From Murph: The New World Order
Here is a new post from Murph.
The concept of a one world government has been around for a very long time now. I remember it was talked about in the 60's. It seemed like such a great idea in many ways; An end to war and national ideologues, a more equitable distribution of resources and wealth. You can find a bunch written on it at the library and on the web. What is difficult to find though, is how it is to be implemented and what the nuts and bolts would look like. In essence, the United Nations would administer the one world government, under the direction of the U.S. since we are the one super power left at this time.
Part of this one world government has to do with military power. What edicts and rules are put forward have to be enforced, no matter who it hurts or benefits. That would mean that sufficient military presence by multinational military forces would have to be stationed all over the world, and be able to deploy to any location where there was resistance to the world government.
From what I have learned, the U.S. is already preparing for this. What I am going to tell you about sure has the surface appearance of right wing-nut propaganda. But bear with me. If you try and do searches with multiple search engines on the presence of U.N. troops stationed on U.S. soil, you will find you will have to wade through a huge collection of side information that is not applicable. Now I just wonder if this is deliberate or not. I remember in the 70's reading about sightings of cargo on trucks, trains and unloaded transport planes in various locations throughout the U.S. ( with photos) that contained U.N. marked military hardware and vehicles, quite a number of them also with Russian markings. At the time, this was discounted as nut case stuff, debunked and discredited as the ravings of the KKK and other rather distasteful right wing organizations. Well, seemingly these reports were right.
It appears that we have, throughout the United States, bases with rather large contingents of foreign troops. In total they are over 200,000. Quite a large percentage of them are on the West Coast. These troops come from a wide variety of nations, some of them known for their rather blood thirsty military. There are multiple depots with foreign war equipment. Coupled with the rather extensively researched information about the new Halliburton detention camps scattered around the country, obviously something is about to take place. These troops, bases, detention camps and hardware are not here strictly for training purposes or for a socially benign reason.
So let us take a look at who is behind and how this new world order is progressing. Those of you that have been reading analysis' of the present state of affairs, putting it into historical perspective, including some of my previous writings, should be able to conclude that we are living in a Fascist state, and that most of the world is being pushed into it also. By this is meant the fusion of corporate interests and power with the system of governance, also called corporatism.
From all that I can ferret out, the prime mover in all of this can be traced back to the family of Rothschild. Not only is it the world’s most wealthy family, it is also huge. Located in most countries, the family in total controls somewhere in the neighborhood of 25% of the total world’s wealth in all its forms. Now folks, if this information is correct, that is concentrated power. Also, according to what I have read, the Rothschild’s were responsible for the vast power of the Rockefeller family, the Morgan’s and many more, which of course means that they are beholding or responsible to the Rothschild interests.
This family has been around a very long time and has been very wealthy for most of it. For this post, I am not going to go into what is known about the very early history of the family. Suffice it to say that this family has been pursuing world domination for generations, and it appears that they are about to get it, and one of the vehicles is the United Nations.
So how do individuals and their families get in control like this? We can write volumes about it, but in essence, it comes down to societies valuing wealth over nearly any other value. Thus the wealthy can offer a piece of the pie for a favor or two and they are off and running. When this takes place, they have control and then it becomes a chess game to increase the wealth and the control that can be bought.
In my view, that is essentially what has happened. In America, it has reached a form of pathology that I cannot find parallels to in history. Nearly every aspect of our culture is about obtaining wealth and what it can buy, clear down to the small shop owner with power over his workers. If you have any doubts about this, start picking up business magazines and read carefully what they say concerning how to run a business and why you should consider moving your business to China or Mexico. Take a college course on business or one that deals with the subject. I’ve taken some of these courses. It is about control that is obtained by wealth. Why do you think that the labor unions are virtually powerless in this country? Why do you think that real wages for the blue collar workers have been decreasing for 5 years, while management increases has gone up exponentially? Why do you think that management is overjoyed with our porous borders with Mexico?
