Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Reader's Questions Adressed; A Clarification; Things

After reading all the comments over the last couple of days, I'm not sure you guys need me anymore. A lot of you are getting it, I'm certainly impressed. But, I'll hang out until you all toss me out. I feel like the US Government should feel, needed until the world tires of our bullshit, and then goes on without us, flushing us down the toilet in the process. (just kidding, I'm not whining today)

Warning, This Might Be Long Today

First, I want to clear something up. I apparently wasn't real coherent on what I meant when I was talking about gold, so I'm going to try again. What I was trying to convey is that gold is the best way to make money right now. I don't mean that the dollar is going to disappear, it is going to go through a "correction," and a severe one. Gold will also buy more dollars after the "correction" process is over. Gold is respected worldwide and that's not going to change, so the more gold one has the more dollars they will be able to purchase in the future. The price of gold will take a hit, but nowhere near what will happen to the dollar. And, the de-valued money can be recovered with gold, it won't be with dollars. Alright, that still doesn't satisfy what I'm trying to convey, so I'll keep working on it and try to put into words what is in my head later. Sorry, maybe I only confused the issue more. Help, qrswave, or somebody. I'm struggling with explaining this.

To the Comments and Questions

Freeacre, there are no dumb questions, given the state that we are in. It's confusing to everyone, so keep firing and maybe somebody can come up with a satisfactory answer or solution.

Anonymous said that I am either 100% right or 100% wrong, but either way we are fried. He/she is correct. I am assuming that he is talking about Cheney and Boosh and whether they are deposed or not. I am right, but that is beside the point. It may not make any difference, in the grand scheme of things, who is leading us. More on that in a little bit.

Paula, post all the links that you want. I don't do it, but I have my own reasons for not doing so. Don't let that stop you, though. Any information that might be helpful is welcome, we're all in this hellhole together.

The next several comments are connected, in a way. So, we'll make some ghoulash and hope it makes some sense in the end. EfSaturn wondered what we would see first, the dollar collapse or $5 per gallon gasoline. My bet is that the collapse will occur first. This is not going to be an announced collapse, but a carefully orchestrated one. Announcing it would defeat the purpose. The collapse is going to be swift and painfully dramatic, and could happen at any moment. This economy is nothing but smoke and mirrors, all of the numbers that are thrown around by the "economic geniuses" are simply bullshit. Technofreak, from Australia, mentioned that the DOW and the ASX (Australian version of the DOW) aren't showing "cracks." I won't speak for the ASX, but the DOW is not showing any cracks because it's all fiction anyway. It won't show cracks, it will dissolve. In a hurry, without warning. Think about how quickly the backs of the middle class have been broken. The next level of Americans will be broken overnight, with the Grand Crash. That will happen when the puppetmasters decide that we have all been sufficienly bled, and it could be as bad or worse than the '29 depression. Sean wondered if the "Booshvics have so many people in place that we are powerless." In short, yes, we are powerless. I can't believe what is about to come off of my keyboard, but here it comes. This economic crash is not the fault of George Boosh. Through total incompetence and insane policy, he is absolutely responsible for moving the timetable up by a decade or two. But, it was going to happen eventually, regardless of who was in charge. Our entire corrupt political structure has made our crash inevitable. (Whew, not blaming this on Boosh was tougher than I expected)

I lived through what is soon to happen to our economy once before. The state that I was raised in, Oklahoma, went bankrupt literally overnight. Paper multi-millionaires woke up one day and they were broke. Absolutely penniless. So, it's probably easier for me to see what's coming than it is for most of you. Maybe tomorrow I'll tell that story. It's sad, yet fascinating. But, as we know, history repeats itself. Always. This time it is going to repeat itself on the grandest of scales, and all but the super rich are going to be drastically and negatively effected by it. There will be no winners in the short term, it may well save our country in the long term. I hope so, anyway.

What is really important in all of this is what happens after the crash. We will find out how incestuous the Democrats and Republicans really are, once and for all, and we will maybe find out who the true puppet masters are. It can play one of two ways that immediately come to mind. More will undoubtedly follow.

