Friday, April 07, 2006

Sad State of America

I am preparing a post with a little different take, but it is not ready yet. So, I am going to throw this in, given the events of 4/6/06.

I was traveling yesterday when I received a phone call from an investigator who told me that Boosh, through Cheney, had authorized Scooter Libby to virtually eliminate Valerie Plame, ruining her life along with the life of her husband, Joseph Wilson. For that to be true, of course, you must believe what Scooter Libby told the Grand Jury, and I know of no reason to doubt this information. I was listening to CNN on my satellite radio, and kept switching it back and forth from there to MSNBC and heard nothing on the subject for about 2 hours. Then they both jumped on the story, and carried it most of the rest of the day. I was not terribly surprised by this news, but found something else that “kinda sorta” ties into all of this. Bear with me, please.

When I first got in the car, I heard the tail end of a conversation with a Senator discussing the immigration deal that they were allegedly about to cut on the floor of the Senate. Unfortunately, as I picked up the interview late, I did not pick up on which Senator it was. I did not recognize his voice. I found what he said astonishing, but it reflects on the apathy which has infected the American populace. I can’t quote him directly, but can summarize what he had to say.

He essentially said that the main reason that the Senate decided to move was because of the mass demonstrations of the Hispanic community, demonstrations occuring in the streets of America. It is clear that they have a true mission, that they care deeply about this issue, and that the Senate needed to do their best to create a compromise that would satisfy all.

For the most part, this is BS. We all know that. Satisfy all? Hardly. They are satisfying the big business lobby, and defying the will of the American people. They are ignoring our will, plus ignoring the will of the people who have been working hard through legal means to enter this country. All polls overwhelmingly show that we want secure borders, and this mish mash of proposed legislation doesn’t even address that issue. But, that’s not really what I want to talk about.

What interested me about what this unidentified Senator had to say was the part about the demonstrations having an effect on the actions of the Senate. I have said before that we should have 50 million people with their butt’s planted on Pennsylvania Avenue until the entire cast of Booshco are run out of town and placed back under a rock or in Gitmo. Wherever, I don't care. Just get them gone and off of my television set and out of my face. If it took a month, so be it. If it took some people going to jail, so be it. How many can they possibly lock up? Of course, for that to occur, it would require said Americans to get off of said butt’s and do something, which (by the way) will not happen. It won’t happen because we are a comatose society, and believe it when we are told that things are just peachy. I doubt that the average American sees the significance of what was revealed yesterday about Boosh himself authorizing the Plame leak. But, we can learn something here.

The Hispanic community reminded us of something that occurred during the Viet Nam War. They reminded us that civil disobedience can have an impact on what happens
in Washington. When you think about it, the numbers of Hispanics involved were not all that large. But they were certainly much larger than anything that 300 million Americans have been able to piece together so far during various "protests."
I doubt that we have the collective will to get 100,000 people to attend an organized rally, much less the estimated 500,000 Hispanics that rallied across the nation. And that, my friends, is a sad state of affairs.

I am not a fool, and don’t believe for a second that if the exact same number of American citizens did what the Hispanic community managed to accomplish, that the attention of the US Senate would be garnered. I say this for a couple of reasons. One, the percentage of Americans versus the percentage of Hispanics in this
country is tilted heavily to the side of the Americans. So, we would need a whole lot more people. Two, the Senate, those who were elected to represent American citizens, have determined that Americans are way down on the food chain in contrast to the Hispanic community and others, regardless of whether they are here legally or illegally. American public opinion is virtually ignored, evidenced by
the lack of action taken despite the clear opposition to the war in Iraq. This also
will hold true with the upcoming nuke battles in Iran, Syria and wherever else the idiot stick decides to stick his nose. This is all assuming, of course, that we can prop the economy up long enough to act in other areas, but that's a different animal. So, back to the point at hand. The numbers of Americans involved would need to be much, much larger to have any impact.

But it could be done, if the collective will of the American people reached the point which most of the rest of the world has already reached. To the point of saying that we’ve had enough of an outlaw regime, one operating without any apparent oversight, one that has turned our country into nothing other than a dictatorship. To the point where we the people say that we are not going to take it any more. For that to happen, a massive demonstration needs to occur in Washington D.C., a demonstration that will not be turned back nor deterred regardless of the reaction of those in power to such an event. Sadly, it won’thappen.

