Tuesday, January 10, 2006

A Necessary Cyclone Re-Grounding

After sufficiently depressing everyone over the last few days, including myself, I have realized something. I went back over everything that I have written over the last few years, especially since I started the Real Deal. While it seems like an eternity, the Real Deal has been here less than three months. I have missed the obvious. While somehow approaching panic mode, I forgot what got me here in the first place. A little common sense. I missed that which is staring me right in the face. It's time to repeat myself a bit, and put things back in perspective. So, forget all that you've read here in the last 3 or 4 days except for one thing. That is this. Do whatever you can to stop the confirmation of Alito. He will be confirmed, that is not in question. But, we must make it as ugly and painful as possible. I learned a lot today, so here's what's happening. And, don't forget to thank Rockpicker for nudging Cyclone towards this re-grounding.

The Interesting Thing About Blogging (and commenting)

You guys can figure out what kind of day I'm having or what kind of mood I'm in simply by reading what I write. And, I can do the same by reading your comments. That, to me, is one of the most fascinating things that has happened since forums like this one have begun. I expose myself daily, all of my emotions, frustrations, and anger, all there for you and anyone who happens to stumble across this site to see. As is my happiness, my positive outlook (what, you kidding me?) at times, and my hope for or lack thereof for the future. All emotions, exposed, every day. You guys probably know me better than my family does. That is why one cannot go to a site one time and judge the writer by one day's work, unless it flat out sucks or you have no interest in the topic. You have to view an entire body of work to sufficiently judge what one is really about. It's fun, and scary at the same time. The internet has provided a forum that allows us to get to know one another rather well, without ever meeting. In today's world, the world with the word disaster written all over it, that is a good thing. We will soon need each other.

How I Got Off Track

Looking back, it's easy, for me at least, to see how and where I lost my focus. When you do what I do, and with a madman at the helm of the ship who is changing personalities daily, what amounts to 90 days seems like years. It seems like eons ago that I told you that Fitzgerald was soon to strike, actually its been a little over 6 weeks. I told you that Cheney would resign about 10 years ago, really it was about 8 or 9 weeks ago. I told you that you were beginning to see the Boosh meltdown a month or so ago.And on and on. It hasn't been years, as I had assumed. But, panic had set in. I began to wonder what the hell is taking so long, thought I was losing it. Then I realized today that very little time has actually passed since I began this venture. Granted, I've thought and even written some of these very things in various forums longer than the Real Deal has been in existence, but my panic about timing has been nothing but irrational. So, here we go.

Cheney is History

I have said this before and it is going to happen. Cheney is history. Booshco will take care of themselves. What you are seeing, as I've said, is a desparate lunatic doing desparate things, including breaking the law to hang onto something that he will not hang onto. Power. The Presidency. It's over. Cheney is toast, last nights little hospital visit was a precursor to more hospital visits, followed by his resignation. For "health reasons," of course. The only thing that has changed is that the time is now near. Scooter Libby is not going to be necessary after all. Too bad for Scooter, should have talked while he had the chance. No, this one is being handled by the behind the scenes "power boys" I've often talked about. You may or may not learn who these people are. This will play one of two ways, and neither bode well for our future. But, I'm not going to depress anyone now. Maybe tomorrow, but not now.

Our Economy Will Implode

It doesn't matter what Boosh or his minions, the little greaseball Larry Kudlow or any other talking head tells you, our economy is done. Do not believe them, and do not pay attention to the daily stock market numbers. DOW ends over 11,000? Doesn't matter, it is pure manipulated smoke. They are lies, brought to you by the same people that brought you Iraq and WMD, Plamegate, Spygate and every other Gate imagineable. Do you really believe anything that they say anymore? They are bleeding us dry, all the while telling us how tax cuts for the rich are the answer. Bullshit. Look at how much your paycheck has risen, then look at your automobile fuel bill and your December heating bill. Then report back to me how much better you are doing now than you were 5 years ago. If you are doing better, congratulations. If you aren't, you are like me. Either way, get all of your money out of the stock market tomorrow. And, if you own real estate other than the home you live in, get rid of it. Get rid of it even if you have to take a loss. ESPECIALLY if you own property on either coast. The bubble is bursting, in fact has already burst on the coasts. The rest of the country won't be far behind. This economy is going Kaaabbboooooommmmm! and soon. Keep enough cash to live on for a month or two and buy some gold, or something else that can be turned into whatever the new world currency will become. You will soon need it. Your dollar will be worth a dime before too long. We'll get to that in a few days. We'll still use dollars like we do now, so don't go burn them. It will just be a different accounting system, so to speak.

