Sunday, January 08, 2006

Boosh, Law, Middle Finger, & Time to Act

As George Boosh runs around the world telling others about the advantages of living in Democratic societies, he has apparently forgotten to maintain the same ideals for his home country, the United States of America. I think it is fair to say that we are now living under a Dictatorship. No matter how I try to look at his actions and justifications for giving the middle finger to the American people, Congress and the American court system, I can come to no other conclusion.

Mirroring the Boosh approach of claiming legal authority to the wiretapping of American citizens and stealing email correspondence of the same people, Boosh has publicly declared that he has no intentions of following the new law that forbids the torture of anybody he personally deems to be a threat to the "security of America." He is the self declared judge, jury and executioner, and no law or Congressional mandate or Constitution is going to get in his way. And he has no problem with stating this in public.

John McCain worked hard to gain the overwhelming support of the House and Senate to get this anti-torture legislation passed. McCain refused to back down, even in the face of Cheney using every strong armed tactic known to man to sell a package that no one would buy. Boosh and Condi Rice stated for months that we don't torture people, yet fought the legislation that specifically forbade the CIA from conducting torture. Did they believe that they were fooling anyone? McCain knows about this stuff, after all, he was a tortured prisoner of war himself. He knows that torture doesn't work. When it became obvious that Boosh could not win this one, he sat proudly next to McCain and said that together they had worked out legislation that they both could live with. And signed the bill. But, at the same time, he signed the same type of letter that he signed allowing him to bypass the FISA Court whenever he wanted to, this time allowing for using torture when he deems necessary. Until Booshco came along, I had never heard of these inherent powers given to a President. In short, Boosh can pick and choose which laws he wants to follow without checks and balances. All he has to do is call Alberto Gonzales, get Al to say he's following the law, and then do whatever the hell he wants. That, my friends, is a Dictatorship.

When Boosh claimed that he "now had political capital and planned to spend it" immediatedly after the 2004 election, he apparently decided that he had been given an unlimited overdraft protection fund as well. He has spent more political capital than he would have earned had he received a unanimous vote for a trip back for a second term. While he stated that he had been given a mandate, I'm not so sure that stealing an election by buying off someone in the state of Ohio necessarily gives him that self declared mandate.

The leadership in this country is a joke. I can't figure out if they are all in this with him, if they are afraid of him, or if they are simply dumbstruck and don't know what to do about him. Probably a combination of the three. One thing is clear, however. Boosh thinks that he can write a letter to himself that gives him the right to ignore any law that he chooses as long as we are "at war." I've stated many times that I have no idea what the "war on terror" really is, and Boosh certainly can't articulate it with his mid-70's IQ. To his credit, he has no problem getting every newspaper, media outlet, and virtually every member of Congress to parrot the phrase. However, I doubt that anyone else has any more of an idea of what he is talking about than I do. He can simply say that the "war on terror" is ongoing, will take a long time, and do whatever the hell he wants in the meantime. And that's okay with our leaders, I guess.

Oh, they say they'll have some hearings when they re-convene at the end of January. After several months of that, then, should Congress summon the courage to fight this lunacy, the courts will get involved. So, by about 2012, we will have some resolution as to whether or not what he did was legal. Well, we don't have until 2012 to rid ourselves of this Dictator. In fact, we don't have until 2007.

Regardless of how his sick, twisted mind chooses to attempt to justify his actions, it is now time for the American people to take back that mandate and send his ass back to Crawford, or wherever anyone might accept him as a neighbor. He might have trouble finding acceptance, outside of a dorm room at Liberty University or on the set of the 700 Club. The American people must stand up and demand that this man and his entire cabal be removed from office, should Congress refuse to take necessary action on their own. And they must take action the day they return from their holiday. Otherwise, it is time for real action, time for millions upon millions of worn out Americans to march on Washington D.C. Time to block the streets, shut down the Congress in acts of civil disobediance, and refuse to leave until Boosh is dealt with. A non-violent preventative action before he sends us into oblivion. We cannot survive any longer with a moron for a President, who gives himself the power to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants to do it, to whoever he wants to do it to. Our very existence depends upon our forcing Congress to deal with Booshco once and for all. And, if that takes 50 million people missing work for a week and sitting in the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue to get someone's attention, so be it.