Maybe the Hispanics are correct. They seem to care a hell of a lot more about what is happening in this country than the American people do, and are clearly able to organize and act in what they feel is their best interest. And, they managed to do it in a short time and in an effective fashion. Maybe we should just turn this country over to them, be they legal immigrants or illegal workers. Until we show ourselves and the world that we care as much about this place as they do, we have no right to question their actions when it comes to flying Mexican flags, speaking Spanish, or whatever agenda they propose. We just don’t have the gumption to stand up for anything anymore. Quite frankly, we get what we deserve, and this is a microcosm of what we have created for ourselves. Created by slumbering through our lives while allowing those in power to have the unfettered ability to destroy what once was America.

One unknown Senator, one line that may or may not be true. I think that his comment is probably not true; he is more likely pointing out the demonstrations as an excuse for the reprehensible actions of the Senate. But, at the very least, it should act as a wake up call to every apathetic American, showing what could be done if the numbers demonstrating were 50 Million Americans instead of 500,000 Hispanics. Unfortunately, it won't happen and it is likely way too late anyway. But, to go down without a fight, without even a whimper, makes me ashamed to be an American. So, I leave you with a question.

How much longer are we going to take this?


“Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream.”

George W. Boosh; La Crosse, Wisconsin; October 18, 2000


At 7:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bush gets his ass chewed a one of his photo ops.

There needs to be more guys like this at his press conferences.

At 7:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right, Sir! I am amazed to see so many Hispanics in the streets. More demonstrations are scheduled, and it's all over. I read the paper on line from the small town of South Lake Tahoe where I used to live. High school students there as well as their parents have been demonstrating for days. And, this is without political party affilliatin, without putting full page ads in the paper, without hundreds of thousands of dollars raised to fill the same ineffective coffers.
I'm mad about the corruption and deceit in the government, the global takeover of the corporations, the loss of liberty in this nation, the cruelty that we spread across the world, the suffering in our prisons, the exploitation of our working class in bullshit military operations,the merging of the church and state, selling of our public lands and resources, etc etc. I'm sick to death of these powermad maniacs and the silence of the mainstream media and "majority."
Especially now - as we prepare to pay our taxes, we should be registering our discontent with the government and the fact that we are paying the bills for all of this bullshit. We pay the salaries of those who have turned this government into one big FEMA fiasco.Maybe we should go into the streets with our tax forms and publically burn them. That would get their attention...

At 8:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"How much longer are we going to take this?" I'd say Nuclear First Strikes on Iran would get 50 mil. in the streets. Unfortunately, this Admin. has anticipated that and Boosh will give two commands that day, preemptory NucStrike and precautionary Martial Law, for our own protection against the 'terrorists', ya'know.

At 8:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Good analysis. You simply are not gong to get any significant population amount involved in protests until they feel affected drastically. The Hispanic demonstrations are because they are affected directly and they can see it. Not so easy for the rest of the population to see how they are affected. It's back again to seeing consequences and the value system you use to judge events. After all, I was told once recently by an acquaintance that at least we got someone in the white house that has some balls in his foreign policy, and loves to quote Lincoln concerning the preservation of the Union.

At this point I actually wonder just how effective in changing the government around 50 million protesters would be. They know they can throw a few bones out there and quiet things down. They are masters of propaganda, throwing out red herrings, justification and rationalization.

Even if you could get 50 million or so converging on D.C. I rather imagine the killing and huge mass arrests would start to happen. It has happened before. All those domestic interrnment camps weren't built for nothing. I really doubt that demonstrations are going to make a difference. It is going to take direct action, and that will only happen when enough people have no more to lose.

I wonder if they guy in your link will be retaliated against? Wouldn't be surprised.

At 8:59 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...


Well you called it again! The Sheople on their sofas, waiting for the dogs to protect them from the wolf! They don't seem to know that the dogs are just wolves with a little more breeding!

Nothing is going to get the American public away from "American Idol" long enough to do anything! Ask an American who his state Senator is and most will not know! Ask them who Bo Brice is and everybody knows! If they don't know the people that they supposedly put in Congress with their own votes, how 3will they ever take a substantial role in changing anything? The slap upside the head it will take to wake the American people up will probably be fatal in it's force!

It's truly fucking sad!

At 10:37 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


I would be all for a tax burning party, nationwide. Have no one, and I mean no one, file or pay. See how they like that action. How many could the lock up? 1 million? 10 million? Who cares? They couldn't lock up 300 million, so send a message. Sadly, a pipe dream.


At 10:38 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

anonymous 8:06,

I have my doubts that nukes would bring out the crowds. Many would applaud the effort to "protect the homeland." Sick, I know.


