Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Cyclone Update

Hey guys and gals. I just wanted to let you all know what is going on with me at present, and give a mini update on something. This is one of the few opportunities that I have to do so, as unforeseen events have entered my life. Unfortunately, due to the setup of this blog, it has to go above my Belgian friend's as of yet unanswered question. So, after reading this, you can go back to the business at hand.

First, I don't know how many baseball fans we have here, so I'll do a short explanation. As many of you know, I formerly umpired professional baseball and currently work college baseball. The Minor League Umpires are on strike, in fact have been on strike since spring training began. I was contacted by the AAA International League and the AAA Pacific Coast League to umpire in their leagues until the strike is settled, and am currently working in the International League. Whether or not I will become involved with the Pacific Coast League is still up in the air. This has created a scheduling nightmare, and disrupted any semblance of organization that I had. Attempting to get the college games that I was already assigned to work covered, plus work through scheduling the professional games has put me, and the leagues, in total scramble mode. These are large money operations, the games must be played or fans will be lost by the droves. At the moment, this leaves little time for the Real Deal, and for that I apologize. Once everything settles a bit I should be able to return to a more normal posting schedule. Until then, you guys have proven more than capable of carrying on without me.

The Economy

Also, I received some news yesterday from a highly reliable source that the economic implosion we have been talking about for some time is near fruition. I am told that making it to the end of June without a huge negative economic event is highly doubtful. The end of May is iffy. Hopefully, you have made some preparations already; I know that many of you have. For those who haven't, do not delay. Make certain you have food and water on hand. As no one knows what this will look like on the backside, in my view, you cannot have too many stockpiled supplies.

It appears to be 75/25 that the day many have dreaded and others have relished is very, very near. Again, do not believe any of the numbers that are bandied about by Booshco and the Fed, they are simply made up. The house of cards is soon to tumble. I would suggest keeping your eye on the prices of oil and gold over the next week or two. It may well give some reasonable indication as to where we are headed. Finally, get prepared for the worst. It could well happen overnight. I believe that the only question left is whether or not Boosh will nuke Iran before we crash. If we invade Iran, either through nuclear or conventional means, you will know that we have reached the end.

I'll be back as soon as I can get things organized, or will figure out a way to post something should I get news of an immediate impending crisis. Thanks, as always, to Murph for taking good care of things in my absence.

Now, back to my Belgian friend's puzzle. For the record, I do not know who he is referring to in his question. I have not had time to think much about it, but doubt that I would get it right even if I did. I do think that Missouri may be a key hint, however. Until then,



At 7:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Cyclone,

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but your post makes it sound as if you are working as a scab umpire.

At 8:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Union busting? Very bad form--if so! And playing right into the hands of the Corporate masters!

At 9:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Upcoming baseball games in the wake of an upcoming collapsing economy? Can we really have both?

At 9:28 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I will explain my postition on this "scab" and "union busting" situation. As a former pro umpire, I thought long and hard before agreeing to do this. I have been out of the pro game for 30 years. (irrelevant for the most part) What I see today is this. The guys currently working pro baseball have no problems crossing the college line, when convenient, working occasional regular season games and frequent NCAA Tournaments, thus taking work from college umpires who work the entire season. They do this before the season (I can live with that, others can't) but also when on "vacation" or "leave of absence" from pro ball (I cannot live with that.) If there is a "line," in my view, it should work both ways. They stay out of our game while in pro ball, just like I did, and once they quit pro ball then they are welcome to come take college jobs. But they can't have it both ways, or there is no "line." The respect has to go both ways, and it doesn't. Mutual respect is required in my book. Granted, others feel differently, it's an individual choice. But, there really are two sides to this issue. Baseball has always been a unique animal, where umpires are concerned. It would be similar to Barry Bonds playing college baseball (if allowed) while the Big Leaguers were on strike, taking a roster spot away from a college player.


At 9:31 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

anonymous 9:26,

It is my job, just like I assume you have one. I don't suggest that anyone quit working yet. When it all crashes, we will all fall together, regardless of one's field of employment.


At 11:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A similar thing happened in the early 80's between Rugby Laegue and Rugby Union. Purists (usually the union lot) said you either play one or the other but leaguers would play any game they could get.

Anyway it looks as if pannick has set in at the White House. The cabinet is changing the team. It might be more useful if the team changed the cabinet.