The Boosh Meltdown

Anyone who has watched this lunatic over the last 60 days, and can doubt what I said about him, is melting down themselves. Sorry, that's a fact. Look at where he has gone. From an in your face Cowboy to a quasi-President willing to break the law to spy on American citizens, and everything in between. I told you that he was isolated, had no one to rely on. There is no one he can trust. Apparently he agreed with me, so he had the parade of ex-Cabinet officials in for a visit the other day. He was really just lonely, needed a little male companionship for a few hours. (sorry again, Ms. Albright) What few mental faculties he had left a year ago, have now officially left the building. He slammed the phone down on his father a couple of weeks ago. Granted, he never liked the man, but the problem is that little Boosh called Daddy Boosh. Then hung up on him. I've said he is a childlike creature, if that doesn't prove it, I don't know what will. Our President called his Daddy and then hung up on him. One minute he is lashing out at Congress for not making permanent tax cuts and caving on the Patriot Act, the next he is in front of the fireplace caving to McCain on the Torture Bill. Then, immediately following that signing ceremony, he is signing a declaration to himself saying that he isn't going to follow the law he just signed in front of the fireplace. What proves that he's nuts, is that he then announces to the world that he has given himself permission to break the law. Speaking of the Patriot Act, he said that he would refuse to accept a 6 month extension, acting in full "I'll show you" mode, then ends up accepting a 30 day extension. Now he is forced to waste fuel, running around begging people not to let it expire, when he could have had the additional 5 months that were originally offered to him. A genius at work. No wonder I lost focus, trying to track this guy is like riding the Tilt-A-Whirl continuosly for a month. This is Boosh Meltdown in its purest form.

Patrick Fitzgerald

I told you that Patrick Fitzgerald was soon to strike again. Seems like a long time ago to me, but it really hasn't been. And, there was a holiday in the middle that Grand Jurors are allowed to enjoy, just like the rest of us. There really was only one Wednesday, around the middle of December when they could have acted. When that session was cancelled, it assured us that nothing would happen until February. Karl Rove is going to be indicted, I would bet my house on it. And then his pansy ass will start singing, louder than Ozzie at the OzFest. But that won't matter. The whole regime will be removed, it will simply be a matter of which of them do jail time. Rove will take all he can with him, that's a sure bet.

Congress and Their Buddy Jack

For those of us that happen to think that both parties suck, Jack Abramoff has just become our hero of slime. This rotten, thieving, used car salesman asshole is going to cause some members of Congress to enter the job market. After some serve their jail sentences, that is. Although the majority of those that he takes down will be Republicans, you can rest assured that some Democrats will fall as well. And pity the poor staffers, those that went from making $60,000 per year to $300,000 under wings of this moral leper. They will outnumber the jailed members of Congress about 5 to 1, once the dust settles. Abramoff will take no prisoners, and could reach all the way into the White House. This will be macabre entertainment at its finest.

The Hammer Get's Hammered, Not Once But Twice

Poor Tom DeLay. Just yesterday the Texas Supreme Court refused to dismiss the charges he faces in Texas. Too bad, Tommy boy. And you thought Ronnie Earl was out to get you. You ain't seen nothin' yet, as a good ole Texas boy would say. Your best buddy, the above mentioned Jack Abramoff, is getting ready to drop a load of dung on top of your head that will make the Earle indictment, in comparison, seem like a Sunday picnic. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. You have just changed names, you're now the Hammereee.


