Plamegate's Final Chapter, Maybe?
The outing of Valerie Plame began Cyclone’s Real Deal and I feel like I have to visit the Scooter Libby saga one more time.
George W. Boosh has finally pissed off EVERYONE with his commutation of the Libby jail sentence. The left is pissed because the revenge they seek will not be exacted by Bubba in a jail cell. The right is pissed because Libby did not receive the full pardon that he “deserves,” and people in the middle are pissed just because everyone else is. Breaking down what actually happened and the repercussions of this action is what we will do today.
Boosh the Genius or Just Dumb Luck?
By commuting Libby’s jail sentence rather than issuing a full pardon for now, Boosh is playing to both sides. I cannot imagine why, unless someone actually thought it out. Since preplanning things is not a Boosh strongsuit, and he claims he didn't discuss this with the justice department beforehand, (or even if he did) I'm not sure this is a planned result. But, he did what he did, and depending upon one’s perspective it was either a stroke of genius or dumb luck that put him, the Vamp, and Libby in the best possible position. I’m betting on the latter, dumb luck, unless Karl Rove did the actual orchestration of this debacle. Here’s what I mean.
First, Boosh claimed that Libby was still paying a “high price” for his crimes. He had to pay a $250,000 fine, and serve probation for a couple of years, and couldn't practice law anymore. Well, the quarter of a million was no big deal as Fred Thompson’s “Libby Defense Fund” had a hell of a lot more money in it than that, and it is unlikely that Libby will ever actually be on probation. For one to be on probation, they have to serve some jail time first. Since Libby was never booked into the system, it is likely illegal for him to be placed on probation. As for his law license, he won't lose that before his appeal is over and he will be pardoned before then anyway. So, maybe buying Libby's silence is cheaper than Boosh claims.
Secondly, and most importantly, (listen up you dumbassed right wingers) Libby still has an appeal pending. Because of that, which incidentally would have removed the appeal if he were given a full pardon, Libby cannot be forced to testify before Congress. He will, if called, merely claim his 5th amendment privilege in order to not answer the questions that could get us to the heart of this matter, under the guise of “protecting” his appeal. An appeal, by the way, that two Republican judges said had no chance of success in the opinion issued on his appeal of going to jail immediately. And, an appeal that will last longer than Booshco is in office. So, it’s win-win for Libby and the ignorant right who can’t recognize a gift horse when they are handed one, and lose-lose for those of us who want to see what Cheney and Boosh’s roles in all of this really were. Granted, deep in our souls we already know what their roles were, but it needs to be opened up in Congressional hearings for the average American who gets their weekly news from the Sunday paper headlines. So, once again, the truth is thwarted by Booshco, either intentionally or by total accident.
What Will Happen Next
From Day One of this investigation, I told you that the ultimate target of this whole thing was the Vampire Cheney. Nothing has changed along those lines, and if there is a way to get there Fitz will do it. He will be called to testify before Congress, and will immediately dispel the right wing talking points that there was no underlying crime and that Libby should never have been prosecuted in the first place. The White House and the conservatives want you to believe that because Richard Armitage was the initial “leaker,” and that Fitzgerald knew that long before Scooter entered the picture, that there was no underlying crime and that this was a runaway prosecution that just wanted to get “poor somebody” to justify the money and time spent on this investigation. While it is true that Armitage was the “leaker,” and that Fitz did know that prior to Libby’s involvement, it entirely misses the point, which is this.
