Friday, January 13, 2006

Iran; Will We or Won't We?

Many readers have asked questions and expressed concern over what may or may not happen in regards to handling what is becoming an international crisis, the choice by Iran to restart a nuclear program. Here is my take on this situation.

Condi Rice

Condi has made a lot of noise over this issue, threatening the Iranian government with sanctions, stating that a “strong message had to be sent to Iran.” Here we go again, blowing smoke but having no fire to back it up with. (much like our economy, actually) Whether Condi and the Boosh administration know it or not, they do not have the power to call for sanctions. There is no FISA Court end run in the playbook for this one. They can “suggest” sanctions, but they must get several other countries to agree to this before it can be sent to the UN Security Council. This time, thank God, the other countries aren’t biting.

Boosh and the Rest of the World

“Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on, well, you shouldn’t fool me twice.” As Boosh so eloquently stated a couple of years ago, it seems to be the same message that Condi is getting back from other nations regarding sanctions. What goes around comes around, perhaps? Or, as Boosh would likely put it, "What comes around goes, well, you shouldn't come around me twice." Looks like everyone else understands this one, and they aren't coming around again.

First, we have used up the goodwill of the world community. After telling so many lies to get the world behind the invasion of Iraq, the world is a bit more wary of following us down any specific path regarding Iran. In other words, this time there is no coalition. Not that you could call the forces that invaded Iraq a coalition, mind you, but Boosh has always called it that so I’ll play along. (In a previous post I mentioned the numbers of the current “coalition partners” and the numbers of troops they sent, so I won’t do it again. I'll just say, it was not impressive) France, Britain and Germany have stated that calling for sanctions against Iran is premature.

Secondly, Russia remains in talks with Iran to try to get them to comply with UN policies regarding the enrichment of uranium. They have repeatedly asked Iran for a moratorium on its activities, but Iran has thus far refused to follow this advice. However, Russia is riding the fence on this one. If it got far enough along for a vote on sanctions, Russia has stated that they would abstain, rather than voting against referring Iran to the Security Council. This is nothing more than posturing and pandering to the US. If it came down to it and they were the last country able to block sanctions against Iraq, you can rest assured that they would do so.

Next, China gets large amounts of oil from Iran. Plus, China is doing its best to finish the US as a superpower by threatening the American economy, and would absolutely block any attempt at sanctioning Iran for anything. The only way that a sanction could have any negative effect on Iran would have to include limiting their ability to export oil, and that is just not going to happen. Even if China was not openly seeking to ensure the downfall of the US, they would not support sanctions. China simply needs Iran's oil.

Britain, the US lapdog in the Iraq war, is beginning to listen to its citizens and is no longer willing to be led into another debacle like they found themselves in after following us to Baghdad. Tony Blair will be gone the first time the voters have anything to say about it, and those lining up to replace him are distancing themselves from anything Booshco as fast as they possibly can. Who could blame them? Our only true coalition partner in Iraq is not willing to have another go at it with us. Proof of this lies with the words of Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, formerly a US cheerleader. “This can ONLY (emphasis mine) be solved by peaceful means. Nobody is talking about invading Iran or taking military action.” Nobody but the USA, he really should have said.

Iran has us by the Shorthairs; There will be no Iranian war

Finally, we do not have the resources or manpower to invade Iran at this time, and won’t for the foreseeable future. Every military expert who has looked at this agrees that there is no way to solve the current situation with targeted airstrikes. We don’t know where the facilities are located, and currently have no intelligence on the ground to learn this information. The only effective way to prevent the Iranians from continuing with its nuclear program would be through a massive ground invasion, and we don’t have the capability to do anything close to that at present.

We are stuck with the usual Boosh and Condi bullshit threats, threats that we cannot back up. And, Iran knows this. Iran also knows that, although other countries would prefer that they stop the program, these countries will not go so far as to back us with troops and/or money. Our "coalition partners" learned a valuable lesson in Iraq, that Boosh and whoever he chooses to use as a mouthpiece, cannot be believed regarding world affairs. Especially those regarding economic issues or military action. They are lucky they don't live here. Then they would know that he cannot be believed on domestic issues either.

Iran has the oil that much of the world needs, and the world will not go out on a limb for this President or administration, thus risking losing access to that oil. There are indeed consequences for your actions, and Boosh is learning that the hard way. Whatever “political capital” he thinks that he gained during the ’04 election has long since been spent, and our credit has run out with our “coalition partners.” The thought of a coalition of any sort is simply another Boosh fantasy gone amok. We didn’t have a coalition in Iraq, and we damn sure won’t get one should we try to take on Iran. If the Brits, the only real partner we had in Iraq, aren’t willing to join us this time, there is zero chance that anyone else will. Plus, we can’t go it alone, no matter how much Boosh would like to pretend that we can. We can't handle the wars we are in now.

Boosh stated a good while back, “You’re either for us, or you’re for the terrorists.” Given that ridiculous statement and standard, it appears that the terrorists have a lot of friends on their side. No one should be surprised by this. After watching the actions of America over the last 3+ years, were I in charge of any other country in the world, I would ramp up a nuclear program as fast as I could. I would feel that I might need it someday soon. I would also stop taking phone calls from Boosh, or any of his representatives. I wouldn’t want anything that America had to offer me. It just might be poisonous.



