The Rest of the Ron Paul Speech
I had a post ready for today, but an anonymous reader has pointed out that I did not post the entire speech by Ron Paul. This was a mistake on my part as I couldn't pull it up from any link that I could find. It changes somewhat, but I think that together it is an important thing to read. It all relates to our current situation, and my post can wait a day. This is the second part of his speech. Thanks to whoever pointed this error out to me.
As an aside, I will be having surgery on Monday. I hope to post something tomorrow and Sunday, then play it by ear for a few days after that. I'll get back as soon as I possibly can. I wouldn't mind some suggestions on where to go from here, on what you all would like to see in the near future on this site. I believe that the end is near and it is time to get to down to some serious planning on how to survive the crash. Many won't survive, that is simply a fact. It is also the plan.
You have proven more than capable of carrying on without me in the past, so I wouldn't expect it to be much different if I should be away for 4-5 days. If you would, think about it and fire some ideas my way. Either email me or post them, whatever you think is best. I will at the very least be able to read your comments and emails and respond to some of them, I would think, beginning Tuesday. (I hope?) For now, happy reading.
Mr. Speaker, I would like to now switch topics and address another subject, and this is regarding the need for reform in light of the recent lobbying scandal.
Mr. Speaker, the Abramoff scandal has been described as the biggest Washington scandal ever, bigger than Watergate, bigger than ABSCAM, bigger than Koreagate, bigger than the House banking scandal, bigger than Teapot Dome. Possibly so. It is certainly serious and significant.
It has prompted urgent proposals of suggested reforms to deal with the mess. If only we had more rules and regulations, more reporting requirements and stricter enforcement of laws, the American people will be assured we mean business. Ethics and character will return to the Halls of Congress. It is argued that new champions of reform should be elected to leadership positions to show how serious we are about dealing with the crisis of confidence generated by the Abramoff affair. Then all will be well.
But it is not so simple. Maybe what we have seen so far is just the tip of the iceberg and the insidious crisis staring us in the face that we refuse to properly identify and deal with.
[Page: H322] It has been suggested we need to change course and correct the way Congress is run. A good idea, but if we merely tinker with current attitudes about what role the Federal Government ought to play in our lives, it won't do much to solve the ethics crisis.
True reform is impossible without addressing the immorality of wealth redistribution. Merely electing new leaders and writing more rules to regulate those who petition Congress will achieve nothing.
Could it be that we are all looking in the wrong places for our solution to a recurring, constant, and pervasive corruption in government? Perhaps some of us in Congress are mistaken about the true problem. Perhaps others deliberately distract us from exposing the truth about how miserably corrupt the budget process in Congress is.
Others simply are in a State of denial. But the denial will come to an end as the Abramoff scandal reveals more and more. It eventually will expose the scandal of the ages, how and to what degree the American people have become indebted by the totally irresponsible spending habits of the U.S. Congress as encouraged by successive administrations, condoned by our courts, and enjoyed by the recipients of the largesse.
This system of government is coming to an end, a fact that significantly contributes to the growing anxiety of most Americans, especially those who pay the bills and receive little in return from the corrupt system that has evolved over the decades.
Believe me, if everybody benefited equally, there would be scant outcry over a little bribery and influence peddling. As our country grows poorer and more indebted, fewer people benefit. The beneficiaries are not the hard-working, honest people who pay the taxes. The groups that master the system of lobbying and special interest legislation are the ones who truly benefit.
The steady erosion of real wealth in this country and the dependency on government generated by welfare-ism and warfare-ism presents itself as the crisis of the ages. Lobbying scandals and the need for new leadership are mere symptoms of a much, much deeper problem.
There are quite a few reasons a relatively free country allows itself to fall into such an ethical and financial mess. One major contributing factor for the past 100 years is our serious misunderstanding of the dangers of pure democracy.
