Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Gonzales; T-Shirts

Alberto Gonzales

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales appeared before the Senate yesterday in an effort to defend the illegal spying program of President Boosh. I don’t know how the Senate expects to get any new information out of a Boosh lapdog, but I guess they must be applauded for trying. Gonzales continually stonewalled the questioners, hiding behind the Super Secret nature of the program. If it weren’t such a serious matter, it would be laughable.

First, Gonzales spent the entire day insisting that the program was legal, stating that the Constitution gave the President the authority to do this. He then threw in that Congress had also authorized it when they gave the President permission to use force in Iraq. These approaches create some problems. First, virtually every legal scholar who is asked about the legality of this activity does not agree that the Constitution gives the President this authority. Second, the very Senators who signed the authorization to use force, said that they did not in any way intend to give the President the authority to spy on the American public.

Gonzales, in true Booshlike form, just continued to say the same thing over and over, regardless of the line of questioning. “It is legal and it was authorized, it is limited, trust us.” Finally, Gonzales tried using Abraham Lincoln and FDR as examples of former Presidents who had claimed the same authority. Interesting choice of ex-Presidents, given that Lincoln and FDR are the first ones the Republicans mention when the conversation turns to overreaching power used by a President. I guess, when it’s convenient, do as the Romans do.

Gonzales then stated that the “bi-partisan Gang of Eight", a select group of Senators, had been briefed on this program without offering objection. Therefore, we are to believe that nothing was hidden from the Intelligence Committee. He implied that the Gang of Eight had given tacit approval for the program. Again, there are two problems with this view. First, only notifying these eight Senators is against the law, just as the entire program became against the law when the FISA court was bypassed. The law states that the entire Senate Intelligence Committee, some 48 members, must be informed when major changes like this are to be implemented. Once ALL members of the committee knew of the program, the committee could then evaluate the program and use the oversight that it was designed to have. But, the all but the Gang of Eight were kept in the dark. Second, the Gang of Eight, who were briefed on the proceedings, were prevented from consulting with anyone outside of the group, including legal counsel. This essentially guaranteed that a shield was in place to prevent any type of oversight or review. A true catch 22, all by design. Booshco does not want any “oversight or review,” it merely gets in the way of their secret agenda. Even John Ashcroft, hardly the bastion of civil liberties, thought that this program went too far, and refused to sign off on it.

Republicans were almost as adamant about the need for oversight as were the Democrats. With the exception of Jeff Sessions of Alabama, who is nothing more than the Orin Hatch of the South, they blasted Gonzales right alongside the Democrats. And Gonzales, as expected, followed the “trust us, we’re not abusing power here” line, ad nauseum. Well, Al, we don’t trust you and there is no reason that we should. You were asked specifically, during your confirmation hearings, whether you could separate yourself from the Boosh agenda should you be confirmed, and you said yes. I believe that you were under oath at the time, unlike yesterday, when the Republicans allowed you to testify without being sworn to tell the truth. You have proven to be nothing but another member in a long line of sniveling, lying, antisocial personalities that make up the Boosh regime. A perfect fit, I must admit.

Now the Senate has threatened to subpoena Ashcroft and others, so we'll see how it all plays out over the next week or so. In the big picture, I'm afraid that it is merely a sideshow, and means little when looking to the future.

T-Shirt Update

This is taking a bit longer than I anticipated, but rest assured, they will be available before the economy blows up or WWIII starts, whichever occurs first. The artwork should be complete this week, and then the shirts can be ordered. I'll let you know as soon as they are available, and we'll work out a payment procedure. My apologies for the delay.



At 6:53 AM, Blogger Reality said...

Good article,

I've been watching this issue closely, as it is the kind of thing that can cause REAL internal problems. Besides, it's my kind of issue... The epic sight (I believe it is www.epic.org) has alot of info on this subject, including PDFs of the now declassified letters from Pelosi and Rockefeller, although Pelosi's is seriously recanted. The Rock letter does a wonderful job of showing that the gang of eight itself didn't agree with them at all...

At 11:59 AM, Blogger stoney13 said...

I don't know what's funnier! The senate asking the same questions over, and over, and over, and over. Or Gozales giving the same nonanswer over, and over, and over, again!

How the Bushies can be braindead enough to even think for a minute this is going to fly is absurd! What needs to happen is Gonzales needs to be SWORN IN and FORCED to answer these questions under pain of contempt for the Senate! You can't corner a weasel unless you plug all the holes first! PLUG THE FUCKING HOLES!!! Then he's got to give up what he knows! That won't happen untill Senate grows some fucking BALLS!