From Belgium.

At 1:04 PM, Blogger efsaturn said...

Small world. I also know an ump filling in (see I won't use that "s" word) I would imagine that would be the pacific league since that is where we are.

It is such a twist to prepare for the end and still maintain a regular life. Gotta keep the paychecks coming in. This is a fine line for me and trying to prepare. But it has helped me accept my job a little more. Now isn't the time for me to be switching jobs.

But I just wonder do I/ did I have enough time to find a small place in the middle of nowhere to start on my self sustainable life style.
I already picked up and moved across country this year and then came back, so leaving again is a big thing. I'm sure I could find a professional level job in a rural area.

The point is maintaining "life" and trying to prepare and bring others into awareness just isn't that easy. I figure I've done what I can for now.

Cyclone's post has brought this home, that we are all in that quandry except for those already set in the middle of nowhere and already living that life. (Montana Freeman, Murph, maybe our friend in Singapore)

On another matter, but that which relates to maintaining "life" vs. taking up the good fight. I keep reading that "we" the US citizens should be protesting and rebeling, but how long would it take if I went to WA DC and just camped out for others to join and then others and then others. I don't think I would have any job or home when I got back if I could get back. And I would be without my safety net for this economy collapse. Now if I did this in my city center, well it would just take that much longer. Should I be doing this with every waking minute outside of work? I don't know. Is this our famous US apathy? Or fear of losing my comfort zone?

Don't know. Just going keep on trudging and try not to leave too many marks on this planet.

At 7:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also heard news that during the 2 week holiday period of congress, starting from 7th April and completed by 11th April 2006, the demolition team that is responsible for 9/11 twin towers have also done the same thing for capital hill, so when a bigger than 9/11 event occurs to capital hill, the entire place, possibly entire congress will be wiped out. It must occur soon, possibly within 2 weeks as Isreal has been pressing for war with Iran. The schedule for the war with Iran has slipped from end Dec 2005 to end March 2006 to now and it is too slow. The administration does not want to stop this as it needs a reason to invade Iran and without congress to question orders to invade iraq/iran etc.... without approval of congress as required by the US consitution.

At 7:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, we haven't gone rural by a long shot. Just a small community that unfortunately is growing faster than it can provide services. Fut if our crash happens, that will be a mute point.

How to maintain a life when you believe a major crash is coming. That is something we talk about all the time, nearly every day. Into what do we put the money that is available? How else can we prepare? How do we cover our asses if by some miracle the crash is held off? Going to work when it may be around the corner seems like such a waste of time, better spent getting a super garden going, accumulating trade goods, whatever.

We have been talking about what individuals should/should not be doing on this site. I think that any protesting would just be a waste of time now, just too damn late. The ship has to go down and then hopefully we can reorganize, and hopefully with a better system than went down.

At 8:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I know how you feel.I get up in the morning and read Cyclone's post and peak oil sites, alternative media, etc. for about 2 hours. Then I go to work and sell advertising into our little town newspaper while I believe that soon it will all collapse and nobody will have any money to buy ads, be able to bring in stock or supplies or whatever, and the economy will grind to a halt. I just have to believe that at least I'm doing networking and making friends that I will be able to cooperate with and help to establish a localized economy. Hopefully, the paper will be able to stay in business in some form that will be able to help people communicate and organize. Meanwhile, I'm making money to help create a place for our friends and family to at least survive in. It's tough to go to work, though, when I'd rather be planting veggies. Bummer. We're trying to insulate the garage and put in a woodstove and create a "bunkhouse" for people that will need a place to stay (if they help with the farming). All you can do is do what you can for as long as you can, I figure.

At 5:58 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I don't think I would spend too much time trying to convince others of anything at this point. It's simply too late and will be over before you can convince those that refuse to believe. As I gather more information from several different sources, it all looks like we are rapidly nearing the point of no return. No one can say exactly when the big event will occur, but it will be sooner rather than later. Start worrying about yourself and those close to you. Saving the rest from themselves is fruitless. It is much too late for protests to do anything. This should have occured a year or more ago. Also, no one knows exactly what the scenery will be afterwards. Just be prepared to lock the doors wherever you are and protect yourself and what is yours. Chaos will undoubtedly ensue at some point, be it one week or six months after the fall of the Boosh regime.