The Founders detested democracy and avoided the use of the word in all the early documents. Today, most Americans accept without question a policy of sacrificing life, property and dollars to force democracy on a country 6,000 miles away. This tells us how little opposition there is to democracy. No one questions the principle that a majority electorate should be allowed to rule the country, dictate rights, and redistribute wealth. Our system of democracy has come to mean worshiping the notion that a majority vote for the distribution of government largesse, loot confiscated from the American people through an immoral tax system, is morally and constitutionally acceptable.
Under these circumstances, it is no wonder a system of runaway lobbying and special interests has developed. Add this to the military industrial complex that developed over the decades due to a foreign policy of perpetual war and foreign military intervention, and we shouldn't wonder why there is such a powerful motivation to learn the tricks of the lobbying trade and why former Members of Congress and their aides become such high-priced commodities.
Buying influence is much more lucrative than working and producing for a living. The trouble is in the process; the process invites moral corruption. The dollars involved grow larger and larger because of the deficit financing and inflation that pure democracy always generates.
Dealing with lobbying scandals while ignoring the scandal of unconstitutional runaway government will solve nothing. If people truly believe that reform is the solution through regulating lobbyists and increasing congressional reporting requirements, the real problem will be ignored and never identified. This reform only makes things worse.
Greater regulation of lobbyists is a dangerous and unnecessary proposition. If one expects to solve a problem without correctly identifying its source, the problem persists. The first amendment clearly states ``Congress shall make no laws respecting the right of the people to petition the government for a redress of grievances.'' That means no law.
The problem of special interest government that breeds corruption comes from our lack of respect for the Constitution in the first place. So what do we do? We further violate the Constitution, rather than examine it for guidance as to the proper role of the Federal Government.
Laws addressing bribery, theft, and fraud already on the books are adequate to deal with the criminal activities associated with lobbying. New laws and regulations are unnecessary.
The theft that the Federal Government commits against its citizens and the power that Congress has assumed illegally are the real crimes that need to be dealt with. In this regard, we truly need a new
direction: get rid of the evil tax system, the fraudulent monetary system and the power of the government to run our lives, the economy and the world, and the Abramoff types would be exposed for the mere gnats they are. There would be a lot less of them since the incentive to buy politicians would be removed.
Even under today's flawed system of democratic government, which is dedicated to redistributing property by force, a lot could be accomplished if government attracted men and women of good will and character. Members could just refuse to yield to the temptations of office and reject the path to a lobbying career.
But it seems once government adopts the rules of immorality, some of the participants in the process yield to the temptation as well, succumbing to the belief that the new moral standards are acceptable.
Today, though, any new rules designed to restrain special interest favoritism will only push the money further under the table.
Too much is at stake. Corporations, bureaucrats, lobbyists and politicians have grown accustomed to the system and have learned to work within it to survive. Only when the trough is empty will the country wake up. Eliminating earmarks in the budget will not solve the problem.
Comparing the current scandal to the big one, the Abramoff types are petty thieves. The government deals in trillions of dollars, the Abramoffs in mere millions. Take a look at the undeclared war we are bogged down in 6,000 miles from our shore. We have spent $300 billion already, but Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz argues that the war will actually cost between $1 trillion and $2 trillion when it is all over. That is trillions, not billions. Even that figure is unpredictable, because we may be in Iraq for another year or 10. Who knows.
Considering the war had nothing to do with our national security, we are talking big bucks being wasted in lining the pockets of well-connected American corporations. Waste, fraud, stupidity, and no-bid contracts characterize the process; and it is all done in the name of patriotism and national security. Dissenters are accused of supporting the enemy. Now, this is a ripoff that a little tinkering with House rules and restraints on lobbyists won't do much to solve.
Think of how this undeclared war has contributed to our national deficit, undermined military preparedness, antagonized our allies, and exposed us to an even greater threat from those who resent our destructive occupation. Claiming we have no interest in the oil of the entire Middle East hardly helps our credibility throughout the world.