At 10:40 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Have to disagree with you on this one. Killings? Probably. Lockups? Certainly. But 50 Millilon people determined to stay until the end would not be stopped. Hey, a guy's gotta be able to dream, right?


At 10:41 AM, Blogger cyclone said...


Yes it is sad. By the way, who's Bo Brice?


At 10:44 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

anonymous 7:54,

I'd give my right arm, well, maybe a toe or two to be handed a microphone in a place like that. You thought Johnny Carson had a monologue, let me at the Boosh for a few minutes! Then they'd lock me up, and I wouldn't get to talk to all of you. Worth it? Probably, though you would all be missed! Maybe you could write me at least.


At 12:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the race card is one that can be played at any time and for whoever plays it, it is always the trump card no matter which side of the fence they sit on. Every one of the more developed nations has the problem of immigrants from less developed or more oppressed nations wanting in. In the USA it is largely the Latin races, mainly Mexicans. In England it is mainly the Pakistanis and to some extent the Rastas. In Belgium it is the Moroccan’s and the Turks. These are the ones who take the jobs off the home grown people, who will accept poor wages for doing unpleasant jobs that the locals don’t want anyway.
The strange thing is that if an American chooses to buy some material goods imported from China because it is a quarter of the price of a similar article made in USA, nobody complains about the Chinese peoples poor wages, living conditions, lack of civil rights or even robbing Americans of their livelihood. It is only if those Chinese people live and work in America that there is a problem. Since China is USA’s biggest creditor I guess there is no shortage of people buying Chinese goods.

In most western countries there is also a completely accepted ethnic business sub class. The Chinese again run restaurants; the Indians run restaurants and own all night general shops.

Some local people choose to forget that USA is a nation of immigrants and object to others solely on the grounds that they are different. Strangely these are the ones who find it necessary to burn a cross in order to cheer themselves up.

Suppose that you have a good job but one day your boss said “We want you to transfer to the Congo and start a new operation up over there”. Suppose there was enough in it for you and you decided to do it. Would you want to integrate into Congo society or would you want to hang on to as much of your American culture as you could? Would you want to mix socially with the locals or would you seek out the ten other westerners working in the locality? If you would do the latter then this is the way ghettos start or more appropriately apartheid. The ones who do try some form of integration are accused of ‘going native’.

Let’s talk about the implication of what John Lenon said. Imagine that there are no countries, no borders, only people. After the great economic crash of the early 2000’s, you are working away in your small community of 100 – 200 people and some Hispanic type wanders into your village and says “I would like to stay here and join you, in return I have experience of growing sugar and I have some plants. I know how to crop it and convert it into alcohol either for drinking or for use as a fuel. I also have some coffee plants which I think will grow in your climate. In the meantime I will help out mending tools, baking or whatever you want”. What would your response be to this sort of approach?
Suppose somebody else wandered in and said “Cloth me feed me, shelter me and in return I will sit outside my shelter and blow smoke rings at the moon, now what do you say”? I think I know what I would say.

I think that anyone who can contribute to the common pot according to their abilities and looking to see what needs to be done without being asked and without playing power politics, then that would be OK for me, even if they were small, green and came from Mars.

At 12:16 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful cimmitted individuals can change the world. Indeedm it's the only thing that ever has." Margret Mead

Amazing how much strength is to be found in just two sentences!

At 12:24 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...


I don't know, but for some strange reason he seems the only thing my daughter can talk about! I think he's a contestant on "American Idol". Like I said I don't know for sure because I've never been able to sit through an episode of "American Idol" and I never will!

Oh yea! My senator is Richard Burr. He's an asshole. I didn't vote for him. Barbara Dole is my other Senator. I didn't vote for her either! No, Freeacre! It isn't because she's a woman!

At 12:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not so good if that small thoughtful, committed group of individuals is Bush and his cohorts.

From Belgium.

At 2:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the link of anonymous 7.54

“Bush was also asked what he would have done differently in the Iraq war. He talked about different tactics for police and security training and for reconstruction and he expressed strong regret about the abuse of inmates at Abu Ghraib prison”.

"What took place there and the pictures there just represented everything there that we didn't stand for, and it hurt us," Bush said. "It gave the enemy a fantastic opportunity to use it for propaganda reasons. ... I wish that can be done over. It was a disgraceful experience."

Not Abu Ghraib this time but Camp Delta. Another opportunity for a man who is terribly hurt to make amends.

