The Lesser of Two Evils
First, I want to make it very clear that I do not like doing things like this. Now, however, I find it a necessity.
Thus, this is Cyclone’s attempt at a “get out the vote” campaign. I want to make it clear, which I have stated many times before, that I don’t believe that there is much difference between the Republicans and Democrats. We have discussed this issue endlessly during the year that the Real Deal has been in existence, and everyone makes good points about the similarities. However, the difference in the two, however slight, are most important when it is time to decide who is going to lead us through the remainder of the Boosh administration.
Yes, both parties are beholden to everything that most of us deplore, that being the corporations, big oil and similar groups. Both parties are for big spending, big government and for making their friends richer. We all know that, so I’m not going to repeat all of these arguments, beyond saying that I don't possibly see how the Democrats could have outspent the Republicans of late and that it is time to balance the checkbook. I am going to point out a couple of differences, however.
1) George W. Boosh has spent the last week trotting from deep Red State to deeper Red State harping about how Republican’s are the only party who can keep us safe. Yet, on Thursday, as reported by the New York Times on Friday, the United States government posted, on an official government website no less, a “how to manual” instructing anyone who can read just how to successfully make a nuclear bomb. Later Friday the information was removed from the site. As we all know, once something hits the web there is no way to retrieve it. WebCrawler’s search for this stuff, file it and repost it all over the place. Right now you can use Google to find the information that was allegedly removed. These people want to keep us safe? Can they really say that with a straight face?
Former weapons inspector David Kaye has stated, and I’m paraphrasing here, that this information was never before available to the public. Pieces of it have been available for some time, but never before has the entire A-Z recipe for building a nuke been released. In fact, he said, it was the most highly protected information we have ever possessed. It is the key to the magic nuclear door. David Kaye should know, he is the one who found the stuff, much of it in the hands of the Iraqi’s.
In a despicable and disgraceful attempt to hold on to precious power, and in a last gasp attempt to prove that which cannot be proven, that Saddam Hussein really did have weapons of mass destruction and was on the verge of creating a nuclear weapon, this administration posted on the internet all of the information necessary for you or I or Mohamed fill in the blank, to build a nuke. Problem? David Kaye found this stuff back in the early 90’s, not right before the last Iraqi invasion. Kaye stated unequivocally that there were no WMD, there were no WMD moved to Syria prior to our invasion, that it is simply a fantasy of George W. Boosh and his hawkish neocon freaks. And David Kaye was the man sent to Iraq by the Boosh administration to find out. He is not Joseph Wilson; they cannot put a double secret agenda to his findings. End of story.
2) George W. Boosh has spent the last week trotting from deep Red State to deeper Red State harping about how the “Democrat’s do not have a plan on Iraq,” encouraging the stiffs he preaches in front of to ask the next democrat they see what the plan is. A couple of things need to be mentioned about this.
First, the Democrats DO have a plan on Iraq, in fact they have several plans. Plans ranging from leaving tomorrow, to breaking the country up into three separate regions with one government overseeing the whole, to John Murtha’s plan to redeploy forces to outlying regions to keep an eye on the place. They are willing to bring these plans to the table and have a long overdue debate on just what to do about this albatross. These ideas are too complicated for Boosh since it involves doing something other than using the now forbidden “stay the course” method, which has now become nothing more than “adjust as necessary as long as we stay the course.” The democrats realize that something different has to happen in Iraq or we will be there losing 100 troops per month, spending billions of dollars per week, for infinity. That they have not yet decided what exactly should be done is actually a good thing. It is something that needs to be thought out, discussed, debated, fought over, whatever it takes to get us out of the mess that Boosh and Co. have put us in. That is something that the Democrats are willing to do, because they realize that it has to be done. In fact, most Republicans are finally realizing that as well, just not their leaders.
