Monday, October 16, 2006

A New Cold War? We Had Better Hope So

As anyone who hasn’t been hiding under a rock over the last week or two knows, there has been a massive buildup of military hardware in the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea. These arms come from a wide variety of countries, all of whom, if you believe George W. Boosh are our “allies.”

Who is Coming to the Party?

Ships and war items are arriving in the arena from the long list of the following countries:

Turkey, Germany, Spain, Italy, France, Denmark, Greece, Belgium, the Netherlands, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Poland, Bulgaria, Egypt, Canada, Great Britain, Israel; plus assets from members of the Selective Security Treaty Organization, Russia, China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Belarus. Venezuela is backing the effort with supplies but thus far no troops.

As you can see, this is quite a list of folks who I presume Boosh is speaking of when he tells the Iranians and North Koreans that the “world is against you.” Though I would love to believe that he is right, the problem is I don’t. What I foresee happening with this group of “amassed thunder” in the Persian Gulf area and in the Mediterranean Sea is far different from the vision Boosh has of the same group. I will explain.

Over the course of writing the Real Deal, I have said too many times to count that the world has had enough of our arrogance, bullying and presumption that they will stand for us telling the rest of them how to live. Who are the rest of them? Take a look at the list above. How many of those countries do you believe that we can count as true allies should the unthinkable occur, the unthinkable being George W. Boosh deciding that it is wise to fire upon Iran? I would say three, and two of those are tenuous at best. Maybe none, when push comes to shove. The three are Great Britain, Canada, and Israel. The citizens of Great Britain have shown that they will not tolerate for much longer the blind faith that their soon to be ex leader, Tony Blair, has placed in the United States and specifically the Boosh administration. Canada joins us almost by default; since they join borders with us they really have no other option at this point. Israel, on the other hand, may or may not be with us. I wrote long ago that I am suspicious of their true alliance, and remain so today.

North Korea

To do this subject true justice, you must consider what has occurred recently in the fiasco with North Korea and the proposed UN sanctions. At the behest of the United States, with the usual Boosh cowboy “my way or the highway” rhetoric, the UN pushed through emergency sanctions against the PRNK. To see how meaningless these sanctions will be, one only has to look at the Republic of China. After the US gave up most of what it really wanted, a full embargo of the North, the Chinese announced that they would not inspect cargo headed into or out of North Korea. They did this before the ink was dry on the sanctions document, thus immediately rendering void any hope of these sanctions having any meaningful deterrent. Now Condi Rice will go through the song and dance of visiting Asian countries, attempting to get them on board, something that should have been done long before now. Keep this situation and the Chinese stance in mind when considering the rest of this subject.

The Showdown

It is time that the façade came down and that the Boosh administration stop pretending that the upcoming standoff with Iran is about anything other than what it is really about, and that is OIL. To suggest anything else is beyond believability. Not that I need to tell you guys, but this is what Iraq was about, Iran is about, and the future of this country is about. It has nothing to do with democracy, caring for the people of other countries or any other such nonsense that this administration spews. End of story. The problem is that other countries, including large and powerful countries such as China and Russia need oil as well. They are also not overly fond of the fact that we use much more than our fair share of this resource. To think for one second that they are going to stand by and watch us ramrod our way through the Middle East to continue our current status as the largest user of imported oil in the world and continue the status quo is naïve at best, deadly at worst. So, what might happen?

Go back to the above mentioned countries that are arriving in the Persian Gulf and Mediterranean Sea. Take a close look at who is there, what alliances have been building over the last 5 or so years, all 25 of them. Then try to imagine who is on who’s side. Boosh would like to pretend that all of these nations are arriving in the region in step with the US to show massive force to Iran and Syria, proving once and for all that the world will not stand for anyone other than Israel being a nuclear power in the region. Like most of his thinking, this is simply delusional. These other powers assembled there are not afraid of admitting the real reason that this is happening; they don’t have to try to fool their electorate. Not being worried about mid-term elections or legacies affords these countries the luxury of being there simply to protect their interests, and of saying so aloud. And, regardless of what this administration chooses to believe, catering to the United States of America, the bully on the block, is not an exercise that they wish to continue following. They have bowed to us and feared us long enough, and now it has become a life or death struggle. Not just for us, but for the entire world, as we all best position ourselves for a share of the last of the worlds dwindling oil supply.