At 6:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cyclone ,sorry to hear that you are caught up in the dispute,man life is just such a bitch sometimes trying to balance all that needs to be balanced.
freeacre,sounds like you live in a village a little larger then the one i live in.this one has one grocery store,which would be empty in a week if the trucks stopped comming,a post office, a hardware store a clinic,a auto parts store,phone company store,couple of country bars ,gas station,post office,senior center,crappy school teachers,video store,thats about it except for a lot of beautiful people.and the usual things that go on in small places.
many of us are self suffient or could be that way in the shake of a lambs tale, my good friend just aqquired a place up north a few miles and will live there in his fixed up school bus,right next to the tribal wilderness where no one hardly ever goes,except that some are allowed that do no harm to the land.
i also have a school bus that i converted into a dwelling and its damn comfortable if i do say so myself,lived in it for five years before being talked into living in a square teepee.
never thought about this before but you folks might think about this route to explore.they are accruable,cheap and fix it up any way you wish.every thing you need for complete comfort and when you get ready to move you just turn on the key!! motor homes are usless for the long haul,believe me they are built for two weeks in the summer and will not stand for two feet of snow on them,or much rain of wind,but ahaa. a bus,them sons a bitches can take any thing you can dish out and still come up swinging.just a thought people,the sense of readiness when you have one of them bad boys really rocks,you know you can handle a bunch cause your survival is closer to being in the bag.
you know during the late sixtys and early seventies there were hundreds of busses with hippies galore driving all over the country like seeds from the almighty spirit landing here and there and setting up little communes,some made it some failed,and others did other things,that just might me happening again,i have had many offers from people to buy the bus i have but i say get your own,its easy and i will help you fix it up, i do remodel and new construction if i get the urge.anyway my fingers are tired and i'm going for more coffee.
love to all of you and lets help each other,its lots more fun then any thing else i can think of.
cyclone you don't have to explain anything to me,i know your heart is pure and thats that.
peace brothers and sisters
montana freeman

At 9:24 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...

The bus idea is great! Like Montana Freeman said, busses are tough as nails and are usually built on 2-ton truck frames. I would suggest one of the older conventional types rather thn the flatfron style. The conventional style uses a standard truck engine, transmission, and rear end assembly. Those with diesel engines will run just great on bio-diesel, and the gasoline fueled engines can be converted to run on ethanol. Just remember to paint the roof of your bus with a couple of coats of "cool seal" to plug any future leaks and reflect the sun. Busses get really hot if you don't!

At 9:28 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...

Four 12 volt batteries hooked up in parralel and a 500 watt inverter should produce all the electricity needed. A solar pannel mounted on the roof can be used to charge the batteries when the bus engine isn't running.

At 10:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The bus idea is great. I just wish I had the spare cash to buy one. Btw, don’t let David Cassidy know you have got one.

The thing which puzzles me is the Iranians are no fools, I cannot believe that they do not know what we know so instead of inviting confrontation as they now are, why don’t they go in for exploratory open ended talks with Russia and China to waste time whilst the US economy goes to the dogs. Then they can do whatever they want without fear of reprisal.

From Belgium.

At 1:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous from a few days ago,

This isn't the first time that you have posted information (rumor) that is far out. Suitcase bombs, and now demolition of the white house. Where is this kind of information coming from?

At 1:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeh, I have wondered about that too but didn’t want to ask. If you know this info for sure or even if you don’t, then why don’t you get one of the few truly investigative reporters with White House access to ask the right questions? Once it is reported as a White House denies story in a respected journal it would be difficult to follow through with any plan unless they are truly past the point of caring.

Even though Cyclone tells us how many countries in which this blog read it is still a specialised interest group. This news deserves a wider audience.

From Belgium

At 5:52 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...

It's not quite so easy as that, Belgium. This president is the darling of the corporate intrests! These are the sort of people that own the media! They don't want to kill the goose untill he quits laying those golden eggs! And, Oh Brother!!! Bush has laid some big ones in his day! Most of these were dropped while the press held the country's attention away from Barbara's dimpled darling, while he crawled under the table and took a shit!

Investigative reporters work for corporations as long as they tell the story the corporation is paying them to tell! They won't be doing any investigating around Bush! Oh Hell no!!