There is one other issue to which I can come to only one conclusion. This man is certifiably nuts. There is no connection to reality left inside his head. He honestly believes that God has put him on this mission. He is rubber room material, and if anyone doesn't believe it, sit back and let this go on for another year. No election is going to fix this, it's up to the American people to DEMAND CHANGE. We are beyond the point of being the laughingstock of the world, we are now in the danger zone. Boosh is a science experiment gone bad.

What law will he decide to ignore next? The right of American citizens to move freely about the country? The right of free speech? The right to protest an out of control government? Are we willing to wait to see how far this clown and his merry band of loonies will go? I think it is clear that he will go to any extreme to fulfill his fanatical dreams, whatever they may be. He proves to be more and more bold every day.

While I don't pretend to really know what these people have in store for this world, I do know that I don't want to find out. So, beginning tomorrow, I will be screaming at members of Congress. My hope is that everyone joins me, but it won't be enough, not nearly enough. Collectively we need to start planning a mass march on Washington. We did it in the 60's, it had some effect, and it was kind of fun. This is much more serious. We are dealing with desparate, irrational people, so we need massive numbers. But, the alternative is unacceptable. If we decide to sit back and wait for things to take care of themselves, we deserve whatever happens to us.



At 9:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Such is the lust for power to control people and events.

I rather suspect that Bush and crew are hoping to wear down the opposition sufficient to really do what they ultimately want with no opposition, namely, complete control of everything they turn their attention to.

I missed the out on the signing of the letter concerning the FISA court.

It is of never ending fascination to me to hear people say that they don't understand what the problem is, since they don't feel any less free now than they did. A form of denial that leave me breathless.

Some days I feel Bushed out. Can hardly stand to listen to news anymore. Further news concerning this administrations excesses almost seem superfluous. Part of wearing down the population too?

Of course the real question concerning people on this blog is how fast the collapse will come, and in what manner. These people are so obsessed with not making any significant changes within the economic sturcture that they will take any action to that end. And there is that factor of social inertia. It appears to me that very large societies that have collapsed in history did so over quite a period of time, at least a generation. We do have different circumstances and perhaps it will be sudden and harsh. Difficult to predict that with certainty I think. But it is coming.

Thanks for the thoughts. I appreciate it.

At 10:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You are right I was thinking along the samw lines. How is it possible that this boobco could have gotten so far with out a few people behind him. Keeping all this under wraps media wise is one of the biggest wonders. Tell me it isnt so, He has signed something else with a blessing from Gazalez letting the CIA torcher people? How can people not wonder who is being monitored. Is it just all part of the cabal that is in control? Can so many elites agree on duping the American public and not have anyone object to this insanity from any class. How can the people with real money let this spirrol continue. If you take away the ability of the middle class to sustain any sort of living standard you have killed the golden goose. It just doesn't make any sense. Where are the checks and balances in this so called democracy?

We need to contact our congressman and senators. We need to apply so much pressure on them that they can't ignore us any longer.

Its seems that when we had a democrat in we had money to deal with problems at home. Now this shit for brains has made a situation worse with us getting into a war that is pretty much draining us. And why are we there? Because they had bullshit wmds all trumped up crap that booco and the media passes it along as if it is true. If the truth be known it oil and one should just look who has moved into the spot that over see's Iraqi oil, Chelebi that piece of shit that supplied all that alot of great information about wmd. I have to admitt they did a number on me but I have to say I'm easy or used to be. So how is it they pulled one on the media? There is something really wrong here and it has become all to appreant in the last 2 or 3 years. Not to say this hasn't been going on for much longer, its just so much more blatant. We are sheep!

I am not against capitalism, but theivery, cronyism, and corporate corruption/wellfare has to be dealt with. And thats putting it nicely.