So, in the final analysis, the population of this country compromised any semblance of rational or ethics for the buck and the consequences are rather apparent. And, it has played right into the hands of families like the Rothschild's. As I have mentioned before, the propaganda, promises and lies did the convincing. But in the end, the people decided to buy into it. We have lost our ability to discern consequences of action and replaced long term goals with immediate satisfaction. This whole new world order in its idealistic form sounded too good to be true, we bought it anyway, and the first step is to take away the ability to look at consequences. That was begun in the 19th century by the corporations influencing, and in many cases taking over, the educational system. Don't believe it? There is excellent research out there on this subject. Take a look at; “Education And The Rise Of the Corporate State” by Joel Spring, or “The Nationalization Of the Masses” by George Mosse, or “The Sorting Machine” by Joel Spring. Who do you think has the power to decide what goes into text books? Who decides curriculum today? Who decided on the standardized multiple choice tests that students are saddled with today? Corporations and the stooges in government. Thus a case is made for well done home schooling. How else do you think that a man with an IQ of 91 can be elected to the presidency?
I am not normally into most protest songs, but got to admit, this one gives me goosbumps. Been waiting for someone to write something like this.
You know, Murph, five years ago I probably would have read a piece like this and dismissed it as being paranoid ravings of a simpe cretan. (No offense) To me, Rothchild was simply a wine. And, the U.N.,though even more inept than most non-profit organizations, was benign. And, Clinton was a much-maligned good guy with good intentions.
But, things change. What starts out as a good idea, gets co-opted and morphed into some twisted form of its former self and begins to destroy its own purpose. For instance, the women's movement. Started out as a powerful movement that challenged women to examine themselves on many dimensions. Learn about our bodies, our history, our sexuality, our ideas, our strengths our interests and foster the freedom to express who we really are or could be if we were free.
Then, Gloria Steinham became the main spokeswoman and took over MS. Magazine and other mainstream writers began framing the information and paring it down and twisting it around and fucking it all up. Did you know that Gloria Steinham dated Henry Kissinger?
The women's movement became a vehicle to enslave us along with the men in jobs that have been reduced in compensation so that it now takes two paychecks to do what one used to do. Now, oh boy! We can join the Army too! We can have someone else raise our kids and we can go out to eat. We've lost what it was all about.
Globalization is like that. Sounded good for while. Less knee-jerk patriotism and domination. Cooperation, mutual agreements, sharing of wealth, etc. global agreements to protect the environment, etc. But, now that the corporations have co-opted the movement, it's all about having more countries and people to exploit with no protection for the workers. More people for the banks to enslave. More fodder for the cannons. Less freedom of expression. The rich, once again, get richer. And the rest of us get to say, "How Can I Help You? or "Would you like fries with that?" in about 140 different languages.
From Belgium,
An excellent piece Murph. People in general are becoming more aware although there will always those who don’t want to see what is in front of them. It looks like the big Euro Asian countries saw the writing on the wall before it seeped into most peoples psyche. The Shanghai Five are setting up their own alternative to combat the influence of the Rothschilds. For info on this see my 11.17 comment at the end of the previous post. Or:
If you want to set up your own community where people will respect your right to exist and do your own thing then it looks like you will have to learn Russian or Chinese.
Aaron Ruso in his video casually threw away that one of the Rothschilds told him that the Women’s Movement was started by them because they wanted the benefits of two taxed incomes instead of one, then they manipulated inflation so that the family unit was no better off than before.
It is so important that when you have information like this that Fridays rally should be a focussed protest and not a gymkhana.
From what I've managed to download of that song with this FUCKING dial-up connection I have because TDS doesn't think my neighbors and me deserve DSL, I like it! In fact I LOVE IT!!!!! This could be the "Ohio" for the twenty-first century! It's about time SOMEBODY started writing songs like this again! We need more of them!
Yes man, gives me the shivers too. Some nights I can't sleep obsessing about the information I come across.
Interesting but not surprising how the business you work for is handling inovation and competition. Sure sounds self serving even tho. Another way to get people to throw away the old and buy new on a continuous basis.
Yup, I went to the site. Mostly just another money making thing.
I have no idea who George Green is. Sigh, suppose I'll have to look him up and see what he is about.
The question of course is, was the agenda of the U.N. as stated? Or something else? I say, look who set it up and then answer the question. I rather suspect a lot of the smaller countries had hopes of influencing world decisions, but obviously that didn't work out either.
You also might tag on the end of your comment; Sir, what brand of TP should I use to wipe your ass?
I am not sure of the Russian or China places either. These states are pretty autocratic also. I really think that we are going to have to somehow, marginalize the puppet masters first.
