Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Here Come The Nukes

Desperate men will do desperate things. How many times have you read that on this site? Well, you are about to read it again.

These have become desperate times. You may have noticed that Iran has test fired a couple of new missiles over the last couple of days. The Iranians have stated that these new weapons have the capability to avoid radar, and have not so subtly implied that they can strap nuclear weapons to them should such action become necessary. These weapons also carry more than one payload, apparently a minimum of three, and are designed to blow submarines out of the water. Why now, you ask? Is this an attempt to fuel the fire of the Boosh machine, forcing the Boosh hand? As it turns out, no. There is a bit more to it than that.

You see, Boosh has signed another one of those special letters that no one had ever heard of before he made it a regular occurrence in the White House. You know, the letters where Boosh gives himself written permission before the fact to do whatever he damn well pleases, without the okay from Congress, the American people or his mother, Barbara. Very similar to the one that he wrote allowing himself to wiretap American citizens, and the one that allows him to ignore the new laws that Congress passed to try to recreate some checks and balances to counter the power of the Potentate. No, this time it’s different, very different.

The Iranians are testing these weapons because they are getting ready to need to use them. On us, Israel, and anyone else whom they feel threatened by. They are going to need to use them because of the new Boosh letter. This one gives him the power to attack Iran whenever he wants to, and nukes are not off the table. In fact, nukes are the main course of the meal, and are the most likely the weapon of choice to use in this madman’s newest self fueled confrontation. Boosh has at his disposal some new toys, and the time to open them has arrived.

As I have said many times before, we do not have the manpower to invade Iran. That is, not by using any conventional methods. Iran has seen what happened to its neighbors in Iraq, and is saying “no thank you” to the Booshies. They are telling Boosh not to “bring Democracy” to their country. The difference is, they are a whole lot bigger and a whole lot more prepared for us than Saddam Hussein was, and they have a lot bigger balls. Unlike Hussein, their threats are not idle. So, in the view of a Boosh, it’s time to open the toy box.

In it, you will find the newest and baddest weapon to date, the “bunker buster nuke.” You remember seeing “bunker busters” blowing up in the caves in the Afghan desert. You know, back when we were allegedly hunting for Osama bin Laden. They penetrate deep, have a slight delay, then blow the hell out of whatever is down there. They blow up some stuff on top of the ground too, but what’s a little unexpected above ground chaos when you’re chasing oil? Nothing, I guess, until you attach nuclear weapons to the bunker buster technology. Then the above ground action gets a little dicey. Think the Muslim world hates us now? You ain’t seen nothin’ yet. In fact, it will piss off everybody in the world, including our “allies,” or people who we claim as allies.

George W. Boosh is an anti-social misfit who happened to fall into the position of being the President of the United States. Like all people with anti-social personality disorder, his mentality goes something like this. “If we’re going down, we’re going to take all of you evil people that we can with us.” And we’re going down, not if but when. During my years in the Death Penalty business, I encountered many diagnosed anti-social individuals. Boosh fits the mold to a T. Sad, pathetic losers, the entire lot of them. But, unlike Boosh, my clients were not the leaders of the free world.

All reports that I have gained access to point to the fact that Boosh is going to do it. The plans have been drawn up, he merely needs to nod his head and give the order. He must do it quickly, before the economy collapses. Kind of a last ditch effort to save this place. Unfortunately, it will not work. There is no miracle save left; we’ve used up all of our chips.

The only alternative is to ask Israel to fire instead, something that they would be more than happy to do. But, in the long run, that presents problems for Israel and does not change the end result. Iran will fire on anyone within their reach during the aftermath, and that includes Israel. Iran’s range capability with the recently test fired weapons is about 1000 miles. We would then have to come to Israel’s defense, likely all by ourselves. The world will be horrified, not wanting to do anything but watch the terror from afar, hoping that there is something left when the dust settles. If they are attacked, Iran has said that they will arm every terrorist organization that they can reach, recreating what goes on daily in Baghdad in every major city around the world, including cities here in the USA. Make no mistake about it, they will do so in a heartbeat.