My guess is that once everything is in place, once all countries have arrived and have their weapons directed at Syria and Iran, and that once the US decides to make the final take it or leave it offer to the Iranians, we are going to be in for the shock of our lives. I foresee the ships, warplanes and missiles of our “allies” to change targets and turn directly towards the US. Why? Because everyone likes a winner and the US will not be the winner in this situation. We will not be the winner because we have lost the moral authority to rule this planet, something that we have talked about on numerous occasions in the past. We will not be the winner because THE WORLD HAS HAD ENOUGH OF US.

Can you blame them? What have we done for the rest of the world lately? We have promised untold amounts of aid for everything from food to AIDS money and medication, and delivered none of it. We have blown Afghanistan and Iraq to hell and back, with nothing to show for it other than a resurgent Taliban in one, a Civil War in the other, and a whole bunch of dead people, including American kids in between. We have destabilized the Middle East, never a bastion of stability in the first place, to the point that it has become a powder keg, a powder keg that happens to hold the future of the world in its fragile hands. That is because it has the oil that we all need simply to survive. If you look around the Middle East today, can you tell me who is in charge? On second thought, don’t bother. I know you can’t. I can tell you a few folks who are NOT in charge though, that being the new democratic governments that we have put in place in Afghanistan and Iraq, nor the United States of America. Beyond that, chaos is the rule of the day in those two countries. Should we begin the same type operation in Iran and Syria; the entire Middle East will go up in flames, resulting in similar chaos throughout the region. The world can’t afford that, and everyone seems to get that fact but Boosh and his cronies. Business as usual is not an option anymore, and we are the last to realize it.

Saving Grace?

The good thing is this. China, Russia, and most of the above mentioned countries will not allow us to further destabilize the world or its oil supplies. They won’t because, like us, their very survival depends upon those supplies. The bad news is that we don’t have a clue how Boosh or his administration will react when faced with the very real possibility of being given the middle finger by the rest of the world. Hopefully, he will do the sane thing and we can have the 21st century version of the cold war. A long term standoff with warships poised and ready to go, staring each other down, much like the soldiers in the Korean DMZ. Boosh can then continue talking tough and doing nothing and maybe we can all stay alive for a little while. That is the best possible result that can come from this latest Boosh atrocity. The alternative is his arrogantly calling what he perceives as a bluff and triggering today’s version of the shootout at the OK Corral. We all know how that turned out.


This upcoming showdown was and is inevitable. We as a nation cannot continue to march around the world and tell others how to live, taking what we want and think we need along the way. Boosh said that he had “political capital” and that he was going to spend it. Whether or not he actually had any political capital is doubtful, but regardless he has more than spent his share. He spent it from Abu Ghraib to the shameful legislation that was recently passed allowing us to torture prisoners at will. There are simply too many examples of where he has overdrawn his account, and you all know where they are anyway. So do others in the world, which brings us to where we are today.

I will say it one more time. The world has had enough of us, and they will not take it any more. We have pushed and shoved, bullied and rattled our saber one too many times. Now we have forced the showdown of all showdowns. The forces are assembling as we speak, and they are assembling in close proximity to one another for the first time in the history of this world. In mass quantities, from more nations than one should care to count. The question is, in whose direction will the guns be aimed? I shudder to think.



At 8:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Indeed, would all of these countries back Bushkos play? I too find it hard to imagine that China, Russia or Venezuela would. The others, well.....maybe.

I wonder what back room deals, what political and military manuvering is taking place. We just might get some surprises out of this. We can say however that Bush and this administration is not going to stop their aggression voluntairily.

At 9:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Cyclone, this is going to be a tense three weeks. Reminds me of the Cuban Missle Crisis, only worse. Just to add fat to the fire, what if China really does have that space-based weapon that can induce earthquakes? And, what if the 6.6 earthquake that Hawaii just experienced was induced as a warning? One thing that the Murphman and I have not stocked up on is booze. At this point, maybe a trip to the liquor store is in order.

At 10:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I love reading your terse analyses of current affairs. Few I've heard and read speak as clearly, and offer as much insight as you. Bless you for your willingness to share your reasoned opinions.

I've been not exactly under a rock for the past few weeks. More like picking them up and placing them on pallets to ship to rich Mr. Me, building his dream home so hurriedly, and kitchenetting in the Hinterland Motel, without benefit of or access to the internet. But t.v., I've seen plenty. Where is there any mention of this build-up in the MSM?