Did the Vice President or the President order the outing of Valerie Plame as revenge for Joseph Wilson’s stating that the reasons for going to war with Iraq were bogus? That is THE QUESTION, and unfortunately, the only way to get the answer is through Scooter Libby. I think it is clear that this is exactly what happened, and no non-partisan look at the evidence can bring one to any other conclusion. The point of all of this was summed up in one line by Patrick Fitzgerald, when he said, “Libby threw sand in the face of the umpire.” You see, when Libby refused to tell the truth and chose to protect his boss and his bosses’ boss, the investigation ground to a halt. With no where else to turn, Fitzgerald did the only thing he could by prosecuting Libby for obstruction of justice and perjury. His hope was, that assuming he could get a conviction, at some point either right before or shortly after Libby heard the jail door slam shut behind him he would break and tell the truth. It was all he could do at the time, and then hope that the stars aligned and that jail would bring Libby to his senses. Of course, he also knew that a pardon or commutation was likely, so this was a long shot at best.
When Fitzgerald testifies before Congress, you will hear the Republicans blast away at him about continuing an investigation without an “underlying crime” being committed, and about continuing the investigation when he already knew who the “leaker” was. I suggest that all of you listen closely to his answers, and you will see that Libby was merely a means to an end. The truth will come out, though not in the way we all hoped (with Cheney in belly chains) but through the voice of Patrick Fitzgerald. He will tell the story we all want to hear, and that will have to satisfy us as justice.
In one of the first pieces I did at the very beginning of Cyclone’s Real Deal, I did something about Jail for Libby, who cares? I meant that then, and I still do. Whether or not Scooter Libby ever spends a day in jail, and now he won’t, didn’t matter in the least. What matters, and has always mattered, is how the Vampire Cheney and probably Boosh (if he was even consulted) chose to out the identity of a CIA agent. By doing so, they put the lives of countless CIA operatives who ever had any contact with Ms. Plame in dire jeopardy; we will never know the true fallout of this choice made simply for revenge against her husband. We will never know how many people in the Plame network have been killed, had their careers ended, or what it has done to our national security. We will never know the fallout of people from other countries thinking twice about becoming double agents and acting on our behalf for fear of being outed themselves. It takes many years to set up an operation such as the one that Plame was involved in, and it was washed away with a simple phone call to a reporter. And in the end, once justice is quashed for good, Boosh will give Libby the full pardon that the right believes he deserves.
This administration, which claims that the security of the American people is their top priority, has proven over and over that the opposite is true. They have their own secret agenda, and you and I and the rest of the typical American people are not even a passing thought in that agenda. These pathetic bastards don’t care one iota about us, never have and never will. They can’t even build a damn fence. The saddest part about it all is it is too late to matter now. It doesn't matter because,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Not Sure How I Got Here, I Just Can't Help Myself
Forget Scooter Libby, forget Valerie Plame, forget border security, forget the economy, and forget Iraq just for a second. If you recall, I told you a long time ago that aside from the 2000 election the 2004 election was the most important one of my lifetime. For the next 50 or so years, assuming we survive that long, we will live what I was talking about. You that think there is no difference in the Republicans and Democrats are for the most part correct. But where you are not correct is the one place that the most damage can be done, and the one place that people think of the least. The single most important reason that a Democrat HAD to win the 2004 election was to prevent George W. Boosh and the Republican Congress from stacking the Supreme Court with conservatives, something that they have now managed to do. Young conservatives at that. So, we will now pay the price, giving up our liberties a chunk at a time as decisions come down that allow the corporations take over what little they don’t already control. If you thought we were a corporatocracy before, just wait a little longer. You haven’t seen anything yet.
Following the latest bad news regarding the recent Appeals Court decision saying the ACLU's case was without merit, since the Plaintiff could not demonstrate actual damage,
I agree with your assessment wholeheartedly.
If I sit very quietly, and strain my ears, I can almost hear the erching of hinges on the iron doors swinging closed behind me.
BTW, Amy Goodman had Ralph Nader on today, (, and it was a great show! Anyone with dsl and RealPlayer can watch. I recommend it!
The Libby fiasco is just one in a string of failures of justice in our broken system. We have teenagers imprisoned for having consensual sex with each other, a seventy year old woman arrested and injured for not watering her lawn enough,thousands and thousands of young and mostly black people busted and incarcerated for years over smoking pot, men tortured and held in Gitmo for apparently no good reason for the foreseeable future, and the "decider" seems to have no qualms about any of this. But for Libby, the sentence is "too harsh." uh huh.
