What Is Success?
Ely brought up something that I believe needs to be addressed by all of us, at least individually. Probably collectively at some point too, but I’m afraid that we are much too far along in our self-imposed doom for that to occur. The collective part, that is. So, we are left to ponder what success is as individuals.
I don’t know how we have done it, but somehow we have collected a special group of people here. A group that truly cares about each other, cares about America, (screw you Boosh, we are NOT unpatriotic simply because we believe that you are a cancerous mole on the ‘arse of the world and don’t mind saying so) and care about the future of this place which you have chosen to systematically destroy. We may not all agree on what success is, but I want to throw my two cents worth in. This will be in more than one part since, as usual, I have a lot to say. Thanks, Ely, for throwing this topic out there. It is important, I think.
I am undoubtedly in the minority in my view of success. Unlike nearly everyone I know, I don’t give a damn about money. Never have. That can be a good thing, but can also have its downside. It is good in the sense that it is one area of my life in which I can eliminate what seems to be a major stressor for most Americans, the chase of the almighty dollar. I just don’t care about it. As long as I can have food, a warm (or cool) place to live in, and a way to get around when I need to, I am satisfied with that aspect of my life. I do not need a $250,000 house and the mortgage that goes with it, nor a new Escalade or Cadillac. What I need is a house that has enough room in it for my family, a computer, a few guitars and the dogs. Automobile wise, I need a car that starts every day, gets me where I am going, and has a working air conditioner. (a must) Really, pretty simple things for me to achieve, but I may have been lucky. I know full well that many people, in fact a whole lot of people, struggle to achieve the rather simple above mentioned lifestyle. And that is simply wrong, while we are spending billions of dollars blowing up the world. But, I digress.
The above can be bad in another sense. When one must share life with so many people who believe success is measured by where one lives, the type of cars they own, the amount of money in the bank, one with my views can be scoffed at pretty easily. If I’ve heard it once I’ve heard it a million times; “Why has he not reached his potential?” I know that my views frustrate those closest to me, but like I said, I’m way in the minority here. The conditioning that Big Business, Hollywood, Politicians and many other entities have managed to implant in Americans brains, has been effective, to say the least. Those things, along with societal pressures to “make it big,” are difficult for most to fend off. Virtually everyone either has gotten or will get into the game of “one-upsmanship” with their neighbors and friends at some point. This has never happened to me nor bothered me; I chose immediately after high school not to play the game. Some people reach "my view" later in life; perhaps after "making it" and losing it like so many have, or are in many cases, still chasing it. I cannot fault them for that; it is just not my style. I believe that in the end, they will be disappointed, but I could be wrong. It seems to me that once one is caught up in that vicious cycle of needing more, more, more, now, now, now, it is a very difficult if not impossible lifestyle to get out of. I also believe that this has contributed as much as anything to how we, as a nation, have gotten to where we are today. I know that when the inevitable crash occurs, there are a whole lot of people who will fall a lot farther than I will. I feel bad for them, but also think that they should have paid a bit more attention. They will not deal with it nearly as well as I will, because they do not see it coming. But, we all make our choices.
I think when one talks of success, they must also consider happiness. That is where my views and lifestyle fail me, fail me miserably. I see many people who are happy; they look at the bright side of everything that occurs. I admire them, and truly wish that I could be like them. You know, the glass half-full, half empty thing. I tend to fall in the 3/4 empty category, which is not a pleasant place to live. I am not a terribly happy person, and honestly cannot imagine anything in today’s world that could change enough to make me perpetually happy. But, I have paid attention, and that is the price you pay for doing so. If one chooses to live in a small box and ignore the larger picture, they can go through life quite happy. I envy them to a great degree; they seem to be the most pleasant people that I know. But that is just not me. I’m probably not viewed by most as pleasant, happy or even particularly likeable. I call it like I see it, and many are put off by that. But, in my view, this world is a cesspool, and I cannot ignore that, or let it go without comment. It’s just not the way I am wired. I don’t know if I am the way I am because of the things I have done in my professional life, or if I came out of the womb this way. I don’t guess it really matters, so I’m not going to spend a lot of time, or even one second, trying to figure it out. I want to be clear, when I say "the world is a cesspool," I’m not speaking of people individually. I’m talking about the leaders of this place we call the world. They are a collection of power mongering, money grubbing, terroristic misfits who essentially bullied their way to power. It’s a good deal if you are their friend, but it sucks for the rest of us. Or, in the case of George W. Boosh, he simply had it land in his lap. His power came from being one of the many born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and he has never given up sucking on it. I do not envy people like him, and am thankful for that. Boosh is a rare breed, one who somehow rose to lead the free world. Unfortunately, he could not finish a Harry Potter novel. The concentration power is just not there, you know. Funny how life works, isn’t it?