Secondly, I repeat, Boosh says that the “Democrat’s do not have a plan on Iraq.” Can someone look me in the eye and tell me that Boosh or Rumsfeld have a plan on Iraq? It is clear that they don’t have a clue what to do to solve this mess, other than just continue to chase their tails while people die, so my suggestion is this. Next time you see a right wing Republican, I encourage you to ask THEM what the Boosh plan is. If they say anything other than “stay the course” or “adjust as necessary as long as we stay the course” they are lying. There is no other plan. They are lying because this administration has been so engulfed in their own tunnel vision for so long that any thought outside their party line is forbidden. Don’t believe me? Take a look at the list of people from this administration who have been fired for daring to suggest that something different be tried.
3) George W. Boosh has spent the last week trotting from deep Red State to deeper Red State harping about how great the economy is. The fact is, the economy sucks and virtually every American knows it. The only people who think its great are people who are currently deciding whether to take the Porsche or the Mercedes to their beach house. Enough said. I won’t dignify that BS with further response.
4) Finally, and this, believe it or not, might be the most important piece of the puzzle, looking at the long term. If we are to have a "long term," that is. Justice Stephens might not make it for two more years, and Boosh has over 100 judges lined up waiting for confirmation to various courts of appeals and other federal courts. Should the Republicans hold both branches of Congress and the White House, and should Boosh get to appoint one more Supreme Court justice to this court, the eroding of OUR constitutional rights that we have recently witnessed up close and personal will be only the beginning. The police state will have officially arrived, and will be signed and certified as legal by the Supreme Court of the United States.
I could go on with countless examples, but you already know what they are and of their importance. Do I like the Democrats? No, I do not. In fact, I find them slightly less repulsive than the Republicans. But, it doesn’t matter now. They must be put in office. The stakes are too high. Our country and possibly our very existence are at stake, nothing less. Any third party vote or protest vote is a vote for the Republicans, it really is that simple. At least, if the Democrats replace the current regime, they can block some of the insane propositions that we face today and buy us some time to come up with a real solution. Maybe later a third party, maybe a revolution, who knows. But should the Republicans stay in office, after this election, it is game set and match. The hourglass will run out, and we will be at the final mercy of the cretins and liars who have put us where we are now. Over the last 5+ years we have become a banana republic. Allowing that to continue without at least minimal intervention is unacceptable and constitutes suicide by ignorance. Believe me; putting the Democrats in office is about as minimal an intervention as we can get, but it is at least something.
Please vote on Tuesday, I beg you. And vote for every Democrat on the ballot. With the new voting machines, the only way to assure victory is to win by a landslide. Is this in reality choosing the lesser of two evils? You bet your life that it is, but an absolute necessary choice.
i was going to stay home and not vote. after reading this i will follow the advice and vote. i want to give up the fight and forget it. but i wil give it one more try.
I decided to do just what you suggested a long time ago. In fact, I have a joke that that goes if the name on the ballot was Son of Satan, Democrat, I would vote for him.
The thing that I fear is that nothing at all will change, and in fact, might get worse. But regardless, it is a decision indeed of the lesser of two extreme evils. We certainly do not have any other third choice to consider.
I came to the decision a long time ago that the only way to get rid of Bush is to vote Democrat.
I don't like it, bu8t if the Christian nut-jobs can hold their noses while the vote Republican, I can hold mine while I vote Democrat!
I hate to say it, but if it wasn't for Ralph Nader, we wouldn't have Bush now!
I think you can take this to the bank. If the Dems by some miracle do manage to garner enough votes to take over either house, you WILL see the repugs crying foul and voter fraud and all the issuing chaos that will result.
Cyclone, brother i agree with what you say and will support this election but the cost of human suffering is beyond the scope of this post.
i say to you brother that the inherent flaw in the words is that there is something that is missing and needs to be revealed and i will try to make it known,,... shit where to start ??
ok, the matter of fact that the life blood of the spirit is US,!! along with every blade of grass on this planet,this is plain to see is it not?? ............
So to start the story will be the quest of this qustion...who in the fuck are we?? and what are we?? and why do we not realize that these very questions are uninportant in the schools of learning??
i study the face in the morning and say who in the fuck are you??
The mind goes blank and then the realization kicks in and there you go .