I am trying to figure out how to get that onto a media disk somehow. So far, nada. Sure do agree it is a great song, instrumentation and lyrics.
"How else do you think that a man with an IQ of 91 can be elected to the presidency?"
Lovenstein is a hoax.
Claim: According to a study by the Lovenstein Institute, President Bush has the lowest IQ of all presidents of past 50 years.
Status: False.
Origins: No, this isn't a real news report, nor does it describe a real study. There isn't a "Lovenstein Institute" in Scranton, Pennsylvania (or anywhere else in the USA), nor do any of the people quoted in the story exist, because this is just another spoof that was taken too seriously.
The article quoted above began circulating on the Internet during the summer of 2001. In furtherance of the hoax, later that year pranksters thought to register and erect a web site around it in an attempt to fool people into thinking there really was such an institute.
Speaking of IQ's, an ACTUAL study shows that Bush's IQ is higher than John Kerry's:
From Belgum,
Here is an in depth military report on who has what and what they are going to do with it. It is very long and I am falling asleep reading it but since it is daytime in the USA, I don’t want to hang onto it until tomorrow. It is a substantial detailed analysis. It appears that Canada and NATO are also involved in this adventure. It seems that USA will attack Iran from the Persian Gulf and the gulf of Oman whilst NATO and Israel will try to take out Syria from the Med. These are not good times. I never thought I would hear myself saying “I hope Iran has something up its sleeve”.
Did you catch the video of that pentagon guy saying that he has run the US / Iran war game about twenty times for different military groups and every time the USA has lost. But that was only a game, this one is for real.
Have you noticed that, this war president never actually declares war on anyone? Are we actually to believe that all this coordinated might in two separate theatres right on the doorstep of Iran is actually an exercise, especially when he is taking the Coast Guard with him?
From Belgium:
I will take another run at that link.
Sorry I had to split it up.
Not really in response to Murph, but part of our ongoing discussion of what is to come and what will wake the people up.
I was thinking this moring in the shower, that the thing that might send the US sheeple into revolt, maybe the thing that will set them over the edge and wake them up---If the elections are forgone and Bush is needed for continuity or whatever crap they will try to sell us on.
Maybe that might be the thing to wake the people up, for them to see that our "freedoms" are being taken from us. If the elections are forgone, maybe then they will realize our "free" elections and our "free" country are gone.
I had forgotten this until now, I see the democrats declaring that if elections were held today, the Republicans would be long gone. Well that might be enough to scare Neocons to just halt the election, or postpone it just until the "war on terror" is over. Hmm.....
I too will be out of the country during the election. I didn't even realize until it was all booked and the countdown to vacation was on, that I will miss all the great news leading up to and after. Darn! Now after reading Cyclone's last post 9/29 it might be the end of the world, so maybe being on a small isolated island will be just the ticket. Imagine stranded in paradise. (until the island is covered in water after the ice caps melt, ah so much to worry about)
However, when all hell brakes loose (if we haven't nuked everyone) then that little island might decide I am a threat and a terriost and lock me up. Hopefully it is only our country that does that, and hopefully there would be no hate crimes issued at me and my boyfriend.
But then again, all hell may break loose prior to that in which case it is back to plan A.
Anonymous, 1:31
Well, you got me on that one. I did not check out the institute nor did I particularly suspect it was a hoax, which after doing some tracking, it certainly appears to be.
What made it so believable to me is listening to the man speak. Not an excuse, I should have taken the time to check it out. However, while probably unfair in that respect, I never thought much about Kerry either, I didn't like either one at all.
It does not change my mind about the man who I find much to despise, but now I can't accuse him of being mentally deficient. Darn!
About the troops. Now of course, what I am going to say can not be backed up, but I will tell you what I remember.
Maybe about 10 years ago or so, in a pub where I lived in Southern, Ca, one of the fairly regular patrons like myself was there. It was his farewell, I beieve he said he was moving to Colorado. He said he had been a reporter for many years and that there were so many lies in the news and the the government censored a lot of news. He was getting out of that world because he couldn't be a part of that anymore. He was moving to Colorado to I'm assuming become self sufficient and to move inland to hedge against west coast attacks on this country.