Peace, the Inner Kind
Aside from happiness, I believe that there is something more important that one must seek to be successful. That is inner peace. How one achieves inner peace is an individual thing, but I guess I am talking about a spiritual peace. Or, a peace with nature and with the physical space in which we live. Collectively, I think it is obvious that we as a people have failed miserably at this. While many of us respect the earth, we as a whole have abused the beautiful world which was given to us. Much of this abuse is due to the above mentioned chase for success, or more accurately, the chase for the almighty dollar. Other reasons are a direct result of our misguided leadership.
My road to inner peace has been a struggle. I had it for quite some time, then had it snatched from me. During this period of my life I was like a lost puppy in the rain, miserable beyond my wildest imagination. It took a long time to get that "peace" back, in fact I still am not back to where I once was. But, I appreciate what peace I do have all the more now. It is what I strive for, my personal "almighty dollar," if you will. Believe me, it would be a lot simpler to gain dollars than inner peace, but I somehow think that the reward would not be as special or comforting. I also believe that without this, one will not survive the upcoming events. We each have to be able to rely on someone or something, and that reliance cannot be on any fellow man. I say this for a couple of reasons. One, although I have thousands of acquaintances, I can count on a hand and a half the people who I would consider true friends. Maybe even one hand, I’m not sure. One thing that I am sure of, however, is that when the economy collapses or WWIII begins, each individual had better have a place to go deep inside themselves to find some peace. There will certainly be no peace in the outside world, not should you eventually summon the courage to open your eyes. But again, finding inner peace is an individual process, and cannot be pushed on you or shoved down your throat. If that occurs, it is not real. No one can tell you how to do it; it is a never ending journey inside of yourself. Just like the Real Deal and life itself, it is not pain free.
To be continued………………………
“I’m honored to shake the hand of a brave Iraqi citizen who had his hand cut off by Saddam Hussein.”
George W. Boosh; Washington, D.C.; May 25, 2004
Beautiful post Cyclone. You have stated very well that which should concern us. Welcome back.
No shit, man! I'm with Murph on this! I'm glad to have you back, too! Murph's done one hell of a job, though!
If you look at all the people who are rich and powerfull, you'll find that most of them are seriously fucked up in one way or the other. Dangerous inbreeding, wars and pestilence, wholesale slaughter, and all sots of grisly, heinous shit done in the name of everybody from God to whatever crackpot inherited the throne!
History itself shows the same thing for as long as man has walked on the face of the earth! We just never seem to learn! As a being in the singular, each one of us the most inteligent among all species on this planet! But as to our instincts and the racial memories we are the most stupid!
Mankind will face extinction one day! And I'm not talking about one or two continents wiped out, I'm talking about the global census at zero! And we could beat it! But we need to quit waking up these monsters of our own making! If we don't do it one way, The earth will do it by another!
And might I say that I found the Bush quote quite disturbing! Thaen again I find that nearly everything Bush does is quite disturbing! That fool has made my "OH SHIT!" alarm go off so many times I think the damned thing is starting to get worn out!
So many of the same thoughts I had when the subject of success came up. Thanks Cyclone.
When I was young I thought that most people thought somewhat close to how I did and being raise catholic most people had a conscience. Well as life went on I started running into people that were just plain evil. It became abvious that all people were not wired like myself. I did and do care about people for the most part. I figured out that the quickest way to misery is to only think of yourself. I know that I'm one tough SOB to please so why would I try. When I help others I have no time to think of myself(feeling sorry for myself) and hell if I am not happier if only for the other person.
I wish I didnt have to persue the almighty dollar but I still have a house payement along with other bills. I have no plans to chase piles of money and I will never work as hard as someone else wants me to for it. I need money I dont love money and that is where I think we for the most part are differant then crimenals that are running this country. I have serenty on a regular basis and stress well I still have it but no where near what I see in some people. I did quit smoking so I do have a short fuse, I'm sure that will fade eventually.