Welcome to WWIII. If you are an anti-social type, you’ll enjoy the fireworks before the Great Depression. If you are sane, you will shudder at the thought.


“I’m also not very analytical. You know, I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about myself, about why I do things.”

George W. Boosh; Aboard Air Force One; June 4, 2003


At 7:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From singapore.

I am fully prepared for what might come now as I have everything on stock (Including 260KG of grain, 22KG of sugar, 300 litre of clean water inside sealed container, 230 cans of food, 4 sets of water/steam distillation kit I collected my self, 5 rafts, 1 10 person outdoor tent, 1 king size inflable portable outdoor bed for outdoor tent and others which you already know). The only thing I have not been able to do is to convert all cash to gold and I still have a large amount more than US$60K of it, and to get a nuclear radiation detector and to get arms/weapons/crossbows/bows/swords/long knifes as they are banned locally.

At 7:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Its very scary what this dick head is actually thinking if thats what it is. I think he has and always been surounded by neocons. I don't think it matters either way, we are going down economically and other then the nukes being messier its going to happen.

I would love to say more but I need to get going


At 7:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Can you comment on the new Boosh letter regarding his authority to attack Iran - can you provide a link to this information? I have searched online and found nothing.


At 8:03 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Good job. Now, get rid of the US dollars ASAP. Even converting to Euro's temporarily would be better. They'll likely last a few months longer than dollars will.


At 8:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to the reporter from the Boston Globe who wrote the story on the special signings that Bush does to avoid the law, Bush isn't the first to use this method to get around laws he doesn't like, but he has used it much more than previous presidents. This was revealed during an interview with the reporter on DemocracyNow.org. He said that Reagan, among others also used that method when expedient.

At 8:47 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

anonymous 7:50,

The letter itself is classified. The strategy is out there: National Military Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction; 13 Feb, 2006 (on page 25 or 26 I think) It may be classified as well. Some say it is, but it is available if you dig.

"Offensive operations may include kinetic (both conventional and nuclear) and/or non-kinetic options......"


At 8:49 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

anonymous 8:22,

Correct. Clinton even used it a time or two. Boosh, though, has used it more often than all other Presidents combined....Kind of like the deficit.


At 9:16 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...

Well, we all knew this nut was going to try something crazy, and it just don't get much crazier than nuking your neighbor! That Iranian underwater missle looks pretty damned potent from what I've seen of it. Just the thing to wipe out a nuclear submarine, and unfotunatly poison the ocean for hundreds and maybee thousands of miles (depending on the current at the blast location)

What we have here is two fools in a global game of chicken! The Iranians are scared shitless of Bush because this madman has not a clue when it comes to any military strategy or logic! He's declared himself king and he's going to get himself crowned and all of us with him!

Iran figures a little show of force will bach the shrub off. I'm afraid all they did is kick the top of a hornet's nest!

At 9:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


thanks for the reference. I found it online. Interesting that the document refers to "WMD attack or event". But doesn't define "event".

Also, other similar "letters" that Bush has signed (like the recent one signed in connection wtih Patriot Act renewal) have been mentioned by the media. Why not this one?


At 9:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like you said, welcome to WW III. Actually, we've been slogging into it irreversably for years, even decades. It was unavoidable. Even if we didn't have delusional sociopaths and religious fanatics with a death grip on both military and economic power in this country, similar events would have eventually evolved, but just would have taken longer if we had cooler, intelligent mature adults in charge instead of this bunch of megalomaniacs. The eventual conflict over dwindling resources will take place, sooner or later, one way or the other - the nastiness level will depend on the dispositions of the belligerants. In the current case, we seem to have the worst possible scenario. Both sides are controlled by intractable ideologs, driven by religious fanatcism beyond penetration by any reasoned logic and discussion. And at least one side (ours) really DOES have weapons of mass destruction.

I don't know if Iran has operational nukes yet - I think not (but maybe soon). I will assume they have working designs. Pakistan's A.Q. Kahn put so much stuff out there I wouldn't be surprised if you could find at least a 3rd generation design on the web somewhere. Do they have the materials, U235 or plutonium? Maybe not, but I'm sure it can be had. If they do have some nukes, their medium range missles are capabile of neutralizing our bases in Iraq, and the high-speed underwater missle will be targeted not so much at our subs, which are very difficult to find, but at our aircraft carrier groups.