I pass Stoney's scoop along to friends already wary of my paranoia, and am met with blank stares. Or worse, muffled resentment tries politely to stifle exasperation. Carefully worded suspicion catches in their throats.
Warnings are greeted with reproach.

So my question is, where is this intel coming from, that all the nations of the earth are gathering their sheilds and swords and sailing to Bethlehem? that I might speak of war, and the rumors of war, with clarity and credibility?

At 11:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s. to the above comment

see amy goodman's democracy now program for today, it's a must see, with Lynn Stewart and Scott Ritter.

At 11:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Like the Cuban Missile Crisis except for one element. The entire world watched the drama unfold then. Who knows about this? A handful of whackos who talk to themselves, while the rest of decent society dutifully serves Mammon and goes about its diminishing life, subservient and afraid.

At 11:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol.Right, Rockpicker. Here's a site for specifics on the military build-up: index.php?context=home
I had to add a space after the / to get it all in the box. Go there and read "Cold War Shivers" and Build up to War,etc. We both have dear sons of military age. I read this and have been sick to my stomach ever since.

At 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

As said, an excellent analysis Cyclone, just two questions.

Most of these amassed nations in the Eastern Mediterranean are from NATO nations. Do you foresee a peer group effect within this club which will resist a stand down after all the years of justifying its existence for just such an event, or will individual nations break rank and wait for others to follow?

Secondly, China is reportedly considering regime change in PRNK and in public statements is distinguishing between the people of North Korea and its administration. On the other hand PRNK is said in some quarters to be PROC’s suicide bomber. Is China playing an overt double game? There is no doubt that China has much to loose from Iran’s fall especially if Russia is next on Curious George’s shopping list.

At 2:11 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


I see that freeacre provided you with one outlet that explains to a degree what is happening. It is one of many, but is pretty comprehensive. Rest assured, it is happening. The MSM will not report it as a whole, until it becomes front page news. (not that it shouldn't be) Ala, after the fact. They have reported bits and pieces of the movement of US ships, but nothing showing the scope of the building forces. Nothing about other countries being involved at all.

I have long ago quit attempting to warn people, other than here on the Real Deal. One, they don't believe it can happen here, and Two, they don't appear to care. They are just now noticing that an election is upcoming, so what do you expect?

They won't care until a tank is parked in their driveway, and at that time 50% will likely ask the driver if he is thirsty. The American people will be like the MSM, they will get it AFTER the fact, not before. Until then, it is what it is and the rest of us can watch it play out before our very eyes.

Thanks for the kind words,


At 3:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Freeacre and Cy,

Thanks for the link. Just finished reading. Had to call my 90+ year-old mother, (who still reads the Nation faithfully) and Oldensoul, to pass along the link address. I was not aware of this site, but now have it bookmarked. BTW, have you looked at the list of officials who question the veracity of the 9/11 Commission Report? Man, that is impressive!

Cyclone, care to speculate whether the elections will be allowed to happen as planned? And, anyone, what do you think Karl Rove has planned for our "October surprise?"

At 4:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

More on the last post

At 4:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

guys,please run me over with something that may never happen,what does that mean in the real make belief

At 5:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you think that is a 'bit' extreme? Just somewhat over the top?
Even your own blog is not consistent:

You just wrote:
<<'I foresee the ships, warplanes and missiles of our “allies” to change targets and turn directly towards the US. Why? Because everyone likes a winner and the US will not be the winner in this situation.>>

BUT on 27 November, 2005 you wrote:
<<<<< No country, I repeat, NO COUNTRY, would dare fire a nuke in our direction. It would be instant and sure suicide for the entire citizenry of the country who dared do so. That is a given, we would obliterate them in a heartbeat. We have thousands of nukes, and could take out the entire population of the world if we chose to.>>>>

What's is to be? Or have "our allies" wisened up so much in the last six months? Sorry, I don't buy it....can't have it both ways.

At 5:24 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


I think that NATO will be a non factor in this, the nations will break and choose sides. One side will be loaded, the other scarce.

China/Russia will not allow the US to attack Iran without reprisal, thus the staredown. PRNK is a sideshow, I do not believe a regime change there will effect this situation. China is indeed playing a double game, more like a triple game. They have us by the ying yang and know it, with only financial considerations left holding them back. That won't last much longer.