I enjoy hearing all perspectives because I know you folks are telling the truth.
Welcome back Cyclone
I read what you write and it amazes me at how much your words echo thoughts I have made on many occaisions.
I posed the question and prepared for the onslaught of various responses however those that replied, again thank you all, were what I come to expect from this particular group. We are similiar in a lot of respects and we differ in others however this is a group of individuals who I really believe could form a close community. I guess we already have in a sense this being an internet community.
Still the question is one I have posed to myself many times for introspection and it all came rushing forward with the unexpected death of a very close friend. This friend was what many would call a complete success in most all of his affairs, the money, the toys etc. etc as it goes but he died alone. He died and was found only after a stranger thought it odd that his house was left so openly unattended. One of the nicest people you would ever wish to meet yet at the time of his final moment he was alone... so what is success??
For me I will take that hug and a kiss at the end of my long day when I get home from a business that struggles to make a profit but my employees would work for no other, arriving in that car that in a previous life would have garnered me a the laughs and barrage of belittling befitting its horsepower to an apartment not owned but rented with all the character of its poor previous inhabitants, and I will get plenty of opportunity to tell of the day's escapades and in turn will listen with intent of my wifes day as well, and after it all settles down my sleep and my dreams will be of peace. Inner peace I am slowly gaining a bead on you....
Cyclone I await your next commentary..
Good thoughts on the human condition. I think our only hope for long term survival is a rather radical change in consiousness. Whether it takes place or not is open to question of course. We have got to start valueing different things.
There was a book written in the 70's by a librarian. She spent her life researching anchient history. The book was called 'The First Sex'. It spelled out what we think we know about pre history civilizations, when it was godesses that ruled. Evidence says that they had no concept of war and were consequently exterminated by the male hierarchy patriarchal religions. Seems that those that worshiped mother earth were a bunch less inclined to be genicidal and homcidal.
Brilliant wordz Mr. Cyclone....ones that I live by having shunned the usual money worship when I left school too!!
I am free. Most of my friends and family shunned me at the start, but, now they are coming around to see things from my perspective (which is all I ask).
I too have had a break to clear the head. I think its part of the process of acceptance and understanding the depth f the issues we face now...
Well stated. I can't tell you the number of times that someone in this group, through an offhanded comment, has reminded me of things that are important in life. Things that have been swept by the wayside due to the constant insanity that the current state of world affairs has brought to us. Your question flooded me with thoughts on perspective, and for that I thank you. Between some forced time away from this blog, and questions like yours, I have had a measure of healing. Thanks, and keep seeking that inner peace. It will be needed,
Thanks for the comment, and thanks for keeping the ship afloat.
Nothing to add to your commentary. You pretty much summed it up as well as it can be done.
We are all a lot more alike than we would like to believe, especially those of us who are a part of the Real Deal. You are welcome.
Good to hear from you. I'll be buzzing today, hope you're not too deep in the woods.
Don't feel alone, buddy. We all have to do what we can to make ends meet. The personal stories are what are important. Good luck in the "quit smoking" venture.
Good to hear from you. And, congratulations on your freedom. Those who you mention will need you when the shit hits the fan, so be there for them. After taking care of yourself first, of course. They know not what they do, and for most it's not their fault for buying into the BS Americans have been set up for. The system was built for failure, and it will soon come to fruition.
Since when did Iran get the bomb? I was listening to my local talk show today and one of the voices was going through what Bush inherated, when he came to Iran he said they have the N bomb what the F--- is that crap. Isn't there a law against screaming fire in a movie therater because this is what these criminals are doing ever so slowly.
The same radio station has porky rush and he's doing a little lead in peice to titalate his moronic following that I guess I'm surounded by. He has the balls to say that the drive by midia, the severly slanted media is picking on Bush. If we had an equal footing in the media Bush would have been on his way out in his first tirm. I don't get where these guy say we have such a liberal media. It doesn't exist around here.
WE need some bumper stickers that read IMPEACH BUSH NOW
Now that would be a measure of success.
Geez Sean,
You really want Cheney for Prez? At least Bush has entertainment value.
I find it amazing that people like Limbaugh and Savage can garner so much of an audience. Yeah, right, liberal press inceed. You are right, without the media hype the repugs wouldn't have stood a chance. Fortunately, perhaps, I find both camps disgusting and sick.