Spirit smiles and the infomation pours forth and the great Spirit says how in the fuck do i know ??? you made this shit up!!
part two later
montana freeman,
The words you speak, as always are true. We must first survive in order to answer the questions that you ask. We are now, for a couple of days anyway, in survival mode. I look forward to your continuation of thought,
You can bet on it, they will scream bloody murder. They will have no credibility though, after scoffing at the other side when they did the same in both '00 and '04. Personally, I will find it amusing to watch.
Though the Dems won't win the Senate, if they manage to lose the house the odds are it is a stolen result. Maybe that would push us to revolution, but I doubt that even another election theft would turn the tide. People don't get it, and people in the end don't care. Thus the need for an overwhelming landslide.
anonymous 10:14,
Two months ago I said that I would never vote again. I have changed, for now at least. Thanks for giving it one more go.
anonymous 10:34,
Though you won't see that name on the ballot, in some cases it could at least be a close relative!!
I don't like it either, but it is what it is. You are spot on with your Nader comment. I recall that I riled some people up a long time ago by blaming our situation today largely on Nader voters. They came out of the woodwork to personally attack me, but the fact is that Nader handed the election to Boosh in 2000. I do not believe for a second that he (Nader)did not know that his refusal to withdraw with no chance of winning very well could put a lunatic in the White House, but he didn't care. His followers were no different than the followers of the extreme Christian right of today. (here we go again) They may have been well intentioned, but were sold a bill of goods. I do not want to see a repeat ever again, thus the need for Democratic "hold your nose" votes this time!
The only possible downside I can see would be total gridlock and Boosh using the veto pen, if he can figure out how to write with it. I don't see that making it worse, but who really knows? Can it get worse? I think the upside is that perhaps we can gain a bit of respect from the rest of the world, if they see that we are not total blithering idiots with a vast majority who support this madman. Though it will not be nearly what we have lost in the world of respect, we have to start somewhere.
It's probably too late to get the UN to monitor the voting process in this election, right?
But, I believe PTB have already rigged it for a Republican victory. I bet that all close races will go to the Repugs. Only blowouts will go to the Dem, which won't be enough to control either house. I mean, who's gonna know? Who would do anything or would be able to do anything about it? No one. The Repugs own everything. The Sheelpe don't care enough to do anything about anything. Most are too afraid of loosing their jobs because they're in debt up to their eyeballs buying too much shit they don't need.
But, I have to agree with Murph. If, and that's a BIG if, a miracle DOES happens and the Dems actually DO win a house or two, the Repugs are gonna raise holy hell -and in the midst of the chaos, they'll probably manage to change some of the election results in they're favor. And that's "GAME OVER."
And the sheeple will pretty much continue sitting in front of the tube, in baited-breath wondering who will be the next "American Idol." Totally fucking sad, man.
I don't have a dog, but if I did, I'd have one of those T-shirts that says, "The more people I meet, the more I like my dog."
Oh, sorry about the "they're" mistake. It's "their."
"...Yet dread gnaws beneath the surface of the collective awareness of liberals and progressives. What belies Democrats' inability to agitate for meaningful change is, at a deeper level, they, as is the case with most of us Americans, realize that, in order to live in the manner to which we have become accustomed, we must ccontinue our complicity in the crimes of empire. Hence, they realize they would be politically burned at the stake if they ever ventured to utter such heresy aloud..."
-Phil Rockstroh
from Midterm Elections 2006: It's Always darkest, right goes completely black
in Online Journal, Nov. 3, 2006
"...How clear we make it...we are the origins of war. Not history's forces, nor the times, nor justice, nor the lack of it. Not causes, nor religions, nor any kinds of government or any other thing. We are the killers. We breed war, carry it like syphillis inside. Dead bodies rotting field and stream because the living ones are rotten. For the love of God, can't we love one another? Just a little? It's how peace begins. We have so much to love each other for! We have such possibilities. My children, we could change the world..."
-Eleanor of Aquitaine
from "A Lion In Winter"
Remeber that story last year about all the high explosives that were stolen from under the noses of the US military sometime around the fall of Baghdad? Well, I was thinking about that story, and googled it, after discovering Alternet no longer had it archived. The amount of expolsives was given as 350 in one article, and around 380 tons in another. Either way, its a lot. But how much? To put it into perspective, I can only put 24 tons of stone on a semi truck. That's 4 trucks per hundred, roughly. 380 tons would require 16 semi trucks to move this much material.