I don't foresee China pulling the plug on the leader of PRNK, that threat needs to remain if for no other reason than it gives the dimwit something else to consider. China would be cutting it's own throat by solving that one for us. China can handle that problem whenever it wishes, now is not the time. That is my opinion only, keep in mind.

As for Russia and uncle Georgie, unless the nukes begin to fly I don't see us trying anything with them. That would be a last resort only, and would draw China immediately into the fray. After all, Boosh still thinks we're all friends.


At 5:26 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


I think the elections will go on. Who will win is the only question.


At 5:36 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


First, things have changed considerably since November, 2005. I don't think that I have ever suggested that outside of Tony Blair that we have had any "allies" since we decided to invade Iraq. So, I'm not sure that we have any true allies.

Secondly, I am not suggesting that another country will fire a nuke at us preemptively, only after WE PULL THE TRIGGER ON THE FIRST ONE. Then, all bets are off. That is what this is about, whether or not Boosh will see the rest of the world lined up against us as a deterrent. We have become the wild card in all of this, rather than another country, which was the premise of the comment in the other piece. Thanks for your comments,


At 5:40 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


You can rest assured that we are not involved in the "backroom deals." We are the ones being dealt. Wheeling and dealing (diplomatic relations) is not a Boosh strong suit. Real problems are created when you refuse to talk to your enemies, allowing them to seek the "backroom."

I think you will find the others more than happy to align with China and Russia when the chips finally fall.


At 5:41 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


Booze is highly recommended, if your stomach can handle it.


At 6:00 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...

Well how about this shit! I talked on the phone with a friend who's in Army Inteligence, (Yea I know those two words should never be used in the same sentence, but whatcha gonna do?!), and this person assured me that The Persian Gulf IS the port of destination for this stange fleet, and a stranger fleet you'ld never see! Half of these "allies" few people have ever heard of, and fewer still know of their aims, or objectives!!! Several people I know, (and myself included) are of the mind that they are not going there with us, but because of us!

I think you've got it right, Cy. They are going to make sure we don't snatch the prize and run off with it.

Canada IS trying to throw itself into the fray on our side, simply because they are the LEADING oil importer to the United States, and they have to protect their intrests!

That's right, people! Canada imports more oil into the United States than any other country in the world! In fact they import TWICE as much as their closest second! The United States oil market is the cash cow of the Canadian economy! It's the "Goose that laid the golden egg, Alladin's Cave, and the Midas touch" all rolled up into one! What do you think is going to happen if China gets pissed off, and pulls in it's markers, destroying the US economy!!! Canada will get rolled over on, and they DAMNED sure can't let that happen! Canada is with us in this to the bitter end whether they like it or not, AND THEY KNOW IT!!!!

Now let's talk about Kazhstan, Uzbekistan, Tijikestan, Kyrgystan, and Belarus. What do all these countries, (that hardly anyone knows anything about), want? What is their objective? I know that the big dogs lead the smaller ones, but this is some really wierd shit!!! Why in the hell would a bunch of third world countries throw in with us unless they had been promised FAT plunder for doing so! No other reason makes sense!

What will they do if and when they discover this plunder is not to be had? Will they join with the enemey, and turn on us like rabid dogs? Just how much of our battle plans do these countries know about? Are they somehow part of the "black ops" that Bush has been conducting over in Iran? Have they already been paid their booty? What is the reason for their involvment in an engagement with Iran? It doesn't make any sense on it's face alone! There HAS to be some kind of shady dealings somewhere! And as we have seen in the last few months, Republicans are having a hell of a time keeping their mouths shut! Expect some over-looked-for-promotion military type to take a big greasy shit in "Boosh's" ten gallon hat either right before, or right after the festivities begin! Boosh thinks this is going to be a walk in the park. Like so many other things HE'S FUCKING WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!!!!!

Remember China versus North Vietnam? North Vietnam kicked China's ass, ate their lunch, and made them watch!!! How? The Vietnamese People have been in a state of constant warfare for thousands of years! THEY"VE GOTTEN GOOD AT IT!!!!

