanks, I think?


At 3:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the International Herald Tribune (Jan 6th 2006) on the devastating attacks in Iraq
"a spokesman for the U.S. military said insurgents were becoming more desperate as the democratic process took hold."
See, you've got it all wrong. The US nears absolute victory the more soldiers and Iraqis are killed per day.
This also sheds light on Bush's claim that he will 'win the war on terror'.

Just wondering - do I have a deja vu or was this ludicrous argument used before
(successful attacks = desperate insurgents)?

At 6:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's nice that Bush invites "real" people to meet with him. If he truly didn't live in a bubble he would listen to the average joe or families that have lost loved ones.

At 7:12 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


Yeah, seems like I remember Cheney saying something about the insurgency being on it's last legs, oh, about a year or two ago. Just can't ever tell about those pesky terrorists. Oh, and the economy is the best its ever been too. Boosh and an entire army of 24 people scattered around the country telling people that today. Not that they watch the polls that say only 37% of the American people believe that he has a clue about the economy, or anything. Absurdity at its finest.


At 7:17 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

anonymous 2,

If he's afraid of Cindy Sheehan, he's not about to meet with the common folk. I'd like to see an Enron victim get in the same room with the moron. Hell, I'd like to see ME in the same room with him, for that matter. I'd make him WANT to talk to Ray Nagin, just to shut me up.


At 6:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Congrats to you for being #1

I'm with you I might just have to get that book by Strauss and see what its about. I'm sure it pretty much goes something like the golden rule.

Stoney I'm in if we get a come to Jesus with Booshco, hell I hope he bring Row and any other neocon that needs an attitude adjustment. I have never been much for these evagelists that tell people there is only one way to heaven and its theirs. And its so sad that they suck the people less fortunate in with their bullshit and then suck them dry.

I think Swaggert got his ideas from Flip Wilson. He used to use that line in his act "the devil made me do it"

At 12:30 PM, Blogger qrswave said...

Cyclone, you're absolutely right. Staying in Iraq is indefensible.

But, btw, there were never any real plans to rebuild Iraq. The plan was to seize the oil and send the country back to the dark ages so they have no chance of regaining control of their own resources.

At 10:29 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


We would need a billboard the size of Atlanta to put all of the Booshisms up. I'm thinking more along the lines of exposing the phony Christians such as Robertson, Reed, etc. and maybe turning some of their flock against them, saving their money in the meantime. I'll throw my idea out there in a day or two and let you guys shoot holes in it. Or, figure out a way to accomplish it on a grand scale. If we could turn just a few of the Righteous Right followers by exposing the truth about their hypocritical leaders, it might help. And, only those who would justly deserve it would get hurt. We'll see what others think. Thanks for your comments,


At 10:33 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


Yeah, but rebuilding the place sure sounded good from a moral standpoint, before the invasion, didn't it? From the guy who said he didn't believe in "nation building." I guess he really meant that part. Also helps when justifying staying there. Whatever, the lies just keep on rolling out of the mouths of the scumbuckets.


At 10:39 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

Anonymous 3,

Swaggert is certainly a piece of work. Whoever dreamed up that industry was certainly a genius, if one simply wants to rape and pillage the less fortunate and less intelligent. I'll have to someday tell the story of my encounter with my favorite thief of them all, a clown named Robert Tilton, who was based out of Dallas before his scam was uncovered in most public fashion. Not sure where he is now, but if anybody knows please clue me in.


At 10:41 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

Hey freeacre,

You're from the same town as Jim Baker? Does that make you famous or something? I'd love to spend about 5 minutes inside that head, no, on second thought, I'd have visions of Tammy and probably never get out, so scratch that. Did you actually know the guy? Please tell,



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