A Redo: The Real Deal Exposed; Part 2
Originally Posted November 28th, 2005
(If you did not read Part One of this, please do so before reading this. It will make more sense that way.)
Now things will get interesting. Both interesting and scary. Option #2 is where the Neocons decided we should go the first day that Boosh entered the office of the President of the United States. Get ready for:
The Worlds Greatest Military Complex, Courtesy of the Grand Old USA
Brought to you by the Authors of the Patriot Act
The alternative to Option #1 that I wrote about is no less frightening, and should give great pause to anyone that cares about our country and the freedoms that it used to afford. People with children between the ages of 8 and 35 should wake up, and wake up soon. It should also bring home how serious the problem is when Neocons are in total control of our government. And, it should show why they must be stopped at all costs. So, here we go.
We need oil. This is no secret to anyone. Many believe that we have reached Peak Oil, and are on the downside of the slippery slope to oblivion. Our entire existence is structured around the availablility of not just oil, but cheap oil. And, we are running out of it, rather quickly. Don't for one second buy the Katrina bullshit, it had nothing to do with the price gouging that occured during that 60 day period following the disaster. Profit was the goal, and the goal was met in startling fashion. So startling that the Senate dragged the CEO's of the Big Oil Companies in for a little sit down, nothing more than a charade put on for the benefit of the American people. The pissed off American people, and rightfully so. We are being violated daily, and there is no sign of it letting up. Winter heating costs are expected to rise as much as 30% in parts of the country, and you can't blame Katrina for that. You can only blame greed, cronyism, and intentional misguided policy from Booshco. Booshco is in reality Cheneyco, but that is another matter. And, by the way, have you heard anything more from the Senate on this issue lately? Didn't think so, and you probably won't. A mere 3 day headline and we'll move on to other issues.
So what is the grand plan? To become a Perpetual War Machine, fighting wars all over the world and taking what we want and need to survive. Survive and have a select few make a huge profit, that is. We are already on the road to this very thing happening. Look at what has occured since the day Boosh was appointed, and follow up to today. The signs are everywhere, and becoming less and less subtle by the minute.
It was clear from Day One of the Boosh administration that he had every intention of invading Iraq, and was looking for any plausible excuse to do so. When 9/11 occured, he twisted that into something that made the invasion possible. We already know all of the crap that was done in the leadup to war, so I will not go into that. We started a real war based on phony intelligence, phony connections, and a phony alliance. I believe that the reason for war was two-fold, revenge for Saddam trying to kill Daddy Boosh and Oil. Screw the people who get killed and maimed, screw the fact that we have bankrupted our nation both morally and financially, the profit margin for Booshco is too great to pass up. But, after a few years in Iraq, we are realizing something else. Everyone hates us. How do we handle that? What do we do?
Since everybody hates us anyway, why put up the nice guy facade any longer? Find More Oil. In order to successfully control the world's oil, we need the necessary military force to handle such a mission. And, we do not currently have the capability to do it. We cannot raise incentives high enough to get young mostly African American men to gleefully enlist, they are realizing that the price is too steep. Maybe losing a leg or two, if not their very lives. So, recruiting is turning into a failing business, and that has to be fixed. The next step, passed through the House and Senate by a very close vote just last week, is to drastically cut funding for student loans. At a minimum of $10,000 per year and with costs rising each year, education is becoming impossible for many families to afford. All a part of the longer range plan. By making college essentially unaffordable for the masses, the military may be the only way for most to get an education.