Mostly he talked to my brother who was recently out of the navy and more interested in these things than myself at the time. He told my brother that there were a few hundred thousand troops stationed in our country belonging to other countries.
Of late, I keep trying to recall more of this conversation but really to no avail, but he did put a fear in both me and my brother.
Shortly after this, while on audit in a sleepy town in CA, I was in a hotel that was 90% full of Her Royal Majesties Royal Air Force. Apparently, this area was perfect to train paratroopers. But it did reinforce to me what this man had said about the foreign troops in this country.
As for me at that time, being young and single I thought I had hit pay dirt and wasn't really too concerned with why they were there.
Well, My Friends, I must sign off for several days. My plans have taken a dive into the dumper with the notification that my sister-in-law has died. I must go to Napa to help out. If I get the chance, I'll demonstrate on Oct. 5 with whomever is where I am. Got handbills, will travel.
Just an aside... that miscreant, Drudge, and co-horts at faux news are blaming the teenagers for Foley's sick-assed e-mails. Drudge called the pages "beasts." It's probably not too surprising. Drudge and crew have been committing political and journalistic fellacio with the administration for a long time now.. really ought to send him some kneepads.
Very well put Freeacre.
Murph check this out
Every computer is a wmd.
During the early 1940s, the fastest vacuum tubes computers operate at an estimated speed of 500 Hertz, and it uses 160,000 watts of electricity.
In 1974, the fastest clay computer operates at approximately 1,300 Kilo Hertz.
In 1984, the IBM PC XT runs as 4.77 Mhz and normally military computers runs 100 times faster.
In 2006, the fastest standalone Intel Duo 2 Core CPU chip runs at about 5 to 5.5Ghz and IBM demonstrates a 500Ghz standalone CPU chip. On the graphic calculator side, HP releases HP 50G calculator running at 20Mhz (Its original speed is 75Mhz, but 20Mhz as 20Mhz uses 0.5 watts so it can run on 4 AAA batteries). Time to calculate 100! x 100! is less than 1 second , 4096^4096 is between 8 to 10 minutes. Considering that the calculator is 20Mhz speed, which is even faster than the fastest computer in 1974, it can be said that any current programmable calculator/computer with speed of more than 4.77Mhz is a WMD, as the calculator, when properly programmed, can be used to break german ENIGMA code, also it can calculate the effect of nuclear bomb over Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the cost of this calculator is US$150 as of now. Thus, why not ban every programmable calculator, xbox, xbox360, ps1, ps2, ps3, nintendo wii, even soundblaster xfi sound card as it has a 3.6Ghz sound processor computer as they are all wmd ? Come to think of it, the ADSL modem or microwave oven or dvd player may also be a wmd too as its CPU chip may be faster than 1Khz.
From Belgium,
Anonymous 12.08
About 4 to 5 years ago there was one of those stories that was in all the PC mags. that just want away without any conclusion being announced. It was a battle between the Pentagon and the chip manufacturers. As the law stood at that time it was illegal to sell on the open market any chip which ws capible of performing more than three million computations per second and the chip manufacturers wanted to hike it to twelve milion. The Pentagon was saying hey, hey hold on there we don't want some Muslim sitting on a hilltop in Afghanistan sending something up that can outrun our guidence systems. As I say I never heard the outcome of this but one but chips have been getting faster in the meantime.
Reality, have you heard anything of this one?
very sorry to hear about your sister in law, the world is so full of anger and fear, so at this time i will say a little something about last evening that blew me out into orbit,
brother and i returning from Kalispell stopped within a sage patch and i went to seek a few branches for cleansing , the sage people told me that it was ok to do that and furthermore told me that all the living things on the planet are aware of whats going on and are sending love energy to us,my brother freaked out because he heard it to!!!We just sat there stunned,and looking at each other, i mantaged to ask this one old sage person why would they do that after all the harm that humans have done to them and the reply was that we are very unique and that many wonderfull things are waiting for us in the future for us and them if we can heal ourselfs and learn love, i was flabbergasted as was the brother, have never heard the voice of the spirit so thunderous in my life, not even cricket chirps that loud,we could not move, the message was so full of overwhelming strength and gentleness , and a pale green light surrounded the sage and time stopped for i do not know how long but it was dark when we drove away,this morning i can hardly hold back the water from my eyes as the presence is still with me!!