From Belgium.

At 2:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is another film on Gitmo and Abu Ghraib.

From Belgium

At 5:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cyclone you missed something in the timing of this bill. While the coporate news is filling up their air time and pages with pictures of demonstrations and interviews with congressmen, over imigration reform. The real headline, with 1/2 collumn inch, back on page ten, right next to the fold, on the bottom, is an article about the three top election officials in Ohio being indicted for election fraud over the election of the Chimpster in 2005. I hope President Kerry makes a national announcement about this today.

At 5:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know,i've traveled all over mexico in an old volkswagon van with a buddy in the 69 70 era and i never before or since been treated with such respect from people who knew me may be different now,but then time after time in our travels down the west coast across the interior deep into places that would make me look twice nowadays ,we were taken in and cared for by all these beautiful people that had nothing by our standards, we were invited to their homes with chickens ,pigs and various other creatures,running about the ,well you couldn't really call it something we could relate to,poles tied together with vines and big leaves on the roof for shingles that would keep out the rain and god could it rain.there was much singing at any time of the day and someone would walk in with a fish,turtle,or undescribable four legged thing for a meal and most always some cervesa or a botte of something to put a big smile on the face,man it was great,sharing what little their was and feeling so welcome,i tell you i long for thoes days that are probably gone by now but who knows?
it did place something in my heart that never went away and never will,something so rare and such a treasure to be touched by your fellow man and asked for nothing in return,yea even an embarrasment to the people to even try to return something for their friendship.
so you see all is not corporate evil even though it seems as if that is the only thing that is being presented,mostly.
viva la mexico,and the poor people that have life taken from them by the sons a bitches in power there.
peace brothers/sisters
montana freeman

At 8:22 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

Anonymous 5:08,

Yes, I did miss that. Thanks for pointing it out to me.


At 8:23 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

montana freeman,

After it is all said and done, those that survive will experience such times again. A catastrophe of mass proportions will bring people back to what is truly important, at least I hope so. Thanks for the story,


At 8:26 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

anonymous 12:09,

It is interesting how buying Chinese goods or things from sweatshops in Taiwan is okay with the masses. That is how far off course we have gone.

Your final paragraph sums it up about as well as it can be done. Thanks for the comments,


At 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the best thing I have read about this issue. Thank you, Cyclone. You are one of a kind, and you are appreciated.

At 8:28 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

anonymous 8:27,

Thanks. I just call them like I see them, much like in baseball games.


At 8:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

montana freeman:

An experience I had in 1982 touched me in a somewhat similar way.

I was part of a Canadian Navy Warship's compliment when the squadron visited Shanghai. We were the first western warships to visit Red China since 1949.

It was Canada week and we were part of our foreign affairs departments effort to open up trade etc with China. The Chinese wined us, dined us, took us on escorted excursions to many places and events.

But the event I liked most was a performance by school children about age 5 to 7-8, something like that and they put on a little concert for us. This took place in a commune with a population of 82,000 people, we were told. It was about 30 maybe 50 miles out of Shanghai. The concert was special and became VERY special when they sang jingle bells for us. No anger, no hatred, no animosity, no guile. Just a bunch of little kids having fun.

Now the organizers and their bosses of course had ulterior motives but the kids did not.

To this day it touches my heart when I remember that day and I remember it often.

At 9:28 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

anonymous 8:51,

Thanks for the touching story. There is some good in this world, it's just much harder to find it these days. If one spends their life dwelling on the insanity that surrounds us, stories like yours are missed. I am probably more guilty of that than anyone.


At 12:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

People from the City of Glasgow in Scotland can say “Hello” to you in the street and make it sound like a threat, but in the early 70’s I toured Scotland with my mother and stayed in a village by Loch Lomand only 10 – 15 miles north of Glasgow. The woman who owned the house we stayed in, stood outside and shouted over to me “You can lock your car if it makes you feel better but we won’t be locking the front door tonight”. I thought how long ago it was that we were able to do that in our towny existence?

A few years earlier my parents went to one of the Spanish Islands when tourism was just starting up and saw what they thought was a lively bar. It turned out to be a wedding celebration which the people insisted they join in and they were treated as honoured guests.

It just seems to me that the more civilised and the more advanced our society is, the less nice people we become.

Btw comment Anon 12.09pm was me also, I posted and realised I hadn’t identified myself.

From Belgium

At 3:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aho, Montanna Freeman,

One day the world will move to you.

If I was a young man again I would like to share your simple lifestyle.