Thanks for the credit, but that is not my state. Close, but not mine. My state would have no part in such devious action, trust me!
I know mine wouldn't have the gumption or the balls! I live in the state of North Carolina. Our motto should be "We're above South Carolina--Just not by much!".
Hey stoney13,
Lived in North Carolina (Charlotte, Wilmington) and I thought it really sucked. Glad I've moved out of the South.
Something from a Don Henley tune: "you don't see any hearses with luggage racks." Later-
From singapore
I calculated, US needs to borrow US$2 billion dollars per day to stay afloat, with US using more than 20 million barrels of refined oil per day, each US$1 increase in oil price means US$0.2 billion increase in cost per day, at this rate the US$2 billion per day loan will be used just for oil prices increase when oil price reach +US$10 about US$80-85 range, and all the borrowed money go to oil purchase. An article describition life in great depression 2 is in http://www.dailyreckoning.com/Issues/2006/WEDR042206.html
A Day in a Life
by DR reader Darren Tulk
The alarm clock stirs us to life once again. As one of the "lucky few" still employed, I must get ready for work....
Good Post - LATOC Web Log update
has a new post along the same line.
Guess great minds think alike.
Now that I have read both I am going to spend today Bird watching and then drive my SUV over to watch my grandsons track meet.
Will even help get us over the oil peak by burning oil along the way.
My success is based on age, Having left the army 40 years ago, and retiring ( broke ) from Ford's 10 years ago. I have reached my goal. I am a bum ( or hobo, to be polite ) and I like it.
Iam not depressed - I am not dep....
Lived in your state for awhile at Fort Jackson - I hated it.
Went back forty years later and hiked through your state on the AT
I loved it.
Still hate Standing Indian Mountain.
Got snowed in for three days one year on the north side - went back one year later and hiked up the south side in hurricane Frances.
Welcome. I wondered what had happened to you. I'm glad you are back in action. We need all the help we can get. I'll wait to hear from you,
We are cooked, no questions left. Now, just when is the only question. It's nice to see that others are finally waking up to the fact that our economy is based on smoke and mirrors. Too bad it's too damn late for anything to be done about it. The aftermath? Who knows. Thanks for the link.
Nice line. Glad you are back. Hang around awhile, the party is nearing its conclusion, the giant ball is about to drop.
The bandwagon always comes around, eventually. Why haven't these clowns (not LATOC in particular, but all of them) been souonding the alarm bells for as long as I/We have? Now, it's too late.
I think that they have seen the problems rising in the distance. They just have a different approach to discussing it. If you look at the UCS (ucsusa.org) or LATOC you will not see that they discuss the disasterous consequences coming. They tend to stick to the science, and leave the screaming to you and I. They are more of an information warehouse than a wake up-call.
I think that is why this site has attracted so many people. Some, Like Stoney13 come over from alternet following a line of discussion that they have seen. Lilac comes from LATOC by a site link. I come from UCS and from a stance on bad business and government management practices (I'm the Wake-up-Walmart junky of the bunch) and refer by word of mouth. We all see the problems in our own area of interest and your site, along with its visitors, seems to do an interesting and exceptional job of showing the inter-relation of these individual interests' problems. When someone goes to these other sites and researches the situation, their next step (if not "shelling up" in denial or having a nervous breakdown) is to look at what other people are doing about it.
Maybe it's a natural progression of collapse; Maybe it is the result of having an idiot in office that unites all of the groups by unilaterally screwwing them all; I really can't say what makes it click. I just know that LATOC has its role in educating its readers, and you or I have a role in gathering them together and showing the correlation.
To each his duties,
Never, and I mean NEVER go hiking in the mountains in the spring or the fall! I know the temperature is better then, but the weather does freaky shit here at those times!
How well I remeber April Fool's Day of 1993! 24 inches of snow and the worse blizzard on record! Good for me though! Idrove a wrecker for a living and had an old Ford Jubilee tractor with a scrape blade! Between the wtrecker and the tractor, I made over $8000 in a week!
I think that your summary is probably very accurate. We all have an important role, and we do the best we can to fill it. You have put into words what I have been unable to. I was, by the way, not knocking LATOC or anyone else. I hope it didn't come across that way. Matt does an outstanding job of providing educational information, statistics, and like you say, science. I try to avoid that stuff, simply because there is so much of it out there. So, we try to put it all together here. Thanks for the comments,
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