Thursday, April 13, 2006

Who Am I? The First Installment

Let’s play a game and have some fun during these dark times.

I am going to write a narrative based on two real political figures, and the assignment for you guys is to identify who they are. The first one to correctly identify the players will win the Grand Prize. I don’t know what the prize is, but I can assure you that it will have little to no monetary value. The satisfaction will lie in being able to proudly carry the moniker, Winner of the first installment of “Cyclone’s Who Am I” award. I will be as careful as possible to not make it obvious who these people are, so some things in quotation marks may be changed to a degree. I will not change the meaning of what was conveyed. As I have never tried anything like this before, I am going to keep it very short. I’m unsure how much information to divulge during Part 1, so we’ll see if it is enough. Warning: there may be a trick or two involved, so be creative in your thinking. Just consider it a pop quiz. Here we go.

Who Am I

We once had a President who had dreams for helping create a peaceful world. His idea was to spread democracy across the globe. He, like all Presidents, wanted a very strong national defense. He considered himself a moral man, and supported Democratic Leaders around the world. His theory was that we should be strong in all elements, military and otherwise. His position was that we should have a country so strong that we would never have to prove to the world that we were strong.

Unfortunately, with the partisan political situation that existed at the time, he had an adversary from the other party. He delighted in opposing every policy that the President endorsed. At one point, this adversary said the following: (again, although in quotations, this is paraphrased to a degree)

“The notion that we can impose liberalization and democratization on other countries is absurd. It is impossible to implement the idea of the belief that it is possible to democratize governments anytime, anywhere, under any circumstances. Democracy depends on complex social, cultural, and economic conditions….and take decades if not centuries.” He then praised “traditional authoritarian dictatorships in Chile, the Philippines and Nicaragua, among others. He later went to Chile and Argentina to assure their leaders that our President would no longer intrude on their internal human rights issues, and that they could operate without fear of interference from the American government.

Okay, that’s all you get. Just post your answers in the normal fashion. You can answer as many times as you wish. The first one who posts the correct answer gets the Prize. Should no one correctly identify the two people involved, I will give further information until someone does. Then, I will do a piece on why I thought of this, and go much more in depth as to why this is important. Good luck.



At 8:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Humm...Possibly Carter and Reagan? I doubt that Carter would have used "shock and awe" as a tactic to "spread democracy" like Bush did, though. Goes to show that you can call something one thing and mean something else. I don't remember Reagan going to So. America, but if figures that he would have supported dictatorships that were in the pockets of Big Sugar, and Big Sweatshops, Big Dope/Money Laundering Rings...probably the dumbest thing I ever did was vote against Carter because he OK'd the poisoning of Mexican pot fields with paraquat to curtail the use of marijuanna by making it lung damaging.Didn't realize that I was helping to open the door to even worse atrocities...

At 8:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure has the ring of Carter to me. If I remember right, the opposing party member you quoted from is Jeane Kirkpatrick?

At 8:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to go out on a limb and say Kennedy and Nixon

At 9:03 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

Well, that was clearly too easy. I expected more than a couple of hours out of this one. An experiment gone bad, in a hurry! Bingo, Murph. You now hold the honor of being the winner of the Inagural "Cyclone's; Who Am I" contest. Now, I've got to think of a damned prize and a new post!!!! Thanks a lot, Murph!


At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh boy oh boy!!. I hope a new LAR Grisly is the prize. Or maybe a 50 KW generator? Lol. I lucked out on the first try.

At 9:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could have sworn it was Reagan, but I was not sure who the other person was. Good job Murph!

At 10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice one Murph,

Got Carter too but not being too savey on Internal poliical charicters I was going for Ford.

From Belgium

At 10:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually there were two giveaways from the post. You probably remember that Cyclone likes Carter a lot. The quote has the earmark of right wing conservative of a different time. Imagine Bush saying that. Carters presidency had extreme partisen politics. Just to make sure, I googled a key phrase in the quote and presto, Jeane Kirkpatrick came up during the Carter administration.

At 11:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I got to Carter by an entirely different route. I thought Iran might be a connection and I thought of it then and now and Carter was involved first time around. I Googled Heads of State, for Chile; Philippines and Nicaragua and there were military juntas in all three countries during Carters presidency. I knew he liked to make friends with other World leaders and is still going around the world using his influence with other world leaders to promote good works, so the likelihood was that it was him, but who was his advisory? I guessed it might be Gerald Ford since he had two television debates with him. That was as far as I got when I checked back with the blog to see if anybody had come up with the answer. Can’t claim the prize, drat! Well done Murph.

I hope I have time for a quick story. I was in California in November 1980 and walked along Hollywood Boulevard to hire a car. I went into one place that looked cheap enough and said to the guy “I want to hire a compact car but more importantly I want good insurance. I don’t want to knock a bus queue down (in LA!?) and find I can’t get out of the country for thirty years because I bought crap insurance”.
“That’s not us buddy” said the guy “Go over the road to Budget, They’ve got decent enough cars and the insurance is what you want”.
I said “OK but why are you telling me this”?
He said “You are a real Brit aren’t you not a pretend one like Canadian or NZ”.
He said “The way you guys got those hostages out of the Iranian embassy and the way Carter is flying helicopters into each other in the middle of the desert makes me cringe”.
So I thanked him and went to Budget.

From Belgium.

At 2:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya might get a kick out of this---


At 5:52 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

Well, I meant to say no fair Googling, but I guess it's too late now. You got me, Murph. The next one I will make Google proof! (if there is such a thing these days)


At 5:54 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

anonymous 9:40,

Reagan was close. I figured a lot of people would go there, since Kirkpatrick was working for him at the time.


At 5:57 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


A t-shirt is a great idea. Unfortunately, due to my recurring illnesses that project was cast aside. I need to resurrect it, just don't know when I can do it. I am extremely busy right now, but I'll see if I can get it cranked back up.


At 8:01 AM, Blogger Reality said...


I can assure you that nothing is google proof. You could lean toward mis-direction, though. try rewording it so that the google answer comes around page four. Takes a little work, but research has shown that most people will quess their answers from the first two to three pages. The first pages can be manipulated, through selective wording to giver a false answer. That usually does a better job than trying to out-source google.


At 3:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


It looks like you got your work cut out for you on this. We shall see how fast people can scramble to the library or dig into the home library. Neat idea though.

At 6:54 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...

Hi folks, Miss me,

My modem went snake shit and caused great destruction! I still haven't figured out how it fried the phone lines, but trained technicians say it did! Of course right after the trained technicians left I had to rewire the telephone system from the box forward, and replace the modem! So much for trained technicians!

Five pages of spam and three pages of emails await me! I'll be back when I get done! (I hope)

At 10:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You have got to stop tearing up the infrastructure before D day. Damn man, wondered why you weren't around for a couple days.

At 11:19 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...

I didn't do it! It did it to itself! Computers seem to do shit like that! Maybee Big Brother got onto it and downloaded one of Bush's speaches and the damned thing tried to commit suicide!

Shit! Gotta run a diagnostic now!


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