One glaring flaw in the whole system! God's ability to make assholes will always overcome Mankind's ability to manufacture ammunition! (Hey! That would look good on a tee shirt!)

At 1:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They're going to skate through this one, too. Deny and lie. Plus, Rove has damning info on everyone in the Congress via illegal wire taps. So they can do whatever they want whenever they want and we are totally powerless to do anything about it. We're doomed, man.

I might start looking for a boat on e-bay. Pretty soon I'll be able to defect. Hopefully I'll arive safe and sound on an island in the Caribbean -and claim religious and political persecution. Imagine, hundreds of American "Boat People" fleeing the country in the not too distant future. Gotta start growing my 'dreds.'

At 2:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



It’s like the definition of insanity these boobs. They must live to get their faces on the tube. The part about not swearing him in really pissed me off. I was watching it and they had the votes to keep him from having to. I agree with you that the holes need to be plugged, the problem start when they say national security/top secret. Thats why they want the fisa court to take a look. Talk about above the law Spector knows just what he’s doing. I dare say nothing will come of this dog and pony show. And maybe that’s what they want all the pomp and circumstance all to move attention away from other scandals that are going on. Like Iran to start trading oil in euroes next month. We are in for a really fun time if Isreal bombs Iran, who knows whos going to jump in to the mix then.

Oh and I'd buy one, but I already have an order in with Cyclone.

Hey Cyclone what ever happened to the Irish guy that was going to get things going in the right direction? I haven't heard a word about anything he's doing, I'm starting to wonder if they have got to him.


At 2:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amidst flurry of Bush attacks, Feingold to hit Congress wiretaps: 'Congress has lost its way'

Well--wonder if this speach will ever be given, or will they get to him?

At 2:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


John Murtha is "The Real Deal"

A dude you'd be agreeable to sharing a moniker with? Personally I think in this hour of need many, many more are desperately needed!

At 2:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


John Murtha is "The Real Deal"

In my fiddling the link got lost from the above comment.

At 3:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This goes out to everyone:
I had pointed out in a previous post that the true puppet masters are mostly Jewish, but until I read “The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel” By Jack Bernstein and “Stranger than fiction” I did not realize which type of Jew and that there are 2 types of Jews. If you want to learn some of the history of the puppet master read: http://theunjustmedia.com/Jewish%20Zionists/stranger%20than%20fiction%20table%20of%20content.htm
This is the link to the “Stranger than fiction” online book, which talks about how the Puppet Masters AKA Zionist Jews have been responsible for the 2 previous world wars and are currently working on causing WWIII. As I mentioned before I have nothing against the Jews, but this book backs up what I said about who the real puppet masters are in my previous post.

At 4:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This Book (Stranger than fiction)even talks about 9/11 and the entire neocon agenda.

At 7:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you look at recent history (post WWII) do you get the distinct impression that all of this is kind of a sideshow, meant to distract? Does it matter if we have a red or a blue president and/or senate and/or house and/or judiciary? Isn't it just a difference in degree? What about Eisenhower's military industrial complex warning (and he was a Republican!), what about JFK, RFK, MLK? What about no health care, what about the bankruptcy bill, what about Bush looting Social Security, Medicare and just about any social program in government? I mean to say you can't afford a billion for a social program when Iraq is costing north of one trillion smacks of disingenuity to say the very least.

Where are we going???

At 9:01 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

Where are we going?

Into oblivion, either through a nuclear war, a civil war, an economic collapse, or any combination of the above, if I had to guess. Time for the t-shirts, kids.


At 9:02 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


There are so many things that could be put on t-shirts now days that a graphic artist could spend a lifetime on them!


At 9:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good afternoon, I am from India and cannot afford USA price T shirts and I think seamail will be too late. Is there any way to get them at a cheap price and airmailed?

At 9:26 PM, Blogger cyclone said...

Anonymous from India,

Send me an email,


Tell me how many you need, what sizes, how much you can pay, and I'll try to work something out. I'm still at least 1 week away from having them in my hand, so it will be a little while.


At 9:28 PM, Blogger cyclone said...


Good call on the boat buy. The time is rapidly approaching. Shark attacks will be safer than urban America pretty soon.


At 6:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


How's this for slogans?

"The party's over. Turn out the lights."

"Your constitution is history."

"You were right - everything is for sale."

Have it written in Chinese characters on the front with the translation on the back.

At 7:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, saw a T-shirt that said, "Newton was wrong. There is no gravity. Everything just sucks."

Love it.

At 9:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My thought about the 8 senators is that they were probably "hand-picked"; nice checks and balances there!


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