So, now that I have taken a step back and looked at everything from a little different angle, I see that nothing has really changed. On the downside, we are still in for some really rough times when our economy collapses, and there is no guarantee what the future holds for us. We must all plan for a few different scenarios that could soon play out. We'll talk about those soon. On the positive side, good things are yet to come. Cheney will still resign, Boosh will still become the 2nd President in the history of the Republic to resign, Libby will either plead guilty or will be convicted, Karl Rove will still be indicted, Tom DeLay will likely be behind bars where he belongs some day, Alito is in the fight of his life but will win. The comedy of errors that engulf Boosh will continue for a while, providing entertainment for us all, until our pain begins. Watching Abramoff pull the curtain off of the bottom feeders in Congress will be entertaining as well. And, best of all, I'll still get to read what those of you who choose to stay around have to say about things. I learn so much from those of you who take the time to write comments or email me. I will forever be indebted to you, and I appreciate all of you.

So the ride continues. While it has seemed like this has been going on forever, it really hasn't. The fun is just beginning. While everything is constantly changing, it also stays the same. Nothing has changed, Booshco will fall, and fall hard, so we can begin to put the pieces back together again under whatever economic structure we have left. Or no economic structure. We'll get together, share our talents and take care of each other in the future. I'm hanging for the long haul. I hope you all will too.



At 6:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is probably the dumbest question anyone has asked all year (even if it's been only 3 months...)but this money system is so complicated that I don't get it. Is there any chance that the economy can crash like it did in the Depression, and the money will be worth quite a bit? Like a loaf of bread for a nickle, or working for a dollar a day is good money? Or, was it that way because we still had the gold standard then, and now we are even more fucked.

At 7:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

if I'm reading cyclone right it will be more like a recesion than a depresion. it sounds like the gold standard is coming back. so unless you have gold you are even more fucked i guess. i don't know it's too complicatied for me to but bread will be hard to come by.

At 7:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting take on things as usual Cyclone. I believe your either 100% correct or 100% wrong and by 2008 the United States of America will be a dictatorship under the Neocons. That's just one more "terrorist" act away as we know. The data currently doesn't see much in between these two extremes occuring.

Either outcome unfortunately...is a disaster. It's going to be a very interesting if not "spooky" kind of year. We are just repeating history.(yet again)

At 8:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cyclone thanks for the re-focus

And they really don't want you to figure out how it works, because if we knew it would just piss us off even more.

I for one have no gold...

I read something yesturday that informed me that Rumsfeld, Cheney, and Wolfowitz have been around for atleast approx. 5 presidential terms, so it has taken them that long to get their ducks in a row to pull this crap off. This is setting up a cast of neocons that had real control of everything from the press to the congress and house to the CIA. Corporations make unbelievable profits from war and that is just a side deal of why we are where we are. We needed to be in Iraq to insure that oil is traded in dollars other wise we are not going to be the dominate power anymore. Its obvious its so far from setting up a democracy. The worst part is so many believe the midia and the administration. All we can do is keep beating the drum.

Its so sad that all these elites over who knows how many years have not really sustained a moral obligation to us the middle class(Golden Goose). It seems they have let greed steer the course of American to the point that we are in a very disasterous position. And guess whos gets to pay, as always the middle class. (now the barely haves and have nots) We pay in taxes and human lives. The Corporate world realizes triple digit profits and we pay pay pay

Well it seems the end maybe close if what Cyclone says is true and I don't have much doubt about it.

I think we need to start talking of solutions as to how we can start the changes that need to be made. And we need to follow through with something that will actually work. Any ideas???


At 8:17 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


You are correct in stating that it's all about keeping the dollar relevant. Alas, their plan has failed. The dollar as the leading currency is history. It's already done. End of story.


At 9:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you all don't mind if I post a link here, but I thought perhaps some of you good folks might be interested in this, since you/we are discussing dollar collapse and gold.

I worked out a blueprint for a totally gold-backed community currency. My motivation was to figure out some way to protect my little mountain town here, at least to some degree, and also as an act of rebellion.

The link is here: http://adaptationzine.com/content/local-gold-currency.

(Yes, I know I got my "immanent/imminent" mixed up, will be fixing soon...)

