Monday, January 02, 2006

Some Things

I'm going to try something different. I have read interesting dialogue in the comments left here, and I have recieved numerous emails that all of you don't get to see. So, rather than attempting to comment on each comment left here, I'm going to try to, on occasion, mention some of them and thrown in my two cents worth. Please continue to email me personally if you wish, it actually helps me and I'll reply to them personally as soon as I can. So, here I go.

Anonymous said something about history repeating itself and that this is a losing battle, America's run at the top is over. I don't really disagree with this, in fact I've said the same thing in other forums, if not here. But, dialogue never hurt anything and not everyone has the means to leave America. Nor am I convinced that leaving America is the right thing to do, or will even accomplish anything beyond the short term. While we're here and able, we may as well talk about it, I guess.

This brings to something that Carl in PA mentioned. I mean this seriously, as I'm sure he did. Carl mentioned that anyone who comments with any regularity here on the Real Deal probably has a growing file somewhere in the bowels of the government. I absolutely believe this to be true, there is no doubt in my mind that everything that I write is monitored, and my phone calls may be as well. There is risk to even visiting internet sites these days, much less commenting on them. The Real Deal is read by people in 21 countries outside the United States, plus 12 "Unknown Countries." It is the "Unknown Countries" that bother me, I'm not sure that anyone outside the CIA could accomplish locating countries that are unknown to Internet Service Providers, but I could be wrong. And viewed by a few people in Langley, Virginia. Not sure what that means either, but my guess is Big Brother is indeed watching poor little Cyclone. Granted, this is one of the tamer sites around, you can find much more revolutionary and threatenting stuff out there if you seek it. I don't know why they would bother monitoring me or the Real Deal, but rest assured they are. And rest assured that I will still say that Boosh is a madman, is insane, and needs to be removed from power, by whatever means necessary. If this site suddenly disappears or nothing is posted for more than a few days, you'll know that I've been hauled off to Gitmo or some other black site, and am getting educated on what this government is really like. Those of you that correspond with me on a regular basis through email will have to take over, and alert others to my fate. I doubt that they will give me my "one phone call." So, buyer beware, we are not safe anywhere anymore. But, I will not live in fear. That is how the Boosh administration got to where they are today, by putting Americans in fear of the phantom terrorist strike or some other nonsense, and it won't work with me. I'll write until the pry my cold dead fingers off my mouse, or something like that. (being silly now)

Murph mentioned that we are approaching the point where we need to gather together in small communities where we can help provide for one another and watch each others backs. I think this is a good idea, and all should read his comment on the post previous to this one. Carl has mentioned something similar, so everyone please feel free to throw your ideas out there. We all need direction on how to deal with what is about to occur.

Don't ignore Stoney13, whatever you do. We are going to need all the Stoney's we can find sooner than we know, so keep on shouting, Stoney. And stay off your damned tractor. That's an inside bit of advice, Stoney will know what I'm talking about.

RP writes some incredible poetry that keeps the Iraq War in human terms, an all should read and remember the costs of war through his brilliance. He also has a good handle on things that are happening in this country.

Sean asked about adding a link to a comment. Feel free, Sean, and anyone else out there who finds something that needs to be read. I personally do not put links in my peices, there are many blogs that do and I feel that if someone wishes to verify what I say or compare it to others, they can located other information on their own. I am not a technical whiz by any stretch, and I find that links take up time and space that I can better use for other things.

Aaron asked me if I had considered running for office. No, Aaron, I haven't. First, I don't have the money and second I probably couldn't pass the background check if I did. I inhaled at one time, after all. I would also not put my family through what one has to go through to seek office these days. If I were single, maybe. But not now. I really am not sure that elections will mean much in the country in the near future anyway. We may never have another legitimate one for a long, long time.

Finally, I told you all a while back that we were entering a moment in history that had never been experienced before, in America at least. We are now there, and this is going to get real interesting and probably real ugly over the next few months. We all have to stick together, make some plans, and most of all, take care of each other and our families. When Boosh returns from hiding out in Crawford, presumably tomorrow, I should get back to ranting about the next insane thing that he does. For today, enjoy the last day of the holiday and get ready for some action, soon.



At 12:14 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...

Don't worry. brother! I ain't goin' nowhere! I just ripped that damned sling off my arm and I'm typing with both hands now!

A friend of mine is modifying the old tractor so it doesn't roll sideways quite as easy and we're putting a turbocharger on it so it rolls forward alot faster! Maybee we can figure out an armament system for it! Use what you've got I always say!

Everybody else: Get armed! Get ready! I'm afraid we're going to need to very soon! I don't like it either, but I didn't write the rule book!

Loved the post.

later brother,

At 1:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Langley doesn't concern me, personally. It is my understanding that "boosh" has chapped the intelligence community's ass to an intolerable degree, and they want him out way worse than anyone who swings by this blog. I can't say if that's really true, but if so, perhaps they're coming around lookin' for recruits ;)

It's the hits from Texas, Colorado, and Arkansas that would concern me. I would not be too keen about receiving more than an occasional hit from the University of Chicago, either... god only knows what goes on there these days.

At 2:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of change and fear...I found myself imagining a scary scenario last night that reflects a fundamental change in how I perceive my country. I was imagining that authorities of some sort were coming to round me up (like maybe I demonstrated against Walmart or the War or something.)Normally, in this country, if a person is arrested, they comply and get booked, and believe that they have the protection of the law. Innocent until proven guilty, due process, etc. But, I don't have faith in that anymore. With Gitmo and God knows what other gulags or camps the government controls, you wouldn't know if you were just going to disappear (Rumsfeld calls it "ghosting"), be tortured, killed, made to work, or what.
I don't know about you, but to me that is very scary. I and, I suspect, a lot of people would either resist by shooting themselves or taking out one or two of them in the process until one gets shot by them. The point is that only those who have faith in the due process of the law are compliant in the face of incarceration and possible torture, nomatter how temporary.
This change of mind set is HUGE. I can hardly believe that Rumsfeld, the attorney general, the President, the Vice-President and the rest of the cabal are willing to destroy the fundamental faith that we have in our own country, so that we can hang on to our "non-negotiable way of life." It seems to me that in so doing, our way of life is already destroyed.