Let's look at Iran! Iran was involved in a nasty war with their neighbor Iraq. I don't know who started it, and nobody else does either! Iran and Iraq used to be one country called "Persia" and Bagdad use to be it's capitol. This was all well and good, untill certain forces from Europe, and the United States decided to go over there and fuck with them! We've been fucking with them for the last hundred years and it's WAY past time to stop!!!

Iran has some VERY nasty shit to fight with, and not only that, they are known to be very effective guerilla warriors. They will NOT greet American forces as liberators, and US forces will NOT have the turkey shoot in Iranian airspace that they had in iraqi airspace! Russia has provided Iran with cutting edge anti-aircraft ordinance, and the training to use it!! If Iran can hold off the air strikes, they will be able to form strong defensive postions around the Persian Gulf, and the Iraq-Iran border.

Any attempt at a ground campain would be slow and bloody! America has neither the manpower, or the support infrastucture for this sort of campain. The only way Bush can get it is to crank up the draft, and turn the Military-Industrial Complex lose to do what they've been dying to do for the last fifty years! Then we're all shit out of luck, and jolly well fucked!

This could indeed be the last gasp of a once great nation! And the scarey thing is, there ain't shit we can do about it!

At 6:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the sons of miitary age throw their waffles off the table in the morning when i say you want to kill someone?
iam wondering where to stack the bodies ,they say what do your have in mind and i say who gives a shit, we have the weapons and the know how so what is the difference?/

beings a father i have to say a little something, but what?
i think that we should destroy this village so it looks like iraq and then try to pick up the pieces, so every one should git a good look at what bush is doing to the world,,,
a sentence from a friend of mine and come to think of it i have not seen him for a few days

mikey the threelegged warrior


At 8:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


As usual, another great post worth a read. In my direction you are preaching to the choir but I still find your thoughts stimulating.

George has been very busy amassing a group of war ships from a variety of other countries just off the Persian Gulf and my guess it has been drummed into each of these countries that these are naval EXERCISES, and we do these practices in the event we have to address something as foreboding as a nuclear aggressive country. Is it posturing? Grandstanding? Call it what you will but you can bet dollars to donuts the US is saying to the Iranians “See you will face dire consequences if you do not heed what we say”.

I do not believe for a minute that most of these countries will follow a US or Isreali lead strike against Iran. My believe is that should an event such as a false flag operation be undertaken against a US warship the rest of the countries will be there to prevent the annihilation of the world because of a thick headed US president who would like nothing better than to utilize his nuclear arsenal. I would like to think it so but alas that does not make it so. Still you look as some on that list such as a Venezuela, be it true that they are there, have already assured the Iranian government they will be on their side should the uS strike them. Canada well… what can I say, if they have their canoe over there it will mean little if anything when the guns start blazing, and reports from friends back in Canada, those who supported Harper in the past election, the days are numbered for that man. Yes Stoney Canada exports a lot of oil and natural gas to the US however should the US dollar collapse Canada ahs already been busy linking agreements with China to supply oil in that direction.

The coverage by the MSM is not to be expected. I believe that the October surprise could very well be a declaration of martial law, and conscription will become mandatory for all but the wealthy who will buy their way out of the death trap that is the middle east.

Americans are fools should they believe that this will remain a war over there. This will eventually become a religious or so called holy war in that being supporters of the Christian right against those that follow the faith if Islam (ie Islamofacism). It will come to the streets of America, it will find its way into the white collar crowd cause when that person who looks like he or she is Muslim, and is a target by an uneducated, bully mentality type crowd that are most Americans, fed with a copious dose of mind numbing reality television, becoming a martyr for their faith will become an option.

These are scary times, and many do not realize how potentially threatening this activity is regarding the exercise in the Persian gulf. Still I have friends in the US who are of the mind that America should just get in there and NUKE them ragheads back to the dark ages. These are not bad people wishing this, they are just ignorant and for me it is becoming a real stretch to continue calling them friends…sigh

I am sorry for such a long post…but I felt compelled


At 10:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is off-topic, but this page is so impressive, I just felt compelled to share the link. I plan to direct all the skeptics on Alternet to this site when they tout "expert" testimony corroborating the 9/11 commission's findings. How to get it into the MSM?

Oops! Sorry. Lost track of reality, for a second. Almost forgot, we're on the eve of destruction.

I don't believe Bush/Cheney intend to take any chances losing either house of Congress. The elections are coming up pretty damn soon, and latest reports continue to show the Repugs falling further behind.