One, the economy can crash and we can continue on the current course to a degree, with different leadership and a similar agenda to what we see today. The new leadership will tell us little beyond "we're in bad shape" but we still have a war on terror to fight, we'll all have to make sacrifices, blah blah blah, and the military complex that I have talked about will begin to emerge. When the upper middle class realizes that they really aren't wealthy, and that the government doesn't give any more of a damn about them than they did the victims of Katrina, the suicides will begin. I mean that literally, I've seen it happen before, right here in America. As Morpheus so wisely stated in one of the comments, we can "only speculate on the degree of chaos that will ensue in the fallout." He is exactly on point with this, it depends on a few things. One, if the Democrats are heavily involved in this entire mess, meaning they are as guilty as the neocons and have in essence been a party to this madness all along, we will be expected to merrily follow the new leadership further into oblivion. Should that be "the plan," after the dust settles, we the people will either buy the new package, accepting government jobs in the New America at ridiculously low pay, that sacrifice thing, you know, or we can summon the courage to revolt, and some form of a civil war will ensue.

The other option is much more appealing. If we really do have people in power positions who want to do the right thing, then you will see a new government that pulls the troops out of Iraq and from the rest of the world, exposes the neocon agenda and the "war on terror" for what they really are, and begs for forgiveness from others in the world. We will begin rebuilding this country for the right reasons, much like we did in the 30's. Together. We clean up politics, strip the corporations of their power, forget about taking over the world, greatly reduce defense spending and use what is put in that piece of the pie for defense only, rather than offense, put education, healthcare, and people back in the agenda. In simple terms, build the America that most of us hope to see, one that puts the welfare of its people first. If that turns out to be the case, people will come together much like we did immediately after 9/11. People will work hard, help each other out, become a caring country again, and people will accept making the sacrifices that will be necessary after a crash of the economy.

Both of these possibilities obviously have many other factors, and will include much pain and carnage. In the immediate aftermath of the crash, no one will have much money, and may not have a way to spend what they do have. And, we have a percentage of the population who don't mind killing people for what others have, and those people will have to be dealt with. That is where Murph's community planning comes into play. Everyone is going to need such a group to band together to fight lawlessness, watch each others backs, and take each others strengths and combine them into a working order that allows for survival. For a while, that is all it will be about, mere survival. If you can, imagine the aftermath of Katrina, minus the flooding, in your neighborhood. The situation will be similar for a while. Cops won't show up for work, looting will be rampant, resources will be scarce. So, good people are going to have to take care of each other. Trying to guess how long such conditions will exist is impossible, but you can bet it will be a good long while. Suffice it to say that it will be ugly, uglier than anything you have seen or can imagine happening in your neighborhood.

The thing that people need to understand is that how this plays out is not in our control. It is strictly in the hands of the true power brokers, and they will make the rules. They will decide how much a dollar is worth, they will decide who runs the government, they will decide whether we continue on the current path or change for the good of all humanity. The only card that we will be able to play is the revolt card, and frankly I doubt the ability or the stomach of most Americans to stand up and fight for what they believe in, should it become necessary. It would be so much easier to accept what follows, just as we've accepted Booshco for 5 years. But, as we can see, that didn't turn out too well. So when is enough enough? That's what we must decide.

We will be given a blessing. A blessing of removing the most corrupt government in the history of our Republic from power. In the long run, the crashing of the American economy is probably a blessing as well. It allows us to re-evaluate who we really want to be, something that is long overdue. We have spun out of control over the last who knows how many years, without paying our fair share. We have taken, but we haven't tithed. You can only get away with that for so long, as every empire in history has learned. Now the rest of the world has had enough of us. I told you a long time ago that there were saviors out there. I also told you that they don't work for free. We are soon to find out just how much they charge.

To be continued,



At 7:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right on Cyclone. Whew!! It's a hard idea to swallow, not many want to put necks out on line like that. It would be nice to know this scenerio just can't happen. And, the devil may be in the details, but it is coming. Thanks.