The system of special interest government that has evolved over the last several decades has given us a national debt of over $8 trillion, a debt that now expands by over $600 billion every year. Our total obligations are estimated to be between $15 trillion and $20 trillion. Most people realize that the Social Security system, the Medicare system and the new prescription drug program are unfunded. Thousands of private pension funds are now being dumped on the U.S. Government and American taxpayers. We are borrowing over $700 billion each year from foreigners to finance this extravagance, and we now
[Page: H323]qualify as the greatest international debtor Nation in history.
Excessive consumption using borrowed money is hardly the way to secure a sound economy. Instead of reining in government spending, Congress remains oblivious to the financial dangers and panders to special interests by offering no resistance whatsoever to every request for new spending. Congress spends $2.7 trillion annually in an attempt to satisfy everyone's demands. The system has generated over $200 trillion in derivatives.
These problems can't be addressed with token leadership changes and tinkering with the budget. A new and dramatic direction is required.
As current policy further erodes the budget, special interests and Members of Congress become even more aggressive in their efforts to capture a piece of the dwindling economic pie. That success is the measure of effectiveness that guarantees a Member's reelection.
The biggest ripoff of all, the paper money system that is morally and economically equivalent to counterfeiting, is never questioned. It is the deceptive tool for transferring billions from the unsuspecting poor and middle class to the special-interest rich, and in the process the deficit-propelled budget process supports the spending demands of all the special interests, left and right, welfare and warfare, while delaying payment to another day and sometimes even to another generation.
The enormous sums spent each year to support the influential special interests expand exponentially and no one really asks how it is accomplished. Raising taxes to balance the budget is out of the question, and rightfully so. Foreigners have been generous in their willingness to loan us most of what we need, but even that generosity is limited and may well diminish in the future.
But if the Federal Reserve did not pick up the slack and create huge amounts of new credit and money out of thin air, interest rates would rise and call a halt to the charade. The people who suffer from a depreciated dollar don't understand why they suffer, while the people who benefit promote the corrupt system. The wealthy clean up on Wall Street and the unsophisticated buy in at the market tops. Wealth is transferred from one group to another, and it is all related to the system that allows politicians and the central banks to create money out of thin air. It is literally legalized counterfeiting.
Is it any wonder jobs go overseas? True capital only comes from savings, and Americans save nothing. We only borrow and consume. A counterfeiter has no incentive to take his newly created money and build factories. The incentive for Americans is to buy consumers goods from other countries whose people are willing to save and invest in their factories and jobs. The only way we can continue this charade is to borrow excess dollars back from the foreign governments who sell us goods and perpetuate the pretense of wealth that we enjoy.
The system of money contributes significantly to the problems of illegal immigration. On the surface, immigrants escaping poverty in Mexico and Central America come here for the economic opportunity that our economy offers. However, the social services they receive, including education and medical benefits, as well as the jobs they get, are dependent on our perpetual indebtedness to foreign countries. When the burden of debt becomes excessive, this incentive to seek prosperity here in the United States will change.
The prime beneficiaries of a paper money system are those who use the money early, governments, politicians, bankers, international corporations and the military industrial complex. Those who suffer most are the ones at the end of the money chain, the people forced to use depreciated dollars to buy urgently needed goods and services to survive. And guess what? By then, their money is worth less, prices soar, and their standard of living goes down.
[Time: 22:15] The consequences of this system, fully in place for the past 34 years, are astronomical and impossible to accurately measure. Industries go offshore, and the jobs follow. Price inflation eats away at the middle class and deficits soar, while spending escalates rapidly as Congress hopes to keep up with the problems it created.
The remaining wealth that we struggle to hold on to is based on debt, future tax revenues, and our ability to manufacture new tax dollars without restraint.
There is only one problem. It all depends on trust in the dollar, especially by foreign holders and purchasers. This trust will end, and signs of the beginning of the end are already appearing.