What would happen to public opinion should news of this build-up flood the MSM?

I say, make it so.

But the prudent thing for B/C, via Rove, to do would be to involve us militarily in something so big and hurtful and scarey that the majority of voters would be unwilling to change horses in the middle of the stream.

Viola! Another Repug majority, guaranteed to be introduced as evidence of a "mandate", and its on to Armaggedon!

At 4:23 PM, Blogger mrs p said...

Monday's Democracy Now had former U.S. Weapons Inspector, Scott Ritter on with his new book, "Target Iran: The Truth About The White House's Plans For Regime Change." Scott Ritter has recently returned from Iran. He claims we're already there, just not offically. Meanwhile we're going to play high school bully with N. Korea...swell just swell. I think if you call designate someone the Class Clown then they've got to perform. Our foreign policy is not. We don't want peace with anyone - it's not part of the plan. If you want to see what Scott Ritter says, go to

At 4:38 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...


Yep! Canada has been selling the shit out of oil to China! In fact so has Iran, Saudi Arabia, and every other oil producing nation in the world! The reason why is China has been building a fancy new dam for quite a while now, and it's just about finished! This a one BIG FUCKING DAM!!! We're talking about a dam that's 610 feet high, and almost a mile and a half long!!!

A lot of big snarly machinery that burns the shit out of diesel fuel is at work along with 20,000 people on this monster! (Ever wonder why the price of diesel fuel is so high compared to gasoline? Well! Now you know! It's because China's using so much of it on this new dam!)

This is going to be the largest dam and hydro-electric plant in the world!! I'm talking about the output of 15 nuclear power plants here!!! It's 5 TIMES THE SIZE of the Hoover Dam, that brought Los Vegas to bloom in the desert, and powers it and Los Angeles! And guess what!!! It's damn-near finished! The last panel was put in place in May of 2006 nine months ahead of schedule, and the coffer dam behind it was demolished on June 6 2006. The resivoir began to fill on June 2 2006, and the whole deal is expected to be up and running next year with a total of 18.2 gigawatts of power, and 84.7 tetrawatt-hours anually! This is one thirtieth of the total eletricity requirements for THE WHOLE COUNTRY OF CHINA!!!! Needless to say, with this boundless supply of cheap and almost free energy, China won't be needing a whole lot of oil after 2008!

The structure of the dam is complete, and they're putting in the hydro-electric equipment as I type. THAT'S why the price of oil is dropping, and will continue to drop unless something really, really bad happens in the middle-east, and President Pork Pie's fleet is on it's way to The Perian Gulf to make sure that it does!!!

Dastardly Dick's Haliburton stock is going through the roof right now! Do you think he's going to sit idely by while the market for oil in China drys up by half?

Canada has a lot to, lose in this too, as does Venezuela! That's why Hugo Chavez has decided to dance with "The Devil" to make sure a hight oil price continues to fund his fine social programs! Although we have also seen Venezuela's actions at the UN to make sure things don't get too hairy! (Just because he wants to dance, doesn't mean they're going home together!)

This whole thing is going to get VERY interesting and will put some really strange people in bed together before it's all done! We might even see some of oddest aliances ever known to man, and indeed some of the shortest!

Better get your popcorn, Ely!! This going to be one HELL of a show!

And a program! You won't be able to tell who's playing for whom without a program! In fact I don't think we'll be able to tell WITH a program! Okay! Fuck the program! Just bring your gun, get Montana Freeman to hook you up with one of those 3M gas masks, and strap on a helmet! This one might get into the stands before it's all done!

At 6:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

is testament to the fact that we love each other and respect each other to the point that we know who we are just because of that,thank you Spirit across the Sea, i love you my friend,

At 3:07 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


As usual, I cannot disagree with anything that you say. I think we are cut from the same cloth. I'm not sure what that says about you! Just kidding, I think. I think that you are correct. This war will reach our shores, I am actually somewhat surprised that is hasn't already. Perhaps the threat against football stadiums is the beginning of that. Or, another "cry wolf" effort to garner votes on election day. Either could be equally accurate. These ARE scary times, obviously made more so by having a mad man (men) at the wheel. Yet, we trudge on. What else is there to do?