As for the justices we are stuck with - one can only hope that the collapse of everything will mitigate the damage they would do. At this point the corporatists have it all locked up. We desperately need protection from the overlord agenda, but we are not going to get it. Who will limit them from looting the pensions, cutting our social security, incarcerating dissidents in domestic concentration camps, using mercenary troops to enforce martial law, forcing young debtors into the military to pay off their loans, mandatory computer tracking chips in our credit cards, drivers licenses, or bodies? Not this court. It's all good.
Hey, but we've got Bono on our side! Maybe they'll give a big concert and that will make things all better.
Any chance Fitzpatrick can open the case further, getting at bush and cheaney?
cy.... your final point, the politic of those sitting on the benches, is THE point.
yet, the traditional dems in the power positions have betrayed the people.
we can argue that it is the fault of the system. that in order to get elected, one has to betray the people and join the corrupt corporatists just to get on the ballot. just to get exposure. just to amass the money to finance a campaign. the argument is valid. but it is also a dead end... a self-defeat masquerading as no other choice.
rp... thx for the tip on the nader interview. i can't remember when i've heard him so ON. not that his basic views have changed all that much... it was more the tone of the feeling of it delivered in the context of the current events. his analysis of the candidates, the issues, and the challenge that stands before us could not be more accurate.
but even moreso was his closing which contained the antidote to the dead end street and the hopelessness.
is it the last gasp or the candle in the darkness?
i was born leaning left. proped up by visions of what could only be considered fantasy midst the realities of today. undermined little by little over many years to the point of becoming ashamed of my predispositions. nader reminded me thats not a bad lean after all and the foundation is still intact.
could he overcome the image of a rage crazed animal were he to run again and set the people back on a course of reclaimation?
As I see it, the repubs and dyed-in-the-wool right-wingers who will back Booshco, no matter what, are all pieces of shit.
And the dems, who were elected to stop the war and cut out the cancerous corruption that has matastisized throughout the body politic have proven themselves gutless fuck-ups and corporate suck-ups.
The two may as well join forces, since they've both sworn allegiance to the same corporate masters. The Republicrats have made their bed; let them sleep in it.
For the rest of the country, we need someone like Nader, perhaps Nader himself, who understands the war footing the elites have placed us on. Since Reagan, the Haves have declared economic war on the Have-nots.
It's well past time to take back control of this country. If we wait for our elected officials to act, we'll all die in bondage.
From Belgium,
As Nader points out, a candidate may start out with the noblest of motives but if he doesn’t become a corporate suck up, he doesn’t get elected and if he takes the money and doesn’t deliver the goods, life can get pretty unpleasant in lonely valley. What do you figure it was that Nancy has seen on her way to Damascus?
The supremes are worthless. Justice is history now. We the people must abolish the whole system and start over. If you're appointed for life by a criminal then your appointment should be null and void. They're not worthy. It's the mafia on steroids.
From Belgium,
Chickens, all of them.
From Belgium,
Back to subject, here is an excerpt from Voice of the White House, by a WH insider, published on Truth Seeker, so now we are getting as near to an official truth as is possible at the moment:
“Cheney was behind the war in Iraq and Cheney wants desperately to bomb Iran. It was because Cheney has done so many criminal acts that Libby got off. Now we hear here that Bush will give Libby a full and complete pardon later on so he can continue to practice law and make more millions.
But on the Libby matter, Bush was in the perfect corner. If he did not pardon or commute Libby’s justified jail sentence, Libby would go to jail and talk and talk. He had no choice at all and the only question was how to tart the inevitable decision up to at least pass muster with the press”.
"If you're appointed for life by a criminal then your appointment should be null and void."