At 7:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do you know these things? I would like to think that you just make them up. You are right more often than wrong. Any chance you are wrong on this one?


At 8:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well,Cyclone, once again I trundle off to work with some more food for thought...
When I watched those people stuck in the Astrodome, I thought it would have been helpful if they had formed groups of about 30, circled themselves, and put the little children and elderly in the middle for protection. Then, little committees could do things like forage for the rest and take turns resting while the others protect them. This would require a megaphone. I bought a megaphone. Since then, I have thought about getting an old fashioned triangle for use in neighborhoods to sound an alarm that wouldn't rely on electricity. Protection for neighborhoods would rely on organization based on several square blocks if we need to protect our assets from looters. A community militia would have to quickly mobilize to protect the grocery stores from looting. Also, much of our money cannot be left in the bank. The banks can close and the ATM's can be turned off in no time. Each of us should have at least a month's worth of food and supplies stored up. In case of Bird Flu or some other sickness, or general upheaval, we might need to sit tight until the crisis is over, or flu season ends, or whatever.Many people will be evicted from their rental homes and McMansions. This will be a real challenge. Taking over buildings that used to be businesses may be necessary. Building survival structures on BLM land or next to railroad lines is possible. May need to revert to riding the rails when the gas is gone or over $5 per gallon. Eventually, we'll convert our lawns to gardens, or garages to chicken coops and barns for animals, and set up localized farmer's markets. Bartering will be in for a while. Liquor, cigarettes, tampons, diapers, etc. will be luxury items when the trucks stop hauling. As the guy in Jurassic Park said as the electric fences failed, "Hold onto your butts!"

At 8:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Bob,

Mankind has tried to look into the future for all of recorded history. Admittadly, we don't have a good track record doing it. However, some predictions have been true. The scenerio Cyclone laid out may or may not happen, but, my information also says it is a pretty good probability. The actions that a person must take for this eventuality are not self defeating, and if it doesn't happen, you will still still be better off. Those individuals and families that do not prepare are going to be hurt the worst, again, if it happens. Take a real close look at what you should do if you believe wholeheartedly in it's accuracy. May have to give up some toys and luxuries, but so what. The question to ask is if your life will be better if it is more simple and focused.

Good luck.

At 9:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are you folks so convinced that peoples' preparedness efforts are for naught? Habitat for Humanity built a house in New Zealand in THREE HOURS because they planned it right. Peak Oil, etc., will come down as utter chaos in places that don't attempt any planning, but some places are doing quite a lot, and those communities will be considerably better off whether you folks want to believe it or not.

The other day I posted a link to a gold-backed local currency proposal I've put together. I got a lot of visits from this blog, but no one commented on it... instead, everyone's so stuck in this hopeless mindset that it doesn't seem like anyone's even doing anything to prepare. It doesn't even seem like anyone's THINKING ABOUT preparing. Are you folks automatically writing off every idea that might mitigate the shit that's about to come down? Just dismissing it out of hand, don't even bother considering it, it's all hopeless anyway?

How can you be so willing to give up like that?

I don't plan to go down without a fight. Without even TRYING to fight. There's a very great deal that can be done and I don't plan to waste what time is left on bemoaning what hasn't yet happened. We know "they" are going to let us hit the wall at 100mph... we've known for a long time now... if we do absolutely nothing to mitigate the crash, then we have ourselves to blame for it.

At 9:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm not sure who you are referring to about "giving up". Both Cyclone, myself and a few other have been talking about our concepts concerning what individuals and groups should be doing. I read you article about a monetary system. I found it interesting, printed it off and am taking another close look at it, as it could be useful for our small community. My problem is that I am relatively uneducated about this kindof information so I have to dig about to see how it works and it's application. I may have some questions that I hope you can answer about it.

I also realize that there are communities that are taking this situation seriously and are trying to mitigate it locally, as my wife and myself are doing. To think that peak oil or demand destruction or monetary collapse can be by passed by planning is naive at best.
It IS going to get ugly if this comes down. For most it will be simple survival that will predominate, and all the new houses built in 3 hours will not make it better, since maaterials for this are gonna get pretty scarce anyway.