Just a little something to chew on while watching the debacle unfold tomorrow, kids.
Cricket sits outside the window and chirps her sweet songs into the night and the song that she sings rides the wind of change and she says "what of owl? what does he say?"from a distance owl joins the song and the opening of the Spirit begins.
It has been asked and as it seems that the people are lost and there hearts are closed it is important at this time to reveal that which is sought after.
You are afraid says Spirit, and the fear you feel will destroy all that is good in the world,so it is time to look at this fear and not hide in some corner of your mind and laugh it off as something that only thoes that have nothing to lose would look at.
You must find out who and what you are because without that there is no base from which to spring from.And indeed why you would vote for whom ever will have no meaning what so ever, it really does not matter what the election reveals because its already to late for change thats going to count in the scheme of things.
The reason being is that the heart of mankind is clothed in illusion and nothing, not even death will ever open the eyes of such a person,indeed death will almost always close thoes same eyes even tighter.
Our Navaho brothers know the ancient trails and the Hopis too along with most of our tribes,
They teach the children the ways of survival in a white mans world and all the teachings begin with reverence for out mother earth,absolute reverence, because it is life not only for the people but for all living things,why is this so difficult to understand?
Why have the people lost touch with such a sacred tiny amount of knowledge that a child knows almost without being told?
Cricket waves an antenna and says montana will you pass this on to the people and montana says yes,if even only one listens and hears the song and is able to hear the sweetness that is the great spirit it will make a difference,owl agrees and flys off into the night.
The brothers and sisters tonight that listen to the spirit are dancing with the moon and the stars and we hold hands with eternity.
The gentle rain falls from a cloud full of water and the breath of life hangs lightly in the air outside the window.
There is peace in the night and we rejoice in finding out who we are, love to all of you that attend this council fire it is sweet is it not??
Not to mention the untold number of munitions that were lost only recently. They simply "disappeared," though it has not been reported exactly what they were. We are supplying the enemy with the very weapons with which to kill our sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers and countless Iraqi insurgents and citizens. Intent of Booshco? Sometimes I wonder. It is obvious that the insurgency MUST continue if we are to find it necessary to stay the course, or adjust as necessary as long as we stay the course. All to keep the war machine in active status, the design of the New America. Option #2 of my year old 5 part series on what might occur is here, staring us square in the face and soul. It is the one that should be feared most of all, but there is no turning back. Booshco should be proud.
You are hereby given permission to wear the t-shirt you describe, despite the fact that you do not own a dog. You are correct, sad is the appropriate emotion describing the pathetic condition of the American masses.
Cyclone; Yes, with the large amounts of munitions that have been "misplaced," it would seem to suggest that SOMEBODY wants the Iraqi insurgency and subsequent civil war to continue for a long time to come.
BTW, in order to better picture the amount of explosives that were lost, consider this. I put a ton and a half of stone on each pallet. That's 3,000 lbs. per pallet. 16 pallets on each truck. The loaded pallet measures 40 inches by 48 inches by 28 inches tall. That's what a ton and a half of stone looks like, stacked tightly. I don't know the density of high explosives, but I do know 350 tons of it is a lot of volume. And it would present a logistical problem to move quickly, and covertly, during the heat of battle. So what the hell happened to it? UN weapons inspectors had the stuff under surveilance until we attacked Iraq. It was stored in bunkers at a facility called Al Qaqaa. (Apt name.) Inspectors had placed seals on the bunkers and periodically inspected to ensure the stuff was safe. Between March and May of 2003, the material, three types of plastic explosives, disappeared, with very little explanation from the military and no real congressional outcry.
I would have to suggest it is this material that has fueled and sustained the stubborn resistance to our imperial aggression in Iraq.
I think you are right, Cy, that a case could probably be made to show the insurgency and subsequent civil war was designed and fostered by "our guys." Let someone prove us wrong.