At 9:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what about reports that we've already started fighting in Iran?

At 9:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is just another step towards securing all the energy left in the world. If we can get Saudi Arabia and Iran, we'll have secured the bulk of the remaining supplies. Don't be surprised if the next terror attack involves a whole crew of Iranian citizens. All we need is a reason...

At 10:33 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

anonymous 1,

Frankly, I don't believe those "reports." All information that I have says that any US military action in Iran is spillover from the border of Iraq. Now, there may be information out there that I haven't seen, so enlighten me if you know of something credible. Thanks for writing,


At 10:36 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I hate to disagree, but I don't think it's going to happen, unless we are willing to start WWIII. China will not stand by and allow us to take over the oil that they need. They let Iraq slide, but I think that's as far as we will be allowed to go, unless we become the military complex that I have described. That, however, is a ways off. Thanks for commenting,


At 10:46 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...

I once watched a cat taunt a tied up dog. The cat would walk slowly and self-assuredly around the dog right at the end of the chain. The dog would go bezerk, barking and growling while the cat just walked back and forth giving the dog and eat shit look.

That is what Iran is pretty much doing to the United States right now. They know that the United States has too many irons in the fire right now and Bush hads no "Political Capital" to even get support for a war in this country, much less in any others. Besides there are a lot of countries that feel if Isreal has nuclear arms (thanks to the United States who has to be the largest nuclear power in the world) Why shouldn't the Iranians.

Europe might puff their chests out and posture, but they know where the oil's coming from! The slumps about over over there and they don't want to rock the boat!

Yep, I'd say you got this one pegged!

At 11:43 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I don't care what anybody says, the majority of Europe is privately separating themselves from the USA as fast as they can. What they say publicly might be a different tune, but there are even changes in the public stance of many countries. They know we're history, just the majority of Americans don't. Some of the email I get from people overseas shows how much more in tune they are with what is going on in America than the vast majority of Americans are. Amazing. Great analogy with the dog and the cat, by the way.


At 12:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cyclone -- how do you think Iran's soon-to-be-opened oil bourse plays into all this?

At 12:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not that I believe that Iranian access to nuclear technology is a good thing - but what right does the UK, the USA or France (to name three states) have to tell them they cannot have it given their professed right to nuclear weapons?

At 1:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent info today Cyclone, just what I was wondering about. (Iran).
I heard a rumor today that boosh may be planning a nuke strike againts Iran. Is there any truth to that rumor? What do you think the results of that "genious" move be?


At 3:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As far as international support for an Iran invasion goes-particularly in Europe-what about germany? Their new right wing gal Merkel is eager to jump into bed with boosh, it seems. She supported the Iraq invasion, (although not in power at the time.) The german people aint to keen on boosh, polls indicate, but apparently our modern 21st century democracies don't care much about what the people have to say.

At 4:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many analysts are saying that the new euro-based oil bourse Iran plans to open in March is the real reason the US are considering invading. Iraq started trading their oil for euros shortly before Gulf 2. Not requiring US$ to pay for oil would seriously undermine the already unstable US economy. This may also have something to do with the Fed refusing to report M3 figures from March.

At 7:37 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

Anonymous 2,

Germany might be on our side, I don't know. But it will not be enough to matter, they will certainly not contribute enough for an Iran invasion. If anyone attacks Iran, it will be Israel. We might remove the leash from the neck of the Israeli's that we have held on to for the last 50 years. If we do, and Netanyahu or one like him takes over for Sharon, hang on to your hat. They might just nuke them.


At 7:42 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

Anonymous 3,

We CAN'T invade Iran, regardless of whether or not they change currency, we don't have the manpower to do it. Analysts can say whatever they want, but they are told to leave out one very important fact. The economy is toast, but there is a little bleeding of the American people to be done before the announcement can be made. If our economy was stable, then their argument might hold water. But, since we are on the verge of a total collapse of the dollar, plans don't really matter.


At 7:45 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


We have always been the bully on the block and could get away with it. Now we can't, so not only do we have no right to stop them, we can't stop them. The UN can't stop them, China would veto any resolution because they need the Iranian oil.


At 7:49 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

4 j's,

3 words,

World War 3.


At 7:52 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


I think it plays a lot into the words and posturing, but in actual effect, none. We can't start a war with Iran, we don't have the means to do it. And no other country is going to join us after watching 3 years of the Iraq debacle.


At 12:47 PM, Blogger qrswave said...

Stoney13, nice analogy.

Cyclone, you did a great job outlining the issues.

Two things: I differ with your portrayal of Britain as the US's lapdog. British financial interests are in control, along with German, Swiss, and Dutch (among others).

Also, I would not rule out the possibility that the US or Israel (or both) might launch a nuclear strike against Iran. But, I agree that it spells three words for the rest of us: World War III.

Let's pray that someone stops them.

At 7:32 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


I hear you. I was a little loose with the Britain thing, what I should have said was Tony Blair is America's lap dog. I agree with you on the country in general. Also, I mentioned in one of my responses that I thought that Israel was more likely to nuke Iran than we were. All they need is a favored nut job to replace Sharon, like Netanyahu, and permission from Booshco. They would do it in a heartbeat. I don't think we will though. Whatever the case, this is looking worse and worse by the day. You are correct. Time for those that pray to begin full time prayer sessions.



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