Good point. Can Supreme Court Justices be impeached? I don't know. If not, we are stuck with them unless we have a revolution that abolishes the government and starts all over. It would be interesting to see if they'd stand up for the Declaration of Independence..
it is a damn good point and one would think there exists something with teeth above the jurisdiction of the criminal(s) that put them in power.
are they impeachable? yes. they are public officials and ANY public official is subject to impeachment. in fact, this is the ONLY way they can be removed.
that is the only recourse within the system and the system is defined by the constitution.
so its that or force them out. this only happened once when abe fortas resigned over allegations that he accepted a questionable fee from a private foundation. likely the threat of impeachment was the motivating factor.
there is/was a petition ( to impeach scalia. to bare its teeth the resoulution cites article 3, section 1 of the constitution. that reads...
The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behavior, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services a Compensation which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office.
it appears the only operative word is "behavior". their behavior. not the behavior of the one who appointed them. mis-behave and you are impeachable. what constitutes mis-behavior beyond the subjective eyes of the beholder(s)?
impeachment, which is accusation by 2/3 majority of the house, is one thing, convicted is quite another. that takes 2/3 majority of the senate.
per article 1, section 3 the senate shall have the sole power to TRY impeachments.
in the case of scalia, a whopping total of 498 people have signed the petition. even if that were 49.8 million representing a majority of registered voters, i don't know if it would have any teeth to mandate the house to consider impeachment.
if there isn't then all they have to say to a referendum is.... BITE ME!!
but we do know this...
There is no precise standard for determining whether a justice has committed an impeachable offense, though the consensus is that removal should be for criminal or ethical lapses, not for partisan political reasons. No justice has ever been removed through this process, and only one justice of the Supreme Court has ever been impeached. In 1805 Justice Samuel Chase was impeached in the House by his political enemies, but the Senate failed to convict when it became apparent that Chase’s opponents were after him not because he had committed any wrongdoing but because they disagreed with his decisions. (
which means its a veeeeeerrrry looooooonng shotttttt and partisian view is not even one of the potential bullets.
even if one of em did blatently "misbehave" prompting a grassroots referendum the whole thing could easily get bogged down in constitutional law. that means lawyers. which would end up in courts. which means before a judge. which means... well, i think you get the picture. we're pretty much stuck with em. which means we're pretty much fucked!
which is exactly cy's point!! and the point of the dems who rose up in opposition to nader in 04. they were the ones who took him down. all the repugs had to do was sit back and watch. and send their voters out to vote for him in the primaries where he was on the ballot and they were elibible to cross party lines.
which brings this full circle back to mrs p's point... "We the people must abolish the whole system and start over."
we could do that with the next election if we make it that far. just write in "the people" for president! then, after we elect ourselves, we can go from there.
but we better elect ourselves the representatives of congress too because... well, congress ratifies the vote! we would be bitten by the very cheese that binds us!!
merry-go-round at six flags anyone? ...p
I'm laughing and crying at the same time.
From Belgium,
P – This is really stretching the grey cells but I once heard a radio round table discussion including a group of international lawyers from Nixongate times. What struck me as odd is that one of them said and I am going from memory here, “Even if he is impeached he doesn’t have to do anything about it. It is like a vote of no confidence and a formal request to stand down, usually in shame BUT it is a request and if he chooses, he can tip a finger up at the court, say fuck you and carry on as normal”. I don’t know if any of this is true in law, I only remember what I heard on that occasion. Could you shed any further light on this?
Is deliberately obstructing justice considered misbehaving? To malign your opinions and interpretations of the laws of the land to fit the needs of a special interest or entity IS misbehaving. Not upholding the constitution and the bill of rights is misbehaving. Duckhunting with the people you've been hired to pass judgement on is misbehaving. Accepting large sums of money...well I get it, it has to be proven and etc. etc. in a court before congress which is not interested in the first place.