These high-speed underwater missles are a very interesting technology. They work by forcing gas out of the nose, enveloping the body in an envelope of bubbles. This foam skin greatly reduces the friction with the water. We've actually had them for some time, but that fact is realtively unknown (except of course to our adversaries who might be the recipient of such things). But I digress ...

Keep in mind that Iran and China are in bed together, and Iran is probably receiving surreptitious aid from the Chinese. The Chinese would love to see us come unglued in a confrontation with Iran so they can finally bag Taiwan without us being able to interfere.

They might not be above letting a few nukes slip to the Iranians, knowing that even a nuclear response on our part would be careful not to render the oil fields unusable - a prize they have their eyes on also.

OK, gotta get back to work here (lunch is almost over) and when my boss is not looking finish up this paper for my class tonight.

BUT - maybe we can all make arrangements to meet at a mini-convention somewheres this summer, discuss these issues in person and get really, REALLY drunk?

At 10:07 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


They don't refer to it I would imagine because it contains the word Nuke, and it's classified. This builds on the National Security Presidential Directive-35/Homeland Security, which was started in 2004 and is still classified. They are now up to NSPD-46, which is also classified. But, some in between have been de-classified. So, anything referring to the use of nukes remains classified, the other stuff is okay is my bet. They don't define "event" so they can make it up as they go along.


At 10:10 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

Carl in PA,

Hey, welcome back. Haven't heard from you in ages. You are absolutely correct. We would have gotten here eventually, I've said that before. Boosh just pushed the timetable up 25-30 years. That Iranian technology is definately something interesting. I'm sure the Chinese had a big hand in it. I like the convention idea, especially the last part! Cheers,


At 10:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Iran is interesting because it is being both pushed and pulled three ways, by Russia; China and good ol USA, each with its own agenda. Is anyone prepared to offer an opinion as to whether before push comes to shove someone will make the leader of the free world, the leader of the next world?

From Belgium.

At 11:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cripes, I hope we have the ability this summer to have a convention. If the madmen start the fray this spring we may be absolutely tied where we presently are.

At 12:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You would all remember old Adm. David Glasgow Farragut? He once said "Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!" Farragut had reason to expect a good result (for the Union) because he was an experienced and intelligent fellow--bush is neither! So when bush issues the order "to nuke 'em! and possible General Boyhin who infamously "described the War on Terror as a Christian fight against Satan", by then will be military head honcho and he excecutes said order the end of everything (as we know it and possibly the end of everything--period, will be well and truly underway!!!

By the way Iran has said they have had 4 successful tests of missiles since Friday last and the torpedo they claim to have tested is most likely copied from a Russian design. Russia has had this type of torpedo since the 60s and they can carry nukes and they travel at about 360k/hr--I would think the Iranians model may be faster and as deadly!

At 12:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry for going completely off the trail but this is for rockpicker,do you mind if i place your excellent literary in the local town paper? it has four whole pages,encluding ads.and i think it would be enjoyed by many of my friends and neighbors.
peace to all of you,good info today,am designing greenhouse in the spring rain.
montana freeman

At 11:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


aka - Your response to me , when I mentioned depopulation.

See link


How right you are.


At 3:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carl in pa has, I think the most incisive view on this one. Iran’s torpedo looks impressive, so much as weapon can but as said, Tehran does not have the ability to find nuclear subs. The Arabian Sea is probably stuffed with them right now and nobody would know where to look. Has Iran got nukes? Both China and Russia would dearly love to see USA out of the game. Russia lost some nukes when the CIS broke up and I am sure China could plausibly miscount but I am sure that it would have to be a measure of last resort to put them into Ivadinnerjacket’s hands. It has been said that whichever way it goes, nobody would nuke the oilfields. This is nonsense, radiation radiates that is what it does. When Chernobyl melted down, locals got away with hiding it from Moscow for three days. Then the radiation detectors went off in a civilian nuclear facility in Sweden. After an investigation they said “It is not us, so where is it coming from”? It is really not feasible that anyone is going to use nukes anywhere in the Middle East and maintain the oil supply.