I don't think anyone really realizes the impact that the suspension of habeus corpus for whoever Boosh decides it should be suspended for has on everyday Americans, who actually care a lot more for this country than do those in charge. I planned to do a long post on it, but hopefully I have convinced all to pay close attention to Keith Olberman, a former ESPN sports anchor. A true genius, and one who pretty much said it all last night. I may still do that post, it cannot be emphasized enough in my view, and there is always an additional angle to every crime this administration commits in the name of "protecting America." Placing "the sign" in front of Boosh when he signed this legislation may be the single most offensive thing this miscreant has done to date, certainly much more offensive than the "mission accomplished" fiasco.

More than any other emotion, this man brings to me a feeling of sadness as to how far we have actually fallen during this man's tenure. The small things that people miss, such as the sign designed by Karl Rove, when added together, take some thought and effort to accumulate and analyze. Too bad that Americans as a whole don't have the time nor desire to make such an analysis. If they did, Washington DC would be stormed today and "regime change" would be demanded. Regime change against the man who should be the single most feared man on the planet, Osama bin Laden not withstanding.

Yes, I think sadness is the proper emotion. As they continue to spread fear among the few electorate who will participate in the upcoming "election," they always have Diebold as a backup. What a pathetic lot we have become, blindly following the commander in chief as he leads us off the cliff of democracy into the abyss of totalitarian???????

I doubt that we will have the opportunity for such discourse for much longer, but until then I shall continue.

Just be assured that your comments and vision are appreciated, more than you will ever realize.


At 7:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

Here is a gem of a quote from a publication called The Green Ribbon on the subject of whether USA will attack Iran.

"Essentially, the debate boils down to this: could they really be that stupid? Unfortunately, they've got form."

At 9:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Please do a post concerning Habeus Corpus, I think people in this group really need to fully understand what it means to have that particular event (the demise of HC as signed by the Bush)analysed so that anyone of us in this small community can give a detailed and educated response to any person out there who does not see how the elimination of that little protection affects each of us to the very core.

People need to understand its evolution, and why it is so very necessary to protect an individual against those who have an advantage, who can and will use their power against you if that is what is expedient to achieveing their immediate goal.

To understand that there was a time when if you and your master (very general use of the term master)did not like the way you combed your hair you were removed to never be heard from again. If that person of priviledge saw that you had something they wanted you would find yourself a victim of the system without protection and in general without any type of hope.

To understand that you can never be safe from those who are are around you looking to have you deemed a threat to the state, and accuse you of a mere utterance of a word against the emperor you can be locked away forever.

Yes people need to understand, and people who do understand need to keep explaining this over and over until it somehow makes a connection with people.

It is not terrorists we should fear, at the moment it is the Government, and as the words in that movie V for Vendetta it is the government who should fear the people.

America has fallen... has fallen hard and the sadness is that very very few people realise what has taken place.

Perhaps we are cut from the same cloth, a fine cloth it is in my opinion, and if I had more than just a few snippits of time here and there I would be able to put down a few more of my thoughts to share. Until I get those periods I will follow along with your discourse and appreciate that you and I are running, a lot of time, parallel in thought...(lol) for good or for bad.


At 9:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Belgium,

I sure hope it's not invisible cloth, we don't want to offend Freeacre lol.

At 7:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As far as I'm concerned, the author, Cyclone, has about as much credibility as does the President. What evidence/intelligence/information does he have to back up these assertions, other than his armchair speculations?

Take a second look at list of countries he mentions are amassing naval power and supplies in the Med:

Turkey, Germany, Spain, Italy, France, Denmark, Greece, Belgium, the Netherlands, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Poland, Bulgaria, Egypt, Canada, Great Britain, Israel; plus assets from members of the Selective Security Treaty Organization, Russia, China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Belarus. Venezuela is backing the effort with supplies but thus far no troops.

Half of these countries are NATO allies! You mean to tell me that all of them will break their 50-year-old treaty commitments with us on a dime and without warning to help defend, of all places, Iran???

I don't think so.

P.S. I question anyone who can't differentiate between the PRC and the "Republic of China" who everyone else knows as Taiwan.