I did take your monetary suggestion seriously and am looking into it's feasability. Again, I am hampered by not enough knowledge about how this kind of stuff works and have to think about it some. I planned to get back to you about it. Chill out.

At 9:56 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...

When you sit down and look at it from all angles, we should have seen this coming years ago! Too much gladhanding and too many buzzwords! That's what got us into this shit! Too many media types hyping the big lie! Those of you that think I'm full of shit, DO THE FUCKING MATH!!! THERE'S NO WAY IN HELL!! The numbers spouted forth by Wall Street are in no way correct! We can't have that much growth without the job market and wages going up with it! We're burning twice as much fuel, but the train ain't moving! THINK ABOUT IT!!

Go buy all the guns the Government will let you buy and get ready! Go to the "Palidin Press" website and buy all of it!

At 10:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I personally believe that the 1st scenario that you mentioned is what will happen. Boosh and the good old boys will be removed from power, but the neocons will try to lead us into further destruction behind the disguise of new leaders who will make false promises as they always do. The sheep will believe everything they say as they always do and our voting system is rigged. So the neocons will put more corrupt politicians in the right places. The puppet masters are VERY powerful and influential people that have had their power for a long long time. Political positions change, but the power players do not.

The only way things are ever going to change in this country is if the entire government is overthrown and we start from scratch, not only that but ALL the neocon scum would have to be eliminated. Otherwise we will be back where we started again at some point in the future. Easier said that done, as most Americans do not posses a set of balls the way our forefathers did. They would not have put up with this shit and overthrown our self proclaimed dictator and his corrupt administration a long time ago. Things will get really ugly and eventually the government may try to take away our right to bare arms. After all the constitution is just a piece of paper to them. And a revolution I believe is inevitable. Don’t count on the filthy rich to save us, as they are the ones benefiting from all this. We are their slaves, but believe that we are free. That’s all I have to say. I’m too depressed to continue.

At 10:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The puppet masters are the elite 1% of the population. To be exact a little over 400 families is this country that make around 700,000 times more than the average American does per year. They are the ones that own the BIG companies like VERIZON, SONY, TIME WARNER, MICROSOFT, etc. This people are SO rich and influential that they essentially control the government. There is a really good old book that talks about this called, “The Rich and The Super Rich” which can be found at
It’s a long book, but gives you an idea just how things really work in this country.

At 10:54 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Unfortunately, taking things on faith are about the only way to live anymore, especially dealing with the political and economic worlds. Does anyone really know exactly what is going to happen or when? No, one can only go with the best information that they can get and make a personal judgement.
About the puppetmasters, you are essentially talking about the "super-rich" of America. And not all of them are included, because some of them aren't interested in any of this stuff. They are having too much fun spending their money! That term has also been used during this administration to describe Cheney, because he is the real President telling Boosh what his policies are to be. That has changed somewhat now, so I would say that you can safely assume that from this point forward, the puppetmasters would be the super-rich.


At 11:22 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

Anonymous 2,

I wasn't going to do this, but I will. I, too, believe that the first scenario is most likely. That's unfortunate, but true I believe. I don't think you need to worry about the right to bear arms thing. There are too many "arms" out there, for one, and the NRA owns the world anyway. Thanks for commenting,


At 1:36 PM, Blogger efsaturn said...

What about this scenario? Bush repeats his attack on Iraq and attacks Iran. It was stated that China and Russia will not stand by and watch.

Under assumption #1 that we don't blow up the planet then will he save the dollar? I agree now after educating myself over the last month or so on the Federal Reserve system and central bank that eventually the system will have to implode. It is an inheritantly flawed system, but does Bush understand that? Will he attack Iran just to try to save the dollar? He didn't have congress' approval to attack Iraq and yet he did and we are still there. How long will the dollar last? With China and Russia will bush back down?

Regardless of what I call it, I will get together an emergency kit. In CA I would have called it my earthquake kit.