It is a strange thought that this madman in power has brought this group of like minded people together.

From Belgium

At 4:56 AM, Blogger cyclone said...

My Belgian friend,

Trying to trick me, huh? And here I thought we had yet another articulate, well written reader! Just kidding.
It is amazing the quality of the group of people who have chosen to gather here. I have no idea how it happened, but it is indeed special.
I am ready for that reunion we have been discussing.


At 7:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know belgium,the heart is a timeless entity and someone asked me once ,how old would you be if you didn't know how old you were? i had to dwell on that for a minute and it occured to me that the person spoke a large truth,big medicine we call it,when i see a glorious sunrise or sunset or a child caught up in the rapture of just being a child,laughing at the most ridiculous thing my heart sings and tears come to my eyes in the fullness of that moment,and then i realize what that person meant.there is no time,other then that which we choose for it to be.will have hip surgery this month and plan to be in the snow this winter with sticks under my feet and i am 66 circles around the sun.
come to montana belgium,i think you would like it.i would love to meet you and all the other tribal posters at this site,at least you all seem like the lost tribe that was ripped from me,simply for being what i was and the shame that hang over our people as a conquered race.i've had to start with nothing more then a deep feeling of not belonging anywhere,not even among the brothers on the reservations,untill finally, in one incounter,becoming one with mother earth the learning began,the ancient wisdom lies just under our bare feet and it is for all of us,to return to that place of innocence and allow the face of the great spirit to smile upon us once more.i thank you all for allowing me to join in with this council,you brothers/sisters are really special to me.
montana freeman

At 8:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Your first sentence was high on chuckle factor, the second one – ahh.

Montana Freeman,

Yes, age is between your ears. I am sure that one day we will meet.
Good luck with the surgery, for the rest I am not sure how to reply to you except the following words just sprung into my mind:

Say, is there Beauty yet to find?
And Certainty? and Quiet kind?
Deep meadows yet, for to forget
The lies, and truths, and pain? . . . oh! yet
Stands the Church clock at ten to three?
And is there honey still for tea?

From Belgium.

At 9:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Your ending statement is worth commenting on. We will continue eating shit until there is some shit I will not eat. When enough people get so pissed off that they can't stand it anymore, then you will see your 50 million in revolt. Until then, all we can do is scrape it off our plates and look for something more wholesome.

At 11:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Diplomatic Language

I was going to draw attention to the language that Putin and his foreign minister are using to woo the Muslim world.

Who needs bombs when you can talk like this?

On VTM news I have just seen the Washington Ambassador to Venezuela being attacked by a crowd with rotten fruit which he claims was government orchestrated.,1,6779341.story?coll=la-headlines-world

This was followed by President Chavez (I translate from the Dutch translation of the original Spanish), “Let that drunken mass murderer Bush try showing his face around here…”

It doesn’t take a political analyst to pick elements and nuances out of this lot. Such is life in politics.

From Belgium.

At 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry guys, those links fell off the end of the column, I will try again.

Link 1

Link 2,1,6779341.story?coll=la-headlines-world

Hope this works.

From Belgium.

At 4:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

they work just fine

At 7:37 PM, Blogger stoney13 said...

You should have heard Chris Mathews blowing sunshine up the republican ass friday! All kinds of bullshit about the 4.6 percent unemployment figures! What he didn't tell us was most of those kicked out of their high - paying jobs wound up taking McJobs because that's all that's available. The nombers just don't tell the whole story! But then again, they never fucking do!

At 2:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From singapore

Additional items I bought over past week, I seem to have run out of ideas for emergency goods to buy.

1. 1 man powered aluminium meat processor, can use it to make hot dogs/sausages/compressed raw meat. This is almost the same one used by the competiting teams in Germany in the Amazing Race some time ago. Made in China, S$13.50/US$8. Very rarely seen nowadays as most are electrical models. ABC discount shop in opposite Bugis Junction, Singapore and I got the only one available.
2. 10 1.5 litres glass bottle for canning meat/vegetables. Usage is to cook meat/vegetables until it is very well done, pour the meat/vegetables into the glass bottle, and pour cooking oil on top to prevent oxygen from getting into the food, then seal it with provided bottle cap, no need to seal with wax. Place the bottle into medium warm water (Make sure to cover the cover) and then pour boiling water into it. Let it cool for some time, until the U shaped button on the cover folds inside, indicating a vacuum is formed. Cost is S$4.35/US$2.80 each. Made in Italy and very nice looking bottles. The only problem is as the bottle is very large, how to store the opened food or must finish all the food within the bottle within 1 day, which may not be possible in population reduced world? Other models are 1 litre S$3.85, 0.5 litre S$3.35, 0.25 litre S$2.85. The largest is 1.5 litre and smallest 0.25 litres.
3.Any other thing that you think I missed out?