At 5:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the anonymous idiot at the bottom,

I read here all the time but don't comment very often. Reading what the anonymous person at the bottom of these comments said about the NATO alliance and comparing cyclone to the president makes me need to speak out. This shows how people reading the same thing can come to entirely different conclusions. It shows too that people like this are pretty stupid. When I read the article I don't see it as cyclone saying that these countries will break a 50 year alliance to "defend Iran" but that they would do so to "stand up to American bullying." That seems to be the whole point of the article to me, and its a pretty big difference. Am I missing something here? As for the PS part it looks like a cheap shot over wording, proving the ignorance of thee rest of your comments. There is a buildup in the Gulf Region and most people who read this site with any regularity don't need to have sources pointed out to them. We are able to do our own homework to learn about massive military buildups around the world and it takes about 10 minutes. This is not the only site that has this information. If you have to be spoonfed basic information that is available by looking somewhere other than your television set or your newspaper this is probably not the place for you and you should go back to Real World 101 or American idol. Then come back for real information when you grow up. You also commented as an anonymous person of course. After you grow up at least have the guts to put your name on your idiot comments.

Steven P. Greene
Atlanta, Georgia

At 10:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Steven,

Glad that you've got Cyclone's back.


At 7:40 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

Anonymous 7:00PM,

While I don't normally respond harshly with people who comment here, when my credibility is called into question and I am mentioned in the same vein as George W. Boosh, I feel that I must do so. So, here's a little history lesson for you.

If you go through every piece that I have written on this blog, you will see that I have never, to my knowledge, listed evidence, intelligence information, or any other sourcing materials. I do this by choice, for several reasons. I will mention a couple. Others should be obvious.

First, I find it to be a waste of my limited time to do so, given the intellect of the people who read this blog. They are well aware of the literally millions of places that do just what you request, list source after source after source. The information that I comment on is out there, look for it if you want to. That is only one thing that makes this blog different from the rest.

Secondly, I assume, rightly or wrongly, that people who read this material have a clue about what is going on in the world and take the time to do some source work on their own. If you bothered to read through the comments section, you would find a plethora of sources and links mentioned by other folks commenting that would allow you to fact check things that I talk about. All you have to do is take the time to read all of it. I would suggest that you do so before you question my credibility.

Third, every piece on this blog is "opinion oriented." It is presented as food for thought, nothing more, nothing less. I do not expect anyone to believe everything that I say, nor would I want them to. In fact, I don't want to believe most of it. Unfortunately, it is how I see things, and it is up to you to decide whether to agree or not. However, to make a blanket statement questioning my credibility simply because there is no "roadmap," and because you are obviously unwilling to do any research on your own is insulting to me and to everyone who reads this material.

Finally, in case you haven't noticed, there is no advertising on this site, another thing that makes this place unique. That is done by choice as well. The readership here is large enough that I could easily dump ads for this or that here, sell a bunch of crap and probably make a good chunk of change. Again,I choose not to. This site is done without any outside funding or sponsorship, no outside influences, and is 100% free. That choice was made to guard the very thing you question, my credibility. The Real Deal is what it is, and I will make no apologies to you or anyone else for that. We do not deal with child's play here, but examine the world that we live in, hoping that something is left 5 years from now so that we can make it a better place.

So, as Mr. Greene stated,(who I have never before met or communicated with and to my knowledge has never made any comments before) maybe this isn't the place for you. We have readers from 70+ countries, many of whom stay around for a while.

Don't get me wrong, you are more than welcome here as is anyone else in the world. You also have the right to disagree with anything that is written, and comment on it as you choose. Unlike the vast majority of sites, comments here (with the exception of one many months ago) are not screened, deleted or altered in any fashion.

But, DO NOT QUESTION MY CREDIBILITY OR INTENT while doing so, unless you have some evidence to prove that my credibility is at issue. The day that you can succesfully show that my credibility is in serious question, the Real Deal will cease to exist.

I will not comment on your PS, as I said, I don't have time for child's play.

Thanks for stopping by,


At 10:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You sound like the Wizard of Oz. "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain."

You are yet another pretentious flaming liberal, who has nothing but time on his hands to write very pretentious tomes.

Your audience is made up of similar knee-jerkers.

You dismiss all comments other than yours as bullshit.

Alas! Tis you who are the bullshiter.

I expect this to be deleted because you can't stand other opinions.

Unfortunately, the internet is comprised by people like you who can't find a publisher and have eons of time on their fat hands.

Bet you grossly overweight and homebound. That is the physical and social type of your ilk as well. When not doing this, you diddle about e-bay or have an internet service of some type.


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