During this administration, the dollar has suffered severely as a consequence of the policy of inflating the currency to pay our bills. The dollar price of gold has more than doubled. This means the dollar has depreciated in terms of gold, the time-honored and reliable measurement of a nation's currency, by an astounding 55 percent. The long-term economic health of a nation is measured by the soundness of its currency. Once Rome converted from a republic to an empire, she depreciated her currency to pay the bills. This eventually led to Rome's downfall. That is exactly what America is facing unless we change our ways.
Now, this is a real scandal worth worrying about. Since it is not yet on Washington's radar screen, no attempt at addressing the problem is being made. Instead, we will be sure to make those the Constitution terms petitioners to redress their grievances fill out more forms. We will make government officials attend more ethics courses so they can learn how to be more ethical.
A free nation as it moves towards authoritarianism tolerates and hides a lot of the abuse in the system. The human impulse for wealth creation is hard to destroy, but in the end it will happen here if true reform of our economic, monetary, and political system is not accomplished.
Whether government programs are promoted for good causes, helping the poor, or bad causes, permitting a military industrial complex to capitalize on war profits, the principles of the market are undermined. Eventually, nearly everyone becomes dependent on the system of deficits, borrowing, printing press money, and the special interest budget process that distributes the loot by majority vote.
Today, most business interests and the poor are dependent on government handouts. Education and medical care is almost completely controlled and regulated by an overpowering central government. We have come to accept our role as world policeman and nation builder with little question despite the bad results and inability to pay the bills.
The question is, what will it take to bring about the changes in policy needed to reverse this dangerous trend? The answer is, quite a lot; and, unfortunately, it is not on the horizon. It probably will not come until there is a rejection of the dollar as the safest and strongest world currency and a return to commodity money like gold and silver to return confidence.
The Abramoff-type scandals come and go in Washington, patched over with grandiose schemes and reform that amount to nothing more than government and congressional mischief. But our efforts should be directed toward eliminating the greatest of all frauds, printing press money that creates the political conditions breeding the vultures and leaches who feed off the corrupt system.
Counterfeiting money never creates wealth. It only steals wealth from the unsuspecting. The Federal Reserve creation of money is exactly the same. Increasing the dollars in circulation can only diminish the value of each existing dollar. Only production and jobs can make a country wealthy in the long run. Today, it is obvious our country is becoming poorer and more uneasy as our jobs and capital go overseas.
The Abramoff scandal can serve a useful purpose if we put it in the context of the entire system that encourages corruption. If it is seen as an isolated case of individual corruption and not an expected consequence of big government run amok, little good will come of it. If we understand how our system of government intervenes in our personal lives, the entire economy and the internal affairs of other nations around the world, we can understand how it generates the conditions where lobbyists thrive.
Only then will some good come of it. Only then will we understand that undermining the first amendment right of
[Page: H324]people to petition the government is hardly a solution to this much more serious and pervasive problem.
If we are inclined to improve conditions we should give serious consideration to the following policy reforms, reforms the American people who cherish liberty would enthusiastically support. Let us have no more No Child Left Behind legislation. Let us have no more prescription drugs programs. No more undeclared wars. No more nation building. No more acting as the world policeman. No more deficits. No more excessive spending everywhere. No more political and partisan resolutions designed to embarrass those who may well have legitimate and honest disagreements with current policy. No inferences that disagreeing with policy is unpatriotic or disloyal to the country. No more pretense of budget reforms while ignoring off-budget spending in the ever-growing 14 appropriations bills.
Cut funding for corporate welfare, foreign aid, international NGOs, defense contractors, the military industrial complex, and rich corporate farmers before cutting welfare for the poor at home. No more unconstitutional intrusions into the privacy of law-abiding American citizens. Reconsider the hysterical demands for security over liberty by curtailing the ever-expanding oppressive wars on drugs, tax violators and gun ownership.
Finally, why not try something novel like having Congress act as an independent and equal branch of government? Restore the principle of the separation of powers so that we can perform our duty to provide checks and balances on an executive branch and an accommodating judiciary that spies on Americans, glorifies the welfare state, fights undeclared wars, and enormously increases the national debt.