Have faith friends we are not alone by a long shot,each living thing is sending its spark of energy to us for healing.
Cricket smiles a knowing smile and chirps loudly ,
peace and love to all of you,
Yup, even as small as these outfits are, they don't want any competition. Buckle up, it's going to get worse.
Sorry to hear about your sister-in-law. Dealing with the death of a loved one can be hard.
What an incredible message to receive from the old sage person. Maybe there is hope for the human species yet? We have to keep hoping for and believing in the possibility for a better world for both us and all our brothers and sisters in the animal and plant kingdoms.
Montanna Freeman,
The Old Sage People are the oldest souls on this planet. Only The Great Spirit is older. They have seen it all. They have seen trillions of lives come and go.
They have seen the rise of billions of "civilizations",and their fall. All things that ever were are known to these beings.
Their appearance usualy marks the begining of great chamnges, and their council is always wise, and true. Truly we have been blessed by your meeting them, and bringing us their words!
We grieve with you, sister. Raise your voice where you go. It will be heard!
We'll try to keep Murph away from the trees!
mf and others,
I just began reading this blog a couple of days ago. I heard about the following link just today and I'm trying to get the word out. I wasn't going to post it here, but your experience with the Sage People leads me to believe you'll appreciate this. There's two days left, I hope you'll try to get more word out.
anonymous 11:22
Very interesting letter. I will pass it on and plan to observe the ceremony.
From Belgium
Me too even though it is five in the morning over here.
Spirit Across The Sea.
From Belgium,
I have just been watching the news on Belgium channel one. There was no mention of any naval movements or that WW111 is about to be started but we did see Boosh talking about the Folly affair. I am sure that you all saw it but he did actually say “He was disgusted that Folly had violated the trust that was placed in a public official”. Hmm!
Yup, hmmm indeed. Violate the trust put in an elected official. It appears the man is incapable of introspection at all.
finally got the protest song on a yahoo account because hotmail is really fucking with my mail, either that or i'm such a dumb ass that i can't figure it out, really great song, i sent it to everyone i know.
Was reading this morning about the Tsunami that killed all thoes people being the result of a hydrogen bomb being exploded on the ocean floor in THE TRUTH SEEKER.
The amazement at the evil of the neocons just keeps on growing.The author makes a believable
at least to me report on the subject and if its true then then we must be livinging in the middle of an insane asylum, right? The guy is a seismologist from Australia and includes secret documents recently released about the plan to detonate A bombs off the coast of Japan during ww 2 along a fault line,!
So its not a new idea by any means.
Will build bonfire tonight and chant with who ever hears the news,peace to all of us this day and may we join together as one in sending and receiving the energy of forgiveness through the great spirit.
Anonymous 11:22 & Montana Freeman, et al
I am looking in from the cybersphere in Napa. Good news from the world of Spirit, eh? Happily, I brought sage and drum with me. Will be in tune on the 6th.
Love you all.
Murph I have enjoyed reading your blog and the re-view of your Options 1 & 2. It all makes sense. Seems like we don't see where we're going til we get there and step in it; then it's too late to step back. In 50 years I most likely won't be here but right about then,(if I was here)if we end up with Option 2 then I want to be the evil queen dictator of the world. If only I could be her now. Boy some heads would roll. It's truly scary & sad what's happened to our country. Your blog is uplifting me even though it's the reality check. God we're all so disconnected and dummied down by the press. One has to seek out these truths if they want to be alive and continue. Great thoughts, Great Blog!
Thank you for the kind words. Keep in mind though, it is not my blog, it belongs to Cyclone, I write contributing articles for it.
Thanks again.
Begium 1:56pm:
"Have you noticed that, this war president never actually declares war on anyone?"
That's because he isn't allowed to. The power to declare war resides solely with the Congress. Not with the Presidency. Check the American Constitution. And the congress gave him his declaration (nopt that he needs it. A President can send troops into battle anywhere, any time he pleases.).
Belgium 1:56pm:
"Have you noticed that, this war president never actually declares war on anyone?"
That's because he isnt allowed to. The power to declare war resides solely with the congress. Not with the Presidency. Check the American Constitution. And the congress gave him their declaration. Not that he needs it though. A President has the power to send troops into battle anywhere at anytime he pleases with or without a declaration of war.
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