Stoney mentioned nations playing nuclear chicken and this article may be of interest here.


The art of diplomacy and successful negotiation in general is to be hard on the problem and soft on the people. President Wayne seems to have gotten it the other way around.

The ports deal seems to have woken Congress from its winter slumbers. It seems to have crawled out from underneath its stone, shaken itself down and now had this latest Presidential Directive shoved in its face. I really don’t know what measures are available but if they can hold an emergency debate to censure Bush and isolate the white House maybe this together with abysmal Bush poll ratings might just make the madmen think twice but as Cyclone has said, madness is the prerogative of mad people.

From Belgium.

At 5:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have just re read the Asia times link in my above post and realised that the document which is referred to in the above posts has been in existence since January 2003 and is known as Conplan 8022 – 02.

From Belgium

At 6:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Bush Administration has set aside $85m to promote ‘democracy’ in Iran. Iran has responded that anyone who receives any of this money will be treated an American Spy. In addition Iran has made available $15m to "discover and neutralize American plots and intervention" in their country.


The game continues

From Belgium

At 7:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Read the article you posted. Remember back a bunch of years there was a lot of talk about over population, books on it and such? I remember some of the counter arguments. Of course China took rather drastic measures to cut down on their population that was exceeding the ability of the land to support them all.

My observation is that for a variety of reasons, (many religious in the Western world) there is almost no ability to look at consequences for a lot of societies values. This whole population thing is the result of capitalism needing cheap labor. Without cheap labor, the system doesn't work. I remember when Greenspan made a public speech that said that our economy could only be healthy when we had a minimum of
4.5% unemployment. That translates into 4.5% of the population always has to be poor. Christ!!

This is not even starting to touch on the fact that a large population squeezed together breeds pandemics.

Yes, anyone that gets up and talks about this rationally is going to get hung out to dry. What a society!!

At 7:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol... maybe we should all just get a pre-paid ticket to Singapore! Don't be surprised if we knock on your door if the shit hits the fan, Singapore Guy. (Just kidding.) You could try making wrist rockets using ball bearings for ammo, blow guns using PCV pipe and hommade darts, a baseball bat with a lot of nails sticking out of it...pretty midevil. But, now that you've got the practical stuff, you have time to get creative...

At 9:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dear!! As if we didn't have enough problems, now I got to worry about the Singapore police showing up to question my relationship with Freeacre. Hmmmm wonder if "i never saw that woman before in my life" would work. lol

At 8:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that Cyclone can reveal all the rumors that he heard regarding economic implosion , so that we are prepared for it.

At 4:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good morning Europe/USA, I have been posted to Hong Kong Pearl of the Orient recently. What do you think is the best place to stay after the population depopulated ?

1. Stay at existing place, nearby has a river that leads to the sea. Nearby has also got a big footfall field for possible planting of crops, but I have send soil samples for chemical analysis and the result is the top soil is poor and not suitable for growing crops while the beneath is 100% sand/silion dioxide.
2. Move to what's left of local hyatt/hilton after the long emergency.
3. Move to inside a big shopping mall, there are so many in Hong Kong.
4. Move to live inside a big hospital, and most of them do not have arms warehouse inside the morgue, unlike in Chow Yuen Fatt movies.
5. Paddle southwards towards Vietnam/Thailand. I heard that there is a lot of grains there.
6. Paddle north wards towards china Shanghai/Beijing.
7. Paddle east towards Seoul/Korea/Japan.
8. Any other suggestions ? Europe and USA may be too far away, so is Australia and New Zealand.

At 5:48 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

My Belgian friend,

While you are correct, China and Russia are rapidly approaching sleeping in the same bed. As the US/Russia relationship deteriorates, China has become the part time mistress of Russia. They will be married before it is said and done.


At 5:53 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Go outside, sleep in a tent, and tell them that you only lease "tent space" from that crazy woman. Deny that you even know here name, and that you fought having to pay for a tiny space from someone called "freeacre." It might work!