Along with this, we are witnessing the dismantling of the middle class. This project is nearing completion. The housing bubble is about to burst, but in the meantime, banks continue to loan money to people that they know they have no chance to repay. Want a $300,000 house that is really only worth $150,000? Just call a friendly mortgage lender. He'll figure out a way to extend your loan to 40 years, just to keep the payment on the very upper edge of what you can pay. Want to pay off those credit card bills? Further leverage your home, pay them off, and start charging all over again. After all, you have to have furniture to fill that larger home you just bought. And, in 2007 you will have to replace your $150 27" color television that works perfectly with a $2000 LCD or a $4000 Plasma set that is able to receive a digital signal, or buy a box to make your old one work. How much will the boxes cost? No one knows, yet. But why buy a box anyway? After all, this is the digital age. Buy a few new TV's for your new home, and charge it all. High energy costs? Don't worry, we have great insulation in these "nice" homes. The vast majority of middle class America, or what's left of it, is one blown automobile engine away from bankruptcy. Oh, I forgot, we already took care of that little bankruptcy loophole. Silly me. And credit cards? A bill was recently passed that forces credit card companies to DOUBLE the minimum amount due on all credit card bills. Of course, this is done for the "good of the American people," because we know that if you only pay the minimum it will take 20 years to pay off the credit cards. So, they are doing us a favor. Especially those that can barely scrape by making minimum payments. Health insurance? Employers are phasing out health insurance faster than I change socks. So, again, the military may become the only way to be insured. And on and on and on. Middle class? What middle class? What is this leading to? A MILITARY DRAFT.
We are now in the position that a military draft will become a reality, not if but when. And this draft will not include the old gang, males 18-21 years of age. That would hardly support the numbers necessary to fulfill the Industrial Military Complex that the Neocons deem necessary for our survival. So, we must include females, and expand the age range a bit. Say, between 18-35. Now the numbers of troops are getting up where we need them.
Now all we have to do is figure out a way to supply them with uniforms, guns, tanks, body armor (if we deem that important enough), Hummers, airplanes, food, housing, transportation, a doctor and a dentist. Not a problem. Before we are done, virtually every business that stays afloat in the New America will be entirely devoted to providing just those very things to our troops. Everyone will be a part of the largest military force in the history of mankind. Either fighting, or building toys and uniforms for those who are spilling their blood.
Look at all the problems we have just solved. Health insurance provided by the military. Jobs provided by the military. Housing provided by the military. Education provided by the military. Population control provided by the military. Budget problems? Solved. All we need is a Defense Fund, and everybody is taken care of. Problems solved, and we can go around the world and take whatever we want.
Does any of this ring a bell? USSR anyone? They tried it and it didn't work too well. But, we are a lot smarter than they were, so we can do it! We also have more resources than they ever had. Sure, if you want to include borrowed money from China and other countries, and the phony money that exists in our country today. Money that is backed up by nothing other than printing presses. We've got all we need.
Enough. You people aren't stupid and can figure the rest out on your own, simply by doing a little reading about bills that have been recently passed by our Leaders, and connecting the dots. I will make you one promise, though. Three more years of Booshco and we are at either Option #1 or Option #2. These are our choices. Neither one looks very attractive to me, and hopefully not to you either. The Neocons hope that we can reach Option #2 before Option #1 occurs, but they realize that it is literally a race against time.
Now, please hang with me over the next few days. We'll begin to tackle how to dismantle the potential disaster that confronts us. There are ways out of this, but none will be easy. Nor painless. And, like the neocons, we are literally in a race against time. See you tomorrow or Wednesday.
Yup, it is turning to shit. Military recruitment is still not enough, the draft will have to come. The housing bubble indeed is in the process of bursting. We are indeed in deep shit and most of the population is hesitant to admit it.
Hang on, it's gonna be a hell of a ride.
Wouldn't an unpopular government arming the populace increase the risk of a revolution? Pretty much giving them the means to do so?
Depends on how successful you are in indoctrination and propaganda. I don't know if you know this, but the U.S. population is (I think) the most heavily armed civilian population in the world. Switzerland maybe more. It is very instructive to attend a fairly large gun show. Sigh, so many guns, so little money.
ERROR! Make that sentence about the phony trio of Gore & the Clintons read:
"...could NOT do a better job!"
Thank you! Makes sense now, eh folks? :)
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