Congress was not meant to be a rubber stamp. It is time for a new direction.
Today's Boosh Quote:
"[T]he best way to find these terrorists who hide in holes is to get people coming forth to describe the location of the hole, is to give clues and data."
George W. Boosh, Washington, D.C., Dec. 15, 2003
Another good post by Cyclone. This congressman should run for president.
I am impressed!! He has pinpointed the most essential problems we have in our society and government. Unfortunately, I do not believe that he will be heeded and everything will come tumbling down and we will have to start over. His proposals and criticisms are directed against the elite that at this time have the control. They first have to be taken out of the position of control of anything.
I can only hope that a significant amount of people become aware of this speech and decide to take action to preserve somethng of value from this mess.
Thank you for posting Rep. Ron Paul's speech. To me, this man is a real patriot. He is one of the very few that really stands up for freedom. To insure liberty, one cannot side with either the corporate tyranny of the right, or the social tyranny of the left. In either case, the ideals of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" are too easily compromised, co-opted, or corrupted. Our whole system has rejected the premis that "all men are created equal." We have allowed our rights to be eroded and created an overclass to rule not only us, but to bully and rob everybody else as well. Shame on us.
Ron Paul reminds us of who we could have been...maybe what we should be headed toward when it all comes apart and we have to put it together again. One can only hope.
I don't care what the pundits say about him. If this guy is a Libertarian, then I am a Libertarian too.
Thanks for this speech Cyclone!! Bloody brilliant wordz indeed. This man, Ron Paul is one of the few who calls it how it is, going against the grain. Brilliant work dude :)
As for where to go next...??
Been thinkin about this a lot lately, as I read more and more articles relating to all things going wrong. I am stumped. All I can think is to wait until I see the 'whites of its eyes' and take one of the many roads I have planned. I have made the move to 'higher ground' so to speak, we did that last year - saw all this coming a while ago now.
I think I will be like Nero and 'fiddle' while 'Rome' burns. I will just continue to make music that expresses what I see/feel and spread the word as best I can that change is a comin and no one can escape it.
Hello Cyclone
First I want to wish you God Speed in a fast recovery and from your upcoming medical adventures. I for one will be awaiting your return to commentary. For myself this is one of the very few sites I can actually visit and be assured of some semblance of intelligent discourse.
Second here is an interesting bit on Iran/China relations
I apologise for the way I posted this link I am not what you would call "puter"
Again you have posted a very good article. I am impressed as this is coming from a representative in the government. It must be damn lonely in his hallways as this type of information would relegate him to the darkest and most forgotten reaches of the halls of government.
I agree with most of what he is speaking. I have to say that this present style of Government will not change. It is in the very core of most human beings to take as much as is possible from those less fortunate. These people who pretend to be representatives of the people have taken this the dark side of the human spirit and have elevated it to a whole different level.
Personally I like the phrase representative of the people. I ask you though How many of you actually know millionaires? I know of maybe a couple. So why is that our peoples representatives are all wealthy people? Is that a good representation of our society? Would a millionaire know and understand the day to day issues that you and I are faced with? Would they know that for most the cost of medical aid, of education and of daily living expenses is of the upmost importance? To all of the above I would have to say NOT!!!
Why is it that we continue to look to people with money as exemplary examples of people? Why do we believe that money some how makes a better person? When it comes to election time why is it we are swayed by the packaging of the individual and not the contents?
The answer is easy my friends, we all have been so conditoned by a mass media that anything that does not fit a norm as portrayed by the media is on some level evil.
I know this if only for myself. Not all have the ability and the wherewithall to become very wealthy, and for most having just a comfortable life is more than enough, however I know it is within all of our capabilities to be better people. Some will choose to be good and others will act against that good. What I see in the present government is a collection of individuals who are the most vile of the spiecies, and they are taking the corruption to new levels.