At 4:50 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


It is very true that the CIA wants Boosh gone, and if someone would let go of the reins they could accomplish it in short order. But, the leaders aren't letting the troops go, probably the biggest disappointment to me to date. They are loaded for bear, and being held back. I can't seem to find out who actually holds the key to the gate, but I could narrow it down to a few.

Yeah, you're probably right about the source of worry. Haven't seen much from Arkansas, but Texas and "the Springs" pop up quite frequently, and they tend to stay hooked up for a long time. I'm sure they are watching, but too bad. I simply don't care anymore. Hadn't thought of U of Chicago, but come to think of it I do get some traffic from there. Interesting. Thanks for posting,


At 4:55 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I don't think any way is safe, especially regarding me. Probably not Stoney either, or you for that matter. Maybe using the other email address you have for me is better, hell I don't know. It may be time to open another one, but I'm not sure it matters. I think I'm on the list, whatever list they maintain. So, short of my "disappearing" and coming back as someone else, I think one should assume that any communication with me is being watched. I won't go to the trouble of disappearing and re-inventing myself. If you and Stoney come up with something, let me know.


At 8:04 AM, Blogger AL RULES said...

You inhaled? You must be a terrorist.

I guess if you were a coke-sniffing, drunk-driving rich kid who bankrupted the first three companies that were given to him, you'd have a much better job right now.

As it stands, I feel that the American public is in a lot of danger. If the president is not held accountable in the eyes of the law, why have laws. If your congress cannot bring Bush Co. to justice, what is the point of have congress. Just crown him king, declare marshall law and be done with it.

Its coming folks. You lose more freedoms everyday and with you guys sharing a border with me, it terrifies all Canadians. It should terrify you guys even more.


At 9:21 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Welcome to the New America!


At 9:24 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I've got terrorist written all over my face! A real threat to the free world. Whatever. Yeah, I inhaled. But, it was a long time ago, please please please forgive me, US Government! Hard to laugh in such dire times.


At 9:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...the leaders aren't letting the troops go, probably the biggest disappointment to me to date..."

Cyclone: ever consider that the recent series of neocon-centered scandals aren't an unfortunate comedy of arrogance? You mentioned a while back a secret hope that the Rich And Mighty might mobilize their resources to try to salvage what they can of this country... wouldn't it be the CIA that would do their bidding on that count? Doesn't the CIA primarily represent the interests of Wall Street, a.k.a., the Rich And Mighty?

I'm just speculating of course, but the more I watch and learn, the more calculated all these scandals seem to be. The current course of events appears to be, from what I can tell with my limited knowledge, the most rapid way of getting the neocons out of power without further compromising the already-teetering U.S. dollar. How else could it happen, except in the way that it is currently playing out?

At 10:07 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...


We'll go from there.

At 10:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI Cyclone

I don't know how to go about this simply because of the thing you mentioned about not having the money to run for public office. I for one care not if you inhaled, its what you are about that counts.

And that brings me to the point. The dems aren't doing anything for fear of loosing the cash flow that sustains them. Its one thing to bring the truth to everyone and quite another to come with some sort of solution to this corruption. Corruption that has ever so slowly taken over our society and goverment. I guess this crap has gone on since the start of civalized time, but it is so blatant now they just go about it like they are un touchable. It seems to obvious that all (both parties) have corporate skeletons in their closets and fear they will be exposed for what they truly are. So they just keep their mouths shut. Not to mention they would be labeled un patriotic by Booshco. They pick their spots so as not to alienate them selves from the people that supply the money. Are there some of them that are truly honest, I'm sure there are. But I am possitive that they are well out numbered by the ones that aren't. As I see it.

Jack Abramoff should shed some light on a few of the aren'ts. And hopefully thin a few out with some well deserved prison terms. Feds probing Suncruz

The latest joke is Booshco is going to investigate the leak that uncovered the illegal wire tapping that he was doing. Now this is to much.


At 11:13 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I have indeed considered the possibility that you mention, and I believe that it is a viable one. Forgive me, but Boosh is placing his balls in a vice and is just stupid enough to turn the handle on himself. Abramoff pleading guilty should tell us a lot. My fear has been that things are just taking too long, but the pace appears to be quickening. Now that Abramoff's done, I think Fitzgerald may act on Rove soon. If it is the Powerful I mentioned behind this, this is a way that they could maintain their anonynimity. It also shows that we have more time than what I thought, at least I hope so. Boosh and Cheney have to be neutered, and soon. This economy can't take many more hits.


At 11:19 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I realize that inhaling isn't important, that was really a joke. Abramoff is the key. He is going to damage a whole bunch of folks, but maybe not enough. He will take some good ones with him, but the majority will be well deserved. I think you'll see Fitzgerald move pretty quickly on Rove, too. There are some good ones out there, but they are few and far between. In a perfect world, Barney Frank would be President. He has more sense and honesty than most of the rest put together, but that can't happen. So, we'll see how the next few weeks shakes out. You'll see the Abramoff smear campaign begin today, if it hasn't already.

I wrote about the other thing you mentioned today, the leak investigation. Things might be looking up a tad bit.



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