At 5:58 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I don't think that the Iranians are scared of Boosh one bit, thus their bold actions. Plus, they don't give a damn. They have backup in China and soon to be Russia if not already. Boosh has even screwed up the "shaky alliance" with Russia. What a stunner, a Boosh error in judgement. There is no one left, outside of the soon to be disposed Tony Blair that Boosh, or America, can count as a "friend."


At 6:01 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

Anonymous 4:59,

I do not know enough about Hong Kong to give any reasonable advice. I will say that you ABSOLUTELY do not want to come to the US, so if you win the lottery don't head this way. Anybody with any ideas?


At 6:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Singapore Guy-
Okay, maybe I got it wrong... now that you've got your stuff collected, sit down, close your eyes, and visualize whirled peeze...

At 6:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Singapore

I do not understand what is "visualize whirled peeze."

At 6:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

good morning hong kong,welcome to the land of fruit and nuts,what a coinidence,just watched the movie kong with my baby son last nite (HE'S ALMOST 16)what a blast,amazing special effects,amazing what these kids watch.
how you found your way to this site must be a story in itself, you happened to of somehow come to a place of peace and nourishment,the people here are of a brotherhood/sisterhood dedicated to the survival of one another in the upcoming uncertain future,you couldn't of found a better place,at least thats the way it appears to me.so welcome aboard this journey to god only knows where,we will certainly enjoy the ride that the spirit has placed us on for none other then for our own benidiction,and the love of our fellow two leggeds.
montana freeman

At 7:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, Singapore, it's a play on words - just a goofy way of saying "world peace."

At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Hong Kong,

You are the only one who is able to asses conditions on the ground in Hong Kong. If I was where you are and much younger then I would consider two options. The first one is to somehow get to Japan. Travel up through the islands and finally finish up in Hokkaido. Don’t spend too long in Taiwan because if USA is distracted then China will make a grab for it. No matter what stories you have heard about the Japanese having to stand on each others shoulders because there is not enough room on the ground; Hokkaido is green with a pleasant climate and as sparsely populated as parts of the Gobi. There is certainly enough room to pitch your tent and grow a few veggies. In the days when I met well travelled Japanese business men I never met one who had ever been to Hokkaido. Language may be a problem though.

The other option I would consider is to start off on the fast hydrofoil to Manila and then island hop, maybe working my passage, through the Philippines, Indonesia and finally finish up in Oz. If there is a nuclear storm, the Southern Hemisphere will be the last place affected and everybody speaks English.

For anybody else looking for a safe place to take an extended vacation then check out this site.


From Belgium.

At 4:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you oldensoul,rockpicker has such an amazing way with thought forms and the ability to put them on paper. it will be good to share them with my friends,i have a brother who is an incredible artist but is a little on the the skittish side when it comes to displaying his work,so i ask first because i love my brothers and respect their needs, whatever they are,and am delighted and honored to past rockpickers inspiring words on into the universe.would love to see more of such same thing in the future.
rockpicker is well isn't he? and just busy doing something else?
montana freeman

At 5:04 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...


I hope to hell you're right! It could be as you say and the Iranians are just showing a bold front, or it might just be "testicular jesturing" to show a bold front and hide the fear that is behind it. Either way it doesn't look good for us.

The world cannot handle a nuclear conflict. It never will! Anyone that starts one is a mad man! Unfortunatly, Boosh qualifies for that position! In fact I think he's over qualified!

I hope that this "Scooter" Libby deal that came out today will give the shrub something else to trip on for a while. All you can do with a nut-case is try to distract them while you jump them and pry the gun from their hands! Boosh is catching hell from all directions going into this election. Maybee that will be enough of a distaction to keep his finger off the button! I often worry who's got the other two keys for the ICBM system! Twitchy Neocon fingers scare the fuck out of me! If the missles get launched all the well laid plans will be for naught! All we can pray for then is a quick death! The ones at "ground Zero" will be the lucky ones!

At 11:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Not only the neocon twitchy finger should cause you concern but the extreme fundies with the armagedon hopes are part of it. I reckon you might look at them all as parasites of the soul.


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