86% of respondents to a cnn poll on lou dobbs tonight said they intend to or are planning to change their party affiliation from registered dem or repug to "independent" by the 08 election.
last i checked there were 6136 votes...
i'm sure his audience is his audience because they are of like mind. so the deck is stacked accordingly. but 86%? holy shit!!!!
dobbs is probably the loudest voice in mainstream media about the war on the middle class. and, aside from olbermann, the loudest mainstream critic of the administration AND the congress AND the criminal corporatocracy. and he is definitly the loudest voice in mainstream about the illegal immigration issue and the threat to security an open border policy encourages.
the times have changed significantly since the time an open border policy was the justifiable wisdom of a developing country even though we have made valid argument here that, starting with the indiginous peoples of this land, the borders should have never been open!
you can argue that they could do little about the manpower and the firepower but i disagree. for the same reasons we now find ourselves in this current state of affairs. some call it karma. i agree. but there's more to it.
we probably could have done without that quip midst this news flash but... well, you know me... i gotta get my licks in about the machinations of energetic goings-on!
you could say... shut the hell up and be thankful! where would you be otherwise?
i'd have to agree.
so here i am watchin lou dobbs.
though i align with him on many of his views he, in my view, has a few cobs in sideways. like last night when he compared michael moore to chavez. 'course, the same thing could be said for my views i'm sure.
86% are ready to jump ship. think they're ready to vote for themselves? i doubt it. who would be left to blame? ... p
b... i'll tell you what stretches my grey cells. its trying to justify how these fucks justify!!
it appears to me that much of law is based on precident and in this case there is little.
precident results from interpretation of the law, in this case the constitution, in the context of the details of a particular happening adudicated, supposedly, according to the evidence.
so my guess is that international lawyer was about as acurate as my guess here.
all i know is how it reads and how it reads would, in my opinion contradict what the guy said. he would only be right if it never went to senate where its tried and, if upheld by 2/3 majority, the fucker is toast and removed from office.
not only that, "if the charges warrant such action, the official is also remanded to the proper authorities for trial before a court."
Impeachment, in the U.S. and Great Britain, proceeding by a legislature for the removal from office of a public official charged with misconduct in office. Impeachment comprises both the act of formulating the accusation and the resulting trial of the charges; it is frequently but erroneously taken to mean only the removal from office of an accused public official. An impeachment trial may result in either an acquittal or in a verdict of guilty. In the latter case the impeached official is removed from office; if the charges warrant such action, the official is also remanded to the proper authorities for trial before a court.
From Austin
And Chertoff has a feeling in his gut.
Don'tcha just hate it when he eats those burritos from El-Cheapo Mexican in DC?
Never a dull moment around here... It's been hotter than hades for a week, and finally a little rain. Then it dumped marble sized hail for about ten minutes! Jeez! Things look like they are still standing in the garden, but I'm glad that my life is not depending on those vegetables.
And how about that $282 MILLION stolen from a Bank in Baghdad. "Heckofajob, Iraqi government..." Who do we have in charge of security around there - FEMA?
From Belgium,
I think the Iraqi security are scratching their balls and wondering what to do about the 140,000 Turkish troops massed on the Kurdish Border.
ya fema. and chertoff was busy eatin burittos at el chepo.
i'll tell you what gives me a belly ache. chertoff! thats what!!
not to mention narrow minded people.
b.... 'spose they're also scratching their balls trying to figure out what to do about 65% unemployment rate? and what to do about the people who have nothing to do for survival money so they'll take 500 bucks to plant IED's?
oh, i get it. here's the solution... let 'em plant poppys. ...p
It's all just a big game of "Look at the Monkey"!
Bush and Company are so inept at this game they seem to insist on playing, it's more of a comic show than any type of government!
Bush is an attempt by the PWB to see just how much shit that "We the People" will eat! And it seems that the American Public's apetite for feces astounds even me, and I'm a pretty jaded muther-fucker!
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