You are pointing out a great problem. The reason for disapeared munitions as you presented it is a conspiracy. I presume you know it is impossible to disprove a conspiracy. But, since we do have proof of the neocon conspiracies in a variety of areas, we can certainly attach some probability to the missing munitions.
I've been digging a bit into the neo conservative background. It is not new. Their principle means of gaining traction is to work within the complexity of government, of which we have an abundance. They aren't going away until we find a way to de complex.
As usual, your posts are brilliant. I had already intended to vote just as you asked for, however, my heart is heavy, as I agree with "dude" that somehow, Republicans will end up with the majority in both houses..however unbelievable that seems. We can still do our part, though.
They simply cannot allow Democrats any control, because if they do, they will go to jail, pure and simple.
Signed, DSW
I do still think that the Dems will win the House, but not the Senate, assuming that the votes are counted. (a big assumption, I know) However, if they did somehow win them both, there would be no jail. There might be a show of investigations, a show of false outrage, but no concrete findings. Too many Dems would be shown to be complicit in the proceedings, so nothing would be done to these scumbags. Maybe years from now the truth will be known, but I'm pretty sure I won't live long enough to see it. If we are to survive, maybe my daughters generation will begin to understand just how this crew truly operated.
From Belgium,
It is not my intention to comment on the subject of this particular post since I regard it as outside my jurisdiction. I will just make a few comments on ancillary matters.
One is the timing of the Sadam verdict. Another is reports that the GOP is receiving increasing support in the run up to the election, evidently trying to create a bandwagon. It would be interesting to see if this report could be substantiated.
On a different tack, both the USA and Israel are ‘perceived’, according to a published report, of becoming increasingly corrupt.
“Israel was listed along with Brazil, Cuba, Jordan, Laos, Seychelles, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia and the US as countries whose perceived levels of corruption were growing significantly worse”.
The full table is at
Along those lines of investigation you've taken up, I'd be interested to hear what you find out about Leo Strauss, and his proteges.
Also, I have to think, if history treats us fairly, and even an attempt is made to explain "the truth" to later generations, that forums like this one will be judged as making an important, albeit modest contribution, to the struggle for responsible planetary citizenship over the national fascism which, for the present, rules the day. It has been my very great privilege to have been associated with all of you regular contributors on this site. (Shades of the farewell speech by the band leader on the sinking Titanic.) We have, for the most part, conducted ourselves with grace in creating this special place of council.
Keep the faith. Keep your fingers crossed. And VOTE tomorrow. (If you're using a Sequoia touch-screen, check the back of it for a yellow button. Rumor has it, pushing it allows the voter to cast as many votes as he/she wants. Just kidding.)
Anon 10:40
I don't think Cyclone is, but I sure as Hell am! Got a problem with that?
Anon 10:40
Just out of curiosity, which would say endangers the world more at this point in Man's evolution, communism or fascism? And why? In two hundred words or less. If you can concentrate that long.
From Belgium,
Annon 10.40,
It was Marx, Engels and Lennon who gave Communism respectability as a social science but originally the concept was a brainchild of the Rothschild’s. They just wanted to make money out of arming both sides in a revolution. So you see that commies, (apologies to RP) instead of being ‘Reds under the bed’ are in fact just dupes of the Neocons who remain fully in control of everything. I do not know Cyclone personally but one thing I do know about him is that he is no Neocon soft touch. In that respect I really do think that you need to get your facts straight.
The really smart way to organise is to have an organisation but no structure, just like today’s Black Panthers.
Anom 10:40,where exactly do you pig fuckers come from anyway? Do you have a clue?Man i don't, i burn books but in your case i would suggest that you try to read one! Do you have your pet monkey type for you???
And by the way do you know what the term communism means?? and how the purity of the term was butchered as a political stance.?? what is the use of such a useless question.
Damn, you stole my question to Anon. lol. I would advance the argument that anon can't define much of anything, much less explain anything about it. These guys are knee jerk neocons just as much as the liberals. Their thinking is rudementary at best, and non existant most of the time.
So anon of the mouth. Give us some information instead of accusations. Bet you can't.
To those who use this board... this goes a bit against what I would typically do in response to the Anon 10:40 comment.