Also by coincidence, I've been listening to the Ann Rand novel, Atlas Shrugged on CD during my daily one hour commute home. There is a long speech about how our monetary system is flawed. And so many other issues to relate to what is happening now.

Now to come up with a cottage industry that will be useful later.

Thanks cyclone for the info and the good blog.

Comment on the Oklahoma oil bust. Wow

At 1:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I talked to people I know about this stuff- people who hate Boosh just as much as I do and who don't believe the future is going to be bright- most usually respond with "oh, sounds like Y2K fear to me, and we know how that played out." Or, "the US has way too many resourses for there to be a total collapse of the economy."

I personally believe that Cyclone's predictions will come to fruition. I was expecting all of this to happen when I was a lot older, though. Cyclone explained that Boosh has made it all come down quicker.

Sorry, but I've always thought that some sort of economic collapse might be a good thing, on some levels. Our societies priorities are all screwed up. If it takes a complete crash/crack-up to make people realize what is important-i.e. people, community, sharing, giving, listening, being informed, reading, enjoying nature and protecting it etc. etc. etc.- then bring it on. And, if we can somehow get a revolution out of it, that would be great too.

At 4:43 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


You have to go with the assumption that Boosh doesn't understand anything, or care about anything. He is on a mission ordered by God.
You also have to understand that Boosh is not calling the shots. He never has been. Now, I don't think Cheney is even calling the shots anymore. I believe that they are in charge in name only, and that is a temporary situation. The dollar will not be saved, period. It is already over, Iran or no Iran. I'm going to do something on Iran in the next couple of days, but I'll say this much now. Don't expect us to attack Iran any time soon, nor sanction them, regardless of the screams from Condi.


At 4:53 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


I feel your pain. How do you think we got here in the first place? Because people have walked around for 30 years without paying attention to what's going on. Now that it is staring them in the face, they go into the denial mode. The average American citizen won't get it until they have not one dime in their pocket, or if they have a dime and there is nowhere that they can spend it. I don't necessarily disagree that a collapse is the ONLY long term solution that MIGHT guarantee the survival of this country. I would bet you my house that after all that has happened, 50% of the people in America couldn't tell you who Abramoff is, what Rove does for a living, who Fitzgerald is, who Valerie Plame is or be able to tell you who the current Secretary of State is. That's how a brain dead moron became our President, and that's how we have arrived to the brink of extinction. Sad, but true.


At 5:02 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


I'm not sure who you mean when you say "all you folks" but I am going to assume that I am one of that group. I will admit that I have not properly studied your plan, but I did look at your site. When I get a chance, probably this weekend, I am going to look at your idea. I think you are misreading a lot of people here, though. If you want to blame someone for negativity, blame me. I try to present things as I see them, and people can do with it what they may. I can assure you, though, that virtually everything I write is written with the hope that people WILL GET PREPARED for whatever happens. If I am proven wrong, and everything turns out rosy, people still will have learned a lot by making preparations for the worst case scenario. I don't want any of this to happen, I wish things were like they were 20 years ago. But, they are not. I admire you for doing what you can to prepare for the future, but I think others are doing the same. Or at least beginning to think about it. I guess I'm a little confused with your comment.


At 6:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi again, sorry all for going off like that. Its not my intent to harangue everybody. For the past couple of days I have been dealing with a lot of hopeless attitude from elsewhere. It's been frustrating, and of course I projected all that onto the Cyclone gang when it wasn't warranted. I yelled at the wrong people.

Anyway, sorry again, I'm gonna return to my hole now...

At 6:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paula, please come out of your hole. You are needed.

At 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


What will be the implications for countries like Australia?

Coming from Oz, and considering the close relationships that our conservative governments share (the Iraq War bandwagon, refusal to sign the Kyoto Protocol – the only two developed countries not to, our legally binding ANZUS treaty, and the recent FT agreement), I notice more everyday that we seem to be swimming in the deep end with the US.

Since you mentioned Technofreak's comment on the DOW and ASX, I thought you may have some info in regard to this issue...?

And, as always, love your work.


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