By the way! Scott McClellan quit today! I guess Bush's line of shit was too, big for even that weasely little fucker to sell! Even Rupert Murdoch was glad to see him go!

And Karl Rove went out to help the Republicans stave off the attack from ...well...us! I don't think this is any problem as long as we don't try to take the high ground! We're gonna have to sling shit and get nasty to win this one! I mean NASTY!! Trot out the Goth children of the other candidate and whatever other dirt you can find! Sometimes you just got to hold your nose and crawl around in the shit!

At 6:00 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...

Back on track Belgium, I agree! Those posts were pretty far out! That's the problem with a government run press which is what we have right now whether we want to admit it of not! "All Liberals report to the Free Speach Zone!" That's what kind of redress we can expect from this administration! "Bitch all you want but we can ignore it!!"

At 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 11:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


What in the world is that link supposed to mean? It is nothing but pop culture, no substance.

Would you mind explaining what you have in mind with that? And what does it have to do with your past statements?

At 12:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Turns out you really ARE a stodgy old fart.

If you cant see the humor in that little play on an old Beatles song sticking it to the chimperor, than I'm sorry for you!

On the other hand, maybe you missed the coward-in-chief's little dissertation on Himself being the "decider"? in which case I apologize for atacking your snide remarks.

At 2:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous, Your 7.27 post was quite specific about a conspiracy to create another atrocity on Capitol Hill and use this as a reason for USA to invade Iran. Now you are trying to hide behind a Beatles song on a fluff site, what is going on? Are you seriously expecting us to believe this is the source of your information?

I can’t work out if you are a kid playing games or if you are agency trying to put so many scares about that people will take their eye off the ball.

From Belgium

At 3:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Just to clarify--it was not I that posted the anonymous 7:27. But if you too are having trouble seeing humor in the take off of that Beatles song than you too are a stodgy old fart!

You said--"I can’t work out if you are a kid playing games or if you are agency trying to put so many scares about that people will take their eye off the ball." At any rate, for now you just busy yourself trying to figure out this major mystery you feel you have identified.

At 4:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous from 12:03

Well, I figure for me to be a stodgy old fart depends on the frame of reference you are using. I did recognize the Beatles take off, but failed to see the point other than as a piece of humor, and I had asked a serious question. You say you aren't the anonymous who posted the capital bomb comment. With no other identification, I thought you were. Ok, you posted a cute little piece of music satire. Cool. Not quite my taste, but that is ok too.

I did not intend for my remarks to be snide. I was straight up asking for sources and information. In the context of the anonymous post about the bomb thing at the capital, it was completely justified. Evidently the person making those statements doesn't want to put out sources for it, if there are any.

To avoid this confusion again, it would be helpful if the anonymous comments would use some kind of fictitious screen name.

So, I will apologise for confusing which anonymous posted what. Too add to the humor, why don't you define what you mean by stodgy old fart. I'd like to know.

At 5:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Dictionary.com “Stodgy” Prim or pompous; stuffy: “Why is the middle-class so stodgy so utterly without a sense of humor!” Emphasis on the lack of a humor bone!

You said "To avoid this confusion again, it would be helpful if the anonymous comments would use some kind of fictitious screen name." A bit of instruction which I choose to ignore, thanks anyway. Soon though, you may have the half dozen or so commenters that are left, sorted out and squared off, to your satisfaction.

At 7:02 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...


OK! Cut the shit! Enough! If you aren't the poster of the "The evil minions are blowing up the White House comment, then why did you even bother to answer! I'm not "Ralph" and if you holler "Ralph" all day and you won't get a peep out of me! The internet is the only source of information a lot af Americans trust! If you're going to play cute and pisson people's leg then go play somewhere else! If you want to discuss relevant events and political procedings that affect us
all then state your case and you will be heard!

At 8:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thats fine--you chose to attack not the one that started this shit, but if that is the cut of your jib--so be it! And jag in falsely claiming it was I that submitted that post of 7:27 PM.

Cyclone's blog has turned into something much less then it once was--so you few who seem to want to dominate--and enjoy drinking each others bath water, fill er up, if thats what makes ya happy!

At 7:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

comments are appricated no matter what they are ,you sound like you could use a friend,i remember your days ,they were not much fun to me at the time but realize now that it was just part of the process that gets you to where your going,
good luck to you my friend.
montana freeman


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