At 6:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sinapore you are absolutly amazing,i'm going to come live in your front yard if you have one,and if theres room,you have made my day for sure.would love to meet you,you remind me of a truly wonderfull friend i've known for over forty years.
good luck
montana friend

At 11:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you could get a start on the ark to put it all in... great job! I just got one of those fancy juicer/ blenders to make nutritious drinks from fresh fruits and veggies. Makes hot soup with no heating element, just friction. Not much good if the electricity goes out, but until then... should stay healthier. I also want to get a rototiller for the garden and a double-barreled composter. Now I just need a second job to pay for it all...this "simple" lifestyle is not seeming so simple somehow.
Belgium, we watched those links. In a just world, Rumsfeld and Chaney and Gonzales would be hauled into a war crimes tribunal. They are like Eichman, Goerbels,and Goerring to me (however one spells their names). What a disgrace to our nation.
But what an amazing collection of folks have gathered here. I have been brought to tears more than once by the sincere expressions written from the hearts of those who share this site. In my mind I am singing and dancing at the fire of Montana Freeman with all of you one summer evening.

At 2:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have told you guys before – Bush beer 12% abv, normally reserved for the tourists. A few of those and your mind goes freewheeling.

I will tell you what is thoughtful though, I have spent a couple of hours reading through the Troubled Texan blog into the events of WTO 9/11 (as you guys call it, it is actually 11/9 but I won’t press the point). There are so many side links that it seems difficult to make progress through it. It actually deserves a whole day on the site; once to read it thro from end to end and then again to go into the links. So far I have only read three sections from fourteen. There are loads of pictures and diagrams. I have just read the section on the Pentagon crash with pictures of firemen hosing the walls down – but where is the plane or the bits of it? There are no wings engines; tail plane anywhere, not even the grass in front of the hole is scorched. Oh yes the hole – well the exit hole is circular and about six feet in diameter and that is what the fuselage of a 757 squeezed through. And the glass in the windows above the impact was left intact. Hey – hey?

Must go to bed now, I will continue with it in the morning, have to go out in the afternoon. Maybe we can compare comments.

From Belgium.

At 5:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

News Flash: Dollar Tanking?

The Bush Administration may be destroying the US dollar.

M3 data is no longer being reported, so there is no way for the public, investors or bond holders to know how much currency exists - and no way to gauge how much a "dollar" is truly worth. Three separate sources in the U.S. Treasury have told us that this week, the Federal Reserve ordered TWO TRILLION dollars to be printed secretly! The U.S. Treasury is allegedly running printing presses 24/7 to accommodate that order. Treasury employees were specifically ORDERED not to talk about this to anyone because it could cause economic collapse.


At 9:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Isreal should not be at forefront of war against Iran - Let USA and others take the lead

At 4:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A story regarding the warmth/wonderfulness of the Mexican people and traveling in Mexico:

While in Mexico City in the early 90's I accidently dropped my small wallet filled with cash in one of those little yellow v.w. taxie cabs. It probebly had around 200 bucks in it and my credit cards. The next morning the cab driver, Juan, who remembered where he dropped me, brought the wallet back to where I was staying. I'll never forget that. My travels in Mexico have always been filled with memories of a beautiful, kind, generous people. I say the more who come here, the better!

At 10:14 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...


You've got that one right! I never could figure that out either! Want to know something else interesting? All the survielance cameras from all the business in the area that had even a HINT of that crash recorded got snapped up by the NSA and nobody has seen them since! Mighty damned strange! I've thought for a long time there was something fishy about the whole deal with 9/11! Things just worked out too good for Bush and Bush just seems to have too much to hide about the whole thing. I would hate to think our president would be low down enough to do a black bag job on 3000 American people, but we are talking about Bush here! Anybody remember "OPERATION NORTHWOODS"? Google it! You'll find yourself enlightened about just how shady a government can get when it wants to go to war and the people aren't into the fight!

Saw Jack the Lad sporting around with Condi Rice last week. He can have her! The thought of what British denistry at duty on Miss Condis horse teeth give me a warm feeling deep in the pit of my ... er... Let's just say it gives me a warm feeling!


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