Please know that the best and most effective way to deal with a hack such as that of Anon 10:40 is to completely ignore them.
There is no way to get that type of dog flop engaged in meaningful debate as for the most part it takes most of their energy to actually cause enough vibration to their effective grey matter to come up with a one or two line anal burp.
They can take their jabs at the blog and its participants but until they actually engage in a meaningful debate they are not worthy of my or any of the noble(lol)and thoughtful participants to this blog's acknowlegment.
I have noticed there has been an increase in attempts to cause disruption by anonymous posters in the past few submissions, but none have done anything more than spew vile submission and thus are not worthy of one moments effort.
There, I have given more than what they deserve in attention with this reply. I have in a previous message asked for engagement on topic but have recieved none.
Enough said...
Peace be with you all
Bravo. The next planned post is going to deal a bit with this subject. In essence I agree. I guess I just got to keep hoping for something more. There I go again, trying to be optimistic, JESUS, WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME. AM I SUCCUMBING TO LIBERAL BIAS? I'M LOST, DOOMED ARRRRGH.
Anon 10:40,
Oh my Gosh, it's over. Just a few short days after the one year anniversary of the Real Deal, I have no choice now but to shut the place down. I have finally been outed, as a card carrying commie.
I really thought it would be one of these "stupid progressive types" that would catch me, one of those who have hung in here for a year. Instead, it's a brilliant neocon who has done the deed. What was your first clue? The "Red State" location in my description? I thought long and hard about whether to use that moniker or not while spending many months plotting this deception called the Real Deal. I guess now that it was ultimately my downfall. (sigh)
Now that I am forced to come out of the commie closet, I fear that all readers will abandon the place in droves. Too bad, I had them all fooled for such a long time. You have no idea what you have done!
I'll try to do one more post, after the election, but it will be difficult. Like the great Reverand Haggard, I must confront the truth and face the reality that my writing career is left in ruins, all the good manipulation of the enemy shredded in the disposal of deceit.
Maybe if I'm lucky, O'Reilly will hire me to sweep the Factor floors. (Swaggart made a comeback or three I think) I have done good for the cause! Many, in fact most, could not have pulled this off.
But, as I do for everyone, I must still thank you for your comments, despite what you have done. (wiping tears as I shamefully type these near final words,)
Your comments on the election would be welcome.
In my opinion, the Saddam verdict is totally irrelevant. No one expected anything different, and no one really cares. One hanging, 3000 American bodies. Boosh gains nothing from this.
Also in my opinion, the Repub bump is real. They had no way to go but up. But, it is not enough. They have rallied some of the base, but they were too far behind for it to matter. They are not moving the independents far enough to win the House, and that is what they have to have. I have never thought that the Dems would win the Senate, but it is closer than I thought it would ever be.
The real story will be what happens to the dollar shortly after the election, (think TANK) regardless of the outcome. That, along with the military perhaps beginning to see that they are being set up for the fall over the Iraq debacle and not willing to take it, (administration comments that it is the "General's War") will be the real post election stories. The election is only the beginning,
Of course, you are correct. But since they are few and far between, they are hard to resist.
My question is, where are these freaks suddenly coming from? Are they really this desparate? They have often and consistently been found on Alternet and huge sites like that, but to invade here is unusual. Maybe we are on the map, who knows. It may have happened when the Fort first came calling, many months ago.
The beauty of this place, and for what I am most proud, is that they have no real effect on our activities. I have all of you to thank for that.
My bet is you won't get an answer to your query.
We had the design specs for a nuke in 1959 - Sr. High School physics class - tain't that hard to design them - getting the material is a hard. But, yep, I'm going to vote - you wouldn't beleive the proposals on the ballot in Michigan - at least we don't have electronic voting machines - yet - but then Michigan is pretty much the poster child for what you've been talking about -
may our spirits soar and join
Sorry Murph did not mean to step on your lines,and Cyclone do you really have a card and where can i get one?
Wait a minute i have a fucking printer what am i talking about?
Just received a call from one son over on the coast and he has seen the light and will be rolling this way for the revolution. Twenty million homes in foreclosure this year??HOly shit batwings.