At 10:30 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I think there is a good chance the economy can collapse like it did in the Depression, at least for the majority of us. The powerbrokers will make the rules, we will live by them, or not. Our response to the new regime will determine that, I guess. All I know is that the current system will fail. After that, any number of things could happen. I can tell you that your community is off on the right foot, in my view.


At 10:32 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


This is a free site, begging for ideas. Post what you want, whenever you want. Unless you are johnny-boy, I'll leave it alone.


At 10:36 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

Anonymous 2,

I would love to be wrong, but you're correct. It doesn't really matter one way or the other. We're screwed, and a new world is going to emerge. I guess we just have to make it what we can. The ironic thing to me is that I could be right and we could still be under a Neocon Dictatorship in '08, if we survive that long. We are at the mercy of those with the most toys.


At 12:09 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...

I don't know what to make of this money mess. It's plain that something is going to happen soon because the numberd just don't make sense. Gasoline, propane, and diesel fuel have doubled and in some cases tripled in the last two years, yet inflation is practicly non existant? BULLSHIT!! Everything costs more and the Repigs and Boosh don't seem to get it! Everything bought and sold in the United States is transported by petrochemicals! Still the repigs and pundits gush about how great the economy is doing!

At 12:21 PM, Blogger efsaturn said...

I've skimmed the stuff that paula has posted on her link. All this gold stuff and gold based currency seem so complicated. And how to get started? I'll reread her post later and more thoroughly.

I keep wondering what will happen first, $5-$6 per gallon gas, dollar collapse or complete energy crisis.

Well I know the dollar collapse would cause huge inflation at the gas pump. But if the gas pump crisis occurs first I'm thinking that the folks who can't afford the gas they need to get to work will lose their jobs. I'm wondering if I should get some more credit cards for this purpose alone, as this debt will be the least of my worries. I don't want to be in the first batch to go down.

But if the dollar collapse comes first then it will be an immediate collapse and I can't forsee what that will mean for my life. I'm singe, have no children, no dirt to plant anything in. I'm wondering about stocking up on dry goods.

It just becomes mind boggling trying to plan this out.

At 1:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


And we both know their undoing is of their own greed, but unfortunately it will be ours as well.


I know butkis about banking, but I agree with you and have run across two differant articles that allude to the same collapsing of an empire. I remember in the eighties when we recieved our first gas price shock. Our economy I guess took it in stride. I think thats when we should have insight enough to look else where for alternate type of energy. But its easy to have 20-20 hindsight. Its has stayed with me ever since and have often told people that if the price of gas goes up our economy will have problems. It also seems to me that terrorist were waiting for just this situation. We have a pupit in as pres and a multitude of greedy neocon handlers with their master plan to secure the almighty dollar. I think it all started when Booshco sr became head of the agency. I can only speculating though.

I was just wondering today if a person can get some sort of idea as to how much and who is buying gold per month or what ever. I think this would give us a good idea when things will start escilating or should I say spiraling downward.

Its like a 747 that has a bad gas gauge that was not filled up before take off. Once the gas runs out we are going down quick.

How is it we can figure all this out and none of the nasa material types in congress or the house can do anything. Is it that the booshvic's have really have so many people in the right places that we are powerless. Talk about David and Goliuth man do we have our work cut out for us....

It is truely a pleasure comparing notes with everyone. Keep up the steam of truthfull info, not to mention possible solutions.


At 2:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sure if gold is the way for us ordinary persons to prepare for the coming meltdown. I believe I read that there's a US law that states that the government can, in times of economic upheaval, confiscate gold from individuals to be used as for the good of the union, etc. etc. If I can find it, I'll post it.

At 3:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


The law you were thinking about was probably the Gold Reserve Act. See the reference here:


The worth of gold, outside it's use in
industrial processes is just as solid
as, say, the worth of diamonds. And perhaps if you discount it's intrinsic value in those processes, it's probably worth just a bit more than those greenbacks you have.

I think food and fuel will be where
the smart investors go.