Will this change? Not likely. I am a proponent for total economic crash. It will hurt, and hurt a lot. Kind of like when I was growing up and fell afoul with the laws of my dad, a trip to the woodshed so to speak to learn a lesson, hurt like hell. Learned the lessons though and they remained learned. A crash will be this societies trip to the woodshed.
Enough for now...
The last two Presidents to ettempt to change from the Federal reserve were assasinated. Lincoln and Kennedy.
I think your right the powers at the top will yeld nothing and spin this into something of no concequence. It will take a total colapse of this fiasco in order to start over with a new hopefully real basis of our momnetary system.
It was apparent to me that foriegn countries re-invested in themselves much more heavely than we do. One of the opportunities that comes to mind is education. Foriegn countries pay the bill of educating the new generations coming up, were we burden them with debt and limited opportunity. It seems that yes anyone can recieve an education but its much easier if you have the money in the first place and in turn perpetuates thier standing in our society.
It seem these elites will stop at nothing to hold on to power. Thus the consolidation of the media. Wether they are intimidated by the removal of advertising dollars or out and out neocon control it matters not the message is still the same. Mis-information you go along or you are un patriotic. Keep the two sides fighting Dems-repugs so as the real issues never see the light of day.
Well it seems this bull shit system is coming to an end and like Ely said this is probably the only way for real change.
I apologies for mis spellings
Thanks for your posting. I have been mentioning these sentiments over and over. We have to stop assuming that people with money are necessarily better and smarter. Me, I also know only a couple of people that are millionaires. Most I’ve met and been around for any time at all I could not stand. I do know one very wealthy man that is indeed different: kind, non manipulative, thoughtful and very generous to those that need help. Probably because he is a practicing Buddhist.
It appears true that Ron Paul is a man standing mostly alone. You just know that he has been marginalized for his views. Remember those others who ran for office that tried to speak the truth, that condemned the elite for what they were doing? Ross Perot, Ralph Nadir, and others? They cannot get elected no matter how right they are. Even Dean, when he tried to be upfront, got blasted by the media. The sad fact, as it appears to me, is that most people want to live in a fantasy; the reality around them is not good enough or is too painful. Our educational system is set up to reinforce that, I suspect with forethought. Critical thinking is largely not taught or encouraged any longer. I had to get out of the teaching profession because I couldn’t stand what was going on and I knew I would be fighting continuously with the administration and fellow teachers.
Keep in mind this government was set up by elites. They were not about to relinquish their power altogether. The consequence was a flawed form of government that has resulted in our crisis today. A better way to do it has to be found. If we just change the people in this framework, we will end up with the same problems in time. It is a form of mental illness that allows you to think that doing the same thing over and over results in different outcomes. Through the media, principally, we have been assaulted with this mental disorder. Way too many people have bought into it. It seems to me that the paramount question is how you set up a government that negates the less desirable traits of human behavior. Got any ideas?
timeless meant to post on the speach by Ron Paul aloha
Here is a link to Ron Paul's web site with lots of his Speeches, Statements, etc.
How ironic you should mention the deffinition of insanity. I just posted something that have that in it.
To your question as far as goverment for the people. I have few ideas at this point. I wish I was better educated. On the other hand it seems that DC has differant laws then the rest of the country for some reason. I can't confirm this but thats what I have heard. If its so then that would be the first thing I would do change them to the same standards as everyone lese has to abide by. The next thing I would do is stop pouring money down a black hole (war on terrism, drugs) It seems to have the reverse effect from what I have seen.
Thats all I have for now I have to think about it a bit.
DAMN!!!! How simple it all is!!!! See!! This is why I've been a Libertarian for the last 20 years!! This speach needs to be posted far and wide in it's entirety! By chosing to put it here, Cyclone has probably done more to save America than all the elected officials for the last hundred years! Damn fine work, Cyclone! DAMN FINE!!!!!!
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