Lennon was one of my favorites.
Murph I look forward to a post on that very topic,what chills me about people such as the Anon 10:40 is that they hold a potential to inflict a lot of damage if they were any more the wiser.
It is people like these who can twist a bit of information into something malicious and with the way Bush has granted himself authoritarian power a worm like this one can feed false information to the authorities and not think anything about it...that is very dangerous indeed...
Ya crack me up!! If what you write makes you a commie, well then I guess I is one as well!!
...but really in a lot of ways the term communism has been dealt a bad rap, but as with a lot of political bents it also has be fraught with people who were more than enough self serving.
Yup, dead on. I know that not too long ago you could go to a library and find the designs also. I might just have in some of my old files some very early plans yet. I don't remember throwing them out, but housecleaning years ago, I don't know.
It is the materials that are very hard to get, and the machinery for fabrication. It isn't all that easy a thing to put together.
It's like a lot of things in this world. Big difference between plans and execution.
montana freeman,
I lost my card!!! After reading the anon 10:40 post, I searched everywhere but couldn't find it. I now have nowhere to turn. Without the card I am merely an outcast.
And, that's 20 million and counting by the thousands each day. But, remember, ignore what you see in front of your eyes. The economy is great, cause Boosh says it is!
From Belgium,
I feel flattered that you are interested in my opinion on this one. I agree that the thrust of this post is essentially correct for these special times. This administration like none other before it has acted against the interests of those who entrusted it with power and whilst those from the other major party may be pissing into the same pot, it would appear that there is less splash back from them. It is a feature of representative democracy that anyone who holds an opinion strongly enough to want to represent the people according to that particular line of thought, can stand and try to gain enough votes to be elected. The fact that any citizen has the right to do this is what makes it a good system in principle and which enables the two party alternative to be broken. Consider that somebody believes in a particular way of doing things so much that they are willing to stand for their principles, change their lifestyle to run a campaign to persuade others to adopt that way of doing things also. Is it then right to ask or even expect those who want to choose for this new way to vote tactically in order to keep the perceived ogre out of office? To do so is to disable democracy and that is why it was correct for Ralph Nader not to withdraw however unpleasant the consequences. It is a well known trend that people tend to vote tactically in mid term or local elections but vote according to principle in full term elections. Because true democracy has been attacked on other fronts, including the Military Commissions Act and the proxy Gaza siege, against Hamas that now is the right time to play the tactical card.
My dear departed mother used to say “Just ignore them and it will cut them worse than a whip”. It is just that somehow you can’t resist the temptation of shooting into a barrel of fish, now and again even though you secretly know that you should rise above it.
I do believe that Lennon truly had the interests of the populous at heart. The good work that he had built up was subverted by Stalin in a similar way that the present administration has subverted the principles of the founding fathers. After Stalin’s death times had moved on and we were into the cold war. I have always felt that Lennon was both right and wrong at the same time with respect to his major difference of opinion with Rosa Luxembourg. He advocated a top down system whereas she wanted a bottom up system. This is essentially what separates the Communists from the Anarchists. I do however recognise the difficulties of holding referenda on major issues in a relatively backwards country which stretched from the Baltic to the Pacific during the early 1920’s.
It was my intention to do a post based loosely around the information on this site, without actually plagiarising it, but time is the thief of good intentions so I will just put up the link and you can make of it what you will.
Shit, man!!! We are undone!!! How could Anon 10:40 have known!
Should I have turned down the stereo while I was listening to "Internationale"?
Maybee he peeked in through the window when I was masturbating to that old picture of Jame Fonda, way back before I got married!
Maybee the American Flag toilet paper was a bit much?
Stoney, Stoney, Stoney,
Now you've gone too far. Don't ya know that the dyes in flag TP will give you a rash? You got to quit steering people in the wrong direction. lol
whoops, wrong name or weird spelling for murph. Actually it's a code. Figure this one out anon.
I've often warned you to be careful, but you have obviously slipped up somewhere. Now, we are cooked. By the way, I love the way you threw in "way back before I got married!" I'm sure the Mrs. appreciates that!
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