At 4:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jupiter, It’s already starting. Read this article from NPR (which is funded by the government) http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5148055 Only god knows how things will play out, but the US may use the excuse of Nuclear weapons to invade or declare war on Iran as well. I can only speculate, but the fact that they are changing to euros does not help them in the eyes of the neocon scum that control this country.

At 8:29 PM, Blogger qrswave said...

Thanks for an incredible post, cyclone. I differ with you on only one thing, you said "we will soon need each other," when in fact, we already need eachother.

I'm not sure what I'd do if there weren't intelligent, honest and down to earth people online with whom I can discuss the madness that swirls around us at break-neck speed.

As far as the imminent economic collapse, I think the best thing to invest in now would be food, fuel and your family and neighbors.

Now is the time to get together with the people you love and your neighbors and make a plan. Only good can come out of it. The sooner we stop depending on the federal government to lead our communities, the better.

And I don't think that Iran is going to play out like Iraq did. If the US tries to attack Iran, the shit will hit the fan and all hell will break loose.

Let's pray that sounder minds prevail.

At 5:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there Cyclone

It is always good to get grounded once in a while and review all that has transpired. A lot has happened ina short while and a lot will continue to tohappen over the next 3 to 4 months...to be certain we are heading for some interesting times.

A quick reply to your commment of a couple of days ago. Yes I wish I could spend a bit more time to reply to some of the comments and articles I read and especially yours. I am very busy trying to maintain my grip on making a living and am presently starting into the so called busy season. Rest assured I do read you blog daily as it is one of the few that I find has good information and good discusion. From a humor perspective if you want a good chuckle from time to time you should check out Blogs for Bush. I originally went there to keep a balanced perspective however after reading the site for a few months I now use it for humor only.

Regarding Gates and Buffet and the Chinese. I believe they are also heavy into gold and I wish there was a way one could find out just how much they are accumulating. The Chinese yes they are moving away from the US dollar as a currency standard for trade and they make no bones about that. The first shot back to the US was that they were looking at using a basket of differnet currencies which should have been a sign they were losing faith that world would continue ot base trade on the greenback.

Some so called analysts suggest the Chinese would not do anything that would jeopardise their particular US treasury holdings. I believ at this very moment the Chinese are probably working on reducing those very holdings. One has only to look to the recent past when the Chinese are told they can't do something they find a way to make it happen. Recent deal for Unocal is proof they do not lay down easily as they then went out and bought Petro Kazak. They are also closly aligning with the Russians. If you think they will protect the US economy but sitting on their share of the US treasury holdings I believe that would be a wrong thought.

Some on this board have mentioned Iran. Well that could be the undoing of the human race as we know it. It is a movement to establish an Oil Bourse for the Mid East Oil and I cannot blame the Iranians for going forward with this. Oil is a commodity that is in decline and these countries have to maximise as much profit from that as possible. Their largest trading partners are in Europe and they are having to trade in US dollars. Hmmmm does not take much of a mathimatical genius tofigure out that if they trade in the currency of their customer they can avoid the TAX that is trading in US currency. The US Govt is going to try and stop this and yes it will involve trumped assertions that Iran is building Nuclear arsenal.
BULLSHIT..remember Iraq it is a powerplay to not lose oil revenue. Trouble is China and Russia have already made mention that they are not intending to let Iran stand alone. Where does this put us.. in the middle of a war that has nuclear possiblity.

One final tid bit. My friends in Canada are now telling me that this RRSP season their financial advisors are telling investors to stay away from US funds as the risk is too high and the direction of the US economy is uncertain... I will have to look into this a bit more..

Ok I will get off my soap box now..


At 6:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Check this out http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/

It give some real insight into what is going on and has been for sometime.

I have stumbled upon some interesting information. This further makes things understandable.


At 11:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It appears that one of the goals for the Boosch propaganda in 2006 it to compare that imbecile Boosch to Harry Truman. WTF. Who do they think they are fooling! Read this article http://www.tpmcafe.com/story/2006/1/4/1262/64664 it plainly states that Boschoo is actually the anti-Truman. Our government has no shame whatsoever.


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