At 1:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well as a non-american it is easy to understand how he got away with it - being 'The President of the United States of America' the people tend to follow the myth rather than the man.

Who is involved with him...?
Well, obviously yes men of the highest order who have somewhat been blinded by the hype and the ideals of the 'US must remain supreme' that permeates US policy and politics.

I'll have fun watching the show nonetheless.....

At 1:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

About Bush being totally nuts... there's a quote from Voltaire, which roughly translates as "madness is an illness of the organs of the brain, which inescapably hinders a man to think and act like others."
I fear that madness does work, as does fascism, violent religious fundamentalism (muslimic, jewish, or christian), or even pathological paranoia, if enough people stuck together and are reassuring themselves again and again that everything is as it should be. Then madness will be normalcy, and the reference point for all perception.
For Bush and millions of conservative Americans maybe this has already happened, and his repeated statement that the US 'doesn't torture' is for them, not for us.
I think, in fact, that he stopped talking to about half of America. It's not as worthwile to convince this lost 'mad' half (from his POV) of his views as to confirm and cement the beliefs of the 'sane' half.

At 4:25 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Welcome to the "Booshed out" club. I bounce back and forth from that position to wanting to know more nearly daily, as you well know. I'm now in the dumfounded mode. You are correct about the timing. This is going to be swift and severe for those who haven't paid attention or heard the word to this point. (amazed that people can be so apathetic) We are essentially there. If I am right about Alito, and I'm no less sure today than I was when I wrote about it a long time ago, that will be the final dagger in the heart of what once was America. Time to hunker down, I'm afraid.


At 4:33 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


There are no checks and balances left and the "middle class" is a thing of the past. They are officially extinct. They didn't "pull one on the media," they really didn't. The media knows, they just can't tell. The true investigative reporters aren't allowed to say what they know, they are owned by the corporations that have put us here. It takes someone like Don Imus to tell the truth, and folks like that aren't taken seriously as "News Reporters." If you do call your representatives, tell them to filibuster Alito. Go back and read the post I did a long time ago about Alito, that is what is going to happen. The Dems MUST force the Repubs to use the Nuclear Option, he will be confirmed. They need to hear it from everyone.


At 4:36 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I don't know what country you are from, but I hope that you aren't caught in the toxic dust that will spread far and wide as America as we know it crashes and burns. I hope you are far, far away. If you are, stay there. You are correct. As sad as it is, there is entertainment value to be had.


At 4:40 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I considered my father to be nuts as well. It wasn't until later in my life that I realized that he was a hopeless alcoholic. When Reagan was first elected, it struck me like a sledgehammer that I was actually in the minority, that madness had indeed become the standard for normal. It's all relative, and we're on the outside looking in, apparently. My long way of saying that you are exactly right. I can't help myself, I think the keys just hammer themselves. Thanks for the comment.


At 6:37 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


They've done more than "talk about" many of these things. Bankruptcy, tax cuts, spending cuts for the help for the poor, unchecked Presidential Power, have all been done already. More to follow. Some pay attention, most don't. This thing is on such a fast course, we are doomed if this is not stopped immediately. We are nearing an economic collapse like none ever before seen. Then, mass chaos. It's gonna happen, and it's gonna happen soon.


At 7:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate to say it, but I hope the whole thing comes crashing down sooner rather than later. Like ripping the band-aid off fast rather than slow, I think a slow decline will do more damage and a quick sharp drop.

If it is agreed that it is inevitable at this point, the sooner it falls apart the sooner we can start to rebuild.

At 7:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Belated New Years Cyclone!

Been reading your column daily and personally I think it is wonderful.

March is fast approaching, with that the possibility of a new Oil Bourse to contend with, and with that I dare say a new confrontation of global magnitude. Not disagreeing that getting these criminals out is of the highest priority however I am beginning to lean toward the pitchfork, tar and feather method of removal.

Watching what the outside world is doing regarding US currency should make everyone very concerned but it nary raises an eyebrow most days. When the likes of Buffet and Gates are looking at investing in Euros, the Chinese stating openly that the US is an unstable investment there is trouble ahead...TROUBLE

Personally, and you can probably guess by some of my posts on Alternet I believe a total economic collapse will the only thing that will get the vast majority of Americans thinking right. There will be pain and there will be suffering, it will come quickly and it may be what it takes for the Joe Blow American citizen to wake up and see what has happened to the country due to complacency. Like the staement I once read " Kill em all and let GOD sort them out" I say let the economy crash and let poverty be the

To act now or not act now... still is my question. Let the corruption crash with the economy and rebuild in the fashion a caring and intelligent society should be is my wish... When our generation should be living a life in an enlightened age we are mired in an age where money is the god we pray to and too many lose sleep at night trying to figure out new ways to take advantage of those who cannot defend themselves...Sad really


At 7:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


thanks for your POVs; I'm somewhat glad that I'm on this side of madness, and not alone so.
I hope you got along with your father after the understanding of his addiction (and vice versa); and I hope this will someday happen in America, too, between the antagonistic fractions.
If, by any chance, there'll be gratitude and peace in the middle east and the world during Bush's second term, I'll be not above a sanity check myself...

At 8:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the pitchforks and tar and feathers. Love to see Rumsfeld, Chaney, and Bush all run out of town on a rail, spitting feathers.
There are a lot of demonstrations planned. Go to the Progressive Websites for details. There are demonstrations planned for the State of the Union Address, and an on-going Impeach Bush & Chaney movement. Things are looking up a little. Time to haul out the ski masks and vaseline, I think.

At 8:50 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Happy days to you as well. As I'm sure you know, we are not in disagreement about the necessity of a total breakdown to bring the masses to reality. Sadly, that breakdown is here. Not to claim that Buffet or Gates ae being dishonest or anything, but I'm not sure that the "Euro" claim is anything more than a smokescreen. I don't really think that anyone can yet predict what the new favored currency will be, so I'd bet that those two are more likely stashing more gold than anything at this point. It really doesn't matter, if they pull the plug mass panic will ensue and the economy will collapse almost immediately. I am as prepared as I can be with what little I have, but it won't be fun for any of us. You are correct, it really is sad. Our "golden years" are going to be spent in total survival mode, no romance on the beach is in the cards for our generation. I just hope that somehow my daughter can have a future of some sort, although what that might be no one can predict. Thanks for keeping in touch, I'd like to hear from you more often.


At 9:32 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...


Had server problems yesterday so I checked out things today. Sounds like an argument I was having on Alternet with some troll before my server crashed! Yea! We're living in a totlitarian state right now! People don't see it because they're boiled frogs!

Your screaming "Boiled frogs! WTF!!!" Okay let me explain. If you put a frog in a pot of boiling water, the frog will jump out and hop off. But if you put a frog in a pot of cold water, set it on the stove and gradually turn up the heat a little at a time, pretty soon you have a boiled frog!

The drug laws have been turning up the heat for a long time. Wittling away at our civil rights day by day, and year by year, untill they have been so weakened The police can pretty much kick down your door if they just "suspect" you might be in ther with a joint.

Bush saw his chance to bring the pot to a boil with some inexplicable "war" that he turned into a buzzword just like "Ronnie Ray Gun" and his concerned spouse did with "Just say no" and the "War on drugs". Both of which have failed miserably!

The people are getting just a good bit pissed at King George's dreams of empire! They can see what all this is about. One of my neighbors was an ardent Republican untill George W. Now he's screaming louder than me! I have a little faith left in the American public. When they can't watch "Sex in the City" and American Idol" any more they get really nasty!
And nasty people do nasty shit!

At 1:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great piece, cyclone. Just got back from hols and have found I've a lot of reading to do!

I think "An Unrecognized Resolve" is my favourite so far – would like to hear about the fate of that poor lady arrested in Denver, though.

And Stoney - if ever I need to laugh (and cry) I'll